Conflicts: Collectiondb.cpp Collectiondb.h Conf.cpp Conf.h Msg39.cpp PageEvents.cpp PageResults.cpp PageTurk.cpp Pages.cpp Parms.cpp Posdb.cpp Proxy.cpp Query.cpp Query.h RdbBase.cpp RdbMap.cpp Repair.cpp Repair.h SafeBuf.cpp Spider.cpp Tagdb.cpp TopTree.cpp XmlDoc.cpp main.cpp
239 lines
5.7 KiB
239 lines
5.7 KiB
// Copyright Gigablast, Inc. Mar 2007
#ifndef _REPAIR_H_
#define _REPAIR_H_
#include "RdbList.h"
#include "Msg5.h"
#include "RdbCache.h"
#include "Msg1.h"
#include "Msg4.h"
//#include "Msg23.h"
//#include "LinkText.h"
//#include "Msg14.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
//#include "TitleRec.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
#define SR_BUFSIZE 2048
extern char g_repairMode;
extern bool g_callAllHostsReady;
extern bool g_saveRepairState;
class Repair {
// is the scan active and adding recs to the secondary rdbs?
bool isRepairActive() ;
bool init();
//void allHostsReady();
void initScan();
void resetForNewCollection();
void getNextCollToRepair();
bool loop( void *state = NULL );
bool dumpLoop();
void resetSecondaryRdbs();
bool dumpsCompleted();
void updateRdbs ( ) ;
// titledbscan functions
bool scanRecs();
bool gotScanRecList ( );
//bool gotTfndbList ( );
//bool getTagRec ( void **state ) ;
bool getTitleRec ( );
bool injectTitleRec ( ) ; // TitleRec *tr );
//bool computeRecs ( );
//bool getRootQuality ( );
//bool addToSpiderdb2 ( ) ;
//bool addToTfndb2 ( );
//bool addToChecksumdb2 ( );
//bool addToClusterdb2 ( );
//bool addToIndexdb2 ( );
//bool addToIndexdb2b( );
//bool addToDatedb2 ( );
//bool addToTitledb2 ( );
//bool addToLinkdb2 ( );
// spiderdb scan functions
//bool scanSpiderdb ( );
//bool getTfndbListPart2 ( );
//bool getTagRecPart2 ( );
//bool getRootQualityPart2 ( );
//bool addToSpiderdb2Part2 ( );
//bool addToTfndb2Part2 ( );
// called by Pages.cpp
bool printRepairStatus ( SafeBuf *sb , int32_t fromIp );
// if we core, call these so repair can resume where it left off
bool save();
bool load();
bool m_completed;
// general scan vars
Msg5 m_msg5;
Msg5 m_msg5b;
Msg4 m_msg4;
bool m_needsCallback;
//Msg50 m_msg50;
char m_docQuality;
//Msg14 m_msg14;
//RdbList m_scanList;
RdbList m_titleRecList;
int64_t m_docId;
char m_isDelete;
RdbList m_ulist;
RdbList m_addlist;
//int32_t m_ruleset;
//LinkTextReply m_rootLinkText;
int64_t m_totalMem;
int32_t m_stage ;
int32_t m_tfn;
int32_t m_count;
bool m_updated;
//key_t m_currentTitleRecKey; // for tfndb
// titledb scan vars
//key_t m_nextRevdbKey;
key_t m_nextTitledbKey;
key_t m_nextSpiderdbKey;
//key_t m_nextIndexdbKey;
key_t m_nextPosdbKey;
//key_t m_nextDatedbKey;
key128_t m_nextLinkdbKey;
//key128_t m_nextPlacedbKey;
key_t m_endKey;
int64_t m_uh48;
//TitleRec m_tr;
//Msg8a m_msg8a;
int32_t m_priority;
uint64_t m_contentHash;
//key_t m_tfndbKey;
//char m_checksumdbKey[32];
key_t m_clusterdbKey ;
key_t m_spiderdbKey;
char m_srBuf[SR_BUFSIZE];
char m_tmpBuf[32];
IndexList *m_newIndexList;
IndexList *m_dateListToAdd;
IndexList *m_noSplitList;
RdbList m_linkdbListToAdd;
uint64_t m_chksum1LongLong;
XmlDoc m_doc;
// spiderdb scan vars
bool m_isNew;
//SpiderRec m_sr;
//SiteRec m_siteRec;
TagRec m_tagRec;
// . state info
// . indicator of what we save to disk
char m_SAVE_START;
int64_t m_lastDocId;
int64_t m_prevDocId;
bool m_completedFirstScan ;
bool m_completedSpiderdbScan ;
//bool m_completedIndexdbScan ;
//key_t m_lastRevdbKey;
key_t m_lastTitledbKey;
key_t m_lastSpiderdbKey;
int64_t m_recsScanned;
int64_t m_recsOutOfOrder;
int64_t m_recsetErrors;
int64_t m_recsCorruptErrors;
int64_t m_recsXmlErrors;
int64_t m_recsDupDocIds;
int64_t m_recsNegativeKeys;
int64_t m_recsOverwritten;
int64_t m_recsUnassigned;
int64_t m_noTitleRecs;
int64_t m_recsWrongGroupId;
int64_t m_recsRoot;
int64_t m_recsNonRoot;
int64_t m_recsInjected;
//int32_t m_fn;
// spiderdb scan stats
int32_t m_spiderRecsScanned ;
int32_t m_spiderRecSetErrors ;
int32_t m_spiderRecNotAssigned ;
int32_t m_spiderRecBadTLD ;
// generic scan parms
char m_rebuildTitledb ;
//char m_rebuildIndexdb ;
char m_rebuildPosdb ;
//char m_rebuildNoSplits ;
//char m_rebuildDatedb ;
//char m_rebuildTfndb ;
//char m_rebuildChecksumdb ;
char m_rebuildClusterdb ;
char m_rebuildSpiderdb ;
char m_rebuildSitedb ;
char m_rebuildLinkdb ;
char m_rebuildTagdb ;
//char m_rebuildPlacedb ;
//char m_rebuildSectiondb ;
//char m_rebuildRevdb ;
char m_fullRebuild ;
//char m_removeBadPages ;
char m_rebuildRoots ;
char m_rebuildNonRoots ;
// current collection being repaired
//int32_t m_collLen;
collnum_t m_collnum;
char m_newColl[MAX_COLL_LEN];
int32_t m_newCollLen;
collnum_t m_newCollnum;
// . m_colli is the index into m_colls
// . m_colli is the index into g_collectiondb.m_recs if the list
// of collections to repair was empty
int32_t m_colli;
// list of collections to repair, only valid of g_conf.m_collsToRepair
// is not empty
int32_t m_collOffs[100];
int32_t m_collLens[100];
int32_t m_numColls;
// end the stuff to be saved
char m_SAVE_END;
// i'd like to save these but they are ptrs
//char *m_coll;
CollectionRec *m_cr;
//for timing a repair process
int64_t m_startTime;
// if repairing is disabled in the middle of a repair
char m_isSuspended;
// keep track of how many injects we have out
int32_t m_numOutstandingInjects;
bool m_allowInjectToLoop;
// sanity check
bool m_msg5InUse ;
bool m_saveRepairState;
bool m_isRetrying;
// the global class
extern Repair g_repair;