1339 lines
30 KiB
1339 lines
30 KiB
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Sanity.h"
#include "utf8_fast.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include "fctypes.h"
#include <sys/stat.h> //O_CREAT etc.
#include <fcntl.h> //open()
#include "gbmemcpy.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gbmemcpy.h"
#include <cerrno>
SafeBuf::SafeBuf(int32_t initSize, const char *label ) {
if(initSize <= 0) initSize = 1;
m_capacity = initSize;
m_length = 0;
m_label = label;
m_buf = (char*)mrealloc(NULL, 0, m_capacity, m_label );
if(!m_buf) m_capacity = 0;
m_usingStack = false;
void SafeBuf::constructor ( ) {
m_capacity = 0;
m_length = 0;
m_buf = NULL;
m_usingStack = false;
m_label = NULL;
SafeBuf::SafeBuf() {
m_capacity = 0;
m_length = 0;
m_buf = NULL;
m_usingStack = false;
m_label = NULL;
void SafeBuf::setLabel ( const char *label ) {
m_label = label;
SafeBuf::SafeBuf(char* stackBuf, int32_t cap) {
m_usingStack = true;
m_capacity = cap;
m_buf = stackBuf;
m_length = 0;
m_label = NULL;
SafeBuf::SafeBuf(char *heapBuf, int32_t bufMax, int32_t bytesInUse, bool ownData) {
// . If we don't own the data, treat it like a stack buffer
// so we won't attempt to free or realloc it.
// . If you already have data in this buffer, make sure
// to explicitly update length.
m_usingStack = !ownData;
m_capacity = bufMax;
m_buf = heapBuf;
m_length = bytesInUse;
m_label = NULL;
SafeBuf::~SafeBuf() {
if(!m_usingStack && m_buf)
mfree(m_buf, m_capacity, "SafeBuf");
m_buf = NULL;
bool SafeBuf::setBuf(char *newBuf, int32_t bufMax, int32_t bytesInUse, bool ownData) {
// . Passing in a null or a capacity smaller than the
// used portion of the buffer is pointless, we have
// more reliable functions for emptying a buffer.
if ( !newBuf || bufMax < bytesInUse || bytesInUse < 0 )
return false;
if ( !m_usingStack && m_buf )
mfree( m_buf, m_capacity, "SafeBuf" );
// . If we don't own the data, treat it like a stack buffer
// so we won't attempt to free or realloc it.
m_usingStack = !ownData;
m_buf = newBuf;
m_capacity = bufMax;
m_length = bytesInUse;
return true;
void SafeBuf::purge() {
if ( !m_usingStack && m_buf )
mfree( m_buf, m_capacity, "SafeBuf" );
m_buf = NULL;
m_capacity = 0;
m_length = 0;
m_usingStack = false;
bool SafeBuf::safePrintf(const char *formatString , ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start ( ap, formatString);
int32_t tmp = vsnprintf ( m_buf + m_length, m_capacity - m_length,
formatString , ap );
if(tmp + m_length +1>= m_capacity) {
// +1 some space for a silent \0 at the end
if(!reserve(m_capacity + tmp + 1)) return false;
va_start ( ap, formatString);
tmp = vsnprintf ( m_buf + m_length, m_capacity - m_length,
formatString , ap );
m_length += tmp;
// this should not hurt anything
m_buf[m_length] = '\0';
return true;
bool SafeBuf::safeMemcpy(const char *s, int32_t len) {
// put a silent \0 at the end
//int32_t tmp = len + m_length+1;
//if(tmp >= m_capacity ) {
if ( m_length + len > m_capacity ) {
if ( ! reserve(m_length+len) ) return false;
gbmemcpy(m_buf + m_length, s, len);
m_length = m_length + len; // tmp-1;
// this should not hurt anything
//m_buf[m_length] = '\0';
return true;
bool SafeBuf::safeMemcpy_nospaces(const char *s, int32_t len) {
// put a silent \0 at the end
int32_t tmp = len + m_length+1;
if(tmp >= m_capacity ) {
if ( ! reserve(tmp) ) return false;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) {
if ( is_wspace_a(s[i]) ) continue;
m_buf[m_length++] = s[i];
//gbmemcpy(m_buf + m_length, s, len);
//m_length = tmp-1;
// this should not hurt anything
m_buf[m_length] = '\0';
return true;
bool SafeBuf::pushLong ( int32_t i) {
if ( m_length + 4 > m_capacity )
if(!reserve(4))//2*m_capacity + 1))
return false;
*(int32_t *)(m_buf+m_length) = i;
m_length += 4;
return true;
bool SafeBuf::pushLongLong ( int64_t i) {
if ( m_length + 8 > m_capacity && ! reserve(8) )
return false;
*(int64_t *)(m_buf+m_length) = i;
m_length += 8;
return true;
bool SafeBuf::pushFloat ( float i) {
if ( m_length + 4 > m_capacity )
return false;
*(float *)(m_buf+m_length) = i;
m_length += 4;
return true;
int32_t SafeBuf::popLong ( ) {
if ( m_length < 4 ) gbshutdownLogicError();
int32_t ret = *(int32_t *)(m_buf+m_length-4);
m_length -= 4;
return ret;
float SafeBuf::popFloat ( ) {
if ( m_length < 4 ) gbshutdownLogicError();
float ret = *(float *)(m_buf+m_length-4);
m_length -= 4;
return ret;
int32_t SafeBuf::pad(const char ch, const int32_t len) {
for(int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
return len;
bool SafeBuf::cat(const SafeBuf& c) {
return safeMemcpy(c.getBufStart(), c.length());
bool SafeBuf::reserve(int32_t i , const char *label, bool clearIt ) {
// if we don't already have a label and they provided one, use it
if ( ! m_label ) {
if ( label ) m_label = label;
else m_label = "SafeBuf";
if(m_length + i > m_capacity) {
char *tmpBuf = m_buf;
int32_t tmpCap = m_capacity;
if(m_usingStack) {
m_buf = NULL;
m_capacity += i;
m_buf = (char*)mrealloc(m_buf, 0, m_capacity,m_label);
if(!m_buf) {
m_buf = tmpBuf;
log(LOG_ERROR, "safebuf: failed to reserve %" PRId32" bytes", m_capacity);
m_capacity = tmpCap;
return false;
memcpy(m_buf, tmpBuf, m_length);
// reset to 0's?
if ( clearIt ) {
int32_t clearSize = m_capacity - tmpCap;
m_usingStack = false;
return true;
m_capacity += i;
m_buf = (char*)mrealloc(m_buf, tmpCap, m_capacity,m_label);
if(!m_buf) {
m_buf = tmpBuf;
log(LOG_ERROR, "safebuf: failed to realloc %" PRId32" bytes", m_capacity);
m_capacity = tmpCap;
return false;
// reset to 0's?
if ( clearIt ) {
int32_t clearSize = m_capacity - tmpCap;
return true;
//reserve this many bytes, if we need to alloc, we double the
//buffer size.
bool SafeBuf::reserve2x(int32_t i, const char *label) {
//watch out for overflow!
if((m_capacity << 1) + i < m_capacity) return false;
if(i + m_length >= m_capacity)
return reserve(m_capacity + i,label);
else return true;
int32_t SafeBuf::saveToFile(const char *dir, const char *filename) const {
char buf[1024];
return dumpToFile ( buf );
int32_t SafeBuf::save(const char *fullFilename) const {
return dumpToFile ( fullFilename );
int32_t SafeBuf::dumpToFile(const char *filename ) const {
int32_t fd = open ( filename , O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC ,
getFileCreationFlags() );
if ( fd < 0 ) {
log("safebuf: Failed to open %s for writing: %s",
return -1;
//logf(LOG_DEBUG, "test: safebuf %" PRId32" bytes written to %s",m_length,
// filename);
int32_t bytes = write(fd, (char*)m_buf, m_length) ;
if ( bytes != m_length ) {
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"test: safebuf bad write %" PRId32" != %" PRId32": %s",
return -1;
return m_length;
// return -1 on error
int32_t SafeBuf::safeSave(const char *filename) const {
// first write to tmp file
StackBuf<1024> fn;
fn.safePrintf( "%s.saving",filename );
int32_t fd = open ( fn.getBufStart() ,
getFileCreationFlags() );
if ( fd < 0 ) {
log("safebuf: Failed to open %s for writing: %s",
fn.getBufStart(), mstrerror(errno));
return -1;
//logf(LOG_DEBUG, "test: safebuf %" PRId32" bytes written to %s",m_length,
// filename);
int32_t bytes = write(fd, (char*)m_buf, m_length) ;
if ( bytes != m_length ) {
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"test: safebuf bad write %" PRId32" != %" PRId32": %s",
return -1;
// remove original file before replacing it
// now move it to the actual filename
//int32_t status = ::rename ( fn.getBufStart() , filename );
int32_t status = ::link ( fn.getBufStart() , filename );
// note it
//log("sb: saved %s safely",filename);
if ( status == -1 ) {
//g_errno = errno;
log("sb: safeBuf::safeSave::link: %s",mstrerror(errno));
return -1;
//unlink temporary .saving file. Ignore any errors because they are harmless
return m_length;
int32_t SafeBuf::fillFromFile(const char *dir, const char *filename, const char *label) {
m_label = label;
char buf[1024];
if ( dir ) snprintf(buf,1024,"%s/%s",dir,filename);
else snprintf(buf,1024,"%s",filename);
return fillFromFile ( buf );
char *SafeBuf::getNextLine ( char *p ) {
// skip till \n
for ( ; *p ; p++ )
if ( *p == '\n' ) break;
if ( *p == '\n' ) p++;
if ( *p == '\0' ) return NULL;
return p;
// returns -1 on error
int32_t SafeBuf::catFile(const char *filename) {
SafeBuf sb2;
if ( sb2.fillFromFile(filename) < 0 ) return -1;
// add 1 for a null
if ( ! reserve ( sb2.length() + 1 ) ) return -1;
cat ( sb2 );
return length();
// returns -1 on error
int32_t SafeBuf::fillFromFile(const char *filename) {
int32_t fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if(fd<0) {
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Failed to open %s for reading", filename);
return 0;// 0 means does not exist or file is empty
// -1 means there was a read error of some sorts
return -1;//false;
struct stat st;
if(fstat(fd, &st) != 0) {
// An error occurred
log(LOG_DEBUG, "Failed to open %s for reading", filename);
return 0;
if( !reserve(st.st_size+1) ) {
logError("Failed to allocate %" PRId64 " bytes for %s content", (int64_t)st.st_size+1, filename);
return 0;
int32_t numRead = read(fd, m_buf+m_length, st.st_size);
// add a \0 for good meaure
if ( numRead >= 0 ) {
m_length += numRead;
m_buf[m_length] = '\0';
return numRead;
bool SafeBuf::insert ( const char *s, int32_t insertPos ) {
return safeReplace ( s ,
strlen(s) ,
insertPos ,
0 );
bool SafeBuf::insert2 ( const char *s, int32_t slen, int32_t insertPos ) {
return safeReplace ( s ,
slen ,
insertPos ,
0 );
bool SafeBuf::replace ( const char *src, const char *dst ) {
int32_t len1 = strlen(src);
int32_t len2 = strlen(dst);
if ( len1 != len2 ) {
return safeReplace2 ( src , len1,
dst , len2,
0 );
for ( char *p = strstr ( m_buf , src ) ; p ; p = strstr(p+len1,src ) )
gbmemcpy ( p , dst , len2 );
return true;
bool SafeBuf::removeChunk1 ( const char *p , int32_t len ) {
int32_t off = p - m_buf;
return removeChunk2 ( off , len );
bool SafeBuf::removeChunk2 ( int32_t pos , int32_t len ) {
if ( len == 0 ) return true;
char *dst = m_buf + pos;
char *src = m_buf + pos + len;
int32_t moveLen = m_buf + m_length - src;
memmove(dst, src, moveLen);
m_length -= len;
m_buf[m_length] = '\0';
return true;
// replace string at "pos/replaceLen" with s/len
bool SafeBuf::safeReplace ( const char *s, int32_t len, int32_t pos, int32_t replaceLen ) {
// make sure we have room
int32_t diff = len - replaceLen;
// add in one for the silent terminating \0
int32_t newLen = m_length + diff ;
if ( newLen+1 > m_capacity ) {
if ( !reserve ( 2 * newLen + 1 ) )
return false;
// shift memory over
if ( diff != 0 ) {
char *src = m_buf + (pos + replaceLen);
char *dst = src + diff;
int32_t movelen = m_length - (pos + replaceLen);
memmove(dst, src, movelen);
// replace
char *p = m_buf + pos;
gbmemcpy(p, s, len);
m_length = newLen;
// silent terminating \0
m_buf[m_length] = '\0';
return true;
// return false and set g_errno on error
bool SafeBuf::safeReplace2 (const char *s, int32_t slen,
const char *t, int32_t tlen,
int32_t startOff ) {
char *pend2 = m_buf + m_length - slen + 1;
int32_t count = 0;
for ( char *p = m_buf + startOff ; p < pend2 ; p++ ) {
// search
if ( p[0] != s[0] ) continue;
// compare 2nd char
if ( slen >= 2 && p[1] != s[1] ) continue;
// check all chars now
if ( slen >= 3 && strncmp(p,s,slen) != 0 ) continue;
// count them
// nothing to replace? all done then
if ( count == 0 ) return true;
int32_t extra = (tlen - slen) * count;
// allocate new space
int32_t need = m_length + extra;
// make a new safebuf to copy into
char *bbb = (char *)mmalloc(need,"saferplc");
if ( ! bbb ) return false;
// do it
char *dst = bbb;
char *dend = bbb + need;
char *pend = m_buf + m_length;
// scan all
for ( char *p = m_buf ; p < pend && dst < dend ; p++ , dst++ ) {
// assume not a match
*dst = *p;
// search
if ( p[0] != s[0] ) continue;
// must be big enough
if ( p + slen > pend ) continue;
// compare 2nd char
if ( slen >= 2 && p[1] != s[1] ) continue;
// check all chars now
if ( slen >= 3 && strncmp(p,s,slen) != 0 ) continue;
// undo copy
gbmemcpy ( dst , t , tlen );
// advance for that
dst += tlen - 1;
p += slen - 1;
// clear us
// now this is our new junk
bool status = safeMemcpy ( bbb , dst - bbb );
// clear what we had
mfree ( bbb , need , "saferplc");
if (!nullTerm()) {
return status;
bool SafeBuf::utf8Encode2(const char *s, int32_t len, bool encodeHTML) {
int32_t tmp = m_length;
if (! safeMemcpy(s,len)) return false;
if (!encodeHTML) return true;
return htmlEncode(m_length-tmp);
bool SafeBuf::utf32Encode(UChar32* codePoints, int32_t cpLen) {
int32_t need = 0;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < cpLen;i++) need += utf8Size(codePoints[i]);
if(!reserve(need)) return false;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < cpLen;i++) {
m_length += ::utf8Encode(codePoints[i], m_buf + m_length);
return true;
bool SafeBuf::htmlEncode(const char *s, int32_t lenArg, bool encodePoundSign , int32_t truncateLen ) {
// . we assume we are encoding into utf8
// the new truncation logic
int32_t len = lenArg;
bool truncate = false;
int32_t extra = 0;
if ( truncateLen > 0 && lenArg > truncateLen ) {
len = truncateLen;
truncate = true;
extra = 4;
// alloc some space if we need to. add a byte for NULL termination.
if ( m_length + len + 1 + extra >= m_capacity && !reserve( m_capacity + len + 1 + extra ) ) {
return false;
// tmp vars
char *t = m_buf + m_length;
char *tend = m_buf + m_capacity;
// scan through all
const char *send = s + len;
for ( ; s < send ; s++ ) {
// ensure we have enough room
if ( t + 12 >= tend ) {
// save progress
int32_t written = t - m_buf;
if ( !reserve( m_capacity + 100 ) ) {
return false;
// these might have changed, so set them again
t = m_buf + written;
tend = m_buf + m_capacity;
// this is only used to encode stuff for the validation
// routine (see XmlDoc::validateOutput). like storing the
// event tile or description ultimately unto a checkboxspan.*
// txt file, so don't mess with these punct chars either
// convert it?
if ( *s == '"' ) {
*t++ = '&';
*t++ = '#';
*t++ = '3';
*t++ = '4';
*t++ = ';';
if ( *s == '<' ) {
*t++ = '&';
*t++ = 'l';
*t++ = 't';
*t++ = ';';
if ( *s == '>' ) {
*t++ = '&';
*t++ = 'g';
*t++ = 't';
*t++ = ';';
if ( *s == '&' ) {
*t++ = '&';
*t++ = 'a';
*t++ = 'm';
*t++ = 'p';
*t++ = ';';
if ( *s == '#' && encodePoundSign ) {
*t++ = '&';
*t++ = '#';
*t++ = '0';
*t++ = '3';
*t++ = '5';
*t++ = ';';
*t++ = *s;
if ( truncate ) {
gbmemcpy ( t , "... " , 4 );
t += 4;
*t = '\0';
// update the used buf length
m_length = t - m_buf ;
// success
return true;
bool SafeBuf::htmlEncode(const char *s) {
return htmlEncode(s,strlen(s),true);
// scan the last "len" characters for entities to encode
bool SafeBuf::htmlEncode(int32_t len ){
for (int32_t i = m_length-len; i < m_length ; i++){
if ( m_buf[i] == '"' ) {
if (!safeReplace(""", 5, i, 1))
return false;
if ( m_buf[i] == '<' ) {
if (!safeReplace("<", 4, i, 1))
return false;
if ( m_buf[i] == '>' ) {
if (!safeReplace(">", 4, i, 1))
return false;
if ( m_buf[i] == '&' ) {
if (!safeReplace("&", 5, i, 1))
return false;
return true;
bool SafeBuf::dequote ( const char *t , int32_t tlen ) {
if ( tlen == 0 ) return true;
const char *tend = t + tlen;
for ( ; t < tend; t++ ) {
if ( *t == '"' ) {
safeMemcpy(""", 5);
safeMemcpy(t, 1);
// there may be more things added to m_buf later, so do
// not null terminate this here...
//char null = '\0';
//safeMemcpy(&null, 1);
return true;
void SafeBuf::detachBuf() {
m_capacity = 0;
m_length = 0;
m_buf = NULL;
m_usingStack = false;
// set buffer from another safebuf, stealing it
bool SafeBuf::stealBuf ( SafeBuf *sb ) {
// free what we got!
m_capacity = sb->m_capacity;
m_length = sb->m_length;
m_buf = sb->m_buf;
m_usingStack = sb->m_usingStack;
// clear his ptrs
sb->m_buf = NULL;
sb->m_capacity = 0;
sb->m_length = 0;
return true;
bool SafeBuf::operator += (uint64_t i) {
return safeMemcpy((char*)&i, sizeof(uint64_t));
bool SafeBuf::operator += (int64_t i) {
return safeMemcpy((char*)&i, sizeof(int64_t));
bool SafeBuf::operator += (char c) {
return safeMemcpy((char*)&c, sizeof(char));
bool SafeBuf::operator += (uint32_t i) {
return safeMemcpy((char*)&i, sizeof(uint32_t));
bool SafeBuf::operator += (uint16_t i) {
return safeMemcpy((char*)&i, sizeof(uint16_t));
bool SafeBuf::operator += (uint8_t i) {
return safeMemcpy((char*)&i, sizeof(uint8_t));
// bool SafeBuf::operator += (double i) {
// return safeMemcpy((char*)&i, sizeof(double));
// }
const char& SafeBuf::operator[](int32_t i) const {
return m_buf[i];
// this puts a \0 at the end but does not update m_length for the \0
bool SafeBuf::safeStrcpy ( const char *s ) {
if ( ! s ) return true;
int32_t slen = strlen(s);
if ( ! reserve ( slen+1 ) ) return false;
if ( ! safeMemcpy(s,slen) ) return false;
return true;
// . this should support the case when the src and dst buffers are the same!
// so decodeJSONToUtf8() function below will work
// . this is used by xmldoc.cpp to PARTIALLY decode a json buf so we do not
// index letters in escapes like \n \r \f \t \uxxxx \\ \/
// . SO we do keep \"
// . so when indexing a doc we set decodeAll to FALSE, but if you want to
// decode quotation marks as well then set decodeAll to TRUE!
bool SafeBuf::safeDecodeJSONToUtf8 ( const char *json, int32_t jsonLen) {
// how much space to reserve for the copy?
int32_t need = jsonLen;
// count how many \u's we got
const char *p = json;//m_buf;
const char *pend = json + jsonLen;
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ )
// for the 'x' and the ';'
if ( *p == '\\' && p[1] == 'u' ) need += 2;
// reserve a little extra if we need it
//SafeBuf dbuf;
if ( ! reserve ( need + 1) ) return false;
const char *src = json;//m_buf;
const char *srcEnd = json + jsonLen;
char *dst = m_buf + m_length;
for ( ; src < srcEnd ; ) {
if ( *src == '\\' ) {
// \n? (from json.org homepage)
if ( src[1] == 'n' ) {
*dst++ = '\n';
src += 2;
if ( src[1] == 'r' ) {
*dst++ = '\r';
src += 2;
if ( src[1] == 't' ) {
*dst++ = '\t';
src += 2;
if ( src[1] == 'b' ) {
*dst++ = '\b';
src += 2;
if ( src[1] == 'f' ) {
*dst++ = '\f';
src += 2;
// a "\\" is an encoded backslash
if ( src[1] == '\\' ) {
*dst++ = '\\';
src += 2;
// a "\/" is an encoded forward slash
if ( src[1] == '/' ) {
*dst++ = '/';
src += 2;
// we do not decode quotation marks when indexing
// the doc so we can preserve json names/value pair
// information for indexing purposes. however,
// Title.cpp DOES want to decode quotations.
if ( src[1] == '\"' ) { // && decodeAll ) {
*dst++ = '\"';
src += 2;
// utf8? if not, just skip the slash
if ( src[1] != 'u' ) {
// no, keep the slash so if we have /"
// we do not convert to just "
*dst++ = '\\';
// otherwise, decode. can do in place like this...
const char *p = src + 2;
// skip the /ug or /ugg or /uggg or /ugggg in its
// entirety i guess... to avoid infinite loop
if ( ! is_hex(p[0]) ) { src +=2; continue;}
if ( ! is_hex(p[1]) ) { src +=3; continue;}
if ( ! is_hex(p[2]) ) { src +=4; continue;}
if ( ! is_hex(p[3]) ) { src +=5; continue;}
// TODO: support surrogate pairs in utf16?
UChar32 uc = 0;
// store the 16-bit number in lower 16 bits of uc...
hexToBin ( p , 2 , ((char *)&uc)+1 );
hexToBin ( p+2 , 2 , ((char *)&uc)+0 );
//buf[2] = '\0';
int32_t size = ::utf8Encode ( (UChar32)uc , (char *)dst );
// a quote??? not allowed in json!
if ( size == 1 && dst[0] == '\"' ) {
size = 2;
dst[0] = '\\';
dst[1] = '\"';
//int16_t = ahextoint16_t ( p );
dst += size;
// skip over /u and 4 digits
src += 6;
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst = '\0';
// update our length
m_length = dst - m_buf;
return true;
bool SafeBuf::jsonEncode(const char *utf8, int32_t srcLen) {
// how much space do we need?
// each single byte \t char for instance will need 2 bytes
int32_t need = srcLen * 2 + 1;
if ( ! reserve ( need ) ) {
return false;
// scan and copy
const char *src = utf8;
//note: the NUL-check in the for-loop condition below shouldn't be necessary, but callers supply a srcLen
//that is too long. Eg. queryterms::m_termLen in some phrase scenarios
// concatenate to what's already there
char *dst = m_buf + m_length;
char char_size;
for(int j=0; j<srcLen && utf8[j]!='\0'; j+=char_size, src+=char_size) {
char_size = getUtf8CharSize(src);
// remove invalid UTF-8 characters
if ( ! isValidUtf8Char(src) ) {
char_size = 1;
if ( char_size == 1 ) {
// remove invalid ascii control characters
if ((*src >= 1 && *src <= 7) ||
(*src == 11) ||
(*src >= 14 && *src <= 31)) {
// refer to: http://json.org/
switch(*src) {
case '\b': // backspace (08)
*dst++ = '\\';
*dst++ = 'b';
case '\t': // horizontal tab (09)
*dst++ = '\\';
*dst++ = 't';
case '\n': // newline (10)
*dst++ = '\\';
*dst++ = 'n';
case '\f': // formfeed (12)
*dst++ = '\\';
*dst++ = 'f';
case '\r': // carriage return (13)
*dst++ = '\\';
*dst++ = 'r';
case '\"': // quotation mark
*dst++ = '\\';
*dst++ = '\"';
case '\\': // reverse solidus
*dst++ = '\\';
*dst++ = '\\';
*dst++ = *src;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < char_size; ++i) {
*dst++ = src[i];
// null term
*dst = '\0';
m_length = dst - m_buf;
return true;
bool SafeBuf::jsonEncode(const char *utf8) {
if ( ! utf8 ) {
//legacy allowance for null ptrs. Who calls this method with a null pointer?
return true;
return jsonEncode(utf8,strlen(utf8));
bool SafeBuf::brify2 ( const char *s, int32_t cols, const char *sep, bool isHtml ) {
return brify ( s, strlen(s), cols , sep , isHtml );
bool SafeBuf::brify( const char *s, int32_t slen, int32_t maxCharsPerLine, const char *sep,
bool isHtml ) {
// count the xml tags so we know how much buf to allocated
const char *p = s;
const char *pend = s + slen;
char cs;
int32_t brSizes = 0;
bool lastRound = false;
int32_t col = 0;
const char *pstart = s;
const char *breakPoint = NULL;
bool inTag = false;
int32_t sepLen = strlen(sep);
bool forced = false;
for ( ; p < pend ; p += cs ) {
cs = getUtf8CharSize(p);
// do not inc count if in a tag
if ( inTag ) {
if ( *p == '>' ) {
inTag = false;
if ( *p == '<' && isHtml ) {
inTag = true;
col = (col+8)&~7;
if ( is_wspace_utf8(p) ) {
// reset?
if ( ! isHtml && *p == '\n' ) {
forced = true;
breakPoint = p;
goto forceBreak;
// break AFTER this punct
breakPoint = p;
if ( col < maxCharsPerLine ) {
// now add the break point i guess
// if none, gotta break here for sure!!!
if ( ! breakPoint ) {
breakPoint = p;
// count that
brSizes += sepLen;//4;
// print only for last round
if ( lastRound ) {
// . print up to that
// . this includes the \n if forced is true
safeMemcpy ( pstart , breakPoint - pstart + 1 );
// then br
if ( ! forced ) {
safeMemcpy ( sep , sepLen ) ; // "<br>"
forced = false;
// start right after breakpoint for next line
p = breakPoint;
cs = getUtf8CharSize(p);
pstart = p + cs;
// nuke it
breakPoint = NULL;
col = 0;
// print out the last line which never hit the maxCharsPerLine barrier
if ( lastRound && p - pstart ) {
// print up to that
safeMemcpy ( pstart , p - pstart );
if ( lastRound ) {
return true;
// alloc that space. return false with g_errno set on error
if ( brSizes && ! reserve ( brSizes ) ) {
return false;
// reset ptrs
p = s;
pstart = s;
col = 0;
breakPoint = NULL;
// now do it again but for real!
lastRound = true;
forced = false;
goto redo;
bool SafeBuf::safeTruncateEllipsis ( const char *src , int32_t maxLen ) {
int32_t srcLen = strlen(src);
return safeTruncateEllipsis ( src , srcLen , maxLen );
bool SafeBuf::safeTruncateEllipsis ( const char *src , int32_t srcLen , int32_t maxLen ) {
int32_t printLen = srcLen;
if ( printLen > maxLen ) printLen = maxLen;
if ( ! safeMemcpy ( src , printLen ) )
return false;
if ( srcLen < maxLen ) {
if ( ! nullTerm() ) return false;
return true;
if ( ! safeMemcpy("...",3) )
return false;
if ( ! nullTerm() )
return false;
return true;
#include "sort.h"
bool SafeBuf::htmlDecode(const char *src, int32_t srcLen) {
// in case we were in use
// make sure we have enough room
if ( ! reserve ( srcLen + 1 ) ) return false;
// . just decode buffer into our m_buf that we reserved
// . it puts a \0 at the end and returns the LENGTH of the string
// it put into m_buf, not including the \0
int32_t newLen = ::htmlDecode( m_buf, src, srcLen, false );
// assign that length then
m_length = newLen;
// good to go
return true;
void SafeBuf::replaceChar ( char src , char dst ) {
char *px = m_buf;
char *pxEnd = m_buf + m_length;
for ( ; px < pxEnd ; px++ ) if ( *px == src ) *px = dst;
bool SafeBuf::base64Encode ( const char *sx , int32_t len ) {
const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)sx;
if ( ! s ) return true;
// assume all chars are double quotes and will have to be encoded
int32_t need = len * 2 + 1 +3; // +3 for = padding
if ( ! reserve ( need ) ) return false;
// tmp vars
char *dst = m_buf + m_length;
int32_t round = 0;
// the table of 64 entities
static const char tab[] = {
unsigned char val;
// scan through all
const unsigned char *send = s + len;
for ( ; s < send ; ) {
unsigned char c1 = s[0];
unsigned char c2 = 0;
//unsigned char c3 = 0;
if ( s+1 < send ) c2 = s[1];
else c2 = 0;
if ( round == 0 ) {
val = c1 >>2;
else if ( round == 1 ) {
val = (c1 & 0x03) << 4;
val |= c2 >> 4;
// time for this
else if ( round == 2 ) {
val = ((c1 & 0x0f) << 2);
val |= ((c2 & 0xc0) >> 6);
else if ( round == 3 ) {
val = (c1 & 0x3f);
// add '0'
*dst = tab[val];
// point to next char
// keep going if more left
if ( s < send ) {
// repeat every 4 cycles since it is aligned then
if ( ++round == 4 ) round = 0;
// if we are done do padding
if ( round == 0 ) {
*dst++ = '=';
if ( round == 1 ) {
*dst++ = '=';
*dst++ = '=';
if ( round == 2 ) {
*dst++ = '=';
m_length += dst - (m_buf + m_length);
return true;
bool SafeBuf::base64Encode( const char *s ) {
return base64Encode(s,strlen(s));
bool SafeBuf::base64Decode ( const char *src , int32_t srcLen ) {
// make the map
static unsigned char s_bmap[256];
static bool s_init = false;
if ( ! s_init ) {
s_init = true;
memset ( s_bmap , 0 , 256 );
unsigned char val = 0;
for ( unsigned char c = 'A' ; c <= 'Z'; c++ )
s_bmap[c] = val++;
for ( unsigned char c = 'a' ; c <= 'z'; c++ )
s_bmap[c] = val++;
for ( unsigned char c = '0' ; c <= '9'; c++ )
s_bmap[c] = val++;
if ( val != 62 ) gbshutdownLogicError();
s_bmap[(unsigned char)'+'] = 62;
s_bmap[(unsigned char)'/'] = 63;
// reserve twice as much space i guess
if ( ! reserve ( srcLen * 2 + 1 ) ) return false;
// leave room for \0
char *dst = getBufPtr();
char *dstEnd = getBufEnd(); // dst + dstSize - 5;
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)src;
unsigned char val;
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( *p ) {val = s_bmap[*p]; p++; } else val = 0;
// copy 6 bits
*dst <<= 6;
*dst |= val;
if ( *p ) {val = s_bmap[*p]; p++; } else val = 0;
// copy 2 bits
*dst <<= 2;
*dst |= (val>>4);
// copy 4 bits
*dst = val & 0xf;
if ( *p ) {val = s_bmap[*p]; p++; } else val = 0;
// copy 4 bits
*dst <<= 4;
*dst |= (val>>2);
// copy 2 bits
*dst = (val&0x3);
if ( *p ) {val = s_bmap[*p]; p++; } else val = 0;
// copy 6 bits
*dst <<= 6;
*dst |= val;
// sanity
if ( dst >= dstEnd ) {
log("safebuf: bas64decode breach");
*dst = '\0';
return false;
if ( ! *p ) break;
// update
m_length = dst - m_buf;
// null term just in case
//dst[1] = '\0';
return true;
bool SafeBuf::hasDigits() const {
if ( m_length <= 0 ) return false;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_length ; i++ )
if ( is_digit(m_buf[i]) ) return true;
return false;
int32_t SafeBuf::indexOf(char c) const {
const char *p = m_buf;
const char *pend = m_buf + m_length;
while (p < pend && *p != c)
if(p == pend)
return -1;
return p - m_buf;