367 lines
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367 lines
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// Matt Wells, copyright Sep 2000
// . the core database class, we have one of these for each collection and
// pointer to them are stored in the new "Rdb" class
// . records stored on disk ordered by lowest key first
// . allows simple key-based record retrieval
// . uses non-blocking i/o with callbacks
// . thread UNsafe for maximum speed
// . has a "groupMask" that allows us to split db between multiple Rdb's
// . uses BigFile class to support files bigger than 2gb
// . can instantly delete records in memory
// . deletes records on disk by re-writing them to disk with key low bit CLEAR
// . we merge files (non-blocking operation) into 1 file to save on disk seeks
// . adding a record with the same key as an existing one we will replace it
// unless you set dedup to false which is yet to be supported
// . when mem is low dumps records from tree to disk, frees as it dumps
// . has a key-to-diskOffset/dataSize map in memory (good for small records)
// for mapping a file of records on disk
// . this key-to-offset map takes up sizeof(key96_t)+ bytes per disk page
// . we can map .8 gigs of disk with 1 meg of mem (using page size of 8k)
// . memory is only freed by the Mem.h class when it finds it's running out
// . addRecord will only return false if there's some lack of memory problems
// . we can only dump the RdbTree to disk if it's using at least "minMem" or
// we are shutting down and Rdb::close() was called
#ifndef GB_RDBBASE_H
#define GB_RDBBASE_H
#include "RdbDump.h"
#include "Msg3.h" // MAX_RDB_FILES definition
#include "RdbIndex.h"
#include "GbThreadQueue.h"
#include "rdbid_t.h"
#include "collnum_t.h"
#include "GbMutex.h"
class RdbBuckets;
class RdbTree;
class CollectionRec;
class RdbBase {
RdbBase ( );
~RdbBase ( );
// . the more memory the tree has the less file merging required
// . when a slot's key is ANDed with "groupMask" the result must equal
// "groupId" in order to be in this database
// . "minMem" is how much mem must be used before considering dumping
// the RdbTree (our unbalanced btree) to disk
// . you can fix the dataSize of all records in this rdb by setting
// "fixedDataSize"
// . if "maskKeyLowLong" we mask the lower int32_t of the key and then
// compare that to the groupId to see if the record belongs
// . this is currently just used by Spiderdb
// . otherwise, we mask the high int32_t in the key
bool init ( const char *dir, // working directory
const char *dbname, // "indexdb","tagdb",...
int32_t fixedDataSize ,
int32_t minToMerge ,
bool useHalfKeys ,
char keySize ,
int32_t pageSize ,
const char *coll ,
collnum_t collnum ,
RdbTree *tree ,
RdbBuckets *buckets ,
Rdb *rdb ,
bool useIndexFile);
void saveMaps ();
void saveIndexes();
void saveTreeIndex();
int32_t getFixedDataSize() const { return m_fixedDataSize; }
bool useHalfKeys() const { return m_useHalfKeys; }
RdbIndex *getTreeIndex() {
if (m_useIndexFile) {
return &m_treeIndex;
return NULL;
void clearTreeIndex() { m_treeIndex.clear(); }
collnum_t getCollnum() const { return m_collnum; }
const char *getDbName() const { return m_dbname; }
docidsconst_ptr_t getGlobalIndex();
// how much mem is allocated for our maps?
int64_t getMapMemAllocated() const;
int32_t getNumFiles() const;
// sum of all parts of all big files
int32_t getNumSmallFiles() const;
int64_t getDiskSpaceUsed() const;
uint64_t getSpaceNeededForMerge(int startFileNum, int numFiles) const;
// returns -1 if variable (variable dataSize)
int32_t getRecSize ( ) const {
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) return -1;
return m_ks + m_fixedDataSize;
// use the maps and tree to estimate the size of this list
int64_t estimateListSize(const char *startKey, const char *endKey, char *maxKey,
int64_t oldTruncationLimit) const;
// positive minus negative
int64_t getNumTotalRecs() const;
int64_t estimateNumGlobalRecs() const;
// private:
int32_t getMinToMerge(const CollectionRec *cr, rdbid_t rdbId, int32_t minToMergeOverride) const;
// returns true if merge was started, false if no merge could
// be launched right now for some reason.
bool attemptMerge ( int32_t niceness , bool forceMergeAll ,
// -1 means to not override it
int32_t minToMergeOverride = -1 );
// called after merge completed
void incorporateMerge ( );
// . you'll lose your data in this class if you call this
void reset();
// . set the m_files, m_fileMaps, m_fileIds arrays and m_numFiles
bool setFiles ( ) ;
bool verifyFileSharding ( );
// . add a (new) file to the m_files/m_maps/m_fileIds arrays
// . return array position we added it to
// . return -1 and set errno on error
int32_t addNewFile(int32_t *fileIdPtr);
void markNewFileReadable();
int32_t getFileId(int32_t n);
BigFile* getFile(int32_t n);
BigFile* getFileById(int32_t fileId);
int32_t isRootFile(int32_t n) const;
RdbMap* getMap(int32_t n);
RdbMap* getMapById(int32_t fileId);
RdbIndex *getIndex(int32_t n);
bool isReadable(int32_t n) const;
// these are used for computing load on a machine
bool isMerging() const { return m_isMerging; }
// bury m_files[] in [a,b)
void buryFiles ( int32_t a , int32_t b );
// PageRepair indirectly calls this to move the map and data of this
// rdb into the trash subdir after renaming them, because they will
// be replaced by the rebuilt files.
bool moveToTrash(const char *dstDir);
// PageRepair indirectly calls this to rename the map and data files
// of a secondary/rebuilt rdb to the filenames of the primary rdb.
// after that, RdbBase::setFiles() is called to reload them into
// the primary rdb. this is called after moveToTrash() is called for
// the primary rdb.
bool removeRebuildFromFilenames ( ) ;
//unlink all data, map and index files.
bool unlink();
void forceNextMerge() { m_nextMergeForced = true; }
void setDumpingFileId(int n) { m_dumpingFileId = n; }
int getDumpingFileId() const { return m_dumpingFileId; }
bool parseFilename( const char* filename, int32_t *p_fileId, int32_t *p_fileId2,
int32_t *p_mergeNum, int32_t *p_endMergeFileId );
// . we try to minimize the number of files to minimize disk seeks
// . records that end up as not found will hit all these files
// . when we get "m_minToMerge" or more files a merge kicks in
// . TODO: merge should combine just the smaller files... kinda
// . files are sorted by fileId
// . older files are listed first (lower fileIds)
// . filenames should include the directory (full filenames)
// . TODO: RdbMgr should control what rdb gets merged?
struct FileInfo {
BigFile *m_file;
int32_t m_fileId;
int32_t m_fileId2; // for titledb/tfndb linking
RdbMap *m_map;
RdbIndex *m_index;
bool m_allowReads;
bool m_pendingGenerateIndex;
} m_fileInfo[MAX_RDB_FILES + 1];
int32_t m_numFiles;
mutable GbMutex m_mtxFileInfo; //protects modification of m_fileInfo/m_numFiles
// mapping of docId to file
// key format
// dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd d = docId
// dddddd.Z ........ ffffffff ffffffff Z = delBit
// f = fileIndex
docids_ptr_t m_docIdFileIndex;
GbMutex m_docIdFileIndexMtx;
static bool initializeGlobalIndexThread();
static void finalizeGlobalIndexThread();
static void generateGlobalIndex(void *item);
struct ThreadQueueItem {
ThreadQueueItem(RdbBase *base, std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, docidsconst_ptr_t>> docIdFileIndexes, bool markFileReadable, int32_t fileId)
: m_base(base)
, m_docIdFileIndexes(docIdFileIndexes)
, m_markFileReadable(markFileReadable)
, m_fileId(fileId) {
RdbBase *m_base;
std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, docidsconst_ptr_t>> m_docIdFileIndexes;
bool m_markFileReadable;
int32_t m_fileId;
void submitGlobalIndexJob(bool markFileReadable, int32_t fileId);
void submitGlobalIndexJob_unlocked(bool markFileReadable, int32_t fileId);
bool hasPendingGlobalIndexJob();
void generateGlobalIndex();
void printGlobalIndex();
static const char s_docIdFileIndex_docIdOffset = 24;
static const char s_docIdFileIndex_docIdDelKeyOffset = 26;
static const uint64_t s_docIdFileIndex_docIdMask = 0xfffffffffc000000ULL;
static const uint64_t s_docIdFileIndex_delBitMask = 0x0000000001000000ULL;
static const uint64_t s_docIdFileIndex_filePosMask = 0x000000000000ffffULL;
std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, docidsconst_ptr_t>> prepareGlobalIndexJob(bool markFileReadable, int32_t fileId);
std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, docidsconst_ptr_t>> prepareGlobalIndexJob_unlocked(bool markFileReadable, int32_t fileId);
void selectFilesToMerge(int32_t mergeNum, int32_t numFiles, int32_t *p_mini);
bool hasFileId(int32_t fildId) const;
void generateFilename(char *buf, size_t bufsize, int32_t fileId, int32_t fileId2, int32_t mergeNum, int32_t endMergeFileId, const char *extension);
void generateDataFilename(char *buf, size_t bufsize, int32_t fileId, int32_t fileId2, int32_t mergeNum, int32_t endMergeFileId) {
void generateMapFilename(char *buf, size_t bufsize, int32_t fileId, int32_t /*fileId2*/, int32_t mergeNum, int32_t endMergeFileId) {
void generateIndexFilename(char *buf, size_t bufsize, int32_t fileId, int32_t /*fileId2*/, int32_t mergeNum, int32_t endMergeFileId) {
bool cleanupAnyChrashedMerges(bool doDryrun, bool *anyCrashedMerges);
bool loadFilesFromDir(const char *dirName, bool isInMergeDir);
bool fixNonfirstSpiderdbFiles();
static void unlinkDoneWrapper(void *state);
void unlinkDone();
void unlinksDone();
static void renameDoneWrapper(void *state);
static void checkThreadsAgainWrapper(int /*fd*/, void *state);
void renameDone();
void renamesDone();
bool removeRebuildFromFilename(BigFile *f);
void incorporateMerge2( );
static void saveRdbIndexRdbMap(void *state);
static void savedRdbIndexRdbMap(void *state, job_exit_t job_state);
// Add a (new) file to the m_files/m_maps/m_fileIds arrays
// Return return array position of new entry, or -1 on error
int32_t addFile(bool isNew, int32_t fileId, int32_t fileId2, int32_t mergeNum, int32_t endMergeFileId, bool isInMergeDir);
static GbThreadQueue m_globalIndexThreadQueue;
// this class contains a ptr to us
class Rdb *m_rdb;
int32_t m_fixedDataSize;
char m_collectionDirName[1024];
char m_mergeDirName[1024];
char m_dbname [32];
int32_t m_dbnameLen;
const char *m_coll;
collnum_t m_collnum;
bool m_didRepair;
// for storing records in memory
RdbTree *m_tree;
RdbBuckets *m_buckets;
// index for in memory records
RdbIndex m_treeIndex;
int32_t m_minToMergeDefault; //from init() call
int32_t m_minToMerge; // need at least this many files b4 merging
int32_t m_numFilesToMerge ;
int32_t m_mergeStartFileNum ;
// should our next merge in waiting force itself?
bool m_nextMergeForced;
// state for call to attemptMerge()
bool m_attemptOnlyMergeResumption;
// . when we dump list to an rdb file, can we use short keys?
// . currently exclusively used by indexdb
bool m_useHalfKeys;
bool m_useIndexFile;
bool m_isTitledb;
// key size
char m_ks;
int32_t m_pageSize;
int32_t m_niceness;
// we now determine when in merge mode
bool m_isMerging;
int m_dumpingFileId;
// Record counts for files being merged. Calculated in attemptMerge() and then used
// for logging in incorporateMerge()
int64_t m_premergeNumPositiveRecords;
int64_t m_premergeNumNegativeRecords;
bool m_submittingJobs;
int m_outstandingJobCount;
GbMutex m_mtxJobCount;
void incrementOutstandingJobs();
bool decrementOustandingJobs();
extern bool g_dumpMode;
#endif // GB_RDBBASE_H