The functions didn't have anything to do with Titledb directly, and moving them out will make the static / dynamic domain-list easier to implement.
1030 lines
31 KiB
1030 lines
31 KiB
#include "Msg3a.h"
#include "Serialize.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "HashTableT.h"
#include "SearchInput.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Posdb.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "ScalingFunctions.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Lang.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "ScopedLock.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include "Docid.h"
static const int signature_init = 0xb0a05d5a;
static void gotReplyWrapper3a(void *state, void *state2);
: m_numRequests(0),
void Msg3a::constructor ( ) {
// final buf hold the final merged docids, etc.
m_finalBufSize = 0;
m_finalBuf = NULL;
m_docsToGet = 0;
m_numDocIds = 0;
m_collnums = NULL;
m_q = NULL;
// NULLify all the reply buffer ptrs
for ( int32_t j = 0; j < MAX_SHARDS; j++ )
m_reply[j] = NULL;
m_rbufPtr = NULL;
for ( int32_t j = 0; j < MAX_SHARDS; j++ )
// Coverity
m_state = NULL;
m_callback = NULL;
m_moreDocIdsAvail = false;
m_errno = 0;
m_startTime = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
m_skippedShards = 0;
m_numTotalEstimatedHits = 0;
m_pctSearched = 0.0;
m_rbufSize = 0;
memset(m_rbuf, 0, sizeof(m_rbuf));
m_debug = false;
m_docIds = NULL;
m_scores = NULL;
m_flags = NULL;
m_scoreInfos = NULL;
m_clusterRecs = NULL;
m_clusterLevels = NULL;
m_cursor = 0;
memset(m_replyMaxSize, 0, sizeof(m_replyMaxSize));
Msg3a::~Msg3a ( ) {
for ( int32_t j = 0; j < MAX_SHARDS; j++ )
void Msg3a::reset ( ) {
// . NULLify all the reply buffer ptrs
// . have to count DOWN with "i" because of the m_reply[i-1][j] check
for ( int32_t j = 0; j < MAX_SHARDS; j++ ) {
if ( ! m_reply[j] ) continue;
mfree(m_reply[j],m_replyMaxSize[j], "Msg3aR");
m_reply[j] = NULL;
for ( int32_t j = 0; j < MAX_SHARDS; j++ )
// and the buffer that holds the final docids, etc.
if ( m_finalBuf )
mfree ( m_finalBuf, m_finalBufSize, "Msg3aF" );
// free the request
if ( m_rbufPtr && m_rbufPtr != m_rbuf ) {
mfree ( m_rbufPtr , m_rbufSize, "Msg3a" );
m_rbufPtr = NULL;
m_finalBuf = NULL;
m_finalBufSize = 0;
m_docsToGet = 0;
m_errno = 0;
m_numDocIds = 0;
m_collnums = NULL;
m_numTotalEstimatedHits = 0LL;
void Msg3a::incrementRequestCount() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxCounters);
bool Msg3a::incrementReplyCount() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxCounters);
return m_numReplies==m_numRequests && !m_requestsBeingSubmitted;
bool Msg3a::allRequestsReplied() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxCounters);
return (!m_requestsBeingSubmitted) && (m_numReplies==m_numRequests);
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . "query/coll" should NOT be on the stack in case we block
// . uses Msg36 to retrieve term frequencies for each termId in query
// . sends Msg39 request to get docids from each indexdb shard
// . merges replies together
// . we print out debug info if debug is true
// . "maxAge"/"addToCache" is talking about the clusterdb cache as well
// as the indexdb cache for caching termlists read from disk on the machine
// that contains them on disk.
// . "docsToGet" is how many search results are requested
// . "useDateLists" is true if &date1=X, &date2=X or &sdate=1 was specified
// . "sortByDate" is true if we should rank the results by newest pubdate 1st
// . "soreByDateWeight" is 1.0 to do a pure sort byte date, and 0.0 to just
// sort by the regular score. however, the termlists are still read from
// datedb, so we tend to prefer fresher results.
// . [date1,date2] define a range of dates to restrict the pub dates of the
// search results to. they are -1 to indicate none.
// . "restrictIndexdbForQuery" limits termlists to the first indexdb file
// . "requireAllTerms" is true if all search results MUST contain the required
// query terms, otherwise, such results are preferred, but the result set
// will contain docs that do not have all required query terms.
// . "compoundListMaxSize" is the maximum size of the "compound" termlist
// formed in Msg2.cpp by merging together all the termlists that are UOR'ed
// together. this size is in bytes.
// . if "familyFilter" is true the results will not have their adult bits set
// . if language > 0, results will be from that language (language filter)
// . if rerankRuleset >= 0, we re-rank the docids by calling PageParser.cpp
// on the first (X in &n=X) results and getting a new score for each.
// . if "artr" is true we also call PageParser.cpp on the root url of each
// result, since the root url's quality is used to compute the quality
// of the result in Msg16::computeQuality(). This will slow things down lots.
// artr means "apply ruleset to roots".
// . if "recycleLinkInfo" is true then the rerank operation will not call
// Msg25 to recompute the inlinker information used in
// Msg16::computeQuality(), but rather deserialize it from the TitleRec.
// Computing the link info takes a lot of time as well.
bool Msg3a::getDocIds(const SearchInput *si, Query *q, void *state, void (*callback)( void *state )) {
// in case re-using it
// this should be &SearchInput::m_q
m_q = q;
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
if ( m_msg39req.m_collnum < 0 )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: bad collection. msg3a. %" PRId32, (int32_t)m_msg39req.m_collnum);
// for a sanity check in Msg39.cpp
m_msg39req.m_nqt = m_q->getNumTerms();
// we like to know if there was *any* problem even though we hide
// title recs that are not found.
m_errno = 0;
// reset this to zero in case we have error or something
m_numDocIds = 0;
// total # of estimated hits
m_numTotalEstimatedHits = 0;
// we modify this, so copy it from request
m_docsToGet = m_msg39req.m_docsToGet;
// . return now if query empty, no docids, or none wanted...
// . if query terms = 0, might have been "x AND NOT x"
if ( m_q->getNumTerms() <= 0 ) {
return true;
// . set g_errno if not found and return true
// . coll is null terminated
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_msg39req.m_collnum);
if ( ! cr ) {
g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
return true;
// query is truncated if had too many terms in it
if ( m_q->m_truncated ) {
log("query: query truncated: %s", m_q->originalQuery());
// a handy thing
m_debug = false;
if ( m_msg39req.m_debug ) m_debug = true;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery ) m_debug = true;
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingQuery ) m_debug = true;
// time how long it takes to get the term freqs
if ( m_debug ) {
// show the query terms
printTerms ( );
m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg3a: [%p] getting termFreqs.",
setTermFreqWeights(m_msg39req.m_collnum, m_q, m_msg39req.m_baseScoringParameters.m_termFreqWeightFreqMin, m_msg39req.m_baseScoringParameters.m_termFreqWeightFreqMax,
m_msg39req.m_baseScoringParameters.m_termFreqWeightMin, m_msg39req.m_baseScoringParameters.m_termFreqWeightMax);
if ( m_debug ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numTerms ; i++ ) {
// get the term in utf8
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[i];
// this term freq is estimated from the rdbmap and
// does not hit disk...
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: term #%" PRId32" \"%*.*s\" "
"termid=%" PRId64" termFreq=%" PRId64" termFreqWeight=%.03f",
// time how long to get each shard's docids
m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// reset replies received count
m_numReplies = 0;
m_skippedShards = 0;
// shortcut
int32_t n = m_q->m_numTerms;
// set the Msg39 request
// free if we should
if ( m_rbufPtr && m_rbufPtr != m_rbuf ) {
mfree ( m_rbufPtr , m_rbufSize , "Msg3a");
m_rbufPtr = NULL;
float tfw [ABS_MAX_QUERY_TERMS];
for ( int32_t j = 0; j < n ; j++ ) {
// get the jth query term
QueryTerm *qt = &m_q->m_qterms[j];
// serialize these too
tfw[j] = qt->m_termFreqWeight;
// serialize this
m_msg39req.ptr_termFreqWeights = (char *)tfw;//m_termFreqWeights;
m_msg39req.size_termFreqWeights = 4 * n;
// store query into request, might have changed since we called
// Query::expandQuery() above
m_msg39req.ptr_query = const_cast<char*>(m_q->originalQuery()); //we won't modify it
m_msg39req.size_query = strlen(m_q->originalQuery())+1;
// free us?
if ( m_rbufPtr && m_rbufPtr != m_rbuf ) {
mfree ( m_rbufPtr , m_rbufSize, "Msg3a" );
m_rbufPtr = NULL;
// . (re)serialize the request
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
// . "m_rbuf" is a local storage space that can save a malloc
// . do not "makePtrsRefNewBuf" because if we do that and this gets
// called a 2nd time because m_getWeights got set to 0, then we
// end up copying over ourselves.
m_rbufPtr = serializeMsg ( sizeof(Msg39Request),
&m_rbufSize ,
m_rbuf ,
if ( ! m_rbufPtr ) return true;
// how many seconds since our main process was started?
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
long elapsed = (now - g_stats.m_startTime) / 1000;
// end formulating the Msg39 request
//todo: scale the get-doc-ids timeout according to number of query terms
int64_t timeout = multicast_msg3a_default_timeout;
// override? this is USUALLY -1, but DupDectector.cpp needs it
// high because it is a spider time thing.
if ( m_msg39req.m_timeout > 0 ) {
timeout = m_msg39req.m_timeout;
timeout += g_conf.m_msg3a_msg39_network_overhead;
if ( timeout > multicast_msg3a_maximum_timeout ) {
timeout = multicast_msg3a_maximum_timeout;
int64_t qh = m_q->getQueryHash();
int32_t totalNumShards = g_hostdb.getNumShards();
// only send to one host?
if ( ! m_q->isSplit() ) {
totalNumShards = 1;
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxCounters);
if(m_requestsBeingSubmitted) gbshutdownLogicError();
m_requestsBeingSubmitted = true;
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
// now we run it over ALL hosts that are up!
for(int32_t shardNum = 0; shardNum < totalNumShards; shardNum++ ) {
// get that host
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHostWithQueryingEnabled(shardNum);
// if not a full split, just round robin the group, i am not
// going to sweat over performance on non-fully split indexes
// because they suck really bad anyway compared to full
// split indexes. "gid" is already set if we are not split.
int32_t firstHostId = h->m_hostId;
// if we are a non-split query, like gbdom:xyz.com just send
// to the host that has the first termid local. it will call
// msg2 to download all termlists. msg2 should be smart
// enough to download the "non split" termlists over the net.
// TODO: fix msg2 to do that...
if ( ! m_q->isSplit() ) {
int64_t tid = m_q->getTermId(0);
key144_t k;
Posdb::makeKey ( &k ,
0LL, // docid
0, // dist
MAXDENSITYRANK, // density rank
MAXDIVERSITYRANK, // diversity rank
MAXWORDSPAMRANK, // wordspamrank
0, // siterank
0, // hashgroup
// we set to docLang in final hash loop
langUnknown,// langid
0, // multiplier
0, // syn?
false , // delkey?
false ); // sharded by termid
// split = false! do not split
//gid = getGroupId ( RDB_POSDB,&k,false);
shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNumByTermId(&k);
firstHostId = -1;
// debug log
if ( m_debug ) {
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: Msg3a[%p]: forwarding request "
"of query=%s to shard %" PRIu32".",
this, m_q->getQuery(), shardNum);
// send to this guy
Multicast *m = &m_mcast[shardNum];
// clear it for transmit
// if all hosts in group dead, just skip it!
if ( g_hostdb.isShardDead ( shardNum ) ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"msg3a: skipping dead shard # %i (elapsed=%li)", (int)shardNum, elapsed);
if ( si && !si->m_askOtherShards && h!=g_hostdb.getMyHost()) {
// . send out a msg39 request to each shard
// . multicasts to a host in group "groupId"
// . we always block waiting for the reply with a multicast
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . sends the request to fastest host in group "groupId"
// . if that host takes more than about 5 secs then sends to
// next host
// . key should be largest termId in group we're sending to
if(m->send(m_rbufPtr, m_rbufSize, msg_type_39, false, shardNum, false, (int32_t)qh, this, m, gotReplyWrapper3a, timeout, m_msg39req.m_niceness, firstHostId, true))
//successfully sent
} else {
// . this serious error should make the whole query fail
// . must allow other replies to come in though, so keep going
log("query: Multicast Msg3a had error: %s", mstrerror(g_errno));
m_errno = g_errno;
g_errno = 0;
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxCounters);
m_requestsBeingSubmitted = false;
//if we have outstanding requests then return false (a callback will be called)
return false;
// . otherwise, we did not block... error?
// . it must have been an error or just no new lists available!!
// . if we call gotAllShardReplies() here, and we were called by
// mergeLists() we end up calling mergeLists() again... bad. so
// just return true in that case.
//return gotAllShardReplies();
return true;
static void gotReplyWrapper3a(void *state, void *state2) {
Msg3a *THIS = (Msg3a *)state;
Multicast *m = (Multicast *)state2;
void Msg3a::gotReply(Multicast *m) {
// update host table
Host *h = m->m_replyingHost;
// update time
int64_t endTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// timestamp log
if ( m_debug )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg3a: [%p] got reply #%" PRId32" (of %" PRId32") in %" PRId64" ms. Hostid=%" PRId32". err=%s",
endTime - m_startTime,
h ? h->m_hostId : -1,
mstrerror(g_errno) );
if ( g_errno )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"msg3a: error reply. [%p] got reply #%" PRId32". Hostid=%" PRId32". err=%s",
this, m_numReplies,
h ? h->m_hostId : -1,
mstrerror(g_errno) );
// if one shard times out, ignore it!
if ( g_errno == EQUERYTRUNCATED || g_errno == EUDPTIMEDOUT )
g_errno = 0;
// record it
if ( g_errno && ! m_errno )
m_errno = g_errno;
// i guess h is NULL on error?
if ( h ) {
// how long did it take from the launch of request until now
// for host "h" to give us the docids?
int64_t delta = (endTime - m->m_replyLaunchTime);
// . sanity check
// . ntpd can screw with our local time and make this negative
if ( delta >= 0 ) {
// count the shards
// accumulate the times so we can do an average display
// in PageHosts.cpp.
h->m_splitTimes += delta;
// update count of how many replies we got
bool done = incrementReplyCount();
return; //still more to go
// return if gotAllShardReplies() blocked
if ( ! gotAllShardReplies( ) )
// set g_errno i guess so parent knows
if ( m_errno )
g_errno = m_errno;
// call callback if we did not block, since we're here. all done.
bool Msg3a::gotAllShardReplies ( ) {
// if any of the shard requests had an error, give up and set m_errno
// but don't set if for non critical errors like query truncation
if ( m_errno ) {
g_errno = m_errno;
return true;
// also reset the finalbuf and the oldNumTopDocIds
if ( m_finalBuf ) {
mfree ( m_finalBuf, m_finalBufSize, "Msg3aF" );
m_finalBuf = NULL;
m_finalBufSize = 0;
// update our estimated total hits
m_numTotalEstimatedHits = 0;
double pctSearchedSum = 0.0;
for(int32_t shardNum = 0; shardNum < g_hostdb.getNumShards(); shardNum++ ) {
// get that host that gave us the reply
//Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
// . get the reply from multicast
// . multicast should have destroyed all slots, but saved reply
// . we are responsible for freeing the reply
// . we need to call this even if g_errno or m_errno is
// set so we can free the replies in Msg3a::reset()
// . if we don't call getBestReply() on it multicast should
// free it, because Multicast::m_ownReadBuf is still true
Multicast *m = &m_mcast[shardNum];
bool freeit = false;
int32_t replySize = 0;
int32_t replyMaxSize;
// . only get it if the reply not already full
// . if reply already processed, skip
// . perhaps it had no more docids to give us or all termlists
// were exhausted on its disk and this is a re-call
// . we have to re-process it for count m_numTotalEstHits, etc.
char *rbuf = m->getBestReply(&replySize,
true); //stealIt?
// . we must be able to free it... we must own it
// . this is true if we should free it, but we should not have
// to free it since it is owned by the slot?
if ( freeit ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg3a: Steal failed.");
// bad reply?
if(rbuf==NULL) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg3a: Bad reply (null) from shard #%d. Dead? Timeout? OOM?", shardNum);
m_reply [shardNum] = NULL;
m_replyMaxSize[shardNum] = 0;
// it might have been timed out, just ignore it!!
if((size_t)replySize < sizeof(Msg39Reply)) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg3a: Too short reply (size=%d) from shard #%d (host %d)",
replySize, shardNum,
m_mcast[shardNum].m_replyingHost ? m_mcast[shardNum].m_replyingHost->m_hostId : -1);
m_reply [shardNum] = NULL;
m_replyMaxSize[shardNum] = 0;
mfree(rbuf, replyMaxSize, "Multicast");
// it might have been timed out, just ignore it!!
// in case of mem leak, re-label from "mcast" to this so we
// can determine where it came from, "Msg3a-GBR"
relabel( rbuf, replyMaxSize , "Msg3a-GBR" );
// cast it
Msg39Reply *mr = (Msg39Reply *)rbuf;
// can this be non-null? we shouldn't be overwriting one
// without freeing it...
if ( m_reply[shardNum] )
// note the mem leak now
log(LOG_WARN,"query: mem leaking a 0x39 reply");
// cast it and set it
m_reply [shardNum] = mr;
m_replyMaxSize[shardNum] = replyMaxSize;
// sanity check
if ( mr->m_nqt != m_q->getNumTerms() ) {
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
m_errno = EBADREPLY;
log("query: msg3a: Shard reply qterms=%" PRId32" != %" PRId32".",
(int32_t)mr->m_nqt,(int32_t)m_q->getNumTerms() );
return true;
// return if shard had an error, but not for a non-critical
// error like query truncation
if ( mr->m_errno && mr->m_errno != EQUERYTRUNCATED ) {
g_errno = mr->m_errno;
m_errno = mr->m_errno;
log("query: msg3a: Shard had error: %s",
return true;
// deserialize it (just sets the ptr_ and size_ member vars)
int deserializedBytes = deserializeMsg(sizeof(Msg39Reply),
((char*)mr) + sizeof(*mr));
if(deserializedBytes != replySize) {
log(LOG_WARN, "query: msg3a: Shard had error: %s", mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
// add of the total hits from each shard, this is how many
// total results the lastest shard is estimated to be able to
// return
// . THIS should now be exact since we read all termlists
// of posdb...
m_numTotalEstimatedHits += mr->m_estimatedHits;
pctSearchedSum += mr->m_pctSearched;
// debug log stuff
if ( ! m_debug ) continue;
// cast these for printing out
int64_t *docIds = (int64_t *)mr->ptr_docIds;
double *scores = (double *)mr->ptr_scores;
const unsigned *flags = (const unsigned*)mr->ptr_flags;
// print out every docid in this shard reply
for ( int32_t j = 0; j < mr->m_numDocIds ; j++ ) {
// print out score_t
logf( LOG_DEBUG,
"query: msg3a: [%p] %03d shard=%d docId=%012" PRIu64" domHash=0x%02x score=%f flags=0x%04x",
j, shardNum,
m_pctSearched = pctSearchedSum/m_numRequests;
// this seems to always return true!
mergeLists ( );
return true;
// . merge all the replies together
// . put final merged docids into m_docIds[],m_bitScores[],m_scores[],...
// . this calls Msg51 to get cluster levels when done merging
// . Msg51 remembers clusterRecs from previous call to avoid repeating lookups
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno and returns true on error
bool Msg3a::mergeLists() {
// time how long the merge takes
if(m_debug) {
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "query: msg3a: --- Final DocIds --- " );
m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// reset our final docids count here in case we are a re-call
m_numDocIds = 0;
// a secondary count, how many unique docids we scanned, and not
// necessarily added to the m_docIds[] array
//m_totalDocCount = 0; // int32_t docCount = 0;
m_moreDocIdsAvail = true;
if(m_numRequests > MAX_SHARDS) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
if(m_docsToGet <= 0) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// . point to the various docids, etc. in each shard reply
// . tcPtr = term count. how many required query terms does the doc
// have? formerly called topExplicits in IndexTable2.cpp
int64_t *diPtr [MAX_SHARDS];
double *rsPtr [MAX_SHARDS];
unsigned *flagsPtr[MAX_SHARDS];
key96_t *ksPtr [MAX_SHARDS];
int64_t *diEnd [MAX_SHARDS];
for(int32_t j = 0; j < g_hostdb.getNumShards(); j++) {
if(Msg39Reply *mr =m_reply[j]) {
diPtr[j] = (int64_t*)mr->ptr_docIds;
rsPtr[j] = (double*) mr->ptr_scores;
flagsPtr[j] = (unsigned*)mr->ptr_flags;
ksPtr[j] = (key96_t*)mr->ptr_clusterRecs;
diEnd[j] = (int64_t*)(mr->ptr_docIds + mr->m_numDocIds * 8);
} else {
// if we have gbdocid:| in query this could be NULL
diPtr[j] = NULL;
diEnd[j] = NULL;
rsPtr[j] = NULL;
flagsPtr[j] = NULL;
ksPtr[j] = NULL;
// clear if we had it
if(m_finalBuf) {
mfree(m_finalBuf, m_finalBufSize, "Msg3aF" );
m_finalBuf = NULL;
m_finalBufSize = 0;
// . how much do we need to store final merged docids, etc.?
// . docid=8 score=4 bitScore=1 clusterRecs=key96_t clusterLevls=1
int32_t nd1 = m_docsToGet;
int32_t nd2 = 0;
for(int32_t j = 0; j < g_hostdb.getNumShards(); j++) {
if(Msg39Reply *mr = m_reply[j])
nd2 += mr->m_numDocIds;
// pick the min docid count from the above two methods
int32_t nd = nd1;
if(nd2 < nd1)
nd = nd2;
int32_t need = nd * (8+sizeof(double)+sizeof(unsigned)+
sizeof(key96_t)+sizeof(DocIdScore *)+1);
if(need < 0) {
log("msg3a: need is %i, nd = %i is too many docids",
return true;
// allocate it
m_finalBuf = (char *)mmalloc(need , "finalBuf" );
m_finalBufSize = need;
// g_errno should be set if this fails
return true;
// hook into it
char *p = m_finalBuf;
m_docIds = (int64_t*) p; p += nd * 8;
m_scores = (double*) p; p += nd * sizeof(double);
m_flags = (unsigned*) p; p += nd * sizeof(unsigned);
m_clusterRecs = (key96_t*) p; p += nd * sizeof(key96_t);
m_clusterLevels = (char*) p; p += nd * 1;
m_scoreInfos = (DocIdScore**)p; p+=nd*sizeof(DocIdScore *);
// sanity check
char *pend = m_finalBuf + need;
if(p != pend) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// hash table for doing site clustering, provided we
// are fully split and we got the site recs now
HashTableT<int64_t,int32_t> htable2;
if(m_msg39req.m_doSiteClustering && !htable2.set (nd*2))
return true;
// ***MERGE ALL SHARDS INTO m_docIds[], etc.***
// . merge all lists in m_replyDocIds[splitNum]
// . we may be re-called later after m_docsToGet is increased
// if too many docids were clustered/filtered out after the call
// to Msg51.
do {
// the winning docid will be diPtr[maxj]
int32_t maxj = -1;
// get the next highest-scoring docids from all shard termlists
for(int32_t j = 0; j < g_hostdb.getNumShards(); j++) {
// . skip exhausted lists
// . these both should be NULL if reply was skipped because
// we did a gbdocid:| query
if(diPtr[j] >= diEnd[j]) {
// compare the score
if(maxj == -1) {
maxj = j;
if(*rsPtr[j] < *rsPtr[maxj]) {
if(*rsPtr[j] > *rsPtr[maxj]) {
maxj = j;
// prefer lower docids on top
if(*diPtr[j] < *diPtr[maxj]) {
maxj = j;
if(maxj == -1) {
m_moreDocIdsAvail = false;
goto doneMerge;
// only do this logic if we have clusterdb recs included
if(m_msg39req.m_doSiteClustering &&
// if the clusterLevel was set to CR_*errorCode* then this key
// will be 0, so in that case, it might have been a not found
// or whatever, so let it through regardless
(ksPtr[maxj]->n0 != 0LL || ksPtr[maxj]->n1 != 0))
// if family filter on and is adult...
if(m_msg39req.m_familyFilter &&
Clusterdb::hasAdultContent(ksPtr[maxj]) )
goto skip;
// get the hostname hash, a int64_t
int32_t sh = Clusterdb::getSiteHash26(ksPtr[maxj]);
// do we have enough from this hostname already?
int32_t slot = htable2.getSlot(sh );
// if this hostname already visible, do not over-display it...
if(slot >= 0) {
// get the count
int32_t val = htable2.getValueFromSlot(slot );
// . if already 2 or more, give up
// . if the site hash is 0, that usually means a
// "not found" in clusterdb, and the accompanying
// cluster level would be set as such, but since we
// did not copy the cluster levels over in the merge
// algo above, we don't know for sure... cluster recs
// are set to 0 in the Msg39.cpp clustering.
if(sh && val >= 2)
goto skip;
// if only allowing one...
if(sh && val >= 1 && m_msg39req.m_hideAllClustered)
goto skip;
// inc the count
// store it
htable2.setValue(slot , val );
// . add it, this should be pre-allocated!
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
else if(! htable2.addKey(sh,1))
return true;
// always inc this
// only do this if we need more
if(m_numDocIds < m_docsToGet) {
// get DocIdScore class for this docid
Msg39Reply *mr = m_reply[maxj];
// point to the array of DocIdScores
DocIdScore *ds = (DocIdScore *)mr->ptr_scoreInfo;
int32_t nds = mr->size_scoreInfo/sizeof(DocIdScore);
DocIdScore *dp = NULL;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < nds; i++) {
if(ds[i].m_docId == *diPtr[maxj]) {
dp = &ds[i];
// add the max to the final merged lists
m_docIds[m_numDocIds] = *diPtr[maxj];
// wtf?
if(!dp) {
// this is empty if no scoring info
// supplied!
log("msg3a: CRAP! got empty score info for d=%" PRId64,
// point to the single DocIdScore for this docid
m_scoreInfos[m_numDocIds] = dp;
// reset this just in case
if(dp) {
dp->m_singleScores = NULL;
dp->m_pairScores = NULL;
// now fix DocIdScore::m_pairScores and m_singleScores
// ptrs so they reference into the
// Msg39Reply::ptr_pairScoreBuf and ptr_singleSingleBuf
// like they should. it seems we do not free the
// Msg39Replies so we should be ok referencing them.
if(dp && dp->m_singlesOffset >= 0)
dp->m_singleScores =
if(dp && dp->m_pairsOffset >= 0)
dp->m_pairScores =
(PairScore*) (mr->ptr_pairScoreBuf +dp->m_pairsOffset);
// turn it into a float, that is what rscore_t is.
// we do this to make it easier for PostQueryRerank.cpp
m_flags[m_numDocIds] = *flagsPtr[maxj];
m_clusterRecs[m_numDocIds]= *ksPtr[maxj];
// point to next available slot to add to
// if it has ALL the required query terms, count it
//if(*bsPtr[maxj] & 0x60 ) m_numAbove++;
// increment the shard pointers from which we took the max
// get the next highest docid and add it in
} while(m_numDocIds < m_docsToGet);
if(m_debug) {
// show how long it took
logf( LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg3a: [%p] merged %" PRId32" docs from %d replies in %" PRIu64" ms. ",
m_numDocIds, m_numReplies,
gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - m_startTime
// show the final merged docids
for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_numDocIds; i++) {
int32_t sh = 0;
if(m_msg39req.m_doSiteClustering )
// print out score_t
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg3a: [%p] %03d) merged docId=%012" PRIu64" score=%f flags=0x%04x hosthash=0x%x",
// if we had a full split, we should have gotten the cluster recs
// from each shard already
memset(m_clusterLevels , CR_OK , m_numDocIds );
return true;
void Msg3a::printTerms ( ) {
// loop over all query terms
int32_t n = m_q->getNumTerms();
// do the loop
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
int64_t tid = m_q->m_qterms[i].m_termId;
const char *s = m_q->m_qterms[i].m_term;
if ( ! s ) {
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: term #%d <notstored> (%" PRIu64")", i, tid);
} else {
int32_t slen = m_q->m_qterms[i].m_termLen;
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: term #%d \"%.*s\" (%" PRIu64")", i, slen,s, tid);
static float getTermFreqWeight(int64_t termFreq, int64_t numDocsInColl, float termFreqWeightFreqMin, float termFreqWeightFreqMax, float termFreqWeightMin, float termFreqWeightMax) {
return scale_linear(((float)termFreq)/numDocsInColl, termFreqWeightFreqMin, termFreqWeightFreqMax, termFreqWeightMax, termFreqWeightMin);
return 1.0; //whatever...
void setTermFreqWeights ( collnum_t collnum , Query *q, float termFreqWeightFreqMin, float termFreqWeightFreqMax, float termFreqWeightMin, float termFreqWeightMax) {
int64_t numDocsInColl = 0;
RdbBase *base = getRdbBase ( RDB_CLUSTERDB, collnum );
if ( base ) numDocsInColl = base->estimateNumGlobalRecs();
// issue? set it to 1000 if so
if ( numDocsInColl < 0 ) {
log("query: Got num docs in coll of %" PRId64" < 0",numDocsInColl);
// avoid divide by zero below
numDocsInColl = 1;
// now get term freqs again, like the good old days
// just use rdbmap to estimate!
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < q->getNumTerms(); i++ ) {
QueryTerm *qt = &q->m_qterms[i];
// GET THE TERMFREQ for setting weights
int64_t tf = g_posdb.getTermFreq ( collnum ,qt->m_termId);
qt->m_termFreq = tf;
float tfw = getTermFreqWeight(tf,numDocsInColl, termFreqWeightFreqMin, termFreqWeightFreqMax, termFreqWeightMin, termFreqWeightMax);
qt->m_termFreqWeight = tfw;