2781 lines
84 KiB
2781 lines
84 KiB
#include "Msg13.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "UdpSlot.h"
#include "Serialize.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "HashTableX.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
#include "SpiderProxy.h" // OP_GETPROXY OP_RETPROXY
#include "RdbCache.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "WantedChecker.h"
#include "ip.h"
#include "GbUtil.h"
#include "zlib.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "PageInject.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "Statistics.h"
#include "Sanity.h"
#include "UrlMatchList.h"
#include "ContentMatchList.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include <string.h>
static const char g_fakeReply[] =
"HTTP/1.0 200 (OK)\r\n"
"Content-Length: 0\r\n"
"Connection: Close\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n\0";
static bool getIframeExpandedContent(Msg13Request *r, TcpSocket *ts);
static void gotIframeExpandedContent(void *state);
static bool addToHammerQueue(Msg13Request *r);
static void scanHammerQueue(int fd, void *state);
static void downloadTheDocForReals(Msg13Request *r);
static void gotForwardedReplyWrapper ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) ;
static void handleRequest13 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t niceness ) ;
static void gotHttpReply ( void *state , TcpSocket *ts ) ;
static void gotHttpReply2 ( void *state ,
char *reply ,
int32_t replySize ,
int32_t replyAllocSize ,
TcpSocket *ts ) ;
static void passOnReply ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) ;
static bool hasIframe(char *reply, int32_t replySize);
static bool setProxiedUrlFromSquidProxiedRequest ( Msg13Request *r );
static void stripProxyAuthorization ( char *squidProxiedReqBuf ) ;
static bool addNewProxyAuthorization ( SafeBuf *req , Msg13Request *r );
static void fixGETorPOST ( char *squidProxiedReqBuf ) ;
static int64_t computeProxiedCacheKey64 ( Msg13Request *r ) ;
// cache for robots.txt pages
static RdbCache s_httpCacheRobots;
// cache for other pages
static RdbCache s_httpCacheOthers;
// queue up identical requests
static HashTableX s_rt;
struct HttpCacheData {
: m_errno(0)
, ptr_reply(nullptr)
, size_reply(0) {
HttpCacheData(char *reply, int32_t replySize, int32_t err)
: m_errno(err)
, ptr_reply(reply)
, size_reply(replySize) {
int32_t m_errno;
char *ptr_reply;
int32_t size_reply;
} __attribute__((packed));
void resetMsg13Caches ( ) {
RdbCache *Msg13::getHttpCacheRobots() { return &s_httpCacheRobots; }
RdbCache *Msg13::getHttpCacheOthers() { return &s_httpCacheOthers; }
Msg13::Msg13() {
m_replyBuf = NULL;
m_state = NULL;
m_callback = NULL;
m_request = NULL;
m_replyBufSize = 0;
m_replyBufAllocSize = 0;
Msg13::~Msg13() {
void Msg13::reset() {
if (m_replyBuf) {
m_replyBuf = NULL;
m_replyBufSize = 0;
m_replyBufAllocSize = 0;
bool Msg13::registerHandler ( ) {
// . register ourselves with the udp server
// . it calls our callback when it receives a msg of type 0x0A
if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( msg_type_13, handleRequest13 ))
return false;
// use 3MB per cache
int32_t memRobots = 3000000;
// make 10MB now that we have proxied url (i.e. squid) capabilities
int32_t memOthers = 10000000;
// assume 15k avg cache file
int32_t maxCacheNodesRobots = memRobots / 106;
int32_t maxCacheNodesOthers = memOthers / (10*1024);
if ( ! s_httpCacheRobots.init ( memRobots ,
-1 , // fixedDataSize
maxCacheNodesRobots ,
"robots.txt" , // dbname
true, // save to disk
12, // cachekeysize
-1)) // numPtrsMax
return false;
if ( ! s_httpCacheOthers.init ( memOthers ,
-1 , // fixedDataSize
maxCacheNodesOthers ,
"htmlPages" , // dbname
true, // save to disk
12, // cachekeysize
-1)) // numPtrsMax
return false;
// . set up the request table (aka wait in line table)
// . allowDups = "true"
if ( ! s_rt.set ( 8 ,sizeof(UdpSlot *),0,NULL,0,true,"wait13tbl") )
return false;
if (!g_loop.registerSleepCallback(10, NULL, scanHammerQueue, "Msg13::scanHammerQueue")) {
log( "build: Failed to register timer callback for hammer queue." );
return false;
// success
return true;
// . returns false if blocked, returns true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Msg13::getDoc ( Msg13Request *r, void *state, void(*callback)(void *) ) {
// reset in case we are being reused
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_request = r;
// sanity check
if ( r->m_urlIp == 0 ) { gbshutdownAbort(true); }
if ( r->m_urlIp == -1 ) { gbshutdownAbort(true); }
// set this
r->m_urlHash64 = hash64 ( r->ptr_url , r->size_url-1);
// is this a /robots.txt url?
if ( r->size_url - 1 > 12 &&
! strncmp ( r->ptr_url + r->size_url -1 -11,"/robots.txt",11)) {
r->m_isRobotsTxt = true;
// force caching if getting robots.txt so is compressed in cache
if ( r->m_isRobotsTxt ) {
r->m_compressReply = true;
// make the cache key
r->m_cacheKey = r->m_urlHash64;
// a compressed reply is different than a non-compressed reply
if ( r->m_compressReply ) {
r->m_cacheKey ^= 0xff;
if ( r->m_isSquidProxiedUrl ) {
// sets r->m_proxiedUrl that we use a few times below
setProxiedUrlFromSquidProxiedRequest( r );
// . if gigablast is acting like a squid proxy, then r->ptr_url
// is a COMPLETE http mime request, so hash the following fields in
// the http mime request to make the cache key
// * url
// * cookie
// . this is r->m_proxiedUrl which we set above
if ( r->m_isSquidProxiedUrl ) {
r->m_cacheKey = computeProxiedCacheKey64( r );
// assume no http proxy ip/port
r->m_proxyIp = 0;
r->m_proxyPort = 0;
return forwardRequest ( );
bool Msg13::forwardRequest ( ) {
// forward this request to the host responsible for this url's ip
int32_t nh = g_hostdb.getNumHosts();
int32_t hostId = hash32h(((uint32_t)m_request->m_firstIp >> 8), 0) % nh;
if((uint32_t)m_request->m_firstIp >> 8 == 0) {
// If the first IP is not set for the request then we don't
// want to hammer the first host with spidering enabled.
hostId = hash32n ( m_request->ptr_url ) % nh;
// get host to send to from hostId
Host *h = NULL;
// . pick first alive host, starting with "hostId" as the hostId
// . if all dead, send to the original and we will timeout > 200 secs
for ( int32_t count = 0 ; count <= nh ; count++ ) {
// get that host
//h = g_hostdb.getProxy ( hostId );;
h = g_hostdb.getHost ( hostId );
// Get the other one in shard instead of getting the first
// one we find sequentially because that makes the load
// imbalanced to the lowest host with spidering enabled.
if(!h->m_spiderEnabled) {
h = g_hostdb.getHost(g_hostdb.getHostIdWithSpideringEnabled(h->m_hostId, true));
// stop if he is alive and able to spider
if ( h->m_spiderEnabled && ! g_hostdb.isDead ( h ) ) break;
// get the next otherwise
if ( ++hostId >= nh ) hostId = 0;
if(!h) {
//all spider hosts dead (or misconfiguration)
g_errno = ENOHOSTS;
log("spider: msg13 request: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
hostId = 0; // HACK!!
// forward it to self if we are the spider proxy!!!
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy )
h = g_hostdb.m_myHost;
// log it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
char ipbuf[16];
logf ( LOG_DEBUG,
"spider: sending download request of %s firstIp=%s "
"uh48=%" PRIu64" to "
"host %" PRId32" (child=%" PRId32")", m_request->ptr_url, iptoa(m_request->m_firstIp,ipbuf),
m_request->m_urlHash48, hostId,
// fill up the request
int32_t requestBufSize = m_request->getSize();
// we have to serialize it now because it has cookies as well as
// the url.
char *requestBuf = serializeMsg ( sizeof(Msg13Request),
&requestBufSize ,
// g_errno should be set in this case, most likely to ENOMEM
if ( ! requestBuf ) return true;
// . otherwise, send the request to the key host
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . now wait for 2 minutes before timing out
// it was not using the proxy! because it thinks the hostid #0 is not the proxy... b/c ninad screwed that
// up by giving proxies the same ids as regular hosts!
if (!g_udpServer.sendRequest(requestBuf, requestBufSize, msg_type_13, h->m_ip, h->m_port, -1, NULL, this, gotForwardedReplyWrapper, 200000, 1)) {
// sanity check
if ( ! g_errno ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// report it
log("spider: msg13 request: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// g_errno must be set!
return true;
// otherwise we block
return false;
void gotForwardedReplyWrapper ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) {
Msg13 *THIS = (Msg13 *)state;
// return if this blocked
if ( ! THIS->gotForwardedReply ( slot ) ) return;
// callback
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Msg13::gotForwardedReply ( UdpSlot *slot ) {
// what did he give us?
char *reply = slot->m_readBuf;
int32_t replySize = slot->m_readBufSize;
int32_t replyAllocSize = slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
// UdpServer::makeReadBuf() sets m_readBuf to -1 when calling
// alloc() with a zero length, so fix that
if ( replySize == 0 ) reply = NULL;
// this is messed up. why is it happening?
if ( reply == (void *)-1 ) { gbshutdownAbort(true); }
// we are responsible for freeing reply now
if ( ! g_errno ) {
slot->m_readBuf = NULL;
slot->m_readBufSize = 0;
slot->m_readBufMaxSize = 0;
return gotFinalReply ( reply , replySize , replyAllocSize );
bool Msg13::gotFinalReply ( char *reply, int32_t replySize, int32_t replyAllocSize ){
// how is this happening? ah from image downloads...
if ( m_replyBuf ) { gbshutdownAbort(true); }
// assume none
m_replyBuf = NULL;
m_replyBufSize = 0;
m_replyBufAllocSize = 0;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugRobots || g_conf.m_logDebugDownloads ) {
char ipbuf[16];
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: FINALIZED %s firstIp=%s",
// . if timed out probably the host is now dead so try another one!
// . return if that blocked
if ( g_errno == EUDPTIMEDOUT ) {
// try again
log("spider: retrying1. had error for %s : %s",
// return if that blocked
if ( ! forwardRequest ( ) ) return false;
// a different g_errno should be set now!
if ( g_errno ) {
// this error msg is repeated in XmlDoc::logIt() so no need
// for it here
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("spider: error for %s: %s",
return true;
// set it
m_replyBuf = reply;
m_replyBufSize = replySize;
m_replyBufAllocSize = replyAllocSize;
// sanity check
if ( replySize > 0 && ! reply ) { gbshutdownAbort(true); }
// no uncompressing if reply is empty
if ( replySize == 0 ) return true;
// if it was not compressed we are done! no need to uncompress it
if ( ! m_request->m_compressReply ) return true;
// get uncompressed size
uint32_t unzippedLen = *(int32_t*)reply;
// sanity checks
if ( unzippedLen > 10000000 ) {
log("spider: downloaded probable corrupt gzipped doc "
"with unzipped len of %" PRId32,(int32_t)unzippedLen);
return true;
// make buffer to hold uncompressed data
char *newBuf = (char*)mmalloc(unzippedLen, "Msg13Unzip");
if( ! newBuf ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
return true;
// make another var to get mangled by gbuncompress
uint32_t uncompressedLen = unzippedLen;
// uncompress it
int zipErr = gbuncompress( (unsigned char*)newBuf , // dst
&uncompressedLen , // dstLen
(unsigned char*)reply+4 , // src
replySize - 4 ); // srcLen
if(zipErr != Z_OK ||
uncompressedLen!=(uint32_t)unzippedLen) {
log("spider: had error unzipping Msg13 reply. unzipped "
"len should be %" PRId32" but is %" PRId32". ziperr=%" PRId32,
mfree (newBuf, unzippedLen, "Msg13UnzipError");
return true;
// count it for stats
g_stats.m_compressedBytesIn += replySize;
// free compressed
mfree ( reply , replyAllocSize ,"ufree" );
// assign uncompressed
m_replyBuf = newBuf;
m_replyBufSize = uncompressedLen;
m_replyBufAllocSize = unzippedLen;
// log it for now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("http: got doc %s %" PRId32" to %" PRId32,
return true;
static bool isIpInTwitchyTable(CollectionRec *cr, int32_t ip) {
if ( ! cr ) return false;
HashTableX *ht = &cr->m_twitchyTable;
return ( ht->getSlot ( &ip ) >= 0 );
static bool addIpToTwitchyTable(CollectionRec *cr, int32_t ip) {
if ( ! cr ) return true;
HashTableX *ht = &cr->m_twitchyTable;
if ( !ht->isInitialized() )
ht->set ( 4,0,16,NULL,0,false,"twitchtbl",true);
return ht->addKey ( &ip );
RdbCache s_hammerCache;
static bool s_flag = false;
static Msg13Request *s_hammerQueueHead = NULL;
static Msg13Request *s_hammerQueueTail = NULL;
// . only return false if you want slot to be nuked w/o replying
// . MUST always call g_udpServer::sendReply() or sendErrorReply()
void handleRequest13 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t niceness ) {
// cast it
Msg13Request *r = (Msg13Request *)slot->m_readBuf;
// use slot niceness
r->m_niceness = niceness;
// deserialize it now
deserializeMsg ( sizeof(Msg13),
((char*)r) + sizeof(*r) );
// make sure we do not download gigablast.com admin pages!
if ( g_hostdb.isIpInNetwork ( r->m_firstIp ) && r->size_url-1 >= 7 ) {
Url url;
url.set ( r->ptr_url );
// . never download /master urls from ips of hosts in cluster
// . TODO: FIX! the pages might be in another cluster!
// . pages are now /admin/* not any /master/* any more.
if ( ( //strncasecmp ( url.getPath() , "/master/" , 8 ) == 0 ||
strncasecmp ( url.getPath() , "/admin/" , 7 ) == 0 )) {
log(LOG_WARN, "spider: Got request to download possible "
"gigablast control page %s. Sending back "
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
// . use a max cached age of 24hrs for robots.txt files
// . this returns true if robots.txt file for hostname found in cache
// . don't copy since, we analyze immediately and don't block
char *rec;
int32_t recSize;
// get the cache
RdbCache *c = r->m_isRobotsTxt ? &s_httpCacheRobots : &s_httpCacheOthers;
// the key is just the 64 bit hash of the url
key96_t k; k.n1 = 0; k.n0 = r->m_cacheKey;
// see if in there already
RdbCacheLock rcl(*c);
bool inCache = c->getRecord ( (collnum_t)0 , // share btwn colls
k , // cacheKey
&rec ,
&recSize ,
true , // copy?
r->m_maxCacheAge , // 24*60*60 ,
true ); // stats?
// . an empty rec is a cached not found (no robot.txt file)
// . therefore it's allowed, so set *reply to 1 (true)
if (inCache) {
HttpCacheData *httpCacheData = reinterpret_cast<HttpCacheData*>(rec);
if (deserializeMsg(sizeof(*httpCacheData), &httpCacheData->size_reply, &httpCacheData->size_reply, &httpCacheData->ptr_reply, ((char*)httpCacheData + sizeof(*httpCacheData))) != -1) {
logDebug(g_conf.m_logDebugSpider, "proxy: found %" PRId32" bytes in cache for %s", recSize, r->ptr_url);
if (httpCacheData->m_errno == 0) {
// . send the cached reply back
// . this will free send/read bufs on completion/g_errno
char *reply = (char*)mdup(httpCacheData->ptr_reply, httpCacheData->size_reply, "Msg13CacheReply");
g_udpServer.sendReply(reply, httpCacheData->size_reply, reply, httpCacheData->size_reply, slot);
} else {
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply(slot, httpCacheData->m_errno);
// we need to free memory even when we're unable to deserialize message
// log it so we can see if we are hammering
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugRobots || g_conf.m_logDebugDownloads ||
g_conf.m_logDebugMsg13 ) {
char ipbuf[16];
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: DOWNLOADING %s firstIp=%s",
// temporary hack
if ( r->m_parent ) { gbshutdownAbort(true); }
if ( ! s_flag ) {
s_flag = true;
s_hammerCache.init ( 15000 , // maxcachemem,
8 , // fixed data size
500 , // max nodes
"hamcache" , // dbname
false , // load from disk?
12 , // key size
-1 );// numPtrsMax
// save this
r->m_udpSlot = slot;
// send to a proxy if we are doing compression and not a proxy
if ( r->m_useCompressionProxy && ! g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy ) {
// use this key to select which proxy host
int32_t key = ((uint32_t)r->m_firstIp >> 8);
// send to host "h"
Host *h = g_hostdb.getBestSpiderCompressionProxy(&key);
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider || g_conf.m_logDebugMsg13 ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: sending to compression proxy %s:%" PRIu32,
iptoa(h->m_ip,ipbuf), (uint32_t)h->m_port);
// . otherwise, send the request to the key host
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . now wait for 2 minutes before timing out
// we are sending to the proxy so make hostId -1
if (!g_udpServer.sendRequest((char *)r, r->getSize(), msg_type_13, h->m_ip, h->m_port, -1, NULL, r, passOnReply, 200000, niceness)) {
// g_errno should be set
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply. error=%s", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, mstrerror(g_errno));
// wait for it
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( r->m_collnum );
// was it in our table of ips that are throttling us?
r->m_wasInTableBeforeStarting = isIpInTwitchyTable ( cr , r->m_urlIp );
downloadTheDocForReals ( r );
static void downloadTheDocForReals2 ( Msg13Request *r ) ;
static void downloadTheDocForReals3a ( Msg13Request *r ) ;
static void downloadTheDocForReals3b ( Msg13Request *r ) ;
static void gotHttpReply9 ( void *state , TcpSocket *ts ) ;
static void gotProxyHostReplyWrapper ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) ;
void downloadTheDocForReals(Msg13Request *r) {
// are we the first?
bool firstInLine = s_rt.isEmpty ( &r->m_cacheKey );
// wait in line cuz someone else downloading it now
if ( ! s_rt.addKey ( &r->m_cacheKey , &r ) ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "spider: error adding to waiting table %s",r->ptr_url);
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
// this means our callback will be called
if ( ! firstInLine ) {
log("spider: waiting in line %s",r->ptr_url);
downloadTheDocForReals2 ( r );
// insertion point when we try to get another proxy to use because the one
// we tried seemed to be ip-banned
void downloadTheDocForReals2 ( Msg13Request *r ) {
bool useProxies = false;
// we gotta have some proxy ips that we can use
if (g_conf.m_proxyIps.hasDigits()) {
// for diffbot turn ON if use robots is off
if (r->m_forceUseFloaters) {
useProxies = true;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(r->m_collnum);
// if you turned on automatically use proxies in spider controls...
if (!useProxies &&
cr && cr->m_automaticallyUseProxies &&
r->m_urlIp != 0 && r->m_urlIp != -1 && isIpInTwitchyTable(cr, r->m_urlIp)) {
useProxies = true;
Url url;
url.set(r->ptr_url, r->size_url);
if (g_urlProxyList.isUrlMatched(url)) {
useProxies = true;
// we did not need a spider proxy ip so send this reuest to a host
// to download the url
if ( ! useProxies ) {
downloadTheDocForReals3a ( r );
// before we send out the msg13 request try to get the spider proxy
// that is the best one to use. only do this if we had spider proxies
// specified in m_spiderProxyBuf
r->m_opCode = OP_GETPROXY;
// if we are being called from gotHttpReply9() below trying to
// get a new proxy because the last was banned, we have to set
// these so handleRequest54() in SpiderProxy.cpp can call
// returnProxy()
// get first alive host, usually host #0 but if he is dead then
// host #1 must take over! if all are dead, it returns host #0.
// so we are guaranteed "h will be non-null
Host *h = g_hostdb.getFirstAliveHost();
// now ask that host for the best spider proxy to send to
// just the top part of the Msg13Request is sent to handleRequest54() now
if (!g_udpServer.sendRequest((char *)r, r->getProxyRequestSize(), msg_type_54, h->m_ip, h->m_port, -1, NULL, r, gotProxyHostReplyWrapper, udpserver_sendrequest_infinite_timeout)) {
// sanity check
if ( ! g_errno ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// report it
log(LOG_WARN, "spider: msg54 request1: %s %s",
// crap we gotta send back a reply i guess
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
// g_errno must be set!
// otherwise we block
void gotProxyHostReplyWrapper ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) {
Msg13Request *r = (Msg13Request *)state;
//Msg13 *THIS = r->m_parent;
// don't let udpserver free the request, it's our m_urlIp
slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL;
// error getting spider proxy to use?
if ( g_errno ) {
// note it
log(LOG_WARN, "sproxy: got proxy request error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
// the reply is the ip and port of the spider proxy to use
// what did he give us?
char *reply = slot->m_readBuf;
int32_t replySize = slot->m_readBufSize;
//int32_t replyAllocSize = slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
// bad reply? ip/port/LBid
if ( replySize != sizeof(ProxyReply) ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "sproxy: bad 54 reply size of %" PRId32" != %" PRId32" %s",
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
// set that
ProxyReply *prep = (ProxyReply *)reply;
r->m_proxyIp = prep->m_proxyIp;
r->m_proxyPort = prep->m_proxyPort;
// the id of this transaction for the LoadBucket
// need to save this so we can use it when we send a msg55 request
// out to tell host #0 how long it took use to use this proxy, etc.
r->m_lbId = prep->m_lbId;
// assume no username:password
r->m_proxyUsernamePwdAuth[0] = '\0';
// if proxy had one copy into the buf
if ( prep->m_usernamePwd[0] ) {
int32_t len = strlen(prep->m_usernamePwd);
memcpy ( r->m_proxyUsernamePwdAuth ,
prep->m_usernamePwd ,
len );
r->m_proxyUsernamePwdAuth[len] = '\0';
// if this proxy ip seems banned, are there more proxies to try?
r->m_hasMoreProxiesToTry = prep->m_hasMoreProxiesToTry;
// . how many proxies have been banned by the urlIP?
// . the more that are banned the higher the self-imposed crawl delay.
// . handleRequest54() in SpiderProxy.cpp will check s_banTable
// to count how many are banned for this urlIp. it saves s_banTable
// (a hashtable) to disk so it should be persistent.
r->m_numBannedProxies = prep->m_numBannedProxies;
downloadTheDocForReals3a ( r );
// we need r->m_numBannedProxies to be valid for hammer queueing
// so we have to do the hammer queue stuff after getting the proxy reply
void downloadTheDocForReals3a ( Msg13Request *r ) {
// if addToHammerQueue() returns true and queues this url for
// download later, when ready to download call this function
r->m_hammerCallback = downloadTheDocForReals3b;
// . returns true if we queued it for trying later
// . scanHammerQueue() will call downloadTheDocForReals3(r) for us
if ( addToHammerQueue ( r ) ) return;
downloadTheDocForReals3b( r );
void downloadTheDocForReals3b ( Msg13Request *r ) {
int64_t nowms = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// assume no download start time
r->m_downloadStartTimeMS = 0;
// . store time now
// . no, now we store 0 to indicate in progress, then we
// will overwrite it with a timestamp when the download completes
// . but if measuring crawldelay from beginning of the download then
// store the current time
// . do NOT do this when downloading robots.txt etc. type files
// which should have skipHammerCheck set to true
if ( r->m_crawlDelayFromEnd && ! r->m_skipHammerCheck ) {
RdbCacheLock rcl(s_hammerCache);
s_hammerCache.addLongLong(0,r->m_firstIp, 0LL);//nowms);
char ipbuf[16];
log("spider: delay from end for %s %s", iptoa(r->m_firstIp,ipbuf), r->ptr_url);
else if ( ! r->m_skipHammerCheck ) {
// get time now
RdbCacheLock rcl(s_hammerCache);
s_hammerCache.addLongLong(0,r->m_firstIp, nowms);
char ipbuf[16];
"spider: adding new time to hammercache for %s %s = %" PRId64,
iptoa(r->m_firstIp,ipbuf), r->ptr_url,nowms);
else {
char ipbuf[16];
"spider: not adding new time to hammer cache for %s %s",
iptoa(r->m_firstIp,ipbuf), r->ptr_url);
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log("spider: adding special \"in-progress\" time "
"of %" PRId32" for "
"firstIp=%s "
"url=%s "
"to msg13::hammerCache",
// note it here
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider || g_conf.m_logDebugMsg13 ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log("spider: downloading %s (%s) (skiphammercheck=%" PRId32")",
char *agent = g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent;
// after downloading the doc call this callback
void (* callback) ( void *,TcpSocket *);
// if using a proxy tell host #0 we are done with that proxy so
// it can do its proxy load balancing
if ( r->m_proxyIp && r->m_proxyIp != -1 )
callback = gotHttpReply9;
// otherwise not using a proxy
callback = gotHttpReply;
// debug note
if ( r->m_proxyIp ) {
char ipbuf1[16];
char ipbuf2[16];
"sproxy: got proxy %s:%" PRIu32" "
"and agent=\"%s\" to spider "
"%s %s (numBannedProxies=%" PRId32")",
char *exactRequest = NULL;
// if simulating squid just pass the proxied request on
// to the webserver as it is, but without the secret
// Proxy-Authorization: Basic abcdefgh base64 encoded
// username/password info.
if ( r->m_isSquidProxiedUrl ) {
exactRequest = r->ptr_url;
stripProxyAuthorization ( exactRequest );
// convert "GET http://xyz.com/abc" to "GET /abc" if not sending
// to another proxy... and sending to the actual webserver
if ( r->m_isSquidProxiedUrl && ! r->m_proxyIp )
fixGETorPOST ( exactRequest );
// ALSO ADD authorization to the NEW proxy we are sending to
// r->m_proxyIp/r->m_proxyPort that has a username:password
StackBuf<1024> newReq;
if ( r->m_isSquidProxiedUrl && r->m_proxyIp ) {
newReq.safeStrcpy ( exactRequest );
addNewProxyAuthorization ( &newReq , r );
exactRequest = newReq.getBufStart();
// indicate start of download so we can overwrite the 0 we stored
// into the hammercache
r->m_downloadStartTimeMS = nowms;
// prevent core from violating MAX_DGRAMS #defined in UdpSlot.h
int32_t maxDocLen1 = r->m_maxTextDocLen;
int32_t maxDocLen2 = r->m_maxOtherDocLen;
// fix core in UdpServer.cpp from sending back a too big reply
if ( maxDocLen1 < 0 || maxDocLen1 > MAX_ABSDOCLEN )
if ( maxDocLen2 < 0 || maxDocLen2 > MAX_ABSDOCLEN )
// . download it
// . if m_proxyIp is non-zero it will make requests like:
// GET http://xyz.com/abc
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( r->ptr_url ,
r->m_urlIp ,
0 , // offset
-1 ,
r->m_ifModifiedSince ,
r , // state
callback , // callback
30*1000 , // 30 sec timeout
r->m_proxyIp ,
r->m_proxyPort ,
maxDocLen1,//r->m_maxTextDocLen ,
maxDocLen2,//r->m_maxOtherDocLen ,
agent ,
false , // doPost?
r->ptr_cookie , // cookie
NULL , // additionalHeader
exactRequest , // our own mime!
NULL , // postContent
// this is NULL or '\0' if not there
r->m_proxyUsernamePwdAuth ) ) {
// return false if blocked
// . log this so i know about it
// . g_errno MUST be set so that we do not DECREMENT
// the outstanding dom/ip counts in gotDoc() below
// because we did not increment them above
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: http server had error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// g_errno should be set
if ( ! g_errno ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// if did not block -- should have been an error. call callback
gotHttpReply ( r , NULL );
return ;
static int32_t s_55Out = 0;
static void doneReportingStatsWrapper(void * /*state*/, UdpSlot *slot) {
// note it
if ( g_errno )
log("sproxy: 55 reply: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// clear g_errno i guess
g_errno = 0;
// don't let udpserver free the request, it's our m_urlIp
slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL;
static bool ipWasBanned(TcpSocket *ts, const char **msg, Msg13Request *r) {
// ts will be null if we got a fake reply from a bulk job
if ( ! ts )
return false;
// do not do this on robots.txt files
if ( r->m_isRobotsTxt )
return false;
// g_errno is 104 for 'connection reset by peer'
if ( g_errno == ECONNRESET ) {
*msg = "connection reset";
return true;
// proxy returns empty reply not ECONNRESET if it experiences
// a conn reset
if ( g_errno == EBADMIME && ts->m_readOffset == 0 ) {
*msg = "empty reply";
return true;
// on other errors do not do the ban check. it might be a
// tcp time out or something so we have no reply. but connection resets
// are a popular way of saying, hey, don't hit me so hard.
if ( g_errno ) return false;
// if they closed the socket on us we read 0 bytes, assumed
// we were banned...
if ( ts->m_readOffset == 0 ) {
*msg = "empty reply";
return true;
// check the http mime for 403 Forbidden
HttpMime mime;
mime.set ( ts->m_readBuf , ts->m_readOffset , NULL );
int32_t httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus == 403 ) {
*msg = "status 403 forbidden";
return true;
if ( httpStatus == 999 ) {
*msg = "status 999 request denied";
return true;
// let's add this new one
if ( httpStatus == 503 ) {
*msg = "status 503 service unavailable";
return true;
// TODO: compare a simple checksum of the page content to what
// we have downloaded previously from this domain or ip. if it
// seems to be the same no matter what the url, then perhaps we
// are banned as well.
// otherwise assume not.
*msg = NULL;
return false;
static void appendRetryProxy(const char *url, int urlLen, const char *location = nullptr, int locationLen = 0) {
char filename[1024];
sprintf(filename,"%s/retryproxy.txt", g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_dir);
FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"a");
if (fp) {
fprintf(fp, "%.*s|%.*s\n", urlLen, url, locationLen, location);
static bool retryProxy(TcpSocket *ts, const char **msg, Msg13Request *r) {
if (!ts) {
return false;
//we only do proxy checks if there weren't any other error
if (g_errno != 0) {
return false;
// don't check for retries if it's already done
if (r->m_proxyTries > 0) {
return false;
Url url;
url.set(r->ptr_url, r->size_url);
HttpMime mime;
mime.set(ts->m_readBuf, ts->m_readOffset, &url);
int32_t httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if (httpStatus == 301 || httpStatus == 302 || httpStatus == 307 || httpStatus == 308) {
// we only retry when list matches redirected url & does not match original url
if (g_urlRetryProxyList.isUrlMatched(url)) {
return false;
const Url *location = mime.getLocationUrl();
if (g_urlRetryProxyList.isUrlMatched(*location)) {
*msg = "redir url proxy match list";
appendRetryProxy(url.getUrl(), url.getUrlLen(), location->getUrl(), location->getUrlLen());
return true;
return false;
size_t pre_size = mime.getMimeLen(); //size of http response line, mime headers and empty line separator
size_t haystack_size = ts->m_readOffset - pre_size;
const char *haystack = ts->m_readBuf + pre_size;
if (g_contentRetryProxyList.isContentMatched(haystack, haystack_size)) {
*msg = "content proxy match list";
appendRetryProxy(url.getUrl(), url.getUrlLen());
return true;
return false;
static void appendCrawlBan(const char *group, const char *url, int urlLen) {
char filename[1024];
sprintf(filename,"%s/crawlban.%s", g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_dir, group);
FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"a");
if(fp) {
static bool crawlWasBanned(TcpSocket *ts, const char **msg, Msg13Request *r) {
//logTrace ..."crawlWasBanned, %.*s", r->size_url, r->ptr_url);
// no socket -> must be a bulk import job so obviously not banned
return false;
//todo: should we check for specific error cores, eg ECONNRESET which some webservers
//might use for requests they don't like?
//if(g_errno==ECONNRESET || ... )
// *msg = "connection reset";
// return true;
//todo: proxy proxy returns empty reply not ECONNRESET if it experiences a conn reset
//if(g_errno==EBADMIME && ts->m_readOffset==0) ...
//we only do ban checks if there weren't any other error
return false;
//todo: if the server returned an empty response then we might be banned. But let's assume not for now.
// check the http mime for 403 Forbidden
HttpMime mime;
mime.set ( ts->m_readBuf , ts->m_readOffset , NULL );
int32_t httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if(httpStatus == 403) { //forbidden
//Cloudflare's only indication that it didn't like is that we get a 403 and the response is "branded" by cloudflare,
//which apparently means the response body contains the text "Cloudflare"
//The string Cloudflare should be within the first 1KB but we search the first 4KB
size_t pre_size = mime.getMimeLen(); //size of http response line, mime headers and empty line separator
size_t haystack_size = ts->m_readOffset - pre_size;
haystack_size = 4096;
const void *haystack = ts->m_readBuf + pre_size;
if(memmem(haystack,haystack_size,"Cloudflare",10)!=0) {
log(LOG_INFO,"Url %.*s appears to be blocked by cloudflare (http-status-code=%d, response contains 'Cloudflare')", r->size_url, r->ptr_url, httpStatus);
*msg = "403 forbidden";
appendCrawlBan("cloudflare", r->ptr_url, r->size_url);
return true;
if(httpStatus == 200) { //ok
//Detect Distil networks capcha
//No documentation but it appears that their responses always contain a refresh header like:
// http-equiv="refresh" content="10; url=/distil_r_captcha.html ....
//Their documentation say that they include a X-DB header which is a bitmask but inconsistencies
//have been seen where they also include two such headers (?) and the name is very generic. So
//checking for X-DB header is probably not the best way.
size_t pre_size = mime.getMimeLen(); //size of http response line, mime headers and empty line separator
size_t haystack_size = ts->m_readOffset - pre_size;
haystack_size = 4096;
const void *haystack = ts->m_readBuf + pre_size;
if(memmem(haystack,haystack_size,"distil_r_captcha",16)!=0) {
log(LOG_INFO,"Url %.*s appears to be captcha-blocked by distilnetworks (http-status-code=%d, response contains 'distil_r_captcha')", r->size_url, r->ptr_url, httpStatus);
*msg = "captcha-blocked";
appendCrawlBan("distil-captcha", r->ptr_url, r->size_url);
return true;
if(httpStatus==405) { //method not allowed
//Apparently a simple block by Distil network. a status-code of 405 and a content-length > 0 but no content
if(mime.getContentLen()>0) {
int32_t actual_content_size = ts->m_readOffset - mime.getMimeLen();
if(actual_content_size<=0) {
log(LOG_INFO,"Url %.*s appears to be blocked by distilnetworks (http-status-code=%d, response is shorter than Content-Length)", r->size_url, r->ptr_url, httpStatus);
*msg = "405-blocked";
appendCrawlBan("distil-block", r->ptr_url, r->size_url);
return true;
if(httpStatus==503) { //service unavailable
//Wordfence captcha is not that reasy to detect. The only way so far is to look for the status code and text "Generated by Wordfence"
size_t pre_size = mime.getMimeLen(); //size of http response line, mime headers and empty line separator
size_t haystack_size = ts->m_readOffset - pre_size;
const void *haystack = ts->m_readBuf + pre_size;
if(memmem(haystack,haystack_size,"Generated by Wordfence",22)!=0) {
log(LOG_INFO,"Url %.*s appears to be captcha-blocked by wordfence (http-status-code=%d, response contains 'Generated by Wordfence')", r->size_url, r->ptr_url, httpStatus);
*msg = "captcha-blocked";
appendCrawlBan("wordfence-captcha", r->ptr_url, r->size_url);
return true;
//logTrace ..."Url crawl seems to not be banned");
// otherwise assume not.
*msg = NULL;
return false;
static bool contentIsUnwanted(TcpSocket *ts, const char **msg, Msg13Request *r) {
//logTrace ..."contentIsUnwanted, %.*s", r->size_url, r->ptr_url);
// no socket -> must be a bulk import job so obviously wanted
return false;
//we only do ban checks if there weren't any other error
return false;
//todo: if the server returned an empty response then we might be banned. But let's assume not for now.
// check the http mime for 403 Forbidden
HttpMime mime;
mime.set ( ts->m_readBuf , ts->m_readOffset , NULL );
int32_t httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if(httpStatus == 200) { //ok
size_t pre_size = mime.getMimeLen(); //size of http response line, mime headers and empty line separator
size_t haystack_size = ts->m_readOffset - pre_size;
const void *haystack = ts->m_readBuf + pre_size;
if(!WantedChecker::check_single_content(r->ptr_url,haystack,haystack_size).wanted) {
log(LOG_INFO,"Url %s is unwanted by shlib", r->ptr_url);
*msg = "shlib-unwanted";
return true;
//logTrace ..."Url crawl seems to not be banned");
// otherwise assume not.
*msg = NULL;
return false;
// come here after telling host #0 we are done using this proxy.
// host #0 will update the loadbucket for it, using m_lbId.
void gotHttpReply9 ( void *state , TcpSocket *ts ) {
// cast it
Msg13Request *r = (Msg13Request *)state;
// if we got a 403 Forbidden or an empty reply
// then assume the proxy ip got banned so try another.
const char *banMsg = NULL;
//bool banned = false;
if ( g_errno )
log("msg13: got error from proxy: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("msg13: got proxy reply for %s",r->ptr_url);
//if ( ! g_errno )
bool banned = ipWasBanned ( ts , &banMsg , r );
// inc this every time we try
// log a handy msg if proxy was banned
if ( banned ) {
const char *msg = "No more proxies to try. Using reply as is.";
if ( r->m_hasMoreProxiesToTry ) msg = "Trying another proxy.";
char ipbuf1[16];
char ipbuf2[16];
log("msg13: detected that proxy %s is banned "
"(banmsg=%s) "
"(tries=%" PRId32") by "
"url %s %s. %s"
, iptoa(r->m_proxyIp,ipbuf1) // r->m_banProxyIp
, banMsg
, r->m_proxyTries
, iptoa(r->m_urlIp,ipbuf2)
, r->ptr_url
, msg );
if ( banned &&
// try up to 5 different proxy ips. try to try new c blocks
// if available.
//r->m_proxyTries < 5 &&
// if all proxies are banned for this r->m_urlIp then
// this will be false
r->m_hasMoreProxiesToTry ) {
// tell host #0 to add this urlip/proxyip pair to its ban tbl
// when it sends a msg 0x54 request to get another proxy.
// TODO: shit, it also has to return the banned proxy...
r->m_banProxyIp = r->m_proxyIp;
r->m_banProxyPort = r->m_proxyPort;
// . re-download but using a different proxy
// . handleRequest54 should not increment the outstanding
// count beause we should give it the same m_lbId
// . skip s_rt table since we are already first in line and
// others may be waiting for us...
downloadTheDocForReals2 ( r );
// tell host #0 to reduce proxy load cnt
r->m_opCode = OP_RETPROXY;
Host *h = g_hostdb.getFirstAliveHost();
// now return the proxy. this will decrement the load count on
// host "h" for this proxy.
if (g_udpServer.sendRequest((char *)r, r->getProxyRequestSize(), msg_type_54, h->m_ip, h->m_port, -1, NULL, NULL, doneReportingStatsWrapper, 10000)) {
// it blocked!
//r->m_blocked = true;
// sanity
if ( s_55Out > 500 )
log("sproxy: s55out > 500 = %" PRId32,s_55Out);
// sanity check
//if ( ! g_errno ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// report it
if ( g_errno ) log("spider: msg54 request2: %s %s",
// it failed i guess proceed
gotHttpReply( state , ts );
void gotHttpReply ( void *state , TcpSocket *ts ) {
// if we had no error, TcpSocket should be legit
if ( ts ) {
gotHttpReply2 ( state ,
ts->m_readBuf ,
ts->m_readOffset ,
ts );
// now after we return TcpServer will DESTROY "ts" and
// free m_readBuf... so we should not have any reference to it
// sanity check, if ts is NULL must have g_errno set
if ( ! g_errno ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); } // g_errno=EBADENG...
// if g_errno is set i guess ts is NULL!
gotHttpReply2 ( state , NULL ,0 , 0 , NULL );
void gotHttpReply2 ( void *state ,
char *reply ,
int32_t replySize ,
int32_t replyAllocSize ,
TcpSocket *ts ) {
// save error
int32_t savedErr = g_errno;
Msg13Request *r = (Msg13Request *) state;
UdpSlot *slot = r->m_udpSlot;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( r->m_collnum );
// error?
if ( g_errno && ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider || g_conf.m_logDebugMsg13 ) ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log("spider: http reply (msg13) had error = %s for %s at ip %s",
bool inTable = false;
bool checkIfBanned = false;
if ( cr && cr->m_automaticallyBackOff ) checkIfBanned = true;
if ( cr && cr->m_automaticallyUseProxies ) checkIfBanned = true;
// must have a collrec to hold the ips
if ( checkIfBanned && cr && r->m_urlIp != 0 && r->m_urlIp != -1 )
inTable = isIpInTwitchyTable ( cr , r->m_urlIp );
// check if our ip seems banned. if g_errno was ECONNRESET that
// is an indicator it was throttled/banned.
const char *banMsg = NULL;
bool banned = false;
if ( checkIfBanned )
banned = ipWasBanned ( ts , &banMsg , r );
if ( banned ) {
// should we turn proxies on for this IP address only?
char ipbuf[16];
log("msg13: url %s detected as banned (%s), "
"for ip %s"
, r->ptr_url
, banMsg
, iptoa(r->m_urlIp,ipbuf)
bool retry_proxy = false;
if (retryProxy(ts, &banMsg, r)) {
retry_proxy = true;
char ipbuf[16];
log("msg13: retry using proxy for url %s due to %s, for ip %s", r->ptr_url, banMsg, iptoa(r->m_urlIp, ipbuf));
if(crawlWasBanned(ts,&banMsg,r)) {
char ipbuf[16];
log("msg13: url %.*s detected as banned2 (%s), for ip %s"
, (int)r->size_url, r->ptr_url
, banMsg
, iptoa(r->m_urlIp,ipbuf)
savedErr = g_errno = EBANNEDCRAWL;
if(contentIsUnwanted(ts,&banMsg,r)) {
log("msg13: url %.*s is unwanted (%s)"
, (int)r->size_url, r->ptr_url
, banMsg
if (ts && ts->m_truncated) {
if (ts->m_blockedContentType) {
savedErr = g_errno = EDOCBADCONTENTTYPE;
} else {
savedErr = g_errno = EDOCTOOBIG;
// . add to the table if not in there yet
// . store in our table of ips we should use proxies for
// . also start off with a crawldelay of like 1 sec for this
// which is not normal for using proxies.
if ( banned && ! inTable )
addIpToTwitchyTable ( cr , r->m_urlIp );
// did we detect it as banned?
if ( banned &&
// retry iff we haven't already, but if we did stop the inf loop
! r->m_wasInTableBeforeStarting &&
cr && ( cr->m_automaticallyBackOff || cr->m_automaticallyUseProxies ) &&
// but this is not for proxies... only native crawlbot backoff
! r->m_proxyIp ) {
// note this as well
log("msg13: retrying spidered page with new logic for %s",
// reset this so we don't endless loop it
r->m_wasInTableBeforeStarting = true;
// reset error
g_errno = 0;
/// and retry. it should use the proxy... or at least
// use a crawldelay of 3 seconds since we added it to the
// twitchy table.
downloadTheDocForReals2 ( r );
// that's it. if it had an error it will send back a reply.
if (retry_proxy) {
// note this as well
log("msg13: retrying spidered page with proxy for %s", r->ptr_url);
// reset error
g_errno = 0;
r->m_forceUseFloaters = 1;
// do not print this if we are already using proxies, it is for
// the auto crawldelay backoff logic only
if ( banned && r->m_wasInTableBeforeStarting && ! r->m_proxyIp )
log("msg13: can not retry banned download of %s "
"because we knew ip was banned at start",r->ptr_url);
// get time now
int64_t nowms = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// right now there is a 0 in there to indicate in-progress.
// so we must overwrite with either the download start time or the
// download end time.
int64_t timeToAdd = r->m_downloadStartTimeMS;
if ( r->m_crawlDelayFromEnd ) timeToAdd = nowms;
// . now store the current time in the cache
// . do NOT do this for robots.txt etc. where we skip hammer check
if ( ! r->m_skipHammerCheck ) {
RdbCacheLock rcl(s_hammerCache);
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider && ! r->m_skipHammerCheck ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: adding last download time "
"of %" PRId64" for firstIp=%s url=%s "
"to msg13::hammerCache",
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider || g_conf.m_logDebugMsg13 ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: got http reply for firstip=%s url=%s "
// . sanity check - robots.txt requests must always be compressed
// . saves space in the cache
if ( ! r->m_compressReply && r->m_isRobotsTxt ) { gbshutdownLogicError();}
// null terminate it always! -- unless already null terminated...
if ( replySize > 0 && reply[replySize-1] ) reply[replySize++] = '\0';
// sanity check
if ( replySize > replyAllocSize ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// save original size
int32_t originalSize = replySize;
// sanity check
if ( replySize>0 && reply[replySize-1]!= '\0') { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// assume http status is 200
bool goodStatus = true;
int64_t *docsPtr = NULL;
int64_t *bytesInPtr = NULL;
int64_t *bytesOutPtr = NULL;
// use this mime
HttpMime mime;
int32_t httpStatus = 0; // 200;
// do not do any of the content analysis routines below if we
// had a g_errno like ETCPTIMEDOUT or EBADMIME or whatever...
if ( savedErr ) goodStatus = false;
// no, its on the content only, NOT including mime
int32_t mimeLen = 0;
// only bother rewriting the error mime if user wanted compression
// otherwise, don't bother rewriting it.
// DO NOT do this if savedErr is set because we end up calling
// sendErorrReply() below for that!
if ( replySize>0 && r->m_compressReply && ! savedErr ) {
// assume fake reply
if ( reply == g_fakeReply ) {
httpStatus = 200;
else {
// exclude the \0 i guess. use NULL for url.
mime.set ( reply , replySize - 1, NULL );
// no, its on the content only, NOT including mime
mimeLen = mime.getMimeLen();
// get this
httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
// if it's -1, unknown i guess, then force to 505
// server side error. we get an EBADMIME for our g_errno
// when we enter this loop sometimes, so in that case...
if ( httpStatus == -1 ) httpStatus = 505;
if ( savedErr ) httpStatus = 505;
// if bad http status, re-write it
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) {
char tmpBuf[2048];
char *p = tmpBuf;
p += sprintf( tmpBuf,
"HTTP/1.0 %" PRId32"\r\n"
"Content-Length: 0\r\n" ,
httpStatus );
// convery redirect urls back to requester
const char *loc = mime.getLocationField();
int32_t locLen = mime.getLocationFieldLen();
// if too big, forget it! otherwise we breach tmpBuf
if ( loc && locLen > 0 && locLen < 1024 ) {
p += sprintf ( p , "Location: " );
memcpy ( p , loc , locLen );
p += locLen;
memcpy ( p , "\r\n", 2 );
p += 2;
// close it up
p += sprintf ( p , "\r\n" );
// copy it over as new reply, include \0
int32_t newSize = p - tmpBuf + 1;
if ( newSize >= 2048 ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// record in the stats
docsPtr = &g_stats.m_compressMimeErrorDocs;
bytesInPtr = &g_stats.m_compressMimeErrorBytesIn;
bytesOutPtr = &g_stats.m_compressMimeErrorBytesOut;
// only replace orig reply if we are smaller
if ( newSize < replySize ) {
memcpy ( reply , tmpBuf , newSize );
replySize = newSize;
// reset content hash
goodStatus = false;
// point to the content
char *content = reply + mimeLen;
// reduce length by that
int32_t contentLen = replySize - 1 - mimeLen;
// fix bad crap
if ( contentLen < 0 ) contentLen = 0;
// fake http 200 reply?
if ( reply == g_fakeReply ) { content = NULL; contentLen = 0; }
if ( replySize > 0 &&
goodStatus &&
!r->m_isRobotsTxt &&
r->m_compressReply ) {
// get the content type from mime
char ct = mime.getContentType();
if ( ct != CT_HTML &&
ct != CT_TEXT &&
ct != CT_XML &&
ct != CT_PDF &&
ct != CT_DOC &&
ct != CT_XLS &&
ct != CT_PPT &&
ct != CT_PS ) {
// record in the stats
docsPtr = &g_stats.m_compressBadCTypeDocs;
bytesInPtr = &g_stats.m_compressBadCTypeBytesIn;
bytesOutPtr = &g_stats.m_compressBadCTypeBytesOut;
replySize = 0;
// sanity
if ( reply && replySize>0 && reply[replySize-1]!='\0') {
bool hasIframe2 = false;
if ( r->m_compressReply &&
goodStatus &&
! r->m_isRobotsTxt )
hasIframe2 = hasIframe(reply, replySize);
// sanity
if ( reply && replySize>0 && reply[replySize-1]!='\0') {
if ( hasIframe2 &&
! r->m_attemptedIframeExpansion &&
! r->m_isSquidProxiedUrl ) {
// must have ts i think
if ( ! ts ) { gbshutdownAbort(true); }
// sanity
if ( ts->m_readBuf != reply ) { gbshutdownLogicError();}
// . try to expand each iframe tag in there
// . return without sending a reply back if this blocks
// . it will return true and set g_errno on error
// . when it has fully expanded the doc's iframes it we
// re-call this gotHttpReply() function but with the
// TcpServer's buf swapped out to be the buf that has the
// expanded iframes in it
// . returns false if blocks
// . returns true if did not block, sets g_errno on error
// . if it blocked it will recall THIS function
if ( ! getIframeExpandedContent ( r , ts ) ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugMsg13 ||
g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log("msg13: iframe expansion blocked %s",
// ok, did we have an error?
if ( g_errno )
log("scproxy: xml set for %s had error: %s",
// otherwise, i guess we had no iframes worthy of expanding
// so pretend we do not have any iframes
hasIframe2 = false;
// sanity
if ( reply && replySize>0 && reply[replySize-1]!='\0') {
// compute content hash
if ( r->m_contentHash32 &&
replySize>0 &&
goodStatus &&
r->m_compressReply &&
// if we got iframes we can't tell if content changed
! hasIframe2 ) {
// compute it
int32_t ch32 = getContentHash32Fast( (unsigned char *)content , contentLen);
// unchanged?
if ( ch32 == r->m_contentHash32 ) {
// record in the stats
docsPtr = &g_stats.m_compressUnchangedDocs;
bytesInPtr = &g_stats.m_compressUnchangedBytesIn;
bytesOutPtr = &g_stats.m_compressUnchangedBytesOut;
// do not send anything back
replySize = 0;
// and set error
// sanity
if ( reply && replySize>0 && reply[replySize-1]!='\0') {
// these are typically roots!
if ( // override HasIFrame with "FullPageRequested" if it has
// an iframe, because that is the overriding stat. i.e. if
// we ignored if it had iframes, we'd still end up here...
( ! docsPtr || docsPtr == &g_stats.m_compressHasIframeDocs ) &&
r->m_compressReply ) {
// record in the stats
docsPtr = &g_stats.m_compressFullPageDocs;
bytesInPtr = &g_stats.m_compressFullPageBytesIn;
bytesOutPtr = &g_stats.m_compressFullPageBytesOut;
else if ( ! docsPtr &&
r->m_compressReply ) {
// record in the stats
docsPtr = &g_stats.m_compressHasDateDocs;
bytesInPtr = &g_stats.m_compressHasDateBytesIn;
bytesOutPtr = &g_stats.m_compressHasDateBytesOut;
if ( r->m_isRobotsTxt &&
goodStatus &&
! savedErr &&
r->m_compressReply &&
httpStatus == 200 ) {
// . just take out the lines we need...
// . if no user-agent line matches * or gigabot/flurbot we
// will get just a \0 for the reply, replySize=1!
// record in the stats
docsPtr = &g_stats.m_compressRobotsTxtDocs;
bytesInPtr = &g_stats.m_compressRobotsTxtBytesIn;
bytesOutPtr = &g_stats.m_compressRobotsTxtBytesOut;
// unknown by default
if ( ! docsPtr ) {
// record in the stats
docsPtr = &g_stats.m_compressUnknownTypeDocs;
bytesInPtr = &g_stats.m_compressUnknownTypeBytesIn;
bytesOutPtr = &g_stats.m_compressUnknownTypeBytesOut;
// assume we did not compress it
bool compressed = false;
// compress if we should. do not compress if we are original requester
// because we call gotFinalReply() with the reply right below here.
// CAUTION: do not compress empty replies.
// do not bother if savedErr is set because we use sendErrorReply
// to send that back!
if ( r->m_compressReply && replySize>0 && ! savedErr ) {
// how big should the compression buf be?
int32_t need = sizeof(int32_t) + // unzipped size
(int32_t)(replySize * 1.01) + // worst case size
25; // for zlib
// for 7-zip
need += 300;
// back buffer to hold compressed reply
uint32_t compressedLen;
char *compressedBuf = (char*)mmalloc(need, "Msg13Zip");
if ( ! compressedBuf ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log(LOG_WARN, "msg13: compression failed1 %s",r->ptr_url);
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
// store uncompressed length as first four bytes in the
// compressedBuf
*(int32_t *)compressedBuf = replySize;
// the remaining bytes are for data
compressedLen = need - 4;
// leave the first 4 bytes to hold the uncompressed size
int zipErr = gbcompress( (unsigned char*)compressedBuf+4,
(unsigned char*)reply,
if(zipErr != Z_OK) {
log("spider: had error zipping Msg13 reply. %s "
"(%" PRId32") url=%s",
mfree (compressedBuf, need, "Msg13ZipError");
log(LOG_WARN, "msg13: compression failed2 %s",r->ptr_url);
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
// record the uncompressed size.
reply = compressedBuf;
replySize = 4 + compressedLen;
replyAllocSize = need;
// sanity check
if ( replySize<0||replySize>100000000 ) { gbshutdownAbort(true);}
// we did compress it
compressed = true;
// record the stats
if ( docsPtr ) {
// we download a doc
*docsPtr = *docsPtr + 1;
// we spidered it at this size
*bytesInPtr += originalSize;
// and spit it back out at this size
*bytesOutPtr += replySize;
// and this always, the total
g_stats.m_compressAllBytesIn += originalSize;
g_stats.m_compressAllBytesOut += replySize;
// store reply in the cache (might be compressed)
if (r->m_maxCacheAge > 0) {
// get the cache
RdbCache *c = r->m_isRobotsTxt ? &s_httpCacheRobots : &s_httpCacheOthers;
// key is based on url hash
key96_t k; k.n1 = 0; k.n0 = r->m_cacheKey;
HttpCacheData cacheData(reply, replySize, savedErr);
int32_t serializeCacheDataSize = 0;
char *serializeCacheData = serializeMsg(sizeof(cacheData), &cacheData.size_reply, &cacheData.size_reply, &cacheData.ptr_reply, &cacheData, &serializeCacheDataSize, NULL, 0);
// add it, use a generic collection
RdbCacheLock rcl(*c);
c->addRecord((collnum_t) 0, k, serializeCacheData, serializeCacheDataSize);
// ignore errors caching it
g_errno = 0;
// how many have this key?
int32_t count = s_rt.getCount ( &r->m_cacheKey );
// sanity check
if ( count < 1 ) { gbshutdownAbort(true); }
// send a reply for all waiting in line
int32_t tableSlot;
// loop
for ( ; ( tableSlot = s_rt.getSlot ( &r->m_cacheKey) ) >= 0 ; ) {
// use this
int32_t err = 0;
// set g_errno appropriately
if ( savedErr ) err = savedErr;
// sanity check. must be empty on any error
if ( reply && replySize > 0 && err ) {
// ETCPIMEDOUT can happen with a partial buf
if ( err != ETCPTIMEDOUT &&
// sometimes zipped content from page
// is corrupt... we don't even request
// gzipped http replies but they send it anyway
// for proxied https urls
// now httpserver::gotDoc's call to
// unzipReply() can also set g_errno to
err != EBADMIME &&
// this happens sometimes in unzipReply()
err != ENOMEM &&
// broken pipe
err != EPIPE &&
// connection reset by peer
err != ECONNRESET &&
err != EDOCTOOBIG &&
log("http: bad error from httpserver get doc: %s",
// replicate the reply. might return NULL and set g_errno
char *copy = reply;
int32_t copyAllocSize = replyAllocSize;
// . only copy it if we are not the last guy in the table
// . no, now always copy it
if ( --count > 0 && ! err ) {
copy = (char *)mdup(reply,replySize,"msg13d");
copyAllocSize = replySize;
// oom doing the mdup? i've seen this core us so fix it
// because calling sendreply with a NULL
// 'copy' cores it.
if ( reply && ! copy ) {
copyAllocSize = 0;
err = ENOMEM;
// this is not freeable
if ( copy == g_fakeReply ) copyAllocSize = 0;
// get request
Msg13Request *r2 = *(Msg13Request **)s_rt.getValueFromSlot(tableSlot);
// get udp slot for this transaction
UdpSlot *slot = r2->m_udpSlot;
// remove from list
s_rt.removeSlot ( tableSlot );
// send back error? maybe...
if ( err ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ||
g_conf.m_logDebugMsg13 ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log("proxy: msg13: sending back error: %s "
"for url %s with ip %s",
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply. error=%s", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, mstrerror(err));
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply(slot, err);
// for debug for now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider || g_conf.m_logDebugMsg13 )
log("msg13: sending reply for %s",r->ptr_url);
// send reply
g_udpServer.sendReply(copy, replySize, copy, copyAllocSize, slot);
// now final udp slot will free the reply, so tcp server
// no longer has to. set this tcp buf to null then.
if ( ts->m_readBuf == reply && count == 0 )
ts->m_readBuf = NULL;
// we free it - if it was never sent over a udp slot
if ( savedErr && compressed )
mfree ( reply , replyAllocSize , "msg13ubuf" );
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider || g_conf.m_logDebugMsg13 )
log("msg13: handled reply ok %s",r->ptr_url);
void passOnReply ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) {
// send that back
Msg13Request *r = (Msg13Request *)state;
// don't let udpserver free the request, it's our m_request[]
slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL;
if ( g_errno ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "spider: error from proxy for %s: %s",
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply(r->m_udpSlot, g_errno);
// what did he give us?
char *reply = slot->m_readBuf;
int32_t replySize = slot->m_readBufSize;
int32_t replyAllocSize = slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
// do not allow "slot" to free the read buf since it is being used
// as the send buf for "udpSlot"
slot->m_readBuf = NULL;
slot->m_readBufSize = 0;
slot->m_readBufMaxSize = 0;
// prevent udpserver from trying to free g_fakeReply
if ( reply == g_fakeReply ) replyAllocSize = 0;
// just forward it on
g_udpServer.sendReply(reply, replySize, reply, replyAllocSize, r->m_udpSlot);
// returns true if <iframe> tag in there
bool hasIframe(char *reply, int32_t replySize) {
if ( ! reply || replySize <= 0 ) return false;
char *p = reply;
// exclude \0
char *pend = reply + replySize - 1;
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
if ( *p != '<' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a (p[1]) != 'i' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a (p[2]) != 'f' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a (p[3]) != 'r' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a (p[4]) != 'a' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a (p[5]) != 'm' ) continue;
if ( to_lower_a (p[6]) != 'e' ) continue;
return true;
return false;
// returns false if blocks, true otherwise
static bool getIframeExpandedContent(Msg13Request *r, TcpSocket *ts) {
if ( ! ts ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
int32_t niceness = r->m_niceness;
// ok, we've an attempt now
r->m_attemptedIframeExpansion = true;
// we are doing something to destroy reply, so make a copy of it!
int32_t copySize = ts->m_readOffset + 1;
char *copy = (char *)mdup ( ts->m_readBuf , copySize , "ifrmcpy" );
if ( ! copy ) return true;
// sanity, must include \0 at the end
if ( copy[copySize-1] ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// need a new state for it, use XmlDoc itself
XmlDoc *xd;
try { xd = new ( XmlDoc ); }
catch(std::bad_alloc&) {
mfree ( copy , copySize , "ifrmcpy" );
g_errno = ENOMEM;
return true;
mnew ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc),"msg13xd");
// make a fake spider request so we can do it
SpiderRequest sreq;
int32_t firstIp = hash32n(r->ptr_url);
if ( firstIp == -1 || firstIp == 0 ) firstIp = 1;
sreq.setKey( firstIp,0LL, false );
sreq.m_isInjecting = 1;
sreq.m_fakeFirstIp = 1;
sreq.m_firstIp = firstIp;
// log it now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugBuild )
log("scproxy: expanding iframes for %s",r->ptr_url);
// . use the enormous power of our new XmlDoc class
// . this returns false with g_errno set on error
// . sometimes niceness is 0, like when the UdpSlot
// gets its niceness converted, (see
// UdpSlot::m_converetedNiceness).
if ( ! xd->set4 ( &sreq ,
"main", // HACK!! m_coll ,
NULL , // pbuf
// give it a niceness of 1, we have to be
// careful since we are a niceness of 0!!!!
1, //niceness, // 1 ,
NULL , // content ,
false, // deleteFromIndex ,
0 )) { // forcedIp
// log it
log("scproxy: xmldoc set error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// now nuke xmldoc
mdelete ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "msg13xd" );
delete ( xd );
// g_errno should be set if that returned false
return true;
// . re-set the niceness because it will core if we set it with
// a niceness of 0...
xd->m_niceness = niceness;
// we already downloaded the httpReply so this is valid. no need
// to check robots.txt again for that url, but perhaps for the
// iframe urls.
xd->m_isAllowed = true;
xd->m_isAllowedValid = true;
// save stuff for calling gotHttpReply() back later with the
// iframe expanded document
xd->m_r = r;
// so XmlDoc::getExtraDoc doesn't have any issues
xd->m_firstIp = 123456;
xd->m_firstIpValid = true;
// try using xmldoc to do it
xd->m_httpReply = copy;
xd->m_httpReplySize = copySize;
xd->m_httpReplyAllocSize = copySize;
xd->m_httpReplyValid = true;
// we claimed this buffer, do not let TcpServer destroy it!
//ts->m_readBuf = NULL;//(char *)0x1234;
// tell it to skip msg13 and call httpServer.getDoc directly
xd->m_isSpiderProxy = true;
// do not let XmlDoc::getRedirUrl() try to get old title rec
xd->m_oldDocValid = true;
xd->m_oldDoc = NULL;
// can't be NULL, xmldoc uses for g_errno
xd->ptr_linkInfo1 = (LinkInfo *)0x01;
xd->size_linkInfo1 = 0 ;
xd->m_linkInfo1Valid = true;
// call this as callback
xd->setCallback ( xd , gotIframeExpandedContent );
xd->m_redirUrlValid = true;
xd->ptr_redirUrl = NULL;
xd->size_redirUrl = 0;
xd->m_downloadEndTimeValid = true;
xd->m_downloadEndTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// now get the expanded content
char **ec = xd->getExpandedUtf8Content();
// this means it blocked
if ( ec == (void *)-1 ) {
//log("scproxy: waiting for %s",r->ptr_url);
return false;
// return true with g_errno set
if ( ! ec ) {
log("scproxy: iframe expansion error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// g_errno should be set
if ( ! g_errno ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// clean up
// it did not block so signal gotIframeExpandedContent to not call
// gotHttpReply()
//xd->m_r = NULL;
// hey... it did block and we are stil;l printing this!!
// it happens when the iframe src is google or bing.. usually maps
// so i'd think indicative of something special
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugBuild )
log("scproxy: got iframe expansion without blocking for url=%s"
" err=%s",r->ptr_url,mstrerror(g_errno));
// save g_errno for returning
int32_t saved = g_errno;
// this also means that the iframe tag was probably not expanded
// because it was from google.com or bing.com or had a bad src attribut
// or bad url in the src attribute.
// so we have set m_attemptedIframeExpansion, just recall using
// the original TcpSocket ptr... and this time we should not be
// re-called because m_attemptedIframeExpansion is now true
//gotHttpReply2 ( r, NULL , 0 , 0 , NULL );
// we can't be messing with it!! otherwise we'd have to reutrn
// a new reply size i guess
if ( xd->m_didExpansion ) { gbshutdownAbort(true); }
// now nuke xmldoc
mdelete ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "msg13xd" );
delete ( xd );
// reinstate g_errno in case mdelete() reset it
g_errno = saved;
// no blocking then...
return true;
static void gotIframeExpandedContent(void *state) {
// save error in case mdelete nukes it
int32_t saved = g_errno;
XmlDoc *xd = (XmlDoc *)state;
// this was stored in xd
Msg13Request *r = xd->m_r;
//log("scproxy: done waiting for %s",r->ptr_url);
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugBuild )
log("scproxy: got iframe expansion for url=%s",r->ptr_url);
// assume we had no expansion or there was an error
char *reply = NULL;
int32_t replySize = 0;
// . if no error, then grab it
// . if failed to get the iframe content then m_didExpansion should
// be false
if ( ! g_errno && xd->m_didExpansion ) {
// original mime should have been valid
if ( ! xd->m_mimeValid ) { gbshutdownAbort(true); }
// insert the mime into the expansion buffer! m_esbuf
xd->m_esbuf.insert2 ( xd->m_httpReply ,
xd->m_mime.getMimeLen() ,
0 );
// . get our buffer with the expanded iframes in it
// . make sure that has the mime in it too
//reply = xd->m_expandedUtf8Content;
//replySize = xd->m_expandedUtf8ContentSize;
// just to make sure nothing bad happens, null this out
xd->m_expandedUtf8Content = NULL;
// this new reply includes the original mime!
reply = xd->m_esbuf.getBufStart();
// include \0? yes.
replySize = xd->m_esbuf.length() + 1;
// sanity. must be null terminated
if ( reply[replySize-1] ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// if expansion did not pan out, use original reply i guess
else if ( ! g_errno ) {
reply = xd->m_httpReply;
replySize = xd->m_httpReplySize;
// log it so we know why we are getting EDNSTIMEDOUT msgs back
// on the main cluster!
if ( g_errno )
log("scproxy: error getting iframe content for url=%s : %s",
// sanity check
if ( reply && reply[replySize-1] != '\0') { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// pass back the error we had, if any
g_errno = saved;
// . then resume the reply processing up above as if this was the
// document that was downloaded.
// . PASS g_errno BACK TO THIS if it was set, like ETCPTIMEDOUT
gotHttpReply2 ( r, reply, replySize , replySize , NULL );
// no, let's not dup it and pass what we got in, since ts is NULL
// it should not free it!!!
// . now destroy it
// . the reply should have been sent back as a msg13 reply either
// as a normal reply or an error reply
// . nuke out state then, including the xmldoc
// . was there an error, maybe a TCPTIMEDOUT???
mdelete ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "msg13xd" );
delete ( xd );
#define DELAYPERBAN 500
// how many milliseconds should spiders use for a crawldelay if
// ban was detected and no proxies are being used.
// returns true if we queue the request to download later
static bool addToHammerQueue(Msg13Request *r) {
// sanity
if ( ! r->m_udpSlot ) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// skip if not needed
if ( r->m_skipHammerCheck ) return false;
// . make sure we are not hammering an ip
// . returns 0 if currently downloading a url from that ip
// . returns -1 if not found
int64_t last = s_hammerCache.getLongLong(0,r->m_firstIp,-1,true);
// get time now
int64_t nowms = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// how long has it been since last download START time?
int64_t waited = nowms - last;
int32_t crawlDelayMS = r->m_crawlDelayMS;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( r->m_collnum );
bool canUseProxies = false;
if ( cr && cr->m_automaticallyUseProxies ) canUseProxies = true;
if ( r->m_forceUseFloaters ) canUseProxies = true;
// if no proxies listed, then it is pointless
if ( ! g_conf.m_proxyIps.hasDigits() ) canUseProxies = false;
// if not using proxies, but the ip is banning us, then at least
// backoff a bit
if ( cr &&
r->m_urlIp != 0 &&
r->m_urlIp != -1 &&
cr->m_automaticallyBackOff &&
// and it is in the twitchy table
isIpInTwitchyTable ( cr , r->m_urlIp ) ) {
// then just back off with a crawldelay of 3 seconds
if ( ! canUseProxies && crawlDelayMS < AUTOCRAWLDELAY )
// mark this so we do not retry pointlessly
r->m_wasInTableBeforeStarting = true;
// and obey crawl delay
r->m_skipHammerCheck = false;
// . if we got a proxybackoff base it on # of banned proxies for urlIp
// . try to be more sensitive for more sensitive website policies
// . we don't know why this proxy was banned, or if we were
// responsible, or who banned it, but be more sensitive anyway
if ( r->m_numBannedProxies &&
r->m_numBannedProxies * DELAYPERBAN > crawlDelayMS ) {
crawlDelayMS = r->m_numBannedProxies * DELAYPERBAN;
// set the crawldelay we actually used when downloading this
//r->m_usedCrawlDelay = crawlDelayMS;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: got timestamp of %" PRId64" from "
"hammercache (waited=%" PRId64" crawlDelayMS=%" PRId32") "
"for %s"
bool queueIt = false;
if ( last > 0 && waited < crawlDelayMS ) queueIt = true;
// a "last" of 0 means currently downloading
if ( crawlDelayMS > 0 && last == 0LL ) queueIt = true;
// a last of -1 means not found. so first time i guess.
if ( last == -1 ) queueIt = false;
// ignore it if from iframe expansion etc.
if ( r->m_skipHammerCheck ) queueIt = false;
// . queue it up if we haven't waited long enough
// . then the functionr, scanHammerQueue(), will re-eval all
// the download requests in this hammer queue every 10ms.
// . it will just lookup the lastdownload time in the cache,
// which will store maybe a -1 if currently downloading...
if ( queueIt ) {
// debug
char ipbuf[16];
"spider: adding %s to crawldelayqueue cd=%" PRId32"ms "
// save this
//r->m_udpSlot = slot; // this is already saved!
r->m_nextLink = NULL;
// we gotta update the crawldelay here in case we modified
// it in the above logic.
r->m_crawlDelayMS = crawlDelayMS;
// when we stored it in the hammer queue
r->m_stored = nowms;
// add it to queue
if ( ! s_hammerQueueHead ) {
s_hammerQueueHead = r;
s_hammerQueueTail = r;
else {
s_hammerQueueTail->m_nextLink = r;
s_hammerQueueTail = r;
return true;
// if we had it in cache check the wait time
if ( last > 0 && waited < crawlDelayMS ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log("spider: hammering firstIp=%s url=%s "
"only waited %" PRId64" ms of %" PRId32" ms",
// this guy has too many redirects and it fails us...
// BUT do not core if running live, only if for test
// collection
// for now disable it seems like 99.9% good... but
// still cores on some wierd stuff...
// store time now
//RdbCacheLock rcl(s_hammercache);
// note it
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// log("spider: adding download end time of %" PRIu64" for "
// "firstIp=%s "
// "url=%s "
// "to msg13::hammerCache",
// nowms,iptoa(r->m_firstIp),r->ptr_url);
// clear error from that if any, not important really
g_errno = 0;
return false;
// call this once every 10ms to launch queued up download requests so that
// we respect crawl delay for sure
static void scanHammerQueue(int fd, void *state) {
if ( ! s_hammerQueueHead ) return;
int64_t nowms = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
while (Msg13Request *r = s_hammerQueueHead) {
Msg13Request *prev = NULL;
int64_t waited = -1LL;
Msg13Request *nextLink = NULL;
bool rescanHammerQueue = false;
// scan down the linked list of queued of msg13 requests
for (; r; prev = r, r = nextLink) {
// downloadTheDocForReals() could free "r" so save this here
nextLink = r->m_nextLink;
int64_t last;
last = s_hammerCache.getLongLong(0, r->m_firstIp, 30, true);
// is one from this ip outstanding?
if (last == 0LL && r->m_crawlDelayFromEnd) continue;
int32_t crawlDelayMS = r->m_crawlDelayMS;
// . if we got a proxybackoff base it on # of banned proxies
// . try to be more sensitive for more sensitive website policy
// . we don't know why this proxy was banned, or if we were
// responsible, or who banned it, but be more sensitive
if ( //useProxies &&
r->m_numBannedProxies &&
r->m_hammerCallback == downloadTheDocForReals3b)
crawlDelayMS = r->m_numBannedProxies * DELAYPERBAN;
// download finished?
if (last > 0) {
waited = nowms - last;
// but skip if haven't waited long enough
if (waited < crawlDelayMS) continue;
// debug
//log("spider: downloading %s from crawldelay queue "
// "waited=%" PRId64"ms crawldelay=%" PRId32"ms",
// r->ptr_url,waited,r->m_crawlDelayMS);
// good to go
//downloadTheDocForReals ( r );
// sanity check
if (!r->m_hammerCallback) { gbshutdownLogicError(); }
// callback can now be either downloadTheDocForReals(r)
// or downloadTheDocForReals3b(r) if it is waiting after
// getting a ProxyReply that had a m_proxyBackoff set
if (g_conf.m_logDebugSpider)
log(LOG_DEBUG, "spider: calling hammer callback for %s (timestamp=%" PRId64",waited=%" PRId64",crawlDelayMS=%" PRId32")",
r->ptr_url, last, waited, crawlDelayMS);
// it should also add the current time to the hammer cache
// for r->m_firstIp
// remove from future scans
if (prev)
prev->m_nextLink = nextLink;
if (s_hammerQueueHead == r)
s_hammerQueueHead = nextLink;
if (s_hammerQueueTail == r)
s_hammerQueueTail = prev;
// if "r" was freed by downloadTheDocForReals() then
// in the next iteration of this loop, "prev" will point
// to a freed memory area, so start from the top again
// by breaking out of this inner loop and trying the outer loop again
rescanHammerQueue = true;
if (!rescanHammerQueue) {
bool addNewProxyAuthorization ( SafeBuf *req , Msg13Request *r ) {
if ( ! r->m_proxyIp ) return true;
if ( ! r->m_proxyPort ) return true;
// get proxy from list to get username/password
SpiderProxy *sp = getSpiderProxyByIpPort (r->m_proxyIp,r->m_proxyPort);
// if none required, all done
if ( ! sp->m_usernamePwd[0] ) return true;
// strange?
if ( req->length() < 8 ) return false;
// back up over final \r\n
req->m_length -= 2 ;
// insert it
req->safePrintf("Proxy-Authorization: Basic ");
req->base64Encode ( sp->m_usernamePwd );
return true;
// When the Msg13Request::m_isSquidProxiedUrl bit then request we got is
// using us like a proxy, so Msg13Request::m_url is in reality a complete
// HTTP request mime. so in that case we have to call this code to
// fix the HTTP request before sending it to its final destination.
// Remove "Proxy-authorization: Basic abcdefghij\r\n"
void stripProxyAuthorization ( char *squidProxiedReqBuf ) {
// remove the proxy authorization that has the username/pwd
// so the websites we download the url from do not see it in the
// http request mime
for(;;) {
// include space so it won't match anything in url
char *s = gb_strcasestr ( squidProxiedReqBuf , "Proxy-Authorization: " );
if ( ! s ) return;
// find next \r\n
const char *end = strstr ( s , "\r\n");
if ( ! end ) return;
// bury the \r\n as well
end += 2;
// bury that string
int32_t reqLen = strlen(squidProxiedReqBuf);
const char *reqEnd = squidProxiedReqBuf + reqLen;
// include \0, so add +1
memmove ( s ,end , reqEnd-end + 1);
// . convert "GET http://xyz.com/abc" to "GET /abc"
// . TODO: add "Host:xyz.con\r\n" ?
void fixGETorPOST ( char *squidProxiedReqBuf ) {
char *s = strstr ( squidProxiedReqBuf , "GET http" );
int32_t slen = 8;
if ( ! s ) {
s = strstr ( squidProxiedReqBuf , "POST http");
slen = 9;
if ( ! s ) {
s = strstr ( squidProxiedReqBuf , "HEAD http");
slen = 9;
if ( ! s ) return;
// point to start of http://...
char *httpStart = s + slen - 4;
// https?
s += slen;
if ( *s == 's' ) s++;
// skip ://
if ( *s++ != ':' ) return;
if ( *s++ != '/' ) return;
if ( *s++ != '/' ) return;
// skip until / or space or \r or \n or \0
for ( ; *s && ! is_wspace_a(*s) && *s != '/' ; s++ );
// bury the http://xyz.com part now
char *reqEnd = squidProxiedReqBuf + strlen(squidProxiedReqBuf);
// include the terminating \0, so add +1
memmove ( httpStart , s , reqEnd - s + 1 );
// now make HTTP/1.1 into HTTP/1.0
char *hs = strstr ( httpStart , "HTTP/1.1" );
if ( ! hs ) return;
hs[7] = '0';
// . sets Msg13Request m_proxiedUrl and m_proxiedUrlLen
bool setProxiedUrlFromSquidProxiedRequest ( Msg13Request *r ) {
// this is actually the entire http request mime, not a url
//char *squidProxiedReqBuf = r->ptr_url;
// shortcut. this is the actual squid request like
// "CONNECT www.youtube.com:443 HTTP/1.1\r\nProxy-COnnection: ... "
// or
// "GET http://www.youtube.com/..."
char *s = r->ptr_url;
char *pu = NULL;
if ( strncmp ( s , "GET http" ,8 ) == 0 )
pu = s + 4;
else if ( strncmp ( s , "POST http" ,9 ) == 0 )
pu = s + 5;
else if ( strncmp ( s , "HEAD http" ,9 ) == 0 )
pu = s + 5;
// this doesn't always have http:// usually just a hostname
else if ( strncmp ( s , "CONNECT " ,8 ) == 0 )
pu = s + 8;
if ( ! pu ) return false;
r->m_proxiedUrl = pu;
// find end of it
char *p = r->m_proxiedUrl;
for ( ; *p && !is_wspace_a(*p) ; p++ );
r->m_proxiedUrlLen = p - r->m_proxiedUrl;
return true;
// . for the page cache we hash the url and the cookie to make the cache key
// . also the GET/POST method i guess
// . returns 0 on issues
int64_t computeProxiedCacheKey64 ( Msg13Request *r ) {
// hash the url
char *start = r->m_proxiedUrl;
// how can this happen?
if ( ! start ) {
log("proxy: no proxied url");
return 0LL;
// skip http:// or https://
// skip forward
char *s = start;
if ( strncmp(s,"http://",7) == 0 ) s += 7;
if ( strncmp(s,"https://",8) == 0 ) s += 8;
// skip till we hit end of url
// skip until / or space or \r or \n or \0
char *cgi = NULL;
for ( ; *s && ! is_wspace_a(*s) ; s++ ) {
if ( *s == '?' && ! cgi ) cgi = s; }
// hash the url
int64_t h64 = hash64 ( start , s - start );
// if file extension implies it is an image, do not hash cookie
char *extEnd = NULL;
if ( cgi ) extEnd = cgi;
else extEnd = s;
char *ext = extEnd;
for ( ; ext>extEnd-6 && ext>start && *ext!='.' && *ext!='/' ; ext-- );
if ( *ext == '.' && ext+1 < extEnd ) {
HttpMime mime;
const char *cts;
ext++; // skip over .
cts = mime.getContentTypeFromExtension ( ext , extEnd-ext );
if ( strncmp(cts,"image/",6) == 0 ) return h64;
// this is actually the entire http request mime, not a url
char *squidProxiedReqBuf = r->ptr_url;
// now for cookie
s = strstr ( squidProxiedReqBuf , "Cookie: ");
// if not there, just return url hash
if ( ! s ) return h64;
// save start
start = s + 8;
// skip till we hit end of cookie line
for ( ; *s && *s != '\r' && *s != '\n' ; s++ );
// incorporate cookie hash
h64 = hash64 ( start , s - start , h64 );
//log("debug: cookiehash=%" PRId64,hash64(start,s-start));
return h64;
bool printHammerQueueTable ( SafeBuf *sb ) {
const char *title = "Queued Download Requests";
sb->safePrintf (
"<table %s>"
"<tr class=hdrow><td colspan=19>"
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><b>first ip found</td>"
"<td><b>actual ip</td>"
"<td><b># proxies banning</td>"
, title
int32_t count = 0;
int64_t nowms = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
for(Msg13Request *r = s_hammerQueueHead; r; r = r->m_nextLink) {
// print row
char ipbuf[16];
sb->safePrintf( "<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td>%i</td>" // #
"<td>%ims</td>" // age in hammer queue
,(int)(nowms - r->m_stored)
sb->safePrintf("<td>%s</td>" // actual ip
, iptoa(r->m_urlIp,ipbuf));
// print crawl delay as link to robots.txt
sb->safePrintf( "<td><a href=\"");
Url cu;
cu.set ( r->ptr_url );
bool isHttps = cu.isHttps();
if ( isHttps ) {
sb->safeStrcpy( "https://" );
} else {
sb->safeStrcpy( "http://" );
sb->safeMemcpy ( cu.getHost() , cu.getHostLen() );
int32_t port = cu.getPort();
int32_t defPort = isHttps ? 443 : 80;
if ( port != defPort ) {
sb->safePrintf( ":%" PRId32, port );
sb->safePrintf ( "/robots.txt\">"
"</td>" // crawl delay MS
"<td>%i</td>" // proxies banning
, r->m_crawlDelayMS
, r->m_numBannedProxies
// show collection name as a link, also truncate to 32 chars
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( r->m_collnum );
const char *coll = "none";
if ( cr ) coll = cr->m_coll;
if ( cr ) {
sb->safePrintf("<a href=\"/admin/sockets?c=");
sb->safeTruncateEllipsis ( coll , 32 );
if ( cr ) sb->safePrintf("</a>");
// then the url itself
sb->safePrintf("<td><a href=%s>",r->ptr_url);
sb->safeTruncateEllipsis ( r->ptr_url , 128 );
return true;