5119 lines
144 KiB
5119 lines
144 KiB
#include "Msg25.h"
#include "Linkdb.h"
#include "UdpSlot.h"
#include "Serialize.h"
#include "linkspam.h"
#include "Xml.h"
#include "HashTableX.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "HttpMime.h"
#include "HashTable.h"
#include "IPAddressChecks.h"
#include "GbMutex.h"
#include "ScopedLock.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "SiteGetter.h"
#include "ip.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include "gbmemcpy.h"
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
#include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
// used by Msg25::addNote()
class NoteEntry {
int32_t m_count;
char *m_note;
int64_t m_docIds[MAX_ENTRY_DOCIDS];
static LinkInfo *makeLinkInfo(int32_t ip,
Msg20Reply **replies,
int32_t numReplies,
int64_t linkeeDocId,
int32_t lastUpdateTime,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks,
Msg25 *msg25,
SafeBuf *linkInfoBuf);
static int32_t getNumWords(const char *s, int32_t len);
// 1MB read size for now
#define READSIZE 1000000
static void gotListWrapper(void *state, RdbList *list, Msg5 *msg5);
static bool gotLinkTextWrapper(void *state);
Msg25::Msg25() {
m_numRequests = 0;
m_linkSpamOut = 0;
m_numReplyPtrs = 0;
//m_linkInfo = NULL;
m_ownReplies = true;
// mainly for Coverity
m_req25 = NULL;
m_linkInfoBuf = NULL;
m_url = NULL;
m_site = NULL;
m_ourHostHash32 = 0;
m_ourDomHash32 = 0;
m_round = 0;
m_linkHash64 = 0;
memset(&m_nextKey, 0, sizeof(m_nextKey));
m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks = false;
m_docId = 0;
m_collnum = 0;
m_state = NULL;
m_callback = NULL;
m_siteNumInlinks = 0;
m_mode = MODE_UNSET;
m_printInXml = false;
m_ip = 0;
m_top = 0;
m_midDomHash = 0;
m_gettingList = false;
m_k = NULL;
m_maxNumLinkers = 0;
memset(&m_replyPtrs, 0, sizeof(m_replyPtrs));
memset(&m_replySizes, 0, sizeof(m_replySizes));
memset(m_inUse, 0, sizeof(m_inUse));
m_numDocIds = 0;
m_cblocks = 0;
m_uniqueIps = 0;
m_minRecSizes = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
m_errno = 0;
m_pbuf = NULL;
m_oneVotePerIpDom = false;
m_doLinkSpamCheck = false;
m_isInjecting = false;
m_lastUpdateTime = 0;
m_errors = 0;
m_noText = 0;
m_spideringEnabled = false;
m_dupCount = 0;
m_spamLinks = 0;
m_niceness = 0;
m_numFromSameIp = 0;
m_sameMidDomain = 0;
m_spamCount = 0;
m_maxSpam = 0;
m_ipDupsLinkdb = 0;
m_docIdDupsLinkdb = 0;
m_linkSpamLinkdb = 0;
m_ipDups = 0;
m_oldLinkInfo = NULL;
m_bufPtr = NULL;
m_bufEnd = NULL;
m_requestSize = 0;
m_qbuf = NULL;
m_qbufSize = 0;
memset(m_buf, 0, sizeof(m_buf));
memset(m_request, 0, sizeof(m_request));
Msg25::~Msg25 ( ) {
void Msg25::reset() {
if ( ! m_ownReplies )
m_numReplyPtrs = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numReplyPtrs ; i++ )
mfree ( m_replyPtrs[i], m_replySizes[i], "msg25r");
// reset array count to 0
m_numReplyPtrs = 0;
// . we got a reply back from the msg25 request
// . reply should just be a LinkInfo class
// . set XmlDoc::m_linkInfoBuf safebuf to that reply
// . we store tr to that safebuf in Msg25Request::m_linkInfoBuf
static void gotMulticastReplyWrapper25(void *state, void *state2) {
Msg25Request *req = (Msg25Request *)state;
// call callback now if error is set
if ( g_errno ) {
req->m_callback ( req->m_state );
Multicast *mcast = req->m_mcast;
int32_t replySize;
int32_t replyMaxSize;
bool freeit;
char *reply = mcast->getBestReply (&replySize,&replyMaxSize,&freeit);
// validate linkinfo
LinkInfo *linkInfo = (LinkInfo *)reply;
if (linkInfo->m_version != 0 ||
linkInfo->m_lisize < 0 || linkInfo->m_lisize != replySize ||
linkInfo->m_numStoredInlinks < 0 || linkInfo->m_numGoodInlinks < 0) {
// . store reply in caller's linkInfoBuf i guess
// . mcast should free the reply
req->m_linkInfoBuf->safeMemcpy ( reply , replySize );
// validate linkinfo
LinkInfo *linkInfo = (LinkInfo *)req->m_linkInfoBuf->getBufStart();
if (linkInfo->m_version != 0 ||
linkInfo->m_lisize < 0 || linkInfo->m_lisize != req->m_linkInfoBuf->length() ||
linkInfo->m_numStoredInlinks < 0 || linkInfo->m_numGoodInlinks < 0) {
// i guess we gotta free this
mfree ( reply , replyMaxSize , "rep25" );
req->m_callback ( req->m_state );
// . returns false if would block, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno and returns true on launch error
// . calls req->m_callback when ready if it would block
bool getLinkInfo(SafeBuf *reqBuf,
Multicast *mcast,
const char *site,
const char *url,
bool isSiteLinkInfo,
int32_t ip,
int64_t docId,
collnum_t collnum,
void *state,
void (* callback)(void *state),
bool isInjecting,
bool printInXml,
int32_t siteNumInlinks,
const LinkInfo *oldLinkInfo,
int32_t niceness,
bool doLinkSpamCheck,
bool oneVotePerIpDom,
int32_t lastUpdateTime,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks,
int32_t ourHostHash32,
int32_t ourDomHash32,
SafeBuf *linkInfoBuf)
int32_t siteLen = strlen(site);
int32_t urlLen = strlen(url);
int32_t oldLinkSize = 0;
if ( oldLinkInfo )
oldLinkSize = oldLinkInfo->getSize();
if( oldLinkSize < 0 ) {
log(LOG_ERROR,"!!! CORRUPTED LINKINFO detected for docId %" PRId64 " - resetting linkinfo", docId);
oldLinkSize = 0;
oldLinkInfo = NULL;
int32_t need = sizeof(Msg25Request) + siteLen+1 + urlLen+1 + oldLinkSize;
// keep it in a safebuf so caller can just add "SafeBuf m_msg25Req;"
// to his .h file and not have to worry about freeing it.
// clear = true. put 0 bytes in there
if ( ! reqBuf->reserve ( need ,"m25req", true ) )
return true;
Msg25Request *req = (Msg25Request *)reqBuf->getBufStart();
req->m_linkInfoBuf = linkInfoBuf;
req->m_mcast = mcast;
req->ptr_site = const_cast<char*>(site);
req->size_site = siteLen + 1;
req->ptr_url = const_cast<char*>(url);
req->size_url = urlLen + 1;
req->ptr_oldLinkInfo = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(oldLinkInfo);
if ( oldLinkInfo )
req->size_oldLinkInfo = oldLinkInfo->getSize();
req->size_oldLinkInfo = 0;
if ( isSiteLinkInfo )
req->m_mode = Msg25::MODE_SITELINKINFO;
req->m_mode = Msg25::MODE_PAGELINKINFO;
req->m_ip = ip;
req->m_docId = docId;
req->m_collnum = collnum;
req->m_state = state;
req->m_callback = callback;
req->m_isInjecting = isInjecting;
req->m_printInXml = printInXml;
req->m_siteNumInlinks = siteNumInlinks;
req->m_niceness = niceness;
req->m_doLinkSpamCheck = doLinkSpamCheck;
req->m_oneVotePerIpDom = oneVotePerIpDom;
req->m_lastUpdateTime = lastUpdateTime;
req->m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks = onlyNeedGoodInlinks;
req->m_ourHostHash32 = ourHostHash32;
req->m_ourDomHash32 = ourDomHash32;
Url u;
u.set ( req->ptr_url );
req->m_linkHash64 = (uint64_t)u.getUrlHash64();
req->m_siteHash32 = 0LL;
req->m_siteHash64 = 0LL;
if ( req->ptr_site ) {
// hash collection # in with it
int64_t h64 = hash64n ( req->ptr_site );
h64 = hash64 ((char *)&req->m_collnum,sizeof(collnum_t),h64);
req->m_siteHash64 = h64;
req->m_siteHash32 = hash32n ( req->ptr_site );
// send to host for local linkdb lookup
key224_t startKey ;
//int32_t siteHash32 = hash32n ( req->ptr_site );
// access different parts of linkdb depending on the "mode"
if ( req->m_mode == Msg25::MODE_SITELINKINFO )
startKey = Linkdb::makeStartKey_uk ( req->m_siteHash32 );
startKey = Linkdb::makeStartKey_uk (req->m_siteHash32, req->m_linkHash64 );
// what group has this linkdb list?
uint32_t shardNum = getShardNum ( RDB_LINKDB, &startKey );
// use a biased lookup
int32_t numTwins = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
int64_t sectionWidth = (0xffffffff/(int64_t)numTwins) + 1;
// these are 192 bit keys, top 32 bits are a hash of the url
uint32_t x = req->m_siteHash32;//(startKey.n1 >> 32);
int32_t hostNum = x / sectionWidth;
int32_t numHosts = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerShard();
Host *hosts = g_hostdb.getShard ( shardNum); // Group ( groupId );
if ( hostNum >= numHosts ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
int32_t hostId = hosts [ hostNum ].m_hostId ;
if( !hosts [ hostNum ].m_spiderEnabled) {
hostId = g_hostdb.getHostIdWithSpideringEnabled(shardNum, true);
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "Send msg25 to host [%" PRId32 "] ptr_url [%s] (hashed from [%.*s]) ptr_site [%s] docId [%" PRId64 "] isSiteLinkInfo [%s]",
hostId, req->ptr_url, u.getUrlLen(), u.getUrl(), req->ptr_site, req->m_docId, isSiteLinkInfo?"true":"false");
// . serialize the string buffers
// . use Msg25Request::m_buf[MAX_NEEDED]
// . turns the ptr_* members into offsets into req->m_buf[]
// this should always block
// if timeout is too low we core in XmlDoc.cpp after getNewSpiderReply() returns a -1 because it blocks for some reason.
if (!mcast->send((char *)req, req->getStoredSize(), msg_type_25, false, shardNum, false, 0, req, NULL, gotMulticastReplyWrapper25, multicast_infinite_send_timeout, req->m_niceness, hostId, true)) {
log( LOG_WARN, "linkdb: Failed to send multicast for %s err=%s", u.getUrl(),mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
// wait for req->m_callback(req->m_state) to be called
return false;
static HashTableX g_lineTable;
static GbMutex g_mtxLineTable;
static void sendReplyWrapper(void *state) {
int32_t saved = g_errno;
Msg25 *m25 = (Msg25 *)state;
// the original request
Msg25Request *mr = m25->m_req25;
// get udp slot for sending back reply
UdpSlot *slot2 = mr->m_udpSlot;
if (m25->m_linkInfoBuf->length() > 0) {
// validate linkinfo
LinkInfo *linkInfo = (LinkInfo *)m25->m_linkInfoBuf->getBufStart();
if (linkInfo->m_version != 0 ||
linkInfo->m_lisize < 0 || linkInfo->m_lisize != m25->m_linkInfoBuf->length() ||
linkInfo->m_numStoredInlinks < 0 || linkInfo->m_numGoodInlinks < 0) {
// shortcut
SafeBuf *info = m25->m_linkInfoBuf;
// steal this buffer
char *reply1 = info->getBufStart();
int32_t replySize = info->length();
// sanity. no if collrec not found its 0!
if (!saved && replySize <= 0) {
saved = g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
log(LOG_WARN, "linkdb: sending back empty link text reply. did coll get deleted?");
// get original request
Msg25Request *req = (Msg25Request *)slot2->m_readBuf;
// sanity
if ( req->m_udpSlot != slot2 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true);}
// if in table, nuke it
ScopedLock sl(g_mtxLineTable);
g_lineTable.removeKey ( &req->m_siteHash64 );
UdpSlot *udpSlot = req->m_udpSlot;
// update for next udpSlot
req = req->m_next;
// just dup the reply for each one
char *reply2 = (char *)mdup(reply1,replySize,"m25repd");
if (reply2) {
// validate linkinfo
LinkInfo *linkInfo = (LinkInfo *)reply2;
if (linkInfo->m_version != 0 ||
linkInfo->m_lisize < 0 || linkInfo->m_lisize != m25->m_linkInfoBuf->length() ||
linkInfo->m_numStoredInlinks < 0 || linkInfo->m_numGoodInlinks < 0) {
// error?
if ( saved || ! reply2 ) {
int32_t err = saved;
if ( ! err )
err = g_errno;
if ( ! err ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply. error=%s", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, mstrerror(err));
} else {
// send it back to requester
g_udpServer.sendReply(reply2, replySize, reply2, replySize, udpSlot);
// if we had a link
if ( req )
goto nextLink;
// the destructor
mdelete ( m25 ,sizeof(Msg25),"msg25");
delete ( m25 );
void handleRequest25(UdpSlot *slot, int32_t netnice) {
Msg25Request *req = (Msg25Request *)slot->m_readBuf;
// make sure this always NULL for our linked list logic
req->m_next = NULL;
// udp socket for sending back the final linkInfo in m_linkInfoBuf
// used by sendReply()
req->m_udpSlot = slot;
char ipbuf[16];
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25,"ip [%s] port [%" PRIu16 "] ptr_url [%s] ptr_site [%s] docId [%" PRId64 "]",
iptoa(slot->getIp(),ipbuf), slot->getPort(), req->ptr_url, req->ptr_site, req->m_docId);
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo && req->m_mode == Msg25::MODE_SITELINKINFO ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "linkdb: got msg25 request sitehash64=%" PRId64" "
"site=%s "
ScopedLock sl(g_mtxLineTable);
// set up the hashtable if our first time
if ( ! g_lineTable.isInitialized() )
g_lineTable.set ( 8,sizeof(Msg25Request *),256, NULL,0,false,"lht25");
// . if already working on this same request, wait for it, don't
// overload server with duplicate requests
// . hashkey is combo of collection, url, and m_mode
// . TODO: ensure does not send duplicate "page" link info requests
// just "site" link info requests
int32_t slotNum = -1;
bool isSiteLinkInfo = false;
if ( req->m_mode == Msg25::MODE_SITELINKINFO ) {
slotNum = g_lineTable.getSlot ( &req->m_siteHash64 );
isSiteLinkInfo = true;
if ( slotNum >= 0 ) {
Msg25Request *head = *(Msg25Request **)g_lineTable.getValueFromSlot(slotNum);
if ( head->m_next )
req->m_next = head->m_next;
head->m_next = req;
// note it for debugging
log("build: msg25 request waiting in line for %s "
// we will send a reply back for this guy when done
// getting the reply for the head msg25request
// make a new Msg25
Msg25 *m25;
try { m25 = new Msg25; }
catch(std::bad_alloc&) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log(LOG_WARN, "build: msg25: new(%" PRId32"): %s",
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
mnew ( m25 , sizeof(Msg25) , "Msg25" );
if ( isSiteLinkInfo ) {
// add the initial entry
g_lineTable.addKey ( &req->m_siteHash64 , &req );
// point to a real safebuf here for populating with data
m25->m_linkInfoBuf = &m25->m_realBuf;
// set some new stuff. should probably be set in getLinkInfo2()
// but we are trying to leave that as unaltered as possible to
// try to reduce debugging.
m25->m_req25 = req;
// this should call our callback when done
if ( ! m25->getLinkInfo2 ( req->ptr_site ,
req->ptr_url ,
isSiteLinkInfo ,
req->m_ip ,
req->m_docId ,
req->m_collnum , // coll
NULL, // qbuf
0 , // qbufSize
m25 , // state
sendReplyWrapper , // CALLBACK!
req->m_isInjecting ,
req->m_printDebugMsgs ,
req->m_printInXml ,
req->m_siteNumInlinks ,
(LinkInfo *)req->ptr_oldLinkInfo ,
req->m_niceness ,
req->m_doLinkSpamCheck ,
req->m_oneVotePerIpDom ,
req->m_lastUpdateTime ,
req->m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks ,
req->m_ourHostHash32 ,
req->m_ourDomHash32 ,
m25->m_linkInfoBuf ) ) // SafeBuf 4 output
if(m25->m_linkInfoBuf->length()<=0&&!g_errno){ g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
if ( g_errno == ETRYAGAIN ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// wait for msg5 to be done reading list. this happens somehow,
// i'm not 100% sure how. code has too many indirections.
if ( m25->m_gettingList ) {
log("linkdb: avoiding core");
// sanity
if ( !m25->m_msg5.m_msg3.areAllScansCompleted()) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
if ( g_errno )
log("linkdb: error getting linkinfo: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// else
// log("linkdb: got link info without blocking");
// it did not block... g_errno will be set on error so sendReply()
// should in that case send an error reply.
sendReplyWrapper ( m25 );
int32_t Msg25Request::getStoredSize() {
return getMsgStoredSize(sizeof(*this), &size_site, &size_oldLinkInfo);
// . fix the char ptrs for sending over the network
// . use a for loop like we do in Msg20.cpp if we get too many strings
void Msg25Request::serialize() {
char *p = ((char*)this) + sizeof(*this);
gbmemcpy ( p , ptr_url , size_url );
p += size_url;
gbmemcpy ( p , ptr_site , size_site );
p += size_site;
gbmemcpy ( p , ptr_oldLinkInfo , size_oldLinkInfo );
p += size_oldLinkInfo;
void Msg25Request::deserialize() {
char *p = ((char*)this) + sizeof(*this);
ptr_url = p;
p += size_url;
if ( size_url == 0 )
ptr_url = NULL;
ptr_site = p;
p += size_site;
if ( size_site == 0 )
ptr_site = NULL;
ptr_oldLinkInfo = p;
p += size_oldLinkInfo;
if ( size_oldLinkInfo == 0 )
ptr_oldLinkInfo = NULL;
// OLD interface below here. use the stuff above now so we can send
// the request to a single host and multiple incoming requests can
// wait in line, and we can set network bandwidth too.
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . we need the siteRec of the url for merging the linkInfo's
// . NOTE: make sure no input vars are on the stack in case we block
// . reallyGetLinkInfo is set to false if caller does not want it but calls
// us anyway for some reason forgotten...
bool Msg25::getLinkInfo2(const char *site,
const char *url,
bool isSiteLinkInfo,
int32_t ip,
int64_t docId,
collnum_t collnum,
char *qbuf,
int32_t qbufSize,
void *state,
void (* callback)(void *state),
bool isInjecting,
bool printDebugMsgs,
bool printInXml,
int32_t siteNumInlinks,
LinkInfo *oldLinkInfo,
int32_t niceness,
bool doLinkSpamCheck,
bool oneVotePerIpDom,
int32_t lastUpdateTime,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks,
int32_t ourHostHash32,
int32_t ourDomHash32,
// put LinkInfo output class in here
SafeBuf *linkInfoBuf )
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25,"site [%s] url [%s] isSiteLinkInfo [%s] docId [%" PRId64 "]", site, url, isSiteLinkInfo?"true":"false", docId);
// reset the ip table
if ( isSiteLinkInfo )
m_printInXml = printInXml;
if ( printDebugMsgs )
m_pbuf = &m_tmp;
m_pbuf = NULL;
m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks = onlyNeedGoodInlinks;
// save safebuf ptr, where we store the link info
m_linkInfoBuf = linkInfoBuf;
if ( ! linkInfoBuf ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// sanity check
if ( m_mode == MODE_PAGELINKINFO && ! docId ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// get collection rec for our collection
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( collnum );
// bail if NULL
if ( ! cr ) {
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
log("build: No collection record found when getting "
"link info.");
return true;
m_gettingList = false;
// record this in case we were called by Msg3b with the spiders off
m_spideringEnabled = g_conf.m_spideringEnabled;
m_ourHostHash32 = ourHostHash32;
m_ourDomHash32 = ourDomHash32;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_maxNumLinkers = MAX_LINKERS;
m_errno = 0;
m_numReplyPtrs = 0;
m_bufPtr = m_buf;
m_bufEnd = m_buf + MAX_NOTE_BUF_LEN;
m_dupCount = 0;
m_spamLinks = 0;
m_errors = 0;
m_noText = 0;
m_ipDupsLinkdb = 0;
m_docIdDupsLinkdb = 0;
m_ipDups = 0;
m_linkSpamLinkdb = 0;
m_docId = docId;
m_collnum = collnum;
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
m_oneVotePerIpDom = oneVotePerIpDom;
m_doLinkSpamCheck = doLinkSpamCheck;
m_siteNumInlinks = siteNumInlinks; // -1 --> unknown
m_qbuf = qbuf;
m_qbufSize = qbufSize;
m_isInjecting = isInjecting;
m_oldLinkInfo = oldLinkInfo;
m_ip = ip;
m_top = iptop(m_ip);
m_lastUpdateTime = lastUpdateTime;
m_table.set (4,sizeof(NoteEntry *),0, NULL,0,false,"msg25tab");
m_url = url;
m_site = site;
// and the "mid domain hash" so that ibm.com and ibm.ru cannot both
// vote even if from totally different ips
Url u;
m_midDomHash = hash32 ( u.getMidDomain() , u.getMidDomainLen() );
//log("debug: entering getlinkinfo this=%" PRIx32,(int32_t)this);
// then the url/site hash
m_linkHash64 = (uint64_t) u.getUrlHash64();
m_round = 0;
// must have a valid ip
if ( ! ip || ip == -1 ) {
log("linkdb: no inlinks because ip is invalid");
return true;
return doReadLoop();
// . returns false if blocked, returns true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool Msg25::doReadLoop() {
// sanity. no double entry.
if (m_gettingList) {
// . get the top X results from this termlist
// . but skip link: terms with a 1 (no link text) for a score
// . these keys are ordered from lowest to highest
key224_t startKey;
key224_t endKey;
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "doReadLoop. m_site [%s] m_url [%s]", m_site, m_url);
int32_t siteHash32 = hash32n(m_site);
// access different parts of linkdb depending on the "mode"
if (m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO) {
startKey = Linkdb::makeStartKey_uk(siteHash32);
endKey = Linkdb::makeEndKey_uk(siteHash32);
} else {
startKey = Linkdb::makeStartKey_uk(siteHash32, m_linkHash64);
endKey = Linkdb::makeEndKey_uk(siteHash32, m_linkHash64);
// resume from where we left off?
if (m_round > 0) {
gbmemcpy (&startKey, &m_nextKey, LDBKS);
// but new links: algo does not need internal links with no link test
// see Links.cpp::hash() for score table
m_minRecSizes = READSIZE;
//It's expensive to do include the tree. Can we avoid it?
//When injecting a mass number of documents, eg a dump from wikipedia
//then the document titles are usually ok already (inlink texts already
//match the title). When crawling normally then the tree usyally holds
//the parent linker document links, so in that case we want the tree.
bool includeTree = !m_req25->m_isInjecting;
logDebug(g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo, "msg25: reading linkdb list mode=%s site=%s url=%s docid=%" PRId64" linkdbstartkey=%s",
m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ? "site" : "page",m_site,m_url,m_docId,KEYSTR(&startKey,LDBKS));
if (g_process.isShuttingDown()) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "linkdb: shutting down. exiting link text loop.");
return false;
m_gettingList = true;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
if (!cr) {
log(LOG_WARN, "linkdb: no coll for collnum %" PRId32,(int32_t)m_collnum);
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
return true;
// . get the linkdb list
// . we now get the WHOLE list so we can see how many linkers there are
// . we need a high timeout because udp server was getting suspended
// before for 30 seconds and this was timing out and yahoo.com
// was getting spidered w/o any link text -- that's bad.
// Now we hang indefinitely. We also fixed UdpServer to resend
// requests after 30 seconds even though it was fully acked in case
// the receiving host went down and is now back up.
if (!m_msg5.getList(RDB_LINKDB,
(char *)&startKey,
(char *)&endKey,
0, // startFileNum
-1, // numFiles
true, // error correct?
-1, //maxRetries
false)) { //isRealMerge
return false;
// all done
m_gettingList = false;
// debug log
logDebug(g_conf.m_logDebugBuild, "build: msg25 call to msg5 did not block");
// sanity
if ( !m_msg5.m_msg3.areAllScansCompleted()) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// return true on error
if (g_errno) {
log(LOG_WARN, "build: Had error getting linkers to url %s : %s.", m_url, mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
return gotList();
static void gotListWrapper(void *state, RdbList *list, Msg5 *msg5) {
Msg25 *THIS = (Msg25 *) state;
//log("debug: entering gotlistwrapper this=%" PRIx32,(int32_t)THIS);
// return if it blocked
// . this calls sendRequests()
// . which can call gotLinkText(NULL) if none sent
// . which can call doReadLoop() if list was not empty (lost linker)
// . which can block on msg0
if ( ! THIS->gotList() )
// error? wait for all replies to come in...
if ( THIS->m_numRequests > THIS->m_numReplies ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "msg25: had error %s numreplies=%" PRId32" numrequests=%" PRId32" "
"round=%" PRId32,
// the call to gotList() may have launched another msg0 even
// though it did not return false???
// THIS FIXED a double entry core!!!! msg0 would return after
// we had destroyed the xmldoc class behind this!!
if ( THIS->m_gettingList ) {
//log("debug: waiting for msg0 1");
//log("debug: calling final callback 1");
// otherwise call callback, g_errno probably is set
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );//, THIS->m_linkInfo );
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool Msg25::gotList() {
// all done
m_gettingList = false;
// sanity
if (!m_msg5.m_msg3.areAllScansCompleted()) {
// return true on error
if (g_errno) {
log(LOG_WARN, "build: Had error getting linkers to url %s : %s.", m_url, mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
// . record the # of hits we got for weighting the score of the
// link text iff it's truncated by MAX_LINKERS
// . TODO: if url is really popular, like yahoo, we should use the
// termFreq of the link: term!
// . TODO: we now only read in first 50k linkers so Msg0::getList()
// doesn't waste space through its stupid buffer pre-allocation.
// it should not preallocate for us since our niceness is over 1
// cuz we don't require a real-time signal handler to read our reply.
// clear this too
m_k = (Inlink *)-1;
// we haven't got any responses as of yet or sent any requests
m_numReplies = 0;
m_numRequests = 0;
if (m_round == 0) {
m_linkSpamOut = 0;
m_numFromSameIp = 0;
memset ( m_inUse , 0 , MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING );
// use this to dedup ips in linkdb to avoid looking up their title recs... saves a lot of lookups
if (!m_ipTable.set(4,0,256,NULL,0,false,"msg25ips")) {
return true;
int64_t needSlots = m_list.getListSize() / LDBKS;
// wtf?
if (m_list.getListSize() > READSIZE + 10000) {
log(LOG_WARN, "linkdb: read very big linkdb list %" PRId32" bytes bigger than needed",
m_list.getListSize() - READSIZE);
// triple for hash table speed
needSlots *= 3;
// ensure 256 min
if (needSlots < 256) {
needSlots = 256;
if (!m_fullIpTable.set(4, 0, needSlots, NULL, 0, false, "msg25ip32")) {
return true;
if (!m_firstIpTable.set(4, 0, needSlots, NULL, 0, false, "msg25fip32")) {
return true;
if (!m_docIdTable.set(8, 0, needSlots, NULL, 0, false, "msg25docid")) {
return true;
// . how many link spam inlinks can we accept?
// . they do not contribute to quality
// . they only contribute to link text
// . their number and weights depend on our ROOT QUALITY!
// . we need this because our filters are too stringent!
m_spamCount = 0;
m_maxSpam = 0;
m_numDocIds = 0;
m_cblocks = 0;
m_uniqueIps = 0;
// if we are doing site linkinfo, bail now
if (m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "Read from disk. sending requests for linkers to url [%s]. m_siteNumInlinks=%" PRId32". mode=SITELINKINFO",
m_url, m_siteNumInlinks);
return sendRequests();
// when MODE_PAGELINKINFO we must have a site quality for that site
if (m_siteNumInlinks < 0) {
if ( m_siteNumInlinks >= 1000 ) {m_maxSpam = 4000;}
else if ( m_siteNumInlinks >= 900 ) {m_maxSpam = 3000;}
else if ( m_siteNumInlinks >= 800 ) {m_maxSpam = 2000;}
else if ( m_siteNumInlinks >= 700 ) {m_maxSpam = 1000;}
else if ( m_siteNumInlinks >= 600 ) {m_maxSpam = 100;}
else if ( m_siteNumInlinks >= 500 ) {m_maxSpam = 20;}
else if ( m_siteNumInlinks >= 200 ) {m_maxSpam = 15;}
else if ( m_siteNumInlinks >= 70 ) {m_maxSpam = 10;}
else if ( m_siteNumInlinks >= 20 ) {m_maxSpam = 7;}
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "Read from disk. sending requests for linkers to url [%s]. m_siteNumInlinks=%" PRId32". mode=PAGELINKINFO",
m_url, m_siteNumInlinks);
// now send the requests
return sendRequests();
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool Msg25::sendRequests() {
uint64_t lastDocId = 0LL;
// smaller clusters cannot afford to launch the full 300 msg20s
// because it can clog up one host!
float ratio = (float)g_hostdb.getNumHosts() / 128.0;
int32_t ourMax = (int32_t)(ratio * (float)MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING);
if (ourMax > MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING) {
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
if (!cr) {
log(LOG_WARN, "linkdb: collnum %" PRId32" is gone 1", (int32_t)m_collnum);
// that func doesn't set g_errno so we must
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
return true;
// if more than 300 sockets in use max this 1. prevent udp socket clog.
if (g_udpServer.getNumUsedSlots() >= 300) {
ourMax = 1;
// keep sending requests
for (;;) {
// if we still haven't gotten enough good inlinks, quit after
// looking up this many titlerecs
if (m_numRequests >= MAX_DOCIDS_TO_SAMPLE) {
// . we only need at most MAX_LINKERS in our sample
// . but we do keep "losers" until the very end so we can
// remove them in an order-independent fashion to guarantee
// consistency. otherwise, "losers" will depend on the order
// in which the Msg20Replies are received to some degree
if (m_numReplyPtrs >= MAX_LINKERS) {
// do not have more than this many outstanding Msg23s
if (m_numRequests - m_numReplies >= ourMax) {
// we may have pre-allocated the LinkText classes for
// use be currently outstanding Msg20 requests, therefore
// they are not available at this time... m_numReplyPtrs is
// how many replies we have kept.
if (m_numReplyPtrs + m_numRequests - m_numReplies >= MAX_LINKERS) {
// reset g_errno just in case
g_errno = 0;
char isLinkSpam = 0;
int32_t itop;
uint32_t ip32;
uint64_t docId;
int32_t discovered = 0;
// . recycle inlinks from the old link info guy
// . this keeps our inlinks persistent!!! very nice...
// . useful for when they disappear on an aggregator site
if (m_list.isExhausted() && m_round == 0) {
// recycle old inlinks at this point
if (m_k == (Inlink *)-1) {
m_k = nullptr;
// get it
m_k = m_oldLinkInfo ? m_oldLinkInfo->getNextInlink(m_k) : nullptr;
// if none left, we really are done
if (!m_k) {
// set these
itop = m_k->m_ip & 0x00ffffff;
ip32 = m_k->m_ip;
isLinkSpam = m_k->m_isLinkSpam;
docId = m_k->m_docId;
discovered = m_k->m_firstIndexedDate;
} else if (m_list.isExhausted() && m_round != 0) {
} else if (m_mode == MODE_PAGELINKINFO) {
// get the current key if list has more left
key224_t key;
itop = Linkdb::getLinkerIp24_uk(&key);
ip32 = Linkdb::getLinkerIp_uk(&key);
isLinkSpam = Linkdb::isLinkSpam_uk(&key);
docId = Linkdb::getLinkerDocId_uk(&key);
discovered = Linkdb::getDiscoveryDate_uk(&key);
// update this
gbmemcpy (&m_nextKey, &key, LDBKS);
} else {
// otherwise this is a "site" key. we are getting all the
// inlinks to any page on the site...
// get the current key if list has more left
key224_t key;
itop = Linkdb::getLinkerIp24_uk(&key);
ip32 = Linkdb::getLinkerIp_uk(&key);
isLinkSpam = 0;
docId = Linkdb::getLinkerDocId_uk(&key);
discovered = Linkdb::getDiscoveryDate_uk(&key);
// update this
gbmemcpy (&m_nextKey, &key, LDBKS);
// advance to next rec if the list has more to go
if (!m_list.isExhausted()) {
// clear this if we should
if (!m_doLinkSpamCheck) {
isLinkSpam = 0;
// try using this to save mem then
if (docId == lastDocId) {
// update this then
lastDocId = docId;
// count unique docids
// get the next docId
// . now the 4 hi bits of the score represent special things
// . see Msg18.cpp:125 where we repeat this
// count unique ips for steve's stats
if (!m_fullIpTable.isInTable(&ip32)) {
// return true on error
if (!m_fullIpTable.addKey(&ip32)) {
return true;
// count it
// TODO: if inlinker is internal by having the same DOMAIN
// even though a different ip, we should adjust this logic!!
if (itop != m_top) {
int32_t slot = m_ipTable.getSlot(&itop);
if (slot != -1) {
// store it
if (!m_ipTable.addKey(&itop)) {
return true;
// count unique cblock inlinks
} else {
// if we are local... allow up to 5 votes, weight is diminished
// count your own, only once!
if (m_numFromSameIp == 0) {
// count it as internal
// only get link text from first 5 internal linkers,
// they will all count as one external linker
if (m_numFromSameIp > MAX_INTERNAL_INLINKS) {
// count this request as launched
// if linkspam, count this
if (isLinkSpam) {
// find a msg20 we can use
int32_t j ;
for (j = 0; j < MAX_MSG20_OUTSTANDING; j++) {
if (!m_inUse[j])
// sanity check
// "claim" it
m_inUse[j] = 1;
// . this will return false if blocks
// . we EXPECT these recs to be there...
// . now pass in the score for the newAlgo
Msg20Request *r = &m_msg20Requests[j];
// set the request
r->m_getLinkText = true;
r->m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks = m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks;
// is linkee a site? then we will try to find link text
// to any page on that site...
// if we are in site mode, then m_url should be m_site!
if (m_mode == MODE_PAGELINKINFO) {
r->m_isSiteLinkInfo = false;
r->ptr_linkee = m_url;
r->size_linkee = strlen(m_url) + 1; // include \0
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "send request with linkee=m_url [%s], docId=%" PRId64, m_url, docId);
} else {
r->m_isSiteLinkInfo = true;
r->ptr_linkee = m_site;
r->size_linkee = strlen(m_site) + 1; // include \0
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "send request with linkee=m_site [%s], docId=%" PRId64, m_site, docId);
r->m_collnum = cr->m_collnum;
r->m_docId = docId;
r->m_niceness = m_niceness;
r->m_state = r;
r->m_state2 = this;
r->m_j = j;
r->m_callback = gotLinkTextWrapper;
// do NOT get summary stuff!! slows us down...
r->m_numSummaryLines = 0;
// get title now for steve
r->m_titleMaxLen = 300;
r->m_summaryMaxLen = 0;
r->m_discoveryDate = discovered;
// buzz sets the query to see if inlinker has the query terms
// so we can set <absScore2>
r->m_langId = langUnknown; // no synonyms i guess
r->m_prefferedResultLangId = langUnknown;
r->ptr_qbuf = m_qbuf;
r->size_qbuf = m_qbufSize;
// place holder used below
r->m_isLinkSpam = isLinkSpam;
// buzz may not want link spam checks! they are pretty clean.
r->m_doLinkSpamCheck = m_doLinkSpamCheck;
// this just gets the LinkInfo class from the TITLEREC
// so that Msg25 should not be called. thus avoiding an
// infinite loop!
// we need the LinkInfo of each inlinker to get the inlinker's
// numInlinksToSite, which is needed to call
// makeLinkInfo() below.
r->m_getLinkInfo = true;
r->m_ourHostHash32 = m_ourHostHash32;
r->m_ourDomHash32 = m_ourDomHash32;
// . MAKE A FAKE MSG20REPLY for pre-existing Inlinks
// . the opposite of Inlink::set(Msg20Reply *)
// . we used that as a reference
// . ISSUES:
// . 1. if inlinker gets banned, we still recycle it
// . 2. if ad id gets banned, we still recycle it
// . 3. we cannot dedup by the vectors, because we do not
// store those in the Inlink class (Msg25::isDup())
if (m_k && m_k != (Inlink *)-1) {
Msg20Reply *rep = &m_msg20Replies[j];
// let receiver know we are a recycle
rep->m_recycled = 1;
// . this returns true if we are done
// . g_errno is set on error, and true is returned
if (gotLinkText(r)) {
return true;
// keep going
logDebug(g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo, "msg25: getting single link mode=%s site=%s url=%s docid=%" PRId64" request=%" PRId32,
m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ? "site" : "page", m_site, m_url, docId, m_numRequests - 1);
// returns false if blocks, true otherwise
bool status = m_msg20s[j].getSummary(r);
// if blocked launch another
if (!status) {
// . this returns true if we are done
// . g_errno is set on error, and true is returned
if (gotLinkText(r)) {
return true;
// we may still be waiting on some replies to come in
if ( m_numRequests > m_numReplies )
return false;
// if the list had linkdb recs in it, but we launched no msg20s
// because they were "lost" then we end up here.
// . otherwise, we got everyone, so go right to the merge routine
// . returns false if not all replies have been received
// . returns true if done
// . sets g_errno on error
// . if all replies are in then this can call doReadLoop() and
// return false!
return gotLinkText ( NULL );
static bool gotLinkTextWrapper(void *state) {
Msg20Request *req = (Msg20Request *)state;
// get our Msg25
Msg25 *THIS = (Msg25 *)req->m_state2;
//log("debug: entering gotlinktextwrapper this=%" PRIx32,(int32_t)THIS);
// . this returns false if we're still awaiting replies
// . returns true if all replies have been received and processed
if ( THIS->gotLinkText ( req ) ) {
//log("debug: calling final callback 2");
if ( THIS->m_gettingList )
return false;
// . now call callback, we're done
// . g_errno will be set on critical error
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );//, THIS->m_linkInfo );
return true;
// if gotLinkText() called doReadLoop() it blocked calling msg0
if ( THIS->m_gettingList )
return false;
// . try to send more requests
// . return if it blocked
// . shit, this could call doReadLoop() now that we have added
// the lostdate filter, because there will end up being no requests
// sent out even though the list was of positive size, so it
// will try to read the next round of msg0.
if ( ! THIS->sendRequests ( ) )
return false;
// . shit, therefore, return false if we did launch a msg0 after this
if ( THIS->m_gettingList )
return false;
//log("debug: calling final callback 3");
// otherwise we're done
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );//, THIS->m_linkInfo );
return true;
static const char *getExplanation(const char *note) {
if ( ! note ) return NULL;
if ( strcmp(note,"good")==0) return NULL;
static const char * const s_notes[] = {
"same mid domain",
"inlinker's domain, excluding TLD, is same as page it "
"links to",
"linker banned or filtered",
"inlinker's domain has been manually banned",
"no link text",
"inlink contains no text, probably an image",
"banned by ad id",
"inlinking page contains a google ad id that has been "
"manually banned",
"ip dup",
"inlinker is from the same C Block as another inlinker",
"first ip dup",
"first recorded C Block of inlinker matches another inlinker",
"post page",
"inlink is from a page that contains a form tag whose "
"submit url contains character sequence that are indicative "
"of posting a comment, thereby indicating that the inlink "
"could be in a comment section",
"path is cgi",
"inlinker url contains a question mark",
"similar link desc",
"the text surrounding the anchor text of this inlink is "
"too similar to that of another processed inlink",
"similar content",
"the inlinker's page content is "
"too similar to that of another processed inlink",
"doc too big",
"inlinker's page is too large, and was truncated, and "
"might have lost some indicators",
"link chain middle",
"inlink is in the middle of a list of inlinks, without "
"any non-link text separating it, inidicative of text ads",
"link chain right",
"inlink is at the end of a list of inlinks, without "
"any non-link text separating it, inidicative of text ads",
"link chain left",
"inlink is at the beginning of a list of inlinks, without "
"any non-link text separating it, inidicative of text ads",
"near sporny outlink",
"inlink is near another outlink on that page which contains "
"porn words in its domain or url",
"inlinker is from an IP address that is of the form "
"70.8*.*.* which is a notorious block of spam",
".info tld",
"inlinker's tld is .info, indicative of spam",
".biz tld",
"inlinker's tld is .biz, indicative of spam",
"textarea tag",
"inlinker page contains a textarea html tag, indicative "
"of being in a comment section",
"stats page",
"inlinker is from a web access stats page",
"has dmoz path",
"inlinker url looks like a dmoz mirror url",
"guestbook in hostname",
"inlinker is from a guestbook site",
"ad table",
"inlink appears to be in a table of ad links",
"duplicate ip c block"
int32_t n = sizeof(s_notes)/ sizeof(char *);
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) {
if ( strcmp(note,s_notes[i]) != 0 ) continue;
return s_notes[i+1];
if ( strncmp(note,"path has",8) == 0 )
return "inlinker's url contains keywords indicative "
"of a comment page, guestbook page or "
"link exchange";
return "inlinker's page contains the described text, indicative of "
"being a link exchange or being in a comment section or "
"being an otherwise spammy page";
// . returns false if not all replies have been received (or timed/erroredout)
// . returns true if done
// . sets g_errno on error
bool Msg25::gotLinkText(Msg20Request *msg20req) {
int32_t j = -1;
Msg20 *msg20 = NULL;
Msg20Reply *msg20reply = NULL;
// the alloc size of the reply
int32_t replySize = 0;
// set the reply
if(msg20req) {
j = msg20req->m_j;
if(m_msg20Requests[j].m_j != j)
// get the msg20
msg20 = &m_msg20s[j];
// set the reply
msg20reply = msg20->m_r;
// the reply size
replySize = msg20->m_replyMaxSize;
// inc # of replies
// discount this if was linkspam
if ( msg20req->m_isLinkSpam )
// "make available" msg20 and msg20Request #j for re-use
m_inUse [ j ] = 0;
// . propagate internal error to g_errno
// . if g_errno was set then the reply will be empty
if ( msg20reply && msg20reply->m_errno && ! g_errno )
g_errno = msg20reply->m_errno;
// if it had an error print it for now
if ( msg20reply && msg20reply->m_errno )
log(LOG_WARN, "query: msg25: msg20 had error for docid %" PRId64" : "
"%s",msg20reply->m_docId, mstrerror(msg20reply->m_errno));
// what is the reason it cannot vote...?
const char *note = NULL;
int32_t noteLen = 0;
// assume it CAN VOTE for now
bool good = true;
// just log then reset g_errno if it's set
if ( g_errno ) {
// a dummy docid
int64_t docId = -1LL;
// set it right
if ( msg20reply ) docId = msg20reply->m_docId;
// we often restrict link: termlist lookup to indexdb root
// file, so we end up including terms from deleted docs...
// this we get a lot of ENOTFOUND errors.
// MDW: we no longer do this restriction...
"build: Got error getting link text from one document: "
"%s. Will have to restart later. docid=%" PRId64".",
// this is a special case
if ( g_errno == ECANCELLED ||
g_errno == ENOCOLLREC ||
g_errno == ENOMEM ||
g_errno == ENOSLOTS ) {
if ( m_numReplies < m_numRequests ) return false;
if ( m_gettingList ) {
log("linkdb: gotLinkText: gettinglist1");
return false;
return true;
// otherwise, keep going, but this reply can not vote
good = false;
note = mstrerror ( g_errno );
// reset g_errno
g_errno = 0;
// are we an "internal" inlink?
bool internal = false;
if (msg20reply) {
if (iptop(msg20reply->m_firstIp) == m_top || iptop(msg20reply->m_ip) == m_top) {
internal = true;
// . if the mid domain hash of the inlinker matches ours, no voting
// . this is set to 0 for recycles
if (good && msg20reply->m_midDomHash == m_midDomHash && !internal) {
good = false;
note = "same mid domain";
// is the inlinker banned?
if (good && msg20reply->m_isBanned) {
// it is no longer good
good = false;
// inc the general count, too
// count each *type* of "link spam". the type is given
// by linkText->m_note and is a string...
note = "linker banned or filtered";
// get the linker url
Url linker;
linker.set(msg20reply->ptr_ubuf, msg20reply->size_ubuf);
// sanity check, Xml::set() requires this...
if (msg20reply->size_rssItem > 0 && msg20reply->ptr_rssItem[msg20reply->size_rssItem - 1] != 0) {
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: received corrupt rss item of size %" PRId32" not null terminated from linker %s",
// ignore it for now
msg20reply->size_rssItem = 0;
msg20reply->ptr_rssItem = NULL;
// . if no link text, count as error
// . linkText->getLinkTextLen()
if (good &&
msg20reply->size_linkText <= 0 &&
msg20reply->size_rssItem <= 0) {
good = false;
note = "no link text";
// discount if LinkText::isLinkSpam() or isLinkSpam2() said it
// should not vote
if (good && ! internal && msg20reply->m_isLinkSpam &&
// we can no allow link spam iff it is below the max!
++m_spamCount >= m_maxSpam ) {
// it is no longer good
good = false;
// inc the general count, too
// count each *type* of "link spam". the type is given
// by linkText->m_note and is a string...
note = msg20reply-> ptr_note;
noteLen = msg20reply->size_note - 1; // includes \0
// loop over all the replies we got so far to see if "msg20reply" is a dup
// or if another reply is a dup of "msg20reply"
int32_t n = m_numReplyPtrs;
// do not do the deduping if no reply given
// or if "msg20reply" already considered bad
if (!msg20reply || !good) {
n = 0;
// this is the "dup"
Msg20Reply *dup = nullptr;
int32_t dupi = -1;
// . we do not actually remove the Msg20Replies at this point because
// this filter is dependent on the order in which we receive the
// Msg20Replies. we do the removal below after all replies are in.
// . NO! not anymore, i don't want to hit MAX_LINKERS and end up
// removing all the dups below and end up with hardly any inlinkers
for (int32_t i = 0; !internal && i < n; i++) {
// get the reply in a ptr
Msg20Reply *p = m_replyPtrs[i];
// allow internal inlinks to match
if (iptop(p->m_ip) == m_top || iptop(p->m_firstIp) == m_top) {
// is "p" a dup of us? (or we of it?)
const char *dupNote = isDup(msg20reply, p);
// if it is not a dup, keep going
if (!dupNote) {
// getLoser() returns the lowest-scoring reply of "msg20reply" and "p"
Msg20Reply *tmp = getLoser(msg20reply, p);
// is it worse than the current "dup"? if so, update "dup"
dup = getLoser(tmp, dup);
// get the "i" value
if (dup == msg20reply) {
dupi = j;
if ( dup == p ) {
dupi = i;
// we got a dup
good = false;
note = dupNote;
if (dup) {
// if "p" is the lower-scoring dup, put "msg20reply" in its place, and then
// set "msg20reply" to "p" doing a swap operation
if (dup != msg20reply) {
// sanity check
if (dupi < 0) {
// HACK: swap them
Msg20Reply *tmp = m_replyPtrs[dupi];
int32_t tmpSize = m_replySizes[dupi];
m_replyPtrs[dupi] = msg20reply;
m_replySizes[dupi] = replySize;
msg20reply = tmp;
replySize = tmpSize;
// make Msg20 point to that old "dup" reply
msg20->m_r = msg20reply;
msg20->m_replyMaxSize = replySize;
if (msg20reply && good) {
int32_t iptop1 = iptop(msg20reply->m_ip);
int32_t iptop2 = iptop(msg20reply->m_firstIp);
if (m_firstIpTable.isInTable(&iptop1) ||
m_firstIpTable.isInTable(&iptop2)) {
good = false;
note = "first ip dup";
// add to table. return true with g_errno set on error
if (!m_firstIpTable.addKey(&iptop1) || !m_firstIpTable.addKey(&iptop2)) {
return true;
// BUT do not set good to false so it is stored so we can look
// at the linktext for indexing purposes anyway, but we do not
// want to count it towards the # of good siteinlinks because
// its internal
if (internal && !note) {
note = "ip dup";
if (msg20reply && !good && !note) {
note = "unknown reason";
// compile the reason it could not vote
if (msg20reply && !good) {
// set "noteLen" if not yet set
if ( note && noteLen == 0 ) {
noteLen = strlen ( note );
// add it to our table
addNote ( note , noteLen , msg20reply->m_docId );
// . free the reply since it cannot vote
// . no, it should be auto-freed when the msg20 is re-used
bool store = true;
if (!good) {
store = false;
// . if doing for display, show good
// . steve needs to see the bad guys as well ppl can learn
if ( m_pbuf ) {
store = true;
// now for showing recommended link sources let's include the
// bad boys because we might have mislabelled them as bad, b/c maybe
// google thinks they are good! fix for
// XmlDoc::getRecommendedLinksBuf()
if (!m_onlyNeedGoodInlinks) {
store = true;
// how is this NULL?
if (!msg20reply) {
store = false;
if (store) {
// save the reply
m_replyPtrs[m_numReplyPtrs] = msg20reply;
m_replySizes[m_numReplyPtrs] = replySize;
// why we do this?
if (note && !msg20reply->ptr_note) {
msg20reply->ptr_note = (char *)note;
msg20reply->size_note = noteLen + 1;
// store this in the reply for convenience
msg20reply->m_discoveryDate = msg20req->m_discoveryDate;
// do not allow Msg20 to free it
msg20->m_r = NULL;
// free the reply buf of this msg20 now to save mem because
// we can't send out like 100,000 of these for yahoo.com to find
// less than 1000 good ones!
// tell msg20 to free the reply if not null
if (msg20) {
// wait for all replies to come in
if (m_numReplies < m_numRequests) {
return false;
if (m_gettingList) {
log("linkdb: gotLinkText: gettinglist2");
return false;
// READ MORE FROM LINKDB to avoid truncation
// no! now we shrink a list by removing dup docids from it
// in Msg0.cpp before sending back to save memory and cpu and
// network. so it can be well below m_minRecSizes and still need
// to go on to the next round
if (m_list.getListSize() > 0 && m_numReplyPtrs < MAX_LINKERS) {
// count it
logDebug(g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo, "linkdb: recalling round=%" PRId32" for %s=%s req=%p numlinkerreplies=%" PRId32,
m_round, m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ? "site" : "page", m_site, m_req25, m_numReplyPtrs);
// and re-call. returns true if did not block.
// returns true with g_errno set on error.
if (!doReadLoop()) {
return false;
// process all "good" Msg20Replies
logDebug(g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo, "msg25: making final linkinfo mode=%s site=%s url=%s docid=%" PRId64,
m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ? "site" : "page", m_site, m_url, m_docId);
const CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_collnum );
if (!cr) {
log(LOG_WARN, "linkdb: collnum %" PRId32" is gone 2",(int32_t)m_collnum);
// that func doesn't set g_errno so we must
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
return true;
const char *coll = cr->m_coll;
// . this returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
// . returns an allocated ptr to a LinkInfo class
// . we are responsible for freeing
// . LinkInfo::getSize() returns the allocated size
m_docId, // linkee docid
this ,
m_linkInfoBuf );
// return true with g_errno set on error
if (!m_linkInfoBuf->length()) {
log("build: msg25 linkinfo set: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
// if nothing to print out, be on our way
if (!m_pbuf) {
return true;
// print out for PageParser.cpp
// sort by docid so we get consistent output on PageParser.cpp
char sflag = 1;
while ( sflag ) {
sflag = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 1 ; i < m_numReplyPtrs ; i++ ) {
// sort by quality first
char q1 = m_replyPtrs[i-1]->m_siteRank;//docQuality;
char q2 = m_replyPtrs[i ]->m_siteRank;//docQuality;
if ( q1 > q2 ) continue;
// if tied, check docids
int64_t d1 = m_replyPtrs[i-1]->m_docId;
int64_t d2 = m_replyPtrs[i ]->m_docId;
if ( d1 == d2 )
log(LOG_DEBUG, "build: got same docid in msg25 "
"d=%" PRId64" url=%s",d1,
if ( q1 == q2 && d1 <= d2 ) continue;
// swap them
Msg20Reply *tmp = m_replyPtrs [i-1];
int32_t size = m_replySizes [i-1];
m_replyPtrs [i-1] = m_replyPtrs [i ];
m_replySizes[i-1] = m_replySizes [i ];
m_replyPtrs [i ] = tmp;
m_replySizes[i ] = size;
sflag = 1;
time_t ttt = 0;
struct tm tm_buf;
struct tm *timeStruct = localtime_r(&ttt,&tm_buf);
m_lastUpdateTime = ttt;
char buf[64];
if ( timeStruct )
strftime ( buf, 64 , "%b-%d-%Y(%H:%M:%S)" , timeStruct );
sprintf(buf,"UNKNOWN time");
const char *ss = "site";
if ( m_mode == MODE_PAGELINKINFO ) ss = "page";
LinkInfo *info = (LinkInfo *)m_linkInfoBuf->getBufStart();
int32_t siteRank = ::getSiteRank ( info->m_numGoodInlinks );
char ipbuf[16];
if ( m_printInXml ) {
m_pbuf->safePrintf("\t<desc>inlinks to %s</desc>\n",ss);
m_pbuf->safePrintf("\t<sampleCreatedUTC>%" PRIu32
, m_lastUpdateTime
// m_url should point into the Msg25Request buffer
const char *u = m_url;
if ( u )
// m_site should point into the Msg25Request buffer
const char *site = m_site;
if ( site )
int64_t d = m_docId;
if ( d && d != -1LL )
m_pbuf->safePrintf("\t<docId>%" PRId64"</docId>\n",d);
"\t<totalSiteInlinksProcessed>%" PRId32
"\t<totalGoodSiteInlinksProcessed>%" PRId32
"\t<numUniqueCBlocksLinkingToPage>%" PRId32
"\t<numUniqueIpsLinkingToPage>%" PRId32
, iptoa(m_ip,ipbuf)
// the total # of inlinkers. we may not have
// read all of them from disk though.
, m_numDocIds
, info->m_numGoodInlinks
, m_cblocks
, m_uniqueIps
} else
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "<table width=100%%>"
"<td bgcolor=lightyellow>\n"
"<b>Summary of inlinks to %s "
"<table cellpadding=3 "
"border=1 width=100%%>\n"
"<td>sample created</td>"
"<td>when this info was last "
"<td>IP address</td>"
"<td> "
"<td> </td>"
"<td>total inlinkers</td>"
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
"<td>how many inlinks we have total. "
"Max: %" PRId32"."
//" Bad docids are removed so may be "
//"less than that max."
"<td> </td>"
"<td>unique cblocks</td>"
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
"<td>unique EXTERNAL cblock inlinks</td>"
"<td> </td>"
"<td>unique ips</td>"
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
"<td>unique EXTERNAL IP inlinks</td>"
"<td> </td>"
buf, //m_lastUpdateTime,
// the total # of inlinkers. we may not
// have read all of them from disk though
m_numDocIds ,
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO && m_printInXml )
m_pbuf->safePrintf("\t<siteRank>%" PRId32"</siteRank>\n" , siteRank );
// print link spam types
int32_t ns = m_table.getNumSlots();
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < ns ; i++ ) {
// skip empty slots
if ( m_table.isEmpty(i) )
// who is in this slot
NoteEntry *e = *(NoteEntry **)m_table.getValueFromSlot(i);
const char *exp = getExplanation ( e->m_note );
// show it
if ( m_printInXml ) {
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t<inlinkStat>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<name><![CDATA[" );
m_pbuf->safeStrcpy ( e->m_note );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></name>\n");
if ( exp )
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<explanation>"
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<count>%" PRId32"</count>\n",
e->m_count );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t</inlinkStat>\n");
} else {
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "<tr><td>%s", e->m_note );
//if ( exp )
// m_pbuf->safePrintf ( " - %s", exp );
m_pbuf->safePrintf (
"<td><font color=red>%" PRId32"</font>"
"<td>reason could not vote</td>"
, e->m_count );
// print some docids that had this problem
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < MAX_ENTRY_DOCIDS ; j++ ) {
if ( e->m_docIds[j] == -1LL ) break;
if ( ! m_printInXml )
m_pbuf->safePrintf ("<a href=\"/admin/titledb"
"?c=%s&d=%" PRId64"\">"
"%" PRId32"</a> ",
if ( ! m_printInXml )
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( " </td></tr>\n" );
if ( ! m_printInXml )
"<td>ip dup</td>"
"<td><font color=red>%" PRId32"</font></td>"
"basically the same ip, but we looked "
"it up anyway."
"<td>ip dup linkdb</td>"
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
"linkdb saved us from having to "
"look up this many title recs from the "
"same ip C block.</td>"
"<td>docid dup linkdb</td>"
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
"linkdb saved us from having to "
"look up this many title recs from the "
"same docid.</td>"
"<td>link spam linkdb</td>"
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
"linkdb saved us from having to "
"look up this many title recs because "
"they were pre-identified as link "
"<td><b>%" PRId32"</b></td>"
//"may include anomalies and some "
//"link farms discovered later. "
"# inlinkers with positive weight"
//"limited to MAX_LINKERS = %" PRId32
"<td> </td>"
"<td>good extrapolated</td>"
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
"<td>extrapolate the good links to get "
"around the MAX_LINKERS limitation</td>"
"<td> </td>"
"<td>X factor (not linear!)</td>"
"<td>%" PRId32"%%</td>"
"<td>~ good extrapolated / good = "
"%" PRId32" / %" PRId32"</td>"
"<td> </td>"
(int32_t)m_ipDups ,
(int32_t)m_ipDupsLinkdb ,
(int32_t)m_docIdDupsLinkdb ,
(int32_t)m_linkSpamLinkdb ,
// good and max
//(int32_t)m_linkInfo->getNumInlinks() ,
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO && ! m_printInXml )
"<td><b>%" PRId32"</b></td>"
"<td>based on # of good inlinks</td>"
if ( ! m_printInXml )
"<br>" );
// xml?
if ( m_printInXml && m_ipDups ) {
// ip dups
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t<inlinkStat>\n"
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "duplicateIPCClass" );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></name>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<explanation><![CDATA[");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "inlinker is form the same C Block "
"as another inlinker we processed");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></explanation>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<count>%" PRId32"</count>\n",
m_ipDups );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t</inlinkStat>\n");
if ( m_printInXml && m_ipDupsLinkdb ) {
// ip dups
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t<inlinkStat>\n"
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "duplicateIPCClass" );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></name>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<explanation><![CDATA[");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "inlinker is form the same C Block "
"as another inlinker we processed");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></explanation>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<count>%" PRId32"</count>\n",
m_ipDupsLinkdb );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t</inlinkStat>\n");
if ( m_printInXml && m_docIdDupsLinkdb ) {
// ip dups
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t<inlinkStat>\n"
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "duplicateDocId" );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></name>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<explanation><![CDATA[");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "inlinker is on the same page "
"as another inlinker we processed");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></explanation>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<count>%" PRId32"</count>\n",
m_ipDupsLinkdb );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t</inlinkStat>\n");
if ( m_printInXml && m_linkSpamLinkdb ) {
// link spam
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t<inlinkStat>\n"
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "generalLinkSpam" );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "]]></name>\n");
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t\t<count>%" PRId32"</count>\n",
m_linkSpamLinkdb );
m_pbuf->safePrintf ( "\t</inlinkStat>\n");
const char *tt = "";
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ) tt = "site ";
if ( ! m_printInXml ) {
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "<table cellpadding=3 border=1>"
"<td colspan=20>Inlinks "
"to %s%s (IP=%s) " // pagePop=%" PRId32" "
"<td>site rank</td>"
"<td># words in link text</td>"
"<td>link text bytes</td>"
"<td>link text</td>",
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
m_pbuf->safePrintf("<td>link url</td>");
"</tr>\n" );
//CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( m_coll );
// print out each Inlink/Msg20Reply
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numReplyPtrs ; i++ ) {
// point to a reply
Msg20Reply *r = m_replyPtrs[i];
// are we internal
bool internal = false;
if ( is_same_network_linkwise(r->m_ip,m_ip) )
internal = true;
if ( is_same_network_linkwise(r->m_firstIp,m_ip))
internal = true;
// the "external" string
//char *ext = "Y"; if ( internal ) ext = "N";
// are we an "anomaly"?
const char *note = r->ptr_note;
if ( r->m_isLinkSpam && !note )
note = "unknown";
// get our ip as a string
//char *ips = iptoa(r->m_ip);
// print the link text itself
char *txt = r->ptr_linkText;
// get length of link text
int32_t tlen = r->size_linkText;
if ( tlen > 0 ) tlen--;
//float weight = 1.0;
//if ( note ) weight = 0.0;
//if ( internal ) weight = 0.0;
// datedb date
char dbuf[128];
if ( r->m_datedbDate > 1 ) {
time_t ttt = (time_t)r->m_datedbDate;
struct tm tm_buf;
char buf[64];
sprintf(dbuf,"%s UTC",
asctime_r(gmtime_r(&ttt,&tm_buf),buf) );
} else
char discBuf[128];
time_t dd = (time_t)r->m_discoveryDate;
if ( dd ) {
struct tm tm_buf;
struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime_r(&dd,&tm_buf);
if ( timeStruct )
strftime ( discBuf, 128 ,
"<nobr>%b %d %Y</nobr>" ,
sprintf(discBuf,"UNKNOWN DATE");
} else
const char *title = r->ptr_tbuf;
if ( ! title ) title = "";
// show the linking docid, the its weight
if ( m_printInXml ) {
const char *ns = note;
if ( ! note ) ns = "good";
//if ( internal ) note = "internal";
"\t\t<docId>%" PRId64"</docId>\n"
, r->m_docId
, r->ptr_ubuf
, r->ptr_site
, title
//, weight
, ns
// get explanation of note
const char *exp = getExplanation ( ns );
if ( exp )
, exp );
,iptoa(r->m_ip,ipbuf) );
,iptoa(r->m_firstIp,ipbuf) );
"\t\t<onSite>%" PRId32"</onSite>\n"
"\t\t<discoveryDateUTC>%" PRIu32
"\t\t<siteRank>%" PRId32"</siteRank>\n"
, (int32_t)internal
, (uint32_t)dd
, getLanguageString(r->m_language)
, (int32_t)r->m_siteRank
m_pbuf->htmlEncode ( txt,tlen,0);
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "<tr>"
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // #i
"<a href=\"/print?page=1&d=%" PRId64"\">"
"%" PRId64"</a></td>" // docid
if ( note )
m_pbuf->safePrintf("%s", note );
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "</nobr></td>"//wghtnte
"<td>%s</td>" // url
"<td>%s</td>" // site
"<td>%s</td>", // title
m_pbuf->safePrintf("<td><a href=\"/search?q=ip%%3A"
"%s&c=%s&n=200\">%s</a></td>" // ip
, iptoa(r->m_ip,ipbuf)
, coll
, iptoa(r->m_ip,ipbuf)
, iptoa(r->m_firstIp,ipbuf)
m_pbuf->safePrintf( //"<td>%s</td>" // external
"<td>%s</td>" // language
"<td>%s</td>" // discoverydate
"<td>%s</td>" // datedbdate
"<td><font color=red><b>%" PRId32
"</b></font></td>" // site rank
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // nw
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // textLen
"<td><nobr>", // text
(int32_t)r->m_siteRank, // docQuality,
(int32_t)r->m_linkTextNumWords ,
tlen );
// only bold if good
if ( ! note )
// this is in utf8 already
m_pbuf->safeMemcpy ( txt , tlen );
// only bold if good
if ( ! note )
// wrap it up
// print url that is linked to in the case of site inlinks
if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
// print the neighborhood
txt = r->ptr_surroundingText;
tlen = r->size_surroundingText - 1;
if(!txt) {
// this is utf8 already
m_pbuf->safeMemcpy ( txt , tlen );
if ( ! m_printInXml ) {
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "</table>\n<br>\n" );
m_pbuf->safePrintf( "</td></table>\n<br><br>\n" );
// print site rank
if ( m_printInXml && m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
if ( ! m_printInXml && m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
m_pbuf->safePrintf("<table border=1>"
"<tr><td colspan=2>"
"<tr><td># good inlinks</td>"
// print site rank table
int32_t lastsr = -1;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < 11000 && m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO ; i++ ) {
int32_t sr = ::getSiteRank ( i );
if ( sr == lastsr ) continue;
lastsr = sr;
if ( m_printInXml )
"\t\t\t<numInlinks>%" PRId32
"\t\t\t<siteRank>%" PRId32
m_pbuf->safePrintf("<tr><td>%" PRId32"</td><td>%" PRId32"</td></tr>"
if ( m_printInXml && m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
else if ( m_mode == MODE_SITELINKINFO )
"<br>" );
//m_pbuf->safePrintf("<b>*</b><i>The maximum of these two weights "
// "is used.</i><br><br>");
return true;
// . return the "worst" of the two Msg20Replies
// . in the case of a dup, we use this to determine which one is kicked out
// . if one is NULL, return the other
Msg20Reply *Msg25::getLoser(Msg20Reply *r, Msg20Reply *p) {
if ( ! p ) return r;
if ( ! r ) return p;
// if "r" is internal, but p is not, r is the loser
bool rinternal = false;
bool pinternal = false;
if ( iptop(r->m_ip ) == m_top ) rinternal = true;
if ( iptop(r->m_firstIp) == m_top ) rinternal = true;
if ( iptop(p->m_ip ) == m_top ) pinternal = true;
if ( iptop(p->m_firstIp) == m_top ) pinternal = true;
if ( rinternal && ! pinternal )
return r;
// and vice versa
if ( pinternal && ! rinternal )
return p;
if ( p->m_siteRank < r->m_siteRank ) return p;
if ( r->m_siteRank < p->m_siteRank ) return r;
// . if they had the same quality... check docid
// . the lower the docid, the "better" it is. this behavior
// is opposite of the quality behavior.
if ( p->m_docId > r->m_docId ) return p;
// fall back to r then
return r;
// this returns true if the two vecs are "percentSimilar" or more similar
static bool isSimilar_sorted ( int32_t *vec0 ,
int32_t *vec1 ,
int32_t nv0 , // how many int32_ts in vec?
int32_t nv1 , // how many int32_ts in vec?
// they must be this similar or more to return true
int32_t percentSimilar) {
// if both empty, assume not similar at all
if ( *vec0 == 0 && *vec1 == 0 ) return 0;
// if either is empty, return 0 to be on the safe side
if ( *vec0 == 0 ) return 0;
if ( *vec1 == 0 ) return 0;
// do not include last 0
int32_t total = nv0 + nv1;
// so if the "noMatched" count ever EXCEEDS (not equals) this
// "brink" we can bail early because there's no chance of getting
// the similarity "percentSimilar" provided. should save some time.
int32_t brink = ((100-percentSimilar) * total) / 100;
// scan each like doing a merge
int32_t *p0 = vec0;
int32_t *p1 = vec1;
int32_t yesMatched = 0;
int32_t noMatched = 0;
// stop if both exhausted. we didn't bail on brink, so it's a match
if ( *p0 == 0 && *p1 == 0 )
return true;
if ( *p0 < *p1 || *p1 == 0 ) {
if ( ++noMatched > brink ) return false;
goto mergeLoop;
if ( *p1 < *p0 || *p0 == 0 ) {
if ( ++noMatched > brink ) return false;
goto mergeLoop;
yesMatched += 2;
goto mergeLoop;
/// @todo ALC move to unit test
// test similarity
int32_t v1[] = {86845183, 126041601, 193138017, 194832692, 209041345, 237913907,
253753116, 420176029, 425806029, 469664463, 474491119, 486025959, 524746875,
565034969, 651889954, 723451712, 735373612, 740115430, 889005385,
1104585188, 1180264907, 1190905206, 1555245401, 1585281138, 1775919002,
1780336562, 1784029178, 1799261433, 2013337516, 2095261394, 2137774538, 0};
int32_t v2[] = {51207128, 126041601, 237913907, 253753116, 315255440, 394767298,
420176029, 435382723, 469664463, 486025959, 536944585, 556667308, 565034969,
615792190, 624608202, 629600018, 807226240, 1107373572, 1113238204,
1134807359, 1135960080, 1200900964, 1527062593, 1585281138, 1634165777,
1694464250, 1802457437, 1943916889, 1960218442, 2058631149, -2130866760, 0};
int32_t nv1 = sizeof(v1)/4;
int32_t nv2 = sizeof(v2)/4;
if ( isSimilar_sorted (v1,v2,nv1,nv2,80,0) ) {
// . is "p" a dup of "r"?
// . we will kick out the worst one so it cannot vote
// . returns NULL if not a dup
// . returns NULL with g_errno set on error
const char *Msg25::isDup(Msg20Reply *r, Msg20Reply *p) {
// reset this
g_errno = 0;
// do ip tops match? (top 2 bytes of ip addresses)
bool internal = false;
if ( iptop(p->m_ip) == m_top ) internal = true;
if ( iptop(p->m_firstIp) == m_top ) internal = true;
if ( internal && m_oneVotePerIpDom )
return "ip dup";
// see if he is too similar to another, if so he is not a good voter
int32_t *v1 = (int32_t *)r->ptr_vector1;
int32_t *v2 = (int32_t *)r->ptr_vector2;
int32_t *v3 = (int32_t *)r->ptr_vector3;
int32_t nv1 = r->size_vector1 / 4;
int32_t nv2 = r->size_vector2 / 4;
int32_t nv3 = r->size_vector3 / 4;
// get vectors for Msg20Reply "p"
int32_t *x1 = (int32_t *)p->ptr_vector1;
int32_t *x2 = (int32_t *)p->ptr_vector2;
int32_t *x3 = (int32_t *)p->ptr_vector3;
int32_t nx1 = p->size_vector1 / 4;
int32_t nx2 = p->size_vector2 / 4;
int32_t nx3 = p->size_vector3 / 4;
// doc j is 0% to 100% similar to doc i
// . but we need to remove the wordpairs found
// in common so they aren't used against
// another doc, so we say 'true' here
// . returns -1 and sets g_errno on error
// . vX vectors can be NULL if the linker was "linkSpam" because
// Msg20.cpp's handler does not set them in that case
// these count the terminating 0 int32_t as a component
if ( v1 && x1 && nv1 >= 2 && nx1 >= 2 ) {
//p1 = (int32_t)computeSimilarity (v1,x1,NULL,NULL,NULL,ni);
// are these two vecs 80% or more similar?
if ( isSimilar_sorted (v1,x1,nv1,nx1,80) ) {
//if ( p1 < 80 )
// log("test p1 failed");
return "similar content";
// only consider p2 if each vector is beefy. these
// can be small because these vectors represent the
// word pairs just to the right of the link in the
// content, and before any "breaking" tag thereafter.
// no, there are too many little ads, so disregard the beeft
// requirement.
if ( v2 && x2 && nv2 >= 2 && nx2 >= 2 ) {
//p2 = (int32_t)computeSimilarity (v2,x2,NULL,NULL,NULL,ni);
// are these two vecs 80% or more similar?
if ( isSimilar_sorted (v2,x2,nv2,nx2,80) ) {
//if ( p2 < 80 )
// log("test p2 failed");
return "similar link desc";
// compare tag id pair vectors
if ( v3 && x3 && nv3 >= 2 && nx3 >= 2 ) {
//p3 = (int32_t)computeSimilarity (v3,x3,NULL,NULL,NULL,ni);
// are these two vecs 80% or more similar?
if ( isSimilar_sorted (v3,x3,nv3,nx3,100) ) {
//if ( p3 < 100 )
// log("test p3 failed");
return "similar tag template";
return NULL;
bool Msg25::addNote(const char *note, int32_t noteLen, int64_t docId) {
// return right away if no note
if ( ! note || noteLen <= 0 ) return true;
// get hash
int32_t h = hash32 ( note , noteLen );
NoteEntry **pentry = (NoteEntry **)m_table.getValue ( &h );
// if this "type" has not been recorded, add it
if ( ! pentry && h ) {
char *p = m_bufPtr;
if ( p + sizeof(NoteEntry) + noteLen + 1 >= m_bufEnd ) {
log("build: increase buf size in Msg25.");
// store the entry
NoteEntry *e = (NoteEntry *)p;
p += sizeof(NoteEntry);
// init that entry
e->m_count = 1;
e->m_note = p;
e->m_docIds[0] = docId;
e->m_docIds[1] = -1LL;
// store note into the buffer, NULL terminated
gbmemcpy ( p , note , noteLen ); p += noteLen;
*p++ = '\0';
// add to the table
int32_t slot = -1;
if ( ! m_table.addKey(&h,&e,&slot))
log("build: Msg25 could not add note.");
// did we add successfully?
if ( slot < 0 )
return false;
// advance to next spot
m_bufPtr = p;
return true;
if( pentry ) {
// cast it
NoteEntry *entry = *pentry;
if( entry ) {
// get the count
// add docids to the list
for(int32_t i=0; i < MAX_ENTRY_DOCIDS; i++) {
// skip if not empty
if ( entry->m_docIds[i] != -1LL )
// take it over, its empty if it is -1LL
entry->m_docIds[i] = docId;
// next one should be -1 now
if ( i + 1 < MAX_ENTRY_DOCIDS )
entry->m_docIds[i+1] = -1LL;
// all done
// increase the count
//if ( val ) *(int32_t *)val = *(int32_t *)val + 1;
return true;
// . after Msg25 calls LinkInfo::set() (was merge()) make it call
// Msg25::print(SafeBuf *pbuf) to print the stats. it can access
// LinkInfo's Inlinks to get their weights, etc.
// . returns the LinkInfo on success
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
static LinkInfo *makeLinkInfo(int32_t ip,
Msg20Reply **replies,
int32_t numReplies,
int64_t linkeeDocId,
int32_t lastUpdateTime,
bool onlyNeedGoodInlinks,
Msg25 *msg25,
SafeBuf *linkInfoBuf)
// we can estimate our quality here
int32_t numGoodInlinks = 0;
// set m_linkTextNumWords
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numReplies ; i++ ) {
// get the reply
Msg20Reply *r = replies[i];
// replies are NULL if MsgE had an error, like ENOTFOUND
if ( ! r ) continue;
// get the link text itself
char *txt = r->ptr_linkText;
int32_t txtLen = r->size_linkText;
// discount terminating \0
if ( txtLen > 0 ) txtLen--;
// get approx # of words in link text
int32_t nw = 0;
if ( txtLen > 0 )
nw = getNumWords(txt,txtLen);
// store it
r->m_linkTextNumWords = nw;
// linkspam?
if ( r->ptr_note ) {
r->m_isLinkSpam = 1;
bool internal = false;
if ( is_same_network_linkwise(r->m_ip,ip))
internal = true;
if ( is_same_network_linkwise(r->m_firstIp,ip))
internal = true;
// if its internal do not count towards good, but do
// indeed store it!
if ( internal )
// otherwise count as good
int32_t count = 0;
// . now just store the Inlinks whose weights are > 0
// . how much space do we need?
int32_t need = 0;
// how much space do we need?
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numReplies ; i++ ) {
// get the reply
Msg20Reply *r = replies[i];
// replies are NULL if MsgE had an error, like ENOTFOUND
if ( ! r ) continue;
if ( r->m_isLinkSpam ) {
// linkdb debug
logDebug(g_conf.m_logDebugLinkInfo, "linkdb: inlink #%" PRId32" is link spam: %s", i,r->ptr_note);
if ( onlyNeedGoodInlinks )
// do a quick set
Inlink k; k.set ( r );
// get space
need += k.getStoredSize ( );
// count it
// we need space for our header
need += sizeof(LinkInfo);
if ( ! linkInfoBuf->reserve ( need , "LinkInfo" ) )
return NULL;
// set ourselves to this new buffer
LinkInfo *info = (LinkInfo *)(linkInfoBuf->getBufStart());
// set our header
info->m_version = 0;
info->m_lisize = need;
info->m_lastUpdated = lastUpdateTime;//getTime();
// how many Inlinks we stored in info->m_buf[]
info->m_numStoredInlinks = count;
// the gross total of inlinks we got, both internal and external
info->m_totalInlinkingDocIds = msg25->m_numDocIds;
// . only valid if titlerec version >= 119
// . how many unique c blocks link to us?
// . includes your own internal c block
info->m_numUniqueCBlocks = msg25->m_cblocks;
// . only valid if titlerec version >= 119
// . how many unique ips link to us?
// . this count includes internal IPs as well
info->m_numUniqueIps = msg25->m_uniqueIps;
// keep things consistent for the "qatest123" coll
info->m_reserved1 = 0;
info->m_reserved2 = 0;
// how many total GOOD inlinks we got. does not include internal cblock
info->m_numGoodInlinks = numGoodInlinks;
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
// point to our buf
char *p = info->m_buf;
char *pend = linkInfoBuf->getBufStart() + need;
// count the ones we store that are internal
int32_t icount3 = 0;
// now set each inlink
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numReplies ; i++ ) {
// get the reply
Msg20Reply *r = replies[i];
// replies are NULL if MsgE had an error, like ENOTFOUND
if ( ! r ) continue;
if ( r->m_isLinkSpam && onlyNeedGoodInlinks ) continue;
// are we internal?
bool internal = false;
if ( is_same_network_linkwise(r->m_ip,ip) )
internal = true;
if ( is_same_network_linkwise(r->m_firstIp,ip) )
internal = true;
if ( internal ) icount3++;
// set the Inlink
Inlink k;
// store it. our ptrs will reference into the Msg20Reply buf
k.set ( r );
// . this will copy itself into "p"
// . "true" --> makePtrsRefNewBuf
int32_t wrote = 0;
char *s = k.serialize ( &wrote , p , pend - p , true );
// sanity check
if ( s != p ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// sanity check
if ( k.getStoredSize() != wrote ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true);}
// note it if recycled
if ( k.m_recycled )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"build: recycling Inlink %s for linkee "
"%" PRId64, k.getUrl(),linkeeDocId);
// advance
p += wrote;
// . sanity check, should have used up all the buf exactly
// . so we can free the buf with k->getStoredSize() being the allocSize
if ( p != pend ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// how many guys that we stored were internal?
info->m_numInlinksInternal = (char)icount3;
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
linkInfoBuf->setLength ( need );
// success
return info;
Inlink *LinkInfo::getNextInlink(Inlink *k) {
// if none, return NULL
if ( m_numStoredInlinks == 0 ) return NULL;
// if k is NULL, return the first
if ( ! k ) {
// set it to the first one
k = (Inlink *)m_buf;
// done
return k;
// point to next
int32_t size = k->getStoredSize();
// get the inlink to return
Inlink *next = (Inlink *)((char *)k + size);
// return NULL if breached
int64_t x = (char *)next - (char *)this;
// was that the end of them?
if ( x >= m_lisize ) return NULL;
// otherwise, we are still good
return next;
bool Inlink::setXmlFromRSS(Xml *xml) {
// compute the length (excludes the \0's)
int32_t len = size_rssItem - 1;
// return false and set g_errno if this fails
return xml->set( getRSSItem(), len, TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION, CT_XML );
bool LinkInfo::hasLinkText() const {
// loop through the Inlinks
for(const Inlink *k = NULL; (k = getNextInlink(k)) ; )
if ( k->size_linkText > 1 ) return true;
return false;
void Inlink::set ( const Msg20Reply *r ) {
// set ourselves now
m_ip = r->m_ip;
m_firstIp = r->m_firstIp;
m_wordPosStart = r->m_wordPosStart;
m_docId = r->m_docId;
m_firstSpidered = r->m_firstSpidered;
m_lastSpidered = r->m_lastSpidered;
m_datedbDate = r->m_datedbDate;
m_firstIndexedDate = r->m_firstIndexedDate;
m_numOutlinks = r->m_numOutlinks;
m_isPermalink = r->m_isPermalink;
m_outlinkInContent = r->m_outlinkInContent;
m_outlinkInComment = r->m_outlinkInComment;
m_isLinkSpam = r->m_isLinkSpam;
m_recycled = r->m_recycled;
m_country = r->m_country;
m_language = r->m_language;
m_siteRank = r->m_siteRank;
// MDW: use a new way. construct m_buf. 64-bit stuff.
int32_t poff = 0;
char *p = m_buf;
int32_t need =
r->size_ubuf +
r->size_linkText +
r->size_surroundingText +
r->size_rssItem +
r->size_categories +
char *pend = p + need;
// -10 to add \0's for remaining guys in case of breach
pend -= 10;
size_urlBuf = r->size_ubuf;
size_linkText = r->size_linkText;
size_surroundingText = r->size_surroundingText;
size_rssItem = r->size_rssItem;
size_categories = r->size_categories;
size_gigabitQuery = 0;
size_templateVector = r->size_templateVector;
off_urlBuf = poff;
gbmemcpy ( p , r->ptr_ubuf , size_urlBuf );
poff += size_urlBuf;
p += size_urlBuf;
off_linkText = poff;
gbmemcpy ( p , r->ptr_linkText , size_linkText );
poff += size_linkText;
p += size_linkText;
off_surroundingText = poff;
if ( p + r->size_surroundingText < pend ) {
gbmemcpy (p,r->ptr_surroundingText , size_surroundingText );
else {
size_surroundingText = 1;
*p = '\0';
poff += size_surroundingText;
p += size_surroundingText;
off_rssItem = poff;
if ( p + r->size_rssItem < pend ) {
gbmemcpy ( p , r->ptr_rssItem , size_rssItem );
} else {
size_rssItem = 1;
*p = '\0';
poff += size_rssItem;
p += size_rssItem;
off_categories = poff;
if ( p + r->size_categories < pend ) {
gbmemcpy ( p , r->ptr_categories , size_categories );
} else {
size_categories = 1;
*p = '\0';
poff += size_categories;
p += size_categories;
off_gigabitQuery = poff;
size_gigabitQuery = 1;
*p = '\0';
poff += size_gigabitQuery;
p += size_gigabitQuery;
off_templateVector = poff;
if ( p + r->size_templateVector < pend ) {
gbmemcpy (p , r->ptr_templateVector , size_templateVector );
} else {
size_templateVector = 1;
*p = '\0';
poff += size_templateVector;
p += size_templateVector;
// Msg25 calls this to make a "fake" msg20 reply for recycling Inlinks
// that are no longer there... preserves rssInfo, etc.
void Inlink::setMsg20Reply(Msg20Reply *r) {
r->m_ip = m_ip;
r->m_firstIp = m_firstIp;
r->m_wordPosStart = m_wordPosStart;
r->m_docId = m_docId;
r->m_firstSpidered = m_firstSpidered;
r->m_lastSpidered = m_lastSpidered;
r->m_datedbDate = m_datedbDate;
r->m_firstIndexedDate = m_firstIndexedDate;
r->m_numOutlinks = m_numOutlinks;
r->m_isPermalink = m_isPermalink;
r->m_outlinkInContent = m_outlinkInContent;
r->m_outlinkInComment = m_outlinkInComment;
r->m_isLinkSpam = m_isLinkSpam;
r->m_country = m_country;
r->m_language = m_language;
r->m_siteRank = m_siteRank;
r->m_isAdult = false; //appears to be irrelevant when dealing with links
r->ptr_ubuf = const_cast<char*>(getUrl());
r->ptr_linkText = getLinkText();//ptr_linkText;
r->ptr_surroundingText = getSurroundingText();//ptr_surroundingText;
r->ptr_rssItem = getRSSItem();//ptr_rssItem;
r->ptr_categories = getCategories();//ptr_categories;
r->ptr_templateVector = getTemplateVector();//ptr_templateVector;
r->size_ubuf = size_urlBuf;
r->size_linkText = size_linkText;
r->size_surroundingText = size_surroundingText;
r->size_rssItem = size_rssItem;
r->size_categories = size_categories;
r->size_templateVector = size_templateVector;
void Inlink::reset() {
// clear ourselves out
memset ( (char *)this,0,sizeof(Inlink) - MAXINLINKSTRINGBUFSIZE);
// . set a new Inlink from an older versioned Inlink
// . this is how we handle versioning
void Inlink::set2(const Inlink *old) {
// clear ouselves
int fullSize = old->getStoredSize();
// return how many bytes we processed
memcpy ( this, old, fullSize );
int32_t Inlink::getStoredSize() const {
int32_t size = sizeof(Inlink) - MAXINLINKSTRINGBUFSIZE;
size += size_urlBuf;
size += size_linkText;
size += size_surroundingText;
size += size_rssItem;
size += size_categories;
size += size_gigabitQuery;
size += size_templateVector;
return size;
// . return ptr to the buffer we serialize into
// . return NULL and set g_errno on error
char *Inlink::serialize(int32_t *retSize ,
char *userBuf ,
int32_t userBufSize ,
bool makePtrsRefNewBuf) const {
// make a buffer to serialize into
char *buf = NULL;
int32_t need = getStoredSize();
// big enough?
if ( need <= userBufSize ) buf = userBuf;
// alloc if we should
if ( ! buf ) buf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "Ra" );
// bail on error, g_errno should be set
if ( ! buf ) return NULL;
// set how many bytes we will serialize into
*retSize = need;
// copy the easy stuff
char *p = buf;
char *pend = buf + need;
gbmemcpy ( p, this, need );
p += need;
if ( p != pend ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
return buf;
// used by PageTitledb.cpp
bool LinkInfo::print(SafeBuf *sb, const char *coll) const {
int32_t count = 1;
// loop through the link texts
for(const Inlink *k = NULL; (k = getNextInlink(k)); count++) {
const char *s = k->getLinkText();//ptr_linkText;
int32_t slen = k->size_linkText - 1;
const char *d = k->getSurroundingText();//ptr_surroundingText;
int32_t dlen = k->size_surroundingText - 1;
const char *r = k->getRSSItem();//ptr_rssItem;
int32_t rlen = k->size_rssItem - 1;
const char *g = k->getGigabitQuery();
int32_t glen = k->size_gigabitQuery - 1;
const char *c = k->getCategories();//ptr_categories;
int32_t clen = k->size_categories - 1;
if ( slen < 0 ) slen = 0;
if ( dlen < 0 ) dlen = 0;
if ( rlen < 0 ) rlen = 0;
if ( glen < 0 ) glen = 0;
if ( clen < 0 ) clen = 0;
if ( ! c || clen <= 0 ) c = "";
// encode the rss item further
StackBuf<128> buf3b;
if ( rlen > 0 ) {
buf3b.htmlEncode(r, rlen, true);
// . print link text and score into table
// . there is a ton more info in Inlink class to print if
// you want to throw it in here...
char ipbuf[16];
"<tr><td colspan=2>link #%04" PRId32" "
//"baseScore=%010" PRId32", "
"d=<a href=\"/admin/titledb?c=%s&"
"d=%" PRId64"\">%016" PRId64"</a>, "
"siterank=%" PRId32", "
"outlinks=%05" PRId32", "
"ip=%s "
"numLinksToSite=%" PRId32" "
//"anomaly=%" PRId32" "
"<b>url</b>=\"%s\" "
"%s\" "
"<b>neigh=</b>\"%s\" "
"<b>rssItem</b>=\"%s\" "
"<b>gigabits</b>=\"%s\" "
"<b>categories</b>=\"%s\" "
//"<b>templateVec=\"</b>%s\" "
count ,
//(int32_t)k->m_baseScore ,
coll ,
(int32_t)k->m_numOutlinks ,
k->getUrl(),//ptr_urlBuf, // the linker url
s, // buf,
d, // buf2,
g, // buf4,
return true;
bool LinkInfo::hasRSSItem() {
for ( Inlink *k=NULL;(k=getNextInlink(k));)
// rss item?
if ( k->size_rssItem > 10 ) return true;
return false;
// . use siteRec to set m_extractRedirects from <extractRedirectsFromLinks>
// . this is used because yahoo has links like:
// yahoo.com/drst/pop/2/10/576995/37640326/*http://www.m.com/
// . we need yahoo's link: terms to be more precise for our ban/unban algorithm
static int32_t getLinkBufferSize(int32_t numLinks);
Links::Links() {
m_allocBuf = NULL;
m_allocSize = 0;
m_linkBuf = NULL;
m_allocLinks = 0;
m_spamNote = NULL;
m_numLinks = 0;
m_baseUrl = NULL;
m_numOutlinksAdded = 0;
m_doQuickSet = false;
// Coverity
m_parentUrl = NULL;
m_xml = NULL;
m_parentIsPermalink = false;
m_buf = NULL;
m_bufPtr = NULL;
m_linkPtrs = NULL;
m_linkLens = NULL;
m_linkNodes = NULL;
m_linkHashes = NULL;
m_hostHashes = NULL;
m_domHashes = NULL;
m_linkFlags = NULL;
m_spamNotes = NULL;
m_hasRSS = false;
m_isFeedBurner = false;
m_numNodes = 0;
m_hasRelNoFollow = false;
m_stripParams = false;
m_addSiteRootFlags = false;
m_coll = NULL;
m_flagged = false;
m_hasSelfPermalink = false;
m_hasRSSOutlink = false;
m_hasSubdirOutlink = false;
m_rssOutlinkPtr = NULL;
m_rssOutlinkLen = 0;
Links::~Links() {
void Links::reset() {
if (m_allocBuf) mfree(m_allocBuf, m_allocSize, "Links");
m_allocBuf = NULL;
m_allocSize = 0;
if (m_linkBuf) mfree(m_linkBuf, getLinkBufferSize(m_allocLinks),
m_linkBuf = NULL;
m_allocLinks = 0;
m_spamNote = NULL;
m_numLinks = 0;
m_flagged = false;
m_hasRSS = false;
m_isFeedBurner = false;
m_hasSelfPermalink = false;
m_hasRSSOutlink = false;
m_hasSubdirOutlink = false;
m_rssOutlinkPtr = NULL;
bool Links::set(bool useRelNoFollow,
Xml *xml, Url *parentUrl,
// use null for this if you do not want to use it
Url *baseUrl,
int32_t version,
bool parentIsPermalink,
const Links *oldLinks,
bool doQuickSet)
// always for this to true now since we need them for linkdb
bool setLinkHash = true;
if ( doQuickSet ) setLinkHash = false;
m_xml = xml;
m_baseUrl = parentUrl;
m_parentUrl = parentUrl;
m_doQuickSet = doQuickSet;
m_parentIsPermalink = parentIsPermalink;
m_numLinks = 0;
m_numNodes = xml->getNumNodes();
m_bufPtr = NULL;
m_hasRelNoFollow = false;
// ok, let's remove it for the links: hashing, it just makes more
// sense this way i think. we can normalize the links: terms in the
// query if you are worried about it.
m_stripParams = true;
// get the <base href=> tag if any (12)
if ( baseUrl ) m_baseUrl = baseUrl;
// visit each node in the xml tree. a node can be a tag or a non-tag.
for ( int32_t i=0; i < m_numNodes ; i++ ) {
// . continue if this tag ain't an <a href> tag
// . atom feeds have a <link href=""> field in them
int32_t id = xml->getNodeId ( i );
// reset
linkflags_t flags = 0;
if ( id != TAG_A &&
id != TAG_LINK && // rss feed url
id != TAG_LOC && // sitemap.xml url
id != TAG_AREA &&
id != TAG_WEBLOG &&
id != TAG_URLFROM && // <UrlFrom> for ahrefs.com
const char *urlattr = "href";
if (id == TAG_WEBLOG) {
urlattr ="url";
if ( id == TAG_FBORIGLINK ) m_isFeedBurner = true;
// if it's a back tag continue
if ( xml->isBackTag ( i ) ) {
// rel attribute
int32_t slen = 0;
const char *s = xml->getString ( i , "rel", &slen ) ;
if (useRelNoFollow && slen == 8 && strncasecmp(s, "nofollow", 8) == 0) {
// if this flag is set then::hasSpamLinks() will always
// return false. the site owner is taking the necessary
// precautions to prevent log spam.
m_hasRelNoFollow = true;
// . do not ignore it now, just flag it
// . fandango has its ContactUs with a nofollow!
flags |= LF_NOFOLLOW;
// only allow specific link rel (whitelist)
// http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values#HTML5_link_type_extensions
if (id == TAG_LINK) {
bool allowed = false;
switch (slen) {
case 4:
if (strncasecmp(s, "feed", 4) == 0 ||
strncasecmp(s, "home", 4) == 0) {
allowed = true;
case 7:
if (strncasecmp(s, "sitemap", 7) == 0) {
allowed = true;
case 9:
if (strncasecmp(s, "alternate", 9) == 0 ||
strncasecmp(s, "canonical", 9) == 0) {
allowed = true;
if (!allowed) {
// get the href field of this anchor tag
int32_t linkLen;
const char *link = xml->getString ( i, urlattr, &linkLen );
// if no href, but we are a <link> tag then the url may
// follow, like in an rss feed.
if ( linkLen==0 &&
(id == TAG_LINK ||
id == TAG_LOC || // sitemap.xml urls
id == TAG_URLFROM ||
// the the <link> node
const char *node = xml->getNode(i);
int32_t nodeLen = xml->getNodeLen(i);
// but must NOT end in "/>" then
if ( node[nodeLen-2] == '/' ) continue;
// expect the url like <link> url </link> then
if ( i+2 >= m_numNodes ) continue;
if ( xml->getNodeId(i+2) != id ) continue;
if ( ! xml->isBackTag(i+2) ) continue;
// ok assume url is next node
link = xml->getNode(i+1);
linkLen = xml->getNodeLen(i+1);
// watch out for CDATA
if ( linkLen > 12 &&
strncasecmp(link, "<![CDATA[", 9) == 0 ) {
link += 9;
linkLen -= 12;
// . it doesn't have an "href" field (could be "name" field)
// . "link" may not be NULL if empty, so use linkLen
if ( linkLen == 0 )
// skip spaces in the front (should be utf8 compatible)
while ( linkLen > 0 && is_wspace_a(*link) ) {
// don't add this link if it begins with javascript:
if ( linkLen >= 11 && strncasecmp (link,"javascript:",11) ==0){
// well... a lot of times the provided function has
// the url as an arg to a popup window
int32_t oclen = 0;
const char *oc = xml->getString(i,"onclick",&oclen);
// if none, bail
if ( ! oc ) continue;
// set end
const char *ocend = oc + oclen - 2;
const char *ocurl = nullptr;
// scan for "'/" which should indicate the url
for ( ; oc < ocend ; oc++ ) {
if ( *oc !='\'' ) continue;
if ( oc[1]!='/' ) continue;
// set the start
ocurl = oc + 1;
// and stop the scan
// if none, bail
if ( ! ocurl ) continue;
// now find the end of the url
const char *ocurlend = ocurl + 1;
for ( ; ocurlend < ocend ; ocurlend++ )
if ( *ocurlend == '\'' ) break;
// assign it now
link = ocurl;
linkLen = ocurlend - ocurl;
// and continue
if ( linkLen == 0 )
// it's a page-relative link
if ( link[0]=='#' ) continue;
// ignore mailto: links
if ( linkLen >= 7 && strncasecmp( link , "mailto:" , 7 ) == 0 )
// if we have a sequence of alnum chars (or hpyhens) followed
// by a ':' then that is a protocol. we only support http and
// https protocols right now. let "p" point to the ':'.
const char *p = link;
int32_t pmaxLen = linkLen;
if ( pmaxLen > 20 ) pmaxLen = 20;
const char *pend = link + pmaxLen;
while ( p < pend && (is_alnum_a(*p) || *p=='-') ) p++;
// is the protocol, if it exists, a valid one like http or
// https? if not, ignore it. we only support FQDNs
// (fully qualified domain names) here really. so if you
// have something like mylocalhostname:8000/ it is not going
// to work anymore. you would need "use /etc/hosts" enabled
// for that to work, too.
bool proto = true;
if ( p < pend && *p == ':' ) {
proto = false;
int32_t plen = p - link;
if ( plen == 4 && strncasecmp(link,"http" ,plen) == 0 )
proto = true;
if ( plen == 5 && strncasecmp(link,"https",plen) == 0 )
proto = true;
// skip if proto invalid like callto:+4355645998 or
// mailto:jimbob@hoho.com
if ( ! proto ) continue;
// add it
char ptmp [ MAX_URL_LEN + 1 + 1 ];
// keep an underpad of 1 byte in case we need to prepend a /
char *tmp = ptmp + 1;
if ( linkLen > MAX_URL_LEN ) {
// only log this once just so people know, don't spam
// the log with it.
static bool s_flag = true;
if (s_flag) {
s_flag = false;
log(LOG_INFO, "build: Link len %" PRId32" is longer "
"than max of %" PRId32". Link will not "
"be added to spider queue or "
"indexed for link: search.",
// see if the <link> tag has a "type" file
bool isRSS = false;
int32_t typeLen;
const char *type = xml->getString(i, "type", &typeLen );
// . MDW: imported from Xml.cpp:
// . check for valid type:
// type="application/atom+xml" (atom)
// type="application/rss+xml" (RSS 1.0/2.0)
// type="application/rdf+xml" (RDF)
// type="text/xml" (RSS .92) support?
if (type) {
if (strncasecmp(type, "application/atom+xml", 20) == 0 ||
strncasecmp(type, "application/rss+xml", 19) == 0 ||
strncasecmp(type, "text/xml", 8) == 0) {
isRSS = true;
// make sure we got rel='alternate' or rel="alternate", etc.
if (isRSS) {
int32_t relLen = 0;
const char *rel = xml->getString(i, "rel", &relLen);
if (rel) {
if (strncasecmp(rel, "alternate", 9) != 0) {
isRSS = false;
// skip if a reply! rss feeds have these links to comments and just ignore them for now
// http://dancleary.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default uses edit:
if ((relLen == 7 && strncasecmp(rel, "replies", 7) == 0) ||
(relLen == 4 && strncasecmp(rel, "edit", 4) == 0)) {
// store it
if ( isRSS ) m_hasRSS = true;
//TODO: should we urlEncode here?
// i didn't know this, but links can have encoded html entities
// like & and > etc. in them and we have to decode
// assign the new decoded length.
// this is not compatible with m_doQuickSet because we store
// the "link" ptr into the array of link ptrs, and this uses
// the "tmp" buf.
// nono, need this now otherwise it hits that linkNode<0
// error msg in XmlDoc.cpp. but for Msg13 spider compression
// you might want to do something else then i guess...
linkLen = htmlDecode( tmp, link, linkLen, false );
// use tmp buf
link = tmp;
if (!addLink(link, linkLen, i, setLinkHash, version, isRSS, id, flags)) {
return false;
// . flag the links we have that are old (spidered last time)
// . set LF_OLDLINK flag
return flagOldLinks ( oldLinks );
// just a NULL-terminated text buffer/file of links to add
bool Links::set(const char *buf) {
// need "coll" for Url::isSiteRoot(), etc.
//m_coll = coll;
m_parentUrl = NULL;
m_baseUrl = NULL;
m_addSiteRootFlags = false;
m_xml = NULL;
const char *p = buf;
while ( *p ) {
// skip spaces
while ( *p && is_wspace_a(*p) ) p++;
// get the length of the link
const char *q = p;
while ( *q && ! is_wspace_a(*q) ) q++;
int32_t len = q - p;
// add the link
if ( ! addLink ( p , len , -1 , true ,
TAG_A , 0 ) )
return false;
// advance
p = q;
// assume none are flagged as old, LF_OLDLINK
m_flagged = true;
return true;
bool Links::print(SafeBuf *sb) {
"<table cellpadding=3 border=1>\n"
"<td colspan=40>"
// table header row
// find the link point to our url
int32_t i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
char *link = getLinkPtr(i);
int32_t linkLen = getLinkLen(i);
sb->safePrintf("<tr><td>%" PRId32"</td><td>",i);
return true;
bool Links::addLink(const char *link, int32_t linkLen, int32_t nodeNum,
bool setLinkHash, int32_t titleRecVersion,
bool isRSS, int32_t tagId,
int32_t flagsArg )
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
// don't add 0 length links
if ( linkLen <= 0 ) return true;
// do we need to alloc more link space?
if (m_numLinks >= m_allocLinks) {
int32_t newAllocLinks;
if (!m_allocLinks) newAllocLinks =10000;
else if (m_allocLinks<100000) newAllocLinks =m_allocLinks*2;
else newAllocLinks =m_allocLinks+100000;
// how much mem do we need for newAllocLinks links?
int32_t newAllocSize = getLinkBufferSize(newAllocLinks);
char *newBuf = (char*)mmalloc(newAllocSize, "Links");
if (!newBuf) return false;
// a ptr to it
char *p = newBuf;
// debug msg
log(LOG_DEBUG, "build: resizing Links ptr buffer to %" PRId32,
char **newLinkPtrs = (char**)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(char *) ;
int32_t *newLinkLens = (int32_t*)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(int32_t) ;
int32_t *newLinkNodes = (int32_t*)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(int32_t) ;
uint64_t *newLinkHashes = (uint64_t *)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(uint64_t) ;
uint64_t *newHostHashes = (uint64_t *)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(uint64_t) ;
int32_t *newDomHashes = (int32_t *)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(int32_t);
linkflags_t *newLinkFlags = (linkflags_t *)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(linkflags_t) ;
const char **newSpamNotes = (const char **)p;
p += newAllocLinks * sizeof(char **);
// sanity check -- check for breach
if ( p > newBuf + newAllocSize ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
if (m_linkBuf){
gbmemcpy(newLinkPtrs, m_linkPtrs,
m_numLinks * sizeof(char*));
gbmemcpy(newLinkLens, m_linkLens,
m_numLinks * sizeof(int32_t));
gbmemcpy(newLinkNodes, m_linkNodes,
m_numLinks * sizeof(int32_t));
gbmemcpy(newLinkHashes, m_linkHashes,
m_numLinks * sizeof(uint64_t));
gbmemcpy(newHostHashes, m_hostHashes,
m_numLinks * sizeof(uint64_t));
gbmemcpy(newDomHashes, m_domHashes,
m_numLinks * sizeof(int32_t));
gbmemcpy(newLinkFlags, m_linkFlags,
m_numLinks * sizeof(linkflags_t));
m_numLinks * sizeof(char *));
int32_t oldSize = getLinkBufferSize(m_allocLinks);
mfree(m_linkBuf, oldSize, "Links");
m_allocLinks = newAllocLinks;
m_linkBuf = newBuf;
m_linkPtrs = newLinkPtrs;
m_linkLens = newLinkLens;
m_linkNodes = newLinkNodes;
m_linkHashes = newLinkHashes;
m_hostHashes = newHostHashes;
m_domHashes = newDomHashes;
m_linkFlags = newLinkFlags;
m_spamNotes = newSpamNotes;
// normalize the link and prepend base url if needed
Url url;
if (titleRecVersion >= 125) {
// strip ending spaces
while (linkLen > 0 && is_wspace_a(link[linkLen - 1])) {
// hack fix. if link has spaces in it convert to +'s
// will fix urls like those in anchor tags on
// http://www.birmingham-boxes.co.uk/catagory.asp
bool hasSpaces = false;
char tmp[MAX_URL_LEN+2];
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < linkLen ; k++ ) {
if ( link[k] == ' ' ) hasSpaces = true;
// watch out for unterminated quotes
if ( link[k] == '>' ) { hasSpaces = false; break; }
bool hitQuestionMark = false;
int32_t src = 0;
int32_t dst = 0;
for ( ;hasSpaces && linkLen<MAX_URL_LEN && src<linkLen ; src++ ){
// if not enough buffer then we couldn't do the conversion.
if ( dst+3 >= MAX_URL_LEN ) { hasSpaces = false; break; }
if ( link[src] == '?' )
hitQuestionMark = true;
if ( link[src] != ' ' ) {
tmp[dst++] = link[src];
// if we are part of the cgi stuff, use +
if ( hitQuestionMark ) {
tmp[dst++] = '+';
// if before the '?' then use %20
tmp[dst++] = '%';
tmp[dst++] = '2';
tmp[dst++] = '0';
if ( hasSpaces ) {
link = tmp;
linkLen = dst;
tmp[dst] = '\0';
url.set( m_baseUrl, link, linkLen, false, m_stripParams,
// convert /index.html to /
// turned this back on per john's request
// will cause undeletable data in existing indexes.
titleRecVersion );
// sometimes there's links like:
// http://'+ycso[8]+ \n'commentsn?blog_id=... which is within
// <script></script> tags
if ( url.getDomainLen() <= 0 || url.getHostLen() <= 0 ) return true;
// stop http://0x0017.0000000000000000000000000000000000000024521276/
// which somehow make it through without this!!
if ( ! url.isIp() && url.getTLDLen() <= 0 ) return true;
// Allocate more link buffer space?
int32_t bufSpace ;
if ( m_allocBuf ) bufSpace = m_allocSize - (m_bufPtr-m_allocBuf);
else bufSpace = 0;
// allocate dynamic buffer for lotsa links
if ( url.getUrlLen() + 1 > bufSpace ) {
// grow by 100K
int32_t newAllocSize;// = m_allocSize+LINK_BUF_SIZE;
if ( ! m_allocSize ) newAllocSize = LINK_BUF_SIZE;
else if (m_allocSize < 1024*1024) newAllocSize = m_allocSize*2;
else newAllocSize = m_allocSize + 1024*1024;
// MDW: a realloc would be more efficient here.
char *newBuf = (char*)mmalloc(newAllocSize, "Links");
if ( ! newBuf ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "build: Links failed to realloc.");
return false;
log(LOG_DEBUG, "build: resizing Links text buffer to %" PRId32,
if ( m_allocBuf ) {
gbmemcpy ( newBuf , m_allocBuf , m_allocSize );
// update pointers to previous buffer
int64_t offset = newBuf - m_allocBuf;
char *allocEnd = m_allocBuf + m_allocSize;
for (int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
if ( m_linkPtrs[i] < m_allocBuf ) continue;
if ( m_linkPtrs[i] >= allocEnd ) continue;
m_linkPtrs[i] += offset;
m_bufPtr += offset;
mfree ( m_allocBuf , m_allocSize , "Links");
else m_bufPtr = newBuf;
m_allocBuf = newBuf;
m_allocSize = newAllocSize;
// add some info
m_linkPtrs [ m_numLinks ] = m_bufPtr;
m_linkLens [ m_numLinks ] = url.getUrlLen();
m_linkNodes [ m_numLinks ] = nodeNum;
// serialize the normalized link into the buffer
gbmemcpy ( m_bufPtr , url.getUrl(), url.getUrlLen() );
m_bufPtr += url.getUrlLen();
// and NULL terminate it
*m_bufPtr++ = '\0';
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "Stored link: [%s]", m_linkPtrs[m_numLinks]);
// . set link hash if we need to
// . the Vector class uses these link hashes for determining similarity
// of this document to another for purposes of fightling link spam
// . we essentially compare the linking web pages against one another
// and if we find one that is similar to another we weight it's
// link text down. The more similar the more the penalty. We just
// see what links it has in common with the others for now...
if ( setLinkHash ) {
// sanity
if ( m_doQuickSet ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// get url length
int32_t ulen = url.getUrlLen();
// subtract the cgi length
if ( url.isCgi() ) ulen -= 1 + url.getQueryLen();
// store it's hash
m_linkHashes [ m_numLinks ] = url.getUrlHash64();
m_hostHashes [ m_numLinks ] = url.getHostHash64();
m_domHashes [ m_numLinks ] = url.getDomainHash32();
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
VALGRIND_CHECK_MEM_IS_DEFINED(&(m_domHashes[m_numLinks]), sizeof(m_domHashes[m_numLinks]));
// set the bits in the flags byte
linkflags_t flags = flagsArg; // 0;
// set flag bit #0 if it is an "internal" link -- from same hostname
if ( m_baseUrl && url.getHostLen() == m_baseUrl->getHostLen() &&
flags |= LF_SAMEHOST; //0x01;
flags |= LF_SAMEDOM; //0x02
else if (m_baseUrl &&url.getDomainLen() == m_baseUrl->getDomainLen() &&
url.getDomainLen())==0) {
flags |= LF_SAMEDOM;
// . memoori was adding www.construction.com which redirected
// to construction.com/index.asp and it did not add the
// outlinks because "spider internal links only" was true.
// i.e. Msg16::m_sameHostLinks was true
// . if not same host but domains match, consider it internal
// if hosts only differ by a www. this should fix that.
if ( m_baseUrl->isHostWWW() && !url .hasSubdomain() )
flags |= LF_SAMEHOST;
if ( url. isHostWWW() && !m_baseUrl->hasSubdomain() )
flags |= LF_SAMEHOST;
const char *tld = url.getTLD();
int32_t tlen = url.getTLDLen();
if ( tlen == 3 && ! strncmp(tld,"edu",3) ) flags |= LF_EDUTLD;
if ( tlen == 3 && ! strncmp(tld,"gov",3) ) flags |= LF_GOVTLD;
// rss?
if ( isRSS ) {
// flag it
flags |= LF_RSS;
// we had one
m_hasRSSOutlink = true;
// store the first one
if ( ! m_rssOutlinkPtr ) {
m_rssOutlinkPtr = m_linkPtrs[m_numLinks];
m_rssOutlinkLen = m_linkLens[m_numLinks];
if ( tagId == TAG_A ) flags |= LF_AHREFTAG;
else if ( tagId == TAG_LINK ) flags |= LF_LINKTAG;
else if ( tagId == TAG_FBORIGLINK ) flags |= LF_FBTAG;
// a self link?
if ( m_parentUrl &&
// MUST be a PROPER subset, links to itself do not count!
url.getUrlLen() == m_parentUrl->getUrlLen() &&
strncmp(url.getUrl(), m_parentUrl->getUrl(),
flags |= LF_SELFLINK;
// turn this flag on
if ( nodeNum >= 0 ) m_xml->getNodePtr(nodeNum)->m_isSelfLink = 1;
// same site?
if (m_parentUrl) {
SiteGetter parentSiteGetter;
parentSiteGetter.getSite(m_parentUrl->getUrl(), nullptr, 0, 0);
SiteGetter siteGetter;
siteGetter.getSite(url.getUrl(), nullptr, 0, 0);
if (strcmp(siteGetter.getSite(), parentSiteGetter.getSite()) == 0) {
flags |= LF_SAMESITE;
// now check for the "permalink" key word or "permanent link" keyphrase
//http://www.celebritybabyscoop.com/2008/12/28/jennifer-garner-is-still-pregnant/ + fp_1765421_garner_jennifer_znk_122808jpg/
// http://www.thetrendwatch.com/2008/12/22/how-big-shows-are-becoming-utterly-blaze/ + events-are-boring/
// http://thinkprogress.org/2008/12/26/bush-pardon-campaign/
if ( ( flags & LF_SELFLINK ) && ( flags & LF_AHREFTAG ) &&
// must be valid
nodeNum >= 0 )
XmlNode *nodes = m_xml->getNodes();
// get back tag
int32_t max = nodeNum + 20;
if ( max > m_xml->getNumNodes() )
max = m_xml->getNumNodes();
int32_t nn = nodeNum + 1;
while ( nn < max && nodes[nn].m_nodeId != TAG_A ) nn++;
if ( nn < max ) {
char *s = nodes[nodeNum].m_node;
char *send = nodes[nn].m_node;
for ( ; s < send ; s++ ) {
if ( *s != 'p' && *s != 'P' ) continue;
if ( ! strncasecmp(s,"permalink",9) )
if ( ! strncasecmp(s,"permanent link",14) )
if ( s < send ) {
m_hasSelfPermalink = true;
// get each url length without the cgi
int32_t len1 = url.getUrlLen() - url.getQueryLen();
int32_t len2 = 0;
if ( m_parentUrl )
len2 = m_parentUrl->getUrlLen() - m_parentUrl->getQueryLen();
// discount the '?' cuz it is not included in the queryLen right now
if ( url.getQueryLen() ) len1--;
if ( m_parentUrl && m_parentUrl->getQueryLen() ) len2--;
// . is it in a subdir of us?
// http://joedecie.livejournal.com/28834.html?thread=167074#t167074
if ( m_parentUrl &&
// MUST be a PROPER subset, links to itself do not count!
len1 > len2 &&
strncmp(url.getUrl(), m_parentUrl->getUrl(),len2)==0) {
flags |= LF_SUBDIR;
m_hasSubdirOutlink = true;
// http://www.packers.com/news/releases/2008/12/24/1/email_to_a_friend/
// only has one hyphen but is indeed a permalink!
// http://marccooper.com/xmas-vacation/
// href="...ami.php?url=http://lewebpedagogique.com/blog/2008/11/16/
// la-seconde-guerre-mondiale-cours ... will have its cgi ignored so
// such links as this one will not be considered permalinks
const char *pathOverride = NULL;
bool ignoreCgi = false;
if ( (flags & LF_SUBDIR) && m_parentIsPermalink ) {
pathOverride = url.getUrl() + m_parentUrl->getUrlLen();
// must be same host
if ( m_parentUrl->getHostLen() != url.getHostLen() )
pathOverride = NULL;
// same host str check
else if ( strncmp( m_parentUrl->getHost() ,
url.getHost() ,
url.getHostLen()) != 0 )
pathOverride = NULL;
// must be in bounds
else if ( url.getUrlLen() <= m_parentUrl->getUrlLen() )
pathOverride = NULL;
// if we are a permalink, ignore cgi for seeing if they are
if ( pathOverride ) ignoreCgi = true;
// if it is a subset of a permalink parent, it is not a "true"
// permalink if it concatenates the word "comment" onto the parent url,
// it is likely a permalink for a comment, which does not really count
// www.flickr.com/photos/korayem/2947977582/comment72157608088269210/
// robertsquier.blogspot.com/2008/10/drawing-tv.html?showComment=.2..
// profootballtalk.com/2008/12/28/vikings-win-nfc-north/comment-page-1/
bool permCheck = true;
if ( m_doQuickSet ) permCheck = false;
if ( permCheck && ignoreCgi && strstr(pathOverride,"comment") )
permCheck = false;
if ( permCheck && ignoreCgi && strstr(pathOverride,"Comment") )
permCheck = false;
if ( permCheck && ignoreCgi && strstr(pathOverride,"COMMENT") )
permCheck = false;
// . are we probably a permalink?
// . we do not have a TagRec at this point so we just can not
// tell whether we are siteRoot, and therefore NOT a permalink
linkflags_t extraFlags = 0;
if ( permCheck &&
::isPermalink (
NULL , // Links ptr
&url , // the url
CT_HTML , // contentType
NULL , // LinkInfo ptr
isRSS ,
NULL , // note ptr
pathOverride ,
ignoreCgi ,
// might include LF_STRONGPERM
&extraFlags ) )
flags |= LF_PERMALINK;
flags |= extraFlags;
// set in flag array
m_linkFlags [ m_numLinks ] = flags;
// set to NULL for now -- call setLinkSpam() later...
m_spamNotes [ m_numLinks ] = NULL;
// inc the count
return true;
// . does link #i have link text?
// . link text must have at least one alnum in it
bool Links::hasLinkText(int32_t n) {
// return 0 if no link to our "url"
if ( n >= m_numLinks ) return false;
// get the node range so we can call Xml::getText()
int32_t node1 = m_linkNodes [ n ];
// post-dating this change back to version 75, since it happened
// sometime right before this version bump, it allows for
// the least amount of docs to be indexed wrong
// only for <a> tags
if (node1 >= m_xml->getNumNodes()) return false;
if (m_xml->getNodeId(node1) != TAG_A) return false;
// find the </a> to this <a href> tag, or next <a href> tag
int32_t node2 = m_xml->getNodeNum ( node1+1,9999999,"a",1);
// if not found use the last node in the document
if ( node2 < 0 ) node2 = m_xml->getNumNodes();
// check for text node in (node1,node2) range
for ( int32_t i = node1+1 ; i < node2 ; i++ ) {
// continue if a tag
if ( m_xml->isTag(i) ) continue;
// otherwise, it's text
char *s = m_xml->getNode (i);
char *send = s + m_xml->getNodeLen(i);
// . does it have any alnums in it?
// . may be tricked by html entities like #187; or something
for ( ; s < send ; s += getUtf8CharSize(s) )
if ( is_alnum_utf8 ( s ) ) return true;
// otherwise, we found no text node with an alnum
return false;
// . stores link text into "buf" and returns the length
// . TODO: speed up so we don't have to set Url for every link in doc
int32_t Links::getLinkText(const char *linkee,
bool getSiteLinkInfo,
char *buf,
int32_t bufMaxLen,
char **itemPtr,
int32_t *itemLen,
int32_t *retNode1,
int32_t *retLinkNum,
int32_t *errCode)
log(LOG_DEBUG, "build: Links::getLinkText: linkee=%s, getSiteLinkInfo: %s", linkee, getSiteLinkInfo?"true":"false");
// assume none
if( retNode1 ) {
*retNode1 = -1;
// assume no link text
buf[0] = '\0';
// assume no item
if ( itemPtr ) {
*itemPtr = NULL;
if ( itemLen ) {
*itemLen = 0;
// assume no error
if( errCode ) {
*errCode = 0;
const char *no_www_linkee = NULL;
// if it is site based, skip the protocol because the site might
// be just a domain and not a subdomain
if ( getSiteLinkInfo ) {
const char *pp = strstr ( linkee, "://");
// skip scheme
if( pp ) {
linkee = pp + 3;
// If linkee starts with www., keep a pointer to the domain WITHOUT "www." prefix
// as we have seen a problem with links without www not being
// found for pages even though linkdb says it has a link
// ("build: Got linknode=-1 < 0. Cached linker AAA does not have outlink to
// www.domain.com like linkdb says it should.") - therefore, we try both
// for siteinfo requests (SiteGetter [stupidly] adds www for domains without it).
pp = strstr(linkee, "www.");
if( pp == linkee ) {
no_www_linkee = pp + 4;
int32_t linkeeLen = strlen(linkee);
// find the link point to our url
int32_t i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
char *link = getLinkPtr(i);
int32_t linkLen = getLinkLen(i);
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, " Check %" PRId32 ": %.*s", i, linkLen, link);
// now see if its a full match
// special case if site
if ( getSiteLinkInfo ) {
// Lets skip protocol in link too, to make check more accurate and
// not just a simple strstr with no position check
const char *prot = strstr(link, "://");
if( prot ) {
link = (char*)prot + 3;
const char *linkee_used = linkee;
// See if link matches linkee (destination) with "www." prefix
char *match = strstr(link, linkee);
if( !match && no_www_linkee ) {
// Nope, See if link matches linkee (destination) without "www." prefix
linkee_used = no_www_linkee;
match = strstr(link, no_www_linkee);
if( match ) {
if( link - match == 0 ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "match for site check [%s] [%s]. usedNoWWW=%s", link, linkee_used, linkee_used==no_www_linkee?"true":"false");
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "match but at wrong position (%d) for site check [%s] [%s]. usedNoWWW=%s", (int)(link-match), link, linkee_used, linkee_used==no_www_linkee?"true":"false");
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "no match site check [%s] [%s]", link, linkee);
// continue if don't match
if ( linkLen != linkeeLen ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "Length differs [%s] [%s]", link, linkee);
// continue if don't match
if ( strcmp ( link , linkee ) != 0 ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "no match [%s] [%s]", link, linkee);
// otherwise it's a hit
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "MATCH [%s] [%s]", link, linkee);
// return 0 if no link to our "url"
if ( i >= m_numLinks ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "NO match found, returning 0");
return 0;
*retLinkNum = i;
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "retLinkNum: %" PRId32 "", *retLinkNum);
return getLinkText2(i,buf,bufMaxLen,itemPtr,itemLen,retNode1,errCode);
int32_t Links::getLinkText2(int32_t i,
char *buf,
int32_t bufMaxLen,
char **itemPtr,
int32_t *itemLen,
int32_t *retNode1,
int32_t *errCode)
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "Get link text for link %" PRId32 "", i);
// get the node range so we can call Xml::getText()
int32_t node1 = m_linkNodes [ i ];
// . <area href=> tags have no link text
// . fix for http://www.cs.umass.edu/%7Everts/index.html 's
// link to phdcomics.com . it was picking up bogus link text
// from page tail.
XmlNode *xmlNodes = m_xml->getNodes();
if ( xmlNodes[node1].m_nodeId == TAG_AREA ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "END, Area tag link - ignoring");
if( errCode ) {
return 0;
// what delimeter are we using? this only applies to rss/atom feeds.
char del[16];
int32_t dlen = 0;
int32_t rss = m_xml->isRSSFeed();
if ( rss == 1 ) {
gbmemcpy(del, "item\0", 5);
dlen = 4;
else if ( rss == 2 ) {
gbmemcpy(del, "entry\0", 6);
dlen = 5;
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "rss=%" PRId32 "", rss);
// if rss or atom page, return the whole xml <item> or <entry>
//if ( itemBuf && del ) {
if ( dlen > 0 ) {
// bail if not wanted
if ( ! itemPtr ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "END, no itemPtr");
return 0;
//log ( LOG_INFO, "Links: Getting Link Item For Url" );
int32_t xmlNumNodes = m_xml->getNumNodes();
// . must come from a <link> node, not a <a>
// . can also be an <enclosure> tag now too
if ( xmlNodes[node1].m_nodeId == TAG_A ) {
goto skipItem;
// get item delimeter length
//int32_t dlen = strlen(del);
// back pedal node until we hit <item> or <entry> tag
int32_t j ;
for ( j = node1 ; j > 0 ; j-- ) {
// skip text nodes
if ( xmlNodes[j].m_nodeId == TAG_TEXTNODE ) continue;
// check the tag
if(xmlNodes[j].m_tagNameLen != dlen) continue;
if(strncasecmp(xmlNodes[j].m_tagName,del,dlen) != 0)
// . if j is 0 we never found the <item> or <entry> tag
// because rss and atom feeds never start with such a tag
// . but we could be in the <channel> section, which is ok
// so i commented this out
//if ( j == 0 ) return 0;
// ptr to the start of it
char *s = xmlNodes[j].m_node;
// save this
if ( retNode1 ) *retNode1 = j;
// the end ptr
//char *send = s + xmlNodes[j].m_nodeLen;
const char *send = m_xml->getContent() + m_xml->getContentLen();
// . start at the first tag in this element/item
// . we will copy the blurb on the interval [j,k)
for ( int32_t k = j+1 ; k < xmlNumNodes ; k++ ) {
// get the next node in line
XmlNode *nn = &xmlNodes[k];
// . break out if would be too long
// . save room for terminating \0
//if (nn->m_node+nn->m_nodeLen-s > itemBufSize-1)break;
// break out if done
if ( k >= xmlNumNodes ) break;
// skip text nodes
if ( nn->m_nodeId == TAG_TEXTNODE ) continue;
// skip script sections, inside script tags
if ( nn->m_nodeId == TAG_SCRIPTTEXT ) continue;
if(nn->m_tagNameLen != dlen) continue;
if(strncasecmp(nn->m_tagName,del,dlen) != 0) continue;
//if ( nn->m_tagNameLen != dlen ) continue;
//if ( strncasecmp(nn->m_tagName,del,dlen)) continue;
// we got the end of the item, set "send"
send = nn->m_node + nn->m_nodeLen;
// and we're done, break out
// . if "send" is still NULL then the item/entry blurb was too
// big to fit into our buffer, or it never had a closing tag
// . but if the feed just had a <channel> section and not items
// then use the whole thing
//if ( ! send ) return 0;
// this is a blurb, send it back as such
*itemPtr = s;
if( itemLen ) {
*itemLen = send - s;
// rss feeds do not have conventional link text
return 0;
// find the </a> to this <a href> tag, or next <a href> tag
int32_t node2 = m_xml->getNodeNum ( node1+1,9999999,"a",1);
// if not found use the last node in the document
if ( node2 < 0 ) node2 = 99999999;
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "Getting text for Xml node %" PRId32 "", node1);
int32_t bufLen = m_xml->getText( buf, bufMaxLen, node1, node2, false );
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
// set it
if ( retNode1 ) {
*retNode1 = node1;
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "Setting retNode1 to %" PRId32 "", *retNode1);
// hunt for an alnum in the link text
// Sligtly unusual looping because we may have cut the last utf8
// character in half by using the limited buffer. This happens quite
// often when the closing </a> tag is missing and the text is utf8.
char *p = buf;
char *pend = buf + bufLen;
while ( p < pend ) {
int character_len = getUtf8CharSize(p);
if ( p+character_len > pend ) //truncated utf8 character
if ( is_alnum_utf8(p) )
p += character_len;
// if no alnum then return 0 as the link text len
if ( p >= pend ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "END, No alnum match - returning 0");
return 0;
// find last non-space char
char *q = p;
char *last = NULL;
while ( q < pend ) {
int character_len = getUtf8CharSize(q);
if ( q+character_len > pend ) //truncated utf8 character
if ( ! is_wspace_utf8(q) )
last = q;
q += character_len;
// hack off trailing spaces
if ( last ) pend = last + getUtf8CharSize(last); // +1;
// shift left if we expunged some leading non-alnums
memmove ( buf , p , pend - p );
// reset buflen
bufLen = pend - p;
// null terminate
buf [ bufLen ] = '\0';
// return length
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceMsg25, "END, returning length %" PRId32 "", bufLen);
return bufLen;
int32_t Links::findLinkNum(char* url, int32_t urlLen) {
for(int32_t i = 0;i< m_numLinks; i++) {
if(m_linkLens[i] == urlLen &&
strncmp(url, m_linkPtrs[i], urlLen) == 0)
return i;
return -1;
// helper function for shared link ptr buffer
static int32_t getLinkBufferSize(int32_t numLinks){
return numLinks *
(sizeof(char* ) + // linkPtrs
sizeof(int32_t ) + // linkLens
sizeof(int32_t ) + // linkNodes
sizeof(uint64_t ) + // linkHashes
sizeof(uint64_t ) + // hostHashes
sizeof(int32_t ) + // domHashes
sizeof(linkflags_t ) + // linkFlags
sizeof(char* ) // spamNotes
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool Links::flagOldLinks(const Links *old) {
// do not double call
if ( m_flagged ) return true;
// only call once
m_flagged = true;
// skip if null
if ( ! old ) return true;
// hash the old links into a table
HashTable ht;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < old->m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
// get the url
char *u = old->m_linkPtrs[i];
int32_t ulen = old->m_linkLens[i];
// hash it
int64_t uh = hash32 ( u , ulen );
// it does not like keys of 0, that means empty slot
if ( uh == 0 ) uh = 1;
// add to hash table
if ( ! ht.addKey ( uh , 1 ) ) return false;
// set the flags
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numLinks ; i++ ) {
// get the url
char *u = m_linkPtrs[i];
int32_t ulen = m_linkLens[i];
// get our hash
int64_t uh = hash32 ( u , ulen );
// it does not like keys of 0, that means empty slot
if ( uh == 0 ) uh = 1;
// check if our hash is in this hash table, if not, then
// it is a new link, skip this
if ( ht.getSlot ( uh ) < 0 ) continue;
// assume new
m_linkFlags[i] |= LF_OLDLINK;
return true;
// . are we a permalink?
// . this registers as a permalink which it is not:
// http://www.dawn.com/2009/01/04/rss.htm
// http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032072
bool isPermalink(Links *links,
Url *u,
char contentType,
LinkInfo *linkInfo,
bool isRSS,
const char **note,
const char *pathOverride,
bool ignoreCgi,
linkflags_t *retFlags) {
// reset. caller will OR these into its flags
if ( retFlags ) *retFlags = 0;
// how can this happen?
if ( ! u ) return false;
// rss feeds cannot be permalinks
if ( isRSS ) {
if ( note ) *note = "url is rss feed.";
return false;
// root pages don't get to be permalinks
if ( u->isRoot() ) {
if ( note ) *note = "url is a site root";
return false;
// are we a "site root" i.e. hometown.com/users/fred/ etc.
//if ( u->isSiteRoot ( coll ) ) {
// if ( note ) *note = "url is a site root"; return false; }
// only html (atom feeds link to themselves)
if ( contentType != CT_HTML) {
if ( note ) *note = "content is not html";
return false;
// techcrunch has links like this in the rss:
// http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/pMaRh78u1W8/
if ( strncmp(u->getHost(),"feedproxy.",10)==0 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "from feedproxy host";
return true;
// might want to get <feedburner:origLink> instead of <link> if
// we can. that woudl save a redirect through evil g
if ( strncmp(u->getHost(),"feeds.feedburner.com/~",22)==0 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "feedburner tilde url";
return true;
// . BUT if it has a link to itself on digg, reddit, etc. then it
// doesn't need to have the digits or the underscores...
// . this helps us disnguish between
// science.howstuffworks.com/fantasy-football.html (permalink) and
// science.howstuffworks.com/space-channel.htm (NOT a permalink)
// . i guess this includes "post a comment" links that are just
// anchor links to the textarea at the page bottom so that will fix:
// http://workandplay.vox.com/library/post/running-again.html
// . includes trackbacks, comments feed, etc.
// . returns -1 if unknown whether it is a permalink or not
char status = -1;
if ( links ) status = links->isPermalink ( note );
if ( status == 1 ) return true;
if ( status == 0 ) return false;
const char *pathStart = u->getPath();
// a hack by Links.cpp after setting LF_SUBDIR
if ( pathOverride ) pathStart = pathOverride;
// compute these
linkflags_t extraFlags = 0;
// we must have a sequence of 3 or more digits in the path
const char *p = pathStart;
int32_t plen = u->getPathLen();
const char *pend = u->getPath() + plen;
int32_t dcount = 0;
// now we scan the cgi stuff too!!
// http://www.rocklintoday.com/news/templates/sierra_college.asp?articleid=6848&zoneid=51
// http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=57373
const char *uend = u->getUrl() + u->getUrlLen();
// halt at path if we should
if ( ignoreCgi ) uend -= u->getQueryLen(); // CgiLen();
// see if we find the digits in the cgi part
bool digitsInCgi = false;
// start scanning at the path
for ( ; p < uend ; p++ ) {
if ( *p == '?' ) digitsInCgi = true;
// if not a digit, reset count
if ( ! is_digit(*p) ) { dcount = 0; continue; }
// . check if it is a "strong permalink"
// . i.e. contains /yyyy/mm/?? in PATH (not cgi)
if ( p + 9 < pend &&
*(p-1)=='/' &&
is_digit(p[0]) &&
is_digit(p[1]) &&
is_digit(p[2]) &&
is_digit(p[3]) &&
p[4] == '/' &&
is_digit(p[5]) &&
is_digit(p[6]) &&
p[7] == '/' ) {
//is_digit(p[8]) &&
//is_digit(p[9]) &&
//p[10] == '/' )
// http://www.it.com.cn/f/office/091/4/722111.htm
// was thought to have strong outlinks, but they were
// not! this should fix it...
int32_t y = atoi(p+0);
int32_t m = atoi(p+5);
// make sure the year and month are in range
if ( y >= 1990 && y <= 2050 && m >= 1 && m <= 31 )
extraFlags |= LF_STRONGPERM;
// count it if a digit
if ( ++dcount == 3 ) break;
// it can also have 2+ hyphens or 2+ underscores in a single
// path component to be a permalink
int32_t hcount = 0;
p = pathStart;
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ ) {
// if not a digit, reset count
if ( *p == '/' ) { hcount = 0; continue; }
// is it a thing?
if ( *p != '_' && *p != '-' ) continue;
// count it
if ( ++hcount == 2 ) break;
// we can have a cgi of "?p=<digit>" and be a permalink
p = u->getQuery();
bool hasp = ( p && p[0]=='p' && p[1]=='=' && is_digit(p[2]) ) ;
// fix for http://proglobalbusiness.org/?m=200806 being detected as
// a permalink... it has ?p=xxx outlinks.
if ( hasp ) extraFlags |= LF_STRONGPERM;
// return these if the caller wants them
if ( retFlags ) *retFlags = extraFlags;
// . if we don't then not a permalink
// . THIS STILL FAILS on stuff like:
// BUT we can fix that by doing url pattern analysis? yeah,
// each domain can have a tag that is the permalink subdir, so
// that any url in that subdir is a permalink.
if ( ! hasp && dcount < 3 && hcount < 2 ) {
if ( note )
*note = "path has no digits, underscores or hyphens";
return false;
// if self link check for link text "permalink" then we are
// probably very strongly a permalink
// http://www.5minutesformom.com/5225/wordless-wednesday-angel/
// has a /promote-your-site tack-on which casues the LF_SUBDIR
// algo to call the parent a NON-permalink.this should fix that
// because it has a link to itself with the word "permalink"
if ( links && links->hasSelfPermalink() ) {
if ( note ) *note = "has permalink text to itself";
return true;
// http://proglobalbusiness.org/?m=200806 is never a permalink
p = u->getQuery();
if ( p && p[0]=='m' && p[1]=='=' && is_digit(p[2]) ) {
int32_t n = atoi(p+2);
if ( n > 199000 && n < 205000 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "has ?m=<year><month> cgi";
return false;
// . if we have an internal outlink that is a permalink and is
// in a subdirectory of us, THEN we are not a permalink
// . fixes andrewsullivan.atlanticmonthly.com/the_daily_dish/
linkflags_t mf = (LF_PERMALINK | LF_SAMEHOST | LF_SUBDIR );
// loop over all outlinks
int32_t no = 0;
// make sure we got them
if ( links ) no = links->m_numLinks;
// practically all internal outlinks have LF_SUBDIR set for permalinks
// for the url http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=249453 so do not do this
// outlink algo on it on such urls! basically anytime we got our
// permalink indicator in the cgi portion of the url, do not do this
// subdir algorithm.
if ( hcount < 2 && dcount < 3 && hasp ) no = 0;
// or if we only got digits and they were in the cgi
if ( hcount < 2 && ! hasp && digitsInCgi ) no = 0;
// do the outlink loop
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; links && i < no ; i++ ) {
// get the flags
linkflags_t flags = links->m_linkFlags[i];
// skip if not a match. match the match flags = "mf"
if ( (flags & mf) != mf ) continue;
// allow /print/ "printer view" pages
//if ( strstr ( links->m_linkPtrs[i],"/print" ) ) continue;
if ( note ) *note = "has subdir permalink outlink";
// ok, we are not a permalink now
return false;
// now check for strong outlinks on same host when we are not strong
if ( links ) no = links->m_numLinks;
// if we are strong, forget it
if ( extraFlags & LF_STRONGPERM ) no = 0;
// look for strong permalink outlinks
// loop over all outlinks we have
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; links && i < no ; i++ ) {
// get the flags
linkflags_t flags = links->m_linkFlags[i];
// . if we are NOT a "strong permalink" but we have a same host
// outlink that is, then we are not a permalink
// . fixes: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/kids/
// ?CMP=OTC-0D6B48984890
if ( (flags & mf) != mf ) continue;
// allow /print/ "printer view" pages
//if ( strstr ( links->m_linkPtrs[i],"/print" ) ) continue;
if ( note ) *note = "has strong permalink outlink";
// ok, we are not a permalink now
return false;
// no permalinks for archive directories
if ( (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(),"/archive")||
u->getPathDepth(false)==0) &&
gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/index.") &&
if ( note ) *note = "has /archive and /index. and not cgi";
return false;}
// no, /tag/ is ok --> http://www.makeuseof.com/
// BUT technorati.com/tag/search-engine-optimization is not a
// permalink!!! i took technorati.com|jp out of ruleset 36 for now
// ah, but a ton of the urls have /tags/ and are NOT permalinks!!!
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/tag/")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /tag/";
return false;
// no forums or category indexes
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/category")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /category";
return false;
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/cat_")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /cat_";
return false;
// http://www.retailerdaily.com/cat/search-engine-marketing/
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/cat/")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /cat/";
return false;
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/comment.html")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /comment.html";
return false;
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/comments/")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /comments/";
return false;
const char *pos;
// category or tag page detection
pos = gb_strcasestr(u->getUrl(), "cat=");
if ( pos && pos > u->getUrl() && !is_alpha_a(*(pos-1))){
if ( note ) *note = "has [A-z]cat=";
return false;
pos = gb_strcasestr(u->getUrl(), "tag=");
if ( pos && pos > u->getUrl() && !is_alpha_a(*(pos-1))){
if ( note ) *note = "has [A-z]tag=";
return false;
pos = gb_strcasestr(u->getUrl(), "tags=");
if ( pos && pos > u->getUrl() && !is_alpha_a(*(pos-1))){
if ( note ) *note = "has [A-z]tags=";
return false;
// more forum detection
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getUrl(), "forum")){
if ( note ) *note = "has forum";
return false;
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "thread")){
if ( note ) *note = "has thread";
return false;
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "topic") &&
!gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/topics/")) {
if ( note ) *note = "has /topics/";
return false;
// more index page detection
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/default.")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /default.";
return false;
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/profile.")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /profile.";
return false;
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/archives.")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /archives.";
return false;
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "_archive.")){
if ( note ) *note = "has _archive.";
return false;
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/search.")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /search.";
return false;
if (gb_strcasestr(u->getPath(), "/search/")){
if ( note ) *note = "has /search/";
return false;
// get path end
p = u->getPath() + u->getPathLen();
plen = u->getPathLen();
// back up over index.html
if ( plen > 10 && strncmp(p-10,"index.html",10)==0 ) {
plen -= 10; p -= 10; }
// hack off the /
if ( p[-1]=='/' ) { plen--; p--; }
// ends in /trackback means not a permalink
if ( plen >= 10 && strncasecmp(p-10,"/trackback",10)==0) {
if ( note ) *note = "ends in /trackback";
return false;
// ends in /dddd/dd means usually an archive date
if ( plen >= 8 &&
is_digit(p[-1]) &&
is_digit(p[-2]) &&
p[-3] == '/' &&
is_digit(p[-4]) &&
is_digit(p[-5]) &&
is_digit(p[-6]) &&
is_digit(p[-7]) &&
p[-8] == '/' ) {
// ensure the numbers are in range for a date
int32_t year = atoi(p-7);
int32_t month = atoi(p-2);
if ( year > 1990 && year <= 2015 &&
month > 0 && month <= 12 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "ends in /dddd/dd/";
return false;
// /2008 is usually not permalink
if ( plen >= 5 &&
p[-5] == '/' &&
p[-4] == '2' &&
p[-3] == '0' &&
atoi(p-2) < 50 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "ends in year /20xx";
return false;
// /199? too
if ( plen >= 5 &&
p[-5] == '/' &&
p[-4] == '1' &&
p[-3] == '9' &&
atoi(p-2) > 90 ) {
if ( note ) *note = "ends in year /19xx";
return false;
// . look for a repetitive sequence of html tags
// . each must contain an outlink! there are some blog entries that
// have excerpts of an email chain.
// . if the repetition intersects the main content section,
// then it is an index page
// . make sure that SCORES can detect comment sections. very often
// the comment is bigger than the main section!!!!
// . or we can subtract the repetitive sections, and see if we have
// any beefy content left over... then we don't have to worry
// about comment identification
// . index tag pairs
// . look at header tags, div, p, index level # before the pair
// . find the delimeter between the blurbs
// . delimeter must touch the beefy content section
// . go by "strings" of tagids, a tagid of 0 means text i think
// but eliminate it if pure punctuation
// . and have a subtagid field, which is the hash of a tag's attributes
// BUT in the case of a text tag, a hash of the alpha chars
// . how many delimeters can we find that start at level X.
// . now we are determining
if ( note ) *note = "is permalink";
return true;
int32_t getSiteRank(int32_t sni) {
if ( sni <= 0 ) return 0;
if ( sni <= 1 ) return 1;
if ( sni <= 2 ) return 2;
if ( sni <= 3 ) return 3;
if ( sni <= 4 ) return 4;
if ( sni <= 5 ) return 5;
if ( sni <= 9 ) return 6;
if ( sni <= 19 ) return 7;
if ( sni <= 39 ) return 8;
if ( sni <= 79 ) return 9;
if ( sni <= 200-1 ) return 10;
if ( sni <= 500-1 ) return 11;
if ( sni <= 2000-1 ) return 12;
if ( sni <= 5000-1 ) return 13;
if ( sni <= 10000-1 ) return 14;
return 15;
// . get the # of words in this string
static int32_t getNumWords(const char *s, int32_t len) {
int32_t wordCount = 0;
bool inWord = false;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) {
if ( ! is_alnum_a ( s[i] ) && s[i]!='\'' ) {
inWord = false;
if ( ! inWord ) {
inWord = true;
return wordCount;