so do not add the dolebuf list of spiderrequests back into the cache, but just modify the "jump" in the first 4 bytes of the cached record. because when we re-added it back to the cache it created too much churn and we'd lose cached records unnecessarily.
644 lines
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644 lines
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// Matt Wells, Copyright May 2001
#ifndef _RDBLIST_H_
#define _RDBLIST_H_
* Core of the storage, this implements a list of <key><dataSize><data>.
* Additional documentation by Sam, May 15th 2015
* Compared to a standard vector, this class offers a few low level optimizations
* it seems, like compression of the keys when successive keys start with the same
* bits.
* The size of the key seems to be defined during creation (with maximum of 28 bytes,
* defined in type.h
* Sometimes, this type of list is used without any <data> (I guess in this case dataSize is 0)
* This is the case for the term-lists used in Msg2 for instance.
* Original documentation by Matt (2001?)
* RdbList is the heart of Rdb, Record DataBase
* an RdbList is a list of rdb records sorted by their keys.
* An rdb record is just a key with an optional dataSize and/or data
* All records in the RdbList must have keys in [m_startKey, m_endKey].
* TODO: speed up by using templates are by having 2-3 different RdbLists:
* 1 for dataLess Rdb's, 1 for fixedDataSize Rdb's, 1 for var dataSize
* m_useHalfKeys is only for IndexLists
* it is a compression method for key-only lists (data-less)
* it allows use of 6-byte keys if the last 12-byte key before has the same
* most significant 6 bytes
* this saves space and time (35% of indexdb can be cut)
* we cannot just override skipCurrentRecord(), etc. in IndexList because
* it would have to be a virtual function thing (ptr to a function) when
* called in RdbMap, Msg1, merge_r(), ... OR the callers would have
* to have a separate routine just for IndexLists
* for speed I opted to just add the m_useHalfKeys option to the RdbList
* class rather than have a virtual function or having to write lots of
* additional support routines for IndexLists
class RdbList {
// IndexList sees keys as termId/score/docId tuples
friend class IndexList; // this class is derived from RdbList
friend class RdbScan; // for hacking to make first key read 12 bytes
friend class RdbDump; // for hacking m_listPtrHi/m_listPtr
friend class RdbMap; // for call to RdbList::setListPtr()
friend class Msg1;
RdbList () ;
~RdbList () ;
void constructor();
void destructor ();
// sets m_listSize to 0, keeps any allocated buffer (m_alloc), however
void reset ( );
// like reset, but frees m_alloc/m_allocSize and resets all to 0
void freeList ( );
// return false and sets g_errno on error
bool copyList ( class RdbList *list );
// . set it to this list
// . "list" is a serialized sequence of rdb records sorted by key
// . startKey/endKey specifies the list's range
// . there may, however, be some keys in the list outside of the range
// . if "ownData" is true we free "list" on our reset/destruction
void set (char *list ,
int32_t listSize ,
char *alloc ,
int32_t allocSize ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t fixedDataSize ,
bool ownData ,
bool useHalfKeys ,
char keySize ); // 12 is default
// call the above set()
void set (char *list ,
int32_t listSize ,
char *alloc ,
int32_t allocSize ,
key_t startKey ,
key_t endKey ,
int32_t fixedDataSize ,
bool ownData ,
bool useHalfKeys ) {
set(list,listSize,alloc,allocSize,(char *)&startKey,
(char *)&endKey,fixedDataSize,ownData,useHalfKeys,
// like above but uses 0/maxKey for startKey/endKey
void set (char *list ,
int32_t listSize ,
char *alloc ,
int32_t allocSize ,
int32_t fixedDataSize ,
bool ownData ,
bool useHalfKeys ,
char keySize = sizeof(key_t) );
void setFromSafeBuf ( class SafeBuf *sb , char rdbId );
void setFromPtr ( char *p , int32_t psize , char rdbId ) ;
// just set the start and end keys
//void set ( key_t startKey , key_t endKey );
void set ( char *startKey , char *endKey );
void setStartKey ( key_t startKey ){
if ( m_ks!=12 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
KEYSET(m_startKey,(char *)&startKey,12);
//*((key_t *)m_startKey) = startKey; };
void setEndKey ( key_t endKey ){
if ( m_ks!=12 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
KEYSET(m_endKey,(char *)&endKey,12);
//*(key_t *)m_endKey = endKey ; };
void setStartKey ( char *startKey ){KEYSET(m_startKey,startKey,m_ks);};
void setEndKey ( char *endKey ){KEYSET(m_endKey ,endKey ,m_ks);};
void setUseHalfKeys ( bool use ) { m_useHalfKeys = use; };
// if you don't want data to be freed on destruction then don't own it
void setOwnData ( bool ownData ) { m_ownData = ownData; };
void setFixedDataSize ( int32_t fixedDataSize ) {
m_fixedDataSize = fixedDataSize; };
//key_t getStartKey () { return m_startKey; };
//key_t getEndKey () { return m_endKey; };
char *getStartKey () { return m_startKey; };
char *getEndKey () { return m_endKey; };
int32_t getFixedDataSize () { return m_fixedDataSize; };
bool getOwnData () { return m_ownData; };
void getStartKey ( char *k ) { KEYSET(k,m_startKey,m_ks);};
void getEndKey ( char *k ) { KEYSET(k,m_endKey ,m_ks);};
void getLastKey ( char *k ) {
if ( ! m_lastKeyIsValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// will scan through each record if record size is variable
int32_t getNumRecs () ;
// these operate on the whole list
char *getList () { return m_list; };
int32_t getListSize () { return m_listSize; };
char *getListEnd () { return m_list + m_listSize; };
//key_t getListStartKey () { return m_startKey; };
//key_t getListEndKey () { return m_endKey; };
char *getListStartKey () { return m_startKey; };
char *getListEndKey () { return m_endKey; };
// often these equal m_list/m_listSize, but they may encompass
char *getAlloc () { return m_alloc; };
int32_t getAllocSize () { return m_allocSize; };
// . skip over the current record and point to the next one
// . returns false if we skipped into a black hole (end of list)
bool skipCurrentRecord ( ) {
return skipCurrentRec ( getRecSize ( m_listPtr ) ); };
bool skipCurrentRec ( ) {
return skipCurrentRec ( getRecSize ( m_listPtr ) ); };
// this is specially-made for RdbMap's processing of IndexLists
bool skipCurrentRec ( int32_t recSize ) {
m_listPtr += recSize;
if ( m_listPtr >= m_listEnd ) return false;
if ( m_ks == 18 ) {
// a 6 byte key? do not change listPtrHi nor Lo
if ( m_listPtr[0] & 0x04 ) return true;
// a 12 byte key?
if ( m_listPtr[0] & 0x02 ) {
m_listPtrLo = m_listPtr + 6;
return true;
// if it's a full 18 byte key, change both ptrs
m_listPtrHi = m_listPtr + 12;
m_listPtrLo = m_listPtr + 6;
return true;
if ( m_useHalfKeys && ! isHalfBitOn ( m_listPtr ) )
m_listPtrHi = m_listPtr + (m_ks-6);
return true;
bool isExhausted () { return (m_listPtr >= m_listEnd); };
//key_t getCurrentKey () { return getKey ( m_listPtr );};
key_t getCurrentKey () {
key_t key ; getKey ( m_listPtr,(char *)&key ); return key; };
void getCurrentKey (void *key) { getKey(m_listPtr,(char *)key);};
int32_t getCurrentDataSize () { return getDataSize ( m_listPtr );};
char *getCurrentData () { return getData ( m_listPtr );};
int32_t getCurrentRecSize () { return getRecSize ( m_listPtr );};
int32_t getCurrentSize () { return m_listEnd - m_listPtr; };
char *getCurrentRec () { return m_listPtr; };
char *getListPtr () { return m_listPtr; };
char *getListPtrHi () { return m_listPtrHi; };
void resetListPtr () ;
// are there any records in the list?
bool isEmpty ( ) { return (m_listSize == 0); };
// . add this record to the end of the list, @ m_list+m_listSize
// . returns false and sets errno on error
// . grows list (m_allocSize) if we need more space
//bool addRecord ( key_t &key , int32_t dataSize , char *data ,
bool addRecord ( key_t &key , int32_t dataSize , char *data ,
bool bitch = true ) {
return addRecord ((char *)&key,dataSize,data,bitch); };
bool addRecord ( char *key , int32_t dataSize , char *data ,
bool bitch = true );
//bool addKey ( key_t &key );
// . record has key included in this case
// . returns false and sets errno on error
// . grows list (m_allocSize) if we need more space
bool addRecordRaw ( char *rec , int32_t recSize );
// . constrain a list to [startKey,endKey]
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . only called by Msg3.cpp for 1 list reads to avoid memmov()'ing
// and malloc()'ing
// . may change m_list and/or m_listSize
//bool constrain ( key_t startKey ,
// key_t endKey ,
bool constrain ( char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
int32_t hintOffset ,
//key_t hintKey ,
char *hintKey ,
char *filename ,
int32_t niceness ) ;
// . this MUST be called before calling merge_r()
// . will alloc enough space for m_listSize + sizes of "lists"
bool prepareForMerge ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
int32_t minRecSizes = -1 );
// . merge the lists into this list
// . set our startKey/endKey to "startKey"/"endKey"
// . exclude any records from lists not in that range
void merge_r ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
bool removeNegRecs ,
char rdbId ,
int32_t *filtered ,
int32_t *tfns , // used for titledb
RdbList *tfndbList , // used for titledb
bool isRealMerge ,
int32_t niceness );
// . we now use half keys for Tfndb, cuts mem usage in half.
// . Tfndb keys are special in that we ignore the 'f' and C' bits
// when comparing keys in this routine
bool indexMerge_r ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
bool removeNegKeys ,
//key_t prevKey ,
char *prevKey ,
int32_t *prevCountPtr ,
int32_t truncLimit ,
int32_t *dupsRemoved ,
//bool isTfndb ,
char rdbId ,
int32_t *filtered ,
bool doGroupMask , //= true ,
bool isRealMerge , //= false );
bool useBigRootList ,
int32_t niceness );
bool indexMerge_r ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
key_t startKey ,
key_t endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
bool removeNegKeys ,
key_t prevKey ,
int32_t *prevCountPtr ,
int32_t truncLimit ,
int32_t *dupsRemoved ,
//bool isTfndb ,
char rdbId ,
int32_t *filtered ,
bool doGroupMask ,//= true ,
bool isRealMerge ,//= false ) {
bool useBigRootList ,
int32_t niceness ) {
return indexMerge_r ( lists ,
numLists ,
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
removeNegKeys ,
(char *)&prevKey ,
prevCountPtr ,
truncLimit ,
dupsRemoved ,
//isTfndb ,
rdbId ,
filtered ,
doGroupMask ,
isRealMerge ,
useBigRootList ,
niceness ); };
bool posdbMerge_r ( RdbList **lists ,
int32_t numLists ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes ,
bool removeNegKeys ,
int32_t *filtered ,
bool doGroupMask ,
bool isRealMerge ,
int32_t niceness ) ;
// returns false if we skipped into a black hole (end of list)
int32_t getRecSize ( char *rec ) {
// posdb?
if ( m_ks == 18 ) {
if ( rec[0]&0x04 ) return 6;
if ( rec[0]&0x02 ) return 12;
return 18;
if ( m_useHalfKeys ) {
//if ( isHalfBitOn(rec) ) return 6;
if ( isHalfBitOn(rec) ) return m_ks-6;
//return sizeof(key_t);
return m_ks;
//if (m_fixedDataSize == 0) return sizeof(key_t);
//if (m_fixedDataSize >0) return sizeof(key_t)+m_fixedDataSize;
//return *(int32_t *)(rec + sizeof(key_t)) + sizeof(key_t) + 4 ;
if (m_fixedDataSize == 0) return m_ks;
// negative keys always have no datasize entry
if ( (rec[0] & 0x01) == 0 ) return m_ks;
if (m_fixedDataSize > 0) return m_ks+m_fixedDataSize;
return *(int32_t *)(rec + m_ks) + m_ks + 4 ;
// . is the format bit set? that means it's a 12-byte key
// . used exclusively for index lists (indexdb)
// . see Indexdb.h for format of the 12-byte and 6-byte indexdb keys
bool isHalfBitOn ( char *rec ) { return ( *rec & 0x02 ); };
bool useHalfKeys () { return m_useHalfKeys; };
char *getData ( char *rec ) ;
int32_t getDataSize ( char *rec ) ;
void getKey ( char *rec , char *key ) ;
key_t getKey ( char *rec ) {
key_t k; getKey(rec,(char *)&k); return k; };
// . merge_r() sets m_lastKey for the list it merges the others into
// . otherwise, this may be invalid
//key_t getLastKey ( ) ;
char *getLastKey ( ) ;
//void setLastKey ( key_t k );
void setLastKey ( char *k );
// sometimes we don't have a valid m_lastKey because it is only
// set in calls to constrain(), merge_r() and indexMerge_r()
bool isLastKeyValid () { return m_lastKeyIsValid; };
//key_t getFirstKey ( ) { return *(key_t *)m_list; };
char *getFirstKey ( ) { return m_list; };
bool growList ( int32_t newSize ) ;
// . check to see if keys in order
// . logs any problems
// . set "removedNegRecs" to true if neg recs should have been removed
// . sleeps if any problems encountered
bool checkList_r ( bool removedNegRecs , bool sleepOnProblem = true ,
char rdbId = 0 ); // RDB_NONE );
// . removes records whose keys aren't in proper range (corruption)
// . returns false and sets errno on error/problem
bool removeBadData_r ( ) ;
// . print out the list (uses log())
int printList ();
void setListPtrs ( char *p , char *hi ) {m_listPtr=p;m_listPtrHi=hi;};
void setListSize ( int32_t size ) { m_listSize = size; };
//void testIndexMerge ( );
// private:
bool checkIndexList_r ( bool removedNegRecs , bool sleepOnProblem );
// so RdbDump can avoid dumping out neg recs the first time it
// dumps to a file.
//void removeNegRecs ();
// the unalterd raw list. keys may be outside of [m_startKey,m_endKey]
char *m_list;
int32_t m_listSize; // how many bytes we're using for a list
//key_t m_startKey;
//key_t m_endKey;
char m_startKey [ MAX_KEY_BYTES ];
// the list contains all the keys in [m_startKey,m_endKey] so make
// sure if the list is truncated by minrecsizes that you decrease
// m_endKey so this is still true. seems like zak did not do that
// for rdbbuckets code.
char m_endKey [ MAX_KEY_BYTES ];
char *m_listEnd; // = m_list + m_listSize
char *m_listPtr; // points to current record in list
int32_t m_allocSize; // how many bytes we've allocated at m_alloc
char *m_alloc ; // start of chunk that was allocated
// m_fixedDataSize is -1 if records are variable length,
// 0 for data-less records (keys only) and N for records of dataSize N
int32_t m_fixedDataSize;
// this is set to the last key in this list if we were made by merge()
//key_t m_lastKey;
char m_lastKey [ MAX_KEY_BYTES ];
bool m_lastKeyIsValid;
// max list rec sizes to merge as set by prepareForMerge()
int32_t m_mergeMinListSize;
// . this points to the most significant 6 bytes of a key
// . only valid if m_useHalfKeys is true
char *m_listPtrHi;
// for the secondary compression bit for posdb
char *m_listPtrLo;
// do we own the list data (m_list)? if so free it on destruction
bool m_ownData;
// are keys compressed? only used for index lists right now
bool m_useHalfKeys;
// keysize, usually 12, for 12 bytes. can be 16 for date index (datedb)
char m_ks;
// if first key is only 6 bytes, we store the top 6 here and
// point m_listPtrHi to it when list ptrs are reset
//char m_tmp[6];
// . inline this which compares to keys split into 6 byte ptrs
// . returns -1, 0 , 1 if a < b , a == b , a > b
// . for comparison purposes, we must set 0x02 (half bits) on all keys
// so negative keys will always be ordered before their positive
inline char cmp ( char *alo , char *ahi , char *blo , char *bhi ) {
if (*(uint32_t *)(&ahi[2])<*(uint32_t *)&bhi[2]) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&ahi[2])>*(uint32_t *)&bhi[2]) return 1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ahi )<*(uint16_t *)bhi ) return -1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ahi )>*(uint16_t *)bhi ) return 1;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&alo[2])<*(uint32_t *)&blo[2]) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&alo[2])>*(uint32_t *)&blo[2]) return 1;
// we now ignore the half bit
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x02) <
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x02) ) return -1;
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x02) >
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x02) ) return 1;
return 0;
// man, inline is not working... don't count on it
#define fcmp(alo,ahi,blo,bhi) \
(*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? 1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) < \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? -1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) > \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? 1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? 1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x02) < \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x02) ? -1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x02) > \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x02) ? 1 \
: 0 ))))))))
// like above but we treat positive and negative keys as identical
#define fcmp2(alo,ahi,blo,bhi) \
(*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? 1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) < \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? -1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) > \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? 1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? 1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) < \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? -1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) > \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? 1 \
: 0 ))))))))
// like above but we treat positive and negative keys as identical
#define fcmp2low(alo,blo) \
(*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? 1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) < \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? -1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) > \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? 1 \
: 0 ))))
// . like above but this compares Tfndb keys so it ignores the tfn bits
// . see Tfndb.h for the bit map of a Tfndb key
inline char cmp2b ( char *alo , char *ahi , char *blo , char *bhi ) {
//if(*(uint32_t *)(&ahi[2])<*(uint32_t *)&bhi[2])return -1;
//if(*(uint32_t *)(&ahi[2])>*(uint32_t *)&bhi[2])return 1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( ahi )<*(uint32_t *)bhi ) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( ahi )>*(uint32_t *)bhi ) return 1;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&alo[2])<*(uint32_t *)&blo[2]) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&alo[2])>*(uint32_t *)&blo[2]) return 1;
// . we ignore the half bit AND tfn bits (see Tfndb.h key bitmap)
// . now we also treat negative and positive keys as the same
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x03ff) <
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x03ff) ) return -1;
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x03ff) >
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x03ff) ) return 1;
return 0;
inline char cmp2b ( char *alo , char *ahi , char *blo , char *bhi ) {
if (*(uint32_t *)(&ahi[2])!=*(uint32_t *)&bhi[2]) return 0;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ahi )!=*(uint16_t *)bhi ) return 0;
if (*(uint32_t *)(&alo[2])!=*(uint32_t *)&blo[2]) return 0;
// we now ignore the half bit AND f bits and C bit (see Tfndb.h bitmap)
// AND set negative bit on blo
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x03fe) !=
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x03ff) ) return 0;
return 1;
// this is for 16-byte keys
#define bfcmp(alo,ahi,blo,bhi) \
(*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? 1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) < \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? -1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) > \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? 1 \
: (*(uint64_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] < \
*(uint64_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint64_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] > \
*(uint64_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? 1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x02) < \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x02) ? -1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x02) > \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x02) ? 1 \
: 0 ))))))))
// like above but we treat positive and negative keys as identical
#define bfcmp2(alo,ahi,blo,bhi) \
(*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] < \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint32_t *)&((char *)ahi)[2] > \
*(uint32_t *)&((char *)bhi)[2] ? 1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) < \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? -1 \
: (*(uint16_t *) ((char *)ahi) > \
*(uint16_t *) ((char *)bhi) ? 1 \
: (*(uint64_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] < \
*(uint64_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? -1 \
: (*(uint64_t *)&((char *)alo)[2] > \
*(uint64_t *)&((char *)blo)[2] ? 1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) < \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? -1 \
:(((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)alo) )|0x03) > \
((*(uint16_t *) ((char *)blo) )|0x03) ? 1 \
: 0 ))))))))
inline char bfcmpPosdb ( char *alo , char *ame , char *ahi ,
char *blo , char *bme , char *bhi ) {
if (*(uint32_t *)( ahi+2 )<*(uint32_t *)(bhi+2)) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( ahi+2 )>*(uint32_t *)(bhi+2)) return 1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ahi )<*(uint16_t *)(bhi )) return -1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ahi )>*(uint16_t *)(bhi )) return 1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( ame+2 )<*(uint32_t *)(bme+2)) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( ame+2 )>*(uint32_t *)(bme+2)) return 1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ame )<*(uint16_t *)(bme )) return -1;
if (*(uint16_t *)( ame )>*(uint16_t *)(bme )) return 1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( alo+2 )<*(uint32_t *)(blo+2)) return -1;
if (*(uint32_t *)( alo+2 )>*(uint32_t *)(blo+2)) return 1;
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x0007) <
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x0007) ) return -1;
if ( ((*(uint16_t *)( alo ))|0x0007) >
((*(uint16_t *) blo )|0x0007) ) return 1;
return 0;