Martin Hořeňovský c3fd4eb17e
Update outdated tests for stringifying characters
Previously the tests relied purely on output changes in approvals.
Now the stringification output is checked directly as part of the
unit tests.
2024-03-01 15:09:11 +01:00

201 lines
5.8 KiB

// Copyright Catch2 Authors
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <set>
TEST_CASE( "Character pretty printing" ){
SECTION("Specifically escaped"){
CHECK(::Catch::Detail::stringify('\t') == "'\\t'");
CHECK(::Catch::Detail::stringify('\n') == "'\\n'");
CHECK(::Catch::Detail::stringify('\r') == "'\\r'");
CHECK(::Catch::Detail::stringify('\f') == "'\\f'");
SECTION("General chars"){
CHECK(::Catch::Detail::stringify( ' ' ) == "' '" );
CHECK(::Catch::Detail::stringify( 'A' ) == "'A'" );
CHECK(::Catch::Detail::stringify( 'z' ) == "'z'" );
CHECK(::Catch::Detail::stringify( '\0' ) == "0" );
CHECK(::Catch::Detail::stringify( static_cast<char>(2) ) == "2" );
CHECK(::Catch::Detail::stringify( static_cast<char>(5) ) == "5" );
TEST_CASE( "Capture and info messages" ) {
SECTION("Capture should stringify like assertions") {
int i = 2;
SECTION("Info should NOT stringify the way assertions do") {
int i = 3;
TEST_CASE( "std::map is convertible string", "[toString]" ) {
SECTION( "empty" ) {
std::map<std::string, int> emptyMap;
REQUIRE( Catch::Detail::stringify( emptyMap ) == "{ }" );
SECTION( "single item" ) {
std::map<std::string, int> map = { { "one", 1 } };
REQUIRE( Catch::Detail::stringify( map ) == "{ { \"one\", 1 } }" );
SECTION( "several items" ) {
std::map<std::string, int> map = {
{ "abc", 1 },
{ "def", 2 },
{ "ghi", 3 }
REQUIRE( Catch::Detail::stringify( map ) == "{ { \"abc\", 1 }, { \"def\", 2 }, { \"ghi\", 3 } }" );
TEST_CASE( "std::set is convertible string", "[toString]" ) {
SECTION( "empty" ) {
std::set<std::string> emptySet;
REQUIRE( Catch::Detail::stringify( emptySet ) == "{ }" );
SECTION( "single item" ) {
std::set<std::string> set = { "one" };
REQUIRE( Catch::Detail::stringify( set ) == "{ \"one\" }" );
SECTION( "several items" ) {
std::set<std::string> set = { "abc", "def", "ghi" };
REQUIRE( Catch::Detail::stringify( set ) == "{ \"abc\", \"def\", \"ghi\" }" );
TEST_CASE("Static arrays are convertible to string", "[toString]") {
SECTION("Single item") {
int singular[1] = { 1 };
REQUIRE(Catch::Detail::stringify(singular) == "{ 1 }");
SECTION("Multiple") {
int arr[3] = { 3, 2, 1 };
REQUIRE(Catch::Detail::stringify(arr) == "{ 3, 2, 1 }");
SECTION("Non-trivial inner items") {
std::vector<std::string> arr[2] = { {"1:1", "1:2", "1:3"}, {"2:1", "2:2"} };
REQUIRE(Catch::Detail::stringify(arr) == R"({ { "1:1", "1:2", "1:3" }, { "2:1", "2:2" } })");
TEST_CASE("String views are stringified like other strings", "[toString][approvals]") {
std::string_view view{"abc"};
CHECK(Catch::Detail::stringify(view) == R"("abc")");
std::string_view arr[] { view };
CHECK(Catch::Detail::stringify(arr) == R"({ "abc" })");
TEST_CASE("Precision of floating point stringification can be set", "[toString][floatingPoint]") {
SECTION("Floats") {
using sm = Catch::StringMaker<float>;
const auto oldPrecision = sm::precision;
const float testFloat = 1.12345678901234567899f;
auto str1 = sm::convert(testFloat);
sm::precision = 5;
// "1." prefix = 2 chars, f suffix is another char
CHECK(str1.size() == 3 + 5);
sm::precision = 10;
auto str2 = sm::convert(testFloat);
REQUIRE(str2.size() == 3 + 10);
sm::precision = oldPrecision;
SECTION("Double") {
using sm = Catch::StringMaker<double>;
const auto oldPrecision = sm::precision;
const double testDouble = 1.123456789012345678901234567899;
sm::precision = 5;
auto str1 = sm::convert(testDouble);
// "1." prefix = 2 chars
CHECK(str1.size() == 2 + 5);
sm::precision = 15;
auto str2 = sm::convert(testDouble);
REQUIRE(str2.size() == 2 + 15);
sm::precision = oldPrecision;
namespace {
struct WhatException : std::exception {
char const* what() const noexcept override {
return "This exception has overridden what() method";
~WhatException() override;
struct OperatorException : std::exception {
~OperatorException() override;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, OperatorException const&) {
out << "OperatorException";
return out;
struct StringMakerException : std::exception {
~StringMakerException() override;
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace Catch {
template <>
struct StringMaker<StringMakerException> {
static std::string convert(StringMakerException const&) {
return "StringMakerException";
// Avoid -Wweak-tables
WhatException::~WhatException() = default;
OperatorException::~OperatorException() = default;
StringMakerException::~StringMakerException() = default;
TEST_CASE("Exception as a value (e.g. in REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES) can be stringified", "[toString][exception]") {
REQUIRE(::Catch::Detail::stringify(WhatException{}) == "This exception has overridden what() method");
REQUIRE(::Catch::Detail::stringify(OperatorException{}) == "OperatorException");
REQUIRE(::Catch::Detail::stringify(StringMakerException{}) == "StringMakerException");