diff --git a/include/internal/catch_matchers_vector.h b/include/internal/catch_matchers_vector.h
index 347c5d50..2dc8a715 100644
--- a/include/internal/catch_matchers_vector.h
+++ b/include/internal/catch_matchers_vector.h
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include "catch_matchers.h"
+#include "catch_approx.h"
 #include <algorithm>
@@ -90,6 +91,42 @@ namespace Matchers {
             std::vector<T> const& m_comparator;
+        template<typename T>
+        struct ApproxMatcher : MatcherBase<std::vector<T>> {
+            ApproxMatcher(std::vector<T> const& comparator) : m_comparator( comparator ) {}
+            bool match(std::vector<T> const &v) const override {
+                if (m_comparator.size() != v.size())
+                    return false;
+                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
+                    if (m_comparator[i] != approx(v[i]))
+                        return false;
+                return true;
+            }
+            std::string describe() const override {
+                return "is approx: " + ::Catch::Detail::stringify( m_comparator );
+            }
+            template <typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<double, T>::value>::type>
+            ApproxMatcher& epsilon( T const& newEpsilon ) {
+                approx.epsilon(newEpsilon);
+                return *this;
+            }
+            template <typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<double, T>::value>::type>
+            ApproxMatcher& margin( T const& newMargin ) {
+                approx.margin(newMargin);
+                return *this;
+            }
+            template <typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<double, T>::value>::type>
+            ApproxMatcher& scale( T const& newScale ) {
+                approx.scale(newScale);
+                return *this;
+            }
+            std::vector<T> const& m_comparator;
+            mutable Catch::Detail::Approx approx = Catch::Detail::Approx::custom();
+        };
         template<typename T>
         struct UnorderedEqualsMatcher : MatcherBase<std::vector<T>> {
             UnorderedEqualsMatcher(std::vector<T> const& target) : m_target(target) {}
@@ -129,6 +166,11 @@ namespace Matchers {
         return Vector::EqualsMatcher<T>( comparator );
+    template<typename T>
+    Vector::ApproxMatcher<T> Approx( std::vector<T> const& comparator ) {
+        return Vector::ApproxMatcher<T>( comparator );
+    }
     template<typename T>
     Vector::UnorderedEqualsMatcher<T> UnorderedEquals(std::vector<T> const& target) {
         return Vector::UnorderedEqualsMatcher<T>(target);
diff --git a/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/compact.sw.approved.txt b/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/compact.sw.approved.txt
index 99eca94d..6fedbb92 100644
--- a/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/compact.sw.approved.txt
+++ b/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/compact.sw.approved.txt
@@ -1189,6 +1189,15 @@ Approx.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: approx( d ) == 1.22 for: Approx( 1.23 )
 Approx.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: approx( d ) == 1.24 for: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.24
 Approx.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: approx( d ) != 1.25 for: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.25
 VariadicMacros.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: with 1 message: 'no assertions'
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: empty, Approx(empty) for: {  } is approx: {  }
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v1, Approx(v1) for: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v1, !Approx(temp) for: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } not is approx: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v1, !Approx(v2) for: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } not is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v1, Approx(v2).margin(0.5) for: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v1, Approx(v2).epsilon(0.5) for: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v1, Approx(v2).epsilon(0.1).scale(500) for: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: empty, Approx(t1) for: {  } is approx: { 1.0, 2.0 }
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: v1, Approx(v2) for: { 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 } is approx: { 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 }
 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, VectorContains(1) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: 1
 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, VectorContains(2) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: 2
 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, Contains(v2) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: { 1, 2 }
@@ -1505,5 +1514,5 @@ Misc.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v.size() == 5 for: 5 == 5
 Misc.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v.capacity() >= 5 for: 5 >= 5
 Misc.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed:
 Misc.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed:
-Failed 78 test cases, failed 139 assertions.
+Failed 79 test cases, failed 141 assertions.
diff --git a/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/console.std.approved.txt b/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/console.std.approved.txt
index 3b6f2068..e5a1d5da 100644
--- a/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/console.std.approved.txt
+++ b/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/console.std.approved.txt
@@ -861,6 +861,30 @@ Exception.tests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
 due to unexpected exception with message:
+Vector Approx matcher -- failing
+  Empty and non empty vectors are not approx equal
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
+  CHECK_THAT( empty, Approx(t1) )
+with expansion:
+  {  } is approx: { 1.0, 2.0 }
+Vector Approx matcher -- failing
+  Just different vectors
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
+  CHECK_THAT( v1, Approx(v2) )
+with expansion:
+  { 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 } is approx: { 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 }
 Vector matchers that fail
   Contains (element)
@@ -1275,6 +1299,6 @@ due to unexpected exception with message:
   Why would you throw a std::string?
-test cases:  258 |  192 passed |  62 failed |  4 failed as expected
-assertions: 1419 | 1276 passed | 122 failed | 21 failed as expected
+test cases:  260 |  193 passed |  63 failed |  4 failed as expected
+assertions: 1428 | 1283 passed | 124 failed | 21 failed as expected
diff --git a/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/console.sw.approved.txt b/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/console.sw.approved.txt
index c63de78a..9def37d9 100644
--- a/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/console.sw.approved.txt
+++ b/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/console.sw.approved.txt
@@ -8720,6 +8720,96 @@ VariadicMacros.tests.cpp:<line number>: PASSED:
 with message:
   no assertions
+Vector Approx matcher
+  Empty vector is roughly equal to an empty vector
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: PASSED:
+  REQUIRE_THAT( empty, Approx(empty) )
+with expansion:
+  {  } is approx: {  }
+Vector Approx matcher
+  Vectors with elements
+  A vector is approx equal to itself
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: PASSED:
+  REQUIRE_THAT( v1, Approx(v1) )
+with expansion:
+  { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }
+Vector Approx matcher
+  Vectors with elements
+  Different length
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: PASSED:
+  REQUIRE_THAT( v1, !Approx(temp) )
+with expansion:
+  { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } not is approx: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }
+Vector Approx matcher
+  Vectors with elements
+  Same length, different elements
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: PASSED:
+  REQUIRE_THAT( v1, !Approx(v2) )
+with expansion:
+  { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } not is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: PASSED:
+  REQUIRE_THAT( v1, Approx(v2).margin(0.5) )
+with expansion:
+  { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: PASSED:
+  REQUIRE_THAT( v1, Approx(v2).epsilon(0.5) )
+with expansion:
+  { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: PASSED:
+  REQUIRE_THAT( v1, Approx(v2).epsilon(0.1).scale(500) )
+with expansion:
+  { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+Vector Approx matcher -- failing
+  Empty and non empty vectors are not approx equal
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
+  CHECK_THAT( empty, Approx(t1) )
+with expansion:
+  {  } is approx: { 1.0, 2.0 }
+Vector Approx matcher -- failing
+  Just different vectors
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
+  CHECK_THAT( v1, Approx(v2) )
+with expansion:
+  { 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 } is approx: { 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 }
 Vector matchers
   Contains (element)
@@ -11128,6 +11218,6 @@ Misc.tests.cpp:<line number>
 Misc.tests.cpp:<line number>: PASSED:
-test cases:  258 |  176 passed |  78 failed |  4 failed as expected
-assertions: 1436 | 1276 passed | 139 failed | 21 failed as expected
+test cases:  260 |  177 passed |  79 failed |  4 failed as expected
+assertions: 1445 | 1283 passed | 141 failed | 21 failed as expected
diff --git a/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/junit.sw.approved.txt b/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/junit.sw.approved.txt
index 43c78d7e..af4ebe07 100644
--- a/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/junit.sw.approved.txt
+++ b/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/junit.sw.approved.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <testsuitesloose text artifact
-  <testsuite name="<exe-name>" errors="17" failures="123" tests="1437" hostname="tbd" time="{duration}" timestamp="{iso8601-timestamp}">
+  <testsuite name="<exe-name>" errors="17" failures="125" tests="1446" hostname="tbd" time="{duration}" timestamp="{iso8601-timestamp}">
       <property name="filters" value="~[!nonportable]~[!benchmark]~[approvals]"/>
       <property name="random-seed" value="1"/>
@@ -741,6 +741,20 @@ Exception.tests.cpp:<line number>
     <testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Use a custom approx" time="{duration}"/>
     <testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Variadic macros/Section with one argument" time="{duration}"/>
+    <testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Vector Approx matcher/Empty vector is roughly equal to an empty vector" time="{duration}"/>
+    <testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Vector Approx matcher/Vectors with elements/A vector is approx equal to itself" time="{duration}"/>
+    <testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Vector Approx matcher/Vectors with elements/Different length" time="{duration}"/>
+    <testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Vector Approx matcher/Vectors with elements/Same length, different elements" time="{duration}"/>
+    <testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Vector Approx matcher -- failing/Empty and non empty vectors are not approx equal" time="{duration}">
+      <failure message="{  } is approx: { 1.0, 2.0 }" type="CHECK_THAT">
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>
+      </failure>
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Vector Approx matcher -- failing/Just different vectors" time="{duration}">
+      <failure message="{ 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 } is approx: { 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 }" type="CHECK_THAT">
+Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>
+      </failure>
+    </testcase>
     <testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Vector matchers/Contains (element)" time="{duration}"/>
     <testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Vector matchers/Contains (vector)" time="{duration}"/>
     <testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="Vector matchers/Contains (element), composed" time="{duration}"/>
diff --git a/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/xml.sw.approved.txt b/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/xml.sw.approved.txt
index b526a5f7..d053b408 100644
--- a/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/xml.sw.approved.txt
+++ b/projects/SelfTest/Baselines/xml.sw.approved.txt
@@ -10713,6 +10713,111 @@ Message from section two
       <OverallResult success="true"/>
+    <TestCase name="Vector Approx matcher" tags="[approx][matchers][vector]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+      <Section name="Empty vector is roughly equal to an empty vector" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+        <Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+          <Original>
+            empty, Approx(empty)
+          </Original>
+          <Expanded>
+            {  } is approx: {  }
+          </Expanded>
+        </Expression>
+        <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
+      </Section>
+      <Section name="Vectors with elements" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+        <Section name="A vector is approx equal to itself" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+          <Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+            <Original>
+              v1, Approx(v1)
+            </Original>
+            <Expanded>
+              { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }
+            </Expanded>
+          </Expression>
+          <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
+        </Section>
+        <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
+      </Section>
+      <Section name="Vectors with elements" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+        <Section name="Different length" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+          <Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+            <Original>
+              v1, !Approx(temp)
+            </Original>
+            <Expanded>
+              { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } not is approx: { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }
+            </Expanded>
+          </Expression>
+          <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
+        </Section>
+        <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
+      </Section>
+      <Section name="Vectors with elements" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+        <Section name="Same length, different elements" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+          <Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+            <Original>
+              v1, !Approx(v2)
+            </Original>
+            <Expanded>
+              { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } not is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+            </Expanded>
+          </Expression>
+          <Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+            <Original>
+              v1, Approx(v2).margin(0.5)
+            </Original>
+            <Expanded>
+              { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+            </Expanded>
+          </Expression>
+          <Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+            <Original>
+              v1, Approx(v2).epsilon(0.5)
+            </Original>
+            <Expanded>
+              { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+            </Expanded>
+          </Expression>
+          <Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+            <Original>
+              v1, Approx(v2).epsilon(0.1).scale(500)
+            </Original>
+            <Expanded>
+              { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } is approx: { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 }
+            </Expanded>
+          </Expression>
+          <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
+        </Section>
+        <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
+      </Section>
+      <OverallResult success="true"/>
+    </TestCase>
+    <TestCase name="Vector Approx matcher -- failing" tags="[.][approx][failing][matchers][vector]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+      <Section name="Empty and non empty vectors are not approx equal" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+        <Expression success="false" type="CHECK_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+          <Original>
+            empty, Approx(t1)
+          </Original>
+          <Expanded>
+            {  } is approx: { 1.0, 2.0 }
+          </Expanded>
+        </Expression>
+        <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1" expectedFailures="0"/>
+      </Section>
+      <Section name="Just different vectors" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+        <Expression success="false" type="CHECK_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
+          <Original>
+            v1, Approx(v2)
+          </Original>
+          <Expanded>
+            { 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 } is approx: { 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 }
+          </Expanded>
+        </Expression>
+        <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1" expectedFailures="0"/>
+      </Section>
+      <OverallResult success="false"/>
+    </TestCase>
     <TestCase name="Vector matchers" tags="[matchers][vector]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
       <Section name="Contains (element)" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
         <Expression success="true" type="CHECK_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp" >
@@ -13399,7 +13504,7 @@ loose text artifact
       <OverallResult success="true"/>
-    <OverallResults successes="1276" failures="140" expectedFailures="21"/>
+    <OverallResults successes="1283" failures="142" expectedFailures="21"/>
-  <OverallResults successes="1276" failures="139" expectedFailures="21"/>
+  <OverallResults successes="1283" failures="141" expectedFailures="21"/>
diff --git a/projects/SelfTest/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp b/projects/SelfTest/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp
index f07481d4..d741e57c 100644
--- a/projects/SelfTest/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp
+++ b/projects/SelfTest/UsageTests/Matchers.tests.cpp
@@ -213,6 +213,16 @@ namespace { namespace MatchersTests {
+            std::vector<double> v3;
+            v3.push_back(1);
+            v3.push_back(2);
+            v3.push_back(3);
+            std::vector<double> v4;
+            v4.push_back(1 + 1e-8);
+            v4.push_back(2 + 1e-8);
+            v4.push_back(3 + 1e-8);
             std::vector<int> empty;
             SECTION("Contains (element)") {
@@ -265,6 +275,16 @@ namespace { namespace MatchersTests {
+            std::vector<double> v3;
+            v3.push_back(1);
+            v3.push_back(2);
+            v3.push_back(3);
+            std::vector<double> v4;
+            v4.push_back(1.1);
+            v4.push_back(2.1);
+            v4.push_back(3.1);
             std::vector<int> empty;
             SECTION("Contains (element)") {
@@ -436,6 +456,44 @@ namespace { namespace MatchersTests {
             REQUIRE_THAT("foo", Predicate<const char*>([] (const char* const&) { return true; }));
+        TEST_CASE("Vector Approx matcher", "[matchers][approx][vector]") {
+            using Catch::Matchers::Approx;
+            SECTION("Empty vector is roughly equal to an empty vector") {
+                std::vector<double> empty;
+                REQUIRE_THAT(empty, Approx(empty));
+            }
+            SECTION("Vectors with elements") {
+                std::vector<double> v1({1., 2., 3.});
+                SECTION("A vector is approx equal to itself") {
+                    REQUIRE_THAT(v1, Approx(v1));
+                }
+                std::vector<double> v2({1.5, 2.5, 3.5});
+                SECTION("Different length") {
+                    auto temp(v1);
+                    temp.push_back(4);
+                    REQUIRE_THAT(v1, !Approx(temp));
+                }
+                SECTION("Same length, different elements") {
+                    REQUIRE_THAT(v1, !Approx(v2));
+                    REQUIRE_THAT(v1, Approx(v2).margin(0.5));
+                    REQUIRE_THAT(v1, Approx(v2).epsilon(0.5));
+                    REQUIRE_THAT(v1, Approx(v2).epsilon(0.1).scale(500));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        TEST_CASE("Vector Approx matcher -- failing", "[matchers][approx][vector][.failing]") {
+            using Catch::Matchers::Approx;
+            SECTION("Empty and non empty vectors are not approx equal") {
+                std::vector<double> empty, t1({1, 2});
+                CHECK_THAT(empty, Approx(t1));
+            }
+            SECTION("Just different vectors") {
+                std::vector<double> v1({2., 4., 6.}), v2({1., 3., 5.});
+                CHECK_THAT(v1, Approx(v2));
+            }
+        }
 } } // namespace MatchersTests