919 lines
25 KiB
919 lines
25 KiB
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "HashTableX.h"
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include "Mem.h" // for mcalloc and mmalloc
void HashTableX::constructor() {
m_buf = NULL;
m_allocName = NULL;
m_doFree = false;
m_isWritable = true;
m_txtBuf = NULL;
m_useKeyMagic = false;
m_ks = 0;
m_allowGrowth = true;
m_numSlots = 0;
m_numSlotsUsed = 0;
void HashTableX::destructor() {
HashTableX::HashTableX () {
m_buf = NULL;
m_allocName = NULL;
m_doFree = false;
m_isWritable = true;
m_txtBuf = NULL;
m_useKeyMagic = false;
m_ks = 0;
HashTableX::~HashTableX ( ) {
reset ( );
// returns false and sets errno on error
bool HashTableX::set ( int32_t ks ,
int32_t ds ,
int32_t initialNumTerms ,
char *buf ,
int32_t bufSize ,
bool allowDups ,
int32_t niceness ,
char *allocName ,
// in general you want keymagic to ensure your
// keys are "random" for good hashing. it doesn't
// really slow things down either.
bool useKeyMagic ) {
m_ks = ks;
m_ds = ds;
m_allowDups = allowDups;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_needsSave = true;
m_isSaving = false;
m_maxSlots = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
// fi it so when you first call addKey() it does not grow your table!
//if ( initialNumTerms < 32 ) initialNumTerms = 32;
// sanity check. assume min keysize of 4 because we do *(int32_t *)key
// logic below!!
if ( ks < 4 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( ds < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// auto?
if ( initialNumTerms == -1 ) {
int32_t slotSize = ks + ds + 1;
initialNumTerms = bufSize / slotSize;
initialNumTerms /= 2; // fix it to not exceed bufSize
// set this
m_allocName = allocName;
m_useKeyMagic = useKeyMagic;
return setTableSize ( initialNumTerms , buf , bufSize );
// . call clean() to do a more careful reset
// . clean will rehash
void HashTableX::reset ( ) {
if ( m_doFree && m_buf )
mfree(m_buf ,m_bufSize,m_allocName);
m_buf = NULL;
m_keys = NULL;
m_vals = NULL;
m_flags = NULL;
m_numSlots = 0;
m_numSlotsUsed = 0;
m_addIffNotUnique = false;
m_maskKeyOffset = 0;
m_allowGrowth = true;
//m_useKeyMagic = false;
// we should free it in reset()
if ( m_doFree && m_txtBuf ) {
mfree ( m_txtBuf , m_txtBufSize,"ftxtbuf");
m_txtBuf = NULL;
void HashTableX::clear ( ) {
// vacate all slots
//if ( m_keys ) memset ( m_keys , 0 , m_ks * m_numSlots );
memset ( m_flags , 0 , m_numSlots );
m_numSlotsUsed = 0;
// #n is the slot
int32_t HashTableX::getNextSlot ( int32_t n , void *key ) {
if ( n < 0 ) return -1;
// inc it
if ( ++n == m_numSlots ) n = 0;
// this is set to 0x01 if non-empty
if ( m_flags [ n ] == 0 ) return -1;
// if key matches return it
if ( *(int32_t *)(m_keys + m_ks * n) == *(int32_t *)key &&
( memcmp (m_keys + m_ks * n, key, m_ks ) == 0 ) )
return n;
// loop up
goto loop;
// how many slots have this key
int32_t HashTableX::getCount ( void *key ) {
int32_t n = getSlot ( key );
if ( n < 0 ) return 0;
int32_t count = 1;
if ( ! m_allowDups ) return count;
// inc it
if ( ++n == m_numSlots ) n = 0;
// this is set to 0x01 if non-empty
if ( m_flags [ n ] == 0 ) return count;
// count it if key matches
if ( *(int32_t *)(m_keys + m_ks * n) == *(int32_t *)key &&
( memcmp (m_keys + m_ks * n, key, m_ks ) == 0 ) )
// loop up
goto loop;
// . returns the slot number for "key"
// . returns -1 if key not in hash table
int32_t HashTableX::getOccupiedSlotNum ( void *key ) {
if ( m_numSlots <= 0 ) return -1;
int32_t n = *(uint32_t *)(((char *)key)+m_maskKeyOffset);
// use magic to "randomize" key a little
if ( m_useKeyMagic )
n^=g_hashtab[(unsigned char)((char *)key)[m_maskKeyOffset]][0];
// mask on the lower 32 bits i guess
n &= m_mask;
int32_t count = 0;
while ( count++ < m_numSlots ) {
// this is set to 0x01 if non-empty
if ( m_flags [ n ] == 0 ) return -1;
// get the key there
if ( *(int32_t *)(m_keys + m_ks * n) == *(int32_t *)key &&
( memcmp (m_keys + m_ks * n, key, m_ks ) == 0 ) )
return n;
// advance otherwise
if ( ++n == m_numSlots ) n = 0;
log("htable: Could not get key. Table is full.");
return -1;
// for value-less hashtables
bool HashTableX::addKey ( void *key ) {
// sanity check -- need to supply data?
if ( m_ds != 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
return addKey ( key , NULL , NULL );
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, returns true otherwise
// . adds scores if termId already exists in table
bool HashTableX::addKey ( void *key , void *val , int32_t *slot ) {
// if saving, try again later
if ( m_isSaving || ! m_isWritable ) {
g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
return false;
// never got initialized? call HashTableX::init()
if ( m_ks <= 0 ){ char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
if ( ! m_allowGrowth && m_numSlotsUsed + 1 > m_numSlots ) {
log("hashtable: hit max ceiling of hashtable of %"INT32" slots. "
"and can not grow because in thread.",m_numSlotsUsed);
return false;
// check to see if we should grow the table. now we grow
// when 25% full to make operations faster so getLongestString()
// doesn't return such big numbers!
if ( (m_numSlots < 20 || 2 * m_numSlotsUsed >= m_numSlots) &&
m_numSlots < m_maxSlots ) {
int64_t growTo = ((int64_t)m_numSlots * 150LL )/100LL+20LL;
if ( growTo > m_maxSlots ) growTo = m_maxSlots;
if ( ! setTableSize ( (int32_t)growTo , NULL , 0 ) ) return false;
//int32_t n=(*(uint32_t *)(((char *)key)+m_maskKeyOffset)) & m_mask;
int32_t n = *(uint32_t *)(((char *)key)+m_maskKeyOffset);
// use magic to "randomize" key a little
if ( m_useKeyMagic )
n^=g_hashtab[(unsigned char)((char *)key)[m_maskKeyOffset]][0];
// mask on the lower 32 bits i guess
n &= m_mask;
int32_t count = 0;
m_needsSave = true;
while ( count++ < m_numSlots ) {
// this is set to 0x00 if empty
if ( m_flags [ n ] == 0 ) break;
// breathe
// use "n" if key matches
if ( *(int32_t *)(m_keys + m_ks * n) == *(int32_t *)key &&
// if we are a 4 byte key no need to do the memcmp
(m_ks==4||memcmp (m_keys + m_ks * n, key, m_ks )==0) ) {
// if allow dups is true it must also match the data
if ( ! m_allowDups ) break;
// . this behaviour is expected by Events.cpp calling
// g_places.addKey(h,&pd)
// . TODO: think about adding m_allowRepeatedData
// and only doing this memcmp() if that is false
// . NO! computeSimilarity adds the same termid with
// same score quite often
//if ( memcmp(m_vals+n*m_ds,val,m_ds) == 0 )
// break;
// otherwise, yes, keys match, but values do not
// and we allow dups, so insert it somewhere else
// advance otherwise
if ( ++n == m_numSlots ) n = 0;
// bail if not found
if ( count >= m_numSlots ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
return log("htable: Could not add key. Table is full.");
if ( m_flags [ n ] == 0 ) {
// inc count if we're the first
// and store the key
if ( m_ks == 4 ) ((int32_t *)m_keys)[n] = *(int32_t *)key;
else if ( m_ks == 8 ) ((int64_t *)m_keys)[n] = *(int64_t *)key;
else gbmemcpy ( m_keys + m_ks * n , key , m_ks );
// insert the value for this key
if ( val ) setValue ( n , val );
// caller sometimes wants this
if ( slot ) *slot = n;
// no longer empty
m_flags[n] = 0x01;
return true;
// patch the hole so chaining still works
bool HashTableX::removeKey ( void *key ) {
// returns -1 if key not in hash table
int32_t n = getOccupiedSlotNum(key);
if ( n >= 0 ) return removeSlot ( n );
return true;
// . patch the hole so chaining still works
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool HashTableX::removeSlot ( int32_t n ) {
if ( n < 0 ) return true;
// skip if already empty
if ( m_flags [ n ] == 0 ) return true;
// if saving, try again later
if ( m_isSaving || ! m_isWritable ) {
g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
return false;
// clear it out
m_flags [ n ] = 0;
// dec the count
// advance n
if ( ++n >= m_numSlots ) n = 0;
// keep looping until we hit an empty slot
while ( m_flags [ n ] ) {
void *kp = m_keys + m_ks * n;
void *vp = m_vals + m_ds * n;
// clear it out
m_flags [ n ] = 0;
// dec the count
// add it back
addKey ( kp , vp );
// chain to next bucket while it is occupied
if ( ++n >= m_numSlots ) n = 0;
m_needsSave = true;
return true;
// . set table size to "n" slots
// . rehashes the termId/score pairs into new table
// . returns false and sets errno on error
bool HashTableX::setTableSize ( int32_t oldn , char *buf , int32_t bufSize ) {
// don't change size if we do not need to
if ( oldn == m_numSlots ) return true;
int64_t n = (int64_t)oldn;
// make it a power of 2 for speed if small
n = getHighestLitBitValueLL((uint64_t)oldn * 2LL -1);
// sanity check, must be less than 1B
if ( n > 1000000000 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// limit...
//if ( n > m_maxSlots ) n = m_maxSlots;
// do not go negative on me
if ( oldn == 0 ) n = 0;
// sanity check
if ( n < oldn ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// do we have a buf?
int32_t need = (m_ks+m_ds+1) * n;
// sanity check, buf should also meet what we need
if ( buf && bufSize < need ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// we grow kinda slow, it slows things down, so note it
int64_t startTime =0LL;
int32_t old = -1;
if ( m_numSlots > 2000 ) {
startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
old = m_numSlots;
// if we should not free note that
bool savedDoFree = m_doFree ;
char *savedBuf = m_buf;
int32_t savedBufSize = m_bufSize;
// use what they gave us if we can
m_buf = buf;
m_doFree = false;
// alloc if we should
if ( ! m_buf ) {
m_buf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , m_allocName);
m_bufSize = need;
m_doFree = true;
if ( ! m_buf ) return false;
// save the old junk
char *oldFlags = m_flags;
char *oldKeys = m_keys;
char *oldVals = m_vals;
// now point to the new bigger and empty table
m_keys = m_buf;
m_vals = m_buf + m_ks * n;
m_flags = m_buf + m_ks * n + m_ds * n;
// clear flags only
//bzero ( m_flags , n );
memset ( m_flags , 0 , n );
// rehash the slots if we had some
int32_t ns = m_numSlots; if ( ! m_keys ) ns = 0;
// update these for the new empty table
m_numSlots = n;
m_mask = n - 1;
int32_t oldUsed = m_numSlotsUsed;
// reset this before re-adding all of them
m_numSlotsUsed = 0;
// loop over results in old table, if any
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < ns ; i++ ) {
// breathe
QUICKPOLL ( m_niceness );
// skip the empty slots
if ( oldFlags [ i ] == 0 ) continue;
// add old key/val into the empty table
if ( m_ks == sizeof(key144_t) )
// use this special adder that hashes it up better!
addTerm144 ( (key144_t *)(oldKeys + m_ks * i) ,
*(int32_t *)(oldVals + m_ds * i) );
addKey ( oldKeys + m_ks * i , oldVals + m_ds * i );
if ( startTime ) {
char *name ="";
if ( m_allocName ) name = m_allocName;
//if ( name && strcmp(name,"HashTableX")==0 )
// log("hey");
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"table: grewtable %s from %"INT32" to %"INT32" slots "
"in %"INT64" ms (this=0x%"PTRFMT") (used=%"INT32")",
name,old,m_numSlots ,now - startTime,(PTRTYPE)this,oldUsed);
// free the old guys
if ( ! savedDoFree ) return true;
if ( ! savedBuf ) return true;
// let the old table go
mfree ( savedBuf , savedBufSize , m_allocName );
return true;
bool HashTableX::load ( char *dir , char *filename , SafeBuf *fillBuf ) {
char *tbuf = NULL;
int32_t tsize = 0;
bool status = load ( dir , filename , &tbuf, &tsize );
if ( ! status ) return false;
// assign to safebuf. own buf = true
fillBuf->setBuf ( tbuf , tsize , tsize , true , csUTF8 );
return true;
// both return false and set g_errno on error, true otherwise
bool HashTableX::load ( char *dir, char *filename, char **tbuf, int32_t *tsize ) {
File f;
f.set ( dir , filename );
if ( ! f.doesExist() ) return false;
char *pdir = dir;
if ( ! pdir ) pdir = "";
//log(LOG_INFO,"admin: Loading hashtablex from %s%s",pdir,filename);
if ( ! f.open ( O_RDONLY) ) return false;
int32_t numSlots;
int32_t numSlotsUsed;
int32_t off = 0;
if ( ! f.read ( &numSlots , 4 , off ) ) return false;
off += 4;
if ( ! f.read ( &numSlotsUsed , 4 , off ) ) return false;
off += 4;
int32_t ks;
if ( ! f.read ( &ks , 4 , off ) ) return false;
off += 4;
int32_t ds;
if ( ! f.read ( &ds , 4 , off ) ) return false;
off += 4;
if ( numSlots < 0 || numSlotsUsed < 0 ) {
log("htable: bogus saved hashtable file %s%s.",dir,filename);
return false;
// bogus key size?
if ( ks <= 0 ) {
// is very common for this file so skip it
if ( strstr(filename,"ipstouseproxiesfor.dat") )
return false;
log("htable: reading hashtable from %s%s: "
"bogus keysize of %"INT32"",
dir,filename,ks );
return false;
// just in case m_ks was already set, call reset() down here...
// no, it resets our "magic" stuff!
if ( m_ks != ks || m_ds != ds ) reset();
m_ks = ks;
m_ds = ds;
if ( ! setTableSize ( numSlots , NULL , 0 ) ) return false;
if ( ! f.read ( m_keys , numSlots * m_ks , off ) ) return false;
off += numSlots * m_ks;
if ( m_ds && ! f.read ( m_vals , numSlots * m_ds , off ) )
return false;
off += numSlots * m_ds;
// whether the slot is empty or not
if ( ! f.read ( m_flags , numSlots , off ) ) return false;
off += numSlots ;
m_numSlotsUsed = numSlotsUsed;
// done if no text buf
if ( ! tbuf ) { f.close(); return true; }
// read in the tbuf size, next 4 bytes
if ( ! f.read ( tsize , 4 , off ) ) return false;
off += 4;
// make a name for it
char ttt[64];
// alloc mem for reading in the contents of the text buf
*tbuf = (char *)mmalloc ( *tsize , ttt );//"HTtxtbufx" );
if ( ! *tbuf ) return false;
// read in the contents of the text buf
if ( ! f.read ( *tbuf , *tsize , off ) ) return false;
off += *tsize;
// we should free it in reset()
m_txtBuf = *tbuf;
m_txtBufSize = *tsize;
// close the file, we are done
m_needsSave = false;
int32_t totalMem = *tsize+m_numSlots*(m_ks+m_ds);
log(LOG_INFO,"admin: Loaded hashtablex from %s%s %"INT32" total mem",
pdir,filename, totalMem);
return true;
// . new code for saving hashtablex in a thread
// . so Process.cpp's call to g_spiderCache.save() can save the doleiptable
// without blocking...
static void *saveWrapper ( void *state , class ThreadEntry *t ) {
// get this class
HashTableX *THIS = (HashTableX *)state;
// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
THIS->save( THIS->m_dir ,
THIS->m_filename ,
THIS->m_tbuf ,
THIS->m_tsize );
// now exit the thread, bogus return
return NULL;
// we come here after thread exits
static void threadDoneWrapper ( void *state , class ThreadEntry *t ) {
// get this class
HashTableX *THIS = (HashTableX *)state;
// store save error into g_errno
//g_errno = THIS->m_saveErrno;
// log it
log("db: done saving %s/%s",THIS->m_dir,THIS->m_filename);
// . resume adding to the hashtable
// . this will also allow other threads to be queued
// . if we did this at the end of the thread we could end up with
// an overflow of queued SAVETHREADs
THIS->m_isSaving = false;
// we do not need to be saved now?
THIS->m_needsSave = false;
// g_errno should be preserved from the thread so if threadSave()
// had an error it will be set
if ( g_errno )
log("db: Had error saving hashtable to disk for %s: %s.",
// . call callback
if ( THIS->m_callback ) THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool HashTableX::fastSave ( bool useThread ,
char *dir ,
char *filename ,
char *tbuf,
int32_t tsize ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ) {
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// we do not need a save
if ( ! m_needsSave ) return true;
// return true if already in the middle of saving
if ( m_isSaving ) return false;
// mark it early to avoid reentries
m_isSaving = true;
logf(LOG_INFO,"db: Saving %s/%s",dir,filename);
// save parms
strcpy ( m_dir , dir );
strcpy ( m_filename , filename );
m_tbuf = tbuf;
m_tsize = tsize;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
// assume no error
//m_saveErrno = 0;
// no adding to the hashtable now
//m_isSaving = true;
//useThread = false;
// skip thread call if we should
if ( ! useThread ) goto skip;
// make this a thread now
if ( g_threads.call ( SAVETREE_THREAD , // threadType
1 , // niceness
this , // top 4 bytes must be cback
threadDoneWrapper ,
saveWrapper ) ) return false;
// if it failed
if ( ! g_threads.m_disabled )
log("db: Thread creation failed. Blocking while saving tree. "
"Hurts performance.");
// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
save ( dir, filename , tbuf , tsize );
// store save error into g_errno
//g_errno = m_saveErrno;
// resume adding to the tree
// we do not need to be saved now?
m_needsSave = false;
m_isSaving = false;
// we did not block
return true;
bool HashTableX::save ( char *dir ,
char *filename ,
char *tbuf,
int32_t tsize ) {
//if ( ! m_needsSave ) return true;
//if ( m_isSaving ) return true;
char s[1024];
sprintf ( s , "%s/%s", dir , filename );
int fd = ::open ( s ,
getFileCreationFlags() );
if ( fd < 0 ) {
//m_saveErrno = errno;
return log("db: Could not open %s for writing: %s.",
// clear our own errno
errno = 0;
//log(LOG_INFO,"db: Saving hashtablex to %s",s);
int32_t numSlots = m_numSlots;
int32_t numSlotsUsed = m_numSlotsUsed;
int32_t off = 0;
int32_t err;
err = pwrite ( fd, &numSlots , 4 , off ) ; off += 4;
if ( err == -1 ) return log("htblx: write error");
err = pwrite ( fd, &numSlotsUsed , 4 , off ) ; off += 4;
if ( err == -1 ) return log("htblx: write error");
err = pwrite ( fd, &m_ks , 4 , off ) ; off += 4;
if ( err == -1 ) return log("htblx: write error");
err = pwrite ( fd, &m_ds , 4 , off ) ; off += 4;
if ( err == -1 ) return log("htblx: write error");
err = pwrite ( fd, m_keys , numSlots * m_ks , off );
off += numSlots * m_ks;
if ( err == -1 ) return log("htblx: write error");
if ( m_ds ) {
err = pwrite (fd,m_vals,numSlots*m_ds,off);
off += numSlots * m_ds;
if ( err == -1 ) return log("htblx: write error");
// whether the slot is empty or not!
err = pwrite ( fd, m_flags , numSlots , off ); off += numSlots ;
if ( err == -1 ) return log("htblx: write error");
if ( tbuf ) {
// save the text buf size
err = pwrite ( fd, &tsize , 4 , off ) ; off += 4;
if ( err == -1 ) return log("htblx: write error");
// save the text buf content
err = pwrite ( fd, tbuf , tsize , off ) ; off+=tsize;
if ( err == -1 ) return log("htblx: write error");
close ( fd );
//m_isSaving = false;
//m_needsSave = false;
return true;
// how many bytes are required to serialize this hash table?
int32_t HashTableX::getStoredSize() {
// see serialize() function below to explain this
return 4 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + m_numSlotsUsed*(m_ks+m_ds);
// . returns # bytes written into "buf"
// . returns ptr to buf used
// . set size of buf allocated and used
// . returns -1 on error
char *HashTableX::serialize ( int32_t *bufSize ) {
int32_t need = getStoredSize();
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , m_allocName );
if ( ! buf ) return (char *)-1;
int32_t used = serialize ( buf , need );
// ensure it matches
if ( used != need ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// store it
*bufSize = used;
return buf;
// int16_tcut
int32_t HashTableX::serialize ( SafeBuf *sb ) {
int32_t nb = serialize ( sb->getBuf() , sb->getAvail() );
// update sb
sb->incrementLength ( nb );
return nb;
// returns # bytes written into "buf"
int32_t HashTableX::serialize ( char *buf , int32_t bufSize ) {
// int16_tcuts
char *p = buf;
//char *pend = buf + bufSize;
// how much for table?
int32_t need = m_numSlotsUsed * (m_ks+m_ds);
// and # of slots
need += 4;
// and # of slots used
need += 4;
// and key size
need += 1;
// and data size
need += 2;
// flags (allowDups)
need += 1;
// sanity check
if ( need > bufSize ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check -- i guess placedb hashtable in XmlDoc.cpp uses 512!
if ( m_ks > 127 || m_ds > 512 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// store # slots total
*(int32_t *)p = m_numSlots; p += 4;
// store # slots
*(int32_t *)p = m_numSlotsUsed; p += 4;
// store key size
*(char *)p = m_ks; p += 1;
// store data size
*(int16_t *)p = m_ds; p += 2;
// flags
*(char *)p = m_allowDups; p += 1;
// sanity check
int32_t used = 0;
// store keys that are valid
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( m_flags[i] == 0 ) continue;
// sanity check count
// store key
gbmemcpy ( p , m_keys + i * m_ks , m_ks );
// advance
p += m_ks;
// sanity check
if ( used != m_numSlotsUsed ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
// store data that is valid
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( m_flags[i] == 0 ) continue;
// store key
gbmemcpy ( p , m_vals + i * m_ds , m_ds );
// advance
p += m_ds;
// return bytes stored
return p - buf;
// inflate it. returns false with g_errno set on error
bool HashTableX::deserialize ( char *buf , int32_t bufSize , int32_t niceness ) {
// clear it
// int16_tcuts
char *p = buf;
//char *pend = buf + bufSize;
// get stuff
int32_t numSlots = *(int32_t *)p; p += 4;
// how may slots to add?
int32_t numSlotsUsed = *(int32_t *)p; p += 4;
// key size
int32_t ks = *(char *)p; p += 1;
// data size
int32_t ds = *(int16_t *)p; p += 2;
// flags (allowDups)
bool allowDups = *(char *)p; p += 1;
// init it
if ( ! set ( ks , ds , numSlots , NULL , 0 , allowDups , niceness,
"htxdeserial") )
return false;
// sanity check
if ( m_numSlots != numSlots ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// add keys etc. now
char *kp = p;
char *dpstart = p + ks * numSlotsUsed;
char *dp = dpstart;
// loop over all keys
for ( ; kp < dpstart ; kp += ks , dp += ds )
// add this pair. should NEVER fail
if ( ! addKey ( kp , dp ) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( m_numSlotsUsed != numSlotsUsed ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check
if ( bufSize >= 0 && dp > buf + bufSize ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// success
return true;
// . see how optimal the hashtable is
// . return max number of consectuive filled slots/buckets
int32_t HashTableX::getLongestString () {
int32_t count = 0;
int32_t max = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
if ( ! m_flags[i] ) { count = 0; continue; }
// inc it
if ( count > max ) max = count;
return max;
// . how many keys are dups
// . returns -1 on error
int32_t HashTableX::getNumDups() {
if ( ! m_allowDups ) return 0;
HashTableX tmp;
if ( ! tmp.set ( m_ks, 0, m_numSlots, NULL , 0 , false , m_niceness,
"htxtmp") )
return -1;
// put into that table
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// skip empty bucket
if ( ! m_flags[i] ) continue;
// get the key
char *kp = (char *)getKeyFromSlot(i);
// add to new table
if ( ! tmp.addKey ( kp ) ) return -1;
// the unqieus
int32_t uniques = tmp.m_numSlotsUsed;
// the dups
int32_t dups = m_numSlotsUsed - uniques;
// that's it
return dups;
// return 32-bit checksum of keys in table
int32_t HashTableX::getKeyChecksum32 () {
int32_t checksum = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// skip empty bucket
if ( ! m_flags[i] ) continue;
// get the key
char *kp = (char *)getKeyFromSlot(i);
// do it
if ( m_ks == 18 ) {
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+4);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+8);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+12);
checksum ^= *(int16_t *)(kp+16);
if ( m_ks == 28 ) {
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+4);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+8);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+12);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+16);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+20);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+24);
if ( m_ks == 16 ) {
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+4);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+8);
checksum ^= *(int32_t *)(kp+12);
// unsupported key size
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return checksum;
// print as text into sb for debugging
void HashTableX::print ( class SafeBuf *sb ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// skip empty bucket
if ( ! m_flags[i] ) continue;
// get the key
char *kp = (char *)getKeyFromSlot(i);
//char *dp = (char *)getValFromSlot(i);
// show key in hex
char *kstr = KEYSTR ( kp , m_ks );
//char *dstr = KEYSTR ( kp , m_ds );
// show key
//sb->safePrintf("\n%s -> %s", kstr , dstr );
sb->safePrintf("KEY %s\n", kstr );