/* * $Id: vs_node_object.c 4533 2008-08-11 15:00:51Z jiri $ * * ***** BEGIN BSD LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * Copyright (c) 2005-2008, The Uni-Verse Consortium. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ***** END BSD LICENSE BLOCK ***** * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "v_cmd_gen.h" #if !defined V_GENERATE_FUNC_MODE #include "verse.h" #include "v_util.h" #include "vs_server.h" extern void verse_send_o_link_set(VNodeID node_id, uint16 link_id, VNodeID link, const char *name, uint32 target_id); extern void verse_send_o_link_destroy(VNodeID node_id, uint16 link_id); typedef struct { VNodeID link; char name[16]; uint32 target_id; /* Animation parameters. */ uint32 time_s; uint32 time_f; uint32 dimensions; real64 pos[4]; real64 speed[4]; real64 accel[4]; real64 scale[4]; real64 scale_speed[4]; } VSLink; typedef struct { char name[16]; uint8 param_count; VNOParamType *param_types; char *param_names; } VSMethod; typedef struct { char name[VN_O_METHOD_GROUP_NAME_SIZE]; VSMethod *methods; unsigned int method_count; VSSubscriptionList *subscribers; } VSMethodGroup; typedef struct { real64 position[3]; VNQuat64 rotation; real64 scale[3]; /* VSSubscriptionList *subscribers;*/ } VSTransform; typedef struct { VSNodeHead head; VSTransform transform; VSSubscriptionList *trans_sub64; VSSubscriptionList *trans_sub32; real64 light[3]; VSMethodGroup *groups; uint16 group_count; VSLink *links; uint16 link_count; boolean hidden; } VSNodeObject; VSNodeObject * vs_o_create_node(unsigned int owner) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, j; char name[48]; node = malloc(sizeof *node); vs_add_new_node(&node->head, V_NT_OBJECT); sprintf(name, "Object_Node_%u", node->head.id); create_node_head(&node->head, name, owner); node->trans_sub64 = vs_create_subscription_list(); node->trans_sub32 = vs_create_subscription_list(); node->transform.position[0] = node->transform.position[1] = node->transform.position[2] = 0; node->transform.rotation.x = node->transform.rotation.y = node->transform.rotation.z = 0.0; node->transform.rotation.w = 1.0; node->transform.scale[0] = node->transform.scale[1] = node->transform.scale[2] = 1.0; node->light[0] = node->light[1] = node->light[2] = V_REAL64_MAX; node->groups = malloc((sizeof *node->groups) * 16); node->group_count = 16; for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { node->groups[i].name[0] = 0; node->groups[i].methods = NULL; node->groups[i].method_count = 0; node->groups[i].subscribers = NULL; } node->link_count = 16; node->links = malloc((sizeof *node->links) * node->link_count); for(i = 0; i < node->link_count; i++) { node->links[i].link = -1; node->links[i].name[0] = 0; node->links[i].target_id = -1; node->links[i].dimensions = 0; for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) { node->links[i].pos[j] = 0.0; node->links[i].speed[j] = 0.0; node->links[i].accel[j] = 0.0; node->links[i].scale[j] = 0.0; node->links[i].scale_speed[j] = 0.0; } } node->hidden = FALSE; return node; } void vs_o_destroy_node(VSNodeObject *node) { unsigned int i, j; destroy_node_head(&node->head); for(i = 0; i < node->group_count; i++) { if(node->groups[i].name[0] != 0) { for(j = 0; j < node->groups[i].method_count; j++) { if(node->groups[i].methods[j].name[0] != 0 && node->groups[i].methods[j].param_count != 0) { free(node->groups[i].methods[j].param_types); free(node->groups[i].methods[j].param_names); } } if(node->groups[i].methods != NULL) free(node->groups[i].methods); } } free(node->groups); free(node); } void vs_o_subscribe(VSNodeObject *node) { unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < node->link_count; i++) { const VSLink *lnk = node->links + i; if(lnk->name[0] != 0) { verse_send_o_link_set(node->head.id, i, lnk->link, lnk->name, lnk->target_id); if(lnk->dimensions != 0) { verse_send_o_anim_run(node->head.id, i, lnk->time_s, lnk->time_f, lnk->dimensions, lnk->pos, lnk->speed, lnk->accel, lnk->scale, lnk->scale_speed); } } } if(node->light[0] != V_REAL64_MAX || node->light[1] != V_REAL64_MAX || node->light[2] != V_REAL64_MAX) verse_send_o_light_set(node->head.id, node->light[0], node->light[1], node->light[2]); for(i = 0; i < node->group_count; i++) { if(node->groups[i].name[0] != 0) verse_send_o_method_group_create(node->head.id, i, node->groups[i].name); } if(node->hidden) verse_send_o_hide(node->head.id, TRUE); } void vs_o_unsubscribe(VSNodeObject *node) { unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < node->group_count; i++) if(node->groups[i].name[0] != 0) vs_remove_subscriptor(node->groups[i].subscribers); vs_remove_subscriptor(node->trans_sub64); vs_remove_subscriptor(node->trans_sub32); } static void callback_send_o_transform_pos_real32(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint32 time_s, uint32 time_f, real32 *pos, real32 *speed, real32 *accelerate, real32 *drag_normal, real32 drag) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; node->transform.position[0] = pos[0]; node->transform.position[1] = pos[1]; node->transform.position[2] = pos[2]; if((count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub64)) > 0) /* Anyone listening at 64 bits? */ { real64 spd[3], acc[3], drn[3], *pspd = NULL, *pacc = NULL, *pdrn = NULL; pspd = (speed != NULL) ? spd : NULL; pacc = (accelerate != NULL) ? acc : NULL; pdrn = (drag_normal != NULL) ? drn : NULL; /* Convert non-position values to 64-bit. */ for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(speed != NULL) spd[i] = speed[i]; if(accelerate != NULL) acc[i] = accelerate[i]; if(drag_normal != NULL) drn[i] = drag_normal[i]; } for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub64, i); verse_send_o_transform_pos_real64(node_id, time_s, time_f, node->transform.position, pspd, pacc, pdrn, drag); } } count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub32); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub32, i); verse_send_o_transform_pos_real32(node_id, time_s, time_f, pos, speed, accelerate, drag_normal, drag); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_transform_rot_real32(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint32 time_s, uint32 time_f, const VNQuat32 *rot, const VNQuat32 *speed, const VNQuat32 *accelerate, const VNQuat32 *drag_normal, real32 drag) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; node->transform.rotation.x = rot->x; node->transform.rotation.y = rot->y; node->transform.rotation.z = rot->z; node->transform.rotation.w = rot->w; if((count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub64)) > 0) { VNQuat64 spd, acc, drn, *p[3]; /* Convert 32-bit quaternions to 64-bit. Converter handles NULLs, has nice return semantics. */ p[0] = v_quat64_from_quat32(&spd, speed); p[1] = v_quat64_from_quat32(&acc, accelerate); p[2] = v_quat64_from_quat32(&drn, drag_normal); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub64, i); verse_send_o_transform_rot_real64(node_id, time_s, time_f, &node->transform.rotation, p[0], p[1], p[2], drag); } } count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub32); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub32, i); verse_send_o_transform_rot_real32(node_id, time_s, time_f, rot, speed, accelerate, drag_normal, drag); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_transform_scale_real32(void *user, VNodeID node_id, real32 scale_x, real32 scale_y, real32 scale_z) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; node->transform.scale[0] = scale_x; node->transform.scale[1] = scale_y; node->transform.scale[2] = scale_z; count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub64); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub64, i); verse_send_o_transform_scale_real64(node_id, scale_x, scale_y, scale_z); } count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub32); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub32, i); verse_send_o_transform_scale_real32(node_id, scale_x, scale_y, scale_z); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_transform_pos_real64(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint32 time_s, uint32 time_f, const real64 *pos, const real64 *speed, const real64 *accelerate, const real64 *drag_normal, real64 drag) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; node->transform.position[0] = pos[0]; node->transform.position[1] = pos[1]; node->transform.position[2] = pos[2]; count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub64); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub64, i); verse_send_o_transform_pos_real64(node_id, time_s, time_f, node->transform.position, speed, accelerate, drag_normal, drag); } if((count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub32)) > 0) /* Anyone listening at 32 bits? */ { real32 ps[3], spd[3], acc[3], drn[3], *p[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL }; ps[0] = pos[0]; ps[1] = pos[1]; ps[2] = pos[2]; if(speed != NULL) { p[0] = spd; spd[0] = speed[0]; spd[1] = speed[1]; spd[2] = speed[2]; } else p[0] = NULL; if(accelerate != NULL) { p[1] = acc; acc[0] = accelerate[0]; acc[1] = accelerate[1]; acc[2] = accelerate[2]; } else p[1] = NULL; if(drag_normal != NULL) { p[1] = drn; drn[0] = drag_normal[0]; drn[1] = drag_normal[1]; drn[2] = drag_normal[2]; } else p[2] = NULL; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub32, i); verse_send_o_transform_pos_real32(node_id, time_s, time_f, ps, p[0], p[1], p[2], (real32) drag); } } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_transform_rot_real64(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint32 time_s, uint32 time_f, const VNQuat64 *rot, const VNQuat64 *speed, const VNQuat64 *accelerate, const VNQuat64 *drag_normal, real64 drag) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; node->transform.rotation = *rot; count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub64); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub64, i); verse_send_o_transform_rot_real64(node_id, time_s, time_f, &node->transform.rotation, speed, accelerate, drag_normal, drag); } if((count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub32)) > 0) /* Anyone listening at 32 bits? */ { VNQuat32 rt, spd, acc, drn, *p[3]; v_quat32_from_quat64(&rt, rot); p[0] = v_quat32_from_quat64(&spd, speed); p[1] = v_quat32_from_quat64(&acc, accelerate); p[2] = v_quat32_from_quat64(&drn, drag_normal); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub32, i); verse_send_o_transform_rot_real32(node_id, time_s, time_f, &rt, p[0], p[1], p[2], (real32) drag); } } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_transform_scale_real64(void *user, VNodeID node_id, real64 scale_x, real64 scale_y, real64 scale_z) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; node->transform.scale[0] = scale_x; node->transform.scale[1] = scale_y; node->transform.scale[2] = scale_z; count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub64); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub64, i); verse_send_o_transform_scale_real64(node_id, scale_x, scale_y, scale_z); } count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->trans_sub32); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->trans_sub32, i); verse_send_o_transform_scale_real32(node_id, (real32) scale_x, (real32) scale_y, (real32) scale_z); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_transform_subscribe(void *user, VNodeID node_id, VNRealFormat type) { VSNodeObject *node; uint32 time_s, time_f; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; verse_session_get_time(&time_s, &time_f); if(type == VN_FORMAT_REAL32) { real32 tpos[3]; VNQuat32 rot; vs_add_new_subscriptor(node->trans_sub32); tpos[0] = node->transform.position[0]; tpos[1] = node->transform.position[1]; tpos[2] = node->transform.position[2]; verse_send_o_transform_pos_real32(node_id, time_s, time_f, tpos, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.0f); v_quat32_from_quat64(&rot, &node->transform.rotation); verse_send_o_transform_rot_real32(node_id, time_s, time_f, &rot, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.0f); verse_send_o_transform_scale_real32(node_id, (real32) node->transform.scale[0], (real32) node->transform.scale[1], (real32) node->transform.scale[2]); } else { vs_add_new_subscriptor(node->trans_sub64); verse_send_o_transform_pos_real64(node_id, time_s, time_f, node->transform.position, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); verse_send_o_transform_rot_real64(node_id, time_s, time_f, &node->transform.rotation, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); verse_send_o_transform_scale_real64(node_id, node->transform.scale[0], node->transform.scale[1], node->transform.scale[2]); } } static void callback_send_o_transform_unsubscribe(void *user, VNodeID node_id, VNRealFormat type) { VSNodeObject *node; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; if(type == VN_FORMAT_REAL32) vs_remove_subscriptor(node->trans_sub32); else vs_remove_subscriptor(node->trans_sub64); } static void callback_send_o_light_set(void *user, VNodeID node_id, real64 light_r, real64 light_g, real64 light_b) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; node->light[0] = light_r; node->light[1] = light_g; node->light[2] = light_b; count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->head.subscribers); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->head.subscribers, i); verse_send_o_light_set(node_id, light_r, light_g, light_b); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_link_set(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint16 link_id, VNodeID link, const char *name, uint32 target_id) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; if(name[0] == 0) return; if(vs_get_node_head(link) == 0) link = 0; if(link_id >= node->link_count || node->links[link_id].name[0] == 0) { for(link_id = 0; link_id < node->link_count && node->links[link_id].name[0] != 0; link_id++); if(link_id == node->link_count) { i = node->link_count; node->link_count += 16; node->links = realloc(node->links, (sizeof *node->links) * node->link_count); for(; i < node->link_count; i++) { node->links[i].name[0] = 0; node->links[i].dimensions = 0; } } } node->links[link_id].link = link; for(i = 0; i < 15 && name[i] != 0; i++) node->links[link_id].name[i] = name[i]; node->links[link_id].name[i] = 0; node->links[link_id].target_id = target_id; count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->head.subscribers); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->head.subscribers, i); verse_send_o_link_set(node_id, link_id, link, name, target_id); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_link_destroy(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint16 link_id) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; if(link_id >= node->link_count || node->links[link_id].name[0] == 0) return; node->links[link_id].name[0] = 0; count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->head.subscribers); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->head.subscribers, i); verse_send_o_link_destroy(node_id, link_id); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_method_group_create(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint16 group_id, char *name) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, j, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL || vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT) == NULL) return; for(i = 0; i < node->group_count; i++) { for(j = 0; node->groups[i].name[j] == name[j] && node->groups[i].name[j] != 0; j++); if(node->groups[i].name[j] == name[j]) return; } if(group_id >= node->group_count || node->groups[group_id].name[0] == 0) { for(group_id = 0; group_id < node->group_count && node->groups[group_id].name[0] != 0; group_id++) if(group_id == node->group_count) { node->groups = realloc(node->groups, sizeof(*node->groups) * (node->group_count + 16)); for(i = node->group_count; i < node->group_count + 16u; i++) { node->groups[i].name[0] = 0; node->groups[i].methods = NULL; node->groups[i].method_count = 0; } node->group_count += 16; } node->groups[group_id].subscribers = vs_create_subscription_list(); } for(i = 0; i < 15 && name[i] != 0; i++) node->groups[group_id].name[i] = name[i]; node->groups[group_id].name[i] = 0; count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->head.subscribers); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->head.subscribers, i); verse_send_o_method_group_create(node_id, group_id, name); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_method_group_destroy(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint16 group_id) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL || vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT) == NULL) return; if(group_id >= node->group_count || node->groups[group_id].name[0] == 0) return; node->groups[group_id].name[0] = 0; for(i = 0; i < node->groups[group_id].method_count; i++) { if(node->groups[group_id].methods[i].name[0] != 0 && node->groups[group_id].methods[i].param_count > 0) { free(node->groups[group_id].methods[i].param_names); free(node->groups[group_id].methods[i].param_types); } } free(node->groups[group_id].methods); node->groups[group_id].methods = NULL; node->groups[group_id].method_count = 0; vs_destroy_subscription_list(node->groups[group_id].subscribers); count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->head.subscribers); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->head.subscribers, i); verse_send_o_method_group_destroy(node_id, group_id); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_method_group_subscribe(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint16 group_id) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, j; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL || vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT) == NULL) return; if(group_id < node->group_count && node->groups[group_id].name[0] != 0) vs_add_new_subscriptor(node->groups[group_id].subscribers); for(i = 0; i < node->groups[group_id].method_count; i++) { if(node->groups[group_id].methods[i].name[0] != 0) { char *names[255]; for(j = 0; j < node->groups[group_id].methods[i].param_count; j++) names[j] = &node->groups[group_id].methods[i].param_names[j * 16]; verse_send_o_method_create(node_id, group_id, i, node->groups[group_id].methods[i].name, node->groups[group_id].methods[i].param_count, node->groups[group_id].methods[i].param_types, (const char **) names); } } } static void callback_send_o_method_group_unsubscribe(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint16 group_id) { VSNodeObject *node; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL || vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT) == NULL) return; if(group_id < node->group_count && node->groups[group_id].name[0] != 0) vs_remove_subscriptor(node->groups[group_id].subscribers); } static void callback_send_o_method_create(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint16 group_id, uint16 method_id, char *name, uint8 param_count, VNOParamType *param_types, char * *param_names) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, j, count; VSMethodGroup *group; node = (VSNodeObject *) vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL || vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT) == NULL) return; if(group_id >= node->group_count || node->groups[group_id].name[0] == 0) return; group = &node->groups[group_id]; for(i = 0; i < group->method_count; i++) { if(i != method_id) { for(j = 0; group->methods[i].name[j] == name[j] && group->methods[i].name[j] != 0; j++); if(group->methods[i].name[j] == name[j]) return; } } if(method_id < group->method_count && group->methods[method_id].name[0] != 0) { for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) group->methods[method_id].name[i] = name[i]; if(group->methods[method_id].param_count != 0) { free(group->methods[method_id].param_names); free(group->methods[method_id].param_types); } }else { for(method_id = 0; method_id < group->method_count && group->methods[method_id].name[0] != 0; method_id++); if(method_id == group->method_count) { group->methods = realloc(group->methods, sizeof(*group->methods) * (group->method_count + 16)); for(i = group->method_count; i < group->method_count + 16; i++) group->methods[i].name[0] = 0; group->method_count += 16; } } for(i = 0; i < VN_O_METHOD_NAME_SIZE && name[i] != 0; i++) group->methods[method_id].name[i] = name[i]; group->methods[method_id].name[i] = '\0'; group->methods[method_id].param_count = param_count; if(param_count > 0) { group->methods[method_id].param_types = malloc((sizeof *group->methods[method_id].param_types) * param_count); group->methods[method_id].param_names = malloc((sizeof *group->methods[method_id].param_names) * param_count * 16); } for(i = 0; i < param_count; i++) { group->methods[method_id].param_types[i] = param_types[i]; for(j = 0; j < 15 && param_names[i][j] != 0; j++) group->methods[method_id].param_names[i * 16 + j] = param_names[i][j]; group->methods[method_id].param_names[i * 16 + j] = 0; } count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->groups[group_id].subscribers); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->groups[group_id].subscribers, i); verse_send_o_method_create(node_id, group_id, method_id, name, param_count, param_types, (const char **) param_names); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_method_destroy(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint16 group_id, uint16 method_id) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL || vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT) == NULL) return; if(group_id >= node->group_count || node->groups[group_id].name[0] == 0 || method_id >= node->groups[group_id].method_count || node->groups[group_id].methods[method_id].name[0] == 0) return; node->groups[group_id].methods[method_id].name[0] = 0; if(node->groups[group_id].methods[method_id].param_count != 0) { free(node->groups[group_id].methods[method_id].param_names); free(node->groups[group_id].methods[method_id].param_types); } count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->groups[group_id].subscribers); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->groups[group_id].subscribers, i); verse_send_o_method_destroy(node_id, group_id, method_id); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_method_call(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint16 group_id, uint16 method_id, VNodeID sender, void *params) { VNOParam unpacked_params[255]; void *data; VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL || vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT) == NULL) return; if(group_id >= node->group_count || node->groups[group_id].name[0] == 0 || method_id >= node->groups[group_id].method_count || node->groups[group_id].methods[method_id].name[0] == 0) return; if(!verse_method_call_unpack(params, node->groups[group_id].methods[method_id].param_count, node->groups[group_id].methods[method_id].param_types, unpacked_params)) return; sender = vs_get_avatar(); count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->groups[group_id].subscribers); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->groups[group_id].subscribers, i); data = verse_method_call_pack(node->groups[group_id].methods[method_id].param_count, node->groups[group_id].methods[method_id].param_types, unpacked_params); if(data != NULL) verse_send_o_method_call(node_id, group_id, method_id, sender, data); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_anim_run(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint16 link_id, uint32 time_s, uint32 time_f, uint8 dimensions, real64 *pos, real64 *speed, real64 *accel, real64 *scale, real64 *scale_speed) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL) return; if(link_id >= node->link_count || node->links[link_id].name[0] == 0) return; if(NULL == vs_get_node(node->links[link_id].link, V_NT_CURVE)) return; node->links[link_id].time_s = time_s; node->links[link_id].time_f = time_f; node->links[link_id].dimensions = dimensions; for(i = 0; i < dimensions && i < 4; i++) { node->links[link_id].pos[i] = pos[i]; node->links[link_id].speed[i] = speed[i]; node->links[link_id].accel[i] = accel[i]; node->links[link_id].scale[i] = scale[i]; node->links[link_id].scale_speed[i] = scale_speed[i]; } count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->head.subscribers); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->head.subscribers, i); verse_send_o_anim_run(node_id, link_id, time_s, time_f, dimensions, pos, speed, accel, scale, scale_speed); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } static void callback_send_o_hide(void *user, VNodeID node_id, uint8 hidden) { VSNodeObject *node; unsigned int i, count; node = (VSNodeObject *)vs_get_node(node_id, V_NT_OBJECT); if(node == NULL || hidden == node->hidden) return; node->hidden = hidden; count = vs_get_subscript_count(node->head.subscribers); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { vs_set_subscript_session(node->head.subscribers, i); verse_send_o_hide(node_id, hidden); } vs_reset_subscript_session(); } void vs_o_callback_init(void) { verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_transform_pos_real32, callback_send_o_transform_pos_real32, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_transform_rot_real32, callback_send_o_transform_rot_real32, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_transform_scale_real32, callback_send_o_transform_scale_real32, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_transform_pos_real64, callback_send_o_transform_pos_real64, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_transform_rot_real64, callback_send_o_transform_rot_real64, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_transform_scale_real64, callback_send_o_transform_scale_real64, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_transform_subscribe, callback_send_o_transform_subscribe, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_transform_unsubscribe, callback_send_o_transform_unsubscribe, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_link_set, callback_send_o_link_set, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_light_set, callback_send_o_light_set, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_link_set, callback_send_o_link_set, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_link_destroy, callback_send_o_link_destroy, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_method_group_create, callback_send_o_method_group_create, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_method_group_destroy, callback_send_o_method_group_destroy, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_method_group_subscribe, callback_send_o_method_group_subscribe, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_method_group_unsubscribe, callback_send_o_method_group_unsubscribe, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_method_create, callback_send_o_method_create, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_method_destroy, callback_send_o_method_destroy, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_method_call, callback_send_o_method_call, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_anim_run, callback_send_o_anim_run, NULL); verse_callback_set(verse_send_o_hide, callback_send_o_hide, NULL); } #endif