<a id="top"></a> # String conversions **Contents**<br> [operator << overload for std::ostream](#operator--overload-for-stdostream)<br> [Catch::StringMaker specialisation](#catchstringmaker-specialisation)<br> [Catch::is_range specialisation](#catchis_range-specialisation)<br> [Exceptions](#exceptions)<br> [Enums](#enums)<br> [Floating point precision](#floating-point-precision)<br> Catch needs to be able to convert types you use in assertions and logging expressions into strings (for logging and reporting purposes). Most built-in or std types are supported out of the box but there are two ways that you can tell Catch how to convert your own types (or other, third-party types) into strings. ## operator << overload for std::ostream This is the standard way of providing string conversions in C++ - and the chances are you may already provide this for your own purposes. If you're not familiar with this idiom it involves writing a free function of the form: ```cpp std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, T const& value ) { os << convertMyTypeToString( value ); return os; } ``` (where ```T``` is your type and ```convertMyTypeToString``` is where you'll write whatever code is necessary to make your type printable - it doesn't have to be in another function). You should put this function in the same namespace as your type, or the global namespace, and have it declared before including Catch's header. ## Catch::StringMaker specialisation If you don't want to provide an ```operator <<``` overload, or you want to convert your type differently for testing purposes, you can provide a specialization for `Catch::StringMaker<T>`: ```cpp namespace Catch { template<> struct StringMaker<T> { static std::string convert( T const& value ) { return convertMyTypeToString( value ); } }; } ``` ## Catch::is_range specialisation As a fallback, Catch attempts to detect if the type can be iterated (`begin(T)` and `end(T)` are valid) and if it can be, it is stringified as a range. For certain types this can lead to infinite recursion, so it can be disabled by specializing `Catch::is_range` like so: ```cpp namespace Catch { template<> struct is_range<T> { static const bool value = false; }; } ``` ## Exceptions By default all exceptions deriving from `std::exception` will be translated to strings by calling the `what()` method. For exception types that do not derive from `std::exception` - or if `what()` does not return a suitable string - use `CATCH_TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION`. This defines a function that takes your exception type, by reference, and returns a string. It can appear anywhere in the code - it doesn't have to be in the same translation unit. For example: ```cpp CATCH_TRANSLATE_EXCEPTION( MyType& ex ) { return ex.message(); } ``` ## Enums > Introduced in Catch 2.8.0. Enums that already have a `<<` overload for `std::ostream` will convert to strings as expected. If you only need to convert enums to strings for test reporting purposes you can provide a `StringMaker` specialisations as any other type. However, as a convenience, Catch provides the `REGISTER_ENUM` helper macro that will generate the `StringMaker` specialiation for you with minimal code. Simply provide it the (qualified) enum name, followed by all the enum values, and you're done! E.g. ```cpp enum class Fruits { Banana, Apple, Mango }; CATCH_REGISTER_ENUM( Fruits, Fruits::Banana, Fruits::Apple, Fruits::Mango ) TEST_CASE() { REQUIRE( Fruits::Mango == Fruits::Apple ); } ``` ... or if the enum is in a namespace: ```cpp namespace Bikeshed { enum class Colours { Red, Green, Blue }; } // Important!: This macro must appear at top level scope - not inside a namespace // You can fully qualify the names, or use a using if you prefer CATCH_REGISTER_ENUM( Bikeshed::Colours, Bikeshed::Colours::Red, Bikeshed::Colours::Green, Bikeshed::Colours::Blue ) TEST_CASE() { REQUIRE( Bikeshed::Colours::Red == Bikeshed::Colours::Blue ); } ``` ## Floating point precision > [Introduced](https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/issues/1614) in Catch 2.8.0. Catch provides a built-in `StringMaker` specialization for both `float` and `double`. By default, it uses what we think is a reasonable precision, but you can customize it by modifying the `precision` static variable inside the `StringMaker` specialization, like so: ```cpp Catch::StringMaker<float>::precision = 15; const float testFloat1 = 1.12345678901234567899f; const float testFloat2 = 1.12345678991234567899f; REQUIRE(testFloat1 == testFloat2); ``` This assertion will fail and print out the `testFloat1` and `testFloat2` to 15 decimal places. --- [Home](Readme.md#top)