170 lines
5.4 KiB
170 lines
5.4 KiB
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Revdb.h"
#include "Threads.h"
Revdb g_revdb;
Revdb g_revdb2;
// reset rdb
void Revdb::reset() { m_rdb.reset(); }
// init our rdb
bool Revdb::init ( ) {
int64_t maxTreeMem = 200000000;
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . assume avg RevRec size (compressed html doc) is about 1k we get:
// . NOTE: overhead is about 32 bytes per node
int32_t maxTreeNodes = maxTreeMem / (1*1024);
// each entry in the cache is usually just a single record, no lists
int32_t maxCacheNodes = 0;//g_conf.m_revdbMaxCacheMem / (10*1024);
// initialize our own internal rdb
if ( ! m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"revdb" ,
true , // dedup same keys?
-1 , // fixed record size
// this should not really be changed...
2 , // min files to merge
maxTreeMem,//g_conf.m_revdbMaxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
// now we balance so Sync.cpp can ordered huge list
true , // balance tree?
0 , // cache mem
maxCacheNodes ,
false ,// half keys?
false ,// g_conf.m_revdbSav
NULL , // page cache ptr
false ) )// is titledb?
return false;
return true;
// init the rebuild/secondary rdb, used by PageRepair.cpp
bool Revdb::init2 ( int32_t treeMem ) {
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . assume avg RevRec size (compressed html doc) is about 1k we get:
// . NOTE: overhead is about 32 bytes per node
int32_t maxTreeNodes = treeMem / (1*1024);
// initialize our own internal rdb
if ( ! m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"revdbRebuild" ,
true , // dedup same keys?
-1 , // fixed record size
240 , // MinFilesToMerge
treeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
// now we balance so Sync.cpp can ordered huge list
true , // balance tree?
0 , // MaxCacheMem ,
0 , // maxCacheNodes
false , // half keys?
false , // revdbSaveCache
NULL , // page cache ptr
false ) )// is titledb?
return false;
return true;
bool Revdb::addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify ) {
if ( ! m_rdb.addColl ( coll ) ) return false;
if ( ! doVerify ) return true;
// verify
if ( verify(coll) ) return true;
// if not allowing scale, return false
if ( ! g_conf.m_allowScale ) return false;
// otherwise let it go
log ( "db: Verify failed, but scaling is allowed, passing." );
return true;
bool Revdb::verify ( char *coll ) {
log ( LOG_INFO, "db: Verifying Revdb for coll %s...", coll );
Msg5 msg5;
Msg5 msg5b;
RdbList list;
key_t startKey;
key_t endKey;
//int32_t minRecSizes = 64000;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(coll);
if ( ! msg5.getList ( RDB_REVDB ,
cr->m_collnum ,
&list ,
startKey ,
endKey ,
1024*1024 , // minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree ,
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
NULL , // state
NULL , // callback
0 , // niceness
false , // err correction?
NULL , // cache key ptr
0 , // retry num
-1 , // maxRetries
true , // compensate for merge
-1LL , // sync point
&msg5b ,
false )) {
return log("db: HEY! it did not block");
int32_t count = 0;
int32_t got = 0;
for ( list.resetListPtr() ; ! list.isExhausted() ;
list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
key_t k = list.getCurrentKey();
//uint32_t groupId = getGroupId ( RDB_REVDB , &k );
//if ( groupId == g_hostdb.m_groupId ) got++;
uint32_t shardNum = getShardNum( RDB_REVDB , &k );
if ( shardNum == getMyShardNum() ) got++;
if ( got != count ) {
log ("db: Out of first %"INT32" records in revdb, "
"only %"INT32" belong to our group.",count,got);
// exit if NONE, we probably got the wrong data
if ( count > 10 && got == 0 )
log("db: Are you sure you have the right "
"data in the right directory? "
log ( "db: Exiting due to Revdb inconsistency." );
return g_conf.m_bypassValidation;
log ( LOG_INFO, "db: Revdb passed verification successfully for %"INT32""
" recs.", count );
return true;
// . make the key of a RevRec from a docId
// . remember to set the low bit so it's not a delete
// . hi bits are set in the key
key_t Revdb::makeKey ( int64_t docId, bool isDel ){
key_t key ;
key.n1 = 0;
// shift up for delbit
key.n0 = ((uint64_t)docId) << 1;
// final del bit
if ( ! isDel ) key.n0 |= 0x01;
return key;
int64_t Revdb::getDocId ( key_t *k ) {
return (k->n0 >> 1);