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2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "Xml.h"
#include "Url.h"
#include "Loop.h"
#include "Spider.h" // for calling SpiderLoop::collectionsUpdated()
#include "SpiderLoop.h"
#include "SpiderColl.h"
2016-01-30 14:11:15 -05:00
#include "Doledb.h"
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
#include "Posdb.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Clusterdb.h"
2016-08-31 13:22:52 -04:00
#include "Linkdb.h"
#include "SpiderCache.h"
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
#include "Repair.h"
#include "Parms.h"
#include "Process.h"
2016-08-31 13:22:52 -04:00
#include "HttpRequest.h"
#include "Dir.h"
2016-10-27 07:47:49 -04:00
#include "File.h"
#include "Conf.h"
2016-12-08 10:56:09 -05:00
#include "Mem.h"
2018-07-26 11:29:51 -04:00
#include "Errno.h"
2018-08-07 09:44:56 -04:00
#include "utf8_fast.h"
#include <sys/stat.h> //mkdir()
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
static HashTableX g_collTable;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// a global class extern'd in .h file
Collectiondb g_collectiondb;
Collectiondb::Collectiondb ( ) {
2014-07-15 19:10:35 -04:00
m_wrapped = 0;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
m_numRecs = 0;
m_numRecsUsed = 0;
m_initializing = false;
2016-09-26 13:22:20 -04:00
m_recs = NULL;
// sanity
2016-09-26 13:21:21 -04:00
if ( RDB_END2 >= RDB_END ) {
log("db: increase RDB_END2 to at least %" PRId32" in Collectiondb.h",(int32_t)RDB_END);
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
Collectiondb::~Collectiondb() {
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// reset rdb
void Collectiondb::reset() {
log(LOG_INFO,"db: resetting collectiondb.");
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
2016-09-26 13:21:21 -04:00
if ( ! m_recs[i] ) {
mdelete ( m_recs[i], sizeof(CollectionRec), "CollectionRec" );
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
delete ( m_recs[i] );
m_recs[i] = NULL;
m_numRecs = 0;
m_numRecsUsed = 0;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// . save to disk
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool Collectiondb::save ( ) {
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) {
return true;
2017-10-13 07:03:08 -04:00
if ( g_inAutoSave && m_numRecsUsed > 20 && g_hostdb.m_myHostId != 0 ) {
return true;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// which collection rec needs a save
for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_numRecs; i++) {
if (!m_recs[i]) {
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// oh well
return true;
// fill up our m_recs[] array based on the coll.*.*/coll.conf files
bool Collectiondb::loadAllCollRecs ( ) {
m_initializing = true;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
char dname[1024];
// MDW: sprintf ( dname , "%s/collections/" , g_hostdb.m_dir );
sprintf ( dname , "%s" , g_hostdb.m_dir );
Dir d;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
d.set ( dname );
if ( ! ()) {
log( LOG_WARN, "admin: Could not load collection config files." );
return false;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// note it
//log(LOG_INFO,"db: loading collection config files.");
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// . scan through all subdirs in the collections dir
// . they should be like, "coll.main/" and "coll.mycollection/"
while ( const char *f = d.getNextFilename ( "coll.*" ) ) {
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// must end on a digit (i.e. coll.main.0)
if ( ! is_digit (f[strlen(f)-1]) ) continue;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// point to collection
const char *coll = f + 5;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// NULL terminate at .
const char *pp = strchr ( coll , '.' );
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
if ( ! pp ) continue;
char collname[256];
collname[pp-coll] = '\0';
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// get collnum
collnum_t collnum = atol ( pp + 1 );
// add it
if ( ! addExistingColl ( collname, collnum ) )
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
return false;
2014-04-05 21:09:04 -04:00
// if no existing recs added... add coll.main.0 always at startup
if ( m_numRecs == 0 ) {
log("admin: adding main collection.");
addNewColl ( "main", 0 );
2014-04-05 21:09:04 -04:00
m_initializing = false;
return true;
// after we've initialized all rdbs in main.cpp call this to clean out
// our rdb trees
2016-08-16 11:44:16 -04:00
bool Collectiondb::cleanTrees() {
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// remove any nodes with illegal collnums
2016-08-24 12:04:06 -04:00
2016-08-24 12:04:06 -04:00
2016-08-16 11:44:16 -04:00
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// success
return true;
// same as addOldColl()
2016-05-22 09:51:37 -04:00
bool Collectiondb::addExistingColl ( const char *coll, collnum_t collnum ) {
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
int32_t i = collnum;
// ensure does not already exist in memory
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
collnum_t oldCollnum = getCollnum(coll);
if ( oldCollnum >= 0 ) {
g_errno = EEXIST;
log("admin: Trying to create collection \"%s\" but already exists in memory. "
"Do an ls on the working dir to see if there are two collection dirs with the same coll name",
// also try by #, i've seen this happen too
CollectionRec *ocr = getRec ( i );
if ( ocr ) {
g_errno = EEXIST;
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: Collection id %i is in use already by %s, so we can not add %s. moving %s to trash.",
(int)i, ocr->m_coll,coll,coll);
SafeBuf cmd;
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
cmd.safePrintf ( "mv coll.%s.%i trash/coll.%s.%i.%" PRIu64
, coll
, coll
, now );
//log("admin: %s",cmd.getBufStart());
gbsystem ( cmd.getBufStart() );
return true;
// create the record in memory
CollectionRec *cr;
try {
cr = new (CollectionRec);
catch(std::bad_alloc&) {
log( LOG_WARN, "admin: Failed to allocated %" PRId32" bytes for new collection record for '%s'.",
return false;
mnew ( cr , sizeof(CollectionRec) , "CollectionRec" );
// get the default.conf from working dir if there
2014-06-18 08:04:45 -04:00
g_parms.setToDefault( (char *)cr , OBJ_COLL , cr );
2013-12-10 18:46:38 -05:00
strcpy ( cr->m_coll , coll );
cr->m_collLen = strlen ( coll );
2013-12-10 18:46:38 -05:00
cr->m_collnum = i;
// point to this, so Rdb and RdbBase can reference it
coll = cr->m_coll;
//log("admin: loaded old coll \"%s\"",coll);
// load coll.conf file
if ( ! cr->load ( coll , i ) ) {
mdelete ( cr, sizeof(CollectionRec), "CollectionRec" );
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: Failed to load coll.%s.%" PRId32"/coll.conf",coll,i);
delete ( cr );
2014-04-06 18:57:38 -04:00
if ( m_recs ) m_recs[i] = NULL;
return false;
if ( ! registerCollRec ( cr ) ) return false;
// we need to compile the regular expressions or update the url
// filters with new logic that maps crawlbot parms to url filters
return cr->rebuildUrlFilters ( );
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// . add a new rec
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . was addRec()
// . "isDump" is true if we don't need to initialize all the rdbs etc
// because we are doing a './gb dump ...' cmd to dump out data from
// one Rdb which we will custom initialize in main.cpp where the dump
// code is. like for instance, posdb.
bool Collectiondb::addNewColl ( const char *coll,
2013-12-17 16:09:05 -05:00
// Parms.cpp reserves this so it can be sure
// to add the same collnum to every shard
collnum_t newCollnum ) {
//do not send add/del coll request until we are in sync with shard!!
// just return ETRYAGAIN for the parmlist...
if( !coll ) {
logError("Called with NULL coll parameter");
return false;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// ensure coll name is legit
2016-05-22 09:51:37 -04:00
const char *p = coll;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
for ( ; *p ; p++ ) {
if ( is_alnum_a(*p) ) continue;
if ( *p == '-' ) continue;
if ( *p == '_' ) continue; // underscore now allowed
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
if ( *p ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "admin: '%s' is a malformed collection name because it contains the '%c' character.",coll,*p);
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
return false;
if ( newCollnum < 0 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
2013-10-18 20:49:36 -04:00
2014-11-17 21:13:36 -05:00
// if empty... bail, no longer accepted, use "main"
if ( !coll[0] ) {
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
log( LOG_WARN, "admin: Trying to create a new collection but no collection name provided. "
"Use the 'c' cgi parameter to specify it.");
return false;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// or if too big
if ( strlen(coll) > MAX_COLL_LEN ) {
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
g_errno = ENOBUFS;
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: Trying to create a new collection whose name '%s' of %zd chars is longer than the max of %" PRId32" chars.",
coll, strlen(coll), (int32_t)MAX_COLL_LEN );
return false;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// ensure does not already exist in memory
if ( getCollnum ( coll ) >= 0 ) {
g_errno = EEXIST;
log( LOG_WARN, "admin: Trying to create collection '%s' but already exists in memory.",coll);
// just let it pass...
g_errno = 0 ;
return true;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// MDW: ensure not created on disk since time of last load
char dname[512];
sprintf(dname, "%scoll.%s.%" PRId32"/",g_hostdb.m_dir,coll,(int32_t)newCollnum);
DIR *dir = opendir ( dname );
if ( dir ) {
closedir ( dir );
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
g_errno = EEXIST;
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: Trying to create collection %s but directory %s already exists on disk.",coll,dname);
return false;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// create the record in memory
CollectionRec *cr;
try {
cr = new (CollectionRec);
catch(std::bad_alloc&) {
log( LOG_WARN, "admin: Failed to allocated %" PRId32" bytes for new collection record for '%s'.",
( int32_t ) sizeof( CollectionRec ), coll );
return false;
// register the mem
mnew ( cr , sizeof(CollectionRec) , "CollectionRec" );
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// get the default.conf from working dir if there
2014-06-18 08:04:45 -04:00
g_parms.setToDefault( (char *)cr , OBJ_COLL , cr );
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// set coll id and coll name for coll id #i
strcpy ( cr->m_coll , coll );
cr->m_collLen = strlen ( coll );
2013-12-17 16:09:05 -05:00
cr->m_collnum = newCollnum;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// point to this, so Rdb and RdbBase can reference it
coll = cr->m_coll;
// . just the basics on these for now
// . if certain parms are changed then the url filters
// must be rebuilt, as well as possibly the waiting tree!!!
// . need to set m_urlFiltersHavePageCounts etc.
cr->rebuildUrlFilters ( );
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
cr->m_useRobotsTxt = true;
2014-01-24 17:08:27 -05:00
// note that
log("colldb: initial revival for %s",cr->m_coll);
// start the spiders!
cr->m_spideringEnabled = true;
//log("admin: adding coll \"%s\" (new=%" PRId32")",coll,(int32_t)isNew);
2013-09-17 17:13:44 -04:00
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// MDW: create the new directory
if ( ::mkdir ( dname, getDirCreationFlags() ) ) {
g_errno = errno;
mdelete ( cr , sizeof(CollectionRec) , "CollectionRec" );
delete ( cr );
log( LOG_WARN, "admin: Creating directory %s had error: %s.", dname,mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// save it into this dir... might fail!
if ( ! cr->save() ) {
mdelete ( cr , sizeof(CollectionRec) , "CollectionRec" );
delete ( cr );
log( LOG_WARN, "admin: Failed to save file %s: %s", dname,mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
if ( ! registerCollRec ( cr ) ) {
return false;
// add the rdbbases for this coll, CollectionRec::m_bases[]
return addRdbBasesForCollRec ( cr );
2016-08-25 16:41:11 -04:00
void CollectionRec::setBasePtr(rdbid_t rdbId, class RdbBase *base) {
if ( rdbId < 0 || rdbId >= RDB_END ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// Rdb::deleteColl() will call this even though we are swapped in
// but it calls it with "base" set to NULL after it nukes the RdbBase
// so check if base is null here.
if ( base && m_bases[ (unsigned char)rdbId ]){ g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
m_bases [ (unsigned char)rdbId ] = base;
2014-09-29 23:16:39 -04:00
// . returns NULL w/ g_errno set on error.
// . TODO: ensure not called from in thread, not thread safe
2016-08-25 16:41:11 -04:00
RdbBase *CollectionRec::getBase(rdbid_t rdbId) {
if ( rdbId < 0 || rdbId >= RDB_END ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
return m_bases[(unsigned char)rdbId];
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// . called only by addNewColl() and by addExistingColl()
bool Collectiondb::registerCollRec ( CollectionRec *cr ) {
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// add m_recs[] and to hashtable
return setRecPtr ( cr->m_collnum , cr );
// swap it in
bool Collectiondb::addRdbBaseToAllRdbsForEachCollRec ( ) {
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
CollectionRec *cr = m_recs[i];
if ( ! cr ) continue;
// add rdb base files etc. for it
addRdbBasesForCollRec ( cr );
2013-10-21 17:17:32 -04:00
// now clean the trees. moved this into here from
// addRdbBasesForCollRec() since we call addRdbBasesForCollRec()
// now from getBase() to load on-demand for saving memory
return true;
2013-10-21 17:17:32 -04:00
bool Collectiondb::addRdbBasesForCollRec ( CollectionRec *cr ) {
char *coll = cr->m_coll;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// if we are doing a dump from the command line, skip this stuff
if ( g_dumpMode ) return true;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// tell rdbs to add one, too
if ( ! g_posdb.getRdb()->addRdbBase1 ( coll ) ) goto hadError;
if ( ! g_titledb.getRdb()->addRdbBase1 ( coll ) ) goto hadError;
if ( ! g_tagdb.getRdb()->addRdbBase1 ( coll ) ) goto hadError;
if ( ! g_clusterdb.getRdb()->addRdbBase1 ( coll ) ) goto hadError;
if ( ! g_linkdb.getRdb()->addRdbBase1 ( coll ) ) goto hadError;
if ( ! g_spiderdb.getRdb_deprecated()->addRdbBase1(coll) ) goto hadError;
if ( ! g_doledb.getRdb()->addRdbBase1 ( coll ) ) goto hadError;
// now clean the trees
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// debug message
//log ( LOG_INFO, "db: verified collection \"%s\" (%" PRId32").",
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
// coll,(int32_t)cr->m_collnum);
// tell SpiderCache about this collection, it will create a
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// SpiderCollection class for it.
// success
return true;
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
log(LOG_WARN, "db: error registering coll: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
return false;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
/// this deletes the collection, not just part of a reset.
bool Collectiondb::deleteRec2 ( collnum_t collnum ) {
// do not allow this if in repair mode
2016-12-12 10:50:40 -05:00
if ( g_repair.isRepairActive() && g_repair.isRepairingColl(collnum) ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: Can not delete collection while in repair mode.");
return true;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// bitch if not found
if ( collnum < 0 ) {
g_errno = ENOTFOUND;
log(LOG_LOGIC,"admin: Collection #%" PRId32" is bad, delete failed.",
return true;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
CollectionRec *cr = m_recs [ collnum ];
if ( ! cr ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: Collection id problem. Delete failed.");
g_errno = ENOTFOUND;
return true;
2013-11-11 01:11:13 -05:00
if ( g_process.isAnyTreeSaving() ) {
// note it
log("admin: tree is saving. waiting2.");
// all done
return false;
char *coll = cr->m_coll;
// note it
log(LOG_INFO,"db: deleting coll \"%s\" (%" PRId32")",coll,
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
2013-12-17 16:09:05 -05:00
// CAUTION: tree might be in the middle of saving
// we deal with this in Process.cpp now
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// . TODO: remove from g_sync
// . remove from all rdbs
g_posdb.getRdb()->delColl ( coll );
g_titledb.getRdb()->delColl ( coll );
g_tagdb.getRdb()->delColl ( coll );
g_doledb.getRdb()->delColl ( coll );
g_clusterdb.getRdb()->delColl ( coll );
g_linkdb.getRdb()->delColl ( coll );
2013-09-18 18:36:30 -04:00
// reset spider info
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderCollIffNonNull(collnum);
if ( sc ) {
// remove locks from lock table:
2014-04-25 14:52:17 -04:00
// you have to set this for tryToDeleteSpiderColl to
// actually have a shot at deleting it
sc->m_deleteMyself = true;
sc->setCollectionRec ( NULL );
// this will put it on "death row" so it will be deleted
// once Msg5::m_waitingForList/Merge is NULL
SpiderColl::tryToDeleteSpiderColl ( sc , "10" );
2014-07-11 22:07:49 -04:00
// don't let cr reference us anymore, sc is on deathrow
// and "cr" is delete below!
cr->m_spiderColl = NULL;
2013-09-18 18:36:30 -04:00
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// remove from m_recs[]
setRecPtr ( cr->m_collnum , NULL );
2013-12-17 16:09:05 -05:00
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// free it
mdelete ( cr, sizeof(CollectionRec), "CollectionRec" );
2013-09-18 18:36:30 -04:00
delete ( cr );
// do not do this here in case spiders were outstanding
// and they added a new coll right away and it ended up getting
// recs from the deleted coll!!
//while ( ! m_recs[m_numRecs-1] ) m_numRecs--;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// update the time
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// done
return true;
// ensure m_recs[] is big enough for m_recs[collnum] to be a ptr
bool Collectiondb::growRecPtrBuf ( collnum_t collnum ) {
// an add, make sure big enough
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
int32_t need = ((int32_t)collnum+1)*sizeof(CollectionRec *);
int32_t have = m_recPtrBuf.length();
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
int32_t need2 = need - have;
// if already big enough
if ( need2 <= 0 ) {
m_recs [ collnum ] = NULL;
return true;
m_recPtrBuf.setLabel ("crecptrb");
// . true here means to clear the new space to zeroes
// . this shit works based on m_length not m_capacity
if ( ! m_recPtrBuf.reserve ( need2 ,NULL, true ) ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "admin: error growing rec ptr buf2.");
return false;
// sanity
if ( m_recPtrBuf.getCapacity() < need ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// set it
m_recs = (CollectionRec **)m_recPtrBuf.getBufStart();
// update length of used bytes in case we re-alloc
m_recPtrBuf.setLength ( need );
// re-max
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
int32_t max = m_recPtrBuf.getCapacity() / sizeof(CollectionRec *);
// sanity
if ( collnum >= max ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// initialize slot
m_recs [ collnum ] = NULL;
return true;
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
bool Collectiondb::setRecPtr ( collnum_t collnum , CollectionRec *cr ) {
// first time init hashtable that maps coll to collnum
if ( !g_collTable.isInitialized() &&
2016-09-01 12:18:30 -04:00
! g_collTable.set(8,sizeof(collnum_t), 256,NULL,0, false,"nhshtbl")) {
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
return false;
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// sanity
if ( collnum < 0 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// sanity
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
int32_t max = m_recPtrBuf.getCapacity() / sizeof(CollectionRec *);
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// set it
m_recs = (CollectionRec **)m_recPtrBuf.getBufStart();
// tell spiders to re-upadted the active list
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// a delete?
if ( ! cr ) {
// sanity
if ( collnum >= max ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// get what's there
CollectionRec *oc = m_recs[collnum];
// let it go
m_recs[collnum] = NULL;
// if nothing already, done
if ( ! oc ) return true;
// tally it up
// delete key
2014-10-30 15:36:39 -04:00
int64_t h64 = hash64n(oc->m_coll);
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// if in the hashtable UNDER OUR COLLNUM then nuke it
// otherwise, we might be called from resetColl2()
void *vp = g_collTable.getValue ( &h64 );
if ( ! vp ) return true;
collnum_t ct = *(collnum_t *)vp;
if ( ct != collnum ) return true;
g_collTable.removeKey ( &h64 );
return true;
// ensure m_recs[] is big enough for m_recs[collnum] to be a ptr
if ( ! growRecPtrBuf ( collnum ) ) {
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
return false;
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// sanity
if ( cr->m_collnum != collnum ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// add to hash table to map name to collnum_t
2014-10-30 15:36:39 -04:00
int64_t h64 = hash64n(cr->m_coll);
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// debug
//log("coll: adding key %" PRId64" for %s",h64,cr->m_coll);
if ( ! g_collTable.addKey ( &h64 , &collnum ) )
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
return false;
// ensure last is NULL
m_recs[collnum] = cr;
// count it
//log("coll: adding key4 %" PRIu64" for coll \"%s\" (%" PRId32")",h64,cr->m_coll,
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
// (int32_t)i);
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// reserve it
if ( collnum >= m_numRecs ) m_numRecs = collnum + 1;
// sanity to make sure collectionrec ptrs are legit
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < m_numRecs ; j++ ) {
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
if ( ! m_recs[j] ) continue;
if ( m_recs[j]->m_collnum == 1 ) continue;
return true;
2013-12-16 20:07:15 -05:00
// . returns false if we need a re-call, true if we completed
// . returns true with g_errno set on error
2017-04-05 04:40:12 -04:00
bool Collectiondb::resetColl2(collnum_t oldCollnum, collnum_t newCollnum) {
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// do not allow this if in repair mode
2016-12-12 10:50:40 -05:00
if ( g_repair.isRepairActive() && g_repair.isRepairingColl(oldCollnum) ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: Can not delete collection while in repair mode.");
return true;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
2013-09-17 17:13:44 -04:00
//log("admin: resetting collnum %" PRId32,(int32_t)oldCollnum);
2013-09-17 17:13:44 -04:00
// CAUTION: tree might be in the middle of saving
// we deal with this in Process.cpp now
if ( g_process.isAnyTreeSaving() ) {
2013-12-16 20:07:15 -05:00
// we could not complete...
return false;
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
CollectionRec *cr = m_recs [ oldCollnum ];
2013-09-17 15:21:09 -04:00
2013-10-18 20:49:36 -04:00
// reset spider info
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderCollIffNonNull(oldCollnum);
if ( sc ) {
// remove locks from lock table:
// this will put it on "death row" so it will be deleted
// once Msg5::m_waitingForList/Merge is NULL
SpiderColl::tryToDeleteSpiderColl ( sc, "11" );
cr->m_spiderColl = NULL;
2013-10-18 20:49:36 -04:00
cr->m_spiderStatus = spider_status_t::SP_INITIALIZING; // this is 0
//cr->m_spiderStatusMsg = NULL;
2013-10-18 20:49:36 -04:00
// so XmlDoc.cpp can detect if the collection was reset since it
// launched its spider:
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
if ( newCollnum >= m_numRecs ) m_numRecs = (int32_t)newCollnum + 1;
2013-10-18 20:49:36 -04:00
// advance sanity check. did we wrap around?
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
// right now we #define collnum_t int16_t
if ( m_numRecs > 0x7fff ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
2013-10-18 20:49:36 -04:00
// make a new collnum so records in transit will not be added
// to any rdb...
cr->m_collnum = newCollnum;
2014-04-30 16:17:39 -04:00
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// ALTER m_recs[] array
// Rdb::resetColl() needs to know the new cr so it can move
// the RdbBase into cr->m_bases[rdbId] array. recycling.
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
setRecPtr ( newCollnum , cr );
// a new directory then since we changed the collnum
char dname[512];
sprintf(dname, "%scoll.%s.%" PRId32"/",
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
DIR *dir = opendir ( dname );
if ( dir ) {
closedir ( dir );
//g_errno = EEXIST;
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: Trying to create collection %s but directory %s already exists on disk.",
if ( ::mkdir ( dname, getDirCreationFlags() ) ) {
//g_errno = errno;
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: Creating directory %s had error: %s.",
2013-12-16 20:07:15 -05:00
// . unlink all the *.dat and *.map files for this coll in its subdir
// . remove all recs from this collnum from m_tree/m_buckets
// . updates RdbBase::m_collnum
// . so for the tree it just needs to mark the old collnum recs
// with a collnum -1 in case it is saving...
g_posdb.getRdb()->deleteColl ( oldCollnum , newCollnum );
g_titledb.getRdb()->deleteColl ( oldCollnum , newCollnum );
g_tagdb.getRdb()->deleteColl ( oldCollnum , newCollnum );
g_doledb.getRdb()->deleteColl ( oldCollnum , newCollnum );
g_clusterdb.getRdb()->deleteColl ( oldCollnum , newCollnum );
g_linkdb.getRdb()->deleteColl ( oldCollnum , newCollnum );
// reset crawl status too!
cr->m_spiderStatus = spider_status_t::SP_INITIALIZING;
2013-12-16 20:07:15 -05:00
2013-12-17 17:53:33 -05:00
// . set m_recs[oldCollnum] to NULL and remove from hash table
// . do after calls to deleteColl() above so it wont crash
setRecPtr ( oldCollnum , NULL );
2013-10-18 20:49:36 -04:00
// save coll.conf to new directory
2013-10-18 18:21:00 -04:00
2013-09-17 18:47:44 -04:00
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// done
return true;
// get coll rec specified in the HTTP request
2014-01-23 12:38:15 -05:00
CollectionRec *Collectiondb::getRec ( HttpRequest *r , bool useDefaultRec ) {
const char *coll = r->getString ( "c" );
2013-12-16 17:10:39 -05:00
if ( coll && ! coll[0] ) coll = NULL;
// default to main first
2014-01-23 12:38:15 -05:00
if ( ! coll && useDefaultRec ) {
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec("main");
if ( cr ) return cr;
return getFirstRec ();
2013-12-16 17:10:39 -05:00
// give up?
if ( ! coll ) return NULL;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
//if ( ! coll || ! coll[0] ) coll = g_conf.m_defaultColl;
return g_collectiondb.getRec ( coll );
const char *Collectiondb::getDefaultColl(const char *collname_from_httprequest) {
const char *coll = collname_from_httprequest;
if ( coll && ! coll[0] ) coll = NULL;
if ( coll ) return coll;
CollectionRec *cr = NULL;
// default to main first
if ( ! coll ) {
cr = g_collectiondb.getRec("main");
// CAUTION: cr could be deleted so don't trust this ptr
// if you give up control of the cpu
if ( cr ) return cr->m_coll;
// try next in line
if ( ! coll ) {
cr = getFirstRec ();
if ( cr ) return cr->m_coll;
// give up?
return NULL;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// . get collectionRec from name
// . returns NULL if not available
2016-02-23 09:05:40 -05:00
CollectionRec *Collectiondb::getRec ( const char *coll ) {
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
if ( ! coll ) coll = "";
return getRec ( coll , strlen(coll) );
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
2016-02-23 09:05:40 -05:00
CollectionRec *Collectiondb::getRec ( const char *coll , int32_t collLen ) {
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
if ( ! coll ) coll = "";
collnum_t collnum = getCollnum ( coll , collLen );
if ( collnum < 0 ) return NULL;
return m_recs [ (int32_t)collnum ];
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
CollectionRec *Collectiondb::getRec ( collnum_t collnum) {
2013-10-25 17:54:24 -04:00
if ( collnum >= m_numRecs || collnum < 0 ) {
2013-12-10 18:46:38 -05:00
// Rdb::resetBase() gets here, so don't always log.
// it is called from CollectionRec::reset() which is called
// from the CollectionRec constructor and ::load() so
// it won't have anything in rdb at that time
//log("colldb: collnum %" PRId32" > numrecs = %" PRId32,
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
// (int32_t)collnum,(int32_t)m_numRecs);
2013-10-25 17:54:24 -04:00
return NULL;
return m_recs[collnum];
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
CollectionRec *Collectiondb::getFirstRec ( ) {
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRecs ; i++ )
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
if ( m_recs[i] ) return m_recs[i];
return NULL;
2017-01-12 10:07:39 -05:00
collnum_t Collectiondb::getFirstCollnum() const {
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRecs ; i++ )
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
if ( m_recs[i] ) return i;
return (collnum_t)-1;
2017-01-12 10:07:39 -05:00
const char *Collectiondb::getCollName(collnum_t collnum) const {
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
if ( collnum < 0 || collnum > m_numRecs ) return NULL;
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
if ( ! m_recs[(int32_t)collnum] ) return NULL;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
return m_recs[collnum]->m_coll;
2017-01-12 10:07:39 -05:00
collnum_t Collectiondb::getCollnum(const char *coll) const {
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
int32_t clen = 0;
if ( coll ) clen = strlen(coll );
2013-12-08 17:36:23 -05:00
return getCollnum ( coll , clen );
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
2017-01-12 10:07:39 -05:00
collnum_t Collectiondb::getCollnum ( const char *coll , int32_t clen ) const {
2013-12-08 17:36:23 -05:00
// default empty collection names
if ( coll && ! coll[0] ) coll = NULL;
if ( ! coll ) {
coll = g_conf.m_defaultColl;
clen = strlen(coll);
2013-12-08 17:36:23 -05:00
if ( ! coll[0] ) {
2013-12-08 17:36:23 -05:00
coll = "main";
clen = strlen(coll);
2013-12-08 17:36:23 -05:00
// because diffbot may have thousands of crawls/collections
// let's improve the speed here. try hashing it...
2014-10-30 15:36:39 -04:00
int64_t h64 = hash64(coll,clen);
void *vp = g_collTable.getValue ( &h64 );
if ( ! vp ) return -1; // not found
return *(collnum_t *)vp;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
// what collnum will be used the next time a coll is added?
collnum_t Collectiondb::reserveCollNum ( ) {
if ( m_numRecs < 0x7fff ) {
collnum_t next = m_numRecs;
// make the ptr NULL at least to accomodate the
// loop that scan up to m_numRecs lest we core
growRecPtrBuf ( next );
return next;
// collnum_t is signed right now because we use -1 to indicate a
// bad collnum.
int32_t scanned = 0;
// search for an empty slot
for ( int32_t i = m_wrapped ; ; i++ ) {
// because collnum_t is 2 bytes, signed, limit this here
if ( i > 0x7fff ) i = 0;
// how can this happen?
if ( i < 0 ) i = 0;
// if we scanned the max # of recs we could have, we are done
if ( ++scanned >= m_numRecs ) break;
// skip if this is in use
2014-07-15 19:10:35 -04:00
if ( m_recs[i] ) continue;
// start after this one next time
m_wrapped = i+1;
// note it
log("colldb: returning wrapped collnum of %d", i);
2014-07-15 19:10:35 -04:00
return (collnum_t)i;
log("colldb: no new collnum available. consider upping collnum_t");
// none available!!
return -1;
2013-08-02 16:12:24 -04:00
//#include "CollectionRec.h"
: m_word_variations_config()
m_spiderCorruptCount = 0;
m_collnum = -1;
m_coll[0] = '\0';
2017-04-21 10:43:22 -04:00
2017-01-09 19:01:52 -05:00
memset(m_bases, 0, sizeof(m_bases));
// how many keys in the tree of each rdb? we now store this stuff
2014-11-17 21:13:36 -05:00
// here and not in RdbTree.cpp because we no longer have a maximum
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
// # of collection recs... MAX_COLLS. each is a 32-bit "int32_t" so
// it is 4 * RDB_END...
2017-01-09 19:01:52 -05:00
memset(m_numNegKeysInTree, 0, sizeof(m_numNegKeysInTree));
memset(m_numPosKeysInTree, 0, sizeof(m_numPosKeysInTree));
m_spiderColl = NULL;
m_overflow = 0x12345678;
m_overflow2 = 0x12345678;
// the spiders are currently uninhibited i guess
m_spiderStatus = spider_status_t::SP_INITIALIZING; // this is 0
// inits for sortbydatetable
m_msg5 = NULL;
// JAB - track which regex parsers have been initialized
//log(LOG_DEBUG,"regex: %p initalizing empty parsers", m_pRegExParser);
// clear these out so Parms::calcChecksum can work and so Parms.cpp doesn't work with uninitialized data
//m_regExs: ctor() done
//m_requests = 0;
//m_replies = 0;
//m_doingCallbacks = false;
m_lastResetCount = 0;
// for diffbot caching the global spider stats
2016-09-26 13:21:21 -04:00
// Coverity
m_nextActive = NULL;
m_needsSave = false;
m_urlFiltersHavePageCounts = false;
m_collLen = 0;
m_dailyMergeStarted = 0;
m_dailyMergeTrigger = 0;
memset(m_dailyMergeDOWList, 0, sizeof(m_dailyMergeDOWList));
2016-10-19 10:37:55 -04:00
m_spideringEnabled = true;
m_spiderDelayInMilliseconds = 0;
m_spiderReindexDelayMS = 0;
m_isActive = false;
2017-03-28 06:07:41 -04:00
m_makeImageThumbnails = false;
m_thumbnailMaxWidthHeight = 0;
2017-03-28 06:07:41 -04:00
m_indexBody = false;
2017-01-24 10:47:59 -05:00
m_dedupingEnabled = false;
m_dedupURLByDefault = false;
2017-01-24 10:47:59 -05:00
m_dupCheckWWW = false;
m_useSimplifiedRedirects = false;
m_oneVotePerIpDom = false;
m_doUrlSpamCheck = false;
m_doLinkSpamCheck = false;
m_siteClusterByDefault = false;
2016-10-19 10:37:55 -04:00
m_useRobotsTxt = true;
2017-01-24 10:47:59 -05:00
m_obeyRelNoFollowLinks = true;
m_forceUseFloaters = false;
m_automaticallyUseProxies = false;
m_automaticallyBackOff = false;
m_recycleContent = false;
m_getLinkInfo = true;
m_computeSiteNumInlinks = true;
m_percentSimilarSummary = 0;
m_summDedupNumLines = 0;
m_maxQueryTerms = 0;
m_sameLangWeight = 0.0;
m_unknownLangWeight = 0.0;
2017-12-07 09:34:11 -05:00
m_siteRankMultiplier = 0.0;
memset(m_defaultSortLanguage2, 0, sizeof(m_defaultSortLanguage2));
m_posdbMinFilesToMerge = 0;
m_titledbMinFilesToMerge = 0;
m_linkdbMinFilesToMerge = 0;
m_tagdbMinFilesToMerge = 0;
m_spiderdbMinFilesToMerge = 0;
2017-01-24 10:47:59 -05:00
m_dedupResultsByDefault = false;
m_doTagdbLookups = true;
m_useCanonicalRedirects = true;
2016-09-26 13:21:21 -04:00
m_maxNumSpiders = 0;
m_titleMaxLen = 0;
m_summaryMaxLen = 0;
m_summaryMaxNumLines = 0;
m_summaryMaxNumCharsPerLine = 0;
m_getDocIdScoringInfo = false;
2016-09-26 13:21:21 -04:00
m_numRegExs9 = 0;
m_doQueryHighlighting = false;
memset(m_summaryFrontHighlightTag, 0, sizeof(m_summaryFrontHighlightTag));
memset(m_summaryBackHighlightTag, 0, sizeof(m_summaryBackHighlightTag));
2016-09-26 13:21:21 -04:00
m_maxAddUrlsPerIpDomPerDay = 0;
m_maxTextDocLen = 0;
m_maxOtherDocLen = 0;
m_maxOtherDocDownloadLen = 0;
2016-09-26 13:21:21 -04:00
m_summaryMaxWidth = 0;
m_maxRobotsCacheAge = 0;
m_crawlDelayDefaultForNoRobotsTxtMS = 15000;
m_crawlDelayDefaultForRobotsTxtMS = 10000;
m_checkURLFilters = true;
m_modifyDomainLikeSearches = false;
m_domainLikeSearchDisablesSiteCluster = true;
2017-07-07 08:19:45 -04:00
m_modifyAPILikeSearches = false;
m_rcache = false;
m_hideAllClustered = false;
CollectionRec::~CollectionRec() {
//invalidateRegEx ();
void CollectionRec::clearUrlFilters()
memset( m_spiderFreqs, 0, sizeof(m_spiderFreqs) );
memset( m_spiderPriorities, 0, sizeof(m_spiderPriorities) );
memset( m_maxSpidersPerRule, 0, sizeof(m_maxSpidersPerRule) );
memset( m_spiderIpWaits, 0, sizeof(m_spiderIpWaits) );
memset( m_spiderIpMaxSpiders, 0, sizeof(m_spiderIpMaxSpiders) );
memset( m_harvestLinks, 0, sizeof(m_harvestLinks) );
memset( m_forceDelete, 0, sizeof(m_forceDelete) );
m_numRegExs = 0;
m_numSpiderFreqs = 0;
m_numSpiderPriorities = 0;
m_numMaxSpidersPerRule = 0;
m_numSpiderIpWaits = 0;
m_numSpiderIpMaxSpiders = 0;
m_numHarvestLinks = 0;
m_numForceDelete = 0;
void CollectionRec::reset() {
// free all RdbBases in each rdb
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_process.m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
Rdb *rdb = g_process.m_rdbs[i];
rdb->resetBase ( m_collnum );
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_process.m_numRdbs ; i++ ) {
RdbBase *base = m_bases[i];
if ( ! base ) continue;
mdelete (base, sizeof(RdbBase), "Rdb Coll");
delete (base);
2014-01-23 02:52:23 -05:00
SpiderColl *sc = m_spiderColl;
// if never made one, we are done
if ( ! sc ) return;
// spider coll also!
sc->m_deleteMyself = true;
// if not currently being accessed nuke it now
SpiderColl::tryToDeleteSpiderColl(sc, "12");
// . load this data from a conf file
// . values we do not explicitly have will be taken from "default",
// collection config file. if it does not have them then we use
// the value we received from call to setToDefaults()
// . returns false and sets g_errno on load error
2016-05-22 09:51:37 -04:00
bool CollectionRec::load ( const char *coll , int32_t i ) {
// also reset some counts not included in parms list
// before we load, set to defaults in case some are not in xml file
2014-06-18 08:04:45 -04:00
g_parms.setToDefault ( (char *)this , OBJ_COLL , this );
// get the filename with that id
File f;
char tmp2[1024];
sprintf ( tmp2 , "%scoll.%s.%" PRId32"/coll.conf", g_hostdb.m_dir , coll,i);
f.set ( tmp2 );
if ( ! f.doesExist () ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "admin: %s does not exist.",tmp2);
return false;
// set our collection number
m_collnum = i;
// set our collection name
m_collLen = strlen ( coll );
if ( coll != m_coll)
strcpy ( m_coll , coll );
2014-04-22 14:18:21 -04:00
if ( ! g_conf.m_doingCommandLine )
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Loading conf for collection %s (%" PRId32")",
coll, (int32_t)m_collnum);
// the default conf file
char tmp1[1024];
snprintf ( tmp1 , 1023, "%sdefault.conf" , g_hostdb.m_dir );
// . set our parms from the file.
g_parms.setFromFile ( this , tmp2 , tmp1 , OBJ_COLL );
2014-04-09 22:51:36 -04:00
// this only rebuild them if necessary
2015-04-30 16:28:57 -04:00
// the list of ip addresses that we have detected as being throttled
// and therefore backoff and use proxies for
2015-05-06 12:57:57 -04:00
if ( ! g_conf.m_doingCommandLine ) {
2017-04-21 10:43:22 -04:00
SafeBuf sb;
sb.safePrintf("%scoll.%s.%" PRId32"/", g_hostdb.m_dir , m_coll , (int32_t)m_collnum );
m_twitchyTable.set(4, 0, 0, NULL, 0, false, "twitchtbl", true);
2015-05-06 12:57:57 -04:00
m_twitchyTable.load ( sb.getBufStart() , "ipstouseproxiesfor.dat" );
// ignore errors i guess
g_errno = 0;
return true;
2014-04-09 22:51:36 -04:00
bool CollectionRec::rebuildUrlFilters2 ( ) {
// tell spider loop to update active list
const char *s = m_urlFiltersProfile.getBufStart();
if ( strncmp(s,"privacore", strlen("privacore")) != 0 ) {
// not a safe filter
2014-09-22 13:40:16 -04:00
// leave custom profiles alone
if ( strcmp(s,"custom" ) == 0 ) {
2016-07-21 09:35:27 -04:00
return true;
// Bugfix. Make sure all arrays are cleared so e.g. ForceDelete
// entries are not 'inherited' by new filter rules because they
// are not set for each filter.
if ( strcmp(s, "privacore-DK") == 0 ) {
return rebuildPrivacoreDKOnlyRules();
if ( strcmp(s, "privacore-OldPages") == 0 ) {
return rebuildPrivacoreOldOnlyRules();
if ( strcmp(s, "privacore") == 0 ) {
return rebuildPrivacoreRules();
2016-07-21 09:35:27 -04:00
log(LOG_ERROR,"Invalid URL Filter profile in safe-mode");
//if ( strcmp(s,"web") )
// just fall through for that
if ( !strcmp(s,"english") )
return rebuildLangRules( "en","com,us,gov");
if ( !strcmp(s,"german") )
return rebuildLangRules( "de","de");
if ( !strcmp(s,"french") )
return rebuildLangRules( "fr","fr");
if ( !strcmp(s,"norwegian") )
return rebuildLangRules( "nl","nl");
if ( !strcmp(s,"spanish") )
return rebuildLangRules( "es","es");
if ( !strcmp(s,"romantic") )
2016-07-21 09:35:27 -04:00
return rebuildLangRules("en,de,fr,nl,es,sv,no,it,fi,pt", "de,fr,nl,es,sv,no,it,fi,pt,com,gov,org" );
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
int32_t n = 0;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 30; // 30 days default
m_spiderPriorities[n] = 0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule[n] = 99;
m_spiderIpWaits[n] = 1000;
2014-01-20 21:51:15 -05:00
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[n] = 7;
m_harvestLinks[n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
// max spiders per ip
int32_t ipms = 7;
2014-07-03 15:24:14 -04:00
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 80;
// if not in the site list then nuke it
2014-04-11 04:10:19 -04:00
m_regExs[n].set("!ismanualadd && !insitelist");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_regExs[n].set("errorcount>=3 && hastmperror");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 1; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_regExs[n].set("errorcount>=1 && hastmperror");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 1; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 45;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"news") )
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = .00347; // 5 mins
// a non temporary error, like a 404? retry once per 5 days
2015-09-09 21:26:26 -04:00
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 5; // 5 day retry
2015-09-09 21:26:26 -04:00
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 2;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 85;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"news") )
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = .00347; // 5 mins
// 20+ unique c block parent request urls means it is important!
m_regExs[n].set("numinlinks>7 && isnew");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 52;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"news") )
m_spiderFreqs [n] = .00347; // 5 mins
// 20+ unique c block parent request urls means it is important!
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 51;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"news") )
m_spiderFreqs [n] = .00347; // 5 mins
m_regExs[n].set("isroot && iswww && isnew");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 50;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"news") )
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = .00347; // 5 mins
m_regExs[n].set("isroot && iswww");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0; // days b4 respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 48;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"news") )
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = .00347; // 5 mins
m_regExs[n].set("isroot && isnew");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 49;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"news") )
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = .00347; // 5 mins
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 10.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 47;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"news") )
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = .00347; // 5 mins
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 40;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"news") )
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = .04166; // 60 minutes
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 39;
if ( ! strcmp(s,"news") )
2014-04-09 14:03:31 -04:00
m_spiderFreqs [n] = .04166; // 60 minutes
m_numRegExs = n;
m_numSpiderFreqs = n;
m_numSpiderPriorities = n;
m_numMaxSpidersPerRule = n;
m_numSpiderIpWaits = n;
m_numSpiderIpMaxSpiders = n;
m_numHarvestLinks = n;
m_numForceDelete = n;
return true;
bool CollectionRec::rebuildPrivacoreOldOnlyRules() {
const char *langWhitelistStr = "xx,en,bg,sr,ca,cs,da,et,fi,fr,de,el,hu,is,ga,it,la,lv,lt,lb,nl,pl,pt,ro,es,sv,no,vv,mt,sk,sl,eu,cy,kl,fo";
// max spiders per ip
int32_t ipms = 1;
int32_t n = 0;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("lang!=%s", langWhitelistStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 0 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
// dns permanent error
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("errorcode==%d || errorcode==%d || errorcode==%d && tld==dk", EDNSNOTFOUND, EDNSBADREQUEST, EDNSREFUSED);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
// http permanent error
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("errorcode==%d && httpstatus>=500 && httpstatus<600 && tld==dk", EDOCBADHTTPSTATUS);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
#if 0
@@@ Enable after test
// 4 or more of the SAME non-temporary errors - delete it
m_regExs[n].set("sameerrorcount>=100 && !hastmperror && tld==dk"); //100 is for TESTING. Will be removed once verified.
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 0 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
// got bad HTTP status (e.g. 404). Now delete it.
m_regExs[n].set("httpstatus>=400 && httpstatus<500");
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 500; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // Delete it
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 0 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 90;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0;
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 7 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 85;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_regExs[n].set("spiderwaited>31536000"); // Waited more than 365 days (365*86400)
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 30; // 7 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 80;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = false; // DO NOT harvest links
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 60; // 60 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 0; // 0 spiders - spidering DISABLED for matching URLs
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 1;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_numRegExs = n;
m_numSpiderFreqs = n;
m_numSpiderPriorities = n;
m_numMaxSpidersPerRule = n;
m_numSpiderIpWaits = n;
m_numSpiderIpMaxSpiders = n;
m_numHarvestLinks = n;
m_numForceDelete = n;
return true;
bool CollectionRec::rebuildPrivacoreDKOnlyRules() {
const char *langWhitelistStr = "xx,en,bg,sr,ca,cs,da,et,fi,fr,de,el,hu,is,ga,it,la,lv,lt,lb,nl,pl,pt,ro,es,sv,no,vv,mt,sk,sl,eu,cy,kl,fo";
// max spiders per ip
int32_t ipms = 1;
int32_t n = 0;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("lang!=%s", langWhitelistStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 0 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
// dns permanent error
2017-12-14 02:49:47 -05:00
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("errorcode==%d || errorcode==%d || errorcode==%d && tld==dk", EDNSNOTFOUND, EDNSBADREQUEST, EDNSREFUSED);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
// http permanent error
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("errorcode==%d && httpstatus>=500 && httpstatus<600 && tld==dk", EDOCBADHTTPSTATUS);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
#if 0
@@@ Enable after test
// 4 or more of the SAME non-temporary errors - delete it
m_regExs[n].set("sameerrorcount>=100 && !hastmperror && tld==dk"); //100 is for TESTING. Will be removed once verified.
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 0 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
// got bad HTTP status (e.g. 404). Now delete it.
m_regExs[n].set("httpstatus>=400 && httpstatus<500 && tld==dk");
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 500; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // Delete it
// got BadIP error last x times we tried. Now delete it.
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("sameerrorcount>=4 && errorcode==%d && tld==dk", EBADIP);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 1;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 500; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 89;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // Delete
// got BadIP error last we tried. Retry soon again to see if we keep
// getting the same error (probably expired domain).
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("sameerrorcount>=1 && errorcode==%d && tld==dk", EBADIP);
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0.50; // retry in 12 hours (0.5 days)
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 500; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 89;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
// 3 or more temporary errors - slow down retries a bit
m_regExs[n].set("errorcount>=3 && hastmperror && tld==dk");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 3; // 3 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 45;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
// 1 or more temporary errors - retry in a day
m_regExs[n].set("errorcount>=1 && hastmperror && tld==dk");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 1; // 1 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 45;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 0 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 90;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0;
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 7 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 85;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_regExs[n].set("spiderwaited>15552000 && tld==dk"); // Waited more than 180 days (180*86400)
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 30; // 7 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 80;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_regExs[n].set("iswww && isnew && tld==dk");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0; // 7 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 50;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_regExs[n].set("iswww && tld==dk");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0; // 7 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 48;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_regExs[n].set("isnew && tld==dk");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0; // 7 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 18;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 14.0; // 14 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 17;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = false; // DO NOT harvest links for
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 60; // 60 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 0; // 0 spiders - spidering DISABLED for matching URLs
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 1;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_numRegExs = n;
m_numSpiderFreqs = n;
m_numSpiderPriorities = n;
m_numMaxSpidersPerRule = n;
m_numSpiderIpWaits = n;
m_numSpiderIpMaxSpiders = n;
m_numHarvestLinks = n;
m_numForceDelete = n;
return true;
bool CollectionRec::rebuildPrivacoreRules () {
const char *langWhitelistStr = "xx,en,bg,sr,ca,cs,da,et,fi,fr,de,el,hu,is,ga,it,la,lv,lt,lb,nl,pl,pt,ro,es,sv,no,vv,mt,sk,sl,eu,cy,kl,fo";
// max spiders per ip
int32_t ipms = 1;
int32_t n = 0;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("lang!=%s", langWhitelistStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 0 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
// dns permanent error
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("errorcode==%d || errorcode==%d || errorcode==%d", EDNSNOTFOUND, EDNSBADREQUEST, EDNSREFUSED);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
// http permanent error
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("errorcode==%d && httpstatus>=500 && httpstatus<600", EDOCBADHTTPSTATUS);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
#if 0
@@@ Enable after test
// 4 or more of the SAME non-temporary errors - delete it
m_regExs[n].set("sameerrorcount>=100 && !hastmperror"); //100 is for TESTING. Will be removed once verified.
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 0 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 0; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
// got bad HTTP status (e.g. 404). Now delete it.
m_regExs[n].set("httpstatus>=400 && httpstatus<500");
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 500; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // Delete it
// got BadIP error last x times we tried. Now delete it.
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("sameerrorcount>=4 && errorcode==%d", EBADIP);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 1;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 500; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 89;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // Delete
// got BadIP error last we tried. Retry soon again to see if we keep
// getting the same error (probably expired domain).
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("sameerrorcount>=1 && errorcode==%d", EBADIP);
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0.50; // retry in 12 hours (0.5 days)
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 500; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 89;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
// 3 or more temporary errors - slow down retries a bit
m_regExs[n].set("errorcount>=3 && hastmperror");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 3; // 3 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 45;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
// 1 or more temporary errors - retry in a day
m_regExs[n].set("errorcount>=1 && hastmperror");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 1; // 1 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 45;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 0 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 90;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0;
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 7 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 85;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_regExs[n].set("isroot && iswww && isnew");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 7 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 50;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_regExs[n].set("isroot && iswww");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0; // 7 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 48;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_regExs[n].set("isroot && isnew");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0; // 7 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 18;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 10.0; // 10 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 17;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0; // 20 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 16;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0; // 20 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 15;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_numRegExs = n;
m_numSpiderFreqs = n;
m_numSpiderPriorities = n;
m_numMaxSpidersPerRule = n;
m_numSpiderIpWaits = n;
m_numSpiderIpMaxSpiders = n;
m_numHarvestLinks = n;
m_numForceDelete = n;
return true;
#if 0
// Will be removed when the modified function above is "final"
bool CollectionRec::rebuildPrivacoreRules () {
const char *langWhitelistStr = "xx,en,bg,sr,ca,cs,da,et,fi,fr,de,el,hu,is,ga,it,la,lv,lt,lb,nl,pl,pt,ro,es,sv,no,vv,mt,sk,sl,eu,cy,kl,fo";
// max spiders per ip
2017-06-06 05:55:11 -04:00
int32_t ipms = 1;
int32_t n = 0;
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 0 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 80;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("lang!=%s", langWhitelistStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 0 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
// 3 or more non-temporary errors - delete it
m_regExs[n].set("errorcount>=3 && !hastmperror");
m_harvestLinks [n] = false;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 1 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1; // delete!
// 3 or more temporary errors - slow down retries a bit
m_regExs[n].set("errorcount>=3 && hastmperror");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 3; // 1 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 45;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
// 1 or more temporary errors - retry in a day
m_regExs[n].set("errorcount>=1 && hastmperror");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 1; // 1 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 45;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 7 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 85;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_regExs[n].set("isroot && iswww && isnew");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 7 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 50;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_regExs[n].set("isroot && iswww");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0; // 7 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 48;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_regExs[n].set("isroot && isnew");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0; // 7 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 18;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 10.0; // 10 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 17;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0; // 20 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 16;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0; // 20 days before respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 15;
m_forceDelete [n] = 0; // Do NOT delete
m_numRegExs = n;
m_numSpiderFreqs = n;
m_numSpiderPriorities = n;
m_numMaxSpidersPerRule = n;
m_numSpiderIpWaits = n;
m_numSpiderIpMaxSpiders = n;
m_numHarvestLinks = n;
m_numForceDelete = n;
2014-04-09 22:51:36 -04:00
return true;
2016-05-19 10:17:03 -04:00
bool CollectionRec::rebuildLangRules ( const char *langStr , const char *tldStr ) {
// max spiders per ip
int32_t ipms = 7;
2014-11-10 17:45:11 -05:00
int32_t n = 0;
2014-07-03 15:24:14 -04:00
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 80;
// if not in the site list then nuke it
m_regExs[n].set("!ismanualadd && !insitelist");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 0; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100; // delete!
m_forceDelete [n] = 1;
m_regExs[n].set("errorcount>=3 && hastmperror");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 1; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 100;
m_forceDelete [n] = 1;
m_regExs[n].set("errorcount>=1 && hastmperror");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 1; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 1; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = 1; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 45;
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 99; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 85;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("isroot && iswww && isnew && tld==%s", tldStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 50;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("&& iswww && isnew && lang==%s,xx", langStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7; // 30 days default
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 50;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("isroot && iswww && tld==%s", tldStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0; // days b4 respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 48;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("isroot && iswww && lang==%s,xx", langStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0; // days b4 respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 48;
m_regExs[n].set("isroot && iswww");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0; // days b4 respider
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 19;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("isroot && isnew && tld==%s", tldStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 49;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("isroot && isnew && lang==%s,xx", langStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 49;
m_regExs[n].set("isroot && isnew");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 7.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 18;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("isroot && tld==%s", tldStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 10.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 47;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("isroot && lang==%s,xx", langStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 10.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 47;
m_regExs[n].set("isroot ");
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 10.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 17;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("isnew && tld==%s",tldStr);
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 40;
m_regExs[n].safePrintf("isnew && lang==%s,xx",
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 40;
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 16;
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 39;
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 39;
m_harvestLinks [n] = true;
m_spiderFreqs [n] = 20.0;
m_maxSpidersPerRule [n] = 9; // max spiders
m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [n] = ipms; // max spiders per ip
m_spiderIpWaits [n] = 1000; // same ip wait
m_spiderPriorities [n] = 15;
m_numRegExs = n;
m_numSpiderFreqs = n;
m_numSpiderPriorities = n;
m_numMaxSpidersPerRule = n;
m_numSpiderIpWaits = n;
m_numSpiderIpMaxSpiders = n;
m_numHarvestLinks = n;
m_numForceDelete = n;
// done rebuilding CHINESE rules
return true;
// returns false on failure and sets g_errno, true otherwise
bool CollectionRec::save ( ) {
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) {
return true;
// only save if we need to
bool needsSave =;
if (!needsSave) {
return true;
//File f;
char tmp[1024];
snprintf(tmp, 1023, "%scoll.%s.%" PRId32"/coll.conf", g_hostdb.m_dir, m_coll, (int32_t)m_collnum);
2017-05-26 10:34:59 -04:00
log(LOG_INFO, "coll: Saving %s", tmp);
if (!g_parms.saveToXml((char *)this, tmp, OBJ_COLL)) {
// we didn't save successfully
m_needsSave = true;
return false;
// in case emergency save from malloc core, do not alloc
StackBuf<1024> sb;
2015-04-30 16:28:57 -04:00
// the list of ip addresses that we have detected as being throttled
// and therefore backoff and use proxies for
sb.safePrintf("%scoll.%s.%" PRId32"/", g_hostdb.m_dir, m_coll, (int32_t)m_collnum);
2015-04-30 16:28:57 -04:00 ( sb.getBufStart() , "ipstouseproxiesfor.dat" );
return true;
// . anytime the url filters are updated, this function is called
// . it is also called on load of the collection at startup
bool CollectionRec::rebuildUrlFilters ( ) {
2017-01-12 10:49:21 -05:00
if ( ! g_conf.m_doingCommandLine && ! g_collectiondb.isInitializing() )
log(LOG_INFO, "coll: Rebuilding url filters for %s ufp=%s",
m_coll, m_urlFiltersProfile.getBufStart());
// set the url filters based on the url filter profile, if any
// set this so we know whether we have to keep track of page counts
// per subdomain/site. if the url filters have
// 'sitepages' we have to keep
// the count table SpiderColl::m_pageCountTable.
m_urlFiltersHavePageCounts = false;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numRegExs ; i++ ) {
// get the ith rule
SafeBuf *sb = &m_regExs[i];
char *p = sb->getBufStart();
if (strstr(p,"sitepages")) {
m_urlFiltersHavePageCounts = true;
// if collection is brand new being called from addNewColl()
// then sc will be NULL
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderCollIffNonNull(m_collnum);
// . do not do this at startup
// . this essentially resets doledb
if ( g_doledb.getRdb()->isInitialized() &&
// somehow this is initialized before we set m_recs[m_collnum]
// so we gotta do the two checks below...
sc &&
// must be a valid coll
2017-01-12 10:49:21 -05:00
m_collnum < g_collectiondb.getNumRecs() &&
g_collectiondb.getRec(m_collnum) ) {
log(LOG_INFO, "coll: resetting doledb for %s (%li)",m_coll, (long)m_collnum);
// clear doledb recs from tree
nukeDoledb ( m_collnum );
return true;
2014-10-30 15:36:39 -04:00
int64_t CollectionRec::getNumDocsIndexed() {
RdbBase *base = getBase(RDB_TITLEDB);//m_bases[RDB_TITLEDB];
if ( ! base ) return 0LL;
return base->estimateNumGlobalRecs();