229 lines
6.8 KiB
229 lines
6.8 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2017 Privacore ApS - https://www.privacore.com
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// License TL;DR: If you change this file, you must publish your changes.
#include "FxCheckSpam.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "termid_mask.h"
#include "Phrases.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
TermCheckList g_checkSpamList;
CheckSpam::CheckSpam(XmlDoc *xd, bool debug) :
m_debbuf(NULL), m_debbufUsed(0), m_debbufSize(0), m_docMatchScore(-1),
m_numUniqueMatchedWords(0), m_numUniqueMatchedPhrases(0), m_numWordsChecked(0),
m_emptyDocumentBody(false), m_resultValid(false), m_result(false) {
if( !xd ) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "CheckSpam::CheckSpam passed NULL-pointer");
m_url = xd->getFirstUrl();
if( m_url == (Url *)-1 ) {
m_url = NULL;
m_xml = xd->getXml();
if( m_xml == (Xml *)-1 ) {
m_xml = NULL;
m_tokenizerResult = xd->getTokenizerResult();
if( m_tokenizerResult == (TokenizerResult*)-1 ) {
m_tokenizerResult = NULL;
m_phrases = xd->getPhrases();
if( m_phrases == (Phrases *)-1 ) {
m_phrases = NULL;
if( debug ) {
m_debbufSize = 2000;
m_debbuf = (char *)mmalloc(m_debbufSize, "CheckSpam");
if( m_debbuf ) {
// zero-terminate now as we may not need it, but may try logging it later
m_debbuf[0] = '\0';
else {
m_debbufSize = 0;
CheckSpam::~CheckSpam() {
if( m_debbuf ) {
mfree(m_debbuf, m_debbufSize, "CheckSpam");
int32_t CheckSpam::getScore() {
return m_docMatchScore;
int32_t CheckSpam::getNumUniqueMatchedWords() {
return m_numUniqueMatchedWords;
int32_t CheckSpam::getNumUniqueMatchedPhrases() {
return m_numUniqueMatchedPhrases;
int32_t CheckSpam::getNumWordsChecked() {
return m_numWordsChecked;
bool CheckSpam::hasEmptyDocumentBody() {
return m_emptyDocumentBody;
const char *CheckSpam::getReason() {
return m_reason.c_str();
const char *CheckSpam::getDebugInfo() {
if( m_debbuf ) {
return m_debbuf;
return "";
bool CheckSpam::isDocSpam() {
// Hash table used to hold unique termIds to make sure we only count each unique word once
HashTableX uniqueTermIds;
if( m_resultValid ) {
return m_result;
m_docMatchScore = 0;
// If not blocked by the cheaper checks, do the hard work and check document content
if( !m_docMatchScore ) {
// Score words and phrases from the document body text
if( m_tokenizerResult ) {
if (!uniqueTermIds.set(sizeof(int64_t), 0, m_tokenizerResult->size()+5000, NULL, 0, false, "uniquetermids", false, 0)) {
log(LOG_ERROR,"isDocSpam: Could not initialize uniqueTermIds hash table");
if( m_tokenizerResult->empty() ) {
// No words in document body
m_emptyDocumentBody = true;
else {
g_checkSpamList.getScore(*m_tokenizerResult, m_phrases, &uniqueTermIds, &m_docMatchScore, &m_numUniqueMatchedWords, &m_numUniqueMatchedPhrases, m_debbuf, m_debbufUsed, m_debbufSize);
m_numWordsChecked += m_tokenizerResult->size();
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceTermCheckList, "%zu words checked (%" PRId32 " unique) in body: %s. %" PRId32 " unique matched words, %" PRId32 " unique matched phrases. Score: %" PRId32 "",
m_tokenizerResult->size(), uniqueTermIds.getNumUsedSlots(), m_url->getUrl(), m_numUniqueMatchedWords, m_numUniqueMatchedPhrases, m_docMatchScore);
else {
// No words in document body
m_emptyDocumentBody = true;
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceTermCheckList, "Document body is empty in %s", m_url->getUrl());
// Score words and phrases from the document meta tags
if( m_xml ) {
TokenizerResult metatr;
Bits metab;
Phrases metap;
int32_t mtlen;
const char *mtag = m_xml->getMetaContentPointer( "keywords", 8, "name", &mtlen );
if( mtlen > 0 ) {
plain_tokenizer_phase_1(mtag,mtlen, &metatr);
mtag = m_xml->getMetaContentPointer( "description", 11, "name", &mtlen );
if( mtlen > 0 ) {
plain_tokenizer_phase_1(mtag,mtlen, &metatr);
if( !metatr.empty() ) {
plain_tokenizer_phase_2(langUnknown, nullptr, &metatr);
if( !metab.set(&metatr) ) {
log(LOG_ERROR,"isDocSpam: Could not set bits for meta words");
if( !metap.set(metatr, metab) ) {
log(LOG_ERROR,"isDocSpam: Could not set phrases for meta words");
g_checkSpamList.getScore(metatr, &metap, &uniqueTermIds, &m_docMatchScore, &m_numUniqueMatchedWords, &m_numUniqueMatchedPhrases, m_debbuf, m_debbufUsed, m_debbufSize);
m_numWordsChecked += metatr.size();
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceTermCheckList, "%zu words checked (%" PRId32 " unique) in meta tags: %s. %" PRId32 " unique matched words, %" PRId32 " unique matched phrases. Score: %" PRId32 "",
metatr.size(), uniqueTermIds.getNumUsedSlots(), m_url->getUrl(), m_numUniqueMatchedWords, m_numUniqueMatchedPhrases, m_docMatchScore);
// Score words and phrases from URL
if( m_url ) {
TokenizerResult urltr;
Bits urlb;
Phrases urlp;
plain_tokenizer_phase_1(m_url->getUrl(), m_url->getUrlLen(), &urltr);
if( !urlb.set(&urltr) ) {
log(LOG_ERROR,"isDocSpam: Could not set bits for URL words");
if( !urlp.set(urltr, urlb) ) {
log(LOG_ERROR,"isDocSpam: Could not set phrases for URL words");
g_checkSpamList.getScore(urltr, &urlp, &uniqueTermIds, &m_docMatchScore, &m_numUniqueMatchedWords, &m_numUniqueMatchedPhrases, m_debbuf, m_debbufUsed, m_debbufSize);
m_numWordsChecked += urltr.size();
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceTermCheckList, "%zu words checked (%" PRId32 " unique) in URL: %s. %" PRId32 " unique matched words, %" PRId32 " unique matched phrases. Score: %" PRId32 "",
urltr.size(), uniqueTermIds.getNumUsedSlots(), m_url->getUrl(), m_numUniqueMatchedWords, m_numUniqueMatchedPhrases, m_docMatchScore);
if( m_docMatchScore > 0 ) {
m_reason = "spamTerms";
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceTermCheckList, "Final score %" PRId32 " for: %s. %" PRId32 " unique matched words, %" PRId32 " unique matched phrases",
m_docMatchScore, m_url->getUrl(), m_numUniqueMatchedWords, m_numUniqueMatchedPhrases);
m_result = false;
if( ( m_docMatchScore >= 20 || m_numUniqueMatchedWords > 7) ||
( m_docMatchScore >= 20 || m_numUniqueMatchedPhrases >= 3) ) {
m_result = true;
m_resultValid = true;
return m_result;