
231 lines
8.4 KiB

#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "forge.h"
#include "imagine.h"
#include "assemble_json.h"
#include "observatory_internal.h"
void observatory_todo_parse_dates(ObsToDo *todo, char *text)
uint64 deadline[3];
uint dates, i, number_start;
for(dates = i = 0; dates < 3 && text[i] != 0; i++)
if(text[i] >= '0' && text[i] < '9')
if(dates == 0)
number_start = i;
i += f_text_parce_decimal(&text[i], &deadline[dates++]);
if(dates == 3)
text[number_start] = 0;
todo->date[0] = (uint)deadline[0];
todo->date[1] = (uint)deadline[1];
todo->date[2] = (uint)deadline[2];
todo->date[0] = todo->date[1] = todo->date[2] = 0;
boolean observatory_todo_parse(ObsState *state, uint module_id)
ObsToDo *todo = NULL;
size_t i, j, k, size;
boolean section = FALSE;
char *text;
state->modules[module_id].todo_count = 0;
state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed = NULL;
if(state->modules[module_id].todo[0] == 0)
return FALSE;
text = observatory_files_read(state, state->modules[module_id].todo, &size);
if(text == NULL)
printf("To do Error: %s file not found\n", state->modules[module_id].todo);
return FALSE;
printf("To do File for module %s file \n%s\n", state->modules[module_id].name, text);
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
while(i < size && text[i] <= ' ')
if(i == size)
if((text[i] == '+' || text[i] == '-') && text[i] != text[i + 1])
if(state->modules[module_id].todo_count % 64 == 0)
state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed = realloc(state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed, (sizeof *state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed) * (state->modules[module_id].todo_count + 64));
todo = &state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[state->modules[module_id].todo_count++];
todo->string = &text[i + 1];
if(section && text[i - 1] != '\t')
section = FALSE;
for(j = 0; i + 1 + j < size && text[i + 1 + j] != '\n' && text[i + 1 + j] != 0; j++)
if(text[i + 1 + j] < ' ')
text[i + 1 + j] = ' ';
text[i + 1 + j] = 0;
todo->grouped = section;
if(text[i] == '+')
todo->type = OBSERVER_TDT_DONE;
todo->type = OBSERVER_TDT_TODO;
observatory_todo_parse_dates(todo, &text[i + 1]);
i += j;
for(j = i; j < size && text[j] != '\n' && text[j] != ':'; j++);
if(text[j] == ':')
text[j] = 0;
if(todo == NULL || todo->type != OBSERVER_TDT_HEADLINE)
if(state->modules[module_id].todo_count % 64 == 0)
state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed = realloc(state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed, (sizeof *state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed) * (state->modules[module_id].todo_count + 64));
todo = &state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[state->modules[module_id].todo_count++];
todo->grouped = FALSE;
todo->string = &text[i];
observatory_todo_parse_dates(todo, &text[i + 1]);
section = TRUE;
i = j;
while(i < size && text[i] != '\n')
boolean observatory_todo_deadline(FILE *f, ObsToDo *todo, uint *date)
uint i;
if(todo->date[0] != 0 || todo->date[1] != 0 || todo->date[2] != 0)
char buffer[64];
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(todo->date[i] > date[i])
sprintf(buffer, "Deadline : %.4u/%.2u/%.2u\n", todo->date[0], todo->date[1] + 1, todo->date[2]);
observatory_html_bullet_point(f, todo->string, NULL, buffer, 50, 255, 0);
}else if(todo->date[i] < date[i])
sprintf(buffer, "Deadline Missed! : %.4u/%.2u/%.2u\n", todo->date[0], todo->date[1] + 1, todo->date[2]);
observatory_html_bullet_point(f, todo->string, NULL, buffer, 255, 0, 50);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void observatory_todo_bulletpoint(FILE *f, ObsToDo *todo, uint *date)
uint i;
if(todo->date[0] == 0 && todo->date[1] == 0 && todo->date[2] == 0)
observatory_html_bullet_point(f, todo->string, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
observatory_todo_deadline(f, todo, date);
void observatory_todo_card(FILE *f, ObsState *state, uint module_id, ObsToDoType type)
int64 time;
uint i, j, list = FALSE, grouped = FALSE, date[3];
if(state->modules[module_id].todo_count == 0)
time = imagine_current_system_time_get();
imagine_current_date_local(time, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &date[2], &date[1], &date[0]); /* Converts a system time stamp into the curent local time and date information. */
observatory_html_set_accent_color(state->modules[module_id].color[0], state->modules[module_id].color[1], state->modules[module_id].color[2]);
observatory_html_card_begin(f, NULL);
observatory_html_headline(f, "To Do", state->modules[module_id].name);
observatory_html_headline(f, "Completed", state->modules[module_id].name);
observatory_html_bullet_point_begin(f, NULL);
for(i = 0; i < state->modules[module_id].todo_count; i++)
if(state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[i].type == OBSERVER_TDT_HEADLINE)
for(j = i + 1; j < state->modules[module_id].todo_count && state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[j].grouped && state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[j].type != type; j++);
if(j < state->modules[module_id].todo_count && state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[j].grouped && state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[j].type == type)
observatory_html_bullet_point_begin(f, state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[i].string);
grouped = list = TRUE;
}else if(state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[i].type == type)
if(grouped && !state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[i].grouped)
grouped = FALSE;
observatory_html_bullet_point_begin(f, NULL);
}else if(!list)
observatory_html_bullet_point_begin(f, NULL);
list = TRUE;
observatory_todo_bulletpoint(f, &state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[i], date);
void observatory_todo_gen_deadlines(FILE *f, ObsState *state)
uint module_id, i, date[3];
char buffer[256];
observatory_html_card_begin(f, NULL);
observatory_html_headline(f, "Deadlines:", NULL);
imagine_current_date_local(imagine_current_system_time_get(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &date[2], &date[1], &date[0]); /* Converts a system time stamp into the curent local time and date information. */
for(module_id = 0; module_id < state->module_count; module_id++)
for(i = 0; i < state->modules[module_id].todo_count &&
((state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[i].date[0] == 0 &&
state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[i].date[1] == 0 &&
state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[i].date[2] == 0) ||
state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[i].type != OBSERVER_TDT_TODO); i++);
if(i < state->modules[module_id].todo_count)
observatory_html_set_accent_color(state->modules[module_id].color[0], state->modules[module_id].color[1], state->modules[module_id].color[2]);
sprintf(buffer, "%s %s", state->modules[module_id].name, state->modules[module_id].owner);
observatory_html_bullet_point_begin(f, buffer);
for(; i < state->modules[module_id].todo_count; i++)
if(state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[i].type == OBSERVER_TDT_TODO)
observatory_todo_deadline(f, &state->modules[module_id].todo_parsed[i], date);
extern void observatory_html_set_path(char *path);
extern void observatory_html_string_to_link(char *copy, char *file_name);
extern FILE *observatory_html_create_page(char *file_name, ObsState *settings, uint active_module, boolean cards);
extern void observatory_html_complete(FILE *f, boolean cards);
extern void observatory_html_set_accent_color(uint red, uint green, uint blue);
extern void observatory_html_card_begin(FILE *f, char *banner);
extern void observatory_html_card_end(FILE *f);
extern void observatory_html_headline(FILE *f, char *headline_one, char *headline_two);
extern void observatory_html_text(FILE *f, char *text);
extern void observatory_html_bullet_point_begin(FILE *f, char *headline);
extern void observatory_html_bullet_point(FILE *f, char *text, char *url, char *hightlight, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue);
extern void observatory_html_bullet_point_end(FILE *f);
extern void observatory_html_key_value(FILE *f, char *key, char *value, char *url);
extern void observatory_html_test(ObsState *settings);*/