2021-05-06 01:52:55 +10:00

1176 lines
32 KiB

#include "gb-include.h"
#include "SearchInput.h"
#include "Parms.h" // g_parms
//#include "CollectionRec.h" // cr
#include "Pages.h" // g_msg
#include "LanguageIdentifier.h"
#include "CountryCode.h"
#include "geo_ip_table.h"
#include "Users.h"
#include "Address.h" // getLatLonFromUserInput
#include "Timedb.h"
#include "PageResults.h"
//char getFormatFromRequest ( class HttpRequest *hr ) ;
SearchInput::SearchInput() {
SearchInput::~SearchInput() {
void SearchInput::reset ( ) {
//void SearchInput::setToDefaults ( CollectionRec *cr , int32_t niceness ) {
void SearchInput::clear ( int32_t niceness ) {
// reset it first
// set all to 0 just to avoid any inconsistencies
int32_t size = (char *)&m_END_TEST - (char *)&m_START;
memset ( &m_START , 0x00 , size );
// set these
m_numLinesInSummary = 2;
m_docsWanted = 10;
m_boolFlag = 2;
m_maxQueryTerms = 1000;
m_niceness = niceness;
//m_defaultSortLanguageLen = 0;
// . make a key for caching the search results page based on this input
// . do not use all vars, like the m_*ToDisplay should not be included
key_t SearchInput::makeKey ( ) {
// hash the query
int32_t n = m_q.getNumTerms ();
//int64_t *termIds = m_q.getTermIds ();
//char *signs = m_q.getTermSigns ();
key_t k;
k.n1 = 0;
//k.n0 = hash64 ( (char *)termIds , n * sizeof(int64_t) );
//k.n0 = hash64 ( (char *)signs , n , k.n0 );
// user defined weights, for weighting each query term separately
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
k.n0 = hash64 ((char *)&m_q.m_qterms[i].m_termId ,4, k.n0);
k.n0 = hash64 ((char *)&m_q.m_qterms[i].m_termSign ,1, k.n0);
k.n0 = hash64 ((char *)&m_q.m_qterms[i].m_userWeight,4, k.n0);
k.n0 = hash64 ((char *)&m_q.m_qterms[i].m_userType ,1, k.n0);
// space separated, NULL terminated, list of meta tag names to display
if ( m_displayMetas )
k.n0 = hash64b ( m_displayMetas , k.n0 );
// name of collection in external cluster to get titleRecs for
// related pages from
//if ( m_rp_getExternalPages && m_rp_externalColl )
// k.n0 = hash64b ( m_rp_externalColl , k.n0 );
// collection e import from
//if ( m_importColl )
// k.n0 = hash64b ( m_importColl , k.n0 );
// the special query parm
//if ( m_sq && m_sqLen > 0 )
// k.n0 = hash64 ( m_sq , m_sqLen , k.n0 );
//if ( m_noDocIds && m_noDocIdsLen )
// k.n0 = hash64 ( m_noDocIds , m_noDocIdsLen , k.n0 );
//if ( m_noSiteIds && m_noSiteIdsLen )
// k.n0 = hash64 ( m_noSiteIds , m_noSiteIdsLen , k.n0 );
// no need to hash these again separately, they are in between
// m_START and m_END_HASH
// language
//if ( m_language )
// k.n0 = hash64 ( m_language , k.n0 );
//if ( m_gblang )
// k.n0 = hash64 ( m_gblang , k.n0 );
// . now include the hash of the search parameters
// . nnot including m_docsToScanForTopics since since we got TopicGroups
char *a = ((char *)&m_START) + 4 ; // msg40->m_dpf;
char *b = (char *)&m_END_HASH ; // msg40->m_topicGroups;
int32_t size = b - a;
// push and flush some parms that should not contribute
//int32_t save1 = m_refs_numToDisplay;
//int32_t save2 = m_rp_numToDisplay;
//int32_t save3 = m_numTopicsToDisplay;
//m_refs_numToDisplay = 0;
//m_rp_numToDisplay = 0;
//m_numTopicsToDisplay = 0;
// and hash it all up
k.n0 = hash64 ( a , size , k.n0 );
// and pop out the parms that did not contribute
//m_refs_numToDisplay = save1;
//m_rp_numToDisplay = save2;
//m_numTopicsToDisplay = save3;
// hash each topic group
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numTopicGroups ; i++ ) {
TopicGroup *t = &m_topicGroups[i];
//k.n0 = hash64 ( t->m_numTopics , k.n0 );
k.n0 = hash64 ( t->m_maxTopics , k.n0 );
k.n0 = hash64 ( t->m_docsToScanForTopics , k.n0 );
k.n0 = hash64 ( t->m_minTopicScore , k.n0 );
k.n0 = hash64 ( t->m_maxWordsPerTopic , k.n0 );
k.n0 = hash64b( t->m_meta , k.n0 );
k.n0 = hash64 ( t->m_delimeter , k.n0 );
k.n0 = hash64 ( t->m_useIdfForTopics , k.n0 );
k.n0 = hash64 ( t->m_dedup , k.n0 );
// . boolean queries have operators (AND OR NOT ( ) ) that we need
// to consider in this hash as well. so
// . so just hash the whole damn query
if ( m_q.m_isBoolean ) {
char *q = m_q.getQuery();
int32_t qlen = m_q.getQueryLen();
k.n0 = hash64 ( q , qlen , k.n0 );
// Language stuff
//k.n0 = hash64(m_defaultSortLanguage, m_defaultSortLanguageLen, k.n0);
//k.n0 = hash64(m_defaultSortCountry , m_defaultSortCountryLen , k.n0);
// debug
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: q=%s k.n0=%"UINT64"",m_q.getQuery(),k.n0);
//Msg1aParms* m1p = msg40->getReferenceParms();
//if( m1p ) {
// k.n0=hash64(((char*)m1p)+sizeof(int32_t),
// sizeof(Msg1aParms)-8,k.n0);
return k;
void SearchInput::test ( ) {
// set all to 0 just to avoid any inconsistencies
char *a = ((char *)&m_START) + 4 ; // msg40->m_dpf;
char *b = (char *)&m_END_TEST;
int32_t size = b - a;
memset ( a , 0x00 , size );
// loop through all possible cgi parms to set SearchInput
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_parms.m_numSearchParms ; i++ ) {
Parm *m = g_parms.m_searchParms[i];
char *x = (char *)this + m->m_off;
if ( m->m_type != TYPE_BOOL ) *(int32_t *)x = 0xffffffff;
else *(char *)x = 0xff;
// ensure we're all zeros now!
int32_t fix = a - (char *)this;
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)a;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
if ( p[i] == 0xff ) continue;
// find it
int32_t off = i + fix;
char *name = NULL; // "unknown";
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < g_parms.m_numSearchParms ; k++ ) {
Parm *m = g_parms.m_searchParms[k];
if ( m->m_off != off ) continue;
name = m->m_title;
if ( ! name ) continue;
log("query: Got uncovered SearchInput parm at offset "
"%"INT32" in SearchInput. name=%s.",off,name);
void SearchInput::copy ( class SearchInput *si ) {
gbmemcpy ( (char *)this , (char *)si , sizeof(SearchInput) );
class SearchInput *g_si = NULL;
bool SearchInput::set ( TcpSocket *sock , HttpRequest *r ) { //, Query *q ) {
// store list of collection #'s to search here. usually just one.
// zero out everything, set niceness to 0
clear ( 0 ) ;
// save it now
m_sock = sock;
// still his buffer. m_hr will free the stuff, but "r" can
// still access it for the time being, and not free it
m_hr.stealBuf ( r );
char *coll = g_collectiondb.getDefaultColl ( r );
// build "m_collnumBuf" to consist of all the collnums we should
// be searching.
m_firstCollnum = -1;
// set this to the collrec of the first valid collnum we encounter
CollectionRec *cr = NULL;
// now convert list of space-separated coll names into list of collnums
char *p = r->getString("c",NULL);
// if no collection list was specified look for "token=" and
// use those to make collections. hack for diffbot.
char *token = r->getString("token",NULL);
// find all collections under this token
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
// must not have a "&c="
if ( p ) break;
// must have a "&token="
if ( ! token ) break;
// skip if empty
CollectionRec *tmpcr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[i];
if ( ! tmpcr ) continue;
// skip if does not match token
if ( strcmp(token,tmpcr->m_diffbotToken.getBufStart()) )
// . we got a match
// . set initial junk
if ( ! cr ) {
cr = tmpcr;
m_firstCollnum = tmpcr->m_collnum;
// save the collection #
if ( ! m_collnumBuf.safeMemcpy ( &tmpcr->m_collnum,
sizeof(collnum_t) ) )
return false;
// if we had a "&c=..." in the GET request process that
if ( p ) {
char *end = p;
for ( ; *end && ! is_wspace_a(*end) ; end++ );
// temp null
char c = *end;
*end = '\0';
CollectionRec *tmpcr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( p );
// set defaults from the FIRST one
if ( tmpcr && ! cr ) {
cr = tmpcr;
m_firstCollnum = tmpcr->m_collnum;
if ( ! tmpcr ) {
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
log("query: missing collection %s",p);
g_msg = " (error: no such collection)";
return false;
// add to our list
if (!m_collnumBuf.safeMemcpy(&tmpcr->m_collnum,
return false;
// restore the \0 character we wrote in there
*end = c;
// advance
p = end;
// skip to next collection name if there is one
while ( *p && is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// now add it's collection # to m_collnumBuf if there
if ( *p ) goto loop;
// use default collection if none provided
if ( ! p && ! token && m_collnumBuf.length() <= 0 ) {
// get default collection rec
cr = g_collectiondb.getRec (coll);
// add to our list
if ( cr &&
return false;
// END BUILDING m_collnumBuf
// save the collrec
m_cr = cr;
// must have had one
if ( ! cr ) {
log("si: si. collection does not exist");
// if we comment the below out then it cores in setToDefault!
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
return false;
// and set from the http request. will set m_coll, etc.
g_parms.setToDefault ( (char *)this , OBJ_SI , cr );
// set defaults of some things based on format language
// get the format. "xml" "html" "json" --> FORMAT_HTML, FORMAT_CSV ...
char tmpFormat = m_hr.getReplyFormat();//getFormatFromRequest ( &m_hr);
// now override automatic defaults for special cases
if ( tmpFormat != FORMAT_HTML ) {
m_familyFilter = 0;
m_numTopicsToDisplay = 0;
m_doQueryHighlighting = 0;
//m_spellCheck = 0;
m_getDocIdScoringInfo = false;
// turn gigabits off by default if not html
//m_docsToScanForTopics = 0;
// if they have a list of sites...
if ( m_sites && m_sites[0] ) {
m_doSiteClustering = false;
m_ipRestrictForTopics = false;
// and set from the http request. will set m_coll, etc.
g_parms.setFromRequest ( &m_hr , sock , cr , (char *)this , OBJ_SI );
if ( m_streamResults &&
tmpFormat != FORMAT_XML &&
tmpFormat != FORMAT_CSV &&
tmpFormat != FORMAT_JSON ) {
log("si: streamResults only supported for "
"xml/csv/json. disabling");
m_streamResults = false;
m_coll = coll;
// it sets m_formatStr above, but we gotta set this...
m_format = tmpFormat;
// fix some parms
// set m_isMasterAdmin to zero if no correct ip or password
if ( ! g_conf.isMasterAdmin ( sock , &m_hr ) ) m_isMasterAdmin = 0;
// collection admin?
m_isCollAdmin = g_conf.isCollAdmin ( sock , &m_hr );
// transform input into classes
// allow for "qlang" if still don't have it
//int32_t gglen2;
//char *gg2 = r->getString ( "qlang" , &gglen2 , NULL );
//if ( m_gblang == 0 && gg2 && gglen2 > 1 )
// m_gblang = getLanguageFromAbbr(gg2);
// fix query by removing lang:xx from queries
//char *end = m_query + m_queryLen -8;
//if ( m_queryLen > 8 && m_query && end > m_query &&
// strncmp(end," lang:",6)==0 ) {
// char *asklang = m_query+m_queryLen - 2;
// m_gblang = getLanguageFromAbbr(asklang);
// m_queryLen -= 8;
// m_query[m_queryLen] = 0;
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . sets m_qbuf1 and m_qbuf2
// . sets:
// m_sbuf1
// m_sbuf2
// m_sbuf3
// m_displayQuery
// m_qe (encoded query)
// m_rtl (right to left like hebrew)
// m_highlightQuery
if ( ! setQueryBuffers (r) )
return log("query: setQueryBuffers: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
/* --- Virtual host language detection --- */
if(r->getHost()) {
bool langset = getLanguageFromAbbr(m_defaultSortLanguage);
char *cp;
if(!langset && (cp = strrchr(r->getHost(), '.'))) {
uint8_t lang = getLanguageFromUserAgent(++cp);
if(lang) {
// char langbuf[128];
// sprintf(langbuf, "qlang=%s\0", getLanguageAbbr(lang));
//m_defaultSortLanguage = getLanguageAbbr(lang);
char *tmp = getLanguageAbbr(lang);
strncpy(m_defaultSortLanguage, tmp, 6);
// log(LOG_INFO,
// getLanguageString(lang), r->getHost(), this);
/* --- End Virtual host language detection --- */
//char *qs1 = m_defaultSortLanguage;
// this overrides though
//int32_t qlen2;
//char *qs2 = r->getString ("qlang",&qlen2,NULL);
//if ( qs2 ) qs1 = qs2;
//m_queryLang = getLanguageFromAbbr ( qs1 );
//m_queryLang = detectQueryLanguage();
//char *qs1 = getLangAbbr(m_queryLang);
// this parm is in Parms.cpp and should be set
char *langAbbr = m_defaultSortLang;
// Parms.cpp sets it to an empty string, so make that null
// if Parms.cpp set it to NULL it seems it comes out as "(null)"
// i guess because we sprintf it or something.
if ( langAbbr && langAbbr[0] == '\0' )
langAbbr = NULL;
// if &qlang was not given explicitly fall back to coll rec
if ( cr && ! langAbbr )
langAbbr = cr->m_defaultSortLanguage2;
// if no coll rec use language unknown
if ( ! langAbbr )
langAbbr = "xx";
log(LOG_INFO,"query: using default lang of %s", langAbbr );
// get code
m_queryLangId = getLangIdFromAbbr ( langAbbr );
// allow for 'xx', which means langUnknown
if ( m_queryLangId == langUnknown &&
langAbbr &&
langAbbr[0] &&
langAbbr[0]!='x' )
log("query: qlang of \"%s\" is NOT SUPPORTED. using "
"langUnknown, \"xx\".",langAbbr);
int32_t maxQueryTerms = cr->m_maxQueryTerms;
// . the query to use for highlighting... can be overridden with "hq"
// . we need the language id for doing synonyms
if ( m_prepend && m_prepend[0] )
m_hqq.set2 ( m_prepend , m_queryLangId , true ,maxQueryTerms);
else if ( m_highlightQuery && m_highlightQuery[0] )
m_hqq.set2 (m_highlightQuery,m_queryLangId,true,maxQueryTerms);
else if ( m_query && m_query[0] )
m_hqq.set2 ( m_query , m_queryLangId , true,maxQueryTerms);
// log it here
"query: got query %s (len=%i)"
// . now set from m_qbuf1, the advanced/composite query buffer
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error (ETOOMANYOPERANDS)
if ( ! m_q.set2 ( m_sbuf1.getBufStart(),
m_queryLangId ,
m_queryExpansion ,
true , // use QUERY stopwords?
maxQueryTerms ) ) {
g_msg = " (error: query has too many operands)";
return false;
m_q.m_containingParent = (void *)this;
if ( m_q.m_truncated && m_q.m_isBoolean ) {
g_msg = " (error: query is too long)";
return false;
if ( m_hideAllClustered )
m_doSiteClustering = true;
// turn off some parms
if ( m_q.m_hasUrlField )
m_ipRestrictForTopics = false;
if ( m_q.m_hasIpField )
m_ipRestrictForTopics = false;
if ( m_q.m_hasPositiveSiteField ) {
m_ipRestrictForTopics = false;
m_doSiteClustering = false;
if ( cr && ! cr->m_ipRestrict )
m_ipRestrictForTopics = false;
if ( m_q.m_hasQuotaField ) {
m_doSiteClustering = false;
m_doDupContentRemoval = false;
if ( ! m_doSiteClustering )
m_hideAllClustered = false;
// sanity check
if(m_firstResultNum < 0) m_firstResultNum = 0;
// DEBUG: temp hack
// static bool first = true;
// if ( first ) {
// first = false;
// m_firstResultNum = 10;
// }
// . if query has url: or site: term do NOT use cache by def.
// . however, if spider is off then use the cache by default
if ( m_useCache == -1 && g_conf.m_spideringEnabled ) {
if ( m_q.m_hasPositiveSiteField ) m_useCache = 0;
else if ( m_q.m_hasIpField ) m_useCache = 0;
else if ( m_q.m_hasUrlField ) m_useCache = 0;
else if ( m_sites && m_sites[0] ) m_useCache = 0;
//else if ( m_whiteListBuf.length() ) m_useCache = 0;
else if ( m_url && m_url[0] ) m_useCache = 0;
// if useCache is still -1 then turn it on
if ( m_useCache == -1 ) m_useCache = 1;
// never use cache if doing a rerank (msg3b)
//if ( m_rerankRuleset >= 0 ) m_useCache = 0;
bool readFromCache = false;
if ( m_useCache == 1 ) readFromCache = true;
if ( m_rcache == 0 ) readFromCache = false;
if ( m_useCache == 0 ) readFromCache = false;
// if useCache is false, don't write to cache if it was not specified
if ( m_wcache == -1 ) {
if ( m_useCache == 0 ) m_wcache = 0;
else m_wcache = 1;
// save it
m_rcache = readFromCache;
// TODO: use Parms.cpp defaults
TopicGroup *tg = &m_topicGroups[0];
// gigabits
tg->m_numTopics = 50;
tg->m_maxTopics = 50;
tg->m_docsToScanForTopics = m_docsToScanForTopics;
tg->m_minTopicScore = 0;
tg->m_maxWordsPerTopic = 6;
tg->m_meta[0] = '\0';
tg->m_delimeter = '\0';
tg->m_useIdfForTopics = false;
tg->m_dedup = true;
// need to be on at least 2 pages!
tg->m_minDocCount = 2;
tg->m_ipRestrict = m_ipRestrictForTopics;
tg->m_dedupSamplePercent = 80;
tg->m_topicRemoveOverlaps = true;
tg->m_topicSampleSize = 4096;
// max sequential punct chars allowedin a topic
tg->m_topicMaxPunctLen = 1;
m_numTopicGroups = 1;
return true;
// . sets m_qbuf1[] and m_qbuf2[]
// . m_qbuf1[] is the advanced query
// . m_qbuf2[] is the query to be used for spell checking
// . returns false and set g_errno on error
bool SearchInput::setQueryBuffers ( HttpRequest *hr ) {
int16_t qcs = csUTF8;
if (m_queryCharset && m_queryCharset[0]){
// we need to convert the query string to utf-8
int32_t qclen = gbstrlen(m_queryCharset);
qcs = get_iana_charset(m_queryCharset, qclen );
if (qcs == csUnknown) {
//g_errno = EBADCHARSET;
//g_msg = "(error: unknown query charset)";
//return false;
qcs = csUTF8;
// prepend sites terms
int32_t numSites = 0;
char *csStr = NULL;
numSites = 0;
csStr = get_charset_str(qcs);
if ( m_sites && m_sites[0] ) {
char *s = m_sites;
char *t;
int32_t len;
m_sbuf1.pushChar('(');// *p++ = '(';
// skip white space
while ( *s && ! is_alnum_a(*s) ) s++;
// bail if done
if ( ! *s ) goto done;
// get length of it
t = s;
while ( *t && ! is_wspace_a(*t) ) t++;
len = t - s;
// add site: term
//if ( p + 12 + len >= pend ) goto toobig;
if ( numSites > 0 ) m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy ( " UOR " );
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy ( "site:" );
//p += ucToUtf8(p, pend-p,s, len, csStr, 0,0);
m_sbuf1.safeMemcpy ( s , len );
//gbmemcpy ( p , s , len ); p += len;
// *p++ = ' ';
m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
s = t;
goto loop;
m_sbuf1.safePrintf(") | ");
// inc totalLen
m_sitesQueryLen = m_sitesLen + (numSites * 10);
// prepend
char *qp = hr->getString("prepend",NULL,NULL);
if( qp && qp[0] ) {
//if( p > pstart ) *p++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
//p += sprintf( p, "+gblang:%"INT32" |", m_gblang );
m_sbuf1.safePrintf( "%s", qp );
// boolean OR terms
bool boolq = false;
char *any = hr->getString("any",NULL);
bool first = true;
if ( any ) {
char *s = any;
char *send = any + gbstrlen(any);
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
if ( m_sbuf2.length() ) m_sbuf2.pushChar(' ');
while (s < send) {
while (isspace(*s) && s < send) s++;
char *s2 = s+1;
if (*s == '\"') {
// if there's no closing quote just treat
// the end of the line as such
while (*s2 != '\"' && s2 < send) s2++;
if (s2 < send) s2++;
} else {
while (!isspace(*s2) && s2 < send) s2++;
if ( first ) m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy("(");
if ( first ) m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy("(");
if ( ! first ) m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" OR ");
if ( ! first ) m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" OR ");
first = false;
m_sbuf1.safeMemcpy ( s , s2 - s );
m_sbuf2.safeMemcpy ( s , s2 - s );
s = s2 + 1;
if ( ! first ) m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(") AND ");
if ( ! first ) m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(") AND ");
if ( ! first ) boolq = true;
// and this
if ( m_secsBack > 0 ) {
int32_t timestamp = getTimeGlobalNoCore();
timestamp -= m_secsBack;
if ( timestamp <= 0 ) timestamp = 0;
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
if ( m_sortBy == 1 ) {
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
if ( m_sortBy == 2 ) {
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
if ( m_sortBy == 3 ) {
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
char *ft = m_filetype;
if ( ft && strcasecmp(ft,"any")==0 ) ft = NULL;
if ( ft && ! ft[0] ) ft = NULL;
if ( ft ) {
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
// facet prepend en masse
// for ( int32_t i = 1 ; i <= 6 ; i++ ) {
// char tmp[12];
// sprintf(tmp,"facet%"INT32"",i);
// char *ff = hr->getString(tmp,NULL);
// if ( ! ff ) continue;
// if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
// m_sbuf1.safePrintf("%s",ff);
// }
// one at a time for now
char *ff = hr->getString("facet",NULL);
if ( ff ) {
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
// append site: term
// if ( m_sites && m_sites[0] ) {
// if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
// m_sbuf1.safePrintf("+site:");
// m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(m_sites);
// }
if ( m_familyFilter ) {
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
//if ( m_sbuf2.length() ) m_sbuf2.pushChar(' ');
m_sbuf1.safePrintf( "+gbisadult:0");
//m_sbuf2.safePrintf( "+gbisadult:0");
if ( ! boolq ) {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" |");
//m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" |");
else {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" AND ");
//m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" AND ");
// PRE-pend gblang: term
int32_t gblang = hr->getLong("gblang",-1);
if( gblang >= 0 ) {
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
if ( m_sbuf2.length() ) m_sbuf2.pushChar(' ');
m_sbuf1.safePrintf( "+gblang:%"INT32"", gblang );
m_sbuf2.safePrintf( "+gblang:%"INT32"", gblang );
if ( ! boolq ) {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" |");
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" |");
else {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" AND ");
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" AND ");
// bookmark here so we can copy into st->m_displayQuery below
//int32_t displayQueryOffset = m_sbuf1.length();
// append url: term
// if ( m_url && m_url[0] ) {
// //if ( p > pstart ) *p++ = ' ';
// if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
// //gbmemcpy ( p , "+url:" , 5 ); p += 5;
// m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy ( "+url:");
// //gbmemcpy ( p , m_url , m_urlLen ); p += m_urlLen;
// m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy ( m_url );
// }
// append url: term
if ( m_link && m_link[0] ) {
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
if ( m_sbuf2.length() ) m_sbuf2.pushChar(' ');
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy ( "+link:");
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy ( "+link:");
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy ( m_link );
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy ( m_link );
if ( ! boolq ) {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" |");
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" |");
else {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" AND ");
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" AND ");
// append the natural query
if ( m_query && m_query[0] ) {
//if ( p > pstart ) *p++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
//p += ucToUtf8(p, pend-p, m_query, m_queryLen, csStr, 0,0);
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy ( m_query );
//gbmemcpy ( p , m_query , m_queryLen ); p += m_queryLen;
// add to spell checked buf, too
//if ( p2 > pstart2 ) *p2++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf2.length() ) m_sbuf2.pushChar(' ');
//p2 +=ucToUtf8(p2, pend2-p2, m_query, m_queryLen, csStr, 0,0);
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy ( m_query );
//gbmemcpy ( p2 , m_query , m_queryLen ); p2 += m_queryLen;
// if ( m_query2 && m_query2[0] ) {
// //if ( p3 > pstart3 ) *p3++ = ' ';
// if ( m_sbuf3.length() ) m_sbuf3.pushChar(' ');
// //p3+=ucToUtf8(p3, pend3-p3, m_query2, m_query2Len, csStr,0,0);
// m_sbuf3.safeStrcpy ( m_query2 );
// }
//if (g_errno == EILSEQ){ // illegal character seq
// log("query: bad char set");
// g_errno = 0;
// if (qcs == csUTF8) {qcs = csISOLatin1;goto doOver;}
// if (qcs != csISOLatin1) {qcs = csUTF8;goto doOver;}
// append quoted phrases to query
if ( m_quote1 && m_quote1[0] ) {
//if ( p > pstart ) *p++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
//*p++ = '+';
//*p++ = '\"';
if ( ! boolq ) {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" +\"");
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" +\"");
else {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" AND \"");
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" AND \"");
//p += ucToUtf8(p, pend-p, m_quote1, m_quoteLen1, csStr, 0,0);
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy ( m_quote1 );
//gbmemcpy ( p , m_quote1 , m_quoteLen1 ); p += m_quoteLen1 ;
//*p++ = '\"';
// add to spell checked buf, too
//if ( p2 > pstart2 ) *p2++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf2.length() ) m_sbuf2.pushChar(' ');
//*p2++ = '+';
//*p2++ = '\"';
//p2+=ucToUtf8(p2, pend2-p2, m_quote1, m_quoteLen1, csStr,0,0);
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy ( m_quote1 );
//gbmemcpy ( p2 , m_quote1 , m_quoteLen1 ); p2 += m_quoteLen1 ;
//*p2++ = '\"';
//if (g_errno == EILSEQ){ // illegal character seq
// g_errno = 0;
// if (qcs == csUTF8) {qcs = csISOLatin1;goto doOver;}
// if (qcs != csISOLatin1) {qcs = csUTF8;goto doOver;}
if ( m_quote2 && m_quote2[0] ) {
//if ( p > pstart ) *p++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
//*p++ = '+';
//*p++ = '\"';
if ( ! boolq ) {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" +\"");
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" +\"");
else {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" AND \"");
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" AND \"");
//p += ucToUtf8(p, pend-p, m_quote2, m_quoteLen2, csStr, 0,0);
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy ( m_quote2 );
//gbmemcpy ( p , m_quote2 , m_quoteLen2 ); p += m_quoteLen2 ;
//*p++ = '\"';
// add to spell checked buf, too
//if ( p2 > pstart2 ) *p2++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf2.length() ) m_sbuf2.pushChar(' ');
//*p2++ = '+';
//*p2++ = '\"';
//p2+=ucToUtf8(p2, pend2-p2, m_quote2, m_quoteLen2, csStr,0,0);
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy ( m_quote2 );
//gbmemcpy ( p2 , m_quote2 , m_quoteLen2 ); p2 += m_quoteLen2 ;
//*p2++ = '\"';
//if (g_errno == EILSEQ){ // illegal character seq
// g_errno = 0;
// if (qcs == csUTF8) {qcs = csISOLatin1;goto doOver;}
// if (qcs != csISOLatin1) {qcs = csUTF8;goto doOver;}
// append plus terms
if ( m_plus && m_plus[0] ) {
char *s = m_plus;
char *send = m_plus + gbstrlen(m_plus);
//if ( p > pstart && p < pend ) *p++ = ' ';
//if ( p2 > pstart2 && p2 < pend2) *p2++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
if ( m_sbuf2.length() ) m_sbuf2.pushChar(' ');
while (s < send) {
while (isspace(*s) && s < send) s++;
char *s2 = s+1;
if (*s == '\"') {
// if there's no closing quote just treat
// the end of the line as such
while (*s2 != '\"' && s2 < send) s2++;
if (s2 < send) s2++;
} else {
while (!isspace(*s2) && s2 < send) s2++;
//if (s2 < send) break;
//if (p < pend) *p++ = '+';
//if (p2 < pend2) *p2++ = '+';
if ( ! boolq ) {
else {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" AND ");
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" AND ");
//p += ucToUtf8(p, pend-p, s, s2-s, csStr, 0,0);
//p2 += ucToUtf8(p2, pend2-p2, s, s2-s, csStr, 0,0);
m_sbuf1.safeMemcpy ( s , s2 - s );
m_sbuf2.safeMemcpy ( s , s2 - s );
if (g_errno == EILSEQ) { // illegal character seq
g_errno = 0;
if (qcs == csUTF8) {
qcs = csISOLatin1;
goto doOver;
if (qcs != csISOLatin1) {
qcs = csUTF8;
goto doOver;
s = s2 + 1;
if (s < send) {
//if (p < pend) *p++ = ' ';
//if (p2 < pend2) *p2++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
if ( m_sbuf2.length() ) m_sbuf2.pushChar(' ');
// append minus terms
if ( m_minus && m_minus[0] ) {
char *s = m_minus;
char *send = m_minus + gbstrlen(m_minus);
//if ( p > pstart && p < pend ) *p++ = ' ';
//if ( p2 > pstart2 && p2 < pend2) *p2++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
if ( m_sbuf2.length() ) m_sbuf2.pushChar(' ');
while (s < send) {
while (isspace(*s) && s < send) s++;
char *s2 = s+1;
if (*s == '\"') {
// if there's no closing quote just treat
// the end of the line as such
while (*s2 != '\"' && s2 < send) s2++;
if (s2 < send) s2++;
} else {
while (!isspace(*s2) && s2 < send) s2++;
if (s2 < send) break;
//if (p < pend) *p++ = '-';
//if (p2 < pend2) *p2++ = '-';
// m_sbuf1.pushChar('-');
// m_sbuf2.pushChar('-');
if ( ! boolq ) {
else {
m_sbuf1.safeStrcpy(" AND NOT ");
m_sbuf2.safeStrcpy(" AND NOT ");
//p += ucToUtf8(p, pend-p, s, s2-s, csStr, 0,0);
//p2 += ucToUtf8(p2, pend2-p2, s, s2-s, csStr, 0,0);
m_sbuf1.safeMemcpy ( s , s2 - s );
m_sbuf2.safeMemcpy ( s , s2 - s );
if (g_errno == EILSEQ) { // illegal character seq
g_errno = 0;
if (qcs == csUTF8) {
qcs = csISOLatin1;
goto doOver;
if (qcs != csISOLatin1) {
qcs = csUTF8;
goto doOver;
s = s2 + 1;
if (s < send) {
//if (p < pend) *p++ = ' ';
//if (p2 < pend2) *p2++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
if ( m_sbuf2.length() ) m_sbuf2.pushChar(' ');
// append gbkeyword:numinlinks if they have &mininlinks=X, X>0
int32_t minInlinks = m_hr.getLong("mininlinks",0);
if ( minInlinks > 0 ) {
//if ( p > pstart ) *p++ = ' ';
if ( m_sbuf1.length() ) m_sbuf1.pushChar(' ');
//char *str = "gbkeyword:numinlinks";
//int32_t len = gbstrlen(str);
//gbmemcpy ( p , str , len );
//p += len;
m_sbuf1.safePrintf ( "gbkeyword:numinlinks");
// null terms
if ( ! m_sbuf1.nullTerm() ) return false;
if ( ! m_sbuf2.nullTerm() ) return false;
if ( ! m_sbuf3.nullTerm() ) return false;
// the natural query
m_displayQuery = m_sbuf2.getBufStart();// + displayQueryOffset;
if ( ! m_displayQuery ) m_displayQuery = "";
while ( *m_displayQuery == ' ' ) m_displayQuery++;
//m_displayQueryLen = gbstrlen(m_displayQuery);//p-m_displayQuery
//log("query: got query %s",m_sbuf1.getBufStart());
//log("query: got display query %s",m_displayQuery);
// urlencoded display query
m_qe.urlEncode ( m_displayQuery );
// urlEncode(m_qe,
// m_displayQuery,
// gbstrlen(m_displayQuery));
// show DMOZ BREADCRUMB if doing a
// "gbpcatid:<catid> |" (Search restricted to category)
// "gbcatid:<catid>" (DMOZ urls in that topic, c=dmoz3)
int32_t pcatId = -1;
int32_t dcatId = -1;
// get the final query
char *q =m_sbuf1.getBufStart();
if ( q ) sscanf(q,"gbpcatid:%"INT32"",&pcatId);
if ( q ) sscanf(q,"gbcatid:%"INT32"",&dcatId);
// pick the one that is valid
int32_t catId = -1;
if ( pcatId >= 0 ) catId = pcatId;
if ( dcatId >= 0 ) catId = dcatId;
// save catid into the state
m_catId = catId;
// are we a right to left language like hebrew?
if ( catId > 0 && g_categories->isIdRTL(catId) )
m_isRTL = true;
m_isRTL = false;
return true;
uint8_t SearchInput::detectQueryLanguage(void) {
uint8_t lang = 0;
// Check to see if default language is set.
// This should override everything else.
// lang = getLanguageFromAbbr(m_defaultSortLanguage);
// Set query language from User Agent string, if possible
if(!lang && m_hr.getUserAgent())
lang= g_langId.guessLanguageFromUserAgent(m_hr.getUserAgent());
// guess from query terms
if(!lang && m_q)
lang = g_langId.guessLanguageFromQuery(m_q);
// guess from IP addr of the requester
if(!lang && m_queryIP)
lang = g_langId.guessLanguageFromIP(m_queryIP);
// Save for later
m_langHint = lang;
if(m_gbcountry && m_gbcountryLen > 0)
m_country = g_countryCode.getIndexOfAbbr(m_gbcountry);
if(!m_country) {
// Now guess country of the query.
char *codep = g_langId.findGeoIP(m_queryIP, geoIPNumRows - 1, 0);
if(codep) m_country = g_countryCode.getIndexOfAbbr(codep);
// Many doofuses just download firefox and don't set it
// up properly, so this takes second place to the IP search.
m_country = g_langId.guessCountryFromUserAgent(m_hr.getUserAgent());
//char getFormatFromRequest ( HttpRequest *r ) {