1866 lines
57 KiB
1866 lines
57 KiB
#include "RdbMap.h"
#include "BigFile.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "BitOperations.h"
#include "File.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdio>
RdbMap::RdbMap() {
m_numSegments = 0;
m_numSegmentPtrs = 0;
m_numSegmentOffs = 0;
m_newPagesPerSegment = 0;
m_keys = NULL;
m_offsets = NULL;
// Coverity
m_fixedDataSize = 0;
m_useHalfKeys = false;
m_ks = 0;
m_pageSize = 0;
m_pageSizeBits = 0;
// dont save map on deletion!
RdbMap::~RdbMap() {
void RdbMap::set ( const char *dir, const char *mapFilename,
int32_t fixedDataSize , bool useHalfKeys , char keySize ,
int32_t pageSize ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "BEGIN. dir [%s], mapFilename [%s]", dir, mapFilename );
m_fixedDataSize = fixedDataSize;
m_file.set ( dir , mapFilename );
m_useHalfKeys = useHalfKeys;
m_ks = keySize;
m_pageSize = pageSize;
m_pageSizeBits = getNumBitsOn32(pageSize-1);
// m_pageSize -1 must be able to be stored in m_offsets[][] (a int16_t)
if ( m_pageSize > 32768 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdbmap: m_pageSize too big for m_offsets.");
// . we remove the head part files of a BigFile when merging it
// . this keeps the required merge space down to a small amount
// . when we chop off a part file from a BigFile we must also
// chop off the corresponding segments in the map
// . the match must be EXACT
// . therefore, PAGES_PER_SEGMENT * m_pageSize must evenly divide
// MAX_PART_SIZE #define'd in BigFile.h
if ( (MAX_PART_SIZE % (PAGES_PER_SEGMENT*m_pageSize)) == 0 ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END" );
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdbmap: PAGES_PER_SEGMENT*"
"m_pageSize does not divide MAX_PART_SIZE. cannot do "
"space-saving merges due to this.");
bool RdbMap::close ( bool urgent ) {
bool status = true;
if ( m_needToWrite ) {
status = writeMap(false);
// clears and frees everything
if ( ! urgent ) {
reset ();
return status;
void RdbMap::reset ( ) {
m_reducedMem = false;
int32_t pps = PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
if ( m_newPagesPerSegment > 0 ) {
pps = m_newPagesPerSegment;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numSegments; i++ ) {
mfree(m_keys[i],m_ks *pps,"RdbMap");
mfree(m_offsets[i], 2*pps,"RdbMap");
// set to NULL so we know if accessed illegally
m_keys [i] = NULL;
m_offsets[i] = NULL;
// the ptrs themselves are now a dynamic array to save mem
// when we have thousands of collections
mfree(m_keys,m_numSegmentPtrs*sizeof(char *),"MapPtrs1");
mfree(m_offsets,m_numSegmentOffs*sizeof(int16_t *),"MapPtrs2");
m_numSegmentPtrs = 0;
m_numSegmentOffs = 0;
m_newPagesPerSegment = 0;
m_needToWrite = false;
m_fileStartOffset = 0LL;
m_numSegments = 0;
m_numPages = 0;
m_maxNumPages = 0;
m_offset = 0LL;
m_numPositiveRecs = 0LL;
m_numNegativeRecs = 0LL;
//m_lastKey.n1 = 0;
//m_lastKey.n0 = 0LL;
KEYMIN(m_lastKey,MAX_KEY_BYTES); // m_ks);
// close up shop
// m_file.close ( ); this casues an error in Rdb.cpp:317 (new RdbMap)
m_badKeys = 0;
m_needVerify = false;
bool RdbMap::writeMap ( bool allDone ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "BEGIN. filename [%s]", m_file.getFilename());
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END. Read-only mode, not writing map. filename [%s]. Returning true.",
return true;
if ( ! m_needToWrite ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END. no need, not writing map. filename [%s]. Returning true.",
return true;
log(LOG_INFO, "db: Saving %s", m_file.getFilename());
// open a new file
if ( ! m_file.open ( O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC ) ) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s: END. Could not open %s for writing: %s. Returning false.",
__FILE__, __func__, m_file.getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
// write map data
bool status = writeMap2 ( );
// on success, we don't need to write it anymore
if ( status ) {
m_needToWrite = false;
// map is done so save some memory
if ( allDone ) {
reduceMemFootPrint ();
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END. filename [%s], returning %s", m_file.getFilename(), status ? "true" : "false");
return status;
bool RdbMap::writeMap2 ( ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "BEGIN. filename [%s]", m_file.getFilename());
// the current disk offset
int64_t offset = 0LL;
g_errno = 0;
if( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, " m_offset.........: %" PRId64, m_offset);
log(LOG_DEBUG, " m_fileStartOffset: %" PRId64, m_fileStartOffset);
log(LOG_DEBUG, " m_numPositiveRecs: %" PRId64, m_numPositiveRecs.load());
log(LOG_DEBUG, " m_numNegativeRecs: %" PRId64, m_numNegativeRecs.load());
loghex(LOG_DEBUG, m_lastKey, m_ks, " m_lastKey........: (hexdump)");
// first 8 bytes are the size of the DATA file we're mapping
m_file.write ( &m_offset , 8 , offset );
if ( g_errno ) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s: Failed to write to %s (m_offset): %s",
__FILE__, __func__, m_file.getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += 8;
// when a BigFile gets chopped, keep up a start offset for it
m_file.write ( &m_fileStartOffset , 8 , offset );
if ( g_errno ) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s: Failed to write to %s (m_fileStartOffset): %s",
__FILE__, __func__, m_file.getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += 8;
// store total number of non-deleted records
m_file.write ( &m_numPositiveRecs , 8 , offset );
if ( g_errno ) {
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s: Failed to write to %s (m_numPositiveRecs): %s",
__FILE__, __func__, m_file.getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += 8;
// store total number of deleted records
m_file.write ( &m_numNegativeRecs , 8 , offset );
if ( g_errno ) {
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s: Failed to write to %s (m_numNegativeRecs): %s",
__FILE__, __func__, m_file.getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += 8;
// store last key in map
m_file.write ( m_lastKey , m_ks , offset );
if ( g_errno ) {
log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s: Failed to write to %s (m_lastKey): %s",
__FILE__, __func__, m_file.getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += m_ks;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "Writing %" PRId32" segments", m_numSegments);
// . now store the map itself
// . write the segments (keys/offsets) from the map file
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numSegments ; ++i ) {
offset = writeSegment ( i , offset );
if ( offset<=0 ) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s: Failed to write to %s (m_numSegments, segment %" PRId32"): %s",
__FILE__, __func__, m_file.getFilename(), i, mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END - OK, returning true." );
return true;
int64_t RdbMap::writeSegment( int32_t seg , int64_t offset ) {
// how many pages have we written?
int32_t pagesWritten = seg * PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
// how many pages are left to write?
int32_t pagesLeft = m_numPages - pagesWritten;
// if none left to write return offset now
if ( pagesLeft <= 0 ) return offset;
// truncate to segment's worth of pages for writing purposes
if ( pagesLeft > PAGES_PER_SEGMENT ) pagesLeft = PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
// determine writeSize for keys
int32_t writeSize = pagesLeft * m_ks;
// write the keys segment
g_errno = 0;
m_file.write ( (char *)m_keys[seg] , writeSize , offset );
if ( g_errno ) return -1;//log("RdbMapFile::writeSegment: failed");
offset += writeSize ;
// determine writeSize for relative 2-byte offsets
writeSize = pagesLeft * 2;
// write the offsets of segment
m_file.write ( (char *)m_offsets[seg] , writeSize , offset );
if ( g_errno ) return -1;//log("RdbMapFile::writeSegment: failed");
offset += writeSize ;
// return the new offset
return offset ;
// . called by openOld()
// . returns true on success
// . returns false on i/o error.
// . The format of the map on disk is described in Map.h
// . sets "m_numPages", "m_keys", and "m_offsets"
// . reads the keys and offsets into buffers allocated during open().
// . now we pass in ptr to the data file we map so verifyMap() can use it
bool RdbMap::readMap ( BigFile *dataFile )
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "BEGIN. filename [%s]", m_file.getFilename());
// bail if does not exist
if ( ! m_file.doesExist() ) {
logError("Map file [%s] does not exist.", m_file.getFilename());
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END. Returning false" );
return false;
// . open the file
// . do not open O_RDONLY because if we are resuming a killed merge
// we will add to this map and write it back out.
if ( ! m_file.open ( O_RDWR ) ) {
logError("Could not open map file %s for reading: %s.", m_file.getFilename(),mstrerror(g_errno));
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END. Returning false" );
return false;
bool status = readMap2();
// . close map
// . no longer since we use BigFile
// . no, we have to close since we will hog all the fds
// . we cannot call BigFile::close() because then RdbMap::unlink() will
// not work because BigFile::m_maxParts gets set to 0, and that is
// used in the loop in BigFile::unlinkRename().
// verify and fix map, data on disk could be corrupted
if (status && !verifyMap(dataFile)) {
logError("END. Could not verify map. filename [%s]. Returning false", m_file.getFilename());
return false;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END. Returning %s", status?"true":"false");
// return status
return status;
bool RdbMap::verifyMap ( BigFile *dataFile ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "BEGIN. filename [%s]", m_file.getFilename());
int64_t diff = m_offset - m_fileStartOffset;
diff -= dataFile->getFileSize();
// make it positive
if ( diff < 0 ) {
diff = diff * -1LL;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "diff: %" PRId64, diff );
// . return false if file size does not match
// . i've seen this happen before
if ( diff ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "%s:%s:%d: Map file [%s] says that file [%s] should be %" PRId64" bytes long, but it is %" PRId64" bytes.",
__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, m_file.getFilename(), dataFile->getFilename(), m_offset - m_fileStartOffset, dataFile->getFileSize() );
// we let headless files squeak by on this because we cannot
// generate a map for them yet. if power went out a key can be
// caught in the middle of a write... thus limit to 12 bytes
if ( dataFile->doesPartExist(0) || diff >= 12 ) {
return false;
// explain it
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Datafile is headless (so the map can not be regenerated right now) and the difference is < 12, so we will let this one squeak by.");
//log("RdbMap::verifyMap: Regenerating map.");
//log("db: Please delete map file %s and restart. "
// "This will regenerate the map file.",
// //Continuing despite discrepancy.",
// m_file.getFilename());
//return false;
//return true;
// are we a 16k page size map?
int64_t maxSize =(int64_t)(m_numPages + 1)*(int64_t)m_pageSize;
int64_t minSize =(int64_t)(m_numPages - 1)*(int64_t)m_pageSize;
int64_t dfs = dataFile->getFileSize();
if ( dfs < minSize || dfs > maxSize ) {
//log("db: File is not mapped with PAGE_SIZE of %" PRId32". Please "
// "delete map file %s and restart in order to regenerate "
// "it. Chances are you are running a new version of gb on "
// "old data.", (int32_t)PAGE_SIZE, m_file.getFilename());
log(LOG_ERROR, "File %s is not mapped with PAGE_SIZE of %" PRId32". "
"You may be running a new version of gb on "
"old data.", m_file.getFilename(),(int32_t)m_pageSize);
//exit (-1);
return false;
// . first, if our data file is headless we may have to chop our heads
// because a merge was probably killed
// . how many head PARTs are missing?
//int32_t numMissingParts = 0;
//while ( ! dataFile->doesPartExist ( numMissingParts ) )
// numMissingParts++;
// we should count backwards so we stop at the first gap from the top.
// power outages sometimes leave one file linked when it should have
// been unlinked... although a file after it was successfully recorded
// as being unlinked on the hard drive, it itself was never committed.
// thereby producing a gap in the contiguous sequence of part files.
// let's ignore such islands. these islands can be more than one file
// too. let's verify they are unlinked after the merge completes.
int32_t numMissingParts = dataFile->getMaxParts();
while ( numMissingParts > 0 && dataFile->doesPartExist ( numMissingParts-1 ) )
if ( numMissingParts > 0 ) {
logError("%" PRId32" missing parts. filename [%s]", numMissingParts, m_file.getFilename());
File *f = dataFile->getFile2 ( numMissingParts );
if ( f ) {
logError("Missing part file before %s.", f->getFilename());
// how many PARTs have been removed from map?
int32_t removed = m_fileStartOffset / MAX_PART_SIZE;
// . balance it out
// . don't map to PARTs of data file that have been chopped
while ( removed < numMissingParts ) {
log(LOG_WARN,"db: Removing part #%" PRId32" from map.",removed);
chopHead ( MAX_PART_SIZE );
// now fix the map if it had out of order keys in it
bool status = verifyMap2 ( );
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END. Returning %s", status?"true":"false" );
return status;
// this just fixes a bad map
bool RdbMap::verifyMap2 ( ) {
// top:
char lastKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_numPages ; i++ ) {
char *k = getKeyPtr(i);
if ( KEYCMP(k,lastKey,m_ks)>=0 ) {
KEYSET(lastKey,k,m_ks); continue; }
// just bitch for now
log( LOG_WARN,
"db: Key out of order in map file %s/%s. "
"page = %" PRId32". key offset = %" PRId64". "
"Map or data file is "
"corrupt, but it is probably the data file. Please "
"delete the map file and restart.",
m_file.getDir(),m_file.getFilename() ,
//log("db: oldk.n1=%08" PRIx32" n0=%016" PRIx64,
// lastKey.n1,lastKey.n0);
//log("db: k.n1=%08" PRIx32" n0=%016" PRIx64,k.n1 ,k.n0);
log( LOG_WARN, "db: oldk.n1=%016" PRIx64" n0=%016" PRIx64,
log( LOG_WARN, "db: k.n1=%016" PRIx64" n0=%016" PRIx64,KEY1(k,m_ks),KEY0(k));
log( LOG_WARN, "db: m_numPages = %" PRId32,m_numPages);
logError("Previous versions would have move %s/%s to trash!!", m_file.getDir(), m_file.getFilename());
// make the bash shell restart us by returning a 1 error code
#if 0
// was k too small?
//if ( i + 1 < m_numPages && lastKey <= getKey(i+1) ) {
if (i+1<m_numPages && KEYCMP(lastKey,getKeyPtr(i+1),m_ks)<=0){
char f[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
//if ( lastKey != getKey(i+1) ) f += (uint32_t)1;
if (KEYCMP(lastKey,getKeyPtr(i+1),m_ks)!=0)
log("db: Key in map was too small. Fixed.");
goto top;
// was lastKey too big?
//if ( i - 2 >= m_numPages && getKey(i-2) <= k ) {
if ( i - 2 >= m_numPages && KEYCMP(getKeyPtr(i-2),k,m_ks)<=0) {
char *f = getKeyPtr(i-2);
//if ( f != k ) f += (uint32_t)1;
if ( KEYCMP(f,k,m_ks)!=0) KEYINC(f,m_ks);
log("db: LastKey in map was too big. Fixed.");
goto top;
// otherwise it is a sequence of out-of-order keys
int32_t left = i - 1;
int32_t right = i;
// try removing left side
//while ( left > 0 && getKey(left-1) > k )
while ( left > 0 && KEYCMP(getKeyPtr(left-1),k,m_ks)>0 )
int32_t leftCount = i - left;
// try removing the right side
//while ( right + 1 < m_numPages && getKey(right+1) < lastKey)
while ( right + 1 < m_numPages &&
int32_t rightCount = right - i + 1;
// make [a,b] represent the smallest bad chunk that when
// removed will fix the map
int32_t a , b ;
if ( leftCount <= rightCount ) { a = left ; b = i - 1 ; }
else { a = i ; b = right ; }
char *keya = KEYMIN();
if ( a > 0 ) keya = getKeyPtr(a-1);
// remove the smallest chunk
for ( int32_t j = a ; j <= b ; j++ )
setKey ( j , keya );
// count it for reference
log("db: Removed bad block in map of %" PRId32" pages. Data "
"may have been permanently lost. Consider "
"syncing from a twin.",b-a+1);
// try from the top
goto top;
return true;
bool RdbMap::readMap2 ( ) {
// keep track of read offset
int64_t offset = 0;
g_errno = 0;
// first 8 bytes are the size of the DATA file we're mapping
m_file.read ( &m_offset , 8 , offset );
if ( g_errno ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Had error reading %s: %s.", m_file.getFilename(),mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += 8;
// when a BigFile gets chopped, keep up a start offset for it
m_file.read ( &m_fileStartOffset , 8 , offset );
if ( g_errno ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Had error reading %s: %s.", m_file.getFilename(),mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += 8;
// read total number of non-deleted records
m_file.read ( &m_numPositiveRecs , 8 , offset );
if ( g_errno ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Had error reading %s: %s.", m_file.getFilename(),mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += 8;
// read total number of deleted records
m_file.read ( &m_numNegativeRecs , 8 , offset );
if ( g_errno ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Had error reading %s: %s.", m_file.getFilename(),mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += 8;
// read total number of deleted records
m_file.read ( m_lastKey , m_ks , offset );
if ( g_errno ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Had error reading %s: %s.", m_file.getFilename(),mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += m_ks;
// get the total size of this map file from our derived file class
int32_t fileSize = m_file.getFileSize () ;
if ( fileSize < 0 ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: getFileSize failed on %s: %s.", m_file.getFilename(),mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
// read in the segments
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; offset < fileSize ; i++ ) {
// . this advance offset passed the read segment
// . it uses fileSize for reading the last partial segment
offset = readSegment ( i , offset , fileSize ) ;
if ( offset<=0 ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Had error reading %s: %s.", m_file.getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
return true;
int64_t RdbMap::readSegment ( int32_t seg , int64_t offset , int32_t fileSize ) {
// . add a new segment for this
// . increments m_numSegments and increases m_maxNumPages
if ( ! addSegment () ) return -1;
// get the slot size, 1 12 byte key and 1 int16_t offset per page
int32_t slotSize = m_ks + 2;
// how much will we read now?
int32_t totalReadSize = PAGES_PER_SEGMENT * slotSize;
// how much left in the map file?
int64_t avail = fileSize - offset;
// . what's available MUST always be a multiple of 16
// . sanity check
if ( ( avail % slotSize ) != 0 ) {
log("db: Had error reading part of map: Bad map "
"size."); return -1; }
// truncate if not a full segment
if ( totalReadSize > avail ) totalReadSize = avail;
// get # of keys/offsets to read
int32_t numKeys = totalReadSize / slotSize;
// calculate how many bytes to read of keys
int32_t readSize = numKeys * m_ks;
// do the read
g_errno = 0;
m_file.read ( (char *)m_keys[seg] , readSize , offset );
if ( g_errno ) return -1; // log("RdbMapFile::readSegment: failed");
offset += readSize;
// read the offsets of segment
readSize = numKeys * 2;
m_file.read ( (char *)m_offsets[seg] , readSize , offset );
if ( g_errno ) return -1; // log("RdbMapFile::readSegment: failed");
offset += readSize ;
// increase m_numPages based on the keys/pages read
m_numPages += numKeys;
// return the new offset
return offset ;
// . add a record to the map
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . offset is the current offset of the rdb file where the key/data was added
// . TODO: speed this up
// . we pass in "data" so we can compute the crc of each page
bool RdbMap::addRecord ( char *key, char *rec , int32_t recSize ) {
if (m_reducedMem) {
// what page is first byte of key on?
int32_t pageNum = m_offset >> m_pageSizeBits;
// what is the last page we touch?
int32_t lastPageNum = (m_offset + recSize - 1) >> m_pageSizeBits;
// . see if we need to reallocate/allocate more pages in the map.
// . g_errno should be set to ENOMEM
// . only do this if we're NOT adding to disk
// . should only change m_maxNumPages, not m_numPages
// . if the rec is HUGE it may span SEVERAL, so do a while()
while (lastPageNum + 2 >= m_maxNumPages) {
if (!addSegment()) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "db: Failed to add segment3 to map file %s.", m_file.getFilename());
// core dump until we revert to old values
// we need to call writeMap() before we exit
m_needToWrite = true;
// debug
log(LOG_TRACE,"db: addmap k=%s keysize=%" PRId32" offset=%" PRId64" pagenum=%" PRId32,
// we now call RdbList::checkList_r() in RdbDump::dumpList()
// and that checks the order of the keys
// . sanity check
// . a key of 0 is valid, so watch out for m_lastKey's sake
// i changed from <= to < because i saw it core when two linkdb
// keys were the same. no idea how that happened. maybe a timing
// coincidence thingy.
if (KEYCMP(key, m_lastKey, m_ks) < 0 && KEYCMP(m_lastKey, KEYMIN(), m_ks) != 0) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"build: RdbMap: added key out of order. count=%" PRId64" file=%s/%s.",
m_badKeys, m_file.getDir(), m_file.getFilename());
log(LOG_LOGIC,"build: offset=%" PRId64" k1=%s k2=%s", m_offset, KEYSTR(m_lastKey,m_ks), KEYSTR(key,m_ks));
/// @todo Temporarily added for tracking down bug. We want the core. Keep permanently?
// if being called from RdbDump.cpp...
// g_errno = ECORRUPTDATA;
// return false;
// remember the lastKey in the whole file
// set m_numPages to the last page num we touch plus one
m_numPages = lastPageNum + 1;
if (KEYNEG(key)) {
// keep a global tally on # of recs that are deletes (low bit cleared)
} else {
// keep a global tally on # of recs that are NOT deletes
// increment the size of the data file
m_offset += recSize ;
// . reset all pages above pageNum that we touch
// . store -1 in offset to indicate it's continuation of key which
// started on another page
// . store -1 on lastPageNum PLUS 1 incase we just take up lastPageNum
// ourselves and the next key will start on lastPageNum+1 at offset 0
// . also by storing -1 for offset this page becomes available for
// keys/recs to follow
for (int32_t i = pageNum + 1; i <= lastPageNum; i++) {
setKey(i, key);
// . return now if we're NOT the first key wholly on page #pageNum
// . add crc of this rec
// . this offset will be -1 for unstarted pages
// . tally the crc until we hit a new page
if (getOffset(pageNum) >= 0) {
return true;
// . if no key has claimed this page then we'll claim it
// . by claiming it we are the first key to be wholly on this page
setOffset(pageNum, (m_offset - recSize) & (m_pageSize - 1));
setKey(pageNum, key);
// success!
return true;
// . call addRecord() or addKey() for each record in this list
bool RdbMap::prealloc ( RdbList *list ) {
// sanity check
if ( list->getKeySize() != m_ks ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// bail now if it's empty
if ( list->isEmpty() ) return true;
if ( m_reducedMem ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// what is the last page we touch?
int32_t lastPageNum = (m_offset + list->getListSize() - 1) / m_pageSize;
// . need to pre-alloc up here so malloc does not fail mid stream
// . TODO: only do it if list is big enough
while ( lastPageNum + 2 >= m_maxNumPages ) {
if ( ! addSegment() ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to add segment to map file %s.", m_file.getFilename() );
return false;
return true;
// . call addRecord() or addKey() for each record in this list
bool RdbMap::addList(RdbList *list) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "BEGIN. listStartKey=%s listEndKey=%s",
KEYSTR(list->getStartKey(), list->getKeySize()), KEYSTR(list->getEndKey(), list->getKeySize()));
// sanity check
if (list->getKeySize() != m_ks) {
// . reset list to beginning to make sure
// . no, because of HACK in RdbDump.cpp we set m_listPtrHi < m_list
// so our first key can be a half key, calling resetListPtr()
// will reset m_listPtrHi and fuck it up
// bail now if it's empty
if ( list->isEmpty() ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END");
return true;
if (g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap) {
char firstKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char lastKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "BEGIN. listFirstKey=%s mapLastKey=%s",
KEYSTR(firstKey, list->getKeySize()), KEYSTR(lastKey, list->getKeySize()));
// what is the last page we touch?
int32_t lastPageNum = (m_offset + list->getListSize() - 1) / m_pageSize;
if ( m_reducedMem ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// . need to pre-alloc up here so malloc does not fail mid stream
// . TODO: only do it if list is big enough
while ( lastPageNum + 2 >= m_maxNumPages ) {
if ( ! addSegment() ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to add segment to map file %s.", m_file.getFilename() );
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END. Failed to add segment to map");
return false;
// print the last key from lasttime
log("map: lastkey=%s",KEYSTR(m_lastKey,m_ks));
char key[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
for (; !list->isExhausted(); list->skipCurrentRecord()) {
int32_t recSize = list->getCurrentRecSize();
char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
if (!addRecord(key, rec, recSize)) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to add record to map: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno));
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END. Failed to add record to map");
// allow caller to try to fix the tree in the case of dumpinga tree to a file on disk
return false;
// sanity check -- i added this for debug but i think it was corrupted buckets!!
if (g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap) {
char lastKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbMap, "END listLastKey=%s mapLastKey=%s",
KEYSTR(key, list->getKeySize()), KEYSTR(lastKey, list->getKeySize()));
return true;
// . set *rsp and *rep so if we read from first key on *rsp to first key on
// *rep all records will have their key in [startKey,endKey]
// . the relative offset (m_offset[sp]) may be -1
// . this can now return negative sizes
int64_t RdbMap::getMinRecSizes ( int32_t sp ,
int32_t ep ,
const char *startKey ,
const char *endKey ,
bool subtract) const {
// . calculate first page, "sp", whose key is >= startKey
// . NOTE: sp may have a relative offset of -1
// . in this case, just leave it be!
//while ( sp < ep && getKey(sp) < startKey ) sp++;
while ( sp < ep && KEYCMP(getKeyPtr(sp),startKey,m_ks)<0 ) sp++;
// now calculate endpg whose key is <= endKey
int32_t ep1 = ep;
//while ( ep > sp && getKey(ep) > endKey ) ep--;
while ( ep > sp && KEYCMP(getKeyPtr(ep),endKey,m_ks)>0 ) ep--;
// . if ep has a relative offset of -1 we can advance it
// . we cannot have back-to-back -1 offset with DIFFERENT keys
while ( ep <= ep1 && ep < m_numPages && getOffset(ep) == -1 ) ep++;
// now getRecSizes on this contrained range
return getRecSizes ( sp , ep , subtract );
// . like above, but sets an upper bound for recs in [startKey,endKey]
int64_t RdbMap::getMaxRecSizes ( int32_t sp ,
int32_t ep ,
const char *startKey ,
const char *endKey ,
bool subtract ) const {
// . calculate first page, "sp", whose key is >= startKey
// . NOTE: sp may have a relative offset of -1
// . in this case, just leave it be!
//while ( sp > 0 && getKey(sp) > startKey ) sp--;
while ( sp > 0 && KEYCMP(getKeyPtr(sp),startKey,m_ks)>0 ) sp--;
// now calculate endpg whose key is > endKey
//while ( ep < m_numPages && getKey(ep) < endKey ) ep++;
while ( ep < m_numPages && KEYCMP(getKeyPtr(ep),endKey,m_ks)<0 ) ep++;
// . if ep has a relative offset of -1 we can advance it
// . we cannot have back-to-back -1 offset with DIFFERENT keys
while ( ep < m_numPages && getOffset(ep) == -1 ) ep++;
// now getRecSizes on this contrained range
return getRecSizes ( sp , ep , subtract );
// . how many bytes in the range?
// . range is from first key on startPage UP TO first key on endPage
// . if endPage is >= m_numPages then range is UP TO the end of the file
// . this can now return negative sizes
int64_t RdbMap::getRecSizes ( int32_t startPage ,
int32_t endPage ,
bool subtract ) const {
// . assume a minimum of one page if key range not well mapped
// . no, why should we?
// . if pages are the same, there's no recs between them!
// . this seemed to cause a problem when startPage==endPage == lastPage
// and we started in the middle of a dump, so instead of reading
// 0 bytes, since offset was the end of the file, the dump dumped
// some and we read that. And the # of bytes we read was not
// divisible by sizeof(key96_t) and RdbList::checkList_r() complained
// about the last key out of order, but that last key's last 8
// bytes were garbage we did NOT read from disk... phew!
if ( startPage == endPage ) return 0; // return (int32_t)m_pageSize;
int64_t offset1;
int64_t offset2;
if ( ! subtract ) {
offset1 = getAbsoluteOffset ( startPage );
offset2 = getAbsoluteOffset ( endPage );
return offset2 - offset1;
// . but take into account delete keys, so we can have a negative size!
// . use random sampling
int64_t size = 0;
const char *k;
for ( int32_t i = startPage ; i < endPage ; i++ ) {
// get current page size
offset1 = getAbsoluteOffset ( i );
offset2 = getAbsoluteOffset ( i + 1 );
// get startKey for this page
k = getKeyPtr ( i );
// if key is a delete assume all in page are deletes
//if ( (k.n0)&0x01 == 0LL) size -= (offset2 - offset1);
if ( KEYNEG(k) ) size -= (offset2 - offset1);
else size += (offset2 - offset1);
// return the size
return size;
// if page has relative offset of -1, use the next page
int64_t RdbMap::getAbsoluteOffset(int32_t page) const {
for(;;) {
if ( page >= m_numPages ) return m_offset; // fileSize
int64_t offset = (int64_t)getOffset(page) +
(int64_t)m_pageSize * (int64_t)page;
if ( getOffset(page) != -1 ) return offset + m_fileStartOffset;
// just use end of page if in the middle of a record
while ( page < m_numPages && getOffset(page) == -1 )
// . get offset of next known key after the one in page
// . do a while to skip rec on page "page" if it spans multiple pages
// . watch out for eof
int64_t RdbMap::getNextAbsoluteOffset(int32_t page) const {
// advance to next page
// inc page as long as we need to
while ( page < m_numPages && getOffset(page) == -1 ) page++;
// . if we hit eof then return m_offset
// . otherwise, we hit another key
return getAbsoluteOffset ( page );
// . [startPage,*endPage] must cover [startKey,endKey]
// . by cover i mean have all recs with those keys
// . returns the endPage #
int32_t RdbMap::getEndPage(int32_t startPage, const char *endKey) const {
// use "ep" for the endPage we're computing
int32_t ep = startPage;
// advance if "ep"'s key <= endKey
//while ( ep < m_numPages && getKey(ep) <= endKey ) ep++;
while ( ep < m_numPages && KEYCMP(getKeyPtr(ep),endKey,m_ks)<=0 ) ep++;
// now we may have ended up on a page with offset of -1
// which is not good so, even if page's key is > endKey, advance it
while ( ep < m_numPages && getOffset(ep) == -1 ) ep++;
// now we're done
return ep;
// . convert a [startKey,endKey] range to a [startPage,endPage] range
// . this says that if you read from first key offset on *startPage UP TO
// first key offset on *endPage you'll get the keys/recs you want
// . if *endPage equals m_numPages then you must read to the end of file
// . returns false if no keys in [startKey,endKey] are present
// . *maxKey will be an APPROXIMATION of the max key we have
bool RdbMap::getPageRange ( const char *startKey ,
const char *endKey ,
int32_t *startPage ,
int32_t *endPage ,
char *maxKey ,
int64_t oldTruncationLimit ) const {
// the first key on n1 is usually <= startKey, but can be > startKey
// if the page (n-1) has only 1 rec whose key is < startKey
int32_t n1 = getPage ( startKey );
// . get the ending page for this scan
// . tally up the deleted keys as we go
int32_t n2 = getPage ( endKey );
// . set maxKey if we need to
// . ensure that it is in [startKey,endKey] because it is used for
// determining what the length of an IndexList would have been
// if it was not truncated
// . that is, we use maxKey for interpolation
if ( maxKey ) {
int32_t n3 = n2;
if ( oldTruncationLimit >= 0 ) {
int32_t nn = n1 + (oldTruncationLimit*6LL) / m_pageSize;
if ( n3 > nn ) n3 = nn;
//while ( n3 > n1 && getKey(n3) > endKey ) n3--;
while ( n3 > n1 && KEYCMP(getKeyPtr(n3),endKey,m_ks)>0 ) n3--;
//*maxKey = getKey ( n3 );
// . if the first key appearing on this page is <= endKey we inc n2
// . make m_keys[n2] > endKey since we read up to first key on n2
// . n2 can be equal to m_numPages (means read to eof then)
//while ( n2 < m_numPages && getKey ( n2 ) <= endKey ) n2++;
while ( n2 < m_numPages && KEYCMP(getKeyPtr(n2),endKey,m_ks)<=0 ) n2++;
// skip n2 over any -1 offset
while ( n2 < m_numPages && getOffset ( n2 ) == -1 ) n2++;
// neither n1 nor n2 should have a -1 offset
//if ( m_offsets[n1] == -1 || m_offsets[n2] == -1 ) {
//log("getPageRange: bad engineer"); exit (-1); }
// if n1 == n2 then it's a not found since the key on page n1 is >
// startKey and > endKey AND all keys on page n1-1 are < startKey
//if ( n1 == n2 ) return false;
// otherwise set our stuff and return true
*startPage = n1;
*endPage = n2;
return true;
// . return a page number, N
// . if m_keys[N] < startKey then m_keys[N+1] is > startKey
// . if m_keys[N] > startKey then all keys before m_keys[N] in the rdb file
// are < startKey
// . if m_keys[N] > startKey then m_keys[N-1] spans multiple pages so that
// the key immediately after it on disk is in fact, m_keys[N]
int32_t RdbMap::getPage( const char *startKey) const {
// if the key exceeds our lastKey then return m_numPages
//if ( startKey > m_lastKey ) return m_numPages;
if ( KEYCMP(startKey,m_lastKey,m_ks)>0 ) return m_numPages;
// . find the disk offset based on "startKey"
// . b-search over the map of pages
// . "n" is the page # that has a key <= "startKey"
// . "n+1" has a key that is > "startKey"
int32_t n = ( m_numPages ) / 2;
int32_t step = n / 2;
while ( step > 0 ) {
//if ( startKey <= getKey ( n ) ) n -= step;
//else n += step;
if ( KEYCMP(startKey,getKeyPtr(n),m_ks)<=0 ) n -= step;
else n += step;
step >>= 1; // divide by 2
// . let's adjust for the inadaquecies of the above algorithm...
// . increment n until our key is >= the key in the table
//while ( n < m_numPages - 1 && getKey(n) < startKey ) n++;
while ( n<m_numPages - 1 && KEYCMP(getKeyPtr(n),startKey,m_ks)<0 ) n++;
// . decrement n until page key is LESS THAN OR EQUAL to startKey
// . it is now <= the key, not just <, since, if the positive
// key exists it, then the negative should not be in this file, too!
//while ( n > 0 && getKey(n) > startKey ) n--;
while ( n>0 && KEYCMP(getKeyPtr(n),startKey,m_ks)>0 ) n--;
// debug point
//if ( m_offsets[n] == -1 && m_keys[n] == startKey &&
//m_keys[n-1] != startKey )
//log("debug point\n");
// . make sure we're not in the middle of the data
// . decrease n until we're on a page that has the start of a key
while ( n > 0 && getOffset(n) == -1 ) n--;
// this is the page we should start reading at
return n;
// . return immediately if this is our key (exact match)
//if ( m_keys[n] == startKey ) return n;
// . now m_keys[n] should be < startKey
// . the next m_key, however, should be BIGGER than our key
// . but if m_keys[n] spans multiple pages then skip over it
// because the next key in the map IMMEDIATELY follows it
//if ( n < m_numPages - 1 && m_offsets[n+1] == -1 )
//while ( n < m_numPages - 1 ) n++;
// . now m_keys[n] may actually be bigger than startKey but it's
// only because the previous key on disk is less than startKey
//return n;
void RdbMap::printMap () {
int32_t h = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_numPages; i++ ) {
//log(LOG_INFO,"page=%i) key=%" PRIu64"--%" PRIu32", offset=%hi\n",
// i,getKey(i).n0,getKey(i).n1,getOffset(i));
// for comparing
char buf[1000];
sprintf(buf,"page=%i) key=%" PRIx64" %" PRIx64", offset=%hi",
h = hash32 ( buf , strlen(buf) , h );
log(LOG_INFO,"map checksum = 0x%" PRIx32,h);
int64_t RdbMap::getMemAllocated() const {
// . how much space per segment?
// . each page has a key and a 2 byte offset
int64_t space = PAGES_PER_SEGMENT * (m_ks + 2);
// how many segments we use * segment allocation
return (int64_t)m_numSegments * space;
bool RdbMap::addSegmentPtr ( int32_t n ) {
if ( m_reducedMem ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// realloc
if ( n >= m_numSegmentPtrs ) {
char **k;
int32_t nn = (int32_t)((float)n * 1.20) + 1;
k = (char **) mrealloc (m_keys,
m_numSegmentPtrs * sizeof(char *) ,
nn * sizeof(char *) ,
"MapPtrs1" );
// failed?
if ( ! k ) return false;
// succeeded
m_numSegmentPtrs = nn;
m_keys = k;
// try offsets
if ( n >= m_numSegmentOffs ) {
int16_t **o;
int32_t nn = (int32_t)((float)n * 1.20) + 1;
o = (int16_t **) mrealloc (m_offsets,
m_numSegmentOffs * sizeof(int16_t *) ,
nn * sizeof(int16_t *) ,
"MapPtrs2" );
// failed?
if ( ! o ) return false;
// succeeded
m_numSegmentOffs = nn;
m_offsets = o;
return true;
// try to save memory when there are many collections with tiny files on disk
void RdbMap::reduceMemFootPrint () {
if ( m_numSegments != 1 ) {
if ( m_numPages >= 100 ) {
// if already reduced, return now
if ( m_newPagesPerSegment > 0 ) {
// if it is like posdb0054.map then it is being merged into and
// we'll resume a killed merge, so don't mess with it, we'll need to add more pages.
const char *s = m_file.getFilename();
for ( ; s && *s && ! is_digit(*s) ; s++ )
int id = 0;
if ( s ) {
id = atoi(s);
// id can be zero like for spiderdb0000.map
if ( (id % 2) == 0 ) {
// log("map: reducing mem footprint for %s/%s",
// m_file.getDir(),
// m_file.getFilename());
// seems kinda buggy now..
m_reducedMem = true;
char *oldKeys = m_keys[0];
short *oldOffsets = m_offsets[0];
int pps = m_numPages;
m_keys [0] = (char *)mmalloc ( m_ks * pps , "RdbMap" );
m_offsets[0] = (short *)mmalloc ( 2 * pps , "RdbMap" );
// copy over
memcpy ( m_keys [0] , oldKeys , m_ks * pps );
memcpy ( m_offsets[0] , oldOffsets , 2 * pps );
mfree ( oldKeys , m_ks * oldPPS , "RdbMap" );
mfree ( oldOffsets , 2 * oldPPS , "RdbMap" );
m_newPagesPerSegment = m_numPages;
// . add "n" segments
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool RdbMap::addSegment ( ) {
// a helper variable
int32_t ks = m_ks;
// easy variables
int32_t n = m_numSegments;
int32_t pps = PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
if ( m_reducedMem ) {
// the array of up to MAX_SEGMENT pool ptrs is now dynamic too!
// because diffbot uses thousands of collections, this will save
// over 1GB of ram!
if ( ! addSegmentPtr ( n ) ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to allocate memory for adding seg ptr for map file %s.", m_file.getFilename() );
return false;
// alloc spaces for each key segment
// allocate new segments now
m_keys[n] = (char*) mmalloc ( ks * pps , "RdbMap" );
m_offsets[n] = (int16_t *) mmalloc ( 2 * pps , "RdbMap" );
// free up the segment on any problem
if ( ! m_offsets[n] || ! m_keys[n] ) {
// set to NULL so we know if accessed illegally
if ( m_keys [n] ) {
mfree ( m_keys[n] , ks*pps, "RdbMap" );
m_keys [n] = NULL;
if ( m_offsets[n] ) {
mfree ( m_offsets[n], 2*pps , "RdbMap" );
m_offsets[n] = NULL;
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to allocate memory for adding to map file %s.", m_file.getFilename());
return false;
// set all new offsets to -1
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < PAGES_PER_SEGMENT ; j++ ) {
m_offsets[n][j] = -1;
// reset m_maxNumPages and m_numSegments
m_maxNumPages += PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
return true;
// . chop off any segment COMPLETELY before pageNum
// . if pageNum is -1 free ALL segments
// . fileHeadSize should equal MAX_PART_SIZE #define'd in BigFile.h
// . MAX_PART_SIZE is the max size of a little file that is part of a BigFile
bool RdbMap::chopHead ( int32_t fileHeadSize ) {
// ensure fileHeadSize is valid
if ( fileHeadSize != MAX_PART_SIZE ) {
log( LOG_LOGIC, "db: rdbmap: chopHead: fileHeadSize of %" PRId32" is invalid.", fileHeadSize );
return false;
// what segment does this page fall on?
int32_t segNum = (fileHeadSize / m_pageSize) / PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
// . must match exactly
// . not any more i guess, we can still have a segment that
// corresponds in part to a PART file no longer with us
//if ( fileHeadSize * m_pageSize * PAGES_PER_SEGMENT != segNum )
//return log("RdbMap::chopHead: file head isn't multiple");
// return true if nothing to delete
if ( segNum == 0 ) return true;
// . we need to call writeMap() before we exit
// . not any more! if the merge is killed or saved in the middle then
// verifyMap() will now call chopHead() until the head of the map
// matches the head PART file of the data file we map
//m_needToWrite = true;
// a helper variable
int32_t ks = m_ks;
// remove segments before segNum
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < segNum ; i++ ) {
mfree ( m_keys [i] , ks * PAGES_PER_SEGMENT , "RdbMap" );
mfree ( m_offsets[i] , 2 * PAGES_PER_SEGMENT , "RdbMap" );
// set to NULL so we know if accessed illegally
m_keys [i] = NULL;
m_offsets[i] = NULL;
// adjust # of segments down
m_numSegments -= segNum;
// same with max # of used pages
m_maxNumPages -= PAGES_PER_SEGMENT * segNum ;
// same with # of used pages, since the head was ALL used
m_numPages -= PAGES_PER_SEGMENT * segNum ;
// this could be below zero if last segment was chopped
if ( m_numPages < 0 ) m_numPages = 0;
// if 0 return now
// if ( m_numSegments == 0 ) return true;
// bury the stuff we chopped
int32_t sk = sizeof(char *);
int32_t ss = sizeof(int16_t *);
memmove ( &m_keys [0] , &m_keys [segNum] , m_numSegments * sk );
memmove ( &m_offsets[0] , &m_offsets[segNum] , m_numSegments * ss );
// adjust the m_fileStartOffset so getAbsoluteOffset(),... is ok
m_fileStartOffset += segNum * PAGES_PER_SEGMENT * m_pageSize;
return true;
// . attempts to auto-generate from data file, f
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
bool RdbMap::generateMap ( BigFile *f ) {
if (g_conf.m_readOnlyMode) {
return false;
log(LOG_INFO, "db: Generating map for %s/%s", f->getDir(), f->getFilename());
/// @todo ALC remove this when we don't remove partfile during merge anymore
// we don't support headless datafiles right now
bool allowHeadless = true;
if (m_fixedDataSize != 0 || m_ks != 18) {
allowHeadless = false;
// allow posdb to go through
if (!f->doesPartExist(0) && !allowHeadless) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Cannot generate map for this headless data file yet");
return false;
// scan through all the recs in f
int64_t offset = 0;
int64_t fileSize = f->getFileSize();
// if file is length 0, we don't need to do much
// g_errno should be set on error
if (fileSize == 0 || fileSize < 0) {
return (fileSize == 0);
// find first existing part file
bool firstRead = true;
int32_t firstFilePartNum = 0;
for (;; firstFilePartNum++) {
// stop when the part file exists
if (f->doesPartExist(firstFilePartNum)) {
if (firstFilePartNum > 0) {
offset = MAX_PART_SIZE * firstFilePartNum;
// don't read in more than 10 megs at a time initially
int64_t bufSize = fileSize;
if (bufSize > 10 * 1024 * 1024) {
bufSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc(bufSize, "RdbMap");
// use extremes
const char *startKey = KEYMIN();
const char *endKey = KEYMAX();
// a rec needs to be at least this big
int32_t minRecSize = 0;
// negative keys do not have the dataSize field... so undo this
if (m_fixedDataSize == -1) {
minRecSize += 0;
} else {
minRecSize += m_fixedDataSize;
if (m_ks == 18) {
minRecSize += 6;
} else if (m_useHalfKeys) {
minRecSize += m_ks - 6;
} else {
minRecSize += m_ks;
// for parsing the lists into records
char key[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
int32_t recSize = 0;
char *rec = buf;
int64_t next = 0LL;
// read in at most "bufSize" bytes with each read
// keep track of how many bytes read in the log
if (offset >= next) {
if (next != 0) {
logf(LOG_INFO, "db: Read %" PRId64" bytes [%s]", next, f->getFilename());
next += 500000000; // 500MB
// our reads should always block
int64_t readSize = fileSize - offset;
if ( readSize > bufSize ) {
readSize = bufSize;
// if the readSize is less than the minRecSize, we got a bad cutoff
// so we can't go any more
if (readSize < minRecSize) {
mfree(buf, bufSize, "RdbMap");
return true;
// otherwise, read it in
if (!f->read(buf, readSize, offset)) {
mfree(buf, bufSize, "RdbMap");
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to read %" PRId64" bytes of %s at offset=%" PRId64". Map generation failed.",
bufSize, f->getFilename(), offset);
return false;
RdbList list;
// if we were headless then first key on that page could be cut
if ( firstFilePartNum > 0 && firstRead ) {
firstRead = false;
// scan the buffer to find the right key.
int32_t fullKeyOff = findNextFullPosdbKeyOffset (buf,readSize);
// if none found, bail
if ( fullKeyOff < 0 ) {
logError("Could not get a full key in the first %" PRId64" bytes read of headless file [%s]", readSize, f->getFilename());
return false;
// for each page before add a -1 entry i guess
int32_t p = 0;
int32_t pageNum = 0;
for (; p + m_pageSize < fullKeyOff; p += m_pageSize) {
// add a dummy entry indicating a continuation of
// a previous thing. we never had the full posdb key
// so we don't know what the top 6 bytes were so
// just stick -1 in there
setOffset(pageNum, -1);
setKey(pageNum, key);
// tell rdbmap where "list" occurs in the big file
m_offset = offset + fullKeyOff;
// set the list special here
list.set(buf + fullKeyOff, readSize - fullKeyOff, buf, readSize, startKey, endKey, m_fixedDataSize, false, m_useHalfKeys, m_ks);
} else {
// set the list
list.set(buf, readSize, buf, readSize, startKey, endKey, m_fixedDataSize, false, m_useHalfKeys, m_ks);
// . HACK to fix useHalfKeys compression thing from one read to the nxt
// . "key" should still be set to the last record we read last read
if ( offset > 0 ) {
// ... fix for posdb!!!
if (m_ks == 18) {
list.setListPtrLo(key + (m_ks - 12));
list.setListPtrHi(key + (m_ks - 6));
// . parse through the records in the list
// . stolen from RdbMap::addList()
rec = list.getCurrentRec ();
if (rec + 64 > list.getListEnd() && offset + readSize < fileSize) {
// set up so next read starts at this rec that MAY have been
// cut off
offset += (rec - buf);
goto readLoop;
// WARNING: when data is corrupted these may cause segmentation faults?
recSize = list.getCurrentRecSize();
// don't chop keys
if ( recSize < 6 ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Got negative recsize of %" PRId32" at offset=%" PRId64" lastgoodoff=%" PRId64,
recSize , offset + (rec-buf), m_offset );
// it truncates to m_offset!
if (truncateFile(f)) {
goto done;
return false;
// do we have a breech?
if (rec + recSize > buf + readSize) {
// save old
int64_t oldOffset = offset;
// set up so next read starts at this rec that got cut off
offset += (rec - buf);
// . if we advanced nothing, then we'll end up looping forever
// . this will == 0 too, for big recs that did not fit in our
// read but we take care of that below
// . this can happen if merge dumped out half-ass
// . the write split a record...
if (rec - buf == 0 && recSize <= bufSize) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Map generation failed because last record in data file was split. Power failure while "
"writing? Truncating file to %" PRId64" bytes. (lost %" PRId64" bytes)", offset, fileSize - offset);
// when merge resumes it call our getFileSize()
// in RdbMerge.cpp::gotLock() to set the dump offset
// otherwise, if we don't do this and write data
// in the middle of a split record AND then we crash
// without saving the map again, the second call to
// generateMap() will choke on that boundary and
// we'll lose a massive amount of data like we did
// with newspaperarchive
m_offset = offset;
goto done;
// is our buf big enough to hold this type of rec?
if (recSize > bufSize) {
mfree(buf, bufSize, "RdbMap");
bufSize = recSize;
buf = (char *) mmalloc(bufSize, "RdbMap");
if (!buf) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Got error while generating the map file: %s. offset=%" PRIu64".",
mstrerror(g_errno), oldOffset);
return false;
// read agin starting at the adjusted offset
goto readLoop;
if (!addRecord(key, rec, recSize)) {
// if it was key out of order, it might be because the
// power went out and we ended up writing a a few bytes of
// garbage then a bunch of 0's at the end of the file.
// if the truncate works out then we are done.
if (g_errno == ECORRUPTDATA && truncateFile(f)) {
goto done;
// otherwise, give it up
mfree(buf, bufSize, "RdbMap");
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Map generation failed: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
// skip current good record now
if (list.skipCurrentRecord()) {
goto nextRec;
// advance offset
offset += readSize;
// loop if more to go
if ( offset < fileSize ) {
goto readLoop;
// don't forget to free this
mfree(buf, bufSize, "RdbMap");
// if there was bad data we probably added out of order keys
if (m_needVerify) {
logError("Fixing map for [%s]. Added at least %" PRId64" bad keys.", f->getFilename(), m_badKeys);
m_needVerify = false;
// otherwise, we're done
return true;
// 5MB is a typical write buffer size, so do a little more than that
#define MAX_TRUNC_SIZE 6000000
bool RdbMap::truncateFile(BigFile *f) {
// how big is the big file
int64_t fileSize = f->getFileSize();
int64_t tail = fileSize - m_offset;
// up to 20MB is ok to remove if most just bytes that are zeroes
log("db: Counting bytes that are zeroes in the tail.");
int64_t count = 0;
char buf [100000];
int64_t off = m_offset;
do {
int32_t readSize = fileSize - off;
if (readSize > 100000) {
readSize = 100000;
if (!f->read(buf, readSize, off)) {
logError("Failed to read %" PRId32" bytes of [%s] at offset=%" PRId64".", readSize, f->getFilename(), off);
return false;
// count the zero bytes
for (int32_t i = 0; i < readSize; i++) {
if (buf[i] == 0) {
// read more if we can
off += readSize;
} while (off < fileSize);
// remove those from the size of the tail
tail -= count;
// if too much remains, do not truncate it
if (tail > MAX_TRUNC_SIZE) {
logError("Cannot truncate data file because bad tail is %" PRId64" bytes > %" PRId32". That excludes bytes that are zero.",
return false;
// how many parts does it have?
int32_t numParts = f->getNumParts();
// what part num are we on?
int32_t partnum = f->getPartNum(m_offset);
File *p = f->getFile2(partnum);
if (!p) {
logError("Unable to get part %" PRId32" of file [%s]", partnum, f->getFilename());
return false;
// get offset relative to the part file
int32_t newSize = m_offset % (int64_t)MAX_PART_SIZE;
// log what we are doing
int32_t oldSize = p->getFileSize();
int32_t lost = oldSize - newSize;
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Removing %" PRId32" bytes at the end of %s. Power outage probably corrupted it.",
lost, p->getFilename());
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Doing a truncate(%s,%" PRId32").", p->getFilename(), newSize);
// we must always be the last part of next to last part
if ( partnum != numParts-1 && partnum != numParts-2 ) {
logError("This file is not the last part or next to last part for this file. aborting truncation.");
return false;
// sanity check. if we are not the last part file, but are the next
// to last one, then the the last part file must be less than
// MAX_TRUNC_SIZE bytes big
File *p2 = NULL;
if (partnum == numParts - 2) {
p2 = f->getFile2(partnum + 1);
if (!p2) {
logError("Could not get next part %" PRId32" of file [%s]", partnum + 1, f->getFilename());
return false;
if (p2->getFileSize() > MAX_TRUNC_SIZE) {
logError("db: Next part file is bigger than %" PRId32" bytes.", MAX_TRUNC_SIZE);
return false;
// do the truncation
if (truncate(p->getFilename(), newSize)) {
// return false if had an error
logError("truncate(%s,%" PRId32"): %s.", p->getFilename(), newSize, mstrerror(errno));
return false;
// if we are not the last part, remove it
if (partnum == numParts - 2) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "db: Removing tiny last part. unlink (%s).", p2->getFilename());
// ensure it is smaller than 1k
if (!p2->unlink()) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Unlink of tiny last part failed.");
return false;
// reset file size, parts, etc on the big file since we truncated
// a part file and possibly removed another part file
if (!f->reset()) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to reset %s.", f->getFilename());
return false;
// success
return true;
int64_t RdbMap::findNextFullPosdbKeyOffset ( char *buf, int32_t bufSize ) {
char *p = buf;
char *lastKeyLo;
char *lastKeyMe;
char *lastKeyHi;
int32_t keyCount;
char *bufEnd = buf + bufSize;
int32_t numWinners = 0;
int64_t winnerOffset = -1;
// try an offset of 0
int64_t tryOffset = -2;
bool printed;
int64_t firstFullKeyOff;
printed = false;
firstFullKeyOff = -1;
tryOffset += 2;
// only need to try 18 of them
if ( tryOffset >= 18 )
goto done;
keyCount = 0;
lastKeyLo = NULL;
lastKeyMe = NULL;
lastKeyHi = NULL;
// posdbkey
//key144_t *kp = (key144_t *)p;
if ( p + 18 >= bufEnd )
goto bufExhausted;
char lastKey[18];
if ( lastKeyHi ) {
memcpy ( lastKey , lastKeyLo , 6 );
memcpy ( lastKey + 6 , lastKeyMe , 6 );
memcpy ( lastKey + 12 , lastKeyHi , 6 );
char thisKey[18];
// get lower compression bits
if ( (p[0] & 0x04) ) {
// make the full key to compare
if ( lastKeyHi ) {
memcpy ( thisKey , p , 6 );
memcpy ( thisKey + 6 , lastKeyMe , 6 );
memcpy ( thisKey + 12 , lastKeyHi , 6 );
if ( KEYCMP ( lastKey , thisKey , m_ks ) >= 0 ) {
log("rdbmap: key out of order 1 tryoff of %i",
goto offsetLoop;
//log("rdbmap: good key6 tryoff %i",(int)tryOffset);
lastKeyLo = p;
p += 6;
goto keyLoop;
// a 12 byte key?
if ( (p[0] & 0x02) ) {
// make the full key to compare
if ( lastKeyHi ) {
memcpy ( thisKey , p , 12 );
memcpy ( thisKey + 12 , lastKeyHi , 6 );
if ( KEYCMP ( lastKey , thisKey , m_ks ) >= 0 ) {
log("rdbmap: key out of order 2 @ %i "
"tryoff of %i",
goto offsetLoop;
//log("rdbmap: good key12 tryoff %i",(int)tryOffset);
lastKeyLo = p;
lastKeyMe = p + 6;
p += 12;
goto keyLoop;
// did we have a key before us?
if ( lastKeyHi && KEYCMP ( lastKey , p , 18 ) >= 0 ) {
log("rdbmap: tryoffset of %i is bogus",(int)tryOffset);
// keys out of order must not be a good 'tryOffset'
goto offsetLoop;
// ensure it is valid with alignment bits
if ( ! printed ) {
log("rdbmap: good key18 @ %i tryoff %i",
printed = true;
firstFullKeyOff = p-buf;
lastKeyLo = p;
lastKeyMe = p + 6;
lastKeyHi = p + 12;
p += 18;
// if ( keyCount >= 1000 ) {
// log("rdbmap: got good tryoffset of %i",(int)tryOffset);
// goodTry = tryOffset;
// goodOnes++;
// goto offsetLoop;
// }
goto keyLoop;
// only one key compared successfully, forget it then, not a winner
if ( keyCount > 1 ) {
// got a winner?
winnerOffset = firstFullKeyOff;
log("rdbmap: got winner @ %i at tryoff %i (keycount=%i)",
goto offsetLoop;
if ( numWinners != 1 ) {
log("rdbmap: could not figure out offset of first full key "
"in headless posdb file (numWinners=%i)",
return -1;
return winnerOffset;