198 lines
4.6 KiB
198 lines
4.6 KiB
// Matt Wells, copyright Nov 2008
#ifndef _IMAGES_H_
#define _IMAGES_H_
#include "Msg0.h"
#include "Msg36.h"
#include "Msg13.h"
#include "IndexList.h"
#include "MsgC.h"
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "HttpRequest.h" // FORMAT_HTML
#define MAX_IMAGES 500
// a single serialized thumbnail:
class ThumbnailInfo {
int32_t m_origDX;
int32_t m_origDY;
int32_t m_dx;
int32_t m_dy;
int32_t m_urlSize;
int32_t m_dataSize;
char m_buf[];
char *getUrl() { return m_buf; };
char *getData() { return m_buf + m_urlSize; };
int32_t getDataSize() { return m_dataSize; };
int32_t getSize () { return sizeof(ThumbnailInfo)+m_urlSize+m_dataSize;};
// make sure neither the x or y side is > maxSize
bool printThumbnailInHtml ( SafeBuf *sb ,
int32_t maxWidth,
int32_t maxHeight,
bool printLink ,
int32_t *newdx ,
char *style = NULL ,
char format = FORMAT_HTML ) ;
// XmlDoc::ptr_imgData is a ThumbnailArray
class ThumbnailArray {
// 1st byte if format version
char m_version;
// # of thumbs
int32_t m_numThumbnails;
// list of ThumbnailInfos
char m_buf[];
int32_t getNumThumbnails() { return m_numThumbnails;};
ThumbnailInfo *getThumbnailInfo ( int32_t x ) {
if ( x >= m_numThumbnails ) return NULL;
char *p = m_buf;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numThumbnails ; i++ ) {
if ( i == x ) return (ThumbnailInfo *)p;
ThumbnailInfo *ti = (ThumbnailInfo *)p;
p += ti->getSize();
return NULL;
class Images {
void reset();
// . hash the candidates with a gbimage: prefix
// . called by XmlDoc.cpp
// . used by Image.cpp for determining uniqueness of image
//bool hash ( int32_t trVersion ,
// class Xml *xml ,
// class Url *url ,
// class TermTable *table ,
// int32_t score );
// set the m_imageNodes[] array to the potential thumbnails
void setCandidates ( class Url *pageUrl ,
class Words *words ,
class Xml *xml ,
class Sections *sections ,
class XmlDoc *xd );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . "termFreq" should NOT be on the stack in case we block
// . sets *termFreq to UPPER BOUND on # of records with that "termId"
bool getThumbnail ( char *pageSite ,
int32_t siteLen ,
int64_t docId ,
class XmlDoc *xd ,
collnum_t collnum,
//char **statusPtr ,
int32_t hopCount,
void *state ,
void (*callback)(void *state) );
//char *getImageData () { return m_imgData; };
//int32_t getImageDataSize() { return m_imgDataSize; };
//int32_t getImageType () { return m_imageType; };
SafeBuf m_imageBuf;
bool m_imageBufValid;
int32_t m_phase;
bool gotTermFreq();
bool launchRequests();
void gotTermList();
bool downloadImages();
bool getImageIp();
bool downloadImage();
bool makeThumb();
char *getImageUrl ( int32_t j , int32_t *urlLen ) ;
//bool gotImage ( );
void thumbStart_r ( bool amThread );
int32_t m_i;
int32_t m_j;
class XmlDoc *m_xd;
// callback information
void *m_state ;
void (* m_callback)(void *state );
int32_t m_xysize;
bool m_setCalled;
int32_t m_errno;
int32_t m_hadError;
bool m_stopDownloading;
//char **m_statusPtr;
char m_statusBuf[128];
collnum_t m_collnum;
int64_t m_docId;
IndexList m_list;
int32_t m_latestIp;
MsgC m_msgc;
Url m_imageUrl;
int32_t m_numImages;
int32_t m_imageNodes[MAX_IMAGES];
// termids for doing gbimage:<url> lookups for uniqueness
int64_t m_termIds [MAX_IMAGES];
// for the msg0 lookup, did we have an error?
int32_t m_errors [MAX_IMAGES];
class Url *m_pageUrl;
class Xml *m_xml;
Msg13Request m_msg13Request;
// . for getting # of permalinks from same hopcount/site
// . we need at least 10 for the uniqueness test to be effective
Msg36 m_msg36;
// . for getting docids that have the image
// . for the uniqueness test
Msg0 m_msg0;
Msg13 m_msg13;
// download status
int32_t m_httpStatus;
// ptr to the image as downloaded
char *m_imgData;
int32_t m_imgDataSize;
int32_t m_imgType;
// udp slot buffer
char *m_imgReply;
int32_t m_imgReplyLen; // how many bytes the image is
int32_t m_imgReplyMaxLen; // allocated for the image
int32_t m_dx; // width of image in pixels
int32_t m_dy; // height of image in pixels
bool m_thumbnailValid; // is it a valid thumbnail image
// we store the thumbnail into m_imgBuf, overwriting the original img
int32_t m_thumbnailSize;
// the thumbnail dimensions
int32_t m_tdx;
int32_t m_tdy;