
645 lines
17 KiB

#include "Speller.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include "StopWords.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Lang.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
Speller g_speller;
bool Speller::init(){
static bool s_init = false;
if ( s_init ) return true;
s_init = true;
log(LOG_INFO,"Loading unified dict");
bool loaded = loadUnifiedDict();
log(LOG_INFO,"Loaded unified dict");
if (!loaded) {
log(LOG_WARN, "spell: Could not load unified dict from unifiedDict-buf.txt and unifiedDict-map.dat");
return false;
// this seems to slow our startup way down!!!
log("speller: turning off spell checking for now");
return true;
void Speller::reset(){
// The unified dict is the combination of the word list, title rec and the top
// query dict of all languages. It has to be created by loading each languages
// dict into memory using Language.loadWordList(), loadTitleRecDict(), etc
bool Speller::loadUnifiedDict() {
bool building = false;
bool needRebuild = false;
// this MUST be there
if ( m_unifiedBuf.fillFromFile(g_hostdb.m_dir,
"unifiedDict-buf.txt" ) == 0 )
needRebuild = true;
// . give it a million slots
// . unified dict currently has 1340223 entries
m_unifiedDict.set ( 8,4, 2*1024*1024,NULL,0,false,"udictht");
// try to load in the hashtable and the buffer directly
if ( ! m_unifiedDict.load(g_hostdb.m_dir,"unifiedDict-map.dat"))
needRebuild = true;
if ( ! needRebuild ) {
// convert unifiedBuf \n's to \0's
char *start = m_unifiedBuf.getBufStart();
char *end = start + m_unifiedBuf.length();
for ( char *p = start ; p < end ; p++ )
if ( *p == '\n' ) *p = '\0';
log(LOG_DEBUG,"speller: done loading successfully");
return true;
if ( building ) {
log("gb: rebuild failed. exiting.");
building = true;
log("gb: REBUILDING unifiedDict-buf.txt and unifiedDict-map.dat");
// just in case that was there and the buf wasn't
// or vice versa
// load the .txt file. this is REQUIRED for rebuild
SafeBuf ub;
if ( ub.fillFromFile (g_hostdb.m_dir,"unifiedDict.txt") <= 0 )
return false;
// change \n to \0
// TODO: filter out the first word from each line?
char *start = ub.getBufStart();
char *end = start + ub.length();
for ( char *p = start ; p < end ; p++ )
if ( *p == '\n' ) *p = '\0';
// now scan wikitionary file wiktionary-lang.txt to get even
// more words! this file is generated from Wiktionary.cpp when
// it scans the wiktionary xml dump to generate the other
// wiktionary-syns.dat and wiktionary-buf.txt files. it also
// cranks this file out because we can use it since we do not
// have czech in the unifiedDict.txt file.
SafeBuf wkfBuf;
if ( wkfBuf.fillFromFile ( g_hostdb.m_dir,"wiktionary-lang.txt") <= 0 )
return false;
// scan each line
char *p = wkfBuf.getBufStart();
char *pend = p + wkfBuf.length();
HashTableX wkfMap;
// true = allow dups. because same word can appear in multiple langs
if ( ! wkfMap.set ( 8,1,1000000,NULL,0,true,"wkfmap") )
return false;
// "fr|livre" is how it's formatted
for ( ; p && p < pend ; p = wkfBuf.getNextLine(p) ) {
char *start = p;
// skip til |
for ( ; *p && *p != '|' ; p++ );
// sanity check
if ( *p != '|' ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// tmp NULL that
*p = '\0';
char langId = getLangIdFromAbbr(start);
// revert
*p = '|';
if ( langId == langUnknown )
if ( langId == langTranslingual )
// skip |
// that's the word
char *word = p;
// find end
char *end = p;
for ( ; *end && *end != '\n' ; end++ ) ;
// so hash it up
int64_t wid = hash64d ( word , end - word );
// debug point
//if ( wid == 5000864073612302341LL )
// log("download");
// add it to map
if ( ! wkfMap.addKey ( &wid , &langId ) ) return false;
// scan unifiedDict.txt file
int32_t totalCollisions = 0;
uint64_t atline = 0;
p = start;
while ( p < end ) {
char *phrase = p;
// if line is a comment skip it
if ( *p == '#' ){
p += strlen(p) + 1;
// skip phrase
while ( *p != '\t' )
// Null end the phrase
*p = '\0';
// skip empty phrases
if(strlen(phrase) < 1) {
"spell: Got zero length entry in unifiedDict "
"at line %" PRIu64", skipping\n",
p += strlen(p) + 1;
// skip single byte words that are not alphabetic
// Anything over 'Z' is likely unicode, so don't bother
if(strlen(phrase) == 1 && (phrase[0] < 'a')) {
"spell: Got questionable entry in "
"unifiedDict at line %" PRIu64", skipping: %s\n",
p += strlen(p) + 1;
// . i need to move everything over to utf8!!!
// . this is the same hash function used by Words.cpp so that
// phonet
char *phonet = p;
// next is the phonet
while ( *p != '\t' )
// Null end the phonet
*p = '\0';
uint64_t key = hash64d(phrase,strlen(phrase));
// make sure we haven't added this word/phrase yet
if ( m_unifiedDict.isInTable ( &key ) ) {
p += strlen(p) + 1;
// reset lang vector
int64_t pops[MAX_LANGUAGES];
memset ( pops , 0 , MAX_LANGUAGES * 8 );
// see how many langs this key is in in unifiedDict.txt file
char *phraseRec = p;
getPhraseLanguages2 ( phraseRec , pops );
// make all pops positive if it has > 1 lang already
//int32_t count = 0;
//for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_LANGUAGES ; i++ )
// if ( pops[i] ) count++;
int32_t imax = MAX_LANGUAGES;
//if ( count <= 1 ) imax = 0;
// assume none are in official dict
// seems like nanny messed things up, so undo that
// and set it negative if in wiktionary in loop below
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < imax ; i++ )
// HOWEVER, if it is -1 leave it be, i think it
// was probably correct in that case for some reason.
// Wiktionary fails to get a TON of forms for
// many foreign languages in the english dict.
// so nanny got these from some dict, so try to
// keep them.
// like 'abelhudo'
// and is not in
// . NO! because it has "ein" as english with
// a -1 popularity as well as "ist"! reconsider
if ( pops[i] < -1 ) pops[i] *= -1;
// now add in from wiktionary
int32_t slot = wkfMap.getSlot ( &key );
for ( ; slot >= 0 ; slot = wkfMap.getNextSlot(slot,&key) ) {
uint8_t langId = *(char *)wkfMap.getValueFromSlot(slot);
if ( langId == langUnknown ) continue;
if ( langId == langTranslingual ) continue;
// if it marked as already in that dictionary, cont
if ( pops[langId] < 0 ) continue;
// if it is positive, make it negative to mark
// it as being in the official dictionary
// -1 means pop unknown but in dictionary
if ( pops[langId] == 0 ) pops[langId] = -1;
else pops[langId] *= -1;
// save the offset
int32_t offset = m_unifiedBuf.length();
// print the word/phrase and its phonet, if any
int32_t count = 0;
// print the languages and their popularity scores
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_LANGUAGES ; i++ ) {
if ( pops[i] == 0 ) continue;
// skip "unknown" what does that really mean?
if ( i == 0 ) continue;
m_unifiedBuf.safePrintf("%" PRId32"\t%" PRId32"\t",
// if none, revert
if ( count == 0 ) {
// skip "p" to next line in unifiedBuf.txt
p += strlen(p) + 1;
// trim final tab i guess
// end line
// directly point to the (lang, score) tuples
m_unifiedDict.addKey(&key, &offset);
// skip "p" to next line in unifiedBuf.txt
p += strlen(p) + 1;
log (LOG_WARN,"spell: got %" PRId32" TOTAL collisions in unified dict",
HashTableX dedup;
// . now add entries from wkfBuf that were not also in "ub"
// . format is "<langAbbr>|<word>\n"
p = wkfBuf.getBufStart();
end = p + wkfBuf.length();
for ( ; p ; p = wkfBuf.getNextLine(p) ) {
//char *langAbbr = p;
for ( ; *p && *p !='\n' && *p !='|' ; p++ );
if ( *p != '|' ) {
log("speller: bad format in wiktionary-lang.txt");
//*p = '\0';
//uint8_t langId = getLangIdFromAbbr ( langAbbr );
//*p = '|';
// get word
char *word = p + 1;
// get end of it
for ( ; *p && *p !='\n' ; p++ );
if ( *p != '\n' ) {
log("speller: bad format in wiktionary-lang.txt");
int32_t wordLen = p - word;
// wiktinary has like prefixes ending in minus. skip!
if ( word[wordLen-1] == '-' ) continue;
// suffix in wiktionary? skip
if ( word[0] == '-' ) continue;
// .zr .dd
if ( word[0] == '.' ) continue;
// hash the word
int64_t key = hash64d ( word , wordLen );
// skip if we did it in the above loop
if ( m_unifiedDict.isInTable ( &key ) ) continue;
// skip if already did it in this loop
if ( dedup.isInTable ( &key ) ) continue;
if ( ! dedup.addKey ( &key ) ) return false;
// reset lang vector
int64_t pops[MAX_LANGUAGES];
memset ( pops , 0 , MAX_LANGUAGES * 8 );
// now add in from wiktionary map
int32_t slot = wkfMap.getSlot ( &key );
for ( ; slot >= 0 ; slot = wkfMap.getNextSlot(slot,&key) ) {
uint8_t langId = *(char *)wkfMap.getValueFromSlot(slot);
if ( langId == langUnknown ) continue;
if ( langId == langTranslingual ) continue;
if ( pops[langId] ) continue;
// -1 means pop unknown but in dictionary
pops[langId] = -1;
// save the offset
int32_t offset = m_unifiedBuf.length();
// . print the word/phrase and its phonet, if any
// . phonet is unknown here...
//char *phonet = "";
m_unifiedBuf.safeMemcpy ( word, wordLen );
int32_t count = 0;
// print the languages and their popularity scores
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_LANGUAGES ; i++ ) {
if ( pops[i] == 0 ) continue;
// skip "unknown" what does that really mean?
if ( i == 0 ) continue;
m_unifiedBuf.safePrintf("%" PRId32"\t%" PRId32"\t",
// if none, revert
if ( count == 0 ) {
// trim final tab i guess
// end line
// directly point to the (lang, score) tuples
m_unifiedDict.addKey(&key, &offset);
// save the text too! a merge of unifiedDict.txt and
// wiktionary-lang.txt!!!
if ( m_unifiedBuf.saveToFile(g_hostdb.m_dir,"unifiedDict-buf.txt") <=0)
return false;
// save it
if ( !,"unifiedDict-map.dat") )
return false;
// start over and load what we created
goto reload;
// in case the language is unknown, just give the pop of the
// first found language
int32_t Speller::getPhrasePopularity( const char *str, uint64_t h, unsigned char langId ) {
// hack fixes.
// common word like "and"?
if ( isCommonWord(h) ) return MAX_PHRASE_POP;
// another common word check
if ( isQueryStopWord(NULL,0,h,langId) ) return MAX_PHRASE_POP;
// single letter?
if ( str && str[0] && str[1] == '\0' ) return MAX_PHRASE_POP;
// 0-99 only
if ( str && is_digit(*str) ) {
if ( !str[1]) return MAX_PHRASE_POP;
if ( is_digit(str[1])&& !str[2]) return MAX_PHRASE_POP;
// what up with this?
//if ( !s ) return 0;
int32_t slot = m_unifiedDict.getSlot(&h);
// if not in dictionary assume 0 popularity
if ( slot == -1 ) return 0;
//char *p = *(char **)m_unifiedDict.getValueFromSlot(slot);
int32_t offset = *(int32_t *)m_unifiedDict.getValueFromSlot(slot);
char *p = m_unifiedBuf.getBufStart() + offset;
char *pend = p + strlen(p);
// skip word itself
while ( *p != '\t' ) p++;
// skip phonet, if any
while ( *p != '\t' ) p++;
int32_t max = 0;
// the tuples are in ascending order of the langid
// get to the right language
while ( p < pend ){
int32_t currLang = atoi(p);
// the the pops are sorted by langId, return 0 if the lang
// was not found
if ( langId != langUnknown && currLang > langId )
return 0;
// skip language
while ( *p != '\t' ) p++;
int32_t score = atoi(p);
// i think negative scores mean it is only from titlerec and
// not in any of the dictionaries.
if ( score < 0 )
score *= -1;
if ( currLang == langId && langId != langUnknown )
return score;
// if lang is unknown get max
if ( score > max ) max = score;
// skip that score and go to the next <lang> <pop> tuple
while ( *p != '\t' && *p != '\0' ) p++;
return max;
// This isn't really much use except for the spider
// language detection to keep from making 32 sequential
// calls for the same phrase to isolate the language.
const char *Speller::getPhraseRecord(const char *phrase, int len ) {
if ( !phrase ) return NULL;
//char *rv = NULL;
int64_t h = hash64d(phrase, len);
int32_t slot = m_unifiedDict.getSlot(&h);
//log("speller: h=%" PRIu64" len=%i slot=%" PRId32,h,len,slot);
if ( slot < 0 ) return NULL;
//rv = *(char **)m_unifiedDict.getValueFromSlot(slot);
int32_t offset = *(int32_t *)m_unifiedDict.getValueFromSlot(slot);
char *p = m_unifiedBuf.getBufStart() + offset;
return p;
int64_t Speller::getLangBits64 ( int64_t wid ) {
int32_t slot = m_unifiedDict.getSlot(&wid);
if (slot < 0) return 0LL;
int32_t offset = *(int32_t *)m_unifiedDict.getValueFromSlot(slot);
char *p = m_unifiedBuf.getBufStart() + offset;
// skip over word
for ( ; *p && *p != '\t' ; ) p++;
// nothing after?
if ( !*p ) return 0LL;
// skip tab
// skip over phonet
for ( ; *p && *p != '\t' ; ) p++;
// nothing after?
if ( !*p ) return 0LL;
// skip tab
// init
int64_t bits = 0LL;
// loop over langid/pop pairs
while ( *p ) {
// get langid
uint8_t langId = atoi(p);
// skip to next delimiter
for ( ; *p && *p != '\t' ; p++ );
// error?
if ( ! *p ) break;
// skip tab
// error?
if ( ! *p ) break;
// . if pop is zero ignore it
// . we now set pops to zero when generating
// unifiedDict-buf.txt if they are not in the wiktionary
// map for that language. seems like to many bad entries
// were put in there by john nanny.
//char pop = 1;
// if not official, cancel it?
if ( *p != '-' ) langId = langUnknown;
// skip pop
for ( ; *p && *p != '\t' ; p++ );
// multi lang count
//if ( langId != langUnknown ) langCount++;
// no unique lang
//if ( langCount >= 2 ) return langTranslingual;
if ( langId != langTranslingual &&
langId != langUnknown )
// make english "1"
bits |= 1LL << (langId-1);
// done?
if ( ! *p ) break;
// skip tab
return bits;
bool Speller::getPhraseLanguages(const char *phrase, int len,
int64_t *array) {
const char *phraseRec = getPhraseRecord(phrase, len);
if(!phraseRec || !array) return false;
return getPhraseLanguages2 ( phraseRec,array );
bool Speller::getPhraseLanguages2(const char *phraseRec , int64_t *array) {
int64_t l = 0;
memset(array, 0, sizeof(int64_t)*MAX_LANGUAGES);
while(*phraseRec) {
l = 0;
// skip leading whitespace
while(*phraseRec && (*phraseRec == ' ' ||
*phraseRec == '\t'))
if(!*phraseRec) break;
int64_t l = atoi(phraseRec);
// l = abs(l); // not using score method anymore, so this is moot.
// skip to next delimiter
// while(*phraseRec && *phraseRec != '\t') phraseRec++;
if(!(phraseRec = strchr(phraseRec, '\t'))) break;
// skip tab
if(!*phraseRec) break;
// wtf?
if ( *phraseRec == '\t' ) return true;
// Save score
array[l] = atoi(phraseRec);
// skip to next delimiter
// while(*phraseRec && *phraseRec != '\t') phraseRec++;
if(!(phraseRec = strchr(phraseRec, '\t'))) break;
// skip over tab
if(*phraseRec == '\t') phraseRec++;
void Speller::dictLookupTest ( char *ff ){
//char *ff = "/tmp/sctest";
FILE *fd = fopen ( ff, "r" );
if ( ! fd ) {
log("speller: test: Could not open %s for "
"reading: %s.", ff,strerror(errno));
int64_t start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
char buf[1026];
int32_t count = 0;
// go through the words
while ( fgets ( buf , MAX_FRAG_SIZE , fd ) ) {
// length of word(s), including the terminating \n
int32_t wlen = strlen(buf) ;
// skip if empty
if ( wlen <= 0 ) continue;
uint64_t h = hash64d ( buf, strlen(buf));
int32_t pop = g_speller.getPhrasePopularity( buf, h, 0 );
if ( pop < 0 ){
log ( LOG_WARN,"speller: dictLookupTest took %" PRId64" ms to do "
"%" PRId32" words. Compare against 46-66ms taken for dict/words file.",
gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - start, count );