mirror of https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git synced 2025-03-15 18:31:11 -04:00

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* Created by Phil on 26/11/2010.
* Copyright 2010 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "../internal/catch_capture.hpp"
#include "../internal/catch_interfaces_reporter.h"
#include "../internal/catch_reporter_registrars.hpp"
#include "../internal/catch_xmlwriter.hpp"
namespace Catch {
class JunitReporter : public SharedImpl<IReporter> {
struct TestStats {
std::string m_element;
std::string m_resultType;
std::string m_message;
std::string m_content;
struct TestCaseStats {
TestCaseStats( const std::string& name = std::string() ) :m_name( name ){}
double m_timeInSeconds;
std::string m_status;
std::string m_className;
std::string m_name;
std::vector<TestStats> m_testStats;
struct Stats {
Stats( const std::string& name = std::string() )
: m_testsCount( 0 ),
m_failuresCount( 0 ),
m_disabledCount( 0 ),
m_errorsCount( 0 ),
m_timeInSeconds( 0 ),
m_name( name )
std::size_t m_testsCount;
std::size_t m_failuresCount;
std::size_t m_disabledCount;
std::size_t m_errorsCount;
double m_timeInSeconds;
std::string m_name;
std::vector<TestCaseStats> m_testCaseStats;
JunitReporter( const ReporterConfig& config )
: m_config( config ),
m_testSuiteStats( "AllTests" ),
m_currentStats( &m_testSuiteStats )
virtual ~JunitReporter();
static std::string getDescription() {
return "Reports test results in an XML format that looks like Ant's junitreport target";
private: // IReporter
virtual bool shouldRedirectStdout() const {
return true;
virtual void StartTesting(){}
virtual void StartGroup( const std::string& groupName ) {
m_statsForSuites.push_back( Stats( groupName ) );
m_currentStats = &m_statsForSuites.back();
virtual void EndGroup( const std::string&, const Totals& totals ) {
m_currentStats->m_testsCount = totals.assertions.total();
m_currentStats = &m_testSuiteStats;
virtual void StartSection( const std::string&, const std::string& ){}
virtual void EndSection( const std::string&, const Counts& ){}
virtual void StartTestCase( const Catch::TestCaseInfo& testInfo ) {
m_currentStats->m_testCaseStats.push_back( TestCaseStats( testInfo.getName() ) );
virtual void Result( const Catch::ResultInfo& resultInfo ) {
if( resultInfo.getResultType() != ResultWas::Ok || m_config.includeSuccessfulResults ) {
TestCaseStats& testCaseStats = m_currentStats->m_testCaseStats.back();
TestStats stats;
std::ostringstream oss;
if( !resultInfo.getMessage().empty() )
oss << resultInfo.getMessage() << " at ";
oss << SourceLineInfo( resultInfo.getFilename(), resultInfo.getLine() );
stats.m_content = oss.str();
stats.m_message = resultInfo.getExpandedExpression();
stats.m_resultType = resultInfo.getTestMacroName();
switch( resultInfo.getResultType() ) {
case ResultWas::ThrewException:
stats.m_element = "error";
case ResultWas::Info:
stats.m_element = "info"; // !TBD ?
case ResultWas::Warning:
stats.m_element = "warning"; // !TBD ?
case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure:
stats.m_element = "failure";
case ResultWas::ExpressionFailed:
stats.m_element = "failure";
case ResultWas::Ok:
stats.m_element = "success";
case ResultWas::Unknown:
case ResultWas::FailureBit:
case ResultWas::Exception:
case ResultWas::DidntThrowException:
testCaseStats.m_testStats.push_back( stats );
virtual void EndTestCase( const Catch::TestCaseInfo&, const Totals&, const std::string& stdOut, const std::string& stdErr ) {
if( !stdOut.empty() )
m_stdOut << stdOut << "\n";
if( !stdErr.empty() )
m_stdErr << stdErr << "\n";
virtual void Aborted() {
// !TBD
virtual void EndTesting( const Totals& ) {
std::ostream& str = m_config.stream;
XmlWriter xml( str );
if( m_statsForSuites.size() > 0 )
xml.startElement( "testsuites" );
std::vector<Stats>::const_iterator it = m_statsForSuites.begin();
std::vector<Stats>::const_iterator itEnd = m_statsForSuites.end();
for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( "testsuite" );
xml.writeAttribute( "name", it->m_name );
xml.writeAttribute( "errors", it->m_errorsCount );
xml.writeAttribute( "failures", it->m_failuresCount );
xml.writeAttribute( "tests", it->m_testsCount );
xml.writeAttribute( "hostname", "tbd" );
xml.writeAttribute( "time", "tbd" );
xml.writeAttribute( "timestamp", "tbd" );
OutputTestCases( xml, *it );
xml.scopedElement( "system-out" ).writeText( trim( m_stdOut.str() ) );
xml.scopedElement( "system-err" ).writeText( trim( m_stdErr.str() ) );
void OutputTestCases( XmlWriter& xml, const Stats& stats ) {
std::vector<TestCaseStats>::const_iterator it = stats.m_testCaseStats.begin();
std::vector<TestCaseStats>::const_iterator itEnd = stats.m_testCaseStats.end();
for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
xml.writeComment( "Test case" );
XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( "testcase" );
xml.writeAttribute( "classname", it->m_className );
xml.writeAttribute( "name", it->m_name );
xml.writeAttribute( "time", "tbd" );
OutputTestResult( xml, *it );
void OutputTestResult( XmlWriter& xml, const TestCaseStats& stats ) {
std::vector<TestStats>::const_iterator it = stats.m_testStats.begin();
std::vector<TestStats>::const_iterator itEnd = stats.m_testStats.end();
for(; it != itEnd; ++it ) {
if( it->m_element != "success" ) {
XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = xml.scopedElement( it->m_element );
xml.writeAttribute( "message", it->m_message );
xml.writeAttribute( "type", it->m_resultType );
if( !it->m_content.empty() )
xml.writeText( it->m_content );
ReporterConfig m_config;
bool m_currentTestSuccess;
Stats m_testSuiteStats;
Stats* m_currentStats;
std::vector<Stats> m_statsForSuites;
std::ostringstream m_stdOut;
std::ostringstream m_stdErr;
} // end namespace Catch