rdbmem.cpp was storing in secondary mem which got reset when dump completed. also do not add keys that are in collnum and key range of list currently being dumped, return ETRYAGAIN. added verify writes parm. clean out tree of titledb and spiderdb corruption on startup.
874 lines
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874 lines
25 KiB
// Copyright Matt Wells, Apr 2001
// . every host has a config record
// . like tagdb, record in 100% xml
// . allows remote configuration of hosts through Msg4 class
// . remote user sends some xml, we set our member vars using that xml
// . when we save to disk we convert our mem vars to xml
// . is global so everybody can see it
// . conf record can be changed by director OR with the host's priv key
// . use Conf remotely to get setup info about a specific host
// . get your local ip/port/groupMask/etc. from this class not HostMap
#ifndef _CONF_H_
#define _CONF_H_
//#include "../../rsa/rsa.h" // for private_key and public_key types
#include "Xml.h" // Xml class
#include "File.h" // File class
#include "ip.h" // atoip()
#include "Hostdb.h" // g_hostdb.makeGroupId(),makeGroupMask()
#include "HttpRequest.h"
#include "TcpSocket.h"
#include "Url.h" // MAX_COLL_LEN
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#define MAX_MASTER_IPS 15
#define MAX_CONNECT_IPS 128
#define AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE (32*8192)
#define MAX_DNSIPS 16
#define MAX_RNSIPS 13
#define MAX_MX_LEN 128
#define MAX_EMAIL_LEN 64
#define USERS_TEXT_SIZE 500000
mode_t getFileCreationFlags();
mode_t getDirCreationFlags ();
class Conf {
bool isCollAdmin ( TcpSocket *socket , HttpRequest *hr ) ;
bool isCollAdminForColl (TcpSocket *sock, HttpRequest *hr,char *coll );
bool isCollAdmin2 (TcpSocket *socket , HttpRequest *hr,
class CollectionRec *cr) ;
bool isMasterAdmin ( TcpSocket *socket , HttpRequest *hr ) ;
//bool isMasterAdmin ( class TcpSocket *s , class HttpRequest *r );
//bool isSpamAssassin ( class TcpSocket *s , class HttpRequest *r );
bool hasMasterPwd ( HttpRequest *hr ) ;
bool isMasterIp ( uint32_t ip );
bool isConnectIp ( uint32_t ip );
// loads conf parms from this file "{dir}/gb.conf"
bool init ( char *dir );
void setRootIps();
// set from a buffer of null-terminated xml
bool add ( char *xml );
// saves any changes to the conf file
bool save ( );
// reset all values to their defaults
void reset();
// verify that some values are ok
bool verify();
// . get the default collection based on hostname
// will look for the hostname in each collection for a match
// no match defaults to default collection
char *getDefaultColl ( char *hostname, int32_t hostnameLen );
// hold the filename of this conf file
char m_confFilename[256];
// general info
//bool m_isTrustedNet;
//char m_dir[256]; // our mattster root working dir
//int32_t m_ip; // now in hostdb conf file
//bool m_isTrusted; // is the whole network trusted?
//private_key m_privKey; // our private key for this host
// max amount of memory we can use
int64_t m_maxMem;
// if this is false, we do not save, used by dump routines
// in main.cpp so they can change parms here and not worry about
// a core dump saving them
char m_save;
bool m_runAsDaemon;
bool m_logToFile;
bool m_isLocal;
//director info (optional) (used iff m_isTrustedNet is false)
//public_key m_dirPubKey; // everyone should know director's pub key
//private_key m_dirPrivKey; // this is 0 if we don't know it
// . external ip of our firewall/router/...
// . regular users use this to connect
// . Host::m_externalIp/Port is used by admin
// . Host::m_ip/port is for machine to machine communication or
// if admin is coming from a local machine
//uint32_t m_mainExternalIp;
//uint16_t m_mainExternalPort;
// . our group info
//int32_t m_hostId; // our hostId
//int32_t m_numGroups;
//uint32_t m_groupId; // hi bits are set before low bits
//uint32_t m_groupMask; // hi bits are set before low bits
// the main directory
//char m_dir[256];
// an additional strip directory on a different drive
char m_stripeDir[256];
char m_defaultColl [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 ];
char m_dirColl [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1];
char m_dirHost [ MAX_URL_LEN ];
char m_clusterName[32];
// . dns parameters
// . dnsDir should hold our saved cached (TODO: save the dns cache)
//int16_t m_dnsClientPort;
int32_t m_numDns ;
int32_t m_dnsIps[MAX_DNSIPS];
int16_t m_dnsPorts[MAX_DNSIPS];
int32_t m_dnsMaxCacheMem;
bool m_dnsSaveCache;
int32_t m_geocoderIps[MAX_GEOCODERS];
int32_t m_wikiProxyIp;
int32_t m_wikiProxyPort;
SafeBuf m_proxyIps;
SafeBuf m_proxyTestUrl;
bool m_useRandAgents;
bool m_useProxyIps;
bool m_automaticallyUseProxyIps;
SafeBuf m_proxyAuth;
// built-in dns parameters using name servers
char m_askRootNameservers;
int32_t m_numRns;
int32_t m_rnsIps[MAX_RNSIPS];
int16_t m_rnsPorts[MAX_RNSIPS];
// log absolute filename
//char m_logFilename[256];
// hostdb absolute conf filename
//char m_hostdbFilename[256];
// used to limit all rdb's to one merge per machine at a time
int32_t m_mergeBufSize;
// tagdb parameters
int32_t m_tagdbMaxTreeMem;
//int32_t m_tagdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
//int32_t m_tagdbMaxCacheMem;
//bool m_tagdbUseSeals;
//int32_t m_tagdbMinFilesToMerge;
//bool m_tagdbSaveCache;
//bool m_makeAllFilesGroupWritable;
// catdb parameters
int32_t m_catdbMaxTreeMem;
//int32_t m_catdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
int32_t m_catdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_catdbMinFilesToMerge;
int32_t m_revdbMaxTreeMem;
int32_t m_timedbMaxTreeMem;
// titledb parameters
//int32_t m_titledbMaxTreeMem; // why isn't this used?
//int32_t m_titledbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_titledbMinFilesToMerge;
//int32_t m_titledbMaxCacheAge;
//bool m_titledbSaveCache;
// clusterdb for site clustering, each rec is 16 bytes
int32_t m_clusterdbMaxTreeMem;
//int32_t m_clusterdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_clusterdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
int32_t m_clusterdbMinFilesToMerge;
bool m_clusterdbSaveCache;
// if this is true, all collections index into the "main" collection
// but keep their own spiderdb in their collection.
//bool m_useDiffbot;
//bool m_indexEventsOnly;
// are we doing a command line thing like 'gb 0 dump s ....' in
// which case we do not want to log certain things
bool m_doingCommandLine;
// linkdb for storing linking relations
int32_t m_linkdbMaxTreeMem;
// int32_t m_linkdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_linkdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
int32_t m_linkdbMinFilesToMerge;
// bool m_linkdbSaveCache;
// dup vector cache max mem
int32_t m_maxVectorCacheMem;
// checksumdb for doc deduping, each rec is 12-16 bytes
//int32_t m_checksumdbMaxTreeMem;
//int32_t m_checksumdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_checksumdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
//int32_t m_checksumdbMinFilesToMerge;
// size of Checksumdb keys for this host
//int32_t m_checksumdbKeySize;
//bool m_checksumdbSaveCache;
// for holding urls that have been entered into the spider queue
//int32_t m_tfndbMaxTreeMem ;
//int32_t m_tfndbMaxDiskPageCacheMem ; // for the DiskPageCache class only
//int32_t m_tfndbMinFilesToMerge;
//bool m_tfndbSaveCache;
//int64_t m_tfndbMaxUrls;
int32_t m_maxCpuThreads;
int32_t m_maxCpuMergeThreads;
int32_t m_deadHostTimeout;
int32_t m_sendEmailTimeout;
int32_t m_pingSpacer;
// the spiderdb holds url records for spidering, when to spider, etc..
int32_t m_maxWriteThreads ;
//int32_t m_spiderdbMaxTreeMem ;
//int32_t m_spiderdbMaxCacheMem ;
//int32_t m_spiderdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem ;
//int32_t m_spiderdbMinFilesToMerge;
int32_t m_spiderMaxDiskThreads ;
//int32_t m_spiderMaxBigDiskThreads ; // > 1M read
//int32_t m_spiderMaxMedDiskThreads ; // 100k - 1M read
//int32_t m_spiderMaxSmaDiskThreads ; // < 100k read
//int32_t m_queryMaxDiskThreads ;
//int32_t m_queryMaxBigDiskThreads ; // > 1M read
//int32_t m_queryMaxMedDiskThreads ; // 100k - 1M read
//int32_t m_queryMaxSmaDiskThreads ; // < 100k per read
// categorize the disk read sizes by these here
//int32_t m_bigReadSize;
//int32_t m_medReadSize;
//int32_t m_smaReadSize;
char m_separateDiskReads;
int32_t m_statsdbMaxTreeMem;
int32_t m_statsdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_statsdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem;
//int32_t m_statsdbMinFilesToMerge;
bool m_useStatsdb;
//bool m_statsdbSnapshots;
//bool m_statsdbPageEnabled;
//int32_t m_spiderdbRootUrlPriority; // 0-7
//int32_t m_spiderdbAddUrlPriority ;
//int32_t m_minSpiderPriority ; // min spiderRec priority to spider
//int32_t m_maxSpidersPerDomain ; // per foreign domain
//int32_t m_maxRespiderWait ; // in seconds to re-spider a page
//int32_t m_minRespiderWait ; // in seconds to re-spider a page
// this is now in the root collection record
//int32_t m_maxNumSpiders ; // per local spider host
bool m_spideringEnabled ;
bool m_turkingEnabled ;
//bool m_webSpideringEnabled;
//bool m_facebookSpideringEnabled;
//bool m_stubHubSpideringEnabled;
//bool m_eventBriteSpideringEnabled;
//bool m_refreshFacebookUsersEnabled;
bool m_injectionsEnabled ;
bool m_queryingEnabled ;
bool m_returnResultsAnyway;
// qa testing loop going on? uses "test" subdir
bool m_testParserEnabled ;
bool m_testSpiderEnabled ;
//bool m_doDocIdRangeSplitting ;
bool m_testSearchEnabled ;
//bool m_spiderLoggingEnabled ;
//bool m_logWarnings ; // generally small problems
//bool m_logCongestion ; // ENOSLOTS
bool m_addUrlEnabled ; // TODO: use at http interface level
bool m_adFeedEnabled ;
//bool m_timingDebugEnabled ;
//bool m_threadDebugEnabled ;
//bool m_httpServerEnabled ;// don't allow seo bots on all machines
bool m_doStripeBalancing ;
// . true if the server is on the production cluster
// . we enforce the 'elvtune -w 32 /dev/sd?' cmd on all drives because
// that yields higher performance when dumping/merging on disk
bool m_isLive;
// is this a buzzlogic cluster?
//bool m_isBuzzLogic;
// is this a wikipedia cluster?
bool m_isWikipedia;
//bool m_spiderLinks ;
//bool m_dedupingEnabled ; // dedup content on same mid domain
//int32_t m_retryNum ; // how many times to retry url b4 nuke
//bool m_useIfModifiedSince ;
//bool m_doUrlSpamCheck ; // disallow urls w/ naughty hostnames
//bool m_timeBetweenUrls ; // for urls from same domain only
// for holding robot.txt files for various hostnames
int32_t m_robotdbMaxCacheMem ;
bool m_robotdbSaveCache;
int32_t m_maxTotalSpiders;
// indexdb has a max cached age for getting IndexLists (10 mins deflt)
int32_t m_indexdbMaxTreeMem ;
int32_t m_indexdbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_indexdbMaxDiskPageCacheMem; // for DiskPageCache class only
int32_t m_indexdbMaxIndexListAge;
int32_t m_indexdbTruncationLimit;
int32_t m_indexdbMinFilesToMerge;
bool m_indexdbSaveCache;
int32_t m_datedbMaxTreeMem ;
int32_t m_datedbMaxCacheMem;
//int32_t m_datedbMaxDiskPageCacheMem; // for DiskPageCache class only
int32_t m_datedbMaxIndexListAge;
int32_t m_datedbTruncationLimit;
int32_t m_datedbMinFilesToMerge;
bool m_datedbSaveCache;
// for caching exact quotas in Msg36.cpp
// used by qa.cpp and Msg13.cpp
//bool m_qaBuildMode;
//int32_t m_quotaTableMaxMem;
//bool m_useBuckets;
// port of the main udp server
int16_t m_udpPort;
// TODO: parse these out!!!!
//char m_httpRootDir[256] ;
//int16_t m_httpPort ; now in hosts.conf only
int32_t m_httpMaxSockets ;
int32_t m_httpsMaxSockets ;
//int32_t m_httpMaxReadBufSize ;
int32_t m_httpMaxSendBufSize ;
//int32_t m_httpMaxDownloadSockets ;
// a search results cache (for Msg40)
int32_t m_searchResultsMaxCacheMem ;
int32_t m_searchResultsMaxCacheAge ; // in seconds
bool m_searchResultsSaveCache;
// a sitelinkinfo cache (for Msg25)
int32_t m_siteLinkInfoMaxCacheMem;
int32_t m_siteLinkInfoMaxCacheAge;
bool m_siteLinkInfoSaveCache;
// a sitelinkinfo cache (for MsgD)
int32_t m_siteQualityMaxCacheMem;
int32_t m_siteQualityMaxCacheAge;
bool m_siteQualitySaveCache;
// a sitelinkinfo cache (for Msg25)
// for downloading an rdb
//int32_t m_downloadBufSize; // how big should hosts read buf be?
// . how many incoming links should we sample?
// . used for linkText and quality weighting from number of links
// and their total base quality
int32_t m_maxIncomingLinksToSample;
// phrase weighting
float m_queryPhraseWeight;
// for Weights.cpp
int32_t m_sliderParm;
//int32_t m_indexTableIntersectionAlgo;
// . maxmimum relative weight of a query term (1.0 to inf)
// . default about 8?
//float m_queryMaxMultiplier;
// use sendmail to forward emails we send out
char m_sendmailIp[MAX_MX_LEN];
// send emails when a host goes down?
bool m_sendEmailAlerts;
//should we delay when only 1 host goes down out of twins till 9 30 am?
bool m_delayNonCriticalEmailAlerts;
//delay emails after
char m_delayEmailsAfter[6];
//delay emails before
char m_delayEmailsBefore[6];
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToMattTmobile;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToMattAlltell;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToJavier;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToMelissa;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToPartap;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToCinco;
bool m_sendEmailAlertsToSysadmin;
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToZak;
bool m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail1;
char m_email1MX[MAX_MX_LEN];
char m_email1Addr[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
char m_email1From[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
bool m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail2;
char m_email2MX[MAX_MX_LEN];
char m_email2Addr[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
char m_email2From[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
bool m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail3;
char m_email3MX[MAX_MX_LEN];
char m_email3Addr[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
char m_email3From[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
bool m_sendEmailAlertsToEmail4;
char m_email4MX[MAX_MX_LEN];
char m_email4Addr[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
char m_email4From[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
//bool m_sendEmailAlertsToSabino;
char m_errstr1[MAX_URL_LEN];
char m_errstr2[MAX_URL_LEN];
char m_errstr3[MAX_URL_LEN];
char m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail1;
char m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail2;
char m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail3;
char m_sendParmChangeAlertsToEmail4;
float m_avgQueryTimeThreshold;
//float m_maxQueryTime;
float m_querySuccessThreshold;
int32_t m_numQueryTimes;
int32_t m_maxCorruptLists;
// limit to how big a serialized query can be before just storing
// the raw string instead, keeps network traffic down at the expense
// of processing time, used by Msg serialization
int32_t m_maxSerializedQuerySize;
// the spider won't go if this bandiwdth rate is currently exceeded
float m_maxIncomingKbps;
// max pgs/sec to index and delete from index. guards resources.
float m_maxPagesPerSecond;
float m_maxLoadAvg;
// redhat 9's NPTL doesn't like our async signals
bool m_allowAsyncSignals;
bool m_useCollectionPasswords;
bool m_allowCloudUsers;
// if in read-only mode we do no spidering and load no saved trees
// so we can use all mem for caching index lists
bool m_readOnlyMode;
// if this is true we use /etc/hosts for hostname lookup before dns
bool m_useEtcHosts;
bool m_useMergeToken;
// . should we always read data from local machine if available?
// . if your network is not gigabit, this may be a good idea
bool m_preferLocalReads;
// should we bypass load balancing and always send titledb record
// lookup requests to a host to maxmize tfndb page cache hits?
//bool m_useBiasedTfndb;
// just ensure lists being written are valid rdb records (titlerecs)
// trying to isolate titlerec corruption
bool m_verifyDumpedLists;
// calls fsync(fd) if true after each write
bool m_flushWrites ;
bool m_verifyWrites;
int32_t m_corruptRetries;
// log unfreed memory on exit
bool m_detectMemLeaks;
// . if false we will not keep spelling information in memory
// . we will keep the popularity info from dict though, since related
// topics requires that
bool m_doSpellChecking;
// . give suggestions to narrow the search
bool m_doNarrowSearch;
// are we running in Matt Wells's private data center? if so we
// use seo tools and control datacenter fans, etc.
bool m_isMattWells;
bool m_forceIt;
// maximum number of synonyms/stems to expand a word into
//int32_t m_maxSynonyms;
// default affinity for spelling suggestions/numbers
//float m_defaultAffinity;
// threshold for synonym usage
//float m_frequencyThreshold;
// thesaurus configuration
//int32_t m_maxAffinityRequests;
//int32_t m_maxAffinityErrors;
//int32_t m_maxAffinityAge;
//int32_t m_affinityTimeout;
//char m_affinityServer[MAX_URL_LEN];
//char m_affinityParms[MAX_URL_LEN];
// new syncing information
bool m_syncEnabled;
bool m_syncIndexdb;
bool m_syncTitledb;
bool m_syncSpiderdb;
//bool m_syncChecksumdb;
bool m_syncSitedb;
bool m_syncLogging;
bool m_syncDoUnion;
bool m_syncDryRun;
char m_syncHostIds [ 256 ]; // restrict syncing to these host ids
//int32_t m_syncReadBufSize; // limit disk activity for syncing
//int32_t m_syncSeeksPerSecond; // limit disk activity for syncing
int32_t m_syncBytesPerSecond; // limit disk activity for syncing
// if this is true we do not add indexdb keys that *should* already
// be in indexdb. but if you recently upped the m_truncationLimit
// then you can set this to false to add all indexdb keys.
//bool m_onlyAddUnchangedTermIds;
bool m_doIncrementalUpdating;
// always true unless entire indexdb was deleted and we are rebuilding
bool m_indexDeletes;
bool m_splitTwins;
bool m_useThreads;
bool m_useThreadsForDisk;
bool m_useThreadsForIndexOps;
bool m_useThreadsForSystemCalls;
bool m_useSHM;
bool m_useQuickpoll;
int64_t m_posdbFileCacheSize;
int64_t m_tagdbFileCacheSize;
int64_t m_clusterdbFileCacheSize;
int64_t m_titledbFileCacheSize;
int64_t m_spiderdbFileCacheSize;
//bool m_quickpollCoreOnError;
bool m_useShotgun;
bool m_testMem;
bool m_doConsistencyTesting;
// temporary hack for fixing docid collision resolution bug
bool m_hackFixWords;
bool m_hackFixPhrases;
// flags for excluding docs with only linktext or meta text matches
// for one or more query terms
//bool m_excludeLinkText;
//bool m_excludeMetaText;
// deny robots access to the search results
//bool m_robotCheck;
// scan all titledb files if we can't find the rec where it should be
bool m_scanAllIfNotFound;
// defaults to "Gigabot/1.0"
char m_spiderUserAgent [ USERAGENTMAXSIZE ];
int32_t m_autoSaveFrequency;
int32_t m_docCountAdjustment;
bool m_profilingEnabled;
bool m_dynamicPerfGraph;
int32_t m_minProfThreshold;
bool m_sequentialProfiling;
int32_t m_realTimeProfilerMinQuickPollDelta;
//int32_t m_summaryMode; // JAB: moved to CollectionRec
// . for query-dependent summary/title generation
//int32_t m_titleMaxLen;
//int32_t m_summaryMaxLen;
//int32_t m_summaryMaxNumLines;
//int32_t m_summaryMaxNumCharsPerLine;
//int32_t m_summaryDefaultNumLines;
//char m_summaryFrontHighlightTag[128];
//char m_summaryBackHighlightTag [128];
// See Log.h for an explanation of the switches below
// GET and POST requests.
bool m_logHttpRequests;
bool m_logAutobannedQueries;
//bool m_logQueryTimes;
// if query took this or more milliseconds, log its time
int32_t m_logQueryTimeThreshold;
bool m_logQueryReply;
bool m_logQueryDebug;
// log what gets into the index
bool m_logSpideredUrls;
// log informational messages, they are not indicative of any error.
bool m_logInfo;
// when out of udp slots
bool m_logNetCongestion;
// doc quota limits, url truncation limits
bool m_logLimits;
// log debug switches
bool m_logDebugAddurl ;
bool m_logDebugAdmin ;
bool m_logDebugBuild ;
bool m_logDebugBuildTime ;
bool m_logDebugDb ;
bool m_logDebugDirty ;
bool m_logDebugDisk ;
bool m_logDebugDiskPageCache;
bool m_logDebugDns ;
bool m_logDebugDownloads;
bool m_logDebugFacebook;
bool m_logDebugHttp ;
bool m_logDebugImage ;
bool m_logDebugLoop ;
bool m_logDebugLang ;
bool m_logDebugLinkInfo ;
bool m_logDebugMem ;
bool m_logDebugMemUsage;
bool m_logDebugMerge ;
bool m_logDebugNet ;
bool m_logDebugPQR ; // post query rerank
bool m_logDebugProxies ;
bool m_logDebugQuery ;
bool m_logDebugQuota ;
bool m_logDebugRobots ;
bool m_logDebugSpcache ; // SpiderCache.cpp debug
//bool m_logDebugSpiderWait;
bool m_logDebugSpeller ;
bool m_logDebugTagdb ;
bool m_logDebugSections;
bool m_logDebugSEO;
bool m_logDebugSEOInserts;
bool m_logDebugStats ;
bool m_logDebugSummary ;
bool m_logDebugSpider ;
bool m_logDebugMsg13 ;
bool m_diffbotMsg13Hack ;
bool m_logDebugUrlAttempts ;
bool m_logDebugTcp ;
bool m_logDebugTcpBuf ;
bool m_logDebugThread ;
bool m_logDebugTimedb ;
bool m_logDebugTitle ;
bool m_logDebugTopics ;
bool m_logDebugTopDocs ;
bool m_logDebugUdp ;
bool m_logDebugUnicode ;
bool m_logDebugRepair ;
bool m_logDebugDate ;
// expensive timing messages
bool m_logTimingAddurl ;
bool m_logTimingAdmin ;
bool m_logTimingBuild;
bool m_logTimingDb;
bool m_logTimingNet;
bool m_logTimingQuery;
bool m_logTimingSpcache;
bool m_logTimingTopics;
// programmer reminders.
bool m_logReminders;
//int32_t m_numMasterPwds;
SafeBuf m_masterPwds;
//int32_t m_numMasterIps;
//int32_t m_masterIps[MAX_MASTER_IPS];
// these are the new master ips
//int32_t m_numConnectIps;
//int32_t m_connectIps [ MAX_CONNECT_IPS ];
SafeBuf m_connectIps;
// should we generate similarity/content vector for titleRecs lacking?
// this takes a ~100+ ms, very expensive, so it is just meant for
// testing.
bool m_generateVectorAtQueryTime;
char m_users [ USERS_TEXT_SIZE ];
int32_t m_usersLen;
//char m_superTurks [ USERS_TEXT_SIZE ];
//int32_t m_superTurksLen;
int32_t m_maxYippyOut;
char m_doAutoBan;
int32_t m_banIpsLen;
char m_banIps [ AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE ];
int32_t m_allowIpsLen;
char m_allowIps [ AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE ];
int32_t m_validCodesLen;
char m_validCodes[ AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE ];
int32_t m_banRegexLen;
char m_banRegex [ AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE ];
int32_t m_extraParmsLen;
char m_extraParms [ AUTOBAN_TEXT_SIZE ];
unsigned char m_numFreeQueriesPerMinute;
uint32_t m_numFreeQueriesPerDay;
char m_redirect[MAX_URL_LEN];
char m_useCompressionProxy;
char m_gzipDownloads;
// used by proxy to make proxy point to the temp cluster while
// the original cluster is updated
char m_useTmpCluster;
char m_timeSyncProxy;
// For remote datafeed verification
//char m_useDFAcctServer;
//int32_t m_dfAcctIp;
//int32_t m_dfAcctPort;
//char m_dfAcctColl[MAX_COLL_LEN];
Xml m_xml;
char m_buf[10*1024];
int32_t m_bufSize;
// . for specifying if this is an interface machine
// messages are rerouted from this machine to the main
// cluster set in the hosts.conf.
bool m_interfaceMachine;
// after we take the natural log of each query term's DF (doc freq.)
// we
float m_queryExp;
//char m_useDynamicPhraseWeighting;
float m_minPopForSpeller; // 0% to 100%
// catdb min site rec size for LARGE but latent domains
int32_t m_catdbMinRecSizes;
// allow scaling up of hosts by removing recs not in the correct
// group. otherwise a sanity check will happen.
char m_allowScale;
// . timeout on dead hosts, only set when we know a host is dead and
// will not come back online. Messages will timeout on the dead
// host, but not error, allowing outstanding spidering to finish
// to the twin
char m_giveupOnDeadHosts;
char m_bypassValidation;
int32_t m_maxHardDriveTemp;
int32_t m_maxHeartbeatDelay;
int32_t m_maxCallbackDelay;
// balance value for Msg6, each host can have this many ready domains
// per global host
//int32_t m_distributedSpiderBalance;
//int32_t m_distributedIpWait;
// parameters for indexdb spitting and tfndb extension bits
//int32_t m_indexdbSplit;
//char m_fullSplit;
//char m_legacyIndexdbSplit;
//int32_t m_tfndbExtBits;
// used by Repair.cpp
char m_repairingEnabled ;
int32_t m_maxRepairSpiders ;
int32_t m_repairMem;
SafeBuf m_collsToRepair;
char m_rebuildAllCollections;
char m_fullRebuild ;
char m_rebuildAddOutlinks;
char m_rebuildRecycleLinkInfo ;
//char m_rebuildRecycleLinkInfo2 ;
//char m_removeBadPages ;
char m_rebuildTitledb ;
//char m_rebuildTfndb ;
//char m_rebuildIndexdb ;
char m_rebuildPosdb ;
//char m_rebuildNoSplits ;
//char m_rebuildDatedb ;
//char m_rebuildChecksumdb ;
char m_rebuildClusterdb ;
char m_rebuildSpiderdb ;
//char m_rebuildSitedb ;
char m_rebuildLinkdb ;
//char m_rebuildTagdb ;
//char m_rebuildPlacedb ;
char m_rebuildTimedb ;
char m_rebuildSectiondb ;
//char m_rebuildRevdb ;
char m_rebuildRoots ;
char m_rebuildNonRoots ;
//char m_rebuildSkipSitedbLookup ;
// for caching the qualities of urls (see Msg20.cpp)
int32_t m_maxQualityCacheAge ;
extern class Conf g_conf;
// old stuff:
// key is the hostId. hostId of -1 is the default conf record.
// here's the recognized fields:
// <dirPubKey> // default rec only
// <groupMask> // default rec only
// <rootDir> // default rec only
// <numPolice> // default rec only
// <isTrustedNet> // default rec only
// <hostId> -- stored in hostmap
// <ip> -- stored in hostmap
// <port> -- stored in hostmap
// <networkName> // also in default rec
// <maxDiskSpace>
// <maxMem>
// <maxCpu>
// <maxBps>
// <pubKey>
// <isTrustedHost> // director sealed