2021-05-06 01:52:55 +10:00

1379 lines
45 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Feb 2001
// maintains a simple array of CollectionRecs
// . max # of collections we're serving
// . may have to update if business gets going (or make dynamic)
// . lowered to 16 to save some mem
//#define MAX_COLL_RECS 16 // 256
#include "SafeBuf.h"
bool addCollToTable ( char *coll , collnum_t collnum ) ;
class WaitEntry {
void (* m_callback) (void *state);
void *m_state;
char *m_coll;
bool m_purgeSeeds;
class CollectionRec *m_cr;
// ptr to list of parm recs for Parms.cpp
char *m_parmPtr;
char *m_parmEnd;
class UdpSlot *m_slot;
bool m_doRebuilds;
bool m_rebuildActiveList;
bool m_doProxyRebuild;
bool m_updatedRound;
collnum_t m_collnum;
bool m_registered;
int32_t m_errno;
bool m_sentReply;
class Collectiondb {
// does nothing
void reset() ;
// . this loads all the recs from host #0
// . returns false and sets errno on error
// . each collection as a CollectionRec class for it and
// is loaded up from the appropriate config file
bool init ( );
// this loads all the recs from host #0
//bool load ( bool isDump = false );
// called by main.cpp to fill in our m_recs[] array with
// all the coll.*.*/coll.conf info
bool loadAllCollRecs ( );
// after main.cpp loads all rdb trees it calls this to remove
// bogus collnums from the trees i guess
bool cleanTrees ( ) ;
// . this will save all conf files back to disk that need it
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, true on success
bool save ( );
bool m_needsSave;
// returns i so that m_recs[i].m_coll = coll
collnum_t getCollnum ( char *coll , int32_t collLen );
collnum_t getCollnum ( char *coll ); // coll is NULL terminated here
char *getCollName ( collnum_t collnum );
char *getColl ( collnum_t collnum ) {return getCollName(collnum);};
// get coll rec specified in the HTTP request
class CollectionRec *getRec ( class HttpRequest *r ,
bool useDefaultRec = true );
// do not support diffbot style token/name style for this one:
char *getDefaultColl ( HttpRequest *r ) ;
//class CollectionRec *getRec2 ( class HttpRequest *r ,
// bool useDefaultRec = true );
// . get collectionRec from name
// returns NULL if not available
class CollectionRec *getRec ( char *coll );
class CollectionRec *getRec ( char *coll , int32_t collLen );
class CollectionRec *getRec ( collnum_t collnum);
//class CollectionRec *getDefaultRec ( ) ;
class CollectionRec *getFirstRec ( ) ;
char *getFirstCollName ( ) ;
collnum_t getFirstCollnum ( ) ;
// . how many collections we have in here
// . only counts valid existing collections
int32_t getNumRecsUsed() { return m_numRecsUsed; };
// . does this requester have root admin privledges???
// . uses the root collection record!
//bool isAdmin ( class HttpRequest *r , class TcpSocket *s );
//collnum_t getNextCollnum ( collnum_t collnum );
// what collnum will be used the next time a coll is added?
collnum_t reserveCollNum ( ) ;
//int64_t getLastUpdateTime () { return m_lastUpdateTime; };
// updates m_lastUpdateTime so g_spiderCache know when to reload
//void updateTime ();
// private:
// . these are called by handleRequest
// . based on "action" cgi var, 1-->add,2-->delete,3-->update
//bool addRec ( char *coll , char *cc , int32_t cclen , bool isNew ,
// collnum_t collnum , bool isDump , // = false );
// bool saveRec ); // = true
bool addExistingColl ( char *coll, collnum_t collnum );
bool addNewColl ( char *coll ,
char customCrawl ,
char *cpc ,
int32_t cpclen ,
bool saveIt ,
collnum_t newCollnum ) ;
bool registerCollRec ( CollectionRec *cr , bool isNew ) ;
bool addRdbBaseToAllRdbsForEachCollRec ( ) ;
bool addRdbBasesForCollRec ( CollectionRec *cr ) ;
bool growRecPtrBuf ( collnum_t collnum ) ;
bool setRecPtr ( collnum_t collnum , CollectionRec *cr ) ;
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise.
//bool deleteRec ( char *coll , WaitEntry *we );
bool deleteRec2 ( collnum_t collnum );//, WaitEntry *we ) ;
//bool updateRec ( CollectionRec *newrec );
bool deleteRecs ( class HttpRequest *r ) ;
//void deleteSpiderColl ( class SpiderColl *sc );
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise.
//bool resetColl ( char *coll , WaitEntry *we , bool purgeSeeds );
bool resetColl2 ( collnum_t oldCollnum,
collnum_t newCollnum,
//WaitEntry *we ,
bool purgeSeeds );
// . keep up to 128 of them, these reference into m_list
// . COllectionRec now includes m_needsSave and m_lastUpdateTime
class CollectionRec **m_recs;// [ MAX_COLLS ];
// now m_recs[] points into a safebuf that is just an array
// of collectionrec ptrs. so we have to grow that safebuf possibly
// in order to add a new collection rec ptr to m_recs
SafeBuf m_recPtrBuf;
//bool m_needsSave [ MAX_COLLS ];
//int64_t m_lastUpdateTime [ MAX_COLLS ];
int32_t m_numRecs;
int32_t m_numRecsUsed;
int32_t m_wrapped;
int32_t m_numCollsSwappedOut;
bool m_initializing;
//int64_t m_lastUpdateTime;
extern class Collectiondb g_collectiondb;
// Matt Wells, copyright Feb 2002
// . a collection record specifies the spider/index/search parms of a
// collection of web pages
// . there's a Msg class to send an update signal to all the hosts once
// we've used Msg1 to add a new rec or delete an old. The update signal
// will make the receiving hosts flush their CollectionRec buf so they
// have to send out a Msg0 to get it again
// . we have a default collection record, a main collection record and
// then other collection records
// . the default collection record values override all
// . but the collection record values can override SiteRec values
// . so if spider is disabled in default collection record, then nobody
// can spider!
// . override the g_conf.* vars where * is in this class to use
// Collection db's default values
// . then add in the values of the specialzed collection record
// . so change "if ( g_conf.m_spideringEnabled )" to something like
// Msg33 msg33;
// if ( ! msg33.getCollectionRec ( m_coll, m_collLen ) ) return false;
// CollectionRec *r = msg33.getRec();
// CollectoinRec *d = msg33.getDefaultRec();
// if ( ! r->m_spideringEnabled || ! d->m_spideringEnabled ) continue;
// ... otherwise, spider for the m_coll collection
// ... pass msg33 to Msg14::spiderDoc(), etc...
// how many url filtering patterns?
#define MAX_FILTERS 96 // up to 96 url regular expression patterns
//#define MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES * 2//each can be old or new
#define MAX_REGEX_LEN 256 // each regex can be up to this many bytes
// max html head length
//#define MAX_HTML_LEN (4*1024)
// max chars the executable path+name can be
#define MAX_FILTER_LEN 64
// max length of a tagdb filter, typically just a domain/site
//#define MAX_TAG_FILTER_LEN 128
//#define MAX_BANNED_IPS 400
//#define MAX_SEARCH_IPS 32
//#define MAX_SPAM_IPS 5
//#define MAX_ADMIN_IPS 15
//#define MAX_SITEDB_FILTERS 256
#define MAX_AD_FEEDS 10
#define MAX_CGI_URL 1024
#define MAX_XML_LEN 256
// max length of a sitedb filter, typically just a domain/site
#include "regex.h"
#include "Url.h" // MAX_COLL_LEN
//#include "Sync.h"
//#include "Parms.h" // for MAX_PARMS
//#include "HttpRequest.h"
//#include "Collectiondb.h" // PASSWORD_MAX_LEN
//#include "Spider.h" //MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES
//#include "HashTable.h"
#include "HashTableX.h"
//#include "RdbList.h"
//#include "Rdb.h" // for RdbBase
// fake this for now
#define RDB_END2 80
#include "PingServer.h" // EmailInfo
// how many counts are in CrawlInfo below????
// used by diffbot to control spidering per collection
class CrawlInfo {
// WARNING!! Add NEW stats below the LAST member variable in
// this class so that it can still load the OLD file on disk
// which is in the OLD format!
int64_t m_objectsDeleted; // 1
int64_t m_objectsAdded; // 2
int64_t m_urlsConsideredNOTUSED; // 3
int64_t m_pageDownloadAttempts; // 4
int64_t m_pageDownloadSuccesses; // 5
int64_t m_pageProcessAttempts; // 6
int64_t m_pageProcessSuccesses; // 7
int64_t m_urlsHarvested; // 8
int32_t m_lastUpdateTime;
// this is non-zero if urls are available to be spidered right now.
int32_t m_hasUrlsReadyToSpider;
// last time we launched a spider. 0 on startup.
uint32_t m_lastSpiderAttempt; // time_t
// time we had or might have had a url available for spidering
uint32_t m_lastSpiderCouldLaunch; // time_t
int32_t m_collnum;
// have we sent out email/webhook notifications crawl has no urls
// currently in the ready queue (doledb) to spider?
char m_sentCrawlDoneAlert;
//int32_t m_numUrlsLaunched;
int32_t m_dummy1;
// keep separate because when we receive a crawlinfo struct from
// a host we only add these in if it matches our round #
int64_t m_pageDownloadSuccessesThisRound;
int64_t m_pageProcessSuccessesThisRound;
void reset() { memset ( this , 0 , sizeof(CrawlInfo) ); };
//bool print (class SafeBuf *sb ) ;
//bool setFromSafeBuf (class SafeBuf *sb ) ;
class CollectionRec {
// active linked list of collectionrecs used by spider.cpp
class CollectionRec *m_nextActive;
// these just set m_xml to NULL
virtual ~CollectionRec();
//char *getDiffbotToken ( int32_t *tokenLen );
// . set ourselves from serialized raw binary
// . returns false and sets errno on error
bool set ( char *data , int32_t dataSize );
// . set ourselves the cgi parms in an http request
// . unspecified cgi parms will be assigned default values
// . returns false and sets errno on error
bool set ( class HttpRequest *r , class TcpSocket *s );
// calls hasPermission() below
bool hasPermission ( class HttpRequest *r , class TcpSocket *s ) ;
// . does this user have permission for editing this collection?
// . "p" is the password for this collection in question
// . "ip" is the connecting ip
bool hasPermission ( char *p, int32_t plen , int32_t ip ) ;
// is this ip from a spam assassin?
bool isAssassin ( int32_t ip );
int64_t getNumDocsIndexed();
// messes with m_spiderColl->m_sendLocalCrawlInfoToHost[MAX_HOSTS]
// so we do not have to keep sending this huge msg!
bool shouldSendLocalCrawlInfoToHost ( int32_t hostId );
void sentLocalCrawlInfoToHost ( int32_t hostId );
void localCrawlInfoUpdate();
// . can this ip perform a search or add url on this collection?
// . provides encapsulated ips of their queriers so we
// can ban them by ip
bool hasSearchPermission ( class TcpSocket *s , int32_t encapIp = 0 );
// how many bytes would this record occupy in raw binary format?
//int32_t getStoredSize () { return m_recSize; };
// . serialize ourselves into the provided buffer
// . used by Collectiondb::addRec()
// . return # of bytes stored
// . first 4 bytes in "buf" will also be the size of all the data
// which should be what is returned - 4
//int32_t store ( char *buf , int32_t bufMaxSize );
// . deserialize from a buf
// . first 4 bytes must be the total size
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
//bool set ( char *buf );
// . store it in raw binary format
// . returns # of bytes stored into "buf"
// . returns -1 and sets errno on error
//int32_t store ( char *buf , char *bufEnd );
// reset to default values
void setToDefaults () ;
// . stuff used by Collectiondb
// . do we need a save or not?
bool save ();
bool m_needsSave;
bool load ( char *coll , int32_t collNum ) ;
void reset();
//void setUrlFiltersToDefaults();
// for customcrawls
bool rebuildUrlFilters();
// for regular crawls
bool rebuildUrlFilters2();
// for diffbot crawl or bulk jobs
bool rebuildUrlFiltersDiffbot();
// rebuild the regexes related to diffbot, such as the one for the URL pattern
bool rebuildDiffbotRegexes();
bool rebuildLangRules( char *lang , char *tld );
bool rebuildShallowRules();
bool m_urlFiltersHavePageCounts;
// moved from SpiderColl so we can load up at startup
//HashTableX m_pageCountTable;
// . when was the last time we changed?
//int64_t m_lastUpdateTime;
// the all important collection name, NULL terminated
char m_coll [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 ] ;
int32_t m_collLen;
// used by SpiderCache.cpp. g_collectiondb.m_recs[m_collnum] = this
collnum_t m_collnum;
// for doing DailyMerge.cpp stuff
int32_t m_dailyMergeStarted; // time_t
int32_t m_dailyMergeTrigger;
class CollectionRec *m_nextLink;
class CollectionRec *m_prevLink;
char m_dailyMergeDOWList[48];
int32_t m_treeCount;
bool swapOut();
bool m_swappedOut;
int64_t m_spiderCorruptCount;
// holds ips that have been detected as being throttled and we need
// to backoff and use proxies on
HashTableX m_twitchyTable;
// ip of user adding the collection
char m_userIp[16];
// spider controls for this collection
//char m_oldSpideringEnabled ;
//char m_newSpideringEnabled ;
char m_spideringEnabled ;
float m_newSpiderWeight ;
// m_inDeleteMode is no longer used, just a place holder now
//char m_inDeleteMode ;
//char m_restrictTitledbForQuery ; // obsoleted
//char m_recycleVotes ;
int32_t m_spiderDelayInMilliseconds;
// is in active list in spider.cpp?
bool m_isActive;
// . at what time did the spiders start?
// . this is incremented when all urls have been spidered and
// the next round begins
uint32_t m_spiderRoundStartTime; // time_t
// this begins at 0, and increments when all the urls have been
// spidered and begin the next round
int32_t m_spiderRoundNum;
char m_makeImageThumbnails;
int32_t m_thumbnailMaxWidthHeight ;
char m_indexSpiderReplies;
char m_indexBody;
//char m_useDatedb ;
//char m_addUrlEnabled ; // TODO: use at http interface lvl
//char m_spiderLinks ; use url filters now!
char m_sameHostLinks ; // spider links from same host only?
char m_scrapingEnabledWeb ;
char m_scrapingEnabledNews ;
char m_scrapingEnabledBlogs ;
char m_scrapingEnabledProCog ;
//char m_subsiteDetectionEnabled ;
// do not re-add outlinks to spiderdb if less than this many days
// have elapsed since the last time we added them to spiderdb
float m_outlinksRecycleFrequencyDays ;
//char m_onlySpiderRoots ; // only spider root urls?
// char m_maxNumHops ; // hops from parent page
char m_dedupingEnabled ; // dedup content on same hostname
char m_dupCheckWWW ;
char m_detectCustomErrorPages ;
char m_useSimplifiedRedirects ;
char m_useIfModifiedSince ;
char m_useTimeAxis ;
char m_indexWarcs;
char m_buildVecFromCont ;
int32_t m_maxPercentSimilarPublishDate;
char m_useSimilarityPublishDate;
char m_oneVotePerIpDom ;
char m_doUrlSpamCheck ; //filter urls w/ naughty hostnames
int32_t m_deadWaitMaxAge ;
char m_doLinkSpamCheck ; //filters dynamically generated pages
int32_t m_linkTextAnomalyThresh ; //filters linktext that is unique
//char m_tagdbEnabled ;
char m_tagdbColl [MAX_COLL_LEN+1]; // coll to use for tagdb lookups
char m_catdbEnabled ;
char m_catdbPagesCanBeBanned ;
char m_doChineseDetection ;
//char m_breakWebRings ;
char m_delete404s ;
//char m_enforceOldQuotas ;
//char m_exactQuotas ;
//char m_sequentialTitledbLookup ; // obsoleted
//char m_restrictVotesToRoots ;
char m_restrictIndexdbForQuery ;
char m_restrictIndexdbForXML ;
char m_defaultRatForXML ;
char m_defaultRatForHTML ;
//char m_indexLinkText ;
//char m_restrictIndexdbForQueryRaw ;
//char m_restrictIndexdbForSpider;
char m_siteClusterByDefault ;
char m_doInnerLoopSiteClustering;
char m_enforceNewQuotas ;
char m_doIpLookups ; // considered iff using proxy
char m_useRobotsTxt ;
char m_obeyRelNoFollowLinks ;
char m_forceUseFloaters ;
char m_automaticallyUseProxies ;
char m_automaticallyBackOff ;
//char m_restrictDomain ; // say on same domain as seeds?
char m_doTuringTest ; // for addurl
char m_applyFilterToText ; // speeds us up
char m_allowHttps ; // read HTTPS using SSL
char m_recycleContent ;
char m_recycleCatdb ;
char m_getLinkInfo ; // turn off to save seeks
char m_computeSiteNumInlinks ;
//char m_recycleLinkInfo2 ; // ALWAYS recycle linkInfo2?
//char m_useLinkInfo2ForQuality ;
char m_indexInlinkNeighborhoods;
char m_doRobotChecking ;
char m_needDollarSign ;
char m_getNewsTopic ;
char m_newAlgo ; // use new links: termlist algo
char m_useGigabitVector ;
char m_allowXmlDocs ;
char m_removeBannedPages ;
//char m_needNumbersInUrl ;
float m_inlinkNeighborhoodsScoreScalar;
float m_updateVotesFreq ; // in days. replaced m_recycleVotes
float m_sortByDateWeight ;
char m_dedupURLDefault ;
int32_t m_topicSimilarCutoffDefault ;
char m_useNewDeduping ;
char m_doTierJumping ;
float m_numDocsMultiplier ;
//int32_t m_maxDocIdsToCompute ;
int32_t m_percentSimilarSummary ; // Dedup by summary similarity
int32_t m_summDedupNumLines ;
int32_t m_contentLenMaxForSummary ;
int32_t m_maxQueryTerms;
char m_spiderStatus;
//char *m_spiderStatusMsg;
float m_sameLangWeight;
// Language stuff
float m_languageUnknownWeight;
float m_languageWeightFactor;
char m_enableLanguageSorting;
char m_defaultSortLanguage2[6];
char m_languageMethodWeights[10];
int32_t m_languageBailout;
int32_t m_languageThreshold;
int32_t m_languageSamples;
int32_t m_langPageLimit;
char m_useLanguagePages;
char m_defaultSortCountry[3];
int32_t m_filterTimeout; // kill filter pid after X secs
// for Spider.cpp
int32_t m_updateRoundNum;
char m_importEnabled;
SafeBuf m_importDir;
int32_t m_numImportInjects;
class ImportState *m_importState;
SafeBuf m_collectionPasswords;
SafeBuf m_collectionIps;
// from Conf.h
int32_t m_posdbMinFilesToMerge ;
int32_t m_titledbMinFilesToMerge ;
int32_t m_sectiondbMinFilesToMerge ;
//int32_t m_indexdbMinFilesToMerge ;
//int32_t m_indexdbMinTotalFilesToMerge ;
//int32_t m_spiderdbMinFilesToMerge ;
//int32_t m_checksumdbMinFilesToMerge ;
//int32_t m_clusterdbMinFilesToMerge ;
//int32_t m_datedbMinFilesToMerge ;
int32_t m_linkdbMinFilesToMerge ;
int32_t m_tagdbMinFilesToMerge ;
//char m_spiderdbRootUrlPriority ; // 0-(MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES-1)
//char m_spiderdbAddUrlPriority ;
//char m_newMinSpiderPriority ; // min priority to spider
//char m_newMaxSpiderPriority ; // max priority to spider
//unsigned char m_spiderNewBits;
//char m_spiderNewBits[MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES];
//char m_spiderOldBits[MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES];
// bit 0 corresponds to spider priority 0, bit 1 to priority 1, etc...
//char m_spiderLinksByPriority[MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES];
int32_t m_numCols; // number of columns for results page
int32_t m_screenWidth; // screen width to balance columns
int32_t m_adWidth; // how wide the ad Column is in pixels
char m_dedupResultsByDefault ;
char m_doTagdbLookups ;
char m_clusterByTopicDefault ;
char m_restrictTitledbForQuery ; // move this down here
char m_useOldIps ;
char m_banDomains ;
char m_requireAllTerms ;
int32_t m_summaryMode ;
char m_deleteTimeouts ; // can delete docs that time out?
char m_allowAsianDocs ;
char m_allowAdultDocs ;
char m_doSerpDetection ;
char m_useCanonicalRedirects ;
//char m_trustIsNew ; // trust spider rec's isNew bit?
//charm_minLinkPriority ; // don't add links under this prty
//float m_minRespiderWait ; // in days to re-spider a pg
//float m_maxRespiderWait ; // in days to re-spider a pg
//float m_firstRespiderWait ; // in days to wait 1st time
//float m_errorRespiderWait ; // in days
//float m_docNotFoundErrorRespiderWait; // in days
int32_t m_maxNumSpiders ; // per local spider host
float m_spiderNewPct; ; // appx. percentage new documents
int32_t m_lastResetCount;
// . in seconds
// . shift all spiderTimes for urls in spider queue down this many secs
//int32_t m_spiderTimeShift;
// start another set of flags using the old m_spiderTimeShift
char m_useCurrentTime ; // ... for m_spiderTime2
// max # of pages for this collection
int64_t m_maxNumPages;
//double m_maxPagesPerSecond;
float m_maxPagesPerSecond;
int32_t m_maxSimilarityToIndex;
// . only the root admin can set the % of spider time this coll. gets
// . OBSOLETE: this has been replaced by max pages per second var!!
int32_t m_spiderTimePercent;
// controls for query-dependent summary/title generation
int32_t m_titleMaxLen;
int32_t m_minTitleInLinkers;
int32_t m_maxTitleInLinkers;
int32_t m_summaryMaxLen;
int32_t m_summaryMaxNumLines;
int32_t m_summaryMaxNumCharsPerLine;
char m_useNewSummaries;
char m_getDocIdScoringInfo;
// # of times to retry url b4 nuke
//char m_numRetries ;
// priority of urls being retried, usually higher than normal
//char m_retryPriority;
* !! Start Diffbot paramamters !! *
SafeBuf m_diffbotToken;
SafeBuf m_diffbotCrawlName;
// email for emailing when crawl limit hit
SafeBuf m_notifyEmail;
// fetch this url when crawl limit hit
SafeBuf m_notifyUrl;
// the default respider frequency for all rows in url filters
float m_collectiveRespiderFrequency;
float m_collectiveCrawlDelay;//SpiderWait;
// an alternate name for the collection. we tend to create
// collection names as a random sequence of hex digits. this
// will allow a user to give them an alternate name.
//SafeBuf m_collectionNameAlias;
SafeBuf m_diffbotSeeds;
// this will be NULL or "none" to not pass off to diffbot
//SafeBuf m_diffbotApi;
//SafeBuf m_diffbotApiList;//QueryString;
//SafeBuf m_diffbotUrlCrawlPattern;
//SafeBuf m_diffbotUrlProcessPattern;
// use for all now...
SafeBuf m_diffbotApiUrl;
// only process pages whose content matches this pattern
SafeBuf m_diffbotPageProcessPattern;
// only process urls that match this pattern
SafeBuf m_diffbotUrlProcessPattern;
// only CRAWL urls that match this pattern
SafeBuf m_diffbotUrlCrawlPattern;
// regex support
SafeBuf m_diffbotUrlCrawlRegEx;
SafeBuf m_diffbotUrlProcessRegEx;
regex_t m_ucr;
regex_t m_upr;
int32_t m_hasucr:1;
int32_t m_hasupr:1;
// only crawl pages within hopcount of a seed. 0 for no limit
int32_t m_diffbotMaxHops;
char m_diffbotOnlyProcessIfNewUrl;
//SafeBuf m_diffbotClassify;
//char m_diffbotClassify;
//char m_useDiffbot;
char m_isCustomCrawl;
//char m_isDiffbotCollection;
// format of output. "csv" or "xml" or "json" or null
//SafeBuf m_diffbotFormat;
// what fields to return in the json output: (api dependent)
//SafeBuf m_diffbotFields;
int64_t m_maxToCrawl;
int64_t m_maxToProcess;
int32_t m_maxCrawlRounds;
// in seconds now
uint32_t m_diffbotCrawlStartTime;
uint32_t m_diffbotCrawlEndTime;
// for testing their regexes etc...
//char m_isDiffbotTestCrawl;
// our local crawling stats
CrawlInfo m_localCrawlInfo;
// total crawling stats summed up from all hosts in network
CrawlInfo m_globalCrawlInfo;
//CrawlInfo m_tmpCrawlInfo;
// holds the latest CrawlInfo for each host for this collrec
SafeBuf m_crawlInfoBuf;
// last time we computed global crawl info
//time_t m_globalCrawlInfoUpdateTime;
//EmailInfo m_emailInfo;
// for counting replies
//int32_t m_replies;
//int32_t m_requests;
//bool m_doingCallbacks;
// for storing callbacks waiting in line for freshest crawl info
//SafeBuf m_callbackQueue;
* !! End of Diffbot paramamters !! *
// list of url patterns to be indexed.
SafeBuf m_siteListBuf;
char m_spiderToo;
// can be "web" "english" "romantic" "german" etc.
SafeBuf m_urlFiltersProfile;
// . now the url regular expressions
// . we chain down the regular expressions
// . if a url matches we use that tagdb rec #
// . if it doesn't match any of the patterns, we use the default site #
// . just one regexp per Pattern
// . all of these arrays should be the same size, but we need to
// include a count because Parms.cpp expects a count before each
// array since it handle them each individually
int32_t m_numRegExs ;
// make this now use g_collectiondb.m_stringBuf safebuf and
// make Parms.cpp use that stringbuf rather than store into here...
//char m_regExs [ MAX_FILTERS ] [ MAX_REGEX_LEN+1 ];
SafeBuf m_regExs [ MAX_FILTERS ];
int32_t m_numRegExs2 ; // useless, just for Parms::setParm()
float m_spiderFreqs [ MAX_FILTERS ];
int32_t m_numRegExs3 ; // useless, just for Parms::setParm()
char m_spiderPriorities [ MAX_FILTERS ];
int32_t m_numRegExs10 ; // useless, just for Parms::setParm()
int32_t m_maxSpidersPerRule [ MAX_FILTERS ];
// same ip waits now here instead of "page priority"
int32_t m_numRegExs5 ; // useless, just for Parms::setParm()
int32_t m_spiderIpWaits [ MAX_FILTERS ];
// same goes for max spiders per ip
int32_t m_numRegExs6;
int32_t m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [ MAX_FILTERS ];
// how long to wait before respidering
//int32_t m_respiderWaits [ MAX_FILTERS ];
//int32_t m_numRegExs8;
// spidering on or off?
//int32_t m_numRegExs7;
//char m_spidersEnabled [ MAX_FILTERS ];
// should urls in this queue be sent to diffbot for processing
// when we are trying to index them?
//int32_t m_numRegExs11;
//char m_spiderDiffbotApiNum [ MAX_FILTERS ];
//int32_t m_numRegExs11;
//SafeBuf m_spiderDiffbotApiUrl [ MAX_FILTERS ];
int32_t m_numRegExs8;
char m_harvestLinks [ MAX_FILTERS ];
int32_t m_numRegExs7;
char m_forceDelete [ MAX_FILTERS ];
// dummy?
int32_t m_numRegExs9;
//int32_t m_rulesets [ MAX_FILTERS ];
// if no reg expression matches a url use this default site rec #
char m_defaultRegEx [ MAX_REGEX_LEN+1 ]; // just a placeholder
//int32_t m_defaultSiteFileNum;
char m_defaultSpiderPriority;
float m_defaultSpiderFrequency ;
int64_t m_defaultSpiderQuota;
//this is the current default siterec.
//int32_t m_defaultSiteRec;
//int32_t m_rssSiteRec;
//int32_t m_tocSiteRec;
// the priority controls page parms
int32_t m_pq_numSpideringEnabled;
char m_pq_spideringEnabled [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
int32_t m_pq_numTimeSlice;
float m_pq_timeSlice [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
int32_t m_pq_numSpidered;
int32_t m_pq_spidered [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
int32_t m_pq_numSpiderLinks;
char m_pq_spiderLinks [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
int32_t m_pq_numSpiderSameHostnameLinks;
char m_pq_spiderSameHostnameLinks [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
// is this queue a "force queue". i.e. anytime a url is
// supposed to go into it we FORCE it in even if it is
// in another queue. then we keep a cache to make sure
// we do not over-add the same url to that priority
int32_t m_pq_numAutoForceQueue;
char m_pq_autoForceQueue [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
int32_t m_pq_numMaxSpidersPerIp;
int32_t m_pq_maxSpidersPerIp [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
int32_t m_pq_numMaxSpidersPerDom;
int32_t m_pq_maxSpidersPerDom [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
int32_t m_pq_numMaxRespiderWait;
float m_pq_maxRespiderWait [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
int32_t m_pq_numFirstRespiderWait;
float m_pq_firstRespiderWait [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
int32_t m_pq_numSameIpWait;
int32_t m_pq_sameIpWait [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
int32_t m_pq_numSameDomainWait;
int32_t m_pq_sameDomainWait [ MAX_PRIORITY_QUEUES ];
char m_doQueryHighlighting;
char m_summaryFrontHighlightTag[SUMMARYHIGHLIGHTTAGMAXSIZE] ;
char m_summaryBackHighlightTag [SUMMARYHIGHLIGHTTAGMAXSIZE] ;
// . http header and tail for search results page for this collection
// . allows custom html wraps around search results for your collection
//char m_htmlHead [ MAX_HTML_LEN + 1 ];
//char m_htmlTail [ MAX_HTML_LEN + 1 ];
//char m_htmlRoot [ MAX_HTML_LEN + 1 ];
//int32_t m_htmlHeadLen;
//int32_t m_htmlTailLen;
//int32_t m_htmlRootLen;
SafeBuf m_htmlRoot;
SafeBuf m_htmlHead;
SafeBuf m_htmlTail;
// . some users allowed to access this collection parameters
// . TODO: have permission bits for various levels of access
// . email, phone #, etc. can be in m_description
//int32_t m_numSearchPwds;
//char m_searchPwds [ MAX_SEARCH_PASSWORDS ][ PASSWORD_MAX_LEN+1 ];
//int32_t m_numBanIps;
//int32_t m_banIps [ MAX_BANNED_IPS ];
//int32_t m_numSearchIps;
//int32_t m_searchIps [ MAX_SEARCH_IPS ];
// spam assassin
//int32_t m_numSpamIps;
//int32_t m_spamIps [ MAX_SPAM_IPS ];
//int32_t m_numAdminPwds;
//char m_adminPwds [ MAX_ADMIN_PASSWORDS ][ PASSWORD_MAX_LEN+1 ];
//int32_t m_numAdminIps;
//int32_t m_adminIps [ MAX_ADMIN_IPS ];
// match this content-type exactly (txt/html/pdf/doc)
char m_filter [ MAX_FILTER_LEN + 1 ];
// append to the turk query, something like gbcity:albuquerque, to
// restrict what we turk on! like if we just want to turk a city
// or something
//char m_supplementalTurkQuery [ 512 ];
// more control
int32_t m_maxSearchResultsPerQuery;
int32_t m_maxSearchResultsPerQueryForClients; // more for paying clients
int32_t m_tierStage0;
int32_t m_tierStage1;
int32_t m_tierStage2;
int32_t m_tierStage0Raw;
int32_t m_tierStage1Raw;
int32_t m_tierStage2Raw;
int32_t m_tierStage0RawSite;
int32_t m_tierStage1RawSite;
int32_t m_tierStage2RawSite;
int32_t m_compoundListMaxSize;
//dictionary lookup controls
// . related topics control
// . this can all be overridden by passing in your own cgi parms
// for the query request
int32_t m_numTopics; // how many do they want by default?
int32_t m_minTopicScore;
int32_t m_docsToScanForTopics; // how many to scan by default?
int32_t m_maxWordsPerTopic;
int32_t m_minDocCount; // min docs that must contain topic
char m_ipRestrict;
int32_t m_dedupSamplePercent;
char m_topicRemoveOverlaps; // this is generally a good thing
int32_t m_topicSampleSize; // sample about 5k per document
int32_t m_topicMaxPunctLen; // keep it set to 1 for speed
char m_spellCheck;
char m_doNarrowSearch;
char m_sendingAlertInProgress;
// Allow Links: searches on the collection
//char m_allowLinksSearch;
// . reference pages parameters
// . copied from Parms.cpp
int32_t m_refs_numToGenerate; // total # wanted by default.
int32_t m_refs_numToDisplay; // how many will be displayed?
int32_t m_refs_docsToScan; // how many to scan by default?
int32_t m_refs_minQuality; // min qual(b4 # links factored in)
int32_t m_refs_minLinksPerReference; // links required to be a reference
int32_t m_refs_maxLinkers; // max number of linkers to process
float m_refs_additionalTRFetch;
int32_t m_refs_numLinksCoefficient;
int32_t m_refs_qualityCoefficient;
int32_t m_refs_linkDensityCoefficient;
char m_refs_multiplyRefScore;
// reference ceilings parameters
int32_t m_refs_numToGenerateCeiling;
int32_t m_refs_docsToScanCeiling;
int32_t m_refs_maxLinkersCeiling;
float m_refs_additionalTRFetchCeiling;
class SpiderColl *m_spiderColl;
int32_t m_overflow;
int32_t m_overflow2;
HashTableX m_seedHashTable;
// . related pages parameters
// . copied from Parms.cpp
int32_t m_rp_numToGenerate;
int32_t m_rp_numToDisplay;
int32_t m_rp_numLinksPerDoc;
int32_t m_rp_minQuality;
int32_t m_rp_minScore;
int32_t m_rp_minLinks;
int32_t m_rp_numLinksCoeff;
int32_t m_rp_avgLnkrQualCoeff;
int32_t m_rp_qualCoeff;
int32_t m_rp_srpLinkCoeff;
int32_t m_rp_numSummaryLines;
int32_t m_rp_titleTruncateLimit;
char m_rp_useResultsAsReferences;
char m_rp_getExternalPages; // from another cluster?
char m_rp_externalColl [MAX_COLL_LEN+1]; //coll in cluster
// related pages ceiling parameters
int32_t m_rp_numToGenerateCeiling;
int32_t m_rp_numLinksPerDocCeiling;
int32_t m_rp_numSummaryLinesCeiling;
char m_rp_doRelatedPageSumHighlight;
char m_familyFilter;
char m_qualityAgentEnabled;
char m_qualityAgentLoop;
char m_qualityAgentBanSubSites;
int64_t m_qualityAgentStartDoc;
int32_t m_tagdbRefreshRate;
int32_t m_linkSamplesToGet; //was 256
int32_t m_linkQualityDivisor; //was 8
int32_t m_negPointsPerBannedLink; // was 1
int32_t m_numSitesOnIpToSample; //100
int32_t m_negPointsPerBannedSiteOnIp; // was 1
int32_t m_siteOnIpQualityDivisor; //was 8
int32_t m_maxPenaltyFromIp; //was 30
int32_t m_qualityAgentBanRuleset;
int32_t m_minPagesToEvaluate;
int32_t m_siteQualityBanThreshold;
int32_t m_siteQualityReindexThreshold;
float m_maxSitesPerSecond;
int32_t m_linkBonusDivisor;
int32_t m_penaltyForLinksToDifferentSiteSameIp;
// only spider urls due to be spidered in this time range
int32_t m_spiderTimeMin;
int32_t m_spiderTimeMax;
int32_t m_maxSearchResults;
int32_t m_maxSearchResultsForClients;
int32_t m_maxAddUrlsPerIpDomPerDay;
float m_maxKbps;
// . max content length of text/html or text/plain document
// . we will not download, index or store more than this many bytes
int32_t m_maxTextDocLen;
// . max content length of other (pdf, word, xls, ppt, ps)
// . we will not download, index or store more than this many bytes
// . if content would be truncated, we will not even download at all
// because the html converter needs 100% of the doc otherwise it
// will have an error
int32_t m_maxOtherDocLen;
// the proxy ip, 0 if none
//int32_t m_proxyIp;
// and proxy port
//int32_t m_proxyPort;
// . puts <br>s in the summary to keep its width below this
// . but we exceed this width before we would split a word
int32_t m_summaryMaxWidth;
int32_t m_proxCarveRadius;
// . ptr to buf in Collectiondb, m_buf that contains this rec in binary
// . we parse out the above info from this rec
//char *m_rec;
//char m_oldMinSpiderPriority;
//char m_oldMaxSpiderPriority;
// how many milliseconds to wait between spidering urls from same IP
//int32_t m_sameIpWait;
// in milliseconds
//int32_t m_sameDomainWait;
//int32_t m_maxSpidersPerDomain;
// how long a robots.txt can be in the cache (Msg13.cpp/Robotdb.cpp)
int32_t m_maxRobotsCacheAge;
//char m_orig [ MAX_PARMS ];
// we no longer truncate termlists on disk, so this is obsolete
//int32_t m_indexdbTruncationLimit;
// collection name in the other/external cluster from which we
// fetch link information. (
char m_getExternalLinkInfo;
// use hosts2.conf (otherwise uses hosts.conf for import)
char m_importFromHosts2Conf;
// should we ask the external collection to RECOMPUTE the link info
// before giving it to us. we are using this to incorporate new info
// not yet fully soaked through into gk, for slingshot.
//char m_getExternalLinkInfoFresh;
char m_externalColl [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 ] ;
// turk tags
// for asking question on that tag
// comma separated list of tags, no space allowed
//char m_turkTags [256];
// collection name in the other/external cluster from which we
// fetch related pages titleRecs. (
char m_getExternalRelatedPages;
char m_externalRelatedPagesColl [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 ] ;
// for importing search results from another cluster
int32_t m_numResultsToImport ;
float m_importWeight;
int32_t m_numLinkerWeight;
int32_t m_minLinkersPerImportedResult ;
char m_importColl [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 ];
char m_classificationMode;
// for news collection. uses changes in Msg20.cpp.
char m_onlyUseLinkTextForTitle;
// dmoz title and summary display options
char m_useDmozForUntitled;
char m_showDmozSummary;
char m_overrideSpiderErrorsForCatdb;
char m_showAdultCategoryOnTop;
char m_displayDmozCategories;
char m_displayIndirectDmozCategories;
char m_displaySearchCategoryLink;
// show <docsInColl>, <tag>s, etc. in PageResults::printXml()
//char m_showSensitiveStuff;
// enable the page turk?
//char m_pageTurkEnabled;
// use query expansion for this collection?
char m_queryExpansion;
// usedful for the news collection where <title>s aren't that good
char m_considerTitlesFromBody;
// read from cache
char m_rcache;
char m_hideAllClustered;
int32_t m_maxRealTimeInlinks;
// collection hostname
//char m_collectionHostname [ MAX_URL_LEN ];
//char m_collectionHostname1 [ MAX_URL_LEN ];
//char m_collectionHostname2 [ MAX_URL_LEN ];
// . cut off age in number of days old
// . if pub date is older than this we do not add to datedb
// and we remove it from datedb during a datedb merge
int32_t m_datedbCutoff;
// date parsing parms
int32_t m_datedbDefaultTimezone;
//float m_datedbDaysBeforeNow;
// display indexed date, last modified date, datedb (published) date
char m_displayIndexedDate;
char m_displayLastModDate;
char m_displayPublishDate;
// data feed parms
char m_useDFAcctServer;
int32_t m_dfAcctIp;
int32_t m_dfAcctPort;
//char m_dfAcctColl[MAX_COLL_LEN];
// ad feed parms
int32_t m_adFeedServerIp;
int32_t m_adFeedServerPort;
//char m_adFeedCgiParms[MAX_URL_LEN];
int32_t m_adFeedNumAds;
int32_t m_adFeedTimeOut;
// use the new clusterdb?
//char m_useClusterdb;
// number of similar results for cluster by topic
int32_t m_maxClusterByTopicResults;
int32_t m_numExtraClusterByTopicResults;
// RAID options
//char m_allowRaidLookup;
//char m_allowRaidListRead;
//int32_t m_maxRaidMercenaries;
//int32_t m_minRaidListSize;
// . for restricting this collection to a particular language
// . replaced by lang== lang!= in url filters
//int32_t m_language;
// rss options
char m_followRSSLinks;
char m_onlyIndexRSS;
// msg6 spider lock option
//char m_useSpiderLocks;
//char m_distributeSpiderGet;
// percent of the water level to reload at
//int32_t m_reloadQueuePercent;
// enable click 'n' scroll
char m_clickNScrollEnabled;
// JAB - only compile a regex one time... lazy algorithm...
//regex_t* m_pRegExParser [ MAX_FILTERS ];
// . ad parameters
int32_t m_adPINumAds;
char m_adPIEnable;
char m_adPIFormat [MAX_HTML_LEN + 1];
int32_t m_adPIFormatLen;
int32_t m_adSSNumAds;
char m_adSSEnable;
char m_adSSFormat [MAX_HTML_LEN + 1];
int32_t m_adSSFormatLen;
char m_adSSSameasPI;
char m_adBSSSameasBPI;
char m_adResultXml [MAX_AD_FEEDS][MAX_XML_LEN];
char m_adTitleXml [MAX_AD_FEEDS][MAX_XML_LEN];
char m_adDescXml [MAX_AD_FEEDS][MAX_XML_LEN];
char m_adLinkXml [MAX_AD_FEEDS][MAX_XML_LEN];
char m_adUrlXml [MAX_AD_FEEDS][MAX_XML_LEN];
// . do not keep in ruleset, store in title rec at time of parsing
// . allows admin to quickly and easily change how we parse docs
int32_t m_titleWeight;
int32_t m_headerWeight;
int32_t m_urlPathWeight;
int32_t m_externalLinkTextWeight;
int32_t m_internalLinkTextWeight;
int32_t m_conceptWeight;
//float m_qualityBoostBase;
float m_siteNumInlinksBoostBase;
// zero out the scores of terms in menu sections?
//char m_eliminateMenus;
// post query reranking
int32_t m_pqr_docsToScan; // also for # docs for language
float m_pqr_demFactCountry; // demotion for foreign countries
float m_pqr_demFactQTTopicsInUrl; // demotion factor fewer for query terms or gigabits in the url
int32_t m_pqr_maxValQTTopicsInUrl; // max value for fewer query terms or gigabits in the url
float m_pqr_demFactQual; // demotion factor for lower quality
int32_t m_pqr_maxValQual; // max value for quality demotion
float m_pqr_demFactPaths; // demotion factor for more paths
int32_t m_pqr_maxValPaths; // max value for more paths
float m_pqr_demFactNoCatId; // demtion factor for no catid
float m_pqr_demFactCatidHasSupers; // demotion factor for catids with many super topics
int32_t m_pqr_maxValCatidHasSupers; // max value for catids with many super topics
float m_pqr_demFactPageSize; // demotion factor for higher page sizes
int32_t m_pqr_maxValPageSize; // max value for higher page sizes
float m_pqr_demFactLocTitle; // demotion factor for non-location specific queries with location specific results
float m_pqr_demFactLocSummary; // demotion factor for non-location specific queries with location specific results
float m_pqr_demFactLocDmoz; // demotion factor for non-location specific queries with location specific results
bool m_pqr_demInTopics; // true to demote if location is in the gigabits, otherwise these locs won't be demoted
int32_t m_pqr_maxValLoc; // max value for non-location specific queries with location specific results
float m_pqr_demFactNonHtml; // demotion factor for non-html content type
float m_pqr_demFactXml; // demotion factor for xml content type
float m_pqr_demFactOthFromHost; // demotion factor for no other pages from same host
int32_t m_pqr_maxValOthFromHost; // max value for no other pages from same host
float m_pqr_demFactComTopicInDmoz; // demotion factor for fewer common topics in dmoz
float m_pqr_decFactComTopicInDmoz; // decay factor for fewer common topics in dmoz
int32_t m_pqr_maxValComTopicInDmoz; // max value for fewer common topics in dmoz
float m_pqr_demFactDmozCatNmNoQT; // demotion factor for dmoz category names that don't contain a query term
int32_t m_pqr_maxValDmozCatNmNoQT; // max value for dmoz category names that don't contain a query term
float m_pqr_demFactDmozCatNmNoGigabits; // demotion factor for dmoz category names that don't contain a gigabit
int32_t m_pqr_maxValDmozCatNmNoGigabits; // max value for dmoz category names that don't contain a gigabit
float m_pqr_demFactDatedbDate; // demotion for datedb date
int32_t m_pqr_minValDatedbDate; // dates earlier than this will be demoted to the max
int32_t m_pqr_maxValDatedbDate; // dates later than this will not be demoted
float m_pqr_demFactProximity; // demotion for proximity of query terms
int32_t m_pqr_maxValProximity; // max value for proximity of query terms
float m_pqr_demFactInSection; // demotion for section of query terms
int32_t m_pqr_maxValInSection; // max value for section of query terms
float m_pqr_demFactOrigScore;
float m_pqr_demFactSubPhrase;
float m_pqr_demFactCommonInlinks;
// sitedb filters
int32_t m_numSiteExpressions;
char m_siteExpressions[MAX_SITE_EXPRESSIONS]
int32_t m_numSiteFilters2;
int32_t m_siteRules[MAX_SITE_EXPRESSIONS];
// lookup table for sitedb filter
char m_updateSiteRulesTable;
//HashTable m_siteRulesTable;
// special var to prevent Collectiondb.cpp from copying the crap
// below here
char m_END_COPY;
// use this not m_bases to get the RdbBase
class RdbBase *getBase ( char rdbId );
// Rdb.cpp uses this after deleting an RdbBase and adding new one
void setBasePtr ( char rdbId , class RdbBase *base ) ;
class RdbBase *getBasePtr ( char rdbId ) ;
// . now chuck this into CollectionRec instead of having a fixed
// array of them in Rdb.h called m_bases[]
// . leave this out of any copy of course
class RdbBase *m_bases[RDB_END2];
// this is basically a cache on timedb, one per collection
HashTableX m_sortByDateTable;
// are we currently in the midst of updating the sortbydate table?
bool m_inProgress;
// last time we updates m_sortByDateTable (start time of the update)
uint32_t m_lastUpdateTime; // time_t
// for poulating the sortbydate table
class Msg5 *m_msg5;
key128_t m_timedbStartKey;
key128_t m_timedbEndKey;
//RdbList m_timedbList;
// used by Parms.cpp
char m_hackFlag;
// each Rdb has a tree, so keep the pos/neg key count here so
// that RdbTree does not have to have its own array limited by
// MAX_COLLS which we did away with because we made this dynamic.
int32_t m_numPosKeysInTree[RDB_END2];
int32_t m_numNegKeysInTree[RDB_END2];
//int32_t m_numEventsOnHost;
// do we have the doc:quality var in any url filter?
//bool m_hasDocQualityFilter;
// do we have "isindexed" in any url filter?
//bool m_hasIsIndexedKeyword;
// this means someone re-submitted some new filters or changes, so
// we need to update "m_hasDocQualityFilter"
//void updateFilters();
// company name to use for cached page messages
//char m_cachedPageName[MAX_NAME_LEN];