409 lines
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409 lines
12 KiB
// Matt Wells, copyright Feb 2001
// maintains a simple array of CollectionRecs
#include <atomic>
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "rdbid_t.h"
#include "collnum_t.h"
#include "spider_status_t.h"
#include "GbMutex.h"
#include "WordVariationsConfig.h"
class Collectiondb {
void reset() ;
// called by main.cpp to fill in our m_recs[] array with
// all the coll.*.*/coll.conf info
bool loadAllCollRecs ( );
// . this will save all conf files back to disk that need it
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, true on success
bool save ( );
bool isInitializing() const { return m_initializing; }
// returns i so that m_recs[i].m_coll = coll
collnum_t getCollnum(const char *coll, int32_t collLen) const;
collnum_t getCollnum(const char *coll) const; // coll is NULL terminated here
const char *getCollName(collnum_t collnum) const;
// get coll rec specified in the HTTP request
class CollectionRec *getRec ( class HttpRequest *r ,
bool useDefaultRec = true );
//Returns the specified collection name, or the default collection if no collection name was specified
const char *getDefaultColl(const char *collname_from_httprequest);
// . get collectionRec from name
// returns NULL if not available
class CollectionRec *getRec ( const char *coll );
class CollectionRec *getRec ( const char *coll , int32_t collLen );
class CollectionRec *getRec ( collnum_t collnum);
//class CollectionRec *getDefaultRec ( ) ;
class CollectionRec *getFirstRec ( ) ;
collnum_t getFirstCollnum() const ;
int32_t getNumRecs() const { return m_numRecs; }
int32_t getNumRecsUsed() const { return m_numRecsUsed; }
// what collnum will be used the next time a coll is added?
collnum_t reserveCollNum ( ) ;
bool addExistingColl ( const char *coll, collnum_t collnum );
bool addNewColl( const char *coll, collnum_t newCollnum ) ;
bool addRdbBaseToAllRdbsForEachCollRec ( ) ;
bool addRdbBasesForCollRec ( CollectionRec *cr ) ;
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise.
bool deleteRec2 ( collnum_t collnum );
//void deleteSpiderColl ( class SpiderColl *sc );
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise.
bool resetColl2(collnum_t oldCollnum, collnum_t newCollnum);
// after main.cpp loads all rdb trees it calls this to remove
// bogus collnums from the trees i guess
bool cleanTrees();
bool registerCollRec(CollectionRec *cr);
bool growRecPtrBuf(collnum_t collnum);
bool setRecPtr(collnum_t collnum, CollectionRec *cr);
class CollectionRec **m_recs;
// m_recs[] points into a safebuf that is just an array
// of collectionrec ptrs. so we have to grow that safebuf possibly
// in order to add a new collection rec ptr to m_recs
SafeBuf m_recPtrBuf;
int32_t m_numRecs;
int32_t m_numRecsUsed;
int32_t m_wrapped;
bool m_initializing;
extern class Collectiondb g_collectiondb;
// Matt Wells, copyright Feb 2002
// . a collection record specifies the spider/index/search parms of a
// collection of web pages
// . there's a Msg class to send an update signal to all the hosts once
// we've used Msg1 to add a new rec or delete an old. The update signal
// will make the receiving hosts flush their CollectionRec buf so they
// have to send out a Msg0 to get it again
// . we have a default collection record, a main collection record and
// then other collection records
// . the default collection record values override all
// . but the collection record values can override SiteRec values
// . so if spider is disabled in default collection record, then nobody
// can spider!
// . override the g_conf.* vars where * is in this class to use
// Collection db's default values
// . then add in the values of the specialzed collection record
// . so change "if ( g_conf.m_spideringEnabled )" to something like
// Msg33 msg33;
// if ( ! msg33.getCollectionRec ( m_coll, m_collLen ) ) return false;
// CollectionRec *r = msg33.getRec();
// CollectoinRec *d = msg33.getDefaultRec();
// if ( ! r->m_spideringEnabled || ! d->m_spideringEnabled ) continue;
// ... otherwise, spider for the m_coll collection
// ... pass msg33 to Msg14::spiderDoc(), etc...
// how many url filtering patterns?
#define MAX_FILTERS 96 // up to 96 url regular expression patterns
#include "max_coll_len.h"
#include "HashTableX.h"
// fake this for now
#define RDB_END2 80
class CollectionRec {
// active linked list of collectionrecs used by spider.cpp
class CollectionRec *m_nextActive;
// these just set m_xml to NULL
virtual ~CollectionRec();
int64_t getNumDocsIndexed();
// . stuff used by Collectiondb
// . do we need a save or not?
bool save();
void setNeedsSave() { m_needsSave = true; }
std::atomic<bool> m_needsSave;
bool load ( const char *coll , int32_t collNum ) ;
void reset();
// Clear memory structures used by URL filters
void clearUrlFilters();
// for customcrawls
bool rebuildUrlFilters();
// for regular crawls
bool rebuildUrlFilters2();
bool rebuildLangRules( const char *lang , const char *tld );
bool rebuildPrivacoreRules();
bool rebuildPrivacoreDKOnlyRules();
bool rebuildPrivacoreOldOnlyRules();
bool m_urlFiltersHavePageCounts;
// the all important collection name, NULL terminated
char m_coll [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 ] ;
int32_t m_collLen;
// used by SpiderCache.cpp. g_collectiondb.m_recs[m_collnum] = this
collnum_t m_collnum;
// for doing DailyMerge.cpp stuff
int32_t m_dailyMergeStarted; // time_t
int32_t m_dailyMergeTrigger;
char m_dailyMergeDOWList[48];
int64_t m_spiderCorruptCount;
// holds ips that have been detected as being throttled and we need
// to backoff and use proxies on
HashTableX m_twitchyTable;
// spider controls for this collection
bool m_spideringEnabled ;
int32_t m_spiderDelayInMilliseconds;
int32_t m_spiderReindexDelayMS;
// is in active list in spider.cpp?
bool m_isActive;
bool m_makeImageThumbnails;
int32_t m_thumbnailMaxWidthHeight ;
bool m_indexBody;
bool m_dedupingEnabled ; // dedup content on same hostname
bool m_dedupURLByDefault ;
bool m_dupCheckWWW ;
bool m_useSimplifiedRedirects ;
bool m_oneVotePerIpDom ;
bool m_doUrlSpamCheck ; //filter urls w/ naughty hostnames
bool m_doLinkSpamCheck ; //filters dynamically generated pages
bool m_siteClusterByDefault ;
bool m_useRobotsTxt ;
bool m_obeyRelNoFollowLinks ;
bool m_forceUseFloaters ;
bool m_automaticallyUseProxies ;
bool m_automaticallyBackOff ;
bool m_recycleContent ;
bool m_getLinkInfo ; // turn off to save seeks
bool m_computeSiteNumInlinks ;
int32_t m_percentSimilarSummary ; // Dedup by summary similiarity
int32_t m_summDedupNumLines ;
int32_t m_maxQueryTerms;
spider_status_t m_spiderStatus;
//ranking settings
float m_sameLangWeight;
float m_unknownLangWeight;
float m_siteRankMultiplier;
// Language stuff
char m_defaultSortLanguage2[6];
SafeBuf m_collectionPasswords;
SafeBuf m_collectionIps;
// from Conf.h
int32_t m_posdbMinFilesToMerge ;
int32_t m_titledbMinFilesToMerge ;
int32_t m_linkdbMinFilesToMerge ;
int32_t m_tagdbMinFilesToMerge ;
int32_t m_spiderdbMinFilesToMerge;
bool m_dedupResultsByDefault ;
bool m_doTagdbLookups ;
bool m_useCanonicalRedirects ;
int32_t m_maxNumSpiders ; // per local spider host
int32_t m_lastResetCount;
// controls for query-dependent summary/title generation
int32_t m_titleMaxLen;
int32_t m_summaryMaxLen;
int32_t m_summaryMaxNumLines;
int32_t m_summaryMaxNumCharsPerLine;
bool m_getDocIdScoringInfo;
// list of url patterns to be indexed.
SafeBuf m_siteListBuf;
// can be "web" "english" "romantic" "german" etc.
SafeBuf m_urlFiltersProfile;
// . now the url regular expressions
// . we chain down the regular expressions
// . if a url matches we use that tagdb rec #
// . if it doesn't match any of the patterns, we use the default site #
// . just one regexp per Pattern
// . all of these arrays should be the same size, but we need to
// include a count because Parms.cpp expects a count before each
// array since it handle them each individually
int32_t m_numRegExs;
// make this now use g_collectiondb.m_stringBuf safebuf and
// make Parms.cpp use that stringbuf rather than store into here...
SafeBuf m_regExs[ MAX_FILTERS ];
int32_t m_numSpiderFreqs; // useless, just for Parms::setParm()
float m_spiderFreqs[ MAX_FILTERS ];
int32_t m_numSpiderPriorities; // useless, just for Parms::setParm()
char m_spiderPriorities[ MAX_FILTERS ];
int32_t m_numMaxSpidersPerRule; // useless, just for Parms::setParm()
int32_t m_maxSpidersPerRule[ MAX_FILTERS ];
// same ip waits now here instead of "page priority"
int32_t m_numSpiderIpWaits; // useless, just for Parms::setParm()
int32_t m_spiderIpWaits[ MAX_FILTERS ];
// same goes for max spiders per ip
int32_t m_numSpiderIpMaxSpiders;
int32_t m_spiderIpMaxSpiders [ MAX_FILTERS ];
int32_t m_numHarvestLinks;
bool m_harvestLinks[ MAX_FILTERS ];
int32_t m_numForceDelete;
char m_forceDelete[ MAX_FILTERS ];
// dummy?
int32_t m_numRegExs9;
bool m_doQueryHighlighting;
char m_summaryFrontHighlightTag[SUMMARYHIGHLIGHTTAGMAXSIZE] ;
char m_summaryBackHighlightTag [SUMMARYHIGHLIGHTTAGMAXSIZE] ;
SafeBuf m_htmlRoot;
SafeBuf m_htmlHead;
SafeBuf m_htmlTail;
class SpiderColl *m_spiderColl;
GbMutex m_spiderCollMutex;
int32_t m_overflow;
int32_t m_overflow2;
int32_t m_maxAddUrlsPerIpDomPerDay;
// . max content length of text/html or text/plain document
// . we will not download, index or store more than this many bytes
int32_t m_maxTextDocLen;
// . max content length of other (pdf, word, xls, ppt, ps)
// . we will not index or store more than this many bytes
int32_t m_maxOtherDocLen;
// . max content length of other (pdf, word, xls, ppt, ps)
// . we will not download more than this many bytes
// . if content would be truncated, we will not even download at all
// because the html converter needs 100% of the doc otherwise it
// will have an error
int32_t m_maxOtherDocDownloadLen;
// . puts <br>s in the summary to keep its width below this
// . but we exceed this width before we would split a word
int32_t m_summaryMaxWidth;
// how long a robots.txt can be in the cache (Msg13.cpp/Robotdb.cpp)
int32_t m_maxRobotsCacheAge;
int32_t m_crawlDelayDefaultForNoRobotsTxtMS;
int32_t m_crawlDelayDefaultForRobotsTxtMS;
// check URL filters for manual ban and force delete?
bool m_checkURLFilters;
// rewrite domain-like queries for this collection?
bool m_modifyDomainLikeSearches;
bool m_domainLikeSearchDisablesSiteCluster;
// rewrite API-like queries?
bool m_modifyAPILikeSearches;
WordVariationsConfig m_word_variations_config;
// read from cache
bool m_rcache;
bool m_hideAllClustered;
// use this not m_bases to get the RdbBase
class RdbBase *getBase(rdbid_t rdbId);
// Rdb.cpp uses this after deleting an RdbBase and adding new one
void setBasePtr(rdbid_t rdbId, class RdbBase *base);
// . now chuck this into CollectionRec instead of having a fixed
// array of them in Rdb.h called m_bases[]
// . leave this out of any copy of course
class RdbBase *m_bases[RDB_END2];
// for poulating the sortbydate table
class Msg5 *m_msg5;
// each Rdb has a tree, so keep the pos/neg key count here so
// that RdbTree does not have to have its own array limited by
// MAX_COLLS which we did away with because we made this dynamic.
int32_t m_numPosKeysInTree[RDB_END2];
int32_t m_numNegKeysInTree[RDB_END2];