It has always been local time since ... forever. We rely on NTP doing its job.
1523 lines
45 KiB
1523 lines
45 KiB
#include "SpiderLoop.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "SpiderColl.h"
#include "SpiderCache.h"
#include "Doledb.h"
#include "UdpSlot.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "Repair.h"
#include "DailyMerge.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "Parms.h"
#include "ip.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "ScopedLock.h"
#include "Errno.h"
// . this was 10 but cpu is getting pegged, so i set to 45
// . we consider the collection done spidering when no urls to spider
// for this many seconds
// . i'd like to set back to 10 for speed... maybe even 5 or less
// . back to 30 from 20 to try to fix crawls thinking they are done
// maybe because of the empty doledb logic taking too long?
//#define SPIDER_DONE_TIMER 30
// try 45 to prevent false revivals
//#define SPIDER_DONE_TIMER 45
// try 30 again since we have new localcrawlinfo update logic much faster
//#define SPIDER_DONE_TIMER 30
// neo under heavy load go to 60
//#define SPIDER_DONE_TIMER 60
// super overloaded
//#define SPIDER_DONE_TIMER 90
static int32_t doleDbRecSizes = 150000; //how much toe read from DoleDB in a chunk.
class UrlLock {
int32_t m_firstIp;
char m_spiderOutstanding;
collnum_t m_collnum;
///////////////////////// SPIDERLOOP
// a global class extern'd in .h file
SpiderLoop g_spiderLoop;
SpiderLoop::SpiderLoop ( ) {
m_crx = NULL;
// clear array of ptrs to Doc's
memset ( m_docs , 0 , sizeof(XmlDoc *) * MAX_SPIDERS );
// Coverity
m_numSpidersOut = 0;
m_launches = 0;
m_maxUsed = 0;
m_sc = NULL;
m_gettingDoledbList = false;
m_activeList = NULL;
m_bookmark = NULL;
m_activeListValid = false;
m_activeListCount = 0;
m_recalcTime = 0;
m_recalcTimeValid = false;
m_doleStart = 0;
SpiderLoop::~SpiderLoop ( ) {
// free all doc's
void SpiderLoop::reset() {
// delete all doc's in use
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_SPIDERS ; i++ ) {
if ( m_docs[i] ) {
mdelete ( m_docs[i] , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "Doc" );
delete (m_docs[i]);
m_docs[i] = NULL;
void SpiderLoop::init() {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "BEGIN" );
m_crx = NULL;
m_activeListValid = false;
m_activeList = NULL;
m_recalcTime = 0;
m_recalcTimeValid = false;
// we aren't in the middle of waiting to get a list of SpiderRequests
m_gettingDoledbList = false;
// clear array of ptrs to Doc's
memset ( m_docs , 0 , sizeof(XmlDoc *) * MAX_SPIDERS );
// . m_maxUsed is the largest i such that m_docs[i] is in use
// . -1 means there are no used m_docs's
m_maxUsed = -1;
m_numSpidersOut = 0;
// for locking. key size is 8 for easier debugging
m_lockTable.set ( 8,sizeof(UrlLock),0,NULL,0,false, "splocks", true ); // useKeyMagic? yes.
m_winnerListCache.configure(10000, // maxcachenodes
20000000 , // maxcachemem, 20MB
1200); //max age
// don't register callbacks when we're not using it
if (!g_hostdb.getMyHost()->m_spiderEnabled) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END");
// sleep for .1 seconds = 100ms
if (!g_loop.registerSleepCallback(50, this, doneSleepingWrapperSL, "SpiderLoop::doneSleepingWrapperSL")) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "build: Failed to register timer callback. Spidering is permanently disabled. Restart to fix.");
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END" );
void SpiderLoop::initSettings() {
m_urlCache.configure(g_conf.m_spiderUrlCacheMaxAge*1000, g_conf.m_spiderUrlCacheSize, g_conf.m_logTraceSpiderUrlCache, "spider url cache");
void SpiderLoop::nukeWinnerListCache(collnum_t collnum) {
FxBlobCacheLock<int32_t> rcl(m_winnerListCache);
// call this every 50ms it seems to try to spider urls and populate doledb
// from the waiting tree
void SpiderLoop::doneSleepingWrapperSL ( int fd , void *state ) {
// if spidering disabled then do not do this crap
if ( ! g_conf.m_spideringEnabled ) return;
if ( ! g_hostdb.getMyHost( )->m_spiderEnabled ) return;
// or if trying to exit
if (g_process.isShuttingDown()) return;
// skip if udp table is full
if ( g_udpServer.getNumUsedSlotsIncoming() >= MAXUDPSLOTS ) return;
int32_t now = getTime();
// point to head of active linked list of collection recs
const CollectionRec *nextActive = g_spiderLoop.getActiveList();
collnum_t nextActiveCollnum = nextActive ? nextActive->m_collnum : static_cast<collnum_t>( -1 );
for ( ; nextActive ; ) {
// before we assign crp to nextActive, ensure that it did not get deleted on us.
// if the next collrec got deleted, tr will be NULL
CollectionRec *tr = g_collectiondb.getRec( nextActiveCollnum );
// if it got deleted or restarted then it will not
// match most likely
if ( tr != nextActive ) {
// this shouldn't happen much so log it
log("spider: collnum %" PRId32" got deleted. rebuilding active list", (int32_t)nextActiveCollnum);
// rebuild the active list now
nextActive = g_spiderLoop.getActiveList();
nextActiveCollnum = nextActive ? nextActive->m_collnum : static_cast<collnum_t>( -1 );
// now we become him
const CollectionRec *crp = nextActive;
// update these two vars for next iteration
nextActive = crp->m_nextActive;
nextActiveCollnum = nextActive ? nextActive->m_collnum : static_cast<collnum_t>( -1 );
// skip if not enabled
if ( ! crp->m_spideringEnabled ) {
// get it
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(crp->m_collnum);
// skip if none
if ( ! sc ) {
// always do a scan at startup & every 24 hrs
// AND at process startup!!!
if ( ! sc->m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild && now - sc->getLastScanTime() > 24*3600 ) {
// if a scan is ongoing, this will re-set it
sc->m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild = true;
log( LOG_INFO, "spider: hit spider queue rebuild timeout for %s (%" PRId32")",
crp->m_coll, (int32_t)crp->m_collnum );
// e.g. URL Filter config has changed
if (sc->m_waitingTreeNeedsRebuild) {
// re-entry is false because we are entering for the first time
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "Calling populateWaitingTreeFromSpiderdb");
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "Calling populateDoledbFromWaitingTree" );
// if we have a ton of collections, reduce cpu load from calling
// spiderDoledUrls()
static uint64_t s_skipCount = 0;
// so instead of every 50ms make it every 200ms if we got 100+ collections in use.
int32_t activeListCount = g_spiderLoop.m_activeListCount;
if ( ! g_spiderLoop.m_activeListValid ) {
activeListCount = 0;
int32_t skip = 1;
if ( activeListCount >= 200 ) {
skip = 8;
} else if ( activeListCount >= 100 ) {
skip = 4;
} else if ( activeListCount >= 50 ) {
skip = 2;
if ( ( s_skipCount % skip ) != 0 ) {
// spider some urls that were doled to us
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "Calling spiderDoledUrls" );
g_spiderLoop.spiderDoledUrls( );
void SpiderLoop::gotDoledbListWrapper2 ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) {
// process the doledb list
// The second KEYSTONE function.
// Scans doledb and spiders the doledb records.
// Doledb records contain SpiderRequests ready for spidering NOW.
// 1. gets all locks from all hosts in the shard
// 2. sends confirm msg to all hosts if lock acquired:
// - each host will remove from doledb then
// - assigned host will also add new "0" entry to waiting tree if need be
// - calling addToWaitingTree() will trigger populateDoledbFromWaitingTree()
// to add a new entry into waiting tree, not the one just locked.
// 3. makes a new xmldoc class for that url and calls indexDoc() on it
// now check our RDB_DOLEDB for SpiderRequests to spider!
void SpiderLoop::spiderDoledUrls ( ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "BEGIN" );
// start again at head if this is NULL
if ( ! m_crx ) m_crx = getActiveList();
bool firstTime = true;
// detect overlap
m_bookmark = m_crx;
// get this
m_sc = NULL;
// set this in the loop
const CollectionRec *cr = NULL;
uint32_t nowGlobal = 0;
m_launches = 0;
// must be spidering to dole out
if ( ! g_conf.m_spideringEnabled ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, spidering disabled" );
if ( ! g_hostdb.getMyHost( )->m_spiderEnabled ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, spidering disabled (2)" );
// or if trying to exit
if (g_process.isShuttingDown()) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, shutting down" );
// don't spider if we have dead host
if (g_hostdb.hasDeadHostCached()) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, has dead host");
// if we do not overlap ourselves
if ( m_gettingDoledbList ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, already getting DoledbList" );
// bail instantly if in read-only mode (no RdbTrees!)
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, in read-only mode" );
// or if doing a daily merge
if ( g_dailyMerge.m_mergeMode ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, doing daily merge" );
// skip if too many udp slots being used
if ( g_udpServer.getNumUsedSlotsIncoming() >= MAXUDPSLOTS ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, using max UDP slots" );
// stop if too many out. this is now 50 down from 500.
if ( m_numSpidersOut >= MAX_SPIDERS ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, reached max spiders" );
// a new global conf rule
if ( m_numSpidersOut >= g_conf.m_maxTotalSpiders ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, reached max total spiders" );
// bail if no collections
if ( g_collectiondb.getNumRecs() <= 0 ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, no collections" );
// not while repairing
if ( g_repairMode ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, in repair mode" );
// do not spider until collections/parms in sync with host #0
if ( ! g_parms.inSyncWithHost0() ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, not in sync with host#0" );
// don't spider if not all hosts are up, or they do not all
// have the same hosts.conf.
if ( ! g_hostdb.hostsConfInAgreement() ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, host config disagreement" );
// if nothin in the active list then return as well
if ( ! m_activeList ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, nothing in active list" );
// if we hit the end of the list, wrap it around
if ( ! m_crx ) m_crx = m_activeList;
// we use m_bookmark to determine when we've done a round over all
// the collections. but it will be set to null sometimes when we
// are in this loop because the active list gets recomputed. so
// if we lost it because our bookmarked collection is no longer
// 'active' then just set it to the list head i guess
if ( ! m_bookmark || ! m_bookmark->m_isActive )
m_bookmark = m_activeList;
// i guess return at the end of the linked list if no collection
// launched a spider... otherwise do another cycle to launch another
// spider. i could see a single collection dominating all the spider
// slots in some scenarios with this approach unfortunately.
if ( m_crx == m_bookmark && ! firstTime && m_launches == 0 ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, end of list?" );
// reset # launches after doing a round and having launched > 0
if ( m_crx == m_bookmark && ! firstTime )
m_launches = 0;
firstTime = false;
// if a collection got deleted re-calc the active list so
// we don't core trying to access a delete collectionrec.
// i'm not sure if this can happen here but i put this in as a
// precaution.
if ( ! m_activeListValid ) {
m_crx = NULL;
goto collLoop;
// return now if list is just empty
if ( ! m_activeList ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, active list empty" );
cr = m_crx;
// Fix to shut up STACK
if( !m_crx ) {
goto collLoop;
// advance for next time we call goto subloop;
m_crx = m_crx->m_nextActive;
// get the spider collection for this collnum
m_sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(cr->m_collnum);
// skip if none
if ( ! m_sc ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "Loop, no spider cache for this collection" );
goto subloop;
// always reset priority to max at start
m_sc->setPriority ( MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES - 1 );
// skip if gone
if ( ! cr ) goto subloop;
// stop if not enabled
if ( ! cr->m_spideringEnabled ) goto subloop;
// set current time, synced with host #0
nowGlobal = (uint32_t)getTime();
// get max spiders
int32_t maxSpiders = cr->m_maxNumSpiders;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "maxSpiders: %" PRId32 , maxSpiders );
// obey max spiders per collection too
if ( m_sc->m_spidersOut >= maxSpiders ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "Loop, Too many spiders active for collection" );
goto subloop;
if ( cr->m_spiderColl && cr->m_spiderColl->isDoledbIpTableEmpty() ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "Loop, doleIpTable is empty" );
goto subloop;
// sanity check
if ( nowGlobal == 0 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// need this for msg5 call
key96_t endKey;
for ( ; ; ) {
// reset priority when it goes bogus
if ( m_sc->m_pri2 < 0 ) {
// reset for next coll
m_sc->setPriority( MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES - 1 );
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "Loop, pri2 < 0" );
goto subloop;
// sanity
if ( cr != m_sc->getCollectionRec() ) {
// skip the priority if we already have enough spiders on it
int32_t out = m_sc->m_outstandingSpiders[ m_sc->m_pri2 ];
// how many spiders can we have out?
int32_t max = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < cr->m_numRegExs; i++ ) {
if ( cr->m_spiderPriorities[ i ] != m_sc->m_pri2 ) {
if ( cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule[ i ] > max ) {
max = cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule[ i ];
// always allow at least 1, they can disable spidering otherwise
// no, we use this to disabled spiders... if ( max <= 0 ) max = 1;
// skip?
if ( out >= max ) {
// try the priority below us
// and try again
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "Loop, trying previous priority" );
// we only launch one spider at a time... so lock it up
m_gettingDoledbList = true;
// log this now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
m_doleStart = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if ( m_sc->m_msg5StartKey != m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey ) {
log( "spider: msg5startKey differs from nextdoledbkey" );
// seems like we need this reset here... strange
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "Getting list (msg5)" );
// get a spider rec for us to spider from doledb (mdw)
if ( ! m_msg5.getList ( RDB_DOLEDB ,
cr->m_collnum, // coll ,
&m_list ,
&endKey ,
// need to make this big because we don't
// want to end up getting just a negative key
//1 , // minRecSizes (~ 7000)
// we need to read in a lot because we call
// "goto listLoop" below if the url we want
// to dole is locked.
// seems like a ton of negative recs
// MDW: let's now read in 50k, not 2k,of doledb
// spiderrequests because often the first one
// has an ip already in use and then we'd
// just give up on the whole PRIORITY! which
// really freezes the spiders up.
// Also, if a spider request is corrupt in
// doledb it would cork us up too!
doleDbRecSizes , // minRecSizes
true , // includeTree
0 , // startFileNum
-1 , // numFiles (all)
this , // state
gotDoledbListWrapper2 ,
MAX_NICENESS , // niceness
true, // do err correction
-1, // maxRetries
false)) // isRealMerge
// return if it blocked
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, getList blocked" );
int32_t saved = m_launches;
// . add urls in list to cache
// . returns true if we should read another list
// . will set startKey to next key to start at
bool status = gotDoledbList2 ( );
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "Back from gotDoledList2. Get more? %s", status ? "true" : "false" );
// if we did not launch anything, then decrement priority and
// try again. but if priority hits -1 then subloop2 will just go to
// the next collection.
if ( saved == m_launches ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "Loop, get next priority" );
goto subloopNextPriority;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, loop" );
// try another read
// now advance to next coll, launch one spider per coll
goto subloop;
// spider the spider rec in this list from doledb
// returns false if would block indexing a doc, returns true if would not,
// and returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool SpiderLoop::gotDoledbList2 ( ) {
// unlock
m_gettingDoledbList = false;
// shortcuts
CollectionRec *cr = m_sc->getCollectionRec();
// update m_msg5StartKey for next read
if ( m_list.getListSize() > 0 ) {
// what is m_list.m_ks ?
m_list.getLastKey((char *)&m_sc->m_msg5StartKey);
m_sc->m_msg5StartKey += 1;
// log this now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
int64_t took = now - m_doleStart;
if ( took > 2 )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: GOT list from doledb in "
"%" PRId64"ms "
"size=%" PRId32" bytes",
bool bail = false;
// bail instantly if in read-only mode (no RdbTrees!)
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) bail = true;
// or if doing a daily merge
if ( g_dailyMerge.m_mergeMode ) bail = true;
// skip if too many udp slots being used
if (g_udpServer.getNumUsedSlotsIncoming() >= MAXUDPSLOTS ) bail =true;
// stop if too many out
if ( m_numSpidersOut >= MAX_SPIDERS ) bail = true;
if ( bail ) {
// return false to indicate to try another
return false;
// bail if list is empty
if ( m_list.getListSize() <= 0 ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider:gotDoledbList2:empty list");
return true;
time_t nowGlobal = getTime();
// reset ptr to point to first rec in list
// get the current rec from list ptr
char *rec = (char *)m_list.getCurrentRec();
// the doledbkey
const key96_t *doledbKey = (const key96_t *)rec;
// get record after it next time
m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey = *doledbKey ;
// sanity check -- wrap watch -- how can this really happen?
if ( m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey.n1 == 0xffffffff &&
m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey.n0 == 0xffffffffffffffffLL ) {
// if its negative inc by two then! this fixes the bug where the
// list consisted only of one negative key and was spinning forever
if ( (m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey & 0x01) == 0x00 )
m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey += 2;
// did it hit zero? that means it wrapped around!
if ( m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey.n1 == 0x0 &&
m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey.n0 == 0x0 ) {
// TODO: work this out
// get priority from doledb key
int32_t pri = Doledb::getPriority ( doledbKey );
// if the key went out of its priority because its priority had no
// spider requests then it will bleed over into another priority so
// in that case reset it to the top of its priority for next time
int32_t pri3 = Doledb::getPriority ( &m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey );
if ( pri3 != m_sc->m_pri2 ) {
m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey = Doledb::makeFirstKey2 ( m_sc->m_pri2);
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
int32_t pri4 = Doledb::getPriority ( &m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey );
char keystrbuf[MAX_KEYSTR_BYTES];
log( LOG_DEBUG, "spider: setting pri2=%" PRId32" queue doledb nextkey to %s (pri=%" PRId32")",
m_sc->m_pri2, KEYSTR(&m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey,sizeof(m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey),keystrbuf), pri4 );
// update next doledbkey for this priority to avoid having to
// process excessive positive/negative key annihilations (mdw)
m_sc->m_nextKeys [ m_sc->m_pri2 ] = m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey;
// sanity
if ( pri < 0 || pri >= MAX_SPIDER_PRIORITIES ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// skip the priority if we already have enough spiders on it
int32_t out = m_sc->m_outstandingSpiders[pri];
// how many spiders can we have out?
int32_t max = 0;
// in milliseconds. how long to wait between downloads from same IP.
// only for parnent urls, not including child docs like robots.txt
// iframe contents, etc.
int32_t maxSpidersOutPerIp = 1;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < cr->m_numRegExs ; i++ ) {
if ( cr->m_spiderPriorities[i] != pri ) {
if ( cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule[i] > max ) {
max = cr->m_maxSpidersPerRule[i];
if ( cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i] > maxSpidersOutPerIp ) {
maxSpidersOutPerIp = cr->m_spiderIpMaxSpiders[i];
// skip? and re-get another doledb list from next priority...
if ( out >= max ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider:gotDoledbList2:returning, out=%d max=%d", out, max);
return true;
// no negatives - wtf?
// if only the tree has doledb recs, Msg5.cpp does not remove
// the negative recs... it doesn't bother to merge.
if ( (doledbKey->n0 & 0x01) == 0 ) {
// just increment then i guess
// if exhausted -- try another load with m_nextKey set
if ( m_list.isExhausted() ) return true;
// otherwise, try the next doledb rec in this list
goto listLoop;
// what is this? a dataless positive key?
if ( m_list.getCurrentRecSize() <= 16 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
int32_t ipOut = 0;
int32_t globalOut = 0;
// get the "spider rec" (SpiderRequest) (embedded in the doledb rec)
SpiderRequest *sreq = (SpiderRequest *)(rec + sizeof(key96_t)+4);
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider:gotDoledbList2:Looking at spider record with firstIp=0x%08x", sreq->m_firstIp);
// sanity check. check for http(s)://
// might be a docid from a pagereindex.cpp
if ( sreq->m_url[0] != 'h' && ! is_digit(sreq->m_url[0]) ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "spider: got corrupt doledb record. ignoring. pls fix!!!" );
goto skipDoledbRec;
// recalculate uh48 to make sure it's the same as stored url
int64_t uh48 = (hash64b(sreq->m_url) & 0x0000ffffffffffffLL);
if (sreq->getUrlHash48() != uh48) {
logError("Recalculated uh48=%" PRId64" != stored uh48=%" PRId64" for url='%s'", uh48, sreq->getUrlHash48(), sreq->m_url);
goto skipDoledbRec;
// . how many spiders out for this ip now?
// . TODO: count locks in case twin is spidering... but it did not seem
// to work right for some reason
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= m_maxUsed ; i++ ) {
// get it
const XmlDoc *xd = m_docs[i];
if ( ! xd ) continue;
if ( ! xd->m_sreqValid ) continue;
// to prevent one collection from hogging all the urls for
// particular IP and starving other collections, let's make
// this a per collection count.
// then allow msg13.cpp to handle the throttling on its end.
// also do a global count over all collections now
if ( xd->m_sreq.m_firstIp == sreq->m_firstIp ) globalOut++;
// only count for our same collection otherwise another
// collection can starve us out
if ( xd->m_collnum != cr->m_collnum ) continue;
if ( xd->m_sreq.m_firstIp == sreq->m_firstIp ) ipOut++;
// don't give up on this priority, just try next in the list.
// we now read 50k instead of 2k from doledb in order to fix
// one ip from bottle corking the whole priority!!
if ( ipOut >= maxSpidersOutPerIp ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider:gotDoledbList2:Skipping spider record with firstIp=0x%08x", sreq->m_firstIp);
// skip
// if not exhausted try the next doledb rec in this list
if ( ! m_list.isExhausted() ) {
goto listLoop;
// print a log msg if we corked things up even
// though we read 50k from doledb
// todo: how is this test supposed to work? We only asked Msg5 for x bytes, so testing if the list is larger than x bytes seems to never be true
if ( m_list.getListSize() > doleDbRecSizes ) {
log("spider: 50k not big enough");
// list is exhausted...
return true;
// but if the global is high, only allow one out per coll so at
// least we dont starve and at least we don't make a huge wait in
// line of queued results just sitting there taking up mem and
// spider slots so the crawlbot hourly can't pass.
if ( globalOut >= maxSpidersOutPerIp && ipOut >= 1 ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider:gotDoledbList2:too many outstanding spiders, globalOut=%d, maxSpidersOutPerIp=%d, ipOut=%d", globalOut, maxSpidersOutPerIp, ipOut);
goto skipDoledbRec;
char ipbuf[16];
logDebug( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider, "spider: %" PRId32" spiders out for %s for %s", ipOut, iptoa(sreq->m_firstIp,ipbuf), sreq->m_url );
// sometimes we have it locked, but is still in doledb i guess.
// seems like we might have give the lock to someone else and
// there confirmation has not come through yet, so it's still
// in doledb.
ScopedLock sl(m_lockTableMtx);
// get the lock... only avoid if confirmed!
int64_t lockKey = makeLockTableKey(sreq);
int32_t slot = m_lockTable.getSlot(&lockKey);
if (slot >= 0) {
// get the corresponding lock then if there
UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)m_lockTable.getValueFromSlot(slot);
// if there and confirmed, why still in doledb?
if (lock) {
// fight log spam
static int32_t s_lastTime = 0;
if (nowGlobal - s_lastTime >= 2) {
// why is it not getting unlocked!?!?!
log("spider: spider request locked but still in doledb. uh48=%" PRId64" firstip=%s %s",
sreq->getUrlHash48(), iptoa(sreq->m_firstIp,ipbuf), sreq->m_url);
s_lastTime = nowGlobal;
// just increment then i guess
// let's return false here to avoid an infinite loop
// since we are not advancing nextkey and m_pri is not
// being changed, that is what happens!
if (m_list.isExhausted()) {
// crap. but then we never make it to lower priorities.
// since we are returning false. so let's try the
// next priority in line.
// try returning true now that we skipped to
// the next priority level to avoid the infinite
// loop as described above.
return true;
// try the next record in this list
goto listLoop;
// log this now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "spider: trying to spider url %s", sreq->m_url );
// reset reason why crawl is not running, because we basically are now
cr->m_spiderStatus = spider_status_t::SP_INPROGRESS;
// be sure to save state so we do not re-send emails
// sometimes the spider coll is reset/deleted while we are
// trying to get the lock in spiderUrl() so let's use collnum
collnum_t collnum = m_sc->getCollectionRec()->m_collnum;
// . spider that. we don't care wheter it blocks or not
// . crap, it will need to block to get the locks!
// . so at least wait for that!!!
// . but if we end up launching the spider then this should NOT
// return false! only return false if we should hold up the doledb
// scan
// . this returns true right away if it failed to get the lock...
// which means the url is already locked by someone else...
// . it might also return true if we are already spidering the url
bool status = spiderUrl(sreq, doledbKey, collnum);
// just increment then i guess
// if it blocked, wait for it to return to resume the doledb list
// processing because the msg12 is out and we gotta wait for it to
// come back. when lock reply comes back it tries to spider the url
// then it tries to call spiderDoledUrls() to keep the spider queue
// spidering fully.
if ( ! status ) {
return false;
// if exhausted -- try another load with m_nextKey set
if ( m_list.isExhausted() ) {
// if no more in list, fix the next doledbkey,
// m_sc->m_nextDoledbKey
log ( LOG_DEBUG, "spider: list exhausted." );
return true;
// otherwise, it might have been in the lock cache and quickly
// rejected, or rejected for some other reason, so try the next
// doledb rec in this list
goto listLoop;
// . spider the next url that needs it the most
// . returns false if blocked on a spider launch, otherwise true.
// . returns false if your callback will be called
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
bool SpiderLoop::spiderUrl(SpiderRequest *sreq, const key96_t *doledbKey, collnum_t collnum) {
// sanity
if ( ! m_sc ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// wait until our clock is synced with host #0 before spidering since
// we store time stamps in the domain and ip wait tables in
// SpiderCache.cpp. We don't want to freeze domain for a long time
// because we think we have to wait until tomorrow before we can
// spider it.
// turned off?
if ( ( (! g_conf.m_spideringEnabled ||
// or if trying to exit
) && ! sreq->m_isInjecting ) ||
// repairing the collection's rdbs?
g_repairMode ) {
// try to cancel outstanding spiders, ignore injects
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= m_maxUsed ; i++ ) {
// get it
XmlDoc *xd = m_docs[i];
if ( ! xd ) continue;
// let everyone know, TcpServer::cancel() uses this in
// destroySocket()
g_errno = ECANCELLED;
// cancel the socket trans who has "xd" as its state.
// this will cause XmlDoc::gotDocWrapper() to be called
// now, on this call stack with g_errno set to
// ECANCELLED. But if Msg16 was not in the middle of
// HttpServer::getDoc() then this will have no effect.
g_httpServer.cancel ( xd );//, g_msg13RobotsWrapper );
// cancel any Msg13 that xd might have been waiting for
g_udpServer.cancel ( &xd->m_msg13 , msg_type_13 );
return true;
// do not launch any new spiders if in repair mode
if ( g_repairMode ) {
g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = false;
return true;
// do not launch another spider if less than 25MB of memory available.
// this causes us to dead lock when spiders use up all the mem, and
// file merge operation can not get any, and spiders need to add to
// titledb but can not until the merge completes!!
int64_t freeMem = g_mem.getFreeMem();
if (freeMem < 25*1024*1024 ) {
static int32_t s_lastTime = 0;
static int32_t s_missed = 0;
int32_t now = getTime();
// don't spam the log, bug let people know about it
if ( now - s_lastTime > 10 ) {
log("spider: Need 25MB of free mem to launch spider, "
"only have %" PRId64". Failed to launch %" PRId32" times so "
"far.", freeMem , s_missed );
s_lastTime = now;
// . now that we have to use msg12 to see if the thing is locked
// to avoid spidering it.. (see comment in above function)
// we often try to spider something we are already spidering. that
// is why we have an rdbcache, m_lockCache, to make these lock
// lookups quick, now that the locking group is usually different
// than our own!
// . we have to check this now because removeAllLocks() below will
// remove a lock that one of our spiders might have. it is only
// sensitive to our hostid, not "spider id"
// sometimes we exhaust the doledb and m_nextDoledbKey gets reset
// to zero, we do a re-scan and get a doledbkey that is currently
// being spidered or is waiting for its negative doledb key to
// get into our doledb tree
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= m_maxUsed ; i++ ) {
// get it
XmlDoc *xd = m_docs[i];
if ( ! xd ) continue;
// jenkins was coring spidering the same url in different
// collections at the same time
if ( ! xd->m_collnumValid ) continue;
if ( xd->m_collnum != collnum ) continue;
// . problem if it has our doledb key!
// . this happens if we removed the lock above before the
// spider returned!! that's why you need to set
// MAX_LOCK_AGE to like an hour or so
// . i've also seen this happen because we got stuck looking
// up like 80,000 places and it was taking more than an
// hour. it had only reach about 30,000 after an hour.
// so at this point just set the lock timeout to
// 4 hours i guess.
// . i am seeing this again and we are trying over and over
// again to spider the same url and hogging the cpu so
// we need to keep this sanity check in here for times
// like this
if ( xd->m_doledbKey == *doledbKey ) {
// just note it for now
log("spider: spidering same url %s twice. "
"different firstips?",
//g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// reset g_errno
g_errno = 0;
char doledbKeyStr[MAX_KEYSTR_BYTES];
logDebug(g_conf.m_logDebugSpider, "spider: deleting doledb tree key=%s", KEYSTR(doledbKey, sizeof(*doledbKey), doledbKeyStr));
// now we just take it out of doledb instantly
bool deleted = g_doledb.getRdb()->deleteTreeNode(collnum, (const char *)doledbKey);
// if url filters rebuilt then doledb gets reset and i've seen us hit
// this node == -1 condition here... so maybe ignore it... just log
// what happened? i think we did a quickpoll somewhere between here
// and the call to spiderDoledUrls() and it the url filters changed
// so it reset doledb's tree. so in that case we should bail on this
// url.
if (!deleted) {
log("spider: lost url about to spider from url filters "
"and doledb tree reset. %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
// now remove from doleiptable since we removed from doledb
// DO NOT add back to waiting tree if max spiders
// out per ip was 1 OR there was a crawldelay. but better
// yet, take care of that in the winReq code above.
// . now add to waiting tree so we add another spiderdb
// record for this firstip to doledb
// . true = callForScan
// . do not add to waiting tree if we have enough outstanding
// spiders for this ip. we will add to waiting tree when
// we receive a SpiderReply in addSpiderReply()
if (
// this will just return true if we are not the
// responsible host for this firstip
! m_sc->addToWaitingTree(sreq->m_firstIp) &&
// must be an error...
g_errno ) {
const char *msg = "FAILED TO ADD TO WAITING TREE";
log("spider: %s %s",msg,mstrerror(g_errno));
//us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
int64_t lockKeyUh48 = makeLockTableKey ( sreq );
logDebug(g_conf.m_logDebugSpider, "spider: adding lock uh48=%" PRId64" lockkey=%" PRId64,
// . add it to lock table to avoid respider, removing from doledb
// is not enough because we re-add to doledb right away
// . return true on error here
UrlLock tmp;
tmp.m_firstIp = sreq->m_firstIp;
tmp.m_spiderOutstanding = 0;
tmp.m_collnum = collnum;
if (!addLock(lockKeyUh48, &tmp)) {
return true;
// now do it. this returns false if it would block, returns true if it
// would not block. sets g_errno on error. it spiders m_sreq.
return spiderUrl2(sreq, doledbKey, collnum);
bool SpiderLoop::spiderUrl2(SpiderRequest *sreq, const key96_t *doledbKey, collnum_t collnum) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "BEGIN" );
if (!sreq->m_urlIsDocId) {
/// @todo ALC temporarily skip spider req url that are different after stripping parameters
size_t sreqUrlLen = strlen(sreq->m_url);
Url url;
url.set(sreq->m_url, sreqUrlLen, false, true);
if (strcmp(sreq->m_url, url.getUrl()) != 0) {
logError("SpiderReq url is different after stripping param. Dropping url='%s'", sreq->m_url);
return true;
// let's check if we have spidered this recently before (only if it's a normal spider)
if (!sreq->m_fakeFirstIp && !sreq->m_urlIsDocId && !sreq->m_isAddUrl && !sreq->m_isInjecting && !sreq->m_isPageParser && !sreq->m_isPageReindex) {
std::string url(sreq->m_url);
void *data = NULL;
if (m_urlCache.lookup(url, &data)) {
// this is not suppose to happen!
logError("Trying to respider url within %" PRId64" seconds. Dropping url='%s'", g_conf.m_spiderUrlCacheMaxAge, url.c_str());
return true;
m_urlCache.insert(url, NULL);
// . find an available doc slot
// . we can have up to MAX_SPIDERS spiders (300)
int32_t i;
for ( i=0 ; i<MAX_SPIDERS ; i++ ) if (! m_docs[i]) break;
// come back later if we're full
if ( i >= MAX_SPIDERS ) {
log(LOG_DEBUG,"build: Already have %" PRId32" outstanding spiders.",
XmlDoc *xd;
// otherwise, make a new one if we have to
try { xd = new (XmlDoc); }
// bail on failure, sleep and try again
catch(std::bad_alloc&) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("build: Could not allocate %" PRId32" bytes to spider "
"the url %s. Will retry later.",
(int32_t)sizeof(XmlDoc), sreq->m_url );
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, new XmlDoc failed" );
return true;
// register it's mem usage with Mem.cpp class
mnew ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "XmlDoc" );
// add to the array
m_docs [ i ] = xd;
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(collnum);
const char *coll = "collnumwasinvalid";
if ( cr ) coll = cr->m_coll;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) {
char ipbuf[16];
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: spidering firstip9=%s(%" PRIu32") "
"uh48=%" PRIu64" prntdocid=%" PRIu64" k.n1=%" PRIu64" k.n0=%" PRIu64,
sreq->getParentDocId() ,
// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
if (!xd->set4(sreq, doledbKey, coll, NULL, MAX_NICENESS)) {
// i guess m_coll is no longer valid?
mdelete ( m_docs[i] , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "Doc" );
delete (m_docs[i]);
m_docs[i] = NULL;
// error, g_errno should be set!
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, xd->set4 returned false" );
return true;
// call this after doc gets indexed
xd->setCallback ( xd , indexedDocWrapper );
// increase m_maxUsed if we have to
if ( i > m_maxUsed ) m_maxUsed = i;
// count it
// count this
// sanity check
if (sreq->m_priority <= -1 ) {
log("spider: fixing bogus spider req priority of %i for "
"url %s",
sreq->m_priority = 0;
// update this
m_sc->m_outstandingSpiders[(unsigned char)sreq->m_priority]++;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: sc_out=%" PRId32" waiting=%" PRId32" url=%s",
// . return if this blocked
// . no, launch another spider!
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "calling xd->indexDoc" );
bool status = xd->indexDoc();
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "indexDoc status [%s]" , status?"true":"false");
// if we were injecting and it blocked... return false
if ( ! status ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, indexDoc blocked" );
return false;
// deal with this error
indexedDoc ( xd );
// "callback" will not be called cuz it should be NULL
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END, return true" );
return true;
void SpiderLoop::indexedDocWrapper ( void *state ) {
// . process the results
// . return if this blocks
if ( ! g_spiderLoop.indexedDoc ( (XmlDoc *)state ) ) return;
// . this will delete m_docs[i]
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool SpiderLoop::indexedDoc ( XmlDoc *xd ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "BEGIN" );
// get our doc #, i
int32_t i = 0;
for ( ; i < MAX_SPIDERS ; i++ ) if ( m_docs[i] == xd) break;
// sanity check
if ( i >= MAX_SPIDERS ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// . decrease m_maxUsed if we need to
// . we can decrease all the way to -1, which means no spiders going on
if ( m_maxUsed == i ) {
while ( m_maxUsed >= 0 && ! m_docs[m_maxUsed] ) m_maxUsed--;
// count it
// get coll
collnum_t collnum = xd->m_collnum;
// if coll was deleted while spidering, sc will be NULL
SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(collnum);
// decrement this
if ( sc ) sc->m_spidersOut--;
// get the original request from xmldoc
SpiderRequest *sreq = &xd->m_sreq;
// update this.
if ( sc ) sc->m_outstandingSpiders[(unsigned char)sreq->m_priority]--;
// note it
// this should not happen any more since indexDoc() will take
// care of g_errno now by clearing it and adding an error spider
// reply to release the lock!!
if ( g_errno ) {
log("spider: spidering %s has error: %s. uh48=%" PRId64". "
"cn=%" PRId32,
// don't release the lock on it right now. just let the
// lock expire on it after MAX_LOCK_AGE seconds. then it will
// be retried. we need to debug gb so these things never
// hapeen...
// we don't need this g_errno passed this point
g_errno = 0;
// we are responsible for deleting doc now
mdelete ( m_docs[i] , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "Doc" );
delete (m_docs[i]);
m_docs[i] = NULL;
// we did not block, so return true
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END" );
return true;
// use -1 for any collnum
int32_t SpiderLoop::getNumSpidersOutPerIp(int32_t firstIp, collnum_t collnum) {
ScopedLock sl(m_lockTableMtx);
int32_t count = 0;
// scan the slots
for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_lockTable.getNumSlots(); i++) {
// skip if empty
if (!m_lockTable.m_flags[i]) {
// cast lock
const UrlLock *lock = (const UrlLock *)m_lockTable.getValueFromSlot(i);
// skip if not outstanding, just a 5-second expiration wait
// when the spiderReply returns, so that in case a lock
// request for the same url was in progress, it will be denied.
if (!lock->m_spiderOutstanding) {
// correct collnum?
if (lock->m_collnum != collnum && collnum != -1) {
// skip if not yet expired
if (lock->m_firstIp == firstIp) {
return count;
CollectionRec *SpiderLoop::getActiveList() {
uint32_t nowGlobal = (uint32_t)getTime();
if ( nowGlobal >= m_recalcTime && m_recalcTimeValid )
m_activeListValid = false;
// we set m_activeListValid to false when enabling/disabling spiders,
// when rebuilding url filters in Collectiondb.cpp rebuildUrlFilters()
// and when updating the site list in updateSiteList(). all of these
// could possible make an inactive collection active again, or vice
// versa. also when deleting a collection in Collectiondb.cpp. this
// keeps the below loop fast when we have thousands of collections
// and most are inactive or empty/deleted.
if (!m_activeListValid) {
//m_crx = m_activeList;
// recompute every 3 seconds, it seems kinda buggy!!
m_recalcTime = nowGlobal + 3;
m_recalcTimeValid = true;
return m_activeList;
void SpiderLoop::buildActiveList ( ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "BEGIN" );
// when do we need to rebuild the active list again?
m_recalcTimeValid = false;
m_activeListValid = true;
m_activeListCount = 0;
// reset the linked list of active collections
m_activeList = NULL;
bool found = false;
CollectionRec *tail = NULL;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.getNumRecs(); i++ ) {
// get rec
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(i);
// skip if gone
if ( ! cr ) continue;
// stop if not enabled
bool active = true;
if ( ! cr->m_spideringEnabled ) active = false;
// we are at the tail of the linked list OR not in the list
cr->m_nextActive = NULL;
cr->m_isActive = false;
if ( ! active ) continue;
cr->m_isActive = true;
if ( cr == m_crx ) found = true;
// if first one, set it to head
if ( ! tail ) {
m_activeList = cr;
tail = cr;
// if not first one, add it to end of tail
tail->m_nextActive = cr;
tail = cr;
// we use m_bookmark so we do not get into an infinite loop
// in spider urls logic above
if ( ! found ) {
m_bookmark = NULL;
m_crx = NULL;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceSpider, "END" );
bool SpiderLoop::isLocked(int64_t key) const {
ScopedLock sl(m_lockTableMtx);
return m_lockTable.isInTable(&key);
int32_t SpiderLoop::getLockCount() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_lockTableMtx);
return m_lockTable.getNumUsedSlots();
bool SpiderLoop::addLock(int64_t key, const UrlLock *lock) {
ScopedLock sl(m_lockTableMtx);
return m_lockTable.addKey(&key, lock);
void SpiderLoop::removeLock(int64_t key) {
ScopedLock sl(m_lockTableMtx);
void SpiderLoop::clearLocks(collnum_t collnum) {
ScopedLock sl(m_lockTableMtx);
// remove locks from locktable for all spiders out
for (;;) {
bool restart = false;
// scan the slots
for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_lockTable.getNumSlots(); i++) {
// skip if empty
if (!m_lockTable.m_flags[i]) {
const UrlLock *lock = (const UrlLock *)m_lockTable.getValueFromSlot(i);
// skip if not our collnum
if (lock->m_collnum != collnum) {
// nuke it!
// restart since cells may have shifted
restart = true;
if (!restart) {