
3036 lines
146 KiB

This file has been automatically generated by the shimmer industries c-ocoa API generator
Thus, manual changes to this file will be lost if the file is re-generated.
#if defined(__OBJC__) && __has_feature(objc_arc)
// ABI is a bit different between platforms
#ifdef __arm64__
#define abi_objc_msgSend_stret objc_msgSend
#define abi_objc_msgSend_stret objc_msgSend_stret
#ifdef __i386__
#define abi_objc_msgSend_fpret objc_msgSend_fpret
#define abi_objc_msgSend_fpret objc_msgSend
#include "uifont.h"
nsobject_t uifont_init( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "init" );
#define uifont_init_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_init_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_init_call
nsclass_t uifont_classForCoder( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "classForCoder" );
#define uifont_classForCoder_call( obj, selector ) ((nsclass_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_classForCoder_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_classForCoder_call
void uifont_encodeWithCoder( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "encodeWithCoder:" );
#define uifont_encodeWithCoder_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_encodeWithCoder_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_encodeWithCoder_call
nsobject_t uifont_initWithCoder( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "initWithCoder:" );
#define uifont_initWithCoder_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_initWithCoder_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_initWithCoder_call
nsobject_t uifont_textStyleForScaling( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "textStyleForScaling" );
#define uifont_textStyleForScaling_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_textStyleForScaling_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_textStyleForScaling_call
double uifont_pointSizeForScaling( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "pointSizeForScaling" );
#define uifont_pointSizeForScaling_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_pointSizeForScaling_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_pointSizeForScaling_call
double uifont_maximumPointSizeAfterScaling( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "maximumPointSizeAfterScaling" );
#define uifont_maximumPointSizeAfterScaling_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_maximumPointSizeAfterScaling_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_maximumPointSizeAfterScaling_call
nsobject_t uifont_initWithName( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, double arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "initWithName:size:" );
#define uifont_initWithName_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_initWithName_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_initWithName_call
nsobject_t uifont_initWithMarkupDescription( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "initWithMarkupDescription:" );
#define uifont_initWithMarkupDescription_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_initWithMarkupDescription_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_initWithMarkupDescription_call
char uifont_isIBTextStyleFont( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isIBTextStyleFont" );
#define uifont_isIBTextStyleFont_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isIBTextStyleFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isIBTextStyleFont_call
char uifont_isIBFontMetricsScaledFont( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isIBFontMetricsScaledFont" );
#define uifont_isIBFontMetricsScaledFont_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isIBFontMetricsScaledFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isIBFontMetricsScaledFont_call
double uifont_readableWidth( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "readableWidth" );
#define uifont_readableWidth_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_readableWidth_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_readableWidth_call
nsobject_t uifont_initWithFamilyName( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, int arg1, double arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "initWithFamilyName:traits:size:" );
#define uifont_initWithFamilyName_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, int, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_initWithFamilyName_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_initWithFamilyName_call
nsobject_t uifont_familyNameForCSSFontFamilyValueForWebKit( uifont_t object, char arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "familyNameForCSSFontFamilyValueForWebKit:" );
#define uifont_familyNameForCSSFontFamilyValueForWebKit_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, char ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_familyNameForCSSFontFamilyValueForWebKit_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_familyNameForCSSFontFamilyValueForWebKit_call
nsobject_t uifont_markupDescriptionForWebKit( uifont_t object, char arg0, float arg1, nsobject_t arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "markupDescriptionForWebKit:pointSize:sizeUnit:" );
#define uifont_markupDescriptionForWebKit_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, char, float, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_markupDescriptionForWebKit_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_markupDescriptionForWebKit_call
nsobject_t uifont_markupDescription( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "markupDescription" );
#define uifont_markupDescription_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_markupDescription_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_markupDescription_call
nsobject_t uifont_htmlMarkupDescription( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "htmlMarkupDescription" );
#define uifont_htmlMarkupDescription_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_htmlMarkupDescription_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_htmlMarkupDescription_call
nsobject_t uifont_replacementObjectForPortCoder( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "replacementObjectForPortCoder:" );
#define uifont_replacementObjectForPortCoder_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_replacementObjectForPortCoder_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_replacementObjectForPortCoder_call
nsobject_t uifont_copy( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "copy" );
#define uifont_copy_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_copy_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_copy_call
nsobject_t uifont_copyWithZone( uifont_t object, _NSZone* arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "copyWithZone:" );
#define uifont_copyWithZone_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, _NSZone* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_copyWithZone_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_copyWithZone_call
char uifont_isEqual( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isEqual:" );
#define uifont_isEqual_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isEqual_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isEqual_call
unsigned long long uifont_hash( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "hash" );
#define uifont_hash_call( obj, selector ) ((unsigned long long (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_hash_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_hash_call
nsobject_t uifont_description( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "description" );
#define uifont_description_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_description_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_description_call
void uifont_set( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "set" );
#define uifont_set_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_set_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_set_call
nsobject_t uifont_displayName( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "displayName" );
#define uifont_displayName_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_displayName_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_displayName_call
nsobject_t uifont_familyName( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "familyName" );
#define uifont_familyName_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_familyName_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_familyName_call
void uifont_setInContext( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setInContext:" );
#define uifont_setInContext_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_setInContext_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_setInContext_call
double uifont_pointSize( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "pointSize" );
#define uifont_pointSize_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_pointSize_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_pointSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_screenFont( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "screenFont" );
#define uifont_screenFont_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_screenFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_screenFont_call
char uifont_isVertical( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isVertical" );
#define uifont_isVertical_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isVertical_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isVertical_call
double uifont_leading( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "leading" );
#define uifont_leading_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_leading_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_leading_call
double uifont_descender( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "descender" );
#define uifont_descender_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_descender_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_descender_call
double uifont_ascender( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "ascender" );
#define uifont_ascender_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_ascender_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_ascender_call
unsigned long long uifont_mostCompatibleStringEncoding( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "mostCompatibleStringEncoding" );
#define uifont_mostCompatibleStringEncoding_call( obj, selector ) ((unsigned long long (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_mostCompatibleStringEncoding_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_mostCompatibleStringEncoding_call
nsobject_t uifont_fontName( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "fontName" );
#define uifont_fontName_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_fontName_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_fontName_call
double* uifont_matrix( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "matrix" );
#define uifont_matrix_call( obj, selector ) ((double* (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_matrix_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_matrix_call
nsobject_t uifont_fontForAppearance( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "fontForAppearance:" );
#define uifont_fontForAppearance_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_fontForAppearance_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_fontForAppearance_call
nsobject_t uifont_baseFontForSingleLineModeCell( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "baseFontForSingleLineModeCell:" );
#define uifont_baseFontForSingleLineModeCell_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_baseFontForSingleLineModeCell_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_baseFontForSingleLineModeCell_call
nsobject_t uifont_fontDescriptor( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "fontDescriptor" );
#define uifont_fontDescriptor_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_fontDescriptor_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_fontDescriptor_call
void* uifont_ctFontRef( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "ctFontRef" );
#define uifont_ctFontRef_call( obj, selector ) ((void* (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_ctFontRef_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_ctFontRef_call
void uifont_getAdvancements( uifont_t object, CGSize* arg0, void* arg1, unsigned long long arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "getAdvancements:forPackedGlyphs:length:" );
#define uifont_getAdvancements_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, CGSize*, void*, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
uifont_getAdvancements_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_getAdvancements_call
void uifont_getVerticalOriginTranslations( uifont_t object, CGSize* arg0, unsigned short* arg1, unsigned long long arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "getVerticalOriginTranslations:forCGGlyphs:count:" );
#define uifont_getVerticalOriginTranslations_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, CGSize*, unsigned short*, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
uifont_getVerticalOriginTranslations_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_getVerticalOriginTranslations_call
CGSize uifont_maximumAdvancement( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "maximumAdvancement" );
#define uifont_maximumAdvancement_call( obj, selector ) ((CGSize (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_maximumAdvancement_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_maximumAdvancement_call
unsigned long long uifont_numberOfGlyphs( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "numberOfGlyphs" );
#define uifont_numberOfGlyphs_call( obj, selector ) ((unsigned long long (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_numberOfGlyphs_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_numberOfGlyphs_call
nsobject_t uifont_coveredCharacterSet( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "coveredCharacterSet" );
#define uifont_coveredCharacterSet_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_coveredCharacterSet_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_coveredCharacterSet_call
double uifont_capHeight( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "capHeight" );
#define uifont_capHeight_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_capHeight_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_capHeight_call
nsobject_t uifont_verticalFont( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "verticalFont" );
#define uifont_verticalFont_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_verticalFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_verticalFont_call
unsigned int uifont_glyphWithName( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "glyphWithName:" );
#define uifont_glyphWithName_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((unsigned int (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_glyphWithName_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_glyphWithName_call
CGSize uifont_advancementForGlyph( uifont_t object, unsigned int arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "advancementForGlyph:" );
#define uifont_advancementForGlyph_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((CGSize (*)( id, SEL, unsigned int ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_advancementForGlyph_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_advancementForGlyph_call
CGRect uifont_boundingRectForFont( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "boundingRectForFont" );
#define uifont_boundingRectForFont_call( obj, selector ) ((CGRect (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_stret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_boundingRectForFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_boundingRectForFont_call
nsobject_t uifont_screenFontWithRenderingMode( uifont_t object, unsigned long long arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "screenFontWithRenderingMode:" );
#define uifont_screenFontWithRenderingMode_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_screenFontWithRenderingMode_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_screenFontWithRenderingMode_call
void uifont_applyToGraphicsContext( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "applyToGraphicsContext:" );
#define uifont_applyToGraphicsContext_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_applyToGraphicsContext_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_applyToGraphicsContext_call
unsigned long long uifont_renderingMode( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "renderingMode" );
#define uifont_renderingMode_call( obj, selector ) ((unsigned long long (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_renderingMode_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_renderingMode_call
nsobject_t uifont_bestMatchingFontForCharacters( uifont_t object, unsigned short* arg0, unsigned long long arg1, nsobject_t arg2, unsigned long long* arg3 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "bestMatchingFontForCharacters:length:attributes:actualCoveredLength:" );
#define uifont_bestMatchingFontForCharacters_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, unsigned short*, unsigned long long, nsobject_t, unsigned long long* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
return uifont_bestMatchingFontForCharacters_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 );
#undef uifont_bestMatchingFontForCharacters_call
nsobject_t uifont_lastResortFont( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "lastResortFont" );
#define uifont_lastResortFont_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_lastResortFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_lastResortFont_call
unsigned long long uifont_traits( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "traits" );
#define uifont_traits_call( obj, selector ) ((unsigned long long (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_traits_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_traits_call
nsobject_t uifont_fontWithSize( uifont_t object, double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "fontWithSize:" );
#define uifont_fontWithSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_fontWithSize_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_fontWithSize_call
double uifont_lineHeight( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "lineHeight" );
#define uifont_lineHeight_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_lineHeight_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_lineHeight_call
nsobject_t uifont_initWithTypefaceInfo( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1, unsigned long long arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "initWithTypefaceInfo:key:renderingMode:" );
#define uifont_initWithTypefaceInfo_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_initWithTypefaceInfo_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_initWithTypefaceInfo_call
nsobject_t uifont_textTransform( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "textTransform" );
#define uifont_textTransform_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_textTransform_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_textTransform_call
nsobject_t uifont_newFontInstanceForRenderingMode( uifont_t object, unsigned long long arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "newFontInstanceForRenderingMode:" );
#define uifont_newFontInstanceForRenderingMode_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_newFontInstanceForRenderingMode_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_newFontInstanceForRenderingMode_call
double uifont_underlineThickness( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "underlineThickness" );
#define uifont_underlineThickness_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_underlineThickness_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_underlineThickness_call
void uifont_getBoundingRects( uifont_t object, CGRect* arg0, unsigned short* arg1, unsigned long long arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "getBoundingRects:forCGGlyphs:count:" );
#define uifont_getBoundingRects_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, CGRect*, unsigned short*, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
uifont_getBoundingRects_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_getBoundingRects_call
CGRect uifont_boundingRectForCGGlyph( uifont_t object, unsigned short arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "boundingRectForCGGlyph:" );
#define uifont_boundingRectForCGGlyph_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((CGRect (*)( id, SEL, unsigned short ))abi_objc_msgSend_stret) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_boundingRectForCGGlyph_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_boundingRectForCGGlyph_call
CGSize uifont_advancementForCGGlyph( uifont_t object, unsigned short arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "advancementForCGGlyph:" );
#define uifont_advancementForCGGlyph_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((CGSize (*)( id, SEL, unsigned short ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_advancementForCGGlyph_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_advancementForCGGlyph_call
nsobject_t uifont_fontInstanceForRenderingMode( uifont_t object, unsigned long long arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "fontInstanceForRenderingMode:" );
#define uifont_fontInstanceForRenderingMode_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_fontInstanceForRenderingMode_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_fontInstanceForRenderingMode_call
nsobject_t uifont_verticalFontInstanceForRenderingMode( uifont_t object, unsigned long long arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "verticalFontInstanceForRenderingMode:" );
#define uifont_verticalFontInstanceForRenderingMode_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_verticalFontInstanceForRenderingMode_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_verticalFontInstanceForRenderingMode_call
CGRect uifont_boundingRectForGlyph( uifont_t object, unsigned int arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "boundingRectForGlyph:" );
#define uifont_boundingRectForGlyph_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((CGRect (*)( id, SEL, unsigned int ))abi_objc_msgSend_stret) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_boundingRectForGlyph_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_boundingRectForGlyph_call
unsigned int uifont_hyphenGlyphForLocale( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "hyphenGlyphForLocale:" );
#define uifont_hyphenGlyphForLocale_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((unsigned int (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_hyphenGlyphForLocale_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_hyphenGlyphForLocale_call
char uifont_isSystemFont( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isSystemFont" );
#define uifont_isSystemFont_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isSystemFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isSystemFont_call
nsobject_t uifont_initWithBaseFont( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "initWithBaseFont:" );
#define uifont_initWithBaseFont_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_initWithBaseFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_initWithBaseFont_call
double uifont_underlinePosition( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "underlinePosition" );
#define uifont_underlinePosition_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_underlinePosition_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_underlinePosition_call
double uifont_italicAngle( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "italicAngle" );
#define uifont_italicAngle_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_italicAngle_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_italicAngle_call
double uifont_xHeight( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "xHeight" );
#define uifont_xHeight_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_xHeight_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_xHeight_call
char uifont_isFixedPitch( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isFixedPitch" );
#define uifont_isFixedPitch_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isFixedPitch_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isFixedPitch_call
nsobject_t uifont_printerFont( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "printerFont" );
#define uifont_printerFont_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_printerFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_printerFont_call
nsobject_t uifont_nameOfGlyph( uifont_t object, unsigned int arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "nameOfGlyph:" );
#define uifont_nameOfGlyph_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, unsigned int ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_nameOfGlyph_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_nameOfGlyph_call
unsigned long long uifont_getCaretPositions( uifont_t object, double* arg0, unsigned int arg1, unsigned long long arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "getCaretPositions:forGlyph:maximumLength:" );
#define uifont_getCaretPositions_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((unsigned long long (*)( id, SEL, double*, unsigned int, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_getCaretPositions_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_getCaretPositions_call
nsobject_t uifont_preferredFallbackFontForLanguage( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "preferredFallbackFontForLanguage:" );
#define uifont_preferredFallbackFontForLanguage_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_preferredFallbackFontForLanguage_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_preferredFallbackFontForLanguage_call
double uifont_widthOfString( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "widthOfString:" );
#define uifont_widthOfString_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((double (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_widthOfString_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_widthOfString_call
char uifont_isBaseFont( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isBaseFont" );
#define uifont_isBaseFont_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isBaseFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isBaseFont_call
nsobject_t uifont_afmDictionary( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "afmDictionary" );
#define uifont_afmDictionary_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_afmDictionary_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_afmDictionary_call
char uifont_glyphIsEncoded( uifont_t object, unsigned int arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "glyphIsEncoded:" );
#define uifont_glyphIsEncoded_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, unsigned int ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_glyphIsEncoded_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_glyphIsEncoded_call
double uifont_defaultLineHeightForFont( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "defaultLineHeightForFont" );
#define uifont_defaultLineHeightForFont_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_defaultLineHeightForFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_defaultLineHeightForFont_call
nsobject_t uifont_encodingScheme( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "encodingScheme" );
#define uifont_encodingScheme_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_encodingScheme_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_encodingScheme_call
unsigned long long uifont_glyphPacking( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "glyphPacking" );
#define uifont_glyphPacking_call( obj, selector ) ((unsigned long long (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_glyphPacking_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_glyphPacking_call
CGPoint uifont_positionOfGlyph( uifont_t object, unsigned int arg0, unsigned int arg1, char* arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "positionOfGlyph:precededByGlyph:isNominal:" );
#define uifont_positionOfGlyph_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((CGPoint (*)( id, SEL, unsigned int, unsigned int, char* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_positionOfGlyph_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_positionOfGlyph_call
long long uifont_positionsForCompositeSequence( uifont_t object, unsigned int* arg0, long long arg1, CGPoint* arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "positionsForCompositeSequence:numberOfGlyphs:pointArray:" );
#define uifont_positionsForCompositeSequence_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((long long (*)( id, SEL, unsigned int*, long long, CGPoint* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_positionsForCompositeSequence_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_positionsForCompositeSequence_call
char uifont_isScreenFont( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isScreenFont" );
#define uifont_isScreenFont_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isScreenFont_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isScreenFont_call
unsigned int uifont_hyphenGlyphForLanguage( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "hyphenGlyphForLanguage:" );
#define uifont_hyphenGlyphForLanguage_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((unsigned int (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_hyphenGlyphForLanguage_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_hyphenGlyphForLanguage_call
char uifont_coversAllCharactersInString( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "coversAllCharactersInString:" );
#define uifont_coversAllCharactersInString_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_coversAllCharactersInString_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_coversAllCharactersInString_call
char uifont_coversCharacter( uifont_t object, unsigned short arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "coversCharacter:" );
#define uifont_coversCharacter_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, unsigned short ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_coversCharacter_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_coversCharacter_call
nsobject_t uifont_accessibilityOverriddenAttributes( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityOverriddenAttributes" );
#define uifont_accessibilityOverriddenAttributes_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_accessibilityOverriddenAttributes_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_accessibilityOverriddenAttributes_call
char uifont_accessibilityReplaceRange( uifont_t object, _NSRange arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityReplaceRange:withText:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityReplaceRange_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, _NSRange, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_accessibilityReplaceRange_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityReplaceRange_call
double uifont_accessibilityVisibleArea( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityVisibleArea" );
#define uifont_accessibilityVisibleArea_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_accessibilityVisibleArea_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_accessibilityVisibleArea_call
unsigned long long uifont_accessibilityArrayAttributeCount( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityArrayAttributeCount:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityArrayAttributeCount_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((unsigned long long (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_accessibilityArrayAttributeCount_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityArrayAttributeCount_call
unsigned long long uifont_accessibilityIndexOfChild( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityIndexOfChild:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityIndexOfChild_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((unsigned long long (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_accessibilityIndexOfChild_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityIndexOfChild_call
nsobject_t uifont_accessibilityArrayAttributeValues( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, unsigned long long arg1, unsigned long long arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityArrayAttributeValues:index:maxCount:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityArrayAttributeValues_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, unsigned long long, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_accessibilityArrayAttributeValues_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityArrayAttributeValues_call
nsobject_t uifont_accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames" );
#define uifont_accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames_call
nsobject_t uifont_accessibilityAttributeValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityAttributeValue:forParameter:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityAttributeValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_accessibilityAttributeValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityAttributeValue_call
nsobject_t uifont_accessibilityIndexForChildUIElementAttributeForParameter( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityIndexForChildUIElementAttributeForParameter:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityIndexForChildUIElementAttributeForParameter_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_accessibilityIndexForChildUIElementAttributeForParameter_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityIndexForChildUIElementAttributeForParameter_call
nsobject_t uifont_accessibilityAttributedValueForStringAttributeAttributeForParameter( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityAttributedValueForStringAttributeAttributeForParameter:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityAttributedValueForStringAttributeAttributeForParameter_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_accessibilityAttributedValueForStringAttributeAttributeForParameter_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityAttributedValueForStringAttributeAttributeForParameter_call
nsobject_t uifont_accessibilityTemporaryChildren( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityTemporaryChildren" );
#define uifont_accessibilityTemporaryChildren_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_accessibilityTemporaryChildren_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_accessibilityTemporaryChildren_call
char uifont_accessibilityPerformShowMenuOfChild( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityPerformShowMenuOfChild:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityPerformShowMenuOfChild_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_accessibilityPerformShowMenuOfChild_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityPerformShowMenuOfChild_call
int uifont_accessibilityPresenterProcessIdentifier( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityPresenterProcessIdentifier" );
#define uifont_accessibilityPresenterProcessIdentifier_call( obj, selector ) ((int (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_accessibilityPresenterProcessIdentifier_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_accessibilityPresenterProcessIdentifier_call
char uifont_accessibilityShouldUseUniqueId( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityShouldUseUniqueId" );
#define uifont_accessibilityShouldUseUniqueId_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_accessibilityShouldUseUniqueId_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_accessibilityShouldUseUniqueId_call
char uifont_accessibilitySupportsNotifications( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilitySupportsNotifications" );
#define uifont_accessibilitySupportsNotifications_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_accessibilitySupportsNotifications_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_accessibilitySupportsNotifications_call
char uifont_accessibilityShouldSendNotification( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityShouldSendNotification:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityShouldSendNotification_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_accessibilityShouldSendNotification_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityShouldSendNotification_call
char uifont_accessibilitySupportsOverriddenAttributes( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilitySupportsOverriddenAttributes" );
#define uifont_accessibilitySupportsOverriddenAttributes_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_accessibilitySupportsOverriddenAttributes_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_accessibilitySupportsOverriddenAttributes_call
char uifont_accessibilityAllowsOverriddenAttributesWhenIgnored( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityAllowsOverriddenAttributesWhenIgnored" );
#define uifont_accessibilityAllowsOverriddenAttributesWhenIgnored_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_accessibilityAllowsOverriddenAttributesWhenIgnored_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_accessibilityAllowsOverriddenAttributesWhenIgnored_call
char uifont_accessibilitySetOverrideValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilitySetOverrideValue:forAttribute:" );
#define uifont_accessibilitySetOverrideValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_accessibilitySetOverrideValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_accessibilitySetOverrideValue_call
void uifont_accessibilityEncodeOverriddenAttributes( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityEncodeOverriddenAttributes:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityEncodeOverriddenAttributes_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_accessibilityEncodeOverriddenAttributes_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityEncodeOverriddenAttributes_call
void uifont_accessibilityDecodeOverriddenAttributes( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityDecodeOverriddenAttributes:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityDecodeOverriddenAttributes_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_accessibilityDecodeOverriddenAttributes_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityDecodeOverriddenAttributes_call
char uifont_accessibilitySupportsCustomElementData( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilitySupportsCustomElementData" );
#define uifont_accessibilitySupportsCustomElementData_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_accessibilitySupportsCustomElementData_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_accessibilitySupportsCustomElementData_call
void uifont_bind( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1, nsobject_t arg2, nsobject_t arg3 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:" );
#define uifont_bind_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
uifont_bind_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 );
#undef uifont_bind_call
void uifont_awakeFromNib( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "awakeFromNib" );
#define uifont_awakeFromNib_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_awakeFromNib_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_awakeFromNib_call
nsobject_t uifont_userInterfaceItemIdentifier( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "userInterfaceItemIdentifier" );
#define uifont_userInterfaceItemIdentifier_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_userInterfaceItemIdentifier_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_userInterfaceItemIdentifier_call
void uifont_setUserInterfaceItemIdentifier( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setUserInterfaceItemIdentifier:" );
#define uifont_setUserInterfaceItemIdentifier_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_setUserInterfaceItemIdentifier_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_setUserInterfaceItemIdentifier_call
void uifont_unbind( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "unbind:" );
#define uifont_unbind_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_unbind_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_unbind_call
nsclass_t uifont_valueClassForBinding( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "valueClassForBinding:" );
#define uifont_valueClassForBinding_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsclass_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_valueClassForBinding_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_valueClassForBinding_call
nsobject_t uifont_NS_observationForKeyPath( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, unsigned long long arg1, nsobject_t* arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "NS_observationForKeyPath:options:block:" );
#define uifont_NS_observationForKeyPath_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, unsigned long long, nsobject_t* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_NS_observationForKeyPath_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_NS_observationForKeyPath_call
nsobject_t uifont_NS_observationForKeyPaths( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, unsigned long long arg1, nsobject_t* arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "NS_observationForKeyPaths:options:block:" );
#define uifont_NS_observationForKeyPaths_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, unsigned long long, nsobject_t* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_NS_observationForKeyPaths_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_NS_observationForKeyPaths_call
nsobject_t uifont_optionDescriptionsForBinding( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "optionDescriptionsForBinding:" );
#define uifont_optionDescriptionsForBinding_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_optionDescriptionsForBinding_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_optionDescriptionsForBinding_call
nsobject_t uifont_exposedBindings( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "exposedBindings" );
#define uifont_exposedBindings_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_exposedBindings_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_exposedBindings_call
nsobject_t uifont_infoForBinding( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "infoForBinding:" );
#define uifont_infoForBinding_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_infoForBinding_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_infoForBinding_call
void uifont_prepareForInterfaceBuilder( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "prepareForInterfaceBuilder" );
#define uifont_prepareForInterfaceBuilder_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_prepareForInterfaceBuilder_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_prepareForInterfaceBuilder_call
void uifont_accessibilityAddTemporaryChild( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityAddTemporaryChild:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityAddTemporaryChild_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_accessibilityAddTemporaryChild_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityAddTemporaryChild_call
void uifont_accessibilityRemoveTemporaryChild( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilityRemoveTemporaryChild:" );
#define uifont_accessibilityRemoveTemporaryChild_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_accessibilityRemoveTemporaryChild_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_accessibilityRemoveTemporaryChild_call
nsobject_t uifont_NSLifeguard_autorelease( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "NSLifeguard_autorelease" );
#define uifont_NSLifeguard_autorelease_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_NSLifeguard_autorelease_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_NSLifeguard_autorelease_call
void uifont_accessibilitySetPresenterProcessIdentifier( uifont_t object, int arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessibilitySetPresenterProcessIdentifier:" );
#define uifont_accessibilitySetPresenterProcessIdentifier_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, int ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_accessibilitySetPresenterProcessIdentifier_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_accessibilitySetPresenterProcessIdentifier_call
nsobject_t uifont_NS_tiledLayerVisibleRect( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "NS_tiledLayerVisibleRect" );
#define uifont_NS_tiledLayerVisibleRect_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_NS_tiledLayerVisibleRect_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_NS_tiledLayerVisibleRect_call
void uifont_NS_addTiledLayerDescendent( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "NS_addTiledLayerDescendent:" );
#define uifont_NS_addTiledLayerDescendent_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_NS_addTiledLayerDescendent_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_NS_addTiledLayerDescendent_call
void uifont_NS_removeTiledLayerDescendent( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "NS_removeTiledLayerDescendent:" );
#define uifont_NS_removeTiledLayerDescendent_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_NS_removeTiledLayerDescendent_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_NS_removeTiledLayerDescendent_call
char uifont_CAMLTypeSupportedForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CAMLTypeSupportedForKey:" );
#define uifont_CAMLTypeSupportedForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_CAMLTypeSupportedForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_CAMLTypeSupportedForKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_CAMLTypeForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CAMLTypeForKey:" );
#define uifont_CAMLTypeForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_CAMLTypeForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_CAMLTypeForKey_call
char uifont_CA_validateValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_validateValue:forKey:" );
#define uifont_CA_validateValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_CA_validateValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_CA_validateValue_call
void uifont_encodeWithCAMLWriter( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "encodeWithCAMLWriter:" );
#define uifont_encodeWithCAMLWriter_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_encodeWithCAMLWriter_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_encodeWithCAMLWriter_call
nsobject_t uifont_CA_interpolateValues( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1, nsobject_t arg2, ValueInterpolator* arg3 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_interpolateValues:::interpolator:" );
#define uifont_CA_interpolateValues_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t, nsobject_t, ValueInterpolator* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
return uifont_CA_interpolateValues_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 );
#undef uifont_CA_interpolateValues_call
nsobject_t uifont_CAMLType( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CAMLType" );
#define uifont_CAMLType_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_CAMLType_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_CAMLType_call
nsobject_t uifont_CA_archivingValueForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_archivingValueForKey:" );
#define uifont_CA_archivingValueForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_CA_archivingValueForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_CA_archivingValueForKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_CA_roundToIntegerFromValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_roundToIntegerFromValue:" );
#define uifont_CA_roundToIntegerFromValue_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_CA_roundToIntegerFromValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_CA_roundToIntegerFromValue_call
nsobject_t uifont_CA_addValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, int arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_addValue:multipliedBy:" );
#define uifont_CA_addValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, int ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_CA_addValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_CA_addValue_call
nsobject_t uifont_CA_interpolateValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, float arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_interpolateValue:byFraction:" );
#define uifont_CA_interpolateValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, float ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_CA_interpolateValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_CA_interpolateValue_call
double uifont_CA_distanceToValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_distanceToValue:" );
#define uifont_CA_distanceToValue_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((double (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_CA_distanceToValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_CA_distanceToValue_call
void uifont_CA_prepareRenderValue( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_prepareRenderValue" );
#define uifont_CA_prepareRenderValue_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_CA_prepareRenderValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_CA_prepareRenderValue_call
Object* uifont_CA_copyRenderValue( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_copyRenderValue" );
#define uifont_CA_copyRenderValue_call( obj, selector ) ((Object* (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_CA_copyRenderValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_CA_copyRenderValue_call
char uifont_supportsRBSXPCSecureCoding( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "supportsRBSXPCSecureCoding" );
#define uifont_supportsRBSXPCSecureCoding_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_supportsRBSXPCSecureCoding_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_supportsRBSXPCSecureCoding_call
char uifont_RBSIsXPCObject( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "RBSIsXPCObject" );
#define uifont_RBSIsXPCObject_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_RBSIsXPCObject_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_RBSIsXPCObject_call
nsobject_t uifont_NSRepresentation( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "NSRepresentation" );
#define uifont_NSRepresentation_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_NSRepresentation_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_NSRepresentation_call
char uifont_supportsBSXPCSecureCoding( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "supportsBSXPCSecureCoding" );
#define uifont_supportsBSXPCSecureCoding_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_supportsBSXPCSecureCoding_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_supportsBSXPCSecureCoding_call
char uifont_bs_isPlistableType( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "bs_isPlistableType" );
#define uifont_bs_isPlistableType_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_bs_isPlistableType_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_bs_isPlistableType_call
nsobject_t uifont_bs_secureEncoded( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "bs_secureEncoded" );
#define uifont_bs_secureEncoded_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_bs_secureEncoded_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_bs_secureEncoded_call
nsobject_t uifont_bs_encoded( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "bs_encoded" );
#define uifont_bs_encoded_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_bs_encoded_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_bs_encoded_call
nsobject_t uifont_replacementObjectForCoder( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "replacementObjectForCoder:" );
#define uifont_replacementObjectForCoder_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_replacementObjectForCoder_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_replacementObjectForCoder_call
nsobject_t uifont_awakeAfterUsingCoder( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "awakeAfterUsingCoder:" );
#define uifont_awakeAfterUsingCoder_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_awakeAfterUsingCoder_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_awakeAfterUsingCoder_call
char uifont_implementsSelector( uifont_t object, nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "implementsSelector:" );
#define uifont_implementsSelector_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_implementsSelector_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_implementsSelector_call
void uifont_setObservationInfo( uifont_t object, void* arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setObservationInfo:" );
#define uifont_setObservationInfo_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, void* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_setObservationInfo_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_setObservationInfo_call
void uifont_setValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setValue:forKey:" );
#define uifont_setValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
uifont_setValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_setValue_call
void uifont_willChangeValueForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "willChangeValueForKey:" );
#define uifont_willChangeValueForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_willChangeValueForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_willChangeValueForKey_call
void uifont_didChangeValueForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "didChangeValueForKey:" );
#define uifont_didChangeValueForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_didChangeValueForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_didChangeValueForKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_dictionaryWithValuesForKeys( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:" );
#define uifont_dictionaryWithValuesForKeys_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_dictionaryWithValuesForKeys_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_dictionaryWithValuesForKeys_call
nsobject_t uifont_valueForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "valueForKey:" );
#define uifont_valueForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_valueForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_valueForKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_valueForUndefinedKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "valueForUndefinedKey:" );
#define uifont_valueForUndefinedKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_valueForUndefinedKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_valueForUndefinedKey_call
nsclass_t uifont_classForKeyedArchiver( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "classForKeyedArchiver" );
#define uifont_classForKeyedArchiver_call( obj, selector ) ((nsclass_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_classForKeyedArchiver_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_classForKeyedArchiver_call
nsobject_t uifont_replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver:" );
#define uifont_replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver_call
nsobject_t uifont_valueForKeyPath( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "valueForKeyPath:" );
#define uifont_valueForKeyPath_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_valueForKeyPath_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_valueForKeyPath_call
nsobject_t uifont_addObserver( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "addObserver:" );
#define uifont_addObserver_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_addObserver_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_addObserver_call
nsobject_t uifont_objectSpecifier( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "objectSpecifier" );
#define uifont_objectSpecifier_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_objectSpecifier_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_objectSpecifier_call
nsobject_t uifont_replacementObjectForArchiver( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "replacementObjectForArchiver:" );
#define uifont_replacementObjectForArchiver_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_replacementObjectForArchiver_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_replacementObjectForArchiver_call
nsclass_t uifont_classForArchiver( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "classForArchiver" );
#define uifont_classForArchiver_call( obj, selector ) ((nsclass_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_classForArchiver_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_classForArchiver_call
nsobject_t uifont_attributeKeys( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "attributeKeys" );
#define uifont_attributeKeys_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_attributeKeys_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_attributeKeys_call
nsobject_t uifont_toOneRelationshipKeys( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "toOneRelationshipKeys" );
#define uifont_toOneRelationshipKeys_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_toOneRelationshipKeys_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_toOneRelationshipKeys_call
nsobject_t uifont_toManyRelationshipKeys( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "toManyRelationshipKeys" );
#define uifont_toManyRelationshipKeys_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_toManyRelationshipKeys_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_toManyRelationshipKeys_call
nsobject_t uifont_inverseForRelationshipKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "inverseForRelationshipKey:" );
#define uifont_inverseForRelationshipKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_inverseForRelationshipKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_inverseForRelationshipKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_classDescription( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "classDescription" );
#define uifont_classDescription_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_classDescription_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_classDescription_call
nsobject_t uifont_copyScriptingValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1, nsobject_t arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "copyScriptingValue:forKey:withProperties:" );
#define uifont_copyScriptingValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_copyScriptingValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_copyScriptingValue_call
objc_method_description* uifont_methodDescriptionForSelector( uifont_t object, nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "methodDescriptionForSelector:" );
#define uifont_methodDescriptionForSelector_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((objc_method_description* (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_methodDescriptionForSelector_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_methodDescriptionForSelector_call
nsobject_t uifont_newScriptingObjectOfClass( uifont_t object, nsclass_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1, nsobject_t arg2, nsobject_t arg3 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "newScriptingObjectOfClass:forValueForKey:withContentsValue:properties:" );
#define uifont_newScriptingObjectOfClass_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsclass_t, nsobject_t, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
return uifont_newScriptingObjectOfClass_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 );
#undef uifont_newScriptingObjectOfClass_call
nsobject_t uifont_handleQueryWithUnboundKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "handleQueryWithUnboundKey:" );
#define uifont_handleQueryWithUnboundKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_handleQueryWithUnboundKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_handleQueryWithUnboundKey_call
void uifont_handleTakeValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "handleTakeValue:forUnboundKey:" );
#define uifont_handleTakeValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
uifont_handleTakeValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_handleTakeValue_call
nsobject_t uifont_storedValueForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "storedValueForKey:" );
#define uifont_storedValueForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_storedValueForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_storedValueForKey_call
void uifont_takeStoredValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "takeStoredValue:forKey:" );
#define uifont_takeStoredValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
uifont_takeStoredValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_takeStoredValue_call
void uifont_takeValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "takeValue:forKey:" );
#define uifont_takeValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
uifont_takeValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_takeValue_call
nsobject_t uifont_valuesForKeys( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "valuesForKeys:" );
#define uifont_valuesForKeys_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_valuesForKeys_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_valuesForKeys_call
void uifont_takeValuesFromDictionary( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "takeValuesFromDictionary:" );
#define uifont_takeValuesFromDictionary_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_takeValuesFromDictionary_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_takeValuesFromDictionary_call
void uifont_unableToSetNilForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "unableToSetNilForKey:" );
#define uifont_unableToSetNilForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_unableToSetNilForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_unableToSetNilForKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_keyValueBindingForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, unsigned long long arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "keyValueBindingForKey:typeMask:" );
#define uifont_keyValueBindingForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_keyValueBindingForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_keyValueBindingForKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_createKeyValueBindingForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, unsigned long long arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "createKeyValueBindingForKey:typeMask:" );
#define uifont_createKeyValueBindingForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, unsigned long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_createKeyValueBindingForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_createKeyValueBindingForKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_mutableArrayValueForKeyPath( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "mutableArrayValueForKeyPath:" );
#define uifont_mutableArrayValueForKeyPath_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_mutableArrayValueForKeyPath_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_mutableArrayValueForKeyPath_call
nsobject_t uifont_mutableOrderedSetValueForKeyPath( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "mutableOrderedSetValueForKeyPath:" );
#define uifont_mutableOrderedSetValueForKeyPath_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_mutableOrderedSetValueForKeyPath_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_mutableOrderedSetValueForKeyPath_call
nsobject_t uifont_mutableSetValueForKeyPath( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "mutableSetValueForKeyPath:" );
#define uifont_mutableSetValueForKeyPath_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_mutableSetValueForKeyPath_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_mutableSetValueForKeyPath_call
void uifont_removeObservation( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "removeObservation:" );
#define uifont_removeObservation_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_removeObservation_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_removeObservation_call
void uifont_receiveObservedValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "receiveObservedValue:" );
#define uifont_receiveObservedValue_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_receiveObservedValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_receiveObservedValue_call
void uifont_receiveObservedError( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "receiveObservedError:" );
#define uifont_receiveObservedError_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_receiveObservedError_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_receiveObservedError_call
void uifont_finishObserving( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "finishObserving" );
#define uifont_finishObserving_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_finishObserving_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_finishObserving_call
void uifont_setObservation( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setObservation:forObservingKeyPath:" );
#define uifont_setObservation_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
uifont_setObservation_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_setObservation_call
void uifont_observeValueForKeyPath( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1, nsobject_t arg2, void* arg3 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:" );
#define uifont_observeValueForKeyPath_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t, nsobject_t, void* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
uifont_observeValueForKeyPath_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 );
#undef uifont_observeValueForKeyPath_call
void uifont_removeObserver( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1, void* arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "removeObserver:forKeyPath:context:" );
#define uifont_removeObserver_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t, void* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
uifont_removeObserver_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_removeObserver_call
nsobject_t uifont_className( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "className" );
#define uifont_className_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_className_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_className_call
nsobject_t uifont_addChainedObservers( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "addChainedObservers:" );
#define uifont_addChainedObservers_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_addChainedObservers_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_addChainedObservers_call
nsobject_t uifont_addObserverBlock( uifont_t object, nsobject_t* arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "addObserverBlock:" );
#define uifont_addObserverBlock_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_addObserverBlock_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_addObserverBlock_call
nsobject_t uifont_addObservationTransformer( uifont_t object, nsobject_t* arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "addObservationTransformer:" );
#define uifont_addObservationTransformer_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_addObservationTransformer_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_addObservationTransformer_call
void uifont_setNilValueForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setNilValueForKey:" );
#define uifont_setNilValueForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_setNilValueForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_setNilValueForKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_mutableArrayValueForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "mutableArrayValueForKey:" );
#define uifont_mutableArrayValueForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_mutableArrayValueForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_mutableArrayValueForKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_mutableOrderedSetValueForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "mutableOrderedSetValueForKey:" );
#define uifont_mutableOrderedSetValueForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_mutableOrderedSetValueForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_mutableOrderedSetValueForKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_mutableSetValueForKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "mutableSetValueForKey:" );
#define uifont_mutableSetValueForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_mutableSetValueForKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_mutableSetValueForKey_call
void uifont_setValuesForKeysWithDictionary( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:" );
#define uifont_setValuesForKeysWithDictionary_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_setValuesForKeysWithDictionary_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_setValuesForKeysWithDictionary_call
void uifont_willChange( uifont_t object, unsigned long long arg0, nsobject_t arg1, nsobject_t arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "willChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:" );
#define uifont_willChange_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, unsigned long long, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
uifont_willChange_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_willChange_call
void uifont_didChange( uifont_t object, unsigned long long arg0, nsobject_t arg1, nsobject_t arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "didChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:" );
#define uifont_didChange_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, unsigned long long, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
uifont_didChange_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_didChange_call
void* uifont_observationInfo( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "observationInfo" );
#define uifont_observationInfo_call( obj, selector ) ((void* (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_observationInfo_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_observationInfo_call
nsobject_t uifont_autoContentAccessingProxy( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "autoContentAccessingProxy" );
#define uifont_autoContentAccessingProxy_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_autoContentAccessingProxy_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_autoContentAccessingProxy_call
nsobject_t uifont_coerceValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "coerceValue:forKey:" );
#define uifont_coerceValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_coerceValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_coerceValue_call
void uifont_setScriptingProperties( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setScriptingProperties:" );
#define uifont_setScriptingProperties_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_setScriptingProperties_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_setScriptingProperties_call
nsobject_t uifont_scriptingValueForSpecifier( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "scriptingValueForSpecifier:" );
#define uifont_scriptingValueForSpecifier_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_scriptingValueForSpecifier_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_scriptingValueForSpecifier_call
nsobject_t uifont_scriptingProperties( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "scriptingProperties" );
#define uifont_scriptingProperties_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_scriptingProperties_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_scriptingProperties_call
nsobject_t uifont_coerceValueForScriptingProperties( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "coerceValueForScriptingProperties:" );
#define uifont_coerceValueForScriptingProperties_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_coerceValueForScriptingProperties_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_coerceValueForScriptingProperties_call
nsobject_t uifont_valueAtIndex( uifont_t object, unsigned long long arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "valueAtIndex:inPropertyWithKey:" );
#define uifont_valueAtIndex_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, unsigned long long, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_valueAtIndex_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_valueAtIndex_call
nsobject_t uifont_valueWithName( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "valueWithName:inPropertyWithKey:" );
#define uifont_valueWithName_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_valueWithName_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_valueWithName_call
nsobject_t uifont_valueWithUniqueID( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "valueWithUniqueID:inPropertyWithKey:" );
#define uifont_valueWithUniqueID_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_valueWithUniqueID_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_valueWithUniqueID_call
void uifont_insertValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, unsigned long long arg1, nsobject_t arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "insertValue:atIndex:inPropertyWithKey:" );
#define uifont_insertValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, unsigned long long, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
uifont_insertValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_insertValue_call
void uifont_replaceValueAtIndex( uifont_t object, unsigned long long arg0, nsobject_t arg1, nsobject_t arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "replaceValueAtIndex:inPropertyWithKey:withValue:" );
#define uifont_replaceValueAtIndex_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, unsigned long long, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
uifont_replaceValueAtIndex_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_replaceValueAtIndex_call
void uifont_removeValueAtIndex( uifont_t object, unsigned long long arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "removeValueAtIndex:fromPropertyWithKey:" );
#define uifont_removeValueAtIndex_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, unsigned long long, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
uifont_removeValueAtIndex_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_removeValueAtIndex_call
nsclass_t uifont_classForPortCoder( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "classForPortCoder" );
#define uifont_classForPortCoder_call( obj, selector ) ((nsclass_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_classForPortCoder_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_classForPortCoder_call
void uifont_performSelector( uifont_t object, nsselector_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1, double arg2, nsobject_t arg3 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:inModes:" );
#define uifont_performSelector_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t, nsobject_t, double, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
uifont_performSelector_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 );
#undef uifont_performSelector_call
unsigned int uifont_classCode( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "classCode" );
#define uifont_classCode_call( obj, selector ) ((unsigned int (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_classCode_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_classCode_call
char uifont_isEqualTo( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isEqualTo:" );
#define uifont_isEqualTo_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isEqualTo_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isEqualTo_call
char uifont_isLessThanOrEqualTo( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isLessThanOrEqualTo:" );
#define uifont_isLessThanOrEqualTo_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isLessThanOrEqualTo_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isLessThanOrEqualTo_call
char uifont_isLessThan( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isLessThan:" );
#define uifont_isLessThan_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isLessThan_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isLessThan_call
char uifont_isGreaterThanOrEqualTo( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isGreaterThanOrEqualTo:" );
#define uifont_isGreaterThanOrEqualTo_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isGreaterThanOrEqualTo_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isGreaterThanOrEqualTo_call
char uifont_isGreaterThan( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isGreaterThan:" );
#define uifont_isGreaterThan_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isGreaterThan_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isGreaterThan_call
char uifont_isNotEqualTo( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNotEqualTo:" );
#define uifont_isNotEqualTo_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isNotEqualTo_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isNotEqualTo_call
char uifont_doesContain( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "doesContain:" );
#define uifont_doesContain_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_doesContain_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_doesContain_call
char uifont_isLike( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isLike:" );
#define uifont_isLike_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isLike_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isLike_call
char uifont_isCaseInsensitiveLike( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isCaseInsensitiveLike:" );
#define uifont_isCaseInsensitiveLike_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isCaseInsensitiveLike_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isCaseInsensitiveLike_call
void uifont_performSelectorOnMainThread( uifont_t object, nsselector_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1, char arg2, nsobject_t arg3 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes:" );
#define uifont_performSelectorOnMainThread_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t, nsobject_t, char, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
uifont_performSelectorOnMainThread_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 );
#undef uifont_performSelectorOnMainThread_call
void uifont_performSelectorInBackground( uifont_t object, nsselector_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "performSelectorInBackground:withObject:" );
#define uifont_performSelectorInBackground_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
uifont_performSelectorInBackground_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_performSelectorInBackground_call
nsobject_t uifont_classDescriptionForDestinationKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "classDescriptionForDestinationKey:" );
#define uifont_classDescriptionForDestinationKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_classDescriptionForDestinationKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_classDescriptionForDestinationKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_entityName( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "entityName" );
#define uifont_entityName_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_entityName_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_entityName_call
char uifont_ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey:" );
#define uifont_ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey_call
char uifont_isToManyKey( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isToManyKey:" );
#define uifont_isToManyKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isToManyKey_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isToManyKey_call
void uifont_removeObject( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "removeObject:fromPropertyWithKey:" );
#define uifont_removeObject_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
uifont_removeObject_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_removeObject_call
void uifont_addObject( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "addObject:toPropertyWithKey:" );
#define uifont_addObject_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
uifont_addObject_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_addObject_call
nsobject_t uifont_validateTakeValue( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "validateTakeValue:forKeyPath:" );
#define uifont_validateTakeValue_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_validateTakeValue_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_validateTakeValue_call
nsobject_t uifont_allPropertyKeys( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "allPropertyKeys" );
#define uifont_allPropertyKeys_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_allPropertyKeys_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_allPropertyKeys_call
void uifont_clearProperties( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "clearProperties" );
#define uifont_clearProperties_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_clearProperties_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_clearProperties_call
void uifont_flushKeyBindings( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "flushKeyBindings" );
#define uifont_flushKeyBindings_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_flushKeyBindings_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_flushKeyBindings_call
void uifont_takeStoredValuesFromDictionary( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "takeStoredValuesFromDictionary:" );
#define uifont_takeStoredValuesFromDictionary_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_takeStoredValuesFromDictionary_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_takeStoredValuesFromDictionary_call
char uifont_isNSDate__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSDate__" );
#define uifont_isNSDate___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSDate___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSDate___call
char uifont_isNSString__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSString__" );
#define uifont_isNSString___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSString___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSString___call
char uifont_isNSCFConstantString__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSCFConstantString__" );
#define uifont_isNSCFConstantString___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSCFConstantString___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSCFConstantString___call
char uifont_isNSNumber__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSNumber__" );
#define uifont_isNSNumber___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSNumber___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSNumber___call
char uifont_isNSArray__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSArray__" );
#define uifont_isNSArray___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSArray___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSArray___call
char uifont_isNSDictionary__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSDictionary__" );
#define uifont_isNSDictionary___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSDictionary___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSDictionary___call
char uifont_isNSSet__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSSet__" );
#define uifont_isNSSet___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSSet___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSSet___call
char uifont_isNSData__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSData__" );
#define uifont_isNSData___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSData___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSData___call
char uifont_isNSObject__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSObject__" );
#define uifont_isNSObject___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSObject___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSObject___call
char uifont_isNSOrderedSet__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSOrderedSet__" );
#define uifont_isNSOrderedSet___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSOrderedSet___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSOrderedSet___call
char uifont_isNSTimeZone__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSTimeZone__" );
#define uifont_isNSTimeZone___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSTimeZone___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSTimeZone___call
char uifont_isNSValue__( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isNSValue__" );
#define uifont_isNSValue___call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isNSValue___call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isNSValue___call
void uifont_doesNotRecognizeSelector( uifont_t object, nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "doesNotRecognizeSelector:" );
#define uifont_doesNotRecognizeSelector_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_doesNotRecognizeSelector_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_doesNotRecognizeSelector_call
nsobject_t uifont_methodSignatureForSelector( uifont_t object, nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "methodSignatureForSelector:" );
#define uifont_methodSignatureForSelector_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_methodSignatureForSelector_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_methodSignatureForSelector_call
nsobject_t uifont_retain( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "retain" );
#define uifont_retain_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_retain_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_retain_call
unsigned long long uifont_retainCount( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "retainCount" );
#define uifont_retainCount_call( obj, selector ) ((unsigned long long (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_retainCount_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_retainCount_call
nsobject_t uifont_autorelease( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "autorelease" );
#define uifont_autorelease_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_autorelease_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_autorelease_call
void uifont_finalize( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "finalize" );
#define uifont_finalize_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_finalize_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_finalize_call
void uifont_dealloc( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "dealloc" );
#define uifont_dealloc_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_dealloc_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_dealloc_call
nsclass_t uifont_class( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "class" );
#define uifont_class_call( obj, selector ) ((nsclass_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_class_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_class_call
nsobject_t uifont_self( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "self" );
#define uifont_self_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_self_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_self_call
char uifont_isProxy( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isProxy" );
#define uifont_isProxy_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isProxy_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isProxy_call
char uifont_isKindOfClass( uifont_t object, nsclass_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isKindOfClass:" );
#define uifont_isKindOfClass_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsclass_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isKindOfClass_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isKindOfClass_call
char uifont_isMemberOfClass( uifont_t object, nsclass_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isMemberOfClass:" );
#define uifont_isMemberOfClass_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsclass_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isMemberOfClass_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isMemberOfClass_call
char uifont_conformsToProtocol( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "conformsToProtocol:" );
#define uifont_conformsToProtocol_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_conformsToProtocol_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_conformsToProtocol_call
char uifont_respondsToSelector( uifont_t object, nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "respondsToSelector:" );
#define uifont_respondsToSelector_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_respondsToSelector_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_respondsToSelector_call
_NSZone* uifont_zone( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "zone" );
#define uifont_zone_call( obj, selector ) ((_NSZone* (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_zone_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_zone_call
nsclass_t uifont_superclass( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "superclass" );
#define uifont_superclass_call( obj, selector ) ((nsclass_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_superclass_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_superclass_call
nsobject_t uifont_debugDescription( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "debugDescription" );
#define uifont_debugDescription_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_debugDescription_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_debugDescription_call
char uifont_retainWeakReference( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "retainWeakReference" );
#define uifont_retainWeakReference_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_retainWeakReference_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_retainWeakReference_call
char uifont_allowsWeakReference( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "allowsWeakReference" );
#define uifont_allowsWeakReference_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_allowsWeakReference_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_allowsWeakReference_call
char uifont_isFault( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isFault" );
#define uifont_isFault_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_isFault_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_isFault_call
void uifont_forwardInvocation( uifont_t object, nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "forwardInvocation:" );
#define uifont_forwardInvocation_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_forwardInvocation_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_forwardInvocation_call
nsobject_t uifont_forwardingTargetForSelector( uifont_t object, nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "forwardingTargetForSelector:" );
#define uifont_forwardingTargetForSelector_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_forwardingTargetForSelector_call( (id)object, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_forwardingTargetForSelector_call
nsobject_t uifont_mutableCopy( uifont_t object )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "mutableCopy" );
#define uifont_mutableCopy_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_mutableCopy_call( (id)object, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_mutableCopy_call
char uifont_supportsSecureCoding( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "supportsSecureCoding" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_supportsSecureCoding_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_supportsSecureCoding_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_supportsSecureCoding_call
nsobject_t uifont_classFallbacksForKeyedArchiver( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "classFallbacksForKeyedArchiver" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_classFallbacksForKeyedArchiver_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_classFallbacksForKeyedArchiver_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_classFallbacksForKeyedArchiver_call
nsobject_t uifont_fontWithDescriptor( nsobject_t arg0, double arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "fontWithDescriptor:size:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_fontWithDescriptor_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_fontWithDescriptor_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_fontWithDescriptor_call
nsobject_t uifont_systemFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "systemFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_systemFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_systemFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_systemFontOfSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_fontWithName( nsobject_t arg0, double arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "fontWithName:size:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_fontWithName_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_fontWithName_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_fontWithName_call
nsobject_t uifont_monospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize( double arg0, double arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "monospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize:weight:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_monospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_monospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_monospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize_call
double uifont_systemFontSize( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "systemFontSize" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_systemFontSize_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_systemFontSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_systemFontSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_boldSystemFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "boldSystemFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_boldSystemFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_boldSystemFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_boldSystemFontOfSize_call
double uifont_smallSystemFontSize( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "smallSystemFontSize" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_smallSystemFontSize_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_smallSystemFontSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_smallSystemFontSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_preferredFontForTextStyle( nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "preferredFontForTextStyle:compatibleWithTraitCollection:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_preferredFontForTextStyle_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_preferredFontForTextStyle_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_preferredFontForTextStyle_call
nsobject_t uifont_ib_preferredFontForTextStyle( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "ib_preferredFontForTextStyle:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_ib_preferredFontForTextStyle_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_ib_preferredFontForTextStyle_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_ib_preferredFontForTextStyle_call
nsobject_t uifont_fontWithFamilyName( nsobject_t arg0, int arg1, double arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "fontWithFamilyName:traits:size:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_fontWithFamilyName_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, int, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_fontWithFamilyName_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_fontWithFamilyName_call
nsobject_t uifont_fontWithMarkupDescription( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "fontWithMarkupDescription:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_fontWithMarkupDescription_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_fontWithMarkupDescription_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_fontWithMarkupDescription_call
nsobject_t uifont_familyNames( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "familyNames" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_familyNames_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_familyNames_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_familyNames_call
nsobject_t uifont_fontNamesForFamilyName( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "fontNamesForFamilyName:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_fontNamesForFamilyName_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_fontNamesForFamilyName_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_fontNamesForFamilyName_call
nsobject_t uifont_preferredFontForUsage( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "preferredFontForUsage:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_preferredFontForUsage_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_preferredFontForUsage_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_preferredFontForUsage_call
nsobject_t uifont_defaultFontForTextStyle( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "defaultFontForTextStyle:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_defaultFontForTextStyle_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_defaultFontForTextStyle_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_defaultFontForTextStyle_call
nsobject_t uifont_italicSystemFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "italicSystemFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_italicSystemFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_italicSystemFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_italicSystemFontOfSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_monospacedSystemFontOfSize( double arg0, double arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "monospacedSystemFontOfSize:weight:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_monospacedSystemFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_monospacedSystemFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_monospacedSystemFontOfSize_call
double uifont_labelFontSize( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "labelFontSize" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_labelFontSize_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_labelFontSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_labelFontSize_call
double uifont_buttonFontSize( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "buttonFontSize" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_buttonFontSize_call( obj, selector ) ((double (*)( id, SEL ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_buttonFontSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_buttonFontSize_call
void uifont_initialize( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "initialize" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_initialize_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_initialize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_initialize_call
nsobject_t uifont_messageFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "messageFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_messageFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_messageFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_messageFontOfSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_menuBarFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "menuBarFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_menuBarFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_menuBarFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_menuBarFontOfSize_call
double uifont_systemFontSizeForControlSize( unsigned long long arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "systemFontSizeForControlSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_systemFontSizeForControlSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((double (*)( id, SEL, unsigned long long ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_systemFontSizeForControlSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_systemFontSizeForControlSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_titleBarFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "titleBarFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_titleBarFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_titleBarFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_titleBarFontOfSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_controlContentFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "controlContentFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_controlContentFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_controlContentFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_controlContentFontOfSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_menuFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "menuFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_menuFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_menuFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_menuFontOfSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_userFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "userFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_userFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_userFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_userFontOfSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_availableFontFamilies( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "availableFontFamilies" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_availableFontFamilies_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_availableFontFamilies_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_availableFontFamilies_call
nsobject_t uifont_availableMembersOfFontFamily( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "availableMembersOfFontFamily:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_availableMembersOfFontFamily_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_availableMembersOfFontFamily_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_availableMembersOfFontFamily_call
nsobject_t uifont_availableFonts( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "availableFonts" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_availableFonts_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_availableFonts_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_availableFonts_call
nsobject_t uifont_paletteFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "paletteFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_paletteFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_paletteFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_paletteFontOfSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_toolTipsFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "toolTipsFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_toolTipsFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_toolTipsFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_toolTipsFontOfSize_call
double uifont_toolbarLabelFontSizeForToolbarSize( unsigned long long arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "toolbarLabelFontSizeForToolbarSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_toolbarLabelFontSizeForToolbarSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((double (*)( id, SEL, unsigned long long ))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_toolbarLabelFontSizeForToolbarSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_toolbarLabelFontSizeForToolbarSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_toolbarLabelFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "toolbarLabelFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_toolbarLabelFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_toolbarLabelFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_toolbarLabelFontOfSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_userFixedPitchFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "userFixedPitchFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_userFixedPitchFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_userFixedPitchFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_userFixedPitchFontOfSize_call
nsobject_t uifont_coveredCharacterCache( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "coveredCharacterCache" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_coveredCharacterCache_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_coveredCharacterCache_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_coveredCharacterCache_call
void uifont_setUserFont( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setUserFont:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_setUserFont_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_setUserFont_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_setUserFont_call
void uifont_setUserFixedPitchFont( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setUserFixedPitchFont:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_setUserFixedPitchFont_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_setUserFixedPitchFont_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_setUserFixedPitchFont_call
nsobject_t uifont_labelFontOfSize( double arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "labelFontOfSize:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_labelFontOfSize_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, double ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_labelFontOfSize_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_labelFontOfSize_call
void uifont_useFont( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "useFont:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_useFont_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_useFont_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_useFont_call
void uifont_setLocaleListForDefaultFontFallback( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setLocaleListForDefaultFontFallback:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_setLocaleListForDefaultFontFallback_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_setLocaleListForDefaultFontFallback_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_setLocaleListForDefaultFontFallback_call
nsobject_t uifont_findFontLike( nsobject_t arg0, unsigned int arg1, nsobject_t arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "findFontLike:forCharacter:inLanguage:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_findFontLike_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, unsigned int, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
return uifont_findFontLike_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_findFontLike_call
nsobject_t uifont_preferredFontNames( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "preferredFontNames" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_preferredFontNames_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_preferredFontNames_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_preferredFontNames_call
void uifont_setPreferredFontNames( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setPreferredFontNames:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_setPreferredFontNames_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_setPreferredFontNames_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_setPreferredFontNames_call
nsobject_t uifont_defaultPlaceholderForMarker( nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "defaultPlaceholderForMarker:withBinding:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_defaultPlaceholderForMarker_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_defaultPlaceholderForMarker_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_defaultPlaceholderForMarker_call
void uifont_exposeBinding( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "exposeBinding:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_exposeBinding_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_exposeBinding_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_exposeBinding_call
void uifont_setDefaultPlaceholder( nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1, nsobject_t arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setDefaultPlaceholder:forMarker:withBinding:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_setDefaultPlaceholder_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
uifont_setDefaultPlaceholder_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_setDefaultPlaceholder_call
char uifont_CA_automaticallyNotifiesObservers( nsclass_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_automaticallyNotifiesObservers:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_CA_automaticallyNotifiesObservers_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsclass_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_CA_automaticallyNotifiesObservers_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_CA_automaticallyNotifiesObservers_call
char uifont_CA_encodesPropertyConditionally( unsigned int arg0, int arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_encodesPropertyConditionally:type:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_CA_encodesPropertyConditionally_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, unsigned int, int ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_CA_encodesPropertyConditionally_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_CA_encodesPropertyConditionally_call
nsobject_t uifont_CA_CAMLPropertyForKey( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "CA_CAMLPropertyForKey:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_CA_CAMLPropertyForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_CA_CAMLPropertyForKey_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_CA_CAMLPropertyForKey_call
nsobject_t uifont_bs_secureDecodedFromData( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "bs_secureDecodedFromData:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_bs_secureDecodedFromData_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_bs_secureDecodedFromData_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_bs_secureDecodedFromData_call
nsobject_t uifont_bs_secureDataFromObject( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "bs_secureDataFromObject:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_bs_secureDataFromObject_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_bs_secureDataFromObject_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_bs_secureDataFromObject_call
nsobject_t uifont_bs_secureObjectFromData( nsobject_t arg0, nsclass_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "bs_secureObjectFromData:ofClass:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_bs_secureObjectFromData_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsclass_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
return uifont_bs_secureObjectFromData_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_bs_secureObjectFromData_call
nsobject_t uifont_bs_dataFromObject( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "bs_dataFromObject:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_bs_dataFromObject_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_bs_dataFromObject_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_bs_dataFromObject_call
nsobject_t uifont_bs_objectFromData( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "bs_objectFromData:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_bs_objectFromData_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_bs_objectFromData_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_bs_objectFromData_call
nsobject_t uifont_bs_decodedFromData( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "bs_decodedFromData:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_bs_decodedFromData_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_bs_decodedFromData_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_bs_decodedFromData_call
void uifont_load( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "load" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_load_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_load_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_load_call
long long uifont_version( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "version" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_version_call( obj, selector ) ((long long (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_version_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_version_call
char uifont_instancesImplementSelector( nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "instancesImplementSelector:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_instancesImplementSelector_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_instancesImplementSelector_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_instancesImplementSelector_call
void uifont_poseAsClass( nsclass_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "poseAsClass:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_poseAsClass_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsclass_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_poseAsClass_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_poseAsClass_call
void uifont_setVersion( long long arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setVersion:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_setVersion_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, long long ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
uifont_setVersion_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_setVersion_call
char uifont_automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey_call
nsclass_t uifont_classForKeyedUnarchiver( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "classForKeyedUnarchiver" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_classForKeyedUnarchiver_call( obj, selector ) ((nsclass_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_classForKeyedUnarchiver_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_classForKeyedUnarchiver_call
char uifont_useStoredAccessor( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "useStoredAccessor" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_useStoredAccessor_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_useStoredAccessor_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_useStoredAccessor_call
char uifont_accessInstanceVariablesDirectly( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "accessInstanceVariablesDirectly" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_accessInstanceVariablesDirectly_call( obj, selector ) ((char (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_accessInstanceVariablesDirectly_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_accessInstanceVariablesDirectly_call
objc_method_description* uifont_instanceMethodDescriptionForSelector( nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "instanceMethodDescriptionForSelector:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_instanceMethodDescriptionForSelector_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((objc_method_description* (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_instanceMethodDescriptionForSelector_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_instanceMethodDescriptionForSelector_call
nsobject_t uifont_keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey_call
void uifont_setKeys( nsobject_t arg0, nsobject_t arg1 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "setKeys:triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_setKeys_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1 )
uifont_setKeys_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1 );
#undef uifont_setKeys_call
void uifont_cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget( nsobject_t arg0, nsselector_t arg1, nsobject_t arg2 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget_call( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 ) ((void (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t, nsselector_t, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0, arg1, arg2 )
uifont_cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
#undef uifont_cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget_call
void uifont_flushAllKeyBindings( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "flushAllKeyBindings" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_flushAllKeyBindings_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_flushAllKeyBindings_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_flushAllKeyBindings_call
void uifont_flushClassKeyBindings( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "flushClassKeyBindings" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_flushClassKeyBindings_call( obj, selector ) ((void (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
uifont_flushClassKeyBindings_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_flushClassKeyBindings_call
nsobject_t uifont_SFSQLiteClassName( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "SFSQLiteClassName" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_SFSQLiteClassName_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_SFSQLiteClassName_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_SFSQLiteClassName_call
nsobject_t uifont_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector( nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector_call
nsobject_t uifont_allocWithZone( _NSZone* arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "allocWithZone:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_allocWithZone_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, _NSZone* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_allocWithZone_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_allocWithZone_call
nsobject_t uifont_new( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "new" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_new_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_new_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_new_call
char uifont_resolveInstanceMethod( nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "resolveInstanceMethod:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_resolveInstanceMethod_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_resolveInstanceMethod_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_resolveInstanceMethod_call
char uifont_resolveClassMethod( nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "resolveClassMethod:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_resolveClassMethod_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_resolveClassMethod_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_resolveClassMethod_call
uifont_t uifont_alloc( )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "alloc" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_alloc_call( obj, selector ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector )
return uifont_alloc_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector );
#undef uifont_alloc_call
nsobject_t uifont_mutableCopyWithZone( _NSZone* arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "mutableCopyWithZone:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_mutableCopyWithZone_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((nsobject_t (*)( id, SEL, _NSZone* ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_mutableCopyWithZone_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_mutableCopyWithZone_call
char uifont_isSubclassOfClass( nsclass_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isSubclassOfClass:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_isSubclassOfClass_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsclass_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isSubclassOfClass_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isSubclassOfClass_call
char uifont_isAncestorOfObject( nsobject_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "isAncestorOfObject:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_isAncestorOfObject_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsobject_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_isAncestorOfObject_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_isAncestorOfObject_call
char uifont_instancesRespondToSelector( nsselector_t arg0 )
SEL methodSelector = sel_registerName( "instancesRespondToSelector:" );
Class internalClassObject = objc_getClass( "UIFont" );
#define uifont_instancesRespondToSelector_call( obj, selector, arg0 ) ((char (*)( id, SEL, nsselector_t ))objc_msgSend) ( obj, selector, arg0 )
return uifont_instancesRespondToSelector_call( (id)internalClassObject, methodSelector, arg0 );
#undef uifont_instancesRespondToSelector_call