/* ========================================================================= Unity - A Test Framework for C ThrowTheSwitch.org Copyright (c) 2007-25 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, & Greg Williams SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT ========================================================================= */ #include "ProductionCode2.h" #include "unity.h" #include "unity_fixture.h" TEST_GROUP(ProductionCode2); /* These should be ignored because they are commented out in various ways: #include "whatever.h" */ //#include "somethingelse.h" TEST_SETUP(ProductionCode2) { } TEST_TEAR_DOWN(ProductionCode2) { } TEST(ProductionCode2, IgnoredTest) { TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("This Test Was Ignored On Purpose"); } TEST(ProductionCode2, AnotherIgnoredTest) { TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("These Can Be Useful For Leaving Yourself Notes On What You Need To Do Yet"); } TEST(ProductionCode2, ThisFunctionHasNotBeenTested_NeedsToBeImplemented) { TEST_IGNORE(); //Like This }