2018-05-22 14:28:46 +02:00

158 lines
4.7 KiB

#ifndef GB_MSG3A_H_
#define GB_MSG3A_H_
#include "Msg39.h"
#include "Multicast.h"
#include "GbSignature.h"
class SearchInput;
class Query;
void setTermFreqWeights ( collnum_t collnum , Query *q, float termFreqWeightFreqMin, float termFreqWeightFreqMax, float termFreqWeightMin, float termFreqWeightMax);
#define MAX_SHARDS 1024
// ALWAYS get at least 20 docids so we can do better ranking
#define MIN_DOCS_TO_GET 20
#define RBUF_SIZE 2048
class DocIdScore;
class Msg3a {
void constructor();
void reset ( );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . "query/coll/docIds" should NOT be on the stack in case we block
// . uses Query class to parse query
// . uses Indexdb class to intersect the lists to get results
// . fills docIds buf with the resulting docIds
// . sets *numDocIds to the # of resulting docIds
// . if restrictindexdbForQuery is true we only read docIds from
// indexdb root file
// . this might ADJUST m_si->m_q.m_termFreqs[] to be more accurate
// . NOTE: Msg39Request MUST NOT BE ON THE STACK! keep it persistent!
bool getDocIds ( const SearchInput *si,
Query *q ,
void *state ,
void (* callback) ( void *state ));
// Msg40 calls this to get Query m_q to pass to Summary class
Query *getQuery() { return m_q ; }
const Query *getQuery() const { return m_q ; }
// Msg40 calls these to get the data pointing into the reply
int64_t *getDocIds() { return m_docIds; }
const int64_t *getDocIds() const { return m_docIds; }
char *getClusterLevels() { return m_clusterLevels; }
const char *getClusterLevels() const { return m_clusterLevels; }
// we basically turn the scores we get from each msg39 split into
// floats (rscore_t) and store them as floats so that PostQueryRerank
// has an easier time
double *getScores() { return m_scores; }
const double *getScores() const { return m_scores; }
int32_t getNumDocIds() const { return m_numDocIds; }
const unsigned *getFlags() const { return m_flags; }
DocIdScore * const * getScoreInfos() { return (DocIdScore * const *)m_scoreInfos; }
const DocIdScore * const * getScoreInfos() const { return (DocIdScore * const *)m_scoreInfos; }
void printTerms ( ) ;
// . estimates based on m_termFreqs, m_termSigns and m_numTerms
// . received in reply
int64_t getNumTotalEstimatedHits() const {
return m_numTotalEstimatedHits; }
// called when we got a reply of docIds
bool gotAllShardReplies ( );
bool mergeLists ( );
// incoming parameters passed to Msg39::getDocIds() function
Query *m_q;
int32_t m_docsToGet;
void *m_state;
void (*m_callback ) ( void *state );
// set by Msg3a initially
//int32_t m_indexdbSplit;
bool m_moreDocIdsAvail;
// this is set if IndexTable::addLists() had an error
int32_t m_errno;
// this is now in here so Msg40 can send out one Msg3a per
// collection if it wants to search an entire token
Msg39Request m_msg39req;
// a multicast class to send the request, one for each split
Multicast m_mcast[MAX_SHARDS];
// for timing how long things take
int64_t m_startTime;
// this buffer should be big enough to hold all requests
//char m_request [MAX_MSG39_REQUEST_SIZE * MAX_SHARDS];
int32_t m_skippedShards;
// . # estimated total hits
int64_t m_numTotalEstimatedHits;
// estimated percentage of index searched of the desired scope
// unresponsive shards count as 0.0 toward the global estimate
double m_pctSearched;
// we have one request that we send to each split
char *m_rbufPtr;
int32_t m_rbufSize;
char m_rbuf [ RBUF_SIZE ];
// each split gives us a reply
class Msg39Reply *m_reply [MAX_SHARDS];
int32_t m_replyMaxSize[MAX_SHARDS];
bool m_debug;
// final merged lists go here
int64_t *m_docIds ;
double *m_scores ;
unsigned *m_flags;
class DocIdScore **m_scoreInfos ;
key96_t *m_clusterRecs ;
char *m_clusterLevels ;
// this is new
collnum_t *m_collnums;
int32_t m_numDocIds ;
// the above ptrs point into this buffer
char *m_finalBuf;
int32_t m_finalBufSize;
// when merging this list of docids into a final list keep
// track of the cursor into m_docIds[]
int32_t m_cursor;
void gotReply(Multicast *m);
bool incrementReplyCount();
void incrementRequestCount();
bool allRequestsReplied();
int32_t m_numRequests;
int32_t m_numReplies;
bool m_requestsBeingSubmitted;
GbMutex m_mtxCounters; //protects the two counters and flag above
#endif // GB_MSG3A_H