
370 lines
11 KiB

#include <errno.h>
#include "Stats.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "ip.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include <cstdio>
class Stats g_stats;
// just clear our points array when we're born
Stats::Stats ( ) {
m_next = 0;
memset ( m_pts , 0 , sizeof(StatPoint)*MAX_POINTS );
memset(m_msg3aRecalls, 0, sizeof(m_msg3aRecalls));
// Coverity
m_uptimeStart = 0;
memset(m_filterStats, 0, sizeof(m_filterStats));
void Stats::clearMsgStats() {
// char *start = &m_start;
// char *end = &m_end;
// memset ( start , 0 , end - start );
// Version understandable by Coverity
// char m_start;
memset(m_msgTotalOfSendTimes, 0, sizeof(m_msgTotalOfSendTimes));
memset(m_msgTotalSent, 0, sizeof(m_msgTotalSent));
memset(m_msgTotalSentByTime, 0, sizeof(m_msgTotalSentByTime));
memset(m_msgTotalOfQueuedTimes, 0, sizeof(m_msgTotalOfQueuedTimes));
memset(m_msgTotalQueued, 0, sizeof(m_msgTotalQueued));
memset(m_msgTotalQueuedByTime, 0, sizeof(m_msgTotalQueuedByTime));
memset(m_msgTotalOfHandlerTimes, 0, sizeof(m_msgTotalOfHandlerTimes));
memset(m_msgTotalHandlersCalled, 0, sizeof(m_msgTotalHandlersCalled));
memset(m_msgTotalHandlersByTime, 0, sizeof(m_msgTotalHandlersByTime));
memset(m_packetsIn, 0, sizeof(m_packetsIn));
memset(m_packetsOut, 0, sizeof(m_packetsOut));
memset(m_acksIn, 0, sizeof(m_acksIn));
memset(m_acksOut, 0, sizeof(m_acksOut));
memset(m_reroutes, 0, sizeof(m_reroutes));
memset(m_errors, 0, sizeof(m_errors));
memset(m_timeouts, 0, sizeof(m_timeouts));
memset(m_nomem, 0, sizeof(m_nomem));
memset(m_dropped, 0, sizeof(m_dropped));
memset(m_cancelRead, 0, sizeof(m_cancelRead));
m_parsingInconsistencies = 0;
m_totalOverflows = 0;
m_compressedBytesIn = 0;
m_uncompressedBytesIn = 0;
m_compressAllDocs = 0;
m_compressAllBytesIn = 0;
m_compressAllBytesOut = 0;
m_compressMimeErrorDocs = 0;
m_compressMimeErrorBytesIn = 0;
m_compressMimeErrorBytesOut = 0;
m_compressUnchangedDocs = 0;
m_compressUnchangedBytesIn = 0;
m_compressUnchangedBytesOut = 0;
m_compressBadContentDocs = 0;
m_compressBadContentBytesIn = 0;
m_compressBadContentBytesOut = 0;
m_compressBadLangDocs = 0;
m_compressBadLangBytesIn = 0;
m_compressBadLangBytesOut = 0;
m_compressBadCharsetDocs = 0;
m_compressBadCharsetBytesIn = 0;
m_compressBadCharsetBytesOut = 0;
m_compressBadCTypeDocs = 0;
m_compressBadCTypeBytesIn = 0;
m_compressBadCTypeBytesOut = 0;
m_compressHasIframeDocs = 0;
m_compressPlainLinkDocs = 0;
m_compressPlainLinkBytesIn = 0;
m_compressPlainLinkBytesOut = 0;
m_compressEmptyLinkDocs = 0;
m_compressEmptyLinkBytesIn = 0;
m_compressEmptyLinkBytesOut = 0;
m_compressFullPageDocs = 0;
m_compressFullPageBytesIn = 0;
m_compressFullPageBytesOut = 0;
m_compressHasDateDocs = 0;
m_compressHasDateBytesIn = 0;
m_compressHasDateBytesOut = 0;
m_compressRobotsTxtDocs = 0;
m_compressRobotsTxtBytesIn = 0;
m_compressRobotsTxtBytesOut = 0;
m_compressUnknownTypeDocs = 0;
m_compressUnknownTypeBytesIn = 0;
m_compressUnknownTypeBytesOut = 0;
//char m_end;
//static pthread_mutex_t s_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
void Stats::addStat_r ( int32_t numBytes ,
int64_t startTime ,
int64_t endTime ,
int32_t color ,
char type ,
char *fname) {
// lock up
//pthread_mutex_lock ( &s_lock );
// claim next before another thread does
int32_t n = m_next++;
// watch out if another thread just inc'ed n
if ( n >= MAX_POINTS ) n = 0;
// stick our point in the array
StatPoint *p = & m_pts [ n ];
p->m_numBytes = numBytes;
p->m_startTime = startTime ;
p->m_endTime = endTime;
p->m_color = color;
p->m_type = type;
if(fname) {
if(m_keyCols.length() > 512) m_keyCols.reset();
p->m_color = hash32n(fname);
p->m_color &= 0xffffff;
"<td bgcolor=#%x>"
"&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>"
"<td> %s "
"", p->m_color,fname);
// advance the next available slot ptr, wrap if necessary
if ( m_next >= MAX_POINTS ) m_next = 0;
// unlock
//pthread_mutex_unlock ( &s_lock );
void Stats::addPoint (StatPoint **points ,
int32_t *numPoints ,
StatPoint *p ) {
// go down each line of points
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_LINES ; i++ ) {
// is there room for us in this line?
int32_t n = numPoints[i];
// if line is full, skip it
if ( n >= MAX_POINTS ) continue;
int32_t j;
// make a boundary around point there already
int64_t a = p->m_startTime;
int64_t b = p->m_endTime;
// . for a space to appear we need to be separated
// by this many milliseconds
// . this is milliseconds per pixel
// . right now it's about 5
int32_t border = DT / DX ;
if ( border <= 0 ) border = 1;
a -= 4*border;
b += 4*border;
// debug
//log("a=%" PRId64" b=%" PRId64" d=%" PRId32,a,b,4*border);
for ( j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ ) {
// get that point
StatPoint *pp = points[MAX_POINTS * i + j];
// . do we intersect this point (horizontal line)?
// . if so, break out
if ( pp->m_startTime >= a && pp->m_startTime <= b )
if ( pp->m_endTime >= a && pp->m_endTime <= b )
// if j is < n then there's no room
if ( j < n ) continue;
// otherwise, add our point
points[MAX_POINTS * i + n] = p;
// draw a HORIZONTAL line in html
static void drawLine2(SafeBuf &sb,
int32_t x1,
int32_t x2,
int32_t fy1,
int32_t color,
int32_t width) {
sb.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
"left:%" PRId32";"
"top:%" PRId32";"
"background-color:#%06" PRIx32";"
"min-height:%" PRId32"px;"
"min-width:%" PRId32"px;\"></div>\n"
, x1
, (fy1 - width/2) - 20 //- 300
, color
, width
, x2 - x1
// new code for drawing graph in html with absolute divs instead
// of using GIF plotter library which had issues
void Stats::printGraphInHtml ( SafeBuf &sb ) {
// gif size
char tmp[64];
sprintf ( tmp , "%" PRId32"x%" PRId32, (int32_t)DX+40 , (int32_t)DY+40 ); // "1040x440"
// find time ranges
int64_t t2 = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_POINTS ; i++ ) {
// skip empties
if ( m_pts[i].m_startTime == 0 ) continue;
// set min/max
if ( m_pts[i].m_endTime > t2 ) t2 = m_pts[i].m_endTime;
// now compute the start time for the graph
int64_t t1 = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
// now recompute t1
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_POINTS ; i++ ) {
// skip empties
if ( m_pts[i].m_startTime == 0 ) continue;
// can't be behind more than 1 second
if ( m_pts[i].m_startTime < t2 - DT ) continue;
// otherwise, it's a candidate for the first time
if ( m_pts[i].m_startTime < t1 ) t1 = m_pts[i].m_startTime;
// main graphing window
sb.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:relative;"
// match style of tables
"border:#6060f0 2px solid;"
// the tick marks we print below are based on it
// being a window of the last 20 seconds... and using
// DX pixels
"min-width:%" PRId32"px;"
"min-height:%" PRId32"px;"
,(int32_t)DY +20); // add 10 more for "2s" labels etc.
// 10 x-axis tick marks
for ( int x = DX/20 ; x <= DX ; x += DX/20 ) {
// tick mark
//plotter.line ( x , -20 , x , 20 );
sb.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
"left:%" PRId32";"
, (int32_t)x-1
// generate label
sb.safePrintf("<div style=\"position:absolute;"
"left:%" PRId32";"
, (int32_t)x-10
// the label:
,(float)(DT* (int64_t)x / (int64_t)DX)/1000.0
// . each line consists of several points
// . we need to know each point for adding otherlines
// . is about [400/6][1024] = 70k
// . each line can contain multiple data points
// . each data point is expressed as a horizontal line segment
void *lrgBuf;
int32_t lrgSize = 0;
lrgSize += MAX_LINES * MAX_POINTS * sizeof(StatPoint *);
lrgSize += MAX_LINES * sizeof(int32_t);
lrgBuf = (char *) mmalloc(lrgSize, "Stats.cpp");
if (! lrgBuf) {
log("could not allocate memory for local buffer in Stats.cpp"
"%" PRId32" bytes needed", lrgSize);
char *lrgPtr = (char *)lrgBuf;
StatPoint **points = (StatPoint **)lrgPtr;
lrgPtr += MAX_LINES * MAX_POINTS * sizeof(StatPoint *);
int32_t *numPoints = (int32_t *)lrgPtr;
lrgPtr += MAX_LINES * sizeof(int32_t);
memset ( (char *)numPoints , 0 , MAX_LINES * sizeof(int32_t) );
// store the data points into "lines"
int32_t count = MAX_POINTS;
for ( int32_t i = m_next ; count >= 0 ; i++ , count-- ) {
// wrap around the array
if ( i >= MAX_POINTS ) i = 0;
// skip point if empty
if ( m_pts[i].m_startTime == 0 ) continue;
// skip if too early
if ( m_pts[i].m_endTime < t1 ) continue;
// . find the lowest line the will hold us
// . this adds point to points[x][n] where x is determined
addPoint ( points , numPoints , &m_pts[i] );
int y1 = 21;
// plot the points (lines) in each line
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_LINES ; i++ ) {
// increase vert
y1 += MAX_WIDTH + 1;
// wrap back down if necessary
if ( y1 >= DY ) y1 = 21;
// plt all points in this row
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < numPoints[i] ; j++ ) {
// get the point
StatPoint *p = points[MAX_POINTS * i + j];
// transform time to x coordinates
int x1 = (p->m_startTime - t1) * (int64_t)DX / DT;
int x2 = (p->m_endTime - t1) * (int64_t)DX / DT;
// if x2 is negative, skip it
if ( x2 < 0 ) continue;
// if x1 is negative, boost it to -2
if ( x1 < 0 ) x1 = -2;
// . line thickness is function of read/write size
// . take logs
int w = (int)log(((double)p->m_numBytes)/8192.0) + 3;
//log("log of %" PRId32" is %i",m_pts[i].m_numBytes,w);
if ( w < 3 ) w = 3;
if ( w > MAX_WIDTH ) w = MAX_WIDTH;
// ensure at least 3 units wide for visibility
if ( x2 < x1 + 3 ) x2 = x1 + 3;
// . flip the y so we don't have to scroll the browser down
// . DY does not include the axis and tick marks
int32_t fy1 = DY - y1 + 20 ;
// plot it
drawLine2 ( sb , x1 , x2 , fy1 , p->m_color , w );
mfree(lrgBuf, lrgSize, "Stats.cpp");