# ============================================================================== # CMock Project - Automatic Mock Generation for C # Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams # [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details] # ============================================================================== require '../config/test_environment' require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/testtask' require './rakefile_helper' include RakefileHelpers DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = 'gcc.yml' CMOCK_TEST_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) SYSTEM_TEST_SUPPORT_DIRS = [ File.join(CMOCK_TEST_ROOT, 'system/generated'), File.join(CMOCK_TEST_ROOT, 'system/build') ] SYSTEM_TEST_SUPPORT_DIRS.each do |dir| directory(dir) CLOBBER.include(dir) end task :prep_system_tests => SYSTEM_TEST_SUPPORT_DIRS configure_clean configure_toolchain(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) task :default => [:test] task :ci => [:no_color, :default, 'test:examples', 'style:check'] task :cruise => :ci desc "Load configuration" task :config, :config_file do |t, args| args = {:config_file => DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE} if args[:config_file].nil? args = {:config_file => args[:config_file] + '.yml'} unless args[:config_file] =~ /\.yml$/i configure_toolchain(args[:config_file]) end # Still support testing everything with just 'test' but switch default to ceedling-like test:all task :test => ['test:all'] namespace :test do desc "Run all unit, c, and system tests" task :all => [:clobber, :prep_system_tests, 'test:units', 'test:c', 'test:system'] desc "Run Unit Tests" Rake::TestTask.new('units') do |t| t.pattern = 'unit/*_test.rb' t.verbose = true end #individual unit tests FileList['unit/*_test.rb'].each do |test| Rake::TestTask.new(File.basename(test,'.*').sub('_test','')) do |t| t.pattern = test t.verbose = true end end desc "Run C Unit Tests" task :c => [:prep_system_tests] do unless ($cfg['unsupported'].include? "C") build_and_test_c_files end end desc "Run System Tests" task :system => [:clobber, :prep_system_tests] do #get a list of all system tests, removing unsupported tests for this compiler sys_unsupported = $cfg['unsupported'].map {|a| 'system/test_interactions/'+a+'.yml'} sys_tests_to_run = FileList['system/test_interactions/*.yml'] - sys_unsupported compile_unsupported = $cfg['unsupported'].map {|a| SYSTEST_COMPILE_MOCKABLES_PATH+a+'.h'} compile_tests_to_run = FileList[SYSTEST_COMPILE_MOCKABLES_PATH + '*.h'] - compile_unsupported unless (sys_unsupported.empty? and compile_unsupported.empty?) report "\nIgnoring these system tests..." sys_unsupported.each {|a| report a} compile_unsupported.each {|a| report a} end report "\nRunning system tests..." tests_failed = run_system_test_interactions(sys_tests_to_run) raise "System tests failed." if (tests_failed > 0) run_system_test_compilations(compile_tests_to_run) end desc "Test cmock examples" task :examples => [:prep_system_tests] do run_examples() end #individual system tests FileList['system/test_interactions/*.yml'].each do |test| basename = File.basename(test,'.*') #desc "Run system test #{basename}" task basename do run_system_test_interactions([test]) end end desc "Profile Mock Generation" task :profile => [:clobber, :prep_system_tests] do run_system_test_profiles(FileList[SYSTEST_COMPILE_MOCKABLES_PATH + '*.h']) end end task :no_color do $colour_output = false end ################### CODING STYLE VALIDATION namespace :style do desc "Check style" task :check do report "\nVERIFYING RUBY STYLE" report execute("rubocop ../lib ../examples ../config ../scripts --config ../vendor/unity/test/.rubocop.yml", true) report "Styling Ruby:PASS" end desc "Fix Style of all C Code" task :c do run_astyle("../src/*.* ../extras/fixture/src/*.*") end desc "Attempt to Autocorrect style" task :auto => ['style:clean'] do report execute("rubocop ../lib ../examples ../config ../scripts --auto-correct --config ../vendor/unity/test/.rubocop.yml", true) report "Autocorrected What We Could." end desc "Update style todo list" task :todo => ['style:clean'] do report execute("rubocop ../lib ../examples ../config ../scripts --auto-gen-config --config ../vendor/unity/test/.rubocop.yml", true) report "Updated Style TODO List." end task :clean do File.delete(".rubocop_todo.yml") if File.exists?(".rubocop_todo.yml") end end task :style => ['style:check']