mirror of https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git synced 2025-03-18 11:41:12 -04:00
Martin Hořeňovský 05cd05743a Provide a public method to get StringRef's underlying pointer
This allows reducing the amount of friends needed for its interface
and some extra tricks later.

The bad part is that the pointer can become invalidated via
calls to other StringRef's public methods, but c'est la vie.
2018-02-28 22:49:00 +01:00

206 lines
6.3 KiB

#include "internal/catch_stringref.h"
#include "catch.hpp"
#include <cstring>
namespace Catch {
// Implementation of test accessors
struct StringRefTestAccess {
static auto isOwned( StringRef const& stringRef ) -> bool {
return stringRef.isOwned();
static auto isSubstring( StringRef const& stringRef ) -> bool {
return stringRef.isSubstring();
auto isOwned( StringRef const& stringRef ) -> bool {
return StringRefTestAccess::isOwned( stringRef );
auto isSubstring( StringRef const& stringRef ) -> bool {
return StringRefTestAccess::isSubstring( stringRef );
} // namespace Catch2
namespace Catch {
inline auto toString( Catch::StringRef const& stringRef ) -> std::string {
return std::string( stringRef.currentData(), stringRef.size() );
} // namespace Catch
TEST_CASE( "StringRef", "[Strings][StringRef]" ) {
using Catch::StringRef;
SECTION( "Empty string" ) {
StringRef empty;
REQUIRE( empty.empty() );
REQUIRE( empty.size() == 0 );
REQUIRE( std::strcmp( empty.c_str(), "" ) == 0 );
SECTION( "From string literal" ) {
StringRef s = "hello";
REQUIRE( s.empty() == false );
REQUIRE( s.size() == 5 );
REQUIRE( isSubstring( s ) == false );
auto rawChars = s.currentData();
REQUIRE( std::strcmp( rawChars, "hello" ) == 0 );
SECTION( "c_str() does not cause copy" ) {
REQUIRE( isOwned( s ) == false );
REQUIRE( s.c_str() == rawChars );
REQUIRE( isOwned( s ) == false );
SECTION( "From sub-string" ) {
StringRef original = StringRef( "original string" ).substr(0, 8);
REQUIRE( original == "original" );
REQUIRE( isSubstring( original ) );
REQUIRE( isOwned( original ) == false );
original.c_str(); // Forces it to take ownership
REQUIRE( isSubstring( original ) == false );
REQUIRE( isOwned( original ) );
SECTION( "Substrings" ) {
StringRef s = "hello world!";
StringRef ss = s.substr(0, 5);
SECTION( "zero-based substring" ) {
REQUIRE( ss.empty() == false );
REQUIRE( ss.size() == 5 );
REQUIRE( std::strcmp( ss.c_str(), "hello" ) == 0 );
REQUIRE( ss == "hello" );
SECTION( "c_str() causes copy" ) {
REQUIRE( isSubstring( ss ) );
REQUIRE( isOwned( ss ) == false );
auto rawChars = ss.currentData();
REQUIRE( rawChars == s.currentData() ); // same pointer value
REQUIRE( ss.c_str() != rawChars );
REQUIRE( isSubstring( ss ) == false );
REQUIRE( isOwned( ss ) );
REQUIRE( ss.currentData() != s.currentData() ); // different pointer value
SECTION( "non-zero-based substring") {
ss = s.substr( 6, 6 );
REQUIRE( ss.size() == 6 );
REQUIRE( std::strcmp( ss.c_str(), "world!" ) == 0 );
SECTION( "Pointer values of full refs should match" ) {
StringRef s2 = s;
REQUIRE( s.c_str() == s2.c_str() );
SECTION( "Pointer values of substring refs should not match" ) {
REQUIRE( s.c_str() != ss.c_str() );
SECTION( "Comparisons" ) {
REQUIRE( StringRef("hello") == StringRef("hello") );
REQUIRE( StringRef("hello") != StringRef("cello") );
SECTION( "from std::string" ) {
std::string stdStr = "a standard string";
SECTION( "implicitly constructed" ) {
StringRef sr = stdStr;
REQUIRE( sr == "a standard string" );
REQUIRE( sr.size() == stdStr.size() );
SECTION( "explicitly constructed" ) {
StringRef sr( stdStr );
REQUIRE( sr == "a standard string" );
REQUIRE( sr.size() == stdStr.size() );
SECTION( "assigned" ) {
StringRef sr;
sr = stdStr;
REQUIRE( sr == "a standard string" );
REQUIRE( sr.size() == stdStr.size() );
SECTION( "to std::string" ) {
StringRef sr = "a stringref";
SECTION( "implicitly constructed" ) {
std::string stdStr = sr;
REQUIRE( stdStr == "a stringref" );
REQUIRE( stdStr.size() == sr.size() );
SECTION( "explicitly constructed" ) {
std::string stdStr( sr );
REQUIRE( stdStr == "a stringref" );
REQUIRE( stdStr.size() == sr.size() );
SECTION( "assigned" ) {
std::string stdStr;
stdStr = sr;
REQUIRE( stdStr == "a stringref" );
REQUIRE( stdStr.size() == sr.size() );
SECTION( "Counting utf-8 codepoints" ) {
StringRef ascii = "just a plain old boring ascii string...";
REQUIRE(ascii.numberOfCharacters() == ascii.size());
StringRef simpleu8 = u8"Trocha češtiny nikoho nezabila";
REQUIRE(simpleu8.numberOfCharacters() == 30);
StringRef emojis = u8"Here be 👾";
REQUIRE(emojis.numberOfCharacters() == 9);
TEST_CASE( "replaceInPlace", "[Strings][StringManip]" ) {
std::string letters = "abcdefcg";
SECTION( "replace single char" ) {
CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, "b", "z" ) );
CHECK( letters == "azcdefcg" );
SECTION( "replace two chars" ) {
CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, "c", "z" ) );
CHECK( letters == "abzdefzg" );
SECTION( "replace first char" ) {
CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, "a", "z" ) );
CHECK( letters == "zbcdefcg" );
SECTION( "replace last char" ) {
CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, "g", "z" ) );
CHECK( letters == "abcdefcz" );
SECTION( "replace all chars" ) {
CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, letters, "replaced" ) );
CHECK( letters == "replaced" );
SECTION( "replace no chars" ) {
CHECK_FALSE( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, "x", "z" ) );
CHECK( letters == letters );
SECTION( "escape '" ) {
std::string s = "didn't";
CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( s, "'", "|'" ) );
CHECK( s == "didn|'t" );