242 lines
6.6 KiB
242 lines
6.6 KiB
#include "Wiki.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include "Titledb.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include <sys/stat.h> //stat()
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// the global instance
Wiki g_wiki;
Wiki::Wiki () {
m_callback = NULL;
m_state = NULL;
m_opened = false;
// use a 4 byte key size and 1 byte data size
m_ht.set ( 4 , 1,0,NULL,0,false,"tbl-wiki");
void Wiki::reset() {
Wiki::~Wiki () {
if ( m_opened ) m_f.close();
// . load from disk
// . wikititles.txt (loads wikititles.dat if and date is newer)
bool Wiki::load() {
// load it from .dat file if exists and is newer
char ff1[sizeof(g_hostdb.m_dir)+128];
char ff2[sizeof(g_hostdb.m_dir)+128];
snprintf(ff1, sizeof(ff1), "%swikititles.txt.part2", g_hostdb.m_dir);
ff1[ sizeof(ff1)-1 ] = '\0';
snprintf(ff2, sizeof(ff2), "%swikititles2.dat", g_hostdb.m_dir);
ff2[ sizeof(ff2)-1 ] = '\0';
int fd1 = open ( ff1 , O_RDONLY );
if ( fd1 < 0 ) log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: open %s: %s",ff1,mstrerror(errno));
int fd2 = open ( ff2 , O_RDONLY );
if ( fd2 < 0 ) log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: open %s: %s",ff2,mstrerror(errno));
struct stat stats1;
struct stat stats2;
int32_t errno1 = 0;
int32_t errno2 = 0;
if ( fstat ( fd1 , &stats1 ) == -1 ) errno1 = errno;
if ( fstat ( fd2 , &stats2 ) == -1 ) errno2 = errno;
// close all
close ( fd1 );
close ( fd2 );
// just use the .dat if we got it
if ( ! errno2 ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: Loading %s",ff2);
// "dir" is NULL since already included in ff2
return m_ht.load ( NULL , ff2 );
// if no text file that is bad
if ( errno1 ) {
g_errno = errno1 ;
log(LOG_WARN, "gb: could not open %s for reading: %s",ff1, mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
// get the size of it
int32_t size = stats1.st_size;
// now we have to load the text file
return loadText( size );
bool Wiki::loadText ( int32_t fileSize ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: generating wikititles2.dat file");
SafeBuf sb;
char ff1[sizeof(g_hostdb.m_dir)+128];
snprintf(ff1, sizeof(ff1), "%swikititles.txt.part1", g_hostdb.m_dir);
ff1[ sizeof(ff1)-1 ] = '\0';
log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: Loading %s",ff1);
if ( ! sb.fillFromFile(ff1) ) return false;
char ff2[sizeof(g_hostdb.m_dir)+128];
snprintf(ff2, sizeof(ff2), "%swikititles.txt.part2", g_hostdb.m_dir);
ff2[ sizeof(ff2)-1 ] = '\0';
log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: Loading %s",ff2);
if ( ! sb.catFile(ff2) ) return false;
char *buf = sb.getBufStart();
int32_t size = sb.length() - 1;
// scan each line
char *p = buf;
char *pend = buf + size;
char *eol = NULL;
for ( ; p < pend ; p = eol + 1 ) {
// skip spaces
while ( p < pend && is_wspace_a ( *p ) ) p++;
// find end of line, "eol" (also treat '(' as \n now)
//for(eol = p; eol < pend && *eol !='\n' && *eol!='('; eol++) ;
// do not use '(' since too many non-phraes in ()'s (for love)
for (eol = p; eol < pend && *eol !='\n' ; eol++) ;
// parse into words
TokenizerResult tr;
plain_tokenizer_phase_1(p,eol-p, &tr);
int32_t nw = tr.size();
// skip if it begins with 'the', like 'the uk' because it
// is causing uk to get a low score in 'boots in the uk'.
// same for all stop words i guess...
int32_t start = 0;
// if no words, bail
if ( start >= nw ) continue;
// remove last words if not alnum
if ( nw > 0 && !tr[nw-1].is_alfanum ) nw--;
// if no words, bail
if ( start >= nw ) continue;
// skip this line if no words
if ( nw <= 0 ) continue;
// skip if it has ('s in it
char c = *eol;
*eol = '\0';
char *pp = NULL;
if ( !pp ) pp = strstr ( p,"[" );
if ( !pp && strncasecmp( p,"List of ",8)==0) pp = p;
if ( !pp ) pp = strstr ( p,"," );
// show it for debug
//if ( ! pp ) printf("%s\n",p);
*eol = c;
if ( pp ) continue;
// reset hash
uint32_t h = 0;
// count the words in the phrase
int32_t count = 0;
// hash the word ids together
for ( int32_t i = start ; i < nw ; i++ ) {
// skip if not a proper word
if ( !tr[i].is_alfanum ) continue;
// add into hash quickly
h = hash32Fast ( tr[i].token_hash & 0xffffffff , h );
// count them
// skip if too big
if ( count > 250 ) continue;
// store into hash table
// make negative i guess to indicate it is not
// the best title form
//if ( flag ) count = count * -1;
if ( ! m_ht.addKey ( &h , &count ) ) return false;
// do not save if we can't
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
// now save this hash table for quicker loading next time
//char ff2[256];
//sprintf(ff2, "%s/wikititles2.dat", g_hostdb.m_dir);
if ( ! m_ht.save ( g_hostdb.m_dir , "wikititles2.dat" ) ) return false;
log(LOG_INFO,"wiki: done generating wikititles2.dat file");
// success
return true;
// if a phrase in a query is in a wikipedia title, then increase
// its affWeights beyond the normal 1.0
int32_t Wiki::getNumWordsInWikiPhrase(unsigned i, const TokenizerResult *tr) {
if(!(*tr)[i].is_alfanum) return 0;
// how many in the phrase
int32_t maxCount = 0;
// accumulate a hash of the word ids
//int64_t h = 0LL;
uint32_t h = 0;
int32_t wcount = 0;
// otherwise, increase affinity high for included words
for(unsigned j = i; j < tr->size() && j < i + 12; j++ ) {
const auto &token = (*tr)[j];
// count all words
// skip if not alnum
if ( !token.is_alfanum ) continue;
// add to hash
//h = hash64 ( wids[j] , h );
// add into hash quickly
h = hash32Fast ( token.token_hash & 0xffffffff , h );
// skip single words, we only want to check phrases
if ( j == i ) continue;
// look in table
char *vp = (char *)m_ht.getValue ( &h );
// skip if nothing
if ( ! vp ) {
// try combining. FIX FOR "Lock_pick". we want that to
// be a wikipedia phrase, but it's not recorded because
// its case is mixed.
if ( j != i + 2 ) continue;
// fix for "Make a" being a phrase because "Makea"
// is in the wikipedia. fix for
// 'how to make a lock pick set'
if ( (*tr)[i+2].token_len <= 2 ) continue;
// special hash
uint64_t h64 = 0;
int32_t conti = 0;
// add into hash quickly
h64 = hash64Lower_utf8_cont((*tr)[i].token_start,
&conti );
h64 = hash64Lower_utf8_cont((*tr)[i+2].token_start,
&conti );
// try looking that up
uint32_t hf32 = h64 & 0xffffffff;
vp = (char *)m_ht.getValue(&hf32);
if ( ! vp ) continue;
// we got a match
maxCount = wcount;
// return now if we got one
if ( maxCount > 0 ) return maxCount;
// otherwise, try combining so "lock pick" is a wikipedia phrase because
// "lockpick" is a wikipedia title.
return maxCount;