2764 lines
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2764 lines
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#include "TcpServer.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "Statistics.h"
#include "Profiler.h"
#include "HttpServer.h" //g_httpServer.m_ssltcp.m_ctx
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Dns.h"
#include "Loop.h" // g_loop.registerRead/WriteCallback()
#include "Conf.h"
#include "MsgC.h" // for udp-only, non-blocking dns lookups
#include "Mem.h" // for mem routines
#include "max_niceness.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "ip.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include <sys/time.h> // time()
#include <sys/types.h> // setsockopt()
#include <sys/socket.h> // setsockopt()
#include <netinet/tcp.h> // TCP_CORK and SOL_TCP (linux only!)
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
#include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
// . TODO: deleting nodes from under Loop::callCallbacks is dangerous!!
static void gotTcpServerIpWrapper ( void *state , int32_t ip ) ;
static void readSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) ;
static void writeSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) ;
static void readTimeoutPollWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) ;
static void acceptSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) ;
static void timePollWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
static const char *getSSLError(SSL *ssl, int ret) {
switch (SSL_get_error(ssl, ret)) {
return "No SSL Error.";
return "Zero Return";
return "Want Read";
return "Want Write";
return "Want Connect";
return "Want Accept";
return "Want X509 Lookup";
return "Syscall";
return "SSL Library failure";
return "Unknown SSL Error";
TcpServer::TcpServer() {
m_port = -1;
m_sock = -1;
m_useSSL = false;
m_ctx = NULL;
// Coverity
m_requestHandler = NULL;
memset(m_tcpSockets, 0, sizeof(m_tcpSockets));
m_lastFilled = 0;
m_numUsed = 0;
m_numIncomingUsed = 0;
memset(m_actualSockets, 0, sizeof(m_actualSockets));
m_dummy = 0;
m_maxSocketsPtr = NULL;
m_doReadRateTimeouts = false;
m_getMsgSize = NULL;
m_getMsgPiece = NULL;
m_ready = false;
m_numOpen = 0;
m_numClosed = 0;
// free all TcpSockets and their bufs
void TcpServer::reset() {
// set not ready
m_ready = false;
// clean up the sockets
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_TCP_SOCKS ; i++ ) {
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
destroySocket ( s );
// do we got a valid listen socket?
if ( m_sock < 0 ) return;
// if so, stop listening, may block
close ( m_sock );
// shutdown SSL
if (m_useSSL && m_ctx) {
// clean up the SSL crap
m_ctx = NULL;
// . port will be incremented if already in use
// . use 1 socket for receiving and sending
// . requestHandler() is called when we read a request on "s"
// . getMsgSize() is called when we read a PACKET(s) on "s" to get the size of
// the entire request beforehand for allocation purposes
// . getMsgSize() must return -1 if it cannot determine the size of the request
bool TcpServer::init ( void (* requestHandler)(TcpSocket *s) ,
int32_t (* getMsgSize )(const char *msg, int32_t msgBytesRead, TcpSocket *s),
int32_t (* getMsgPiece )(TcpSocket *s ),
int16_t port ,
int32_t *maxSocketsPtr ,
bool useSSL ) {
//int32_t maxReadBufSize ,
//int32_t maxSendBufSize ) {
// don't be ready until we succeed
m_ready = false;
m_doReadRateTimeouts = true;
// store the handlers
m_requestHandler = requestHandler;
m_getMsgSize = getMsgSize;
m_getMsgPiece = getMsgPiece;
// init the sockets array to hold our TcpSockets
memset ( m_tcpSockets , 0 , sizeof(TcpSocket *) * MAX_TCP_SOCKS );
// clear the actual tcp sockets array
memset ( m_actualSockets , 0 , sizeof(TcpSocket)* MAX_TCP_SOCKS );
m_lastFilled = 0;
m_numUsed = 0;
m_numOpen = 0;
m_numClosed = 0;
// remember our port
m_port = port;
// point to dummy if we need to
m_dummy = MAX_TCP_SOCKS;
if ( ! maxSocketsPtr ) maxSocketsPtr = &m_dummy;
if ( *maxSocketsPtr > MAX_TCP_SOCKS ) maxSocketsPtr = &m_dummy;
// we can only have this many sockets open at any one time
m_maxSocketsPtr = maxSocketsPtr;
// set the useSSL flag
m_useSSL = useSSL;
// can't exceed hard limit
//if ( m_maxSockets > MAX_TCP_SOCKS ) m_maxSockets = MAX_TCP_SOCKS;
// if port is -1 don't set up a listening socket, this is used
// for things like blaster that are clients only. or the qatest()
// function.
if(m_port != -1 && m_port != 0 ) {
// . set up our connection listening socket
// . sets g_errno and returns -1 on error
m_sock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM , 0 );
//if ( m_sock == 0 ) log ( "tcp: socket1 gave sd=0");
while ( m_sock == 0 ) {
int newSock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
log ( "tcp: socket gave sd=0, reopenning1 to sd=%i", newSock );
m_sock = newSock;
if (m_sock < 0 ) {
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
log(LOG_WARN,"tcp: Failed to create socket for listening :%s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
struct sockaddr_in name;
name.sin_family = AF_INET;
name.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
name.sin_port = htons(port);
// . we want to re-use port it if we need to restart
int options = 1;
if(setsockopt(m_sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&options,sizeof(options)) != 0) {
g_errno = errno;
return false;
// bind this name to the socket
if ( bind ( m_sock, (struct sockaddr *)(void*)&name, sizeof(name)) < 0) {
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
close ( m_sock );
log(LOG_WARN, "tcp: Failed to bind socket on port %" PRId32": %s.", (int32_t)port,mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
// now listen for connections
if (listen ( m_sock , 128 ) < 0 ) {
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
close ( m_sock );
log(LOG_WARN, "tcp: Failed to listen on socket: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
// setup SSL
if (m_useSSL) {
// init SSL
// older ssl does not use "const". depends on the include files
const SSL_METHOD *meth = SSLv23_method();
m_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth);
// get the certificate location
char sslCertificate[sizeof(g_hostdb.m_dir)+256];
snprintf(sslCertificate, sizeof(sslCertificate), "%sgb.pem", g_hostdb.m_dir);
sslCertificate[ sizeof(sslCertificate)-1 ] = '\0';
//char sslBundleFilename[256];
//sprintf(sslBundleFilename, "%sgd_bundle.crt",g_hostdb.m_dir);
log(LOG_INFO, "https: Reading SSL certificate from: %s", sslCertificate);
// Load the keys
if (m_ctx == NULL) {
log(LOG_WARN, "ssl: Failed to set up an SSL context");
return false;
if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(m_ctx, sslCertificate)) {
log(LOG_WARN, "ssl: Failed to read certificate file");
return false;
if (!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(m_ctx, sslCertificate, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) {
log(LOG_WARN, "ssl: Failed to read Private Key File");
return false;
if (!SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(m_ctx, sslCertificate, 0)) {
log(LOG_WARN, "ssl: Failed to read Certificate");
return false;
// . register this fd with the Loop class
// . this will make it nonBlocking and sigio based
// . when m_sock is ready for reading Loop calls acceptSocketWrapper()
// . this also makes m_sock nonBlocking, etc...
// . this returns false and sets g_errno if it couldn't register
// . we do our accept and connect callbacks like a write
// . accept/connects generate both POLLIN and POLLOUT bands @ same time
// . use a niceness of 0 so traffic from our server to a browser takes
// precedence over spider traffic
if (!g_loop.registerReadCallback(m_sock, this, acceptSocketWrapper, "TcpServer::acceptSocketWrapper", 0))
return false;
// . register to receives wake up calls every 500ms so we can
// check for TcpSockets that have timed out
// . check every 500ms now since we have timeout of 1000ms for ads
if (!g_loop.registerSleepCallback(500, this, readTimeoutPollWrapper, "TcpServer::readTimeoutPollWrapper", 0))
return false;
if (!g_loop.registerSleepCallback(30 * 1000, this, timePollWrapper, "TcpServer::timePollWrapper", 0))
return false;
// return true on success
m_ready = true;
return true;
// this wrapper is called every 15 ms by the Loop class
void timePollWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
TcpServer *THIS = (TcpServer *)state;
// close ANY socket that is just reading and OVER 60 secs idle
THIS->closeLeastUsed( 60 );
bool TcpServer::testBind ( uint16_t port , bool printMsg ) {
// assign port for the test
m_port = port;
// sockaddr_in provides interface to sockaddr
struct sockaddr_in name;
// parm
int options;
// if port is -1 don't set up a listening socket
if ( m_port == -1 || m_port == 0 ) return true;
// . set up our connection listening socket
// . sets g_errno and returns -1 on error
m_sock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM , 0 );
//if ( m_sock == 0 ) log ( "tcp: socket2 gave sd=0");
while ( m_sock == 0 ) {
int newSock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
log ( "tcp: socket gave sd=0, reopenning2 to sd=%i", newSock );
m_sock = newSock;
if (m_sock < 0 ) {
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
log(LOG_WARN, "tcp: Failed to create socket for listening :%s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
// reset it all just to be safe
name.sin_family = AF_INET;
name.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
name.sin_port = htons(port);
// . we want to re-use port it if we need to restart
// . sets g_errno and returns -1 on error
options = 1;
g_errno = errno;
return false;
// bind this name to the socket
if ( bind ( m_sock, (struct sockaddr *)(void*)&name, sizeof(name)) < 0) {
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
close ( m_sock );
if ( ! printMsg )
return false;
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to bind socket on port %" PRId32": %s."
"Are you already running gb?\n"
"If not, try editing ./hosts.conf to\n"
"change the port from %" PRId32" to something bigger.\n"
"Or stop gb by running 'gb stop' or by "
"clicking\n'save & exit' in the master controls.\n"
return false;
close ( m_sock );
return true;
// . we use this temp structure to hold our state while we call g_dns
// to translate a hostname to an ip
// . make this into a class now so m_msgc's constructor gets called
class TcpState {
char m_hostname[256];
int16_t m_port;
char *m_sendBuf;
int32_t m_sendBufSize;
int32_t m_sendBufUsed;
int32_t m_msgTotalSize;
TcpServer *m_this;
void *m_state ;
void (* m_callback ) ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) ;
int32_t m_timeout;
int32_t m_maxTextDocLen;
int32_t m_maxOtherDocLen;
int32_t m_ip;
MsgC m_msgc;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . we do not copy "sendBuf"
// . you must free sendBuf when we call your callback
// . if this returns true you must free sendBuf then
// . if "msgTotalSize" > "sendBufUsed" we should be notified by a routine
// like HttpServer::getMsgPiece() by having him load the sendBuf and
// call g_loop.callCallbacks(sd) or something
// . those bytes should be stored in m_sendBuf, but not overwrite what
// has not been sent yet
bool TcpServer::sendMsg( const char *hostname, int32_t hostnameLen, int16_t port, char *sendBuf,
int32_t sendBufSize, int32_t sendBufUsed, int32_t msgTotalSize, void *state,
void ( *callback )( void *state, TcpSocket *s ), int32_t timeout,
int32_t maxTextDocLen, int32_t maxOtherDocLen ) {
// make sure hostname not too big
if ( hostnameLen >= 254 ) {
log( LOG_LOGIC, "tcp: tcpserver: sendMsg: hostname length is too big. it's %" PRId32 ", max is 254.",
hostnameLen );
mfree( sendBuf, sendBufSize, "TcpServer" );
return true;
// . make a state for calling dns server
// . TODO: speed up by checking dns cache first
// . TODO: use a TcpSocket structure instead of TcpState to hold this
// . return true and set g_errno on error
// . malloc() should set g_errno on error
TcpState *tst;
try {
tst = new ( TcpState );
} catch(std::bad_alloc&) {
// bail on failure
mfree( sendBuf, sendBufSize, "TcpServer" );
return true;
// register this mem with g_mem
mnew ( tst , sizeof(TcpState) , "TcpServer" );
// fill up our temporary state structure
memcpy ( tst->m_hostname , hostname , hostnameLen );
// NULL terminate the hostname in tst
tst->m_hostname [ hostnameLen ] = '\0';
// set the other members of tst
tst->m_port = port;
tst->m_sendBuf = sendBuf;
tst->m_sendBufSize = sendBufSize;
tst->m_sendBufUsed = sendBufUsed;
tst->m_msgTotalSize = msgTotalSize;
tst->m_state = state;
tst->m_callback = callback;
tst->m_this = this;
tst->m_timeout = timeout;
tst->m_maxTextDocLen = maxTextDocLen;
tst->m_maxOtherDocLen = maxOtherDocLen;
tst->m_ip = 0;
// debug
log( LOG_DEBUG, "tcp: Getting IP for %s using msgc.", tst->m_hostname );
int32_t status;
// if no hosts we are being called by monitor.cpp or if we are spider proxy...
if ( g_hostdb.getNumHosts() == 0 || g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_isProxy ) {
status = g_dns.getIp( hostname, hostnameLen, &( tst->m_ip ), tst, gotTcpServerIpWrapper );
} else {
// . this returns false if blocks, true otherwise
// . it also sets g_errno on error
// . seems like this single msgc's multicast was being shared by
// the multiple calls, too... use a private msgc now
status = tst->m_msgc.getIp( hostname, hostnameLen, &( tst->m_ip ), tst, gotTcpServerIpWrapper );
// return false if blocked
if ( status == 0 ) {
return false;
// . gotIp() returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
return gotTcpServerIp( tst, tst->m_ip );
// called by Dns class when ip (or g_errno) is ready
void gotTcpServerIpWrapper ( void *state , int32_t ip ) {
// our state ptr ptrs to a TcpState struct
TcpState *tst = (TcpState *) state;
// save the callback and state since gotIp frees tst
void *tststate = tst->m_state;
void (* tstcallback )( void *state , TcpSocket *s );
tstcallback = tst->m_callback;
// get ptr to our tcp server
TcpServer *THIS = tst->m_this;
// get ip
//int32_t ip = tst->m_ip;
// . call gotIp()
// . return if it blocked (returned false)
if ( ! THIS->gotTcpServerIp ( tst , ip ) ) return;
// . tstcallback can be NULL if caller did not care about the reply
// . now it the transmission was completed w/o further blocking
// . call the callback
// . g_errno may be set
// . we have no TcpSocket at this point, so use NULL
if ( tstcallback ) tstcallback ( tststate , NULL );
// . returns false if TRANSACTION blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool TcpServer::gotTcpServerIp ( TcpState *tst , int32_t ip ) {
// debug
char ipbuf[16];
log( LOG_DEBUG, "tcp: Got ip of %s for %s err=%s.", iptoa(ip,ipbuf), tst->m_hostname, mstrerror( g_errno ) );
// set g_errno if unable to get ip for this hostname
if ( ip == 0 ) {
g_errno = EBADIP;
// free "ts" and return true on error
if ( g_errno ) {
// we are responsible for freeing the send buffer
mfree( tst->m_sendBuf, tst->m_sendBufSize, "TcpServer" );
mdelete( tst, sizeof( TcpState ), "TcpServer" );
delete ( tst );
return true;
// . now call the ip-based sendMsg()
// . this return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . it also sets g_errno on error
bool status = sendMsg( tst->m_hostname, strlen( tst->m_hostname ), ip, tst->m_port, tst->m_sendBuf,
tst->m_sendBufSize, tst->m_sendBufUsed, tst->m_msgTotalSize, tst->m_state,
tst->m_callback, tst->m_timeout, tst->m_maxTextDocLen, tst->m_maxOtherDocLen );
mdelete ( tst , sizeof(TcpState) , "TcpServer" );
delete ( tst ) ;
// return false if this send blocked
if ( !status ) {
return false;
// if no error then we've blocked on waiting for the reply
if ( !g_errno ) {
return false;
// otherwise, return true on error
return true;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . NOTE: should not be called by user since does not copy "msg"
// . NOTE: we do not copy "msg" so keep it on your stack
bool TcpServer::sendMsg( const char *hostname, int32_t hostnameLen, int32_t ip, int16_t port, char *sendBuf,
int32_t sendBufSize, int32_t sendBufUsed, int32_t msgTotalSize, void *state,
void ( *callback )( void *state, TcpSocket *s ), int32_t timeout,
int32_t maxTextDocLen, int32_t maxOtherDocLen, bool useHttpTunnel ) {
// debug
char ipbuf[16];
log(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: Getting doc for ip=%s.", iptoa(ip,ipbuf));
// . get an unused socket that's pre-connected to this ip/port
// . returns NULL if it can't
TcpSocket *s = getAvailableSocket ( ip , port );
// . sendMsg(...) returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . it also sets g_errno on error
if ( s ) {
bool delete_hostname = false;
bool copy_hostname = false;
// verify that hostname is the same
if ( hostname ) {
if ( s->m_hostname ) {
if ( strncmp(hostname, s->m_hostname, hostnameLen) != 0 ) {
delete_hostname = true;
copy_hostname = true;
} else {
copy_hostname = true;
} else {
if ( s->m_hostname ) {
delete_hostname = true;
if ( delete_hostname ) {
mfree( s->m_hostname, s->m_hostnameSize, "TcpSocket" );
s->m_hostname = NULL;
s->m_hostnameSize = 0;
if ( copy_hostname ) {
s->m_hostnameSize = hostnameLen + 1;
s->m_hostname = (char *)mmalloc( s->m_hostnameSize, "TcpSocket" );
memcpy( s->m_hostname, hostname, hostnameLen );
s->m_hostname[hostnameLen] = '\0';
return sendMsg( s, sendBuf, sendBufSize, sendBufUsed, msgTotalSize, state, callback, timeout,
maxTextDocLen, maxOtherDocLen );
// . otherwise, create a new socket
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
// . adds socket to array for us and sets the fd non-blocking, etc.
s = getNewSocket ( );
// return true if s is NULL and g_errno was set by getNewSocket()
// might set g_errno to EOUTOFSOCKETS
if ( !s ) {
mfree( sendBuf, sendBufSize, "TcpServer" );
return true;
// debug to find why sockets getting diffbot replies get commandeered.
// we think that they are using an sd used by a streaming socket,
// who closed, but then proceed to use TcpSocket class as if he
// had not closed it.
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcpBuf ) {
SafeBuf sb;
sb.safePrintf("tcp: open newsd=%i sendbuf=",s->m_sd);
sb.safeTruncateEllipsis (sendBuf,sendBufSize,200);
logf(LOG_DEBUG, "%s",sb.getBufStart());
// set up the new TcpSocket for connecting
s->m_state = state;
s->m_callback = callback;
s->m_this = this;
if ( hostname ) {
s->m_hostnameSize = hostnameLen + 1;
s->m_hostname = (char *)mmalloc( s->m_hostnameSize, "TcpSocket" );
memcpy( s->m_hostname, hostname, hostnameLen );
s->m_hostname[hostnameLen] = '\0';
s->m_ip = ip;
s->m_port = port;
s->m_sockState = ST_CONNECTING;
s->m_sendBuf = sendBuf;
s->m_sendBufSize = sendBufSize;
s->m_sendBufUsed = sendBufUsed;
s->m_totalToSend = msgTotalSize;
s->m_sendOffset = 0;
s->m_totalSent = 0;
s->m_waitingOnHandler = false;
s->m_timeout = timeout;
s->m_maxTextDocLen = maxTextDocLen ;
s->m_maxOtherDocLen = maxOtherDocLen ;
s->m_ssl = NULL;
s->m_udpSlot = NULL;
s->m_streamingMode = false;
s->m_tunnelMode = 0;
s->m_truncated = false;
s->m_blockedContentType = false;
// if http request starts with "CONNECT ..." then enter tunnel mode
if ( useHttpTunnel ) {
s->m_tunnelMode = 1;
// . call the connect routine to try to connect it asap
// . this does not block however
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . it also sets g_errno on error
// . it should destroy socket on error
// . TODO: ensure this always blocks, otherwise we must redo this code
connectSocket ( s ) ;
// . destroy s on error and return true since we did not block
// . this will close the socket descriptor and make the callback
if ( g_errno ) {
destroySocket( s );
return true;
// . we're blocking on the reply so return false always
// . reply can't be gotten until readSocket() is called
return false;
// . returns false if TRANSACTION blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . destroys socket, "s", on error
// . recycles socket, "s", on done writing and reading
// . "s" must be a pre-connected (available) TcpSocket
// . this is called by m_requestHander() to send a reply
// . this is called by sendMsg(ip,...) above to send a request
bool TcpServer::sendMsg( TcpSocket *s, char *sendBuf, int32_t sendBufSize, int32_t sendBufUsed,
int32_t msgTotalSize, void *state, void ( *callback )( void *state, TcpSocket *s ),
int32_t timeout, int32_t maxTextDocLen, int32_t maxOtherDocLen ) {
//reset any previous g_errno so we don't think it was our call to write
g_errno = 0;
// HACK: the proxy encapsulates http requests in udp datagrams with
// msgtype 0xfd. so do a udp reply in that case to the proxy.
if ( s->m_udpSlot ) {
g_udpServer.sendReply( sendBuf, sendBufUsed, sendBuf, sendBufSize, s->m_udpSlot, state, NULL );
// we now free the read buffer here since PageDirectory.cpp
// might have reallocated it.
if ( s->m_readBuf )
mfree (s->m_readBuf, s->m_readBufSize,"TcpUdp");
// free it! we allocated in HttpServer.cpp handleRequestfd()
mfree ( s , sizeof(TcpSocket) , "tcpudp" );
// assume did not block
return true;
// reset the parms in the pre-connected TcpSocket, "s"
s->m_state = state;
s->m_callback = callback;
// ensure the correct TcpServer
if (s->m_this != this) {
log("tcpserver: Socket comming into incorrect TcpServer!");
s->m_this = this;
// s->m_ip = ip;
// s->m_port = port;
s->m_sockState = ST_WRITING;
s->m_sendBuf = sendBuf;
s->m_sendBufSize = sendBufSize;
s->m_sendBufUsed = sendBufUsed;
s->m_totalToSend = msgTotalSize;
s->m_sendOffset = 0;
s->m_totalSent = 0;
s->m_waitingOnHandler = false;
s->m_timeout = timeout;
s->m_maxTextDocLen = maxTextDocLen ;
s->m_maxOtherDocLen = maxOtherDocLen ;
// . try to send immediately
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error (and returns true)
if ( ! writeSocket ( s ) ) return false;
// . the write completed writing a REPLY OR REQUEST
// . or g_errno was set
// . do not make callbacks if it did not block
// makeCallback ( s );
// . destroy the socket on error
// . this will also unregister all our callbacks for the socket
// . TODO: deleting nodes from under Loop::callCallbacks is dangerous!!
if ( g_errno ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: writeSocket error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
destroySocket ( s );
return true;
// if in streaming mode just return true, do not set sockState
// to ST_NEEDS_CLOSE lest it be destroyed. streaming mode needs
// to get more data to send on the socket.
if ( s->m_streamingMode ) {
log("tcp: streaming mode trying to write more");
return true;
// reset the socket iff it was a reply that we finished writing
// hmmm else if ( s->m_readBuf ) { recycleSocket ( s ); return true; }
// we can't close it here any more for some reason the browser truncats
// the content we transmit otherwise... i've tried SO_LINGER and
// couldnt get that to work...
if ( s->m_readBuf ) { s->m_sockState = ST_NEEDS_CLOSE; return true; }
// we're blocking on the reply (readBuf is empty)
return false;
// . TcpSockets are 1-1 with socket descriptors
// . returns NULL if no available sockets w/ this ip/port were found
TcpSocket *TcpServer::getAvailableSocket ( int32_t ip, int16_t port ) {
// . search for an available socket already connected to our ip/port
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= m_lastFilled ; i++ ) {
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
if ( s->m_ip != ip ) continue;
if ( s->m_port != port ) continue;
if ( ! s->isAvailable()) continue;
// reset the start time
s->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
s->m_lastActionTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// debug msg
//log("........... TcpServer found available sock %" PRId32"",i);
return s;
// return NULL if none pre-connected and available for this ip/port
return NULL;
// . gets a new TcpSocket
// . returns NULL and set g_errno on error
// . sets socket to non-blocking and sets up signal generation (SIGMINRT)
// so Loop class can handle the signals and route to our handlers
TcpSocket *TcpServer::getNewSocket ( ) {
// . if outta sd's we close least used socket first
// . if they're all in use set g_errno and return NULL
if ( m_maxSocketsPtr && m_numIncomingUsed >= *m_maxSocketsPtr )
if ( ! closeLeastUsed () ){
// note it in the log
int32_t now = getTime();
static int32_t s_last = 0;
static int32_t s_count = 0;
if ( now - s_last < 5 && s_last )
else {
log("tcp: Out of sockets. Max sockets = %" PRId32". "
"(msgslogged=%" PRId32")",
s_count = 0;
s_last = now;
// another stat
return NULL;
// now make a new socket descriptor
int sd = socket ( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0 ) ;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp ) {
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "tcp: ...... created new socket sd=%" PRId32 "", (int32_t)sd );
while ( sd == 0 ) {
errno = 0;
int newSock = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
log ( "tcp: socket gave sd=0, reopenning3 to sd=%i", newSock );
sd = newSock;
if ( sd >= MAX_NUM_FDS ) {
log("tcp: using statically linked libc that only supports "
"an fd of up to %" PRId32", but got an fd = %" PRId32". fd_set is "
"only geared for 1024 bits of file descriptors for "
"doing poll() in Loop.cpp. Ensure 'ulimit -a' limits "
"open files to 1024. "
"Check open fds using ls /proc/<gb-pid>/fds/ and ensure "
"they are all BELOW 1024.",
// return NULL and set g_errno on failure
if ( sd < 0 ) {
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
log("tcp: Failed to create new socket: %s.",
log("tcp: numopensocks = %" PRId32,m_numUsed.load());
log("tcp: try editing /etc/security/limits.conf and "
"restarting in fresh shell.");
log("tcp: try using multiple spider compression proxies on "
"same server.");
return NULL;
// ssl debug
//log("tcp: open socket fd=%i (open=%" PRId32")",sd,m_numOpen-m_numClosed);
// . create a new TcpSocket around this socket descriptor
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
// . use a maximum niceness for spidering
TcpSocket *s = wrapSocket( sd, MAX_NICENESS, false );
// . close sd on failure
// . TODO: ensure this blocks even if sd was set nonblock by wrapSock()
if ( ! s ) {
if ( sd == 0 ) log("tcp: closing1 sd of 0");
log("tcp: wrapsocket2 returned null for sd=%i",(int)sd);
if ( ::close(sd) == -1 )
log("tcp: close2(%" PRId32") = %s",(int32_t)sd,mstrerror(errno));
else {
// log("tcp: closing sock %i (open=%" PRId32")",sd,
// m_numOpen-m_numClosed);
return NULL;
// return it on success
return s;
TcpSocket *TcpServer::getSocket ( int sd ) {
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[sd];
if ( s ) return s;
// now since i don't really use write callbacks anymore, since
// they are only needed for once a socket is connected, i just
// always calll a write after processing a read/write signal.
// read/write signals are combined together in Loop.cpp now
// for simplicity. the only write signal was received after a
// tcp socket connection was made.
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"tcp: tcpserver: getSocket: sd=%i has no "
return NULL;
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error, true otherwise
// . make a TcpSocket around "sd", a socket descriptor
// . makes the socket non-blocking and sets up signal catching
// . Loop class will receives signals and call the handlers we register with
// . the Loop class
// . NOTE: it's up to the caller to fill in the details of the TcpSocket!
TcpSocket *TcpServer::wrapSocket ( int sd , int32_t niceness , bool isIncoming ) {
// debug
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: wrapsocket sd=%" PRId32,sd);
if ( isIncoming && m_numIncomingUsed >= *m_maxSocketsPtr ) {
if ( ! closeLeastUsed () ) {
// note it in the log
int32_t now = getTime();
static int32_t s_last = 0;
static int32_t s_count = 0;
if ( now - s_last < 5 && s_last ) {
} else {
log( "tcp: Out of sockets. Max sockets = %" PRId32 ". (msgslogged=%" PRId32 ")[2]",
*m_maxSocketsPtr, s_count );
s_count = 0;
s_last = now;
// another stat
return NULL;
// sanity check
if ( sd < 0 || sd >= MAX_TCP_SOCKS ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"tcp: Got bad sd of %" PRId32".",(int32_t)sd);
// another stat
return NULL;
TcpSocket *s = &m_actualSockets[sd];
// . sanity check, it should be clear always! it means "in use" or not
// . this has happened a few times lately...
if ( s->m_startTime != 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"tcp: sd of %" PRId32" is already in use.",(int32_t)sd);
if ( sd == 0 ) log("tcp: closing2 sd of 0");
if ( ::close(sd) == -1 )
log("tcp: close3(%" PRId32") = %s",(int32_t)sd,mstrerror(errno));
else {
// log("tcp: closing sock %i (%" PRId32")",sd, m_numOpen-m_numClosed);
return NULL;
// clear it
memset ( s , 0 , sizeof(TcpSocket) );
// restore
// store sd in our TcpSocket
s->m_sd = sd;
// store the last action time as now (used for timeout'ing sockets)
s->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// just make sure this is not 0 because we use it to mean "in use"
if ( s->m_startTime == 0 ) {
s->m_startTime = 1;
s->m_lastActionTime = s->m_startTime;
// set if it's incoming connection or not
s->m_isIncoming = isIncoming;
// turn this off
s->m_streamingMode = false;
// we have code that closes the sockets when it needs to i think
// so let's go to 100 minutes so we can deal with reranked queries
// (Msg3b) that take like an hour.
s->m_timeout = 1000*60*1000;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: wrapping sd=%i",sd);
// a temp thang
//int parm;
// . TODO: make sure this sd will NEVER exist!!
// . throw our TcpSocket into the array
// . this returns -1 on error, otherwise >= 0 of the node #
m_tcpSockets [ sd ] = s ;
if ( sd > m_lastFilled ) m_lastFilled = sd;
// count connections to us separately for limiting to m_maxSockets
if ( isIncoming ) {
// save this in here too
s->m_niceness = niceness;
// . now we must successfully register it
// . this also sets the sock to nonblocking, etc...
// . TODO: we'd have to set timestamps in Loop to check for timeou
// . use niceness levels of 0 so this server-to-browser traffic takes
// precedence over spider traffic
if (g_loop.registerReadCallback(sd, this, readSocketWrapper, "TcpServer::readSocketWrapper", niceness)) {
return s;
// otherwise, free "s" and return NULL
log("tcp: Had error preparing socket: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
m_tcpSockets [ sd ] = NULL;
// clear it, this means no longer in use
s->m_startTime = 0LL;
// uncount
if ( isIncoming ) {
return NULL;
// . if maxIdleTime > 0 we close all sockets idle "maxIdleTime" seconds
// . if maxIdleTime > 0 we may not close ANY sockets
// . if maxIdleTime <= 0 then we ALWAYS close the least used
bool TcpServer::closeLeastUsed ( int32_t maxIdleTime ) {
//log(LOG_WARN, "closing. %" PRId32" used!", m_numUsed);
uint32_t times [MAX_TCP_SOCKS];
int16_t indices [MAX_TCP_SOCKS];
unsigned char numSocks[MAX_TCP_SOCKS];
memset(times , 0xff, sizeof(int32_t) * MAX_TCP_SOCKS);
memset(indices , 0, sizeof(int16_t) * MAX_TCP_SOCKS);
memset(numSocks, 0, sizeof(char) * MAX_TCP_SOCKS);
int32_t numSocksMask = MAX_TCP_SOCKS - 1;
int16_t biggestHogNdx = -1;
unsigned char biggestHogNum = 0;
int64_t nowms;
if ( maxIdleTime > 0 ) nowms = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// conver it to milliseconds
int64_t maxms;
if ( maxIdleTime > 0 ) maxms = (int64_t)maxIdleTime * 1000;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= m_lastFilled ; i++ ) {
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
//don't close stuff that gigablast is working on.
if(!(s->isReading()|| s->isAvailable())) continue;
// . chose either an available incoming socket
if ( ! s->isAvailable() && ! s->m_isIncoming ) continue;
// if we were given a VALID maxIdleTime, close any socket
// past that idle time
if ( maxIdleTime > 0 ) {
// keep chugging if socket is <= the max
if ( nowms - s->m_lastActionTime <= maxms ) continue;
// log it
char ipbuf[16];
log(LOG_INFO,"tcp: closing socket. ip=%s. "
"idle time was %" PRId64" ms > %" PRId64" ms",
// set g_errno? i guess to zero
g_errno = 0;
// otherwise destroy the socket
makeCallback ( s );
destroySocket ( s );
int32_t index = s->m_ip & numSocksMask;
if(++numSocks[index] > biggestHogNum) {
biggestHogNum = numSocks[index];
biggestHogNdx = index;
if(times[index] < (uint32_t)s->m_lastActionTime) continue;
times[index] = (uint32_t)s->m_lastActionTime;
indices[index] = i;
// if everything was in use we're SOL
if ( biggestHogNdx == -1 ) return false;
// get the socket we're closing
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[ indices[biggestHogNdx] ];
// show a little req buffer
char *req = s->m_readBuf;
char tmp[128];
tmp[0] = '\0';
if ( req ) {
int reqLen = s->m_readOffset;
if ( reqLen > 120 ) reqLen = 120;
if ( reqLen < 0 ) reqLen = 0;
strncpy (tmp,req,reqLen);
tmp[reqLen] = '\0';
nowms = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
log(LOG_WARN, "tcp: closing least used! sd=%" PRId32" idle=%" PRId64"ms "
, (int32_t)s->m_sd
, nowms - s->m_lastActionTime
, tmp );
// set g_errno? i guess to zero
g_errno = 0;
// call the callback of the socket we're destroying (if exists)
makeCallback ( s );
// this frees and removes TcpSocket from the array
destroySocket ( s );
// send email alert
//g_pingServer.sendEmailMsg ( &s_lastTime ,
// "out of sockets on https5");
// return true cuz we closed the least-used socket
return true;
// // . close the least use TcpSocket that is in an "available" state
// // . "available" means not being used but still connected
// // . return false if we could not close any cuz they're all used
// bool TcpServer::closeLeastUsed ( ) {
// // . see who hasn't been used in the longest time
// // . only check the available sockets (m_state == ST_AVAILABLE)
// int64_t minTime = (int64_t) 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
// int32_t mini = -1;
// for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= m_lastFilled ; i++ ) {
// TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
// if ( ! s ) continue;
// if ( ! s->isAvailable() && ! s->m_isIncoming ) continue;
// if ( s->m_lastActionTime > minTime ) continue;
// mini = i;
// minTime = s->m_lastActionTime;
// }
// // if everything was in use we're SOL
// if ( mini == -1 ) return false;
// // get the socket we're closing
// TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[mini];
// // call the callback of the socket we're destroying (if exists)
// makeCallback ( s );
// // this frees and removes TcpSocket from the array
// destroySocket ( s );
// // return true cuz we closed the least-used socket
// return true;
// }
static void readSocketWrapper2(int sd, void *state);
// . this is called by Loop::gotSig() when "sd" is ready for reading
// . we registered it with Loop::registerReadCallback(sd) in wrapSocket()
// . g_errno will be set by Loop if there was a kinda socket reset error
void readSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) {
readSocketWrapper2 ( sd , state );
// since we got rid of waiting for writing on fds, since it only
// applies to freshly connected tcp sockets, we poll for ready-
// -for-write fds on the select() call in Loop.cpp on the same fds
// we are waiting for reads on. so if we get a signal it could really
// be a ready-for-write signal, so try this writing just in case.
// ok, since i added writecallbacks back, no need for this now
// MDW 2/16/2015
// plus, when this was here and we called readSocketWrapper from
// the readTimeoutPoll() function the readSocketWrapper2() would
// sometimes close the socket so 'sd' would be invalid and
// cause getSocket() called by writeSocketWrapper() to return NULL.
//writeSocketWrapper ( sd , state );
static void readSocketWrapper2(int sd, void *state) {
// extract our this ptr
TcpServer *THIS = (TcpServer *)state;
// get a TcpSocket from sd
TcpSocket *s = THIS->getSocket ( sd );
// . TODO: will data to be read remain on queue?
//log("........... TcpServer::readSocketWrapper(sd=%d,this=%p,s=%p)",sd,THIS,s);
// . return if does not exist
if ( ! s ) return ;
// doing an ssl accept?
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_ACCEPT ) {
// try to complete SSL_accept() function
if ( ! THIS->sslAccept ( s ) ) {
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
return ;
// if still not done return..
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_ACCEPT ) return;
// doing an ssl_shutdown?
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_SHUTDOWN ) {
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_HANDSHAKE ) {
int r = THIS->sslHandshake ( s );
// return if it blocked
if ( r == 0 ) return;
// error?
if ( r == -1 ) {
log("tcp: ssl handshake2 error sd=%i",s->m_sd);
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// now we can complete a handshake here in this read function
// we have to handle it if we were tunnelmode 2 and advance
// to 3 otherwise it doesn't work because writeSocket()
// just re-does the handshake even though it is done.
if ( s->m_tunnelMode == 2 ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: going to tunnel mode 3");
s->m_tunnelMode = 3;
// sanity
if ( s->m_sockState != ST_WRITING ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// it went through, should be ST_WRITING so go below
THIS->writeSocket ( s );
// . if this socket was connecting than call connectSocket()
// . it returns false if blocked,true otherwise and sets g_errno on err
if ( s->isConnecting() ) {
// returns -1 on error and sets g_errno,0 if blocked, 1 success
int32_t status = THIS->connectSocket(s) ;
if ( status == 0 ) return;
// now try to send on it
if ( status == 1 ) status = THIS->writeSocket ( s );
// destroy socket and call callback on connect error
if ( status == -1 ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: connectSocket error2: %s",
// i saw
// ssl: Error on Connect
// ssl: Error: Syscall
// from this with g_errno not set
if ( ! g_errno ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
return ;
if ( status != 1 ) return ;
// now try to read the reply
//log("calling readSocket now");
// . readSocket() returns -1 on error and sets g_errno
// . if socket was closed on the other end this returns -1 but does
// NOT set g_errno
// . otherwise, returns 0 if blocked, 1 if completed
int32_t status = THIS->readSocket ( s ) ;
// . destroy socket immediately on error or if other end closed
// . this will also unregister all our callbacks for the socket
// . TODO: deleting nodes from under Loop::callCallbacks is dangerous!!
if ( status == -1 ) {
// g_errno is not set if it just read 0 bytes
//if ( ! g_errno ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// if we blocked then return
if ( status == 0 ) return;
// enter here if we finished reading a reply
//if ( s->m_sendBuf || s->isClosed() ) {
// do not do this if we just read the CONNECT response from
// setting up our http proxy tunnel for an https url
if ( s->m_sendBuf && s->m_tunnelMode != 1 ) {
// i guess ok
g_errno = 0;
// callback must free all m_sendBuf/m_readBuf in TcpSocket
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
// . if the socket was closed by remote side we destroy it
// . if the readBuf was maxed out we destroy so keep-alives
// don't keep messed up
// . this is wrong if the size we read happened to exactly
// be out m_maxReadBufSize, but oh well, no big deal
//if ( s->isClosed () )
// THIS->destroySocket ( s );
//else if ( s->m_readBufSize >= THIS->m_maxReadBufSize )
// THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// THIS->recycleSocket ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// if we were connecting an http proxy tunnel, we sent
// "CONNECT abc.com:443\r\n\r\n" and got back
// "HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n"
// so now send our https content
if ( s->m_tunnelMode == 1 ) {
// check the reply first.. make sure it is established
if ( s->m_readBuf &&
strncmp(s->m_readBuf,"HTTP/1.0 200",12) != 0 &&
strncmp(s->m_readBuf,"HTTP/1.1 200",12) != 0) {
log("tcp: failed to establish ssl connection through "
"proxy. reply=%s",s->m_readBuf);
// 0 out the reply so it does not get indexed
//s->m_readOffset = 0;
//char *saved = s->m_readBuf;
//s->m_readBuf = NULL;
// callback must free all m_sendBuf/m_readBuf in
// TcpSocket
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
//s->m_readBuf = saved;
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugProxies )
log("tcp: established http tunnel for https url of "
"sd=%" PRId32" req=%s",
// free current read buffer if we should
if ( s->m_readBuf )
mfree ( s->m_readBuf , s->m_readBufSize,"tcprbuf");
// make it NULL so we think we haven't read a reply and
// we won't call makeCallback() from writeSocketWrapper()
s->m_readBuf = NULL;
// and call ourselves mode 2, the ssl tunnel phase
s->m_tunnelMode = 2;
// reset these anew for sending/reading the actual http stuff
s->m_sendOffset = 0;
s->m_readOffset = 0;
s->m_totalSent = 0;
s->m_totalRead = 0;
// go back into writing mode to write the actual http
// request encrypted and sent to the http proxy.
s->m_sockState = ST_WRITING;
// that's it
// set the socket's state to writing now (how about WAITINGTOWRITE?)
s->m_sockState = ST_WRITING;
// tell 'em socket has called the handler
s->m_waitingOnHandler = true;
// . TODO: ensure timeout is set on s in case requestHandler does not
// send on it so it will close in due time
// . call the request handler to handle it
// . this should have been specified in TcpServer::init()
// . IMPORTANT: this handler MUST call sendMsg(s,...) to send a reply
THIS->m_requestHandler ( s ) ;
// . returns -1 on error and sets g_errno, 0 if blocked, 1 if completed
// . now it also returns -1 if other end closed on us (no more ST_CLOSED state)
// but it does not set g_errno in that case
// . tries to read some data from the socket "s"
int32_t TcpServer::readSocket ( TcpSocket *s ) {
//log("........... TcpServer::readSocket(s=%p): s->m_sd=%d",s,s->m_sd);
// . otherwise, it's a normal read of normal data (request or reply)
// . if we got some shit to read but shouldn't be reading someone is
// fucking with us so throw the shit away... it could be an attack...
if ( ! s->isReading() && ! s->isAvailable() ) {
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
// log(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: readsocket: socket %i not in "
// "read/available mode... trying a write.",s->m_sd );
//int32_t status = writeSocket ( s );
//return status;
return 0;
// set our state to reading in case we were ST_AVAILABLE state
s->m_sockState = ST_READING;
// . TODO: support the reception of large messages
// . alloc a buffer to read the reply/request
// . will grow dynamically if it's not enough
if ( ! s->m_readBuf ) {
// . if our sendBuf is non-NULL we're getting a big reply
// . otherwise it's a small request
int32_t size ;
if ( s->m_sendBuf ) size = 64*1024 ;
else size = TCP_READ_BUF_SIZE; // 1024;
// alloc space only if we need to now
// this might be causing, problems, so i took this out
//if ( size <= TCP_READ_BUF_SIZE )
// s->m_readBuf = s->m_tmpBuf;
s->m_readBuf = (char *) mmalloc ( size ,"TcpServer");
// if not able to allocate initial buffer then bail w/ g_errno
if ( ! s->m_readBuf ) return -1;
// otherwise, set it's size
s->m_readBufSize = size;
// first char is a \0
s->m_readBuf[0] = '\0';
do {
// . determine how many bytes we have AVAILable for storing into:
// . leave room to store a \0 so html docs always have it, -1
// . ALSO leave room for 4 bytes at the end so Proxy.cpp can store the
// sender ip address in there
// . see HttpServer.cpp::sendDynamicPage()
int32_t avail = s->m_readBufSize - s->m_readOffset - 1 - 4;
// but if going through an http proxy...
// if ( s->m_tunnelMode >= 1 ) {
// // read the connection response from proxy. should be like:
// // "HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established"
// }
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: readSocket: reading on sd=%" PRId32,
// do the read
int n;
if ( m_useSSL || s->m_tunnelMode == 3 ) {
//int64_t now1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
n = SSL_read(s->m_ssl, s->m_readBuf + s->m_readOffset, avail );
//log("........... TcpServer::readSocket(s=%p): s->m_sd=%d, SSL_read()->%d",s,s->m_sd,n);
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(s->m_readBuf + s->m_readOffset,n);
//int64_t now2 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//int64_t took = now2 - now1 ;
//if ( took >= 2 ) log("tcp: ssl_read took %" PRId64"ms", took);
} else {
n = ::read ( s->m_sd, s->m_readBuf + s->m_readOffset, avail );
//log("........... TcpServer::readSocket(s=%p): s->m_sd=%d, read()->%d",s,s->m_sd,n);
// deal with errors
if ( n < 0 ) {
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno == EAGAIN ||
g_errno == 0 ||
g_errno == EILSEQ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: readsocket: read got error "
"(avail=%i) %s",
g_errno = 0;
return 0;
log("tcp: Failed to read on socket: %s.", mstrerror(g_errno));
return -1;
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: readSocket: read %" PRId32" bytes on sd=%" PRId32,
// debug spider proxy
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugProxies )
log("tcp: readtcpbuf(%" PRId32")=%s",
// debug msg
//log(".......... TcpServer read %i bytes on %i",n,s->m_sd);
// . if we read 0 bytes then that signals the end of the connection
// . doesn't this only apply to reading replies and not requests???
// . MDW: add "&& s->m_sendBuf to it"
// . just return -1 WITHOUT setting g_errno
if ( n == 0 ) {
// set g_errno to 0 then otherwise it seems g_errno was set to
// ETRYAGAIN from some other time and when readSocket
// calls makeCallback() it ends up calling Msg13.cpp::gotHttpReply2
// eventually and coring because the error is not recognized.
// even though there was no error but the read just finished.
// also see TcpServer.cpp:readSocketWrapper2() to see where
// it calls makeCallback() after noticing we return -1 from here.
// the site was content.time.com in this case that we read 0
// bytes on to indicate the read was done.
g_errno = 0;
// for debug. seems like content-length: is counting
// the \r\n when it shoulnd't be
return -1; } // { s->m_sockState = ST_CLOSED; return 1; }
// update counts
s->m_totalRead += n;
s->m_readOffset += n;
// NULL terminate after each read
if ( avail >= 0 ) s->m_readBuf [ s->m_readOffset ] = '\0';
// update last action time stamp
s->m_lastActionTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// . if we don't know yet, try to determine the total msg size
// . it will try to set s->m_totalToRead
// . it will look for the end of the mime on requests and look for
// the the mime's content-len: field on replies
// . it should look for content-len: on post requests as well
// . it sets it to -1 if incoming msg size is still unknown
if ( s->m_totalToRead <= 0 && ! setTotalToRead ( s ) ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"tcp: readSocket3: wierd error.");
return -1;
// . keep reading until we block
// . mdw: loop back if we can read more
// . obsoleted: just return false if we're NOT yet done
// . NOTE: loop even if we read all to read, cuz we might need to
// read a 0 byte packet (a close) iff we're reading a reply
} while(s->m_totalToRead <= 0 ||
s->m_readOffset < s->m_totalToRead);
return 1;
// . ensures our readBuf is big enough to handle the incoming msg
// . if not, it reallocs it to make bigger
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . calls m_getMsgSize to look for Content-Length: on replies, \n on requests
// for the HTTP protocol at least
bool TcpServer::setTotalToRead ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// . at "close connection" bit is sent in the last tcp packet
// for http servers that use "Connection: close"
// . we only get the POLLHUP event when we try to write on it, however
// . therefore check for this bit here
// . get tcp socket state
// . see /usr/include/linux/tcp.h for more TCP states and info,...
// . TODO: should we destroy the socket in this case?
struct tcp_info info ;
socklen_t infoSize = sizeof(tcp_info);
getsockopt ( s->m_sd , SOL_TCP , TCP_INFO, &info, &infoSize );
if ( info.tcpi_state == TCP_CLOSE_WAIT ) {
// if we got the close signal then we've read it all!
s->m_totalToRead = s->m_readOffset;
return true;
// . parse out the msgSize, -1 means unknown
// . NOTE: getMsgSize() may return less than the actual reply size if
// it decides we should truncate the document!
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
VALGRIND_CHECK_MEM_IS_DEFINED(s->m_readBuf , s->m_readOffset);
int32_t size = m_getMsgSize ( s->m_readBuf , s->m_readOffset , s );
// set total to read if we know it
if ( size > 0 ) s->m_totalToRead = size;
// if size is unknown ensure we have at least 10k of extra space
if ( size == -1 ) size = s->m_readOffset + 10*1024;
// adjust so we can include our \0 at the end of the m_readBuf
size += 1;
// and for the proxy ip!!
// (See HttpServer.cpp::sendDynamicPage())
size += 4;
// . if it's smaller than our current buffer don't worry
// . we need to make sure to store a \0 at end of the read...
//if ( size <= s->m_readBufSize ) return true;
if ( size < s->m_readBufSize ) return true;
// prepare for realloc if we're point to s->m_tmpBuf
//char *tmp = NULL;
char *newBuf = (char *) mrealloc(s->m_readBuf, s->m_readBufSize, size, "TcpServerR");
if (!newBuf) {
log(LOG_WARN, "tcp: Failed to reallocate from %" PRId32" to %" PRId32" bytes to read from socket.",
s->m_readBufSize, size);
return false;
// set the new buffer
s->m_readBuf = newBuf;
s->m_readBufSize = size;
return true;
// . this is called by Loop::gotSig() when "sd" is ready for reading
// . we registered it with Loop::registerReadCallback(sd)
// . g_errno will be set by Loop if there was a kinda socket reset error
// . we call this when socket is connected, too
void writeSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) {
// debug msg
//log("........... TcpServer::writeSocketWrapper sd=%" PRId32"",sd);
TcpServer *THIS = (TcpServer *)state;
// get the TcpSocket for this socket descriptor
TcpSocket *s = THIS->getSocket ( sd );
if ( ! s ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: writesocketwrapper: "
"Socket descriptor %i not found.", sd );
// doing an ssl_shutdown?
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_SHUTDOWN ) {
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_HANDSHAKE ) {
int r = THIS->sslHandshake ( s );
// return if it blocked. write callback shoud be
// registered... or read, depending on the the handshake return
if ( r == 0 ) return;
// error?
if ( r == -1 ) {
log("tcp: ssl handshake4 error sd=%i",s->m_sd);
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// it went through, should be ST_WRITING so go below
if ( s->m_sockState != ST_WRITING ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// . if loop notified us of an error on this socket then destroy it
// . like -- pollhup, socket closed
if ( g_errno == ESOCKETCLOSED ) {
// note the ip now too
int64_t nowms = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log(LOG_INFO,"tcp: sock closed. ip=%s. idle for %" PRId64" ms.",
// . some http servers close socket as end of transmission
// . so it's not really an g_errno
if ( ! s->m_streamingMode )
g_errno = 0;
log("tcp: socket closed while streaming");
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_NEEDS_CLOSE ) {
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// . if this socket was connecting than call connectSocket()
// . it returns false if blocked,true otherwise and sets g_errno on err
if ( s->isConnecting() ) {
// returns -1 on error and sets g_errno,0 if blocked, 1 success
int32_t status = THIS->connectSocket(s) ;
// if connection had an error, bail, g_errno should be set
if ( status == -1 ) {
if ( ! g_errno ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
THIS->destroySocket ( s );
// return on coonection error or if still trying to connect
if ( status != 1 ) {
// now try to send on it
// if socket has nothing to send yet cuz we're waiting, wait...
if ( s->m_sendBufUsed == 0 ) return;
// sendAgain:
// . writeSocket returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . it also sets g_errno on errro
// . don't call it if we have g_errno set, however
int32_t status = THIS->writeSocket ( s ) ;
// return if it blocked
if ( status == 0 ) return;
// if write finished, but we're not done reading return
if ( status == 1 && ! s->m_readBuf ) return;
// good?
g_errno = 0;
// in m_streamingMode this may call another sendChunk()!!!
// OR it may set streamingMode to false.. it can only do one or
// the other and not both!!! because if it sets streamingMode to
// false then we destroy the socket below!!!! so it can't be
// sending anything new!!!
bool wasStreaming = s->m_streamingMode;
// otherwise, call callback on done writing or error
// MDW: if we close the socket descriptor, then a getdiffbotreply
// gets it, we have to know.
THIS->makeCallback ( s );
// we have to do a final call to writeSocket with m_streamingMode
// set to false, so don't destroy socket just yet...
if ( wasStreaming ) {
log("tcp: not destroying sock in streaming mode after callback"
". s=%p", s);
// skip if we already destroyed in writeSocket()
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_CLOSE_CALLED ) return;
// . destroy the socket on error, recycle on transaction completion
// . this will also unregister all our callbacks for the socket
if ( status == -1 ) THIS->destroySocket ( s );
else THIS->recycleSocket ( s );
// . returns -1 on error and sets g_errno, 0 if blocked, 1 if completed
// . called by writeSocketWrapper() which is called by Loop::gotSig() when it
// gets a signal that "sd" is ready for writing
// . also called by sendMsg() to immediately initiate sending a msg
int32_t TcpServer::writeSocket ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// skip if socket not in send state (nothing needs to be sent)
if ( ! s->isSending() ) {
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
// log(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: writeSocket: socket %i not in "
// "write mode... trying a read",s->m_sd );
return 0;
//int32_t status = readSocket ( s );
//return status; //-1;
// we only register write callback to see when it is connected so
// we can do a write, so we should not need this now
if ( s->m_writeRegistered ) {
s->m_writeRegistered = false;
// send some stuff
int32_t toSend = s->m_sendBufUsed - s->m_sendOffset;
// if nothing to send we are done!
//if ( ! toSend ) return 1;
// get a ptr to the msg piece to send
char *msg = s->m_sendBuf;
if ( ! msg ) return 1;
// send this piece
int n;
// but if going through an http proxy...
if ( s->m_tunnelMode == 1 ) {
// find end of the "CONNECT abc.com:443\r\n\r\n" request
// which is TUNNEL HEADER for the actual http request
// just send the CONNECT request first
char *end = strstr(s->m_sendBuf,"\r\n\r\n");
int32_t tunnelRequestSize = end - s->m_sendBuf + 4;
s->m_totalToSend = tunnelRequestSize;
toSend = tunnelRequestSize - s->m_sendOffset;
// if tunnel is established, send ssl handshake
if ( s->m_tunnelMode == 2 ) {
char *end = strstr(s->m_sendBuf,"\r\n\r\n");
int32_t tunnelRequestSize = end - s->m_sendBuf + 4;
// point to the actual http request, not tunnel connect stuff
msg = s->m_sendBuf + tunnelRequestSize;
s->m_totalToSend = s->m_sendBufUsed - tunnelRequestSize;
toSend = s->m_sendBufUsed - tunnelRequestSize -s->m_sendOffset;
// reset this so we do not truncate the NEXT reply!
s->m_totalToRead = 0;
// why was this not ST_SSL_HANDSHAKE? force it to avoid core.
s->m_sockState = ST_SSL_HANDSHAKE;
// use ssl now
int r = sslHandshake ( s );
// we completed it!
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: tunnel handshake returned %i",r);
// error? g_errno will be set, return -1
if ( r == -1 ) return -1;
// return 0 if it would block
if ( r == 0 ) return 0;
// we completed it!
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: completed handshake in tunnel mode 2 going "
"to 3");
// i guess it completed. will be ST_WRITING mode now.
// enter write tunnel mode too
s->m_tunnelMode = 3;
if ( s->m_tunnelMode == 3 ) {
char *end = strstr(s->m_sendBuf,"\r\n\r\n");
int32_t tunnelRequestSize = end - s->m_sendBuf + 4;
// point to the actual http request, not tunnel connect stuff
msg = s->m_sendBuf + tunnelRequestSize;
s->m_totalToSend = s->m_sendBufUsed - tunnelRequestSize;
toSend = s->m_sendBufUsed - tunnelRequestSize -s->m_sendOffset;
if ( toSend <= 0 ) return 0;
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: writeSocket: writing %" PRId32" bytes "
"(of %" PRId32" bytes total) "
"on %" PRId32,
if ( m_useSSL || s->m_tunnelMode == 3 ) {
//int64_t now1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
n = SSL_write ( s->m_ssl, msg + s->m_sendOffset, toSend );
//int64_t now2 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
//int64_t took = now2 - now1 ;
//if ( took >= 2 ) log("tcp: ssl_write took %" PRId64"ms", took);
n = ::send ( s->m_sd , msg + s->m_sendOffset , toSend , 0 );
//if(n>=0) loghex(LOG_INFO,msg + s->m_sendOffset,toSend,"Wrote %d bytes on sd=%d",n,s->m_sd);
// cancel harmless errors, return -1 on severe ones
if ( n < 0 ) {
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
// i saw errno to be 0 after logging
// ssl: Error on Connect
// ssl: Error: Syscall
// and then calling THIS->writeSocket() and thereby causing
// a core... so check g_errno here.
// actually for m_useSSL it does not set errno...
if ( ! g_errno && m_useSSL ) g_errno = ESSLERROR;
// debug msg
if ( g_errno != EAGAIN ) {
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: ::send returned %" PRId32" err=%s"
return -1;
g_errno = 0;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("........... TcpServer write blocked on %i\n",
// need to listen for writability now since our write
// failed to write everythin gout
if ( ! s->m_writeRegistered &&
!g_loop.registerWriteCallback(s->m_sd, this, writeSocketWrapper,
"TcpServer::writeSocketWrapper", s->m_niceness)) {
log("tcp: failed to reg write callback1 for "
"sd=%i", s->m_sd);
return -1;
// do not keep doing it otherwise select() goes crazy
s->m_writeRegistered = true;
return 0;
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log("........... TcpServer wrote %i bytes on %i (%s:%u)",
n, s->m_sd, iptoa(s->m_ip,ipbuf), (unsigned)(uint16_t)s->m_port);
// if we did not write all the bytes we wanted we have to register
// a write callback
if ( n < toSend ) {
// another debug
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: only wrote %" PRId32" of %" PRId32" bytes "
"tried. sd=%i",n,toSend,s->m_sd);
// need to listen for writability now since our write
// failed to write everythin gout
if ( ! s->m_writeRegistered &&
!g_loop.registerWriteCallback(s->m_sd, this, writeSocketWrapper,
"TcpServer::writeSocketWrapper", s->m_niceness)) {
log(LOG_WARN, "tcp: failed to reg write callback1 for sd=%i", s->m_sd);
return -1;
// do not keep doing it otherwise select() goes crazy
s->m_writeRegistered = true;
// return 0 if we blocked on this write
if ( n == 0 ) return 0;
// update last action time stamp
s->m_lastActionTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// update count
s->m_totalSent += n;
s->m_sendOffset += n;
// . if we sent less than we tried to send then block
// . we should be notified via sig/callback when we can send the rest
if ( n < toSend ) {
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
// log(".... Tcpserver: %" PRId32"<%" PRId32,n,toSend);
return 0;
// . we sent all we were asked to, but our sendBuf may need a refill
// . call this routine to refill it
if ( s->m_totalSent < s->m_totalToSend ) {
// note that
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log(".... Tcpserver: only sent fraction %" PRId32" of "
"%" PRId32" bytes. looping.",
s->m_totalSent , s->m_totalToSend);
// . refill the sendBuf
// . this might set m_sendBufUsed, m_sendBufOffset, ...
// . it may also block in which case nothing will be changed
// . it returns # of new bytes read
// . it returns -1 on error
if ( m_getMsgPiece ( s ) == -1 ) {
log("tcp: Had error getting data to send: %s.",
return -1;
// . now loop to send the refilled data
// . if m_getMsgPiece() blocked on the read we still won't have
// anything to send and it should have registered itself
// to get ready-to-read signals and it will give us a
// ready-to-send signal when it's read something into the
// sendBuf for "s" (calls g_loop.callCallbacks(s->m_sd))
goto loop;
// if we made it here we sent the whole thing
// . uncork sd so write buf gets flushed
// . return false and set g_errno on error
// . sd should be destroyed
/* cygwin doesn't recognize tcp_cork
int parm = 0;
if ( setsockopt (s->m_sd,SOL_TCP,TCP_CORK,&parm,sizeof(int)) < 0) {
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
log("tcp: Failed to set TCP_CORK option on socket: %s.",
return -1;
// if we completed sending a REQUEST then change state to
// "reading" and return true
if ( s->isSendingRequest() ) {
s->m_sockState = ST_READING;
return 1;
if ( s->m_streamingMode ) {
log("tcp: not destroying sock in streaming mode after "
"writing data. s=%p",
return 1;
// close it. without this here the socket only gets
// closed for real in the timeout loop.
destroySocket ( s );
// . otherwise, we finished sending a reply
// . our caller should call recycleSocket ( s ) to keep it alive
return 1;
// . returns -1 on error and sets g_errno, 0 if blocked, 1 if completed
// . called by readSocketWrapper() when socket is ready for reading but it's
// state is ST_CONNECTING
int32_t TcpServer::connectSocket ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// if this socket is not in connecting state (ST_CONNECTING) then ret
// No! socket state could be ST_SSL_HANDSHAKE
// if ( ! s->isConnecting() ) return true;
// now we have a connect just starting or already in progress
struct sockaddr_in to;
to.sin_family = AF_INET;
// our ip's are always in network order, but ports are in host order
to.sin_addr.s_addr = s->m_ip;
to.sin_port = htons ((uint16_t)( s->m_port));
if(g_conf.m_logDebugTcp) {
char ipbuf[16];
log("........... TcpServer connecting sd=%i to %s:%u",
s->m_sd, iptoa(s->m_ip,ipbuf), (unsigned)(uint16_t)s->m_port);
// connect to the socket. This should be non-blocking!
if(::connect ( s->m_sd, (sockaddr *)(void*)&to, sizeof(to)) == 0) {
//immediate connect. Rare on non-blocking sockets, but not impossible
if(g_conf.m_logDebugTcp) {
char ipbuf[16];
log("........... TcpServer connected sd=%i to %s:%u",
s->m_sd, iptoa(s->m_ip,ipbuf), (unsigned)(uint16_t)s->m_port );
// don't listen for writing any more
if ( s->m_writeRegistered ) {
g_loop.unregisterWriteCallback( s->m_sd, this, writeSocketWrapper );
s->m_writeRegistered = false;
if(m_useSSL) {
// connect ssl
// enter handshake mode now
s->m_sockState = ST_SSL_HANDSHAKE;
// i guess state is special
int r = sslHandshake(s);
// there was an error
if(r == -1)
return -1;
// i guess it would block. this should register
// the write callback if we need to do a write operation still
if(r == 0)
return 0;
// change state so this doesn't get called again
s->m_sockState = ST_WRITING;
return 1;
// copy errno to g_errno
g_errno = errno;
if ( g_errno == EALREADY ) {
log( "........... TcpServer got EALREADY, so must be in progress sd=%i", s->m_sd );
g_errno = EINPROGRESS;
// we blocked with the EINPROGRESS g_errno
if(g_errno == EINPROGRESS) {
g_errno = 0;
// note that
log("tcp: connection is in progress sd=%i",s->m_sd);
// according to 'man connect' select() needs to listen
// for writability
return 0;
// make select() listen on this fd for when it can write
if (!g_loop.registerWriteCallback(s->m_sd, this, writeSocketWrapper,
"TcpServer::writeSocketWrapper", s->m_niceness)) {
log("tcp: failed to reg write callback2 for sd=%i", s->m_sd);
return -1;
s->m_writeRegistered = true;
return 0;
// return -1 on real error
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log(LOG_INFO,"tcp: Failed to connect socket: %s, %s:%u",
mstrerror(g_errno), iptoa(s->m_ip,ipbuf), (unsigned)(uint16_t)s->m_port);
return -1;
// . call this on read/write/connect errors
// . g_errno MUST be set before this is called
// . calls the callback governing "s" if it has one
void TcpServer::destroySocket ( TcpSocket *s ) {
if ( ! s ) return ;
// sanity, must exit streaming mode before destruction
if ( s->m_streamingMode ) {
log("tcp: destroying socket in streaming mode. err=%s",
// why is it being destroyed without g_errno set?
//if ( ! g_errno ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
//g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_CLOSE_CALLED ) {
log("tcp: destroy already called for sock=%i",s->m_sd);
// sanity check
if ( s->m_udpSlot ) {
log("tcp: sending back error on udp slot err=%s", mstrerror(g_errno));
// sen back the error i guess
g_udpServer.sendReply( NULL, 0, NULL, 0, s->m_udpSlot, NULL, NULL );
// we now free the read buffer here since PageDirectory.cpp
// might have reallocated it.
if ( s->m_readBuf ) {
mfree (s->m_readBuf, s->m_readBufSize,"TcpUdp");
// free it! we allocated in HttpServer.cpp handleRequestfd()
mfree ( s , sizeof(TcpSocket) , "tcpudp" );
// assume did not block
// . you cannot destroy socket's who have called a handler and the
// handler is still in progress, because when he's got a reply ready
// he expects this TcpSocket to still be there
// . if this is the case we, the client probably closed his connection
// before we could generate a reply to send to him
if ( s->m_waitingOnHandler ) return;
// log it if g_errno not set
if ( g_errno )
log("tcp: Destroying tcp socket because of error: %s. sd=%i. "
"state=%i.", mstrerror(g_errno),s->m_sd,s->m_sockState);
// the socket descriptor
int sd = s->m_sd;
// debug msg
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp ) {
char ipbuf[16];
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: ...... TcpServer closing sock %i (%s:%u)",
s->m_sd, iptoa(s->m_ip,ipbuf), (unsigned)(uint16_t)s->m_port);
// make it blocking for the close for testing
//int flags = fcntl ( sd , F_GETFL );
//flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
//fcntl ( sd , F_SETFL , flags );
if ( sd == 0 ) log("tcp: closing3 sd of 0");
// . remove all queued signals from Loop for this fd
// . now that we do http tunneling to the proxy using the non-ssl
// tcp server, we do ssl handshakes on "s" so free it up here...
if ( s->m_ssl ) { // m_useSSL && s->m_ssl) {
errno = 0;
// shit, this blocks?
int ret = SSL_shutdown(s->m_ssl);
// ssl debug!
//log("ssl: ssl_shutdown returned %i (errno=%i/%s) [fd=%i]",
// ret,errno,mstrerror(errno),sd);
// set "saved" to errno if it had a bad return value
//int32_t saved = 0; if ( ret < 0 ) saved = errno;
// sslerr is "2" if it is SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ and 3 for WRITE
int sslerr = 0;
if ( ret < 0 ) sslerr = SSL_get_error(s->m_ssl, ret);
// if we need to call it again, set this flag...
if ( // . 0 means to call it again to complete handshaking
// . ret==1 means it is ALL done!
ret == 0 ||
// this means it blocked... waiting on communication
(ret == -1 && errno == EAGAIN)
//saved == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ ||
//saved == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE ||
//saved == EAGAIN
) {
// ssl debug!
//log("ssl: ssl_shutdown did not complete fd=%i "
// "(sslerr=%i)",sd,sslerr);
s->m_sockState = ST_SSL_SHUTDOWN;
s->m_ssl = NULL;
// ssl debug!
//log("tcp: closing fd=%i",sd);
// TODO: does this block or what?
int32_t cret = 0;
// if sd is 0 do not really close it. seems to fix that bug.
// 0 is the FD for stdin so i don't know how that is happening.
if ( sd != 0 ) cret = ::close ( sd );
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcpBuf ) {
SafeBuf sb;
sb.safePrintf("tcp: closing sd=%i bytessent=%i "
"sendbufused=%i streaming=%i "
if ( s->m_sendBuf )
sb.safePrintf(" bytesread=%i readbuf=",(int)s->m_readOffset);
if ( s->m_readBuf )
logf(LOG_DEBUG, "%s",sb.getBufStart());
// force it out of streaming mode since we closed it. then we
// should avoid the "not timing out streaming socket fd=123" msgs.
s->m_streamingMode = false;
if ( cret != 0 ) { // == -1 )
log("tcp: s=%p close(%" PRId32") = %" PRId32" = %s",
if ( sd < 0 )
log("tcp: caught double close/callback while "
"streaming bug");
else {
// log("tcp: closing sock %i (open=%" PRId32")",sd,
// m_numOpen-m_numClosed);
// set it negative to try to fix the double close while
// streaming bug. -sd -m_sd m_sd = m_sd=
if ( s->m_sd > 0 ) s->m_sd *= -1;
// a 2nd close? it should return -1 with errno set!
//int32_t cret2 = ::close ( sd );
//if ( cret2 != -1 )
// log("tcp: double close was required fd=%" PRId32,(int32_t)sd);
// flag it
s->m_sockState = ST_CLOSE_CALLED;
//::close ( 0 );
if (s->m_hostname) {
mfree(s->m_hostname, s->m_hostnameSize, "TcpSocket");
s->m_hostname = NULL;
s->m_hostnameSize = 0;
// caller should call makeCallback, not us since we might not
// have blocked, in which case should not be calling the callback
// makeCallback ( s );
// pretend we're trying to salvage it to free the send/read bufs
// recycleSocket ( s );
// do not try to free m_tmpBuf
//if ( s->m_readBuf == s->m_tmpBuf ) s->m_readBuf = NULL;
//if ( s->m_sendBuf == s->m_tmpBuf ) s->m_sendBuf = NULL;
// always free read/send buffers
if ( s->m_readBuf ) mfree (s->m_readBuf, s->m_readBufSize,"TcpServer");
// always free the sendBuf
if ( s->m_sendBuf ) mfree (s->m_sendBuf, s->m_sendBufSize,"TcpServer");
// unregister it with Loop so we don't get any calls about it
if ( s->m_writeRegistered ) {
g_loop.unregisterWriteCallback ( sd, this, writeSocketWrapper);
s->m_writeRegistered = false;
g_loop.unregisterReadCallback ( sd , this , readSocketWrapper );
// debug msg
//log("unregistering sd=%" PRId32,sd);
// discount if it was an incoming connection
if ( s->m_isIncoming ) m_numIncomingUsed--;
// clear it, this means no longer in use
s->m_startTime = 0LL;
// count # of destroys in case a function is still referencing
// this socket and streaming back data on it or something. it won't
// know we've destroyed it? we do call makeCallback before
// calling destroySocket() it seems, but that might not help
// for Msg40.cpp sending back search results.
// free TcpSocket from the array
//mfree ( s , sizeof(TcpSocket) ,"TcpServer");
m_tcpSockets [ sd ] = NULL;
// one less used
// reset m_lastFilled
if ( sd == m_lastFilled ) {
while ( sd > 0 && !m_tcpSockets[sd] ) sd--;
m_lastFilled = sd;
// . try to make the socket available for another transaction
// . if the socket was initiated by remote host then this makes us seem like
// a keep alive server, and we're open for reading...
// . if the socket was connected by us then we're hoping the remote host
// supports keep alives...
void TcpServer::recycleSocket ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// mdw... this now just destroys, baby, no more keep-alives
destroySocket ( s );
// . called by Loop::runLoop() every one second
void readTimeoutPollWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) {
TcpServer *THIS = (TcpServer *)state;
// . called by readTimeoutPollWrapper() every 1 second
void TcpServer::readTimeoutPoll ( ) {
// get the time now in seconds
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: entering timeout loop");
// send the msg that is mostly caught up with it's acks first.
// "ackWait" is how many more acks we need to complete the transmission
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= m_lastFilled ; i++ ) {
// get the TcpSocket for socket descriptor #i
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
// if in a high niceness callback we can only serve
// low niceness (0) sockets at this point. because we might
// do a double callback on a socket that have niceness 1...
// close if need be. we added this delayed closing logic because
// the transmission was getting truncated somehow, and i even tried
// the SO_LINGER crap to no avail. so this is basically our own linger
// algorithm...
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_NEEDS_CLOSE &&
// give it 500ms
now - s->m_lastActionTime >= 500 ) {
destroySocket ( s );
// . if he is sending, that sticks too, so try it!
// . or if we're connecting to him...
if ( s->isSending() ||
s->isConnecting() ||
s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_HANDSHAKE ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: timeloop: calling writesock on sd=%i"
writeSocketWrapper ( s->m_sd , this );
s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
// . seems like we don't always get the ready-for-read signal
// . HACK: this fixes the problem, albeit not the best way
// . or if he's connecting to us...
if ( s->isReading() ||
s->isConnecting() ||
s->m_sockState == ST_SSL_HANDSHAKE ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: timeloop: calling readsock on sd=%i"
readSocketWrapper ( s->m_sd , this );
s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
// continue if socket not in an active state
if ( ! s->isReading () &&
! s->isConnecting() &&
s->m_sockState != ST_SSL_HANDSHAKE &&
! s->isSending () ) continue;
// . if the transmission time out then makeCallback() will
// make the callback and then unconditionally delete
// the UdpSlot
// . go back to top because delete might have shrunk table
// see if socket is now closed
//struct tcp_info info;
//socklen_t size = sizeof(tcp_info);
//getsockopt ( s->m_sd , SOL_TCP , TCP_INFO, &info, &size );
// fix system clock advanced
if ( s->m_lastActionTime > now ) s->m_lastActionTime = now ;
// how long since we started...
int64_t total = now - s->m_startTime;
// if it has been a minute or more, and averaging less than
// 20 bytes per second, time it out. otherwise we end up
bool timeOut = false;
// BUT make sure we sent them a request. i.e. we are spidering
// and they haven't gotten back to us yet...
if ( total > 60000 && s->m_sendBufSize > 0 &&
m_doReadRateTimeouts &&
// This is affecting the diffbot reply, so only do this
// if we got something in the readbuf. diffbot will not
// send anything until it is done, and it should send
// everything fairly quickly once it is ready.
s->m_readOffset > 0 &&
s->m_sockState == ST_READING ) {
// calculate "Bytes per second"
float Bps=(float)s->m_readOffset/((float)total)/1000.0;
// timeout if too low
if ( Bps < 20.0 ) {
timeOut = true;
char ipbuf[16];
log("tcp: Read rate too low. Timing out. Bps=%" PRId32" ip=%s",
(int32_t)Bps, iptoa(s->m_ip,ipbuf));
// if we read something and are now generating a reply to
// write back to the browser, wait a int32_t time, because
// the seo tools can take several minutes!
if ( s->m_sockState == ST_WRITING && s->m_sendBufSize == 0 )
// if the transmission time out then makeCallback() will
// make the callback and then unconditionally delete theUdpSlot
// go back to top because delete might have shrunk table.
int64_t elapsed = now - s->m_lastActionTime;
if ( ! timeOut && elapsed < s->m_timeout) continue;
if ( s->m_streamingMode ) {
log("tcp: not timing out streaming socket fd=%" PRId32,
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: timeloop: timing out sd=%i s=%p",
else if ( m_useSSL )
log("tcp: timeloop: timing out ssl sd=%i s=%p",
//log("tcp: timeout=%" PRId32" fd=%" PRId32,sockTimeout,s->m_sd);
// uncomment this if you want to close a socket if they havent
// finished reading in 10 seconds
// &&
// !(s->isReading() && s->m_isIncoming && elapsed > 10000))
// continue;
// set g_errno to timeout error just for this callback
// call the callback since they blocked for sure
makeCallback ( s );
// nuke the transaction socket/slot
destroySocket ( s );
// reset g_errno so we can continue
g_errno = 0;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: exiting timeout loop");
// . sd should be m_sock
// . this is called by Loop::gotSig() when m_sock is ready for reading
void acceptSocketWrapper ( int sd , void *state ) {
TcpServer *THIS = (TcpServer *)state;
int64_t startTimer = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
for(;;) {
// . returns true if read completed, false otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . this will call ::close(sd) on error
TcpSocket *s = THIS->acceptSocket ( );
// . destroy the socket on error
// . this will also unregister all our callbacks for the socket
// . TODO: deleting nodes from under Loop::callCallbacks is dangerous!!
// if ( g_errno ) THIS->destroySocket ( sd );
// . return true since we don't want to be removed from Loop's loop
// return true;
// just return if nothing to accept
if ( ! s ) return;
// . i put this here because if i have a debug breakpoint before
// this m_sd gets registered we'll miss out on some read signals
// . and if we miss those signals we won't read from sd then!
readSocketWrapper ( s->m_sd , state );
// keep looping until we have no more accepts on the queue
if(gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - startTimer > 15) return;
// . this is called when m_sock, our listener, is ready for reading
// . returns the TcpSocket
// . returns NULL if did not accept it
// . sets g_errno on error
TcpSocket *TcpServer::acceptSocket ( ) {
// get the new socket descriptor, "newsd"
struct sockaddr_in name;
socklen_t nameLen = sizeof(sockaddr);
int newsd = accept ( m_sock , (sockaddr *)(void*)&name , &nameLen );
// assume none
g_errno = 0;
// copy errno to g_errno
if ( newsd < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
// ignore harmless errors
if ( g_errno == EAGAIN ) { g_errno = 0; return NULL; }
if ( g_errno == EILSEQ ) { g_errno = 0; return NULL; }
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"tcp: ...... accepted sd=%" PRId32,(int32_t)newsd);
// debug to find why sockets getting diffbot replies get commandeered.
// we think that they are using an sd used by a streaming socket,
// who closed, but then proceed to use TcpSocket class as if he
// had not closed it.
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcpBuf ) {
SafeBuf sb;
sb.safePrintf("tcp: accept newsd=%i incoming req",newsd);
//sb.safeTruncateEllipsis (sendBuf,sendBufSize,200);
logf(LOG_DEBUG, "%s",sb.getBufStart());
// ssl debug!
//log("tcp: accept returned fd=%i",newsd);
if ( newsd < 0 ) {
if(g_errno == EMFILE) {
if(closeLeastUsed()) return acceptSocket();
return NULL;
// i think this is zero to finish a non-blocking socket close?
if ( newsd == 0 ) {
log("tcp: accept gave sd = 0, strange, that's stdin! "
"allowing to pass through for now.");
//log("tcp: accept socket fd=%i (open=%" PRId32")",newsd,
// . wrap a new TcpSocket around "newsd"
// . on error wrapSocket() will call ::close(newsd) for you
// . wrapSocket() also registers callbacks for newsd
// . use a niceness of 0 so this takes priority over spider traffic
TcpSocket *s = wrapSocket ( newsd , 0 , true /*incoming?*/ );
// should just close newsd if we couldn't wrap it
if ( ! s ) {
//log("tcp: wrapsocket returned null fd=%i",newsd);
if ( newsd == 0 ) log("tcp: closing sd of 0");
log("tcp: wrapsocket1 returned null for sd=%i",(int)newsd);
if ( ::close(newsd)== -1 )
log("tcp: close2(%" PRId32") = %s",
else {
// log("tcp: closing sock %i (open=%" PRId32")",newsd,
// m_numOpen-m_numClosed);
return NULL;
// set the ssl
s->m_ssl = NULL;//ssl;
// set the ip/port/state
s->m_ip = name.sin_addr.s_addr;
s->m_port = name.sin_port;
s->m_sockState = ST_READING;
s->m_this = this;
s->m_udpSlot = NULL;
s->m_streamingMode = false;
if ( ! m_useSSL ) return s;
// the wrapSocket() function above set our socket to
// non-blocking... but we still need to call SSL_accept()
s->m_sockState = ST_SSL_ACCEPT;
if ( sslAccept ( s ) ) return s;
// critical error of some sort? then destroy socket.
//makeCallback ( s );
destroySocket ( s );
return NULL;
// returns false on critical error in which case "s" should be destroyed
bool TcpServer::sslAccept ( TcpSocket *s ) {
if( !s ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"%s:%s:%d: input socket is NULL!", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
int32_t newsd = s->m_sd;
// build the ssl
if ( ! s->m_ssl ) {
//log("ssl: SSL_new");
SSL *ssl = SSL_new(m_ctx);
// wtf?
if ( ! ssl ) {
log("tcp: sslAccept had null ssl");
return false;
//log("ssl: SSL_set_fd %" PRId32,(int32_t)newsd);
SSL_set_fd(ssl, newsd);
//log("ssl: SSL_set_accept_state");
//g_loop.setNonBlocking ( newsd, s->m_niceness );
s->m_ssl = ssl;
//log("ssl: SSL_accept %" PRId32,newsd);
int64_t now1 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// . javier put this in here, but it was not non-blocking!!!
// . it is non-blocking now, however, when it does block and
// complete the accept it takes 10ms on sp1, a server from ~2009
// using a custom build of the lastest libssl.a from about 2013.
// . this accept needs to be put in a thread then, maybe multiple
// threads
int r = SSL_accept(s->m_ssl);
int64_t now2 = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
int64_t took = now2 - now1 ;
if ( took >= 2 )
log("tcp: ssl_accept %" PRId32" took %" PRId64"ms", (int32_t)newsd, took);
// copy errno to g_errno
if ( r < 0 ) g_errno = errno;
// ignore harmless errors
if ( g_errno == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ ||
g_errno == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE ||
g_errno == EAGAIN ) {
//log("ssl: SSL_accept would block %" PRId32,newsd);
return true;
// any other?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("tcp: sslAccept: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
//if ( g_errno == EMFILE ) {
// if(closeLeastUsed()) return acceptSocket();
return false;
// log this so we can monitor if we get too many of these per second
// because they take like 10ms each on sp1!!! (even with non-blocking
// sockets, they'll block for 10ms) - mdw 2013
//log("ssl: SSL_accept (~10ms) completed %" PRId32,newsd);
// ok, we got it
s->m_sockState = ST_READING;
return true;
// . NOTE: caller must free s->m_sendBuf/m_readBuf -- we don't do it at all
void TcpServer::makeCallback ( TcpSocket * s ) {
if ( ! s->m_callback ) {
// note it
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: null callback for s=%p", s);
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp )
log("tcp: calling callback for sd=%" PRId32,(int32_t)s->m_sd);
s->m_callback ( s->m_state , s );
// . cancel the transaction that had this state
// . g_errno should be set to ECANCELLED
void TcpServer::cancel ( void *state ) {
//void (*callback)(void *state, TcpSocket *s ) ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i <= m_lastFilled ; i++ ) {
// get the TcpSocket for socket descriptor #i
TcpSocket *s = m_tcpSockets[i];
if ( ! s ) continue;
if ( s->m_state != state ) continue;
// set this before callback?
g_errno = ECANCELLED;
// s->m_callback != callback ) continue;
makeCallback ( s );
destroySocket ( s );
#include "SafeBuf.h"
bool TcpServer::sendChunk( TcpSocket *s, SafeBuf *sb, void *state,
// call this function when done sending this chunk
// so that it can read another chunk and call
// sendChunk() again.
void ( *doneSendingWrapper )( void *, TcpSocket * ) ) {
log( "tcp: sending chunk of %" PRId32 " bytes sd=%i", sb->length(), s->m_sd );
// if socket had shit on there already, free that memory
// just like TcpServer::destroySocket would
if ( s->m_sendBuf ) {
mfree (s->m_sendBuf, s->m_sendBufSize,"TcpServer");
s->m_sendBuf = NULL;
// reset send stats just in case
s->m_sendOffset = 0;
s->m_totalSent = 0;
s->m_totalToSend = 0;
s->m_totalSent = 0;
// . start the send process
// . returns false if send did not complete
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
if ( !sendMsg( s, sb->getBufStart(), sb->getCapacity(), sb->length(), sb->length(), state,
doneSendingWrapper ) ) {
// do not free sendbuf we are transmitting it
return false;
// we sent without blocking
// a problem?
if ( g_errno ) {
return true;
return true;
// returns -1 on error with g_errno set. returns 0 if would block. 1 if done.
int TcpServer::sslHandshake ( TcpSocket *s ) {
if ( s->m_sockState != ST_SSL_HANDSHAKE ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// steal from ssl tcp server i guess in case we are not it
if ( ! s->m_ssl ) {
s->m_ssl = SSL_new(g_httpServer.m_ssltcp.m_ctx);
if ( !s->m_ssl ) {
log("ssl: SSL is NULL after SSL_new");
SSL_set_fd(s->m_ssl, s->m_sd);
// set hostname for SNI
if ( s->m_hostname ) {
/// @todo ALC what do we do if we can't set TLS servername extension?
SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(s->m_ssl, s->m_hostname);
int r = SSL_connect(s->m_ssl);
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp ) {
log( "tcp: ssl handshake on sd=%" PRId32 " r=%i", (int32_t)s->m_sd, r );
// if the connection happened return r, should be 1
if ( r > 0 ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log("tcp: ssl handshake done. entering writing mode sd=%i (%s:%u)",
s->m_sd, iptoa(s->m_ip,ipbuf), (unsigned)(uint16_t)s->m_port);
// ok, it completed, go into writing mode
s->m_sockState = ST_WRITING;
return r;
int sslError = SSL_get_error(s->m_ssl, r);
const char *sslMsg = getSSLError(s->m_ssl, r);
if ( sslError != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ && sslError != SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE && sslError != SSL_ERROR_NONE ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log( "tcp: ssl: Error on Connect (%" PRId32 "). r=%i ip=%s msg=%s", (int32_t)sslError, r,
iptoa(s->m_ip,ipbuf), sslMsg );
g_errno = ESSLERROR;
// note in log
log( "tcp: ssl: try running 'openssl s_client -connect www.hostnamehere.com:443 -debug' "
"to debug the webserver on the other side." );
// make sure read callback is registered
// g_loop.registerReadCallback (s->m_sd,this,readSocketWrapper,
// s->m_niceness);
// crap, if we return 1 here then
// it will call THIS->writeSocket() which
// will return -1 and not set g_errno
return -1;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp ) {
char ipbuf[16];
log( "tcp: ssl: sslConnect (%" PRId32 "). r=%i ip=%s msg=%s",
(int32_t)sslError, r, iptoa(s->m_ip,ipbuf), sslMsg);
if ( sslError <= 0 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp ) {
log( "tcp: ssl handshake returned r=%i", r );
// read callbacks are always registered and if we need a read
// hopefully it will be called. TODO: verify this...
if ( sslError == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ ) {
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugTcp ) {
log( "tcp: ssl handshake is not want write sd=%i", s->m_sd );
return 0;
// returns 0 if it would block
// need to listen for writability now since our write
// failed to write everything out.
// if it is EWANTREAD we are already listening on the
// read for all file descriptors at all times. it is only
// writes we have to turn on and off.
if ( ! s->m_writeRegistered &&
!g_loop.registerWriteCallback(s->m_sd, this, writeSocketWrapper,
"TcpServer::writeSocketWrapper", s->m_niceness)) {
log("tcp: failed to reg write callback3 for "
"sd=%i", s->m_sd);
return -1;
// do not keep doing it otherwise select() goes crazy
s->m_writeRegistered = true;
log("tcp: registered write callback for sslHandshake");
// we would block
return 0;