mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 16:31:12 -04:00
575 lines
19 KiB
575 lines
19 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "seduce.h"
extern void sui_text_line_cursur_draw(float pos_x, float pos_y, float size, float curser_x, float curser_y);
extern void sui_text_line_selection_draw(float pos_x, float pos_y, float size, float curser_start, float curser_end, float curser_y);*/
extern uint sui_text_block_line_end(const char *text, float spacing, float letter_size, float size);
extern void sui_text_block_pos(float letter_size, float letter_spacing, float line_size, float line_spacing, const char *text, uint curser, float *pos_x, float *pos_y);
boolean sui_util_edit_insert_character(char *text, uint size, uint curser_start, uint curser_end, char *insert, STextBlockMode *modes, uint mode_count)
uint i, in_end, out_end;
char a[1280], b[1280];
if(curser_start > curser_end)
i = curser_start;
curser_start = curser_end;
curser_end = i;
for(out_end = 0; text[out_end] != 0; out_end++);
for(in_end = 0; insert[in_end] != 0; in_end++);
if(out_end + in_end + curser_start - curser_end > size)
return FALSE;
if(in_end > curser_end - curser_start)
for(i = out_end + in_end; i >= curser_end + in_end; i--)
text[i - (curser_end - curser_start)] = text[i - in_end];
for(i = 0; i < in_end; i++)
text[curser_start + i] = insert[i];
for(i = curser_end; i < out_end; i++)
text[i + in_end - (curser_end - curser_start)] = text[i];
text[i + in_end - (curser_end - curser_start)] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < in_end; i++)
text[curser_start + i] = insert[i];
for(i = 0; i < mode_count; i++)
if(modes[i].character_position > curser_end)
modes[i].character_position += in_end - (curser_end - curser_start);
else if(modes[i].character_position >= curser_start)
modes[i].character_position = in_end + curser_start;
return TRUE;
void sui_text_line_edit_draw(BInputState *input, SeduceRenderFont *font, float pos_x, float pos_y, float size, float spacing, float length, char *text, uint *scroll_start, uint select_start, uint select_end, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
static uint seed = 0;
float curser_start, curser_end;
uint end;
end = seduce_text_line_hit_test(font, size, spacing, &text[*scroll_start], length) + *scroll_start;
/* find and draw the selection */
if(select_start <= *scroll_start) // does the select start before the beginning of the visable text
curser_start = 0; // set the start to zero
curser_start = seduce_text_line_length(font, size, spacing, &text[*scroll_start], select_start - *scroll_start); // find the position of the begining of the select
if(select_start == select_end) /* are we in cursor or select mode? */
seduce_background_negative_draw(pos_x + curser_start - 0.1 * size, pos_y - size * 0.6, pos_x + curser_start + 0.1 * size, pos_y - size * 0.5, pos_x + curser_start + 0.1 * size, pos_y + size * 1.6, pos_x + curser_start - 0.1 * size, pos_y + size * 1.5, 1.0);
// r_primitive_line_2d(pos_x + curser_start, pos_y - size * 0.5, pos_x + curser_start, pos_y + size * 0.5, red, green, blue, alpha); /* draw the cursor*/
float center[3] = {0, 0, 0};
if(select_end > end) // does the select start before the beginning of the visable text
curser_end = length; // set the end to the length of the box
curser_end = seduce_text_line_length(font, size, spacing, &text[*scroll_start], select_end - *scroll_start); // find the position of the end of the select
seduce_background_quad_draw(input, NULL, 0, pos_x + curser_start, pos_y - size * 0.5, 0,
pos_x + curser_start * 0.5 + curser_end * 0.5, pos_y - size * 0.7, 0,
pos_x + curser_start * 0.5 + curser_end * 0.5, pos_y + size * 1.9, 0,
pos_x + curser_start, pos_y + size * 1.7, 0,
0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0.3);
seduce_background_quad_draw(input, NULL, 0, pos_x + curser_start * 0.5 + curser_end * 0.5, pos_y - size * 0.7, 0,
pos_x + curser_end, pos_y - size * 0.5, 0,
pos_x + curser_end, pos_y + size * 1.7, 0,
pos_x + curser_start * 0.5 + curser_end * 0.5, pos_y + size * 1.9, 0,
0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0.3);
seduce_background_polygon_flush(input, center, 1.0);
pos_x += curser_start + (curser_end - curser_start) * f_randf(seed++);
pos_y += size * 0.7;
seduce_background_particle_spawn(input, pos_x, pos_y, 0.4 * f_randnf(seed + 1), 0.4 * f_randnf(seed + 2), 0.5, seduce_background_particle_color_allocate(text, red, green, blue));
if(select_end < *scroll_start && *scroll_start != 0) /* if we are at the begining of our view and there is more text scroll back */
if(select_end > end && text[end] != 0) /* if we are att the end of our view and there is more text scroll forward */
/* r_primitive_line_2d(pos_x, pos_y - size, pos_x + length, pos_y - size, red, green, blue, alpha);
extern boolean seduce_text_block_length(float *output, float pos_x, float pos_y, float line_size, float height, float line_spacing, STextBlockAlignmentStyle style, const char *text, uint pos, STextBlockMode *modes, uint mode_count, uint end);
void sui_text_box_edit_draw2(float size, float spacing, float line_spacing, float length, char *text, uint lines, uint *line_start, uint select_start, uint select_end, boolean draw_curser)
float curser_start, curser_end;
float x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end;
uint end, scroll_start = 0, i;
for(i = 0; i < *line_start; i++)
scroll_start += sui_text_block_line_end(&text[scroll_start], spacing, size, length);
// seduce_text_block_draw_old(size, spacing, length, line_spacing, lines, &text[scroll_start]);
if(select_start > select_end)
i = select_end;
select_end = select_start;
select_start = i;
if(select_end < scroll_start)
if(select_start < scroll_start)
select_start = scroll_start;
if(select_start < scroll_start)
x_start = y_start = 0;
sui_text_block_pos(size, spacing, length, line_spacing, &text[scroll_start], select_start - scroll_start, &x_start, &y_start);
if(select_start == select_end)
// sui_text_line_cursur_draw(0, 0, size, x_start, y_start);
sui_text_block_pos(size, spacing, length, line_spacing, &text[scroll_start], select_end - scroll_start, &x_end, &y_end);
// for(i = (uint)((y_start + 0.5 * size) / (size * line_spacing)); i < lines; i++)
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if(y_start + 0.5 * size > y_end && y_start - 0.5 * size < y_end)
// sui_text_line_selection_draw(0, 0, size, x_start, x_end, y_start);
// sui_text_line_selection_draw(0, 0, size, x_start, length, y_start);
y_start -= size * line_spacing;
x_start = 0;
void sui_text_line_edit_mouse(SeduceRenderFont *font, float size, float spacing, float length, char *text, uint *scroll_start, uint *select_start, uint *select_end, boolean mouse_button, boolean mouse_button_last, float pointer_x)
if(mouse_button) /* is the mouser_matrix_pop(NULL); in action */
uint i;
uint end;
/// uint seduce_text_line_hit_test(float letter_size, float letter_spacing, const char *text, float pos_x)
end = seduce_text_line_hit_test(font, size, spacing, &text[*scroll_start], length) + *scroll_start;
i = seduce_text_line_hit_test(font, size, spacing, &text[*scroll_start], pointer_x) + *scroll_start; /* find the place of the select*/
if(!mouse_button_last) // just clicked
*select_start = *select_end = i;
else // keep clicking
*select_end = i;
if(*select_end < *scroll_start && scroll_start != 0) /* if we are at the begining of our view and there is more text scroll back */
if(*select_end > end && text[end] != 0) /* if we are att the end of our view and there is more text scroll forward */
sui_text_box_edit_mouse(size, spacing, length, line_spacing, text, lines, &line_start, &select_start, &select_end, mouse_button, last_mouse_button, pointer_x, pointer_y);
seduce_text_block_hit_test(size, spacing, length, line_spacing, lines, text, pointer_x, pointer_y)
typedef struct{
float pos_x;
float pos_y;
float line_size;
float height;
float line_spacing;
STextBlockAlignmentStyle style;
uint seduce_text_block_hit_detect(float pos_x, float pos_y, float line_size, float height, float line_spacing, STextBlockAlignmentStyle style, const char *text, uint pos, STextBlockMode *modes, uint mode_count, float pointer_x, float pointer_y);
void sui_text_box_edit_mouse(char *text, STextBox *boxes, uint box_count, STextBlockMode *modes, uint mode_count, uint *select_start, uint *select_end, boolean mouse_button, boolean mouse_button_last, float pointer_x, float pointer_y)
if(mouse_button) /* is the mouser_matrix_pop(NULL); in action */
uint hit, i, pos = 0, found = 0;
float closest = 1000000, f, dist;
for(i = 0; i < box_count; i++)
if(pointer_x < boxes[i].pos_x + boxes[i].line_size &&
pointer_x > boxes[i].pos_x &&
pointer_y > boxes[i].pos_y - boxes[i].height &&
pointer_y < boxes[i].pos_y)
found = i;
dist = 0;
if(pointer_x > boxes[i].pos_x + boxes[i].line_size)
f = pointer_x - (boxes[i].pos_x + boxes[i].line_size);
if(f > dist)
dist = f;
if(pointer_x < boxes[i].pos_x)
f = boxes[i].pos_x - pointer_x;
if(f > dist)
dist = f;
if(pointer_y > boxes[i].pos_y)
f = pointer_y - boxes[i].pos_y;
if(f > dist)
dist = f;
if(pointer_y < boxes[i].pos_y - boxes[i].height)
f = boxes[i].pos_y - boxes[i].height - pointer_y;
if(f > dist)
dist = f;
if(dist < closest)
found = i;
closest = dist;
i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < found + 1; i++)
if(found == i)
hit = seduce_text_block_hit_detect(boxes[i].pos_x, boxes[i].pos_y, boxes[i].line_size, boxes[i].height, boxes[i].line_spacing, boxes[i].style, text, pos, modes, mode_count, pointer_x, pointer_y);
pos += seduce_text_block_hit_detect(boxes[i].pos_x, boxes[i].pos_y, boxes[i].line_size, boxes[i].height, boxes[i].line_spacing, boxes[i].style, text, pos, modes, mode_count, boxes[i].pos_x + boxes[i].line_size + 1, boxes[i].pos_y - boxes[i].height - 1);
if(!mouse_button_last) // just clicked
*select_start = *select_end = hit;
*select_end = hit;
void sui_text_monospace_edit_mouse(char *text, float pos_x, float pos_y, float character_size, float space_size, float line_size, uint line_count, uint line_length, uint *scroll, uint *select_start, uint *select_end, boolean mouse_button, boolean mouse_button_last, float pointer_x, float pointer_y)
uint line = 0, character = 0, i = 0, j, count, id;
if(mouse_button) /* is the mouser_matrix_pop(NULL); in action */
if(pos_y > pointer_y)
line = (pos_y - pointer_y) / line_size;
else if(scroll[1] != 0)
if(pos_x < pointer_x)
character = (pointer_x - pos_x) / space_size;
if(line + scroll[1] != 0)
for(i = count = 0; text[i] != 0; i++)
if(text[i] == '\n')
if(count == scroll[1] + line)
for(j = 0; j < character && text[i] != 0; j++)
id = f_utf8_to_uint32(text, &i);
if(id == '\n')
if(id == '\t')
j += 3;
if(!mouse_button_last) // just clicked
*select_start = *select_end = i;
*select_end = i;
void seduce_text_monospace_edit_scroll(char *text, uint line_count, uint line_length, uint *scroll, uint curser)
uint i, line_start = 0, count = 0, length = 0;
for(i = 0; i < curser; i++)
if(text[i] == '\n')
line_start = i + 1;
for(i = line_start; i < curser && text[i] != 0; f_utf8_to_uint32(text, &i))
if(count < scroll[1])
scroll[1] = count;
if(count - scroll[1] >= line_count)
scroll[1] = count - line_count + 1;
if(length < scroll[0])
scroll[0] = length;
if(length - scroll[0] >= line_length)
scroll[0] = length - line_length + 3;
void seduce_text_edit_up(char *text, uint *select_start, uint *select_end)
uint i, line = -1, previous_line = -1, count;
for(i = 0; i < *select_end; i++)
if(text[i] == '\n')
previous_line = line;
line = i;
if(previous_line != line)
count = i - line;
if(line - previous_line > count)
*select_start = *select_end = previous_line + count;
*select_start = *select_end = line - 1;
void seduce_text_edit_down(char *text, uint *select_start, uint *select_end)
uint i, j, line = 0, count;
for(i = 0; i < *select_end; i++)
if(text[i] == '\n')
line = i;
count = i - line;
for(; text[i] != 0 && text[i] != '\n'; i++);
if(text[i] == 0)
for(j = 1; j < count && text[i + j] != '\n' && text[i + j] != 0; j++);
if(text[i + j] == 0)
*select_start = *select_end = i + j;
void seduce_text_edit_forward(char *text, uint *select_start, uint *select_end)
if(select_end > select_start)
*select_start = *select_end;
*select_end = *select_start;
if(text[*select_end] != 0)
*select_end = *select_start = *select_start + 1;
void seduce_text_edit_back(char *text, uint *select_start, uint *select_end)
if(*select_end < *select_start)
*select_start = *select_end;
*select_end = *select_start;
if(*select_end != 0)
*select_end = *select_start = *select_start - 1;
void seduce_text_edit_delete(char *text, uint length, uint *select_start, uint *select_end, STextBlockMode *modes, uint mode_count)
char insert[1] = {0};
if(*select_end == *select_start && text[*select_end] != 0)
sui_util_edit_insert_character(text, length, *select_start, *select_end, insert, modes, mode_count);
if(*select_start > *select_end)
*select_start = *select_end;
*select_end = *select_start;
void seduce_text_edit_end(char *text, uint length, uint *select_start, uint *select_end)
uint i;
for(i = 0; text[i] != 0; i++);
*select_end = *select_start = i;
void seduce_text_edit_home(char *text, uint length, uint *select_start, uint *select_end)
*select_end = *select_start = 0;
void seduce_text_edit_backspace(char *text, uint length, uint *select_start, uint *select_end, STextBlockMode *modes, uint mode_count)
char insert[1] = {0};
if(*select_end == *select_start && *select_end != 0)
sui_util_edit_insert_character(text, length, *select_start, *select_end, insert, modes, mode_count);
if(*select_start > *select_end)
*select_start = *select_end;
*select_end = *select_start;
void seduce_text_edit_insert_character(char *text, uint length, uint *select_start, uint *select_end, uint32 character, STextBlockMode *modes, uint mode_count)
char insert[7];
insert[f_uint32_to_utf8(character, insert)] = 0;
sui_util_edit_insert_character(text, length, *select_start, *select_end, insert, modes, mode_count);
if(*select_start > *select_end)
*select_start = *select_end = *select_end + 1;
*select_end = *select_start = *select_start + 1;
void seduce_text_edit_paste(char *text, uint length, uint *select_start, uint *select_end, STextBlockMode *modes, uint mode_count)
uint i;
char *paste;
if(*select_start > *select_end)
i = *select_start;
*select_start = *select_end;
*select_end = i;
paste = betray_clipboard_get();
if(sui_util_edit_insert_character(text, length, *select_start, *select_end, paste, modes, mode_count));
for(i = 0; 0 != paste[i]; i++);
*select_start = *select_end = *select_start + i;
if(*select_end > length)
*select_end = length;
void seduce_text_edit_cut(char *text, uint length, uint *select_start, uint *select_end, STextBlockMode *modes, uint mode_count)
char character;
uint i;
char *paste;
if(*select_start > *select_end)
i = *select_start;
*select_start = *select_end;
*select_end = i;
paste = betray_clipboard_get();
character = text[*select_end];
text[*select_end] = 0;
text[*select_end] = character;
character = 0;
sui_util_edit_insert_character(text, length, *select_start, *select_end, &character, modes, mode_count);
*select_end = *select_start;
void seduce_text_edit_copy(char *text, uint length, uint *select_start, uint *select_end)
char character;
uint i;
char *paste;
if(*select_start > *select_end)
i = *select_start;
*select_start = *select_end;
*select_end = i;
paste = betray_clipboard_get();
character = text[*select_end];
text[*select_end] = 0;
text[*select_end] = character;
character = 0;
typedef struct{
uint character_position;
void *font;
float red;
float green;
float blue;
float alpha;
float letter_size;
float letter_spacing;
STextBlockMode *seduce_text_syntax_highlight(char *text, uint start, uint end, char **key_words, float *colors, uint key_word_count, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, uint *block_count)
STextBlockMode *blocks = NULL;
uint i, j, k;
boolean test = TRUE;
*block_count = 0;
blocks = realloc(blocks, (sizeof *blocks) * 256);
blocks[*block_count].character_position = 0;
blocks[*block_count].red = red;
blocks[*block_count].green = green;
blocks[*block_count].blue = blue;
blocks[*block_count].alpha = alpha;
for(i = start; text[i] != 0; i++)
for(j = 0; j < key_word_count; j++)
for(k = 0; key_words[j][k] == text[i + k] && key_words[j][k] != 0; k++);
if(key_words[j][k] == 0)
if(text[i + k] != '_' && (text[i + k] < '0' || text[i + k] > 'z' || (text[i + k] > 'Z' && text[i + k] < 'a') || (text[i + k] > '9' && text[i + k] < 'A')))
if(blocks[*block_count - 1].character_position == i)
else if(*block_count % 256 == 0)
blocks = realloc(blocks, (sizeof *blocks) * (*block_count + 256));
blocks[*block_count].character_position = i;
blocks[*block_count].red = colors[j * 4 + 0];
blocks[*block_count].green = colors[j * 4 + 1];
blocks[*block_count].blue = colors[j * 4 + 2];
blocks[*block_count].alpha = colors[j * 4 + 3];
if(*block_count % 256 == 0)
blocks = realloc(blocks, (sizeof *blocks) * (*block_count + 256));
blocks[*block_count].character_position = i + k;
blocks[*block_count].red = red;
blocks[*block_count].green = green;
blocks[*block_count].blue = blue;
blocks[*block_count].alpha = alpha;
i += k - 1;
test = text[i] != '_' && (text[i] < '0' || text[i] > 'z' || (text[i] > 'Z' && text[i] < 'a') || (text[i] > '9' && text[i] < 'A'));
return blocks;
} |