506 lines
13 KiB
506 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright Matt Wells, Apr 2001
// . every host has a config record
// . like tagdb, record in 100% xml
// . allows remote configuration of hosts through Msg4 class
// . remote user sends some xml, we set our member vars using that xml
// . when we save to disk we convert our mem vars to xml
// . is global so everybody can see it
// . conf record can be changed by director OR with the host's priv key
// . use Conf remotely to get setup info about a specific host
// . get your local ip/port/groupMask/etc. from this class not HostMap
#ifndef GB_CONF_H
#define GB_CONF_H
#include "max_coll_len.h"
#include "max_url_len.h"
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "BaseScoringParameters.h"
#include <sys/types.h> //mode_t etc.
#define MAX_DNSIPS 16
#define MAX_RNSIPS 13
//Publicly accessible and generallyy HA / reachable DNS servers. Use Google's servers - works reasonably well
class TcpSocket;
class HttpRequest;
mode_t getFileCreationFlags();
mode_t getDirCreationFlags ();
class Conf {
bool isCollAdmin ( TcpSocket *socket , HttpRequest *hr );
bool isCollAdminForColl (TcpSocket *sock, HttpRequest *hr, const char *coll );
bool isCollAdmin2 (TcpSocket *socket , HttpRequest *hr,
class CollectionRec *cr);
bool isMasterAdmin ( TcpSocket *socket , HttpRequest *hr );
bool hasMasterPwd ( HttpRequest *hr );
bool isMasterIp ( uint32_t ip );
bool isConnectIp ( uint32_t ip );
// loads conf parms from this file "{dir}/gb.conf"
bool init ( char *dir );
void setRootIps();
// saves any changes to the conf file
bool save ( );
// reset all values to their defaults
void reset();
// defaults to default collection
const char *getDefaultColl ( );
// max amount of memory we can use
size_t m_maxMem;
bool m_mlockAllCurrent;
bool m_mlockAllFuture;
// if this is false, we do not save, used by dump routines
// in main.cpp so they can change parms here and not worry about
// a core dump saving them
bool m_save;
bool m_runAsDaemon;
bool m_logToFile;
char m_defaultColl[MAX_COLL_LEN + 1];
// . dns parameters
// . dnsDir should hold our saved cached (TODO: save the dns cache)
int32_t m_numDns;
int32_t m_dnsIps[MAX_DNSIPS];
int16_t m_dnsPorts[MAX_DNSIPS];
int64_t m_dnsCacheSize;
int64_t m_dnsCacheMaxAge;
int32_t m_dnsMaxCacheMem;
int32_t m_clusterdbQuickCacheMem;
SafeBuf m_proxyIps;
SafeBuf m_proxyAuth;
// built-in dns parameters using name servers
bool m_askRootNameservers;
int32_t m_numRns;
int32_t m_rnsIps[MAX_RNSIPS];
char m_queryLanguageServerName[64];
int32_t m_queryLanguageServerPort;
unsigned m_maxOutstandingQueryLanguage;
unsigned m_queryLanguageTimeout;
char m_siteMedianPageTemperatureServerName[64];
int32_t m_siteMedianPageTemperatureServerPort;
unsigned m_maxOutstandingSiteMedianPageTemperature;
unsigned m_siteMedianPageTemperatureTimeout;
char m_siteNumInlinksServerName[64];
int32_t m_siteNumInlinksServerPort;
unsigned m_maxOutstandingSiteNumInlinks;
unsigned m_siteNumInlinksTimeout;
char m_urlClassificationServerName[64];
int32_t m_urlClassificationServerPort;
unsigned m_maxOutstandingUrlClassifications;
unsigned m_urlClassificationTimeout;
// used to limit all rdb's to one merge per machine at a time
int32_t m_mergeBufSize;
int32_t m_doledbNukeInterval;
// rdb settings
// posdb
int32_t m_posdbMaxLostPositivesPercentage;
int64_t m_posdbFileCacheSize;
int32_t m_posdbMaxTreeMem;
// tagdb
int32_t m_tagdbMaxLostPositivesPercentage;
int64_t m_tagdbFileCacheSize;
int32_t m_tagdbMaxTreeMem;
char m_mergespaceLockDirectory[1024];
int32_t m_mergespaceMinLockFiles;
char m_mergespaceDirectory[1024];
// clusterdb for site clustering, each rec is 16 bytes
int32_t m_clusterdbMaxLostPositivesPercentage;
int64_t m_clusterdbFileCacheSize;
int32_t m_clusterdbMaxTreeMem;
int32_t m_clusterdbMinFilesToMerge;
// titledb
int32_t m_titledbMaxLostPositivesPercentage;
int64_t m_titledbFileCacheSize;
int32_t m_titledbMaxTreeMem;
// spiderdb
int32_t m_spiderdbMaxLostPositivesPercentage;
int64_t m_spiderdbFileCacheSize;
int32_t m_spiderdbMaxTreeMem;
// linkdb for storing linking relations
int32_t m_linkdbMaxLostPositivesPercentage;
int32_t m_linkdbMaxTreeMem;
int32_t m_linkdbMinFilesToMerge;
// are we doing a command line thing like 'gb 0 dump s ....' in
// which case we do not want to log certain things
bool m_doingCommandLine;
int32_t m_maxCoordinatorThreads;
int32_t m_maxCpuThreads;
int32_t m_maxSummaryThreads;
int32_t m_maxIOThreads;
int32_t m_maxExternalThreads;
int32_t m_maxFileMetaThreads;
int32_t m_maxMergeThreads;
int32_t m_maxJobCleanupTime;
char m_vagusClusterId[128];
int32_t m_vagusPort;
int32_t m_vagusKeepaliveSendInterval; //milliseconds
int32_t m_vagusKeepaliveLifetime; //milliseconds
int32_t m_vagusMaxDeadTime; //minutes
int32_t m_maxDocsWanted; //maximum number of results in one go. Puts a limit on SearchInput::m_docsWanted
int32_t m_maxFirstResultNum; //maximum document offset / result-page. Puts a limit on SearchInput::m_firstResultNum
int32_t min_docid_splits; //minimum number of DocId splits using Msg40
int32_t max_docid_splits; //maximum number of DocId splits using Msg40
int64_t m_msg40_msg39_timeout; //timeout for entire get-docid-list phase, in milliseconds.
int64_t m_msg3a_msg39_network_overhead; //additional latency/overhead of sending reqeust+response over network.
bool m_useHighFrequencyTermCache;
bool m_spideringEnabled;
bool m_injectionsEnabled;
bool m_queryingEnabled;
bool m_returnResultsAnyway;
bool m_spiderIPUrl;
bool m_spiderAdultContent;
bool m_addUrlEnabled; // TODO: use at http interface level
bool m_doStripeBalancing;
// . true if the server is on the production cluster
// . we enforce the 'elvtune -w 32 /dev/sd?' cmd on all drives because
// that yields higher performance when dumping/merging on disk
bool m_isLive;
int32_t m_maxTotalSpiders;
int32_t m_spiderFilterableMaxWordCount;
int32_t m_spiderDeadHostCheckInterval;
int64_t m_spiderUrlCacheMaxAge;
int64_t m_spiderUrlCacheSize;
// indexdb has a max cached age for getting IndexLists (10 mins deflt)
int32_t m_indexdbMaxIndexListAge;
int32_t m_udpMaxSockets;
// TODO: parse these out!!!!
int32_t m_httpMaxSockets;
int32_t m_httpsMaxSockets;
int32_t m_httpMaxSendBufSize;
// a search results cache (for Msg40)
int64_t m_docSummaryWithDescriptionMaxCacheAge; //cache timeout for document summaries for documents with a meta-tag with description, in milliseconds
// for Weights.cpp
int32_t m_sliderParm;
float m_sameLangWeight;
float m_unknownLangWeight;
BaseScoringParameters m_baseScoringParameters;
int32_t m_numFlagScoreMultipliers; //constant = 26
int32_t m_numFlagRankAdjustments; //constant = 26
int32_t m_maxCorruptLists;
int32_t m_defaultQueryResultsValidityTime; //in seconds
bool m_useCollectionPasswords;
// if in read-only mode we do no spidering and load no saved trees
// so we can use all mem for caching index lists
bool m_readOnlyMode;
// if this is true we use /etc/hosts for hostname lookup before dns
bool m_useEtcHosts;
//verify integrity of tree/buckets after modification operations
bool m_verifyTreeIntegrity;
// just ensure lists being written are valid rdb records (titlerecs)
// trying to isolate titlerec corruption
bool m_verifyDumpedLists;
// verify validity of index while merging
bool m_verifyIndex;
// calls fsync(fd) if true after each write
bool m_flushWrites;
bool m_verifyWrites;
int32_t m_corruptRetries;
int m_sqliteSynchronous;
// verify tagrec while indexing
bool m_verifyTagRec;
bool m_spiderHostToQueryHostFallbackAllowed;
bool m_queryHostToSpiderHostFallbackAllowed;
int64_t m_docDeleteDelayMs;
int64_t m_docRebuildDelayMs;
int64_t m_docReindexDelayMs;
int64_t m_docDeleteMaxPending;
int64_t m_docRebuildMaxPending;
int64_t m_docReindexMaxPending;
// log unfreed memory on exit
bool m_detectMemLeaks;
bool m_forceIt;
// if this is true we do not add indexdb keys that *should* already
// be in indexdb. but if you recently upped the m_truncationLimit
// then you can set this to false to add all indexdb keys.
//bool m_onlyAddUnchangedTermIds;
bool m_doIncrementalUpdating;
int64_t m_stableSummaryCacheSize;
int64_t m_stableSummaryCacheMaxAge;
int64_t m_unstableSummaryCacheSize;
int64_t m_unstableSummaryCacheMaxAge;
bool m_useShotgun;
bool m_testMem;
bool m_doConsistencyTesting;
int32_t m_titleRecVersion;
// defaults to "Gigabot/1.0"
char m_spiderUserAgent[USERAGENTMAXSIZE];
char m_spiderBotName[USERAGENTMAXSIZE];
int32_t m_autoSaveFrequency;
int32_t m_docCountAdjustment;
bool m_profilingEnabled;
// See Log.h for an explanation of the switches below
// GET and POST requests.
bool m_logHttpRequests;
bool m_logAutobannedQueries;
int32_t m_logLoopTimeThreshold;
int32_t m_logRdbIndexAddListTimeThreshold;
int32_t m_logRdbMapAddListTimeThreshold;
// if query took this or more milliseconds, log its time
int32_t m_logQueryTimeThreshold;
// if disk read took this or more milliseconds, log its time
int32_t m_logDiskReadTimeThreshold;
int32_t m_logSqliteTransactionTimeThreshold;
bool m_logQueryReply;
// log what gets into the index
bool m_logSpideredUrls;
// log informational messages, they are not indicative of any error.
bool m_logInfo;
// when out of udp slots
bool m_logNetCongestion;
// doc quota limits, url truncation limits
bool m_logLimits;
// log debug switches
bool m_logDebugAddurl;
bool m_logDebugAdmin;
bool m_logDebugBuild;
bool m_logDebugBuildTime;
bool m_logDebugDate;
bool m_logDebugDb;
bool m_logDebugDetailed;
bool m_logDebugDirty;
bool m_logDebugDisk;
bool m_logDebugDns;
bool m_logDebugDownloads;
bool m_logDebugHttp;
bool m_logDebugImage;
bool m_logDebugLang;
bool m_logDebugLinkInfo;
bool m_logDebugLoop;
bool m_logDebugMem;
bool m_logDebugMemUsage;
bool m_logDebugMerge;
bool m_logDebugMsg13;
bool m_logDebugMsg20;
bool m_logDebugMulticast;
bool m_logDebugNet;
bool m_logDebugProxies;
bool m_logDebugQuery;
bool m_logDebugRepair;
bool m_logDebugRobots;
bool m_logDebugSections;
bool m_logDebugSpcache; // SpiderCache.cpp debug
bool m_logDebugSpeller;
bool m_logDebugSpider;
bool m_logDebugReindex;
bool m_logDebugSEO;
bool m_logDebugStats;
bool m_logDebugSummary;
bool m_logDebugTagdb;
bool m_logDebugTcp;
bool m_logDebugTcpBuf;
bool m_logDebugTitle;
bool m_logDebugTopDocs;
bool m_logDebugUdp;
bool m_logDebugUnicode;
bool m_logDebugUrlAttempts;
bool m_logDebugVagus;
bool m_logTraceBigFile;
bool m_logTraceMatchList;
bool m_logTraceContentTypeBlockList;
bool m_logTraceDocid2FlagsAndSiteMap;
bool m_logTraceDocProcess;
bool m_logTraceDns;
bool m_logTraceDnsBlockList;
bool m_logTraceDnsCache;
bool m_logTraceFile;
bool m_logTraceHttpMime;
bool m_logTraceIpBlockList;
bool m_logTraceLanguageResultOverride;
bool m_logTraceMem;
bool m_logTraceMsg0;
bool m_logTraceMsg4In;
bool m_logTraceMsg4Out;
bool m_logTraceMsg4OutData;
bool m_logTraceMsg25;
bool m_logTracePageLinkdbLookup;
bool m_logTracePageSpiderdbLookup;
bool m_logTracePos;
bool m_logTracePosdb;
bool m_logTraceQuery;
bool m_logTraceQueryLanguage;
bool m_logTraceRdb;
bool m_logTraceRdbBase;
bool m_logTraceRdbBuckets;
bool m_logTraceRdbDump;
bool m_logTraceRdbIndex;
bool m_logTraceRdbList;
bool m_logTraceRdbMap;
bool m_logTraceRdbMerge;
bool m_logTraceRdbTree;
bool m_logTraceRepairs;
bool m_logTraceRobots;
bool m_logTraceRobotsCheckList;
bool m_logTraceSiteMedianPageTemperature;
bool m_logTraceSiteNumInlinks;
bool m_logTraceSpider;
bool m_logTraceSpiderUrlCache;
bool m_logTraceReindex;
bool m_logTraceSpiderdbRdbSqliteBridge;
bool m_logTraceSummary;
bool m_logTraceTitledb;
bool m_logTraceXmlDoc;
bool m_logTracePhrases;
bool m_logTraceTokenIndexing;
bool m_logTraceUrlMatchList;
bool m_logTraceUrlResultOverride;
bool m_logTraceWordSpam;
bool m_logTraceUrlClassification;
bool m_logTraceTopTree;
bool m_logTraceTermCheckList;
// expensive timing messages
bool m_logTimingAddurl;
bool m_logTimingAdmin;
bool m_logTimingBuild;
bool m_logTimingDb;
bool m_logTimingNet;
bool m_logTimingQuery;
bool m_logTimingLinkInfo;
bool m_logTimingRobots;
// programmer reminders.
bool m_logReminders;
SafeBuf m_masterPwds;
// these are the new master ips
SafeBuf m_connectIps;
char m_redirect[MAX_URL_LEN];
bool m_useCompressionProxy;
bool m_gzipDownloads;
// used by proxy to make proxy point to the temp cluster while
// the original cluster is updated
bool m_useTmpCluster;
// allow scaling up of hosts by removing recs not in the correct
// group. otherwise a sanity check will happen.
bool m_allowScale;
bool m_bypassValidation;
int32_t m_maxCallbackDelay;
// used by Repair.cpp
bool m_repairingEnabled;
int32_t m_maxRepairinjections;
int64_t m_repairMem;
SafeBuf m_collsToRepair;
bool m_fullRebuild;
bool m_rebuildAddOutlinks;
bool m_rebuildRecycleLinkInfo;
bool m_rebuildUseTitleRecTagRec;
bool m_rebuildTitledb;
bool m_rebuildPosdb;
bool m_rebuildClusterdb;
bool m_rebuildSpiderdb;
bool m_rebuildSpiderdbSmall;
bool m_rebuildLinkdb;
bool m_rebuildRoots;
bool m_rebuildNonRoots;
extern class Conf g_conf;
#endif // GB_CONF_H