377 lines
11 KiB
377 lines
11 KiB
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "UCPropTable.h"
#include "Unicode.h"
bool loadUnidataProps(char *s, void (*handler)(u_int32_t, char**, u_int32_t));
void handleUnicodeData(u_int32_t, char **col, u_int32_t colCount);
void handleDerivedCoreProps(u_int32_t, char **col, u_int32_t colCount);
void handleDerivedNormalizationProps(u_int32_t, char **col, u_int32_t colCount);
void handlePropList(u_int32_t, char **col, u_int32_t colCount);
void handleScripts(u_int32_t, char **col, u_int32_t colCount);
void decomposeHangul();
// static int g_decompCount = 0;
static int g_canonicalDecompCount = 0;
static int g_excludeCount = 0;
bool g_recoveryMode = false;
int32_t g_recoveryLevel = 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Avoid SEGV
if ( ! g_log.init( "foo.log" ) ) {
fprintf (stderr,"db: Log file init failed.\n" ); exit( 1 ); }
// init our table for doing zobrist hashing
if ( ! hashinit() ) {
log("db: Failed to init hashtable." ); exit(1); }
// . hashinit() calls srand() w/ a fixed number
// . let's mix it up again
srand ( time(NULL) );
UCProps props = 0;
g_ucProps.setValue(0, &props);
// Download data from:
// ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/
loadUnidataProps("UNIDATA/DerivedNormalizationProps.txt", handleDerivedNormalizationProps);
loadUnidataProps("UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt", handleUnicodeData);
decomposeHangul(); // set up algorithmic hangul decomps
printf("%d canonical deompositions\n", g_canonicalDecompCount);
printf("%d code points excluded\n", g_excludeCount);
loadUnidataProps("UNIDATA/DerivedCoreProperties.txt", handleDerivedCoreProps);
loadUnidataProps("UNIDATA/PropList.txt", handlePropList);
loadUnidataProps("UNIDATA/Scripts.txt", handleScripts);
printf("lower case map size: %lu\n", g_ucLowerMap.getSize());
saveUnicodeTable(&g_ucLowerMap, "ucdata/lowermap.dat");
printf("upper case map size: %lu\n", g_ucUpperMap.getSize());
saveUnicodeTable(&g_ucUpperMap, "ucdata/uppermap.dat");
printf("properties size: %lu\n", g_ucProps.getSize());
saveUnicodeTable(&g_ucProps, "ucdata/properties.dat");
printf("scripts size: %lu\n", g_ucScripts.getSize());
saveUnicodeTable(&g_ucScripts, "ucdata/scripts.dat");
// JAB: we now have Kompatible and Canonical decompositions
if (loadUnicodeTable(&g_ucUpperMap,"ucdata/uppermap.dat") &&
loadUnicodeTable(&g_ucLowerMap,"ucdata/lowermap.dat") &&
loadUnicodeTable(&g_ucProps,"ucdata/properties.dat") &&
loadUnicodeTable(&g_ucScripts,"ucdata/scripts.dat") &&
// JAB: we now have Kompatible and Canonical decompositions
printf("tables reloaded successfully\n\n");
printf("lower case map size: %lu\n", g_ucLowerMap.getSize());
printf("upper case map size: %lu\n", g_ucUpperMap.getSize());
printf("properties size: %lu\n", g_ucProps.getSize());
printf("scripts size: %lu\n", g_ucScripts.getSize());
printf("Kompat Decomp size: %lu\n", g_ucKDIndex.getSize());
// ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/3.0-Update/UnicodeData-3.0.0.html
void handleUnicodeData(u_int32_t line, char **col, u_int32_t colCount) {
UChar32 codePoint = strtol(col[0], NULL, 16);
// if ((colCount < 14) || (codePoint == 0)){
// printf("line %"INT32": no data (%"INT32" cols)\n", line, colCount);
// return;
// }
char *name = col[1];
char *category = col[2];
char *decompStr = col[5];
UChar32 ucMapping = strtol(col[12],NULL, 16);
UChar32 lcMapping = strtol(col[13],NULL, 16);
UCProps props = ucProperties(codePoint);
if (category[0] == 'L') props |= UC_ALPHA | UC_WORDCHAR;
else if (category[0] == 'N') props |= UC_DIGIT | UC_WORDCHAR;
else if (category[0] == 'Z') props |= UC_WHITESPACE;
if (props)
g_ucProps.setValue(codePoint, &props);
if (lcMapping)
g_ucLowerMap.setValue(codePoint, (void*)&lcMapping);
if (ucMapping)
g_ucUpperMap.setValue(codePoint, (void*)&ucMapping);
if (decompStr && decompStr[0]){
u_char decompCount = 0;
UChar32 decomp[32];
bool kompat = false;
// Get decomposition
char *p = decompStr;
int decompLen = gbstrlen(decompStr);
while (p < decompStr+decompLen) {
char *pend = p;
while (*pend && *pend != ' ') pend++;
*pend = '\0';
if (p[0] == '<') kompat = true;
decomp[decompCount++] = strtol(p, NULL, 16);
p = pend+1;
// printf ("Code Point U+%04"XINT32", %s: %s (%d chars)\n",
// codePoint, name, kompat?"(Kompatable)":"", decompCount);
// g_decompCount++;
// if (decompStr[0] != '<')
bool fullComp=false;
if (!kompat && !(props & UC_COMP_EX)) {
// set up canonical combining table
// printf("%4x:", codePoint);
// for (int i = 0; i<decompCount;i++)
// printf(" %4x", decomp[i]);
// printf("\n");
fullComp = true;
setKDValue(codePoint, decomp, decompCount, fullComp);
void handlePropList(u_int32_t line, char **col, u_int32_t colCount) {
//printf("Line %"INT32": ", line);
//for (u_int32_t i=0;i<colCount;i++)
// printf("'%s' ", col[i]);
char *range = NULL;
UChar32 codePointStart = strtol(col[0], &range, 16);
UChar32 codePointEnd = codePointStart;
if (range && range[0] == '.' && range[1] == '.')
codePointEnd = strtol(range+2, NULL, 16);
for (UChar32 c = codePointStart ; c <= codePointEnd ; c++) {
//printf("U+%04x ", c);
// get current props, if any
UCProps props = ucProperties(c);
//void *p = g_ucProps.getValue(c);
//if (p) props = *(u_char*)p;
if (!strncmp(col[1], "Ideographic", 11))
else if (!strncmp(col[1], "Unified_Ideograph", 17))
else if (!strncmp(col[1], "White_Space", 11))
if (props)
g_ucProps.setValue(c, &props);
void handleDerivedCoreProps(u_int32_t line, char **col, u_int32_t colCount) {
//printf("Line %"INT32": ", line);
//for (u_int32_t i=0;i<colCount;i++)
// printf("'%s' ", col[i]);
char *range = NULL;
UChar32 codePointStart = strtol(col[0], &range, 16);
UChar32 codePointEnd = codePointStart;
if (range && range[0] == '.' && range[1] == '.')
codePointEnd = strtol(range+2, NULL, 16);
for (UChar32 c = codePointStart ; c <= codePointEnd ; c++) {
//printf("U+%04x ", c);
// get current props, if any
UCProps props = ucProperties(c);
if (!strncmp(col[1], "Alphabetic", 10))
else if (!strncmp(col[1], "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point", 28))
props |= UC_IGNORABLE;
else if (!strncmp(col[1], "Lowercase", 9))
else if (!strncmp(col[1], "Uppercase", 9))
else if (!strncmp(col[1], "Grapheme_Extend", 15))
props |= UC_WORDCHAR;
if (props)
g_ucProps.setValue(c, &props);
// if (c == ' ' && (props&UC_WORDCHAR))
// printf("Yow: line %"INT32"\n", line);
// if (c == 0 && props)
// printf("!!!\nHey: line %"INT32"!!!\n\n", line);
void handleDerivedNormalizationProps(u_int32_t line, char **col,
u_int32_t colCount) {
//printf("Line %"INT32": ", line);
//for (u_int32_t i=0;i<colCount;i++)
// printf("'%s' ", col[i]);
char *range = NULL;
UChar32 codePointStart = strtol(col[0], &range, 16);
UChar32 codePointEnd = codePointStart;
if (range && range[0] == '.' && range[1] == '.')
codePointEnd = strtol(range+2, NULL, 16);
for (UChar32 c = codePointStart ; c <= codePointEnd ; c++) {
//printf("U+%04x ", c);
// get current props, if any
UCProps props = ucProperties(c);
if (!strncmp(col[1], "NFKC_QC", 7))
props |= UC_NFKC_QC_NO;
else if (!strncmp(col[1], "Full_Composition_Exclusion", 26)){
props |= UC_COMP_EX;
//printf("Excluding %4x props: %04x\n", c, props);
if (props) g_ucProps.setValue(c, &props);
void handleScripts(u_int32_t, char **col, u_int32_t colCount){
char *range = NULL;
UChar32 codePointStart = strtol(col[0], &range, 16);
UChar32 codePointEnd = codePointStart;
if (range && range[0] == '.' && range[1] == '.')
codePointEnd = strtol(range+2, NULL, 16);
for (UChar32 c = codePointStart ; c <= codePointEnd ; c++) {
UCProps props = ucProperties(c);
//void *p = g_ucProps.getValue(c);
//if (p) props = *(u_char*)p;
UCScript s = ucScriptCommon;
for (int j=0; j < ucScriptNumScripts; j++) {
if (!strcmp(col[1], g_ucScriptNames[j])){
s = j;
g_ucScripts.setValue(c, &j);
if (s == ucScriptThai) props |= UC_THAI;
else if (s == ucScriptHiragana) props |= UC_HIRAGANA;
else if (s == ucScriptKatakana) props |= UC_KATAKANA;
else if (s == ucScriptKatakana_Or_Hiragana)
if (props)
g_ucProps.setValue(c, &props);
bool loadUnidataProps(char *filename,
void (*handler)(u_int32_t, char**, u_int32_t)) {
printf("Loading %s\n", filename);
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!fp) {
printf("Error opening %s: %s\n",filename, strerror(errno));
return false;
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t fsize = ftell(fp);
// JAB: Mem.h cores on use of malloc()
char *buf = (char*)mmalloc(fsize+1, "loadUnidataProps");
if (!buf){
printf("Error allocating %d bytes for %s\n",
fsize+1, filename);
return false;
size_t nread = fread(buf, 1, fsize, fp);
//printf("Read %d bytes\n", nread);
buf[nread] = '\0';
char *lineStart = buf;
char *lineEnd = lineStart;
u_int32_t line = 0;
while ((lineStart < buf+nread) && *lineStart) {
while (*lineEnd && *lineEnd != '\n') lineEnd++;
char *tokStart = lineStart;
u_int32_t colCount = 0;
bool lineDone = false;
char *col[16];
while (tokStart < lineEnd ) {
// skip leading whitespace
while (*tokStart == ' ') tokStart++;
char *tokEnd = tokStart;
while (tokEnd < lineEnd &&
*tokEnd != ';' &&
*tokEnd != '#')tokEnd++;
if ( *tokEnd == '#' )
lineDone = true;
char *trim = tokEnd-1;
*tokEnd++ = '\0';
while (trim > tokStart &&
(*trim == ' ' ||
*trim == '\t')) {
*trim-- = '\0';
//printf("Line %"INT32" col %"INT32" Token: '%s'\n",
// line, col, tokStart);
col[colCount] = tokStart;
tokStart = tokEnd;
if (lineDone) break;
//if (col != 14)printf("uh oh: %"INT32"\n", col);
if (colCount && col[0][0] != 0){
handler(line, col, colCount);
// skip newline
lineStart = lineEnd;
return true;
void decomposeHangul() {
for (UChar32 sIndex = 0; sIndex < ucSCount ; sIndex++) {
int tIndex = sIndex % ucTCount;
int first, second;
if (tIndex != 0) { // triple
first = (int)(ucSBase + sIndex - tIndex);
second = (int) (ucTBase + tIndex);
else {
first = (int) (ucLBase + sIndex / ucNCount);
second = (int) (ucVBase + (sIndex % ucNCount)
/ ucTCount);
int value = sIndex + ucSBase ;
//printf("value: %4x, first: %4x second %4x\n",
// value, first, second);
UChar32 decomp[2];
decomp[0] = first;
decomp[1] = second;
setKDValue(value, decomp, 2, true);