// Copyright Catch2 Authors // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 /**\file * Test that the captured stdout/err in (partial) testCaseEnded events * is correct (e.g. that the partial test case event does not get accumulated * output). * * This is done by having a single test case that is entered multiple * times through generator, and a custom capturing reporter that knows * what it should expect captured from the test case. */ #include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp> #include <catch2/generators/catch_generators.hpp> #include <catch2/generators/catch_generators_range.hpp> #include <catch2/reporters/catch_reporter_streaming_base.hpp> #include <catch2/reporters/catch_reporter_registrars.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <utility> class TestReporter : public Catch::StreamingReporterBase { std::string stdOutString( uint64_t iter ){ return "stdout " + std::to_string( iter ) + '\n'; } std::string stdErrString(uint64_t iter) { return "stderr " + std::to_string( iter ) + '\n'; } public: TestReporter( Catch::ReporterConfig&& _config ): StreamingReporterBase( std::move(_config) ) { m_preferences.shouldRedirectStdOut = true; std::cout << "X27 - TestReporter constructed\n"; } static std::string getDescription() { return "X27 test reporter"; } void testCasePartialEnded( Catch::TestCaseStats const& stats, uint64_t iter ) override { if ( stats.stdOut != stdOutString( iter ) ) { std::cerr << "X27 ERROR in partial stdout\n" << stats.stdOut; } if ( stats.stdErr != stdErrString( iter ) ) { std::cerr << "X27 ERROR in partial stderr\n" << stats.stdErr; } } void testCaseEnded( Catch::TestCaseStats const& stats ) override { if ( stats.stdOut != "stdout 0\nstdout 1\nstdout 2\nstdout 3\nstdout 4\nstdout 5\n" ) { std::cerr << "X27 ERROR in full stdout\n" << stats.stdOut; } if ( stats.stdErr != "stderr 0\nstderr 1\nstderr 2\nstderr 3\nstderr 4\nstderr 5\n" ) { std::cerr << "X27 ERROR in full stderr\n" << stats.stdErr; } } ~TestReporter() override; }; TestReporter::~TestReporter() = default; CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "test-reporter", TestReporter ) TEST_CASE( "repeatedly entered test case" ) { auto i = GENERATE( range(0, 6) ); std::cout << "stdout " << i << '\n'; // Switch between writing to std::cerr and std::clog just to make sure // both are properly captured and redirected. ( ( i % 2 == 0 ) ? std::cerr : std::clog ) << "stderr " << i << '\n'; }