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#include "Robots.h"
#include "Url.h"
#include "fctypes.h"
2018-08-07 09:44:56 -04:00
#include "utf8_fast.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
2016-05-24 09:01:31 -04:00
Robots::Robots( const char *robotsTxt, int32_t robotsTxtLen, const char *userAgent )
: m_robotsTxt( robotsTxt )
, m_robotsTxtLen( robotsTxtLen )
, m_currentLine ( NULL )
, m_currentLineLen ( 0 )
, m_nextLineStartPos( 0 )
, m_valueStartPos( 0 )
, m_userAgent( userAgent )
, m_userAgentLen( strlen( userAgent ) )
2016-03-29 07:01:25 -04:00
, m_userAgentFound( false )
, m_defaultUserAgentFound( false )
, m_crawlDelay( -1 )
, m_defaultCrawlDelay( -1 ) {
if ( m_robotsTxt && m_robotsTxtLen > 0 ) {
// parse robots.txt into what we need
bool Robots::getNextLine() {
// clear values
m_currentLine = NULL;
m_currentLineLen = 0;
m_valueStartPos = 0;
int32_t currentPos = m_nextLineStartPos;
// strip starting whitespaces
while ( is_wspace_a( m_robotsTxt[currentPos] ) && ( currentPos < m_robotsTxtLen ) ) {
// don't cross limit
if ( currentPos == m_robotsTxtLen ) {
return false;
int32_t linePos = currentPos;
m_currentLine = m_robotsTxt + currentPos;
bool foundLineLen = false;
// get line ending
bool foundLineEnding = false;
char currentChar = m_robotsTxt[currentPos];
while ( currentPos < m_robotsTxtLen ) {
if ( !foundLineEnding ) {
if ( currentChar == '#' || currentChar == '\r' || currentChar == '\n' ) {
if ( !foundLineLen ) {
foundLineLen = true;
m_currentLineLen = currentPos - linePos;
if ( currentChar != '#' ) {
foundLineEnding = true;
} else {
if ( currentChar != '\r' && currentChar != '\n' ) {
currentChar = m_robotsTxt[++currentPos];
// sanity check
if ( currentPos <= m_nextLineStartPos ) {
return false;
if ( !foundLineLen ) {
// set to end of robots.txt
m_currentLineLen = static_cast<int32_t>( ( m_robotsTxt + m_robotsTxtLen ) - m_currentLine );
// store next lineStartPos
m_nextLineStartPos = currentPos;
// strip ending whitespaces
while ( m_currentLineLen > 0 && is_wspace_a( m_currentLine[m_currentLineLen - 1] ) ) {
// at this point, if lineLen is still 0, it means we should get the next line (full line comment)
if ( m_currentLineLen == 0 ) {
return getNextLine();
return true;
// assume starting whitespace have been striped away
bool Robots::getField( const char **field, int32_t *fieldLen ) {
int32_t currentLinePos = m_valueStartPos;
const char *colonPos = (const char*)memchr( m_currentLine + currentLinePos, ':', m_currentLineLen );
// no colon
if ( colonPos == NULL ) {
return false;
currentLinePos = colonPos - m_currentLine;
m_valueStartPos = currentLinePos + 1;
*field = m_currentLine;
*fieldLen = currentLinePos;
// strip ending whitespaces
while ( *fieldLen > 0 && is_wspace_a( m_currentLine[*fieldLen - 1] ) ) {
2016-05-24 09:01:31 -04:00
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRobots, "len=%d field='%.*s'", *fieldLen, *fieldLen, *field );
return ( *fieldLen > 0 );
bool Robots::getValue( const char **value, int32_t *valueLen ) {
// strip starting whitespaces
while ( is_wspace_a( m_currentLine[m_valueStartPos] ) && ( m_valueStartPos < m_currentLineLen ) ) {
*value = m_currentLine + m_valueStartPos;
*valueLen = m_currentLineLen - m_valueStartPos;
2016-05-24 09:01:31 -04:00
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRobots, "len=%d value='%.*s'", *valueLen, *valueLen, *value );
return ( *valueLen > 0 );
bool Robots::parseUserAgent( const char *field, int32_t fieldLen, bool *isUserAgentPtr, bool *isDefaultUserAgentPtr ) {
static const char s_userAgent[] = "user-agent";
static const int32_t s_userAgentLen = 10;
if ( fieldLen == s_userAgentLen && strncasecmp( field, s_userAgent, fieldLen ) == 0 ) {
const char *value = NULL;
int32_t valueLen = 0;
// prefix match
if ( getValue( &value, &valueLen ) ) {
if ( valueLen == 1 && *value == '*' ) {
m_defaultUserAgentFound = true;
*isDefaultUserAgentPtr = true;
} else if ( strncasecmp( value, m_userAgent, m_userAgentLen ) == 0 ) {
m_userAgentFound = true;
*isUserAgentPtr = true;
2017-06-19 09:00:26 -04:00
} else {
// try substring match
const char *match = strncasestr(value, m_userAgent, valueLen, m_userAgentLen);
if (match && value < match - 1) {
// we should only match prefix and not suffix (eg: testbot will match testbot-test and not atestbot)
char c = *(match - 1);
if (!isalnum(c)) {
m_userAgentFound = true;
*isUserAgentPtr = true;
2016-03-29 07:01:25 -04:00
return true;
return false;
bool Robots::parseCrawlDelay( const char *field, int32_t fieldLen, bool isUserAgent ) {
static const char s_crawlDelay[] = "crawl-delay";
static const int32_t s_crawlDelayLen = 11;
if ( fieldLen == s_crawlDelayLen && strncasecmp( field, s_crawlDelay, fieldLen ) == 0 ) {
const char *value = NULL;
int32_t valueLen = 0;
if ( getValue( &value, &valueLen ) ) {
char *endPtr = NULL;
double crawlDelay = strtod( value, &endPtr );
if ( endPtr == ( value + valueLen ) ) {
2016-05-24 09:01:31 -04:00
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRobots, "isUserAgent=%s crawlDelay='%.4f'",
isUserAgent ? "true" : "false", crawlDelay );
if ( isUserAgent ) {
m_crawlDelay = static_cast<int32_t>(crawlDelay * 1000);
} else {
m_defaultCrawlDelay = static_cast<int32_t>(crawlDelay * 1000);
return true;
return false;
void Robots::parsePath( bool isAllow, bool isUserAgent ) {
const char *value = NULL;
int32_t valueLen = 0;
if ( getValue( &value, &valueLen ) ) {
2016-05-24 09:01:31 -04:00
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceRobots, "isAllow=%s isUserAgent=%s path='%.*s'",
isAllow ? "true" : "false", isUserAgent ? "true" : "false", valueLen, value );
if ( isUserAgent ) {
m_rules.push_back( RobotRule( isAllow, value, valueLen ));
} else {
m_defaultRules.push_back( RobotRule( isAllow, value, valueLen ));
bool Robots::parseAllow( const char *field, int32_t fieldLen, bool isUserAgent ) {
static const char s_allow[] = "allow";
static const int32_t s_allowLen = 5;
if ( fieldLen == s_allowLen && strncasecmp( field, s_allow, fieldLen ) == 0 ) {
parsePath( true, isUserAgent );
return true;
return false;
2016-03-29 07:01:25 -04:00
bool Robots::parseDisallow( const char *field, int32_t fieldLen, bool isUserAgent ) {
static const char s_disallow[] = "disallow";
static const int32_t s_disallowLen = 8;
if ( fieldLen == s_disallowLen && strncasecmp( field, s_disallow, fieldLen ) == 0 ) {
parsePath( false, isUserAgent );
return true;
return false;
void Robots::parse() {
2016-03-31 11:46:54 -04:00
int64_t startTime = 0;
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingRobots ) {
startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
bool inUserAgentGroup = false;
bool isUserAgent = false;
2016-03-29 07:01:25 -04:00
bool hasGroupRecord = false;
while ( getNextLine() ) {
if ( !inUserAgentGroup ) {
// find group start (user agent)
const char *field = NULL;
int32_t fieldLen = 0;
if ( getField( &field, &fieldLen ) ) {
bool matchUserAgent = false;
bool matchDefaultUserAgent = false;
if ( parseUserAgent( field, fieldLen, &matchUserAgent, &matchDefaultUserAgent ) ) {
hasGroupRecord = false;
if ( matchUserAgent || matchDefaultUserAgent ) {
isUserAgent = matchUserAgent;
inUserAgentGroup = true;
// add parsing of other non-group record here
} else {
// find group end
const char *field = NULL;
int32_t fieldLen = 0;
if ( getField( &field, &fieldLen ) ) {
bool matchUserAgent = false;
bool matchDefaultUserAgent = false;
if ( parseUserAgent( field, fieldLen, &matchUserAgent, &matchDefaultUserAgent )) {
if ( hasGroupRecord ) {
hasGroupRecord = false;
// we should only reset when we have found group records
// this is to cater for multiple consecutive user-agent lines
inUserAgentGroup = false;
isUserAgent = false;
if ( matchUserAgent || matchDefaultUserAgent ) {
isUserAgent = matchUserAgent;
inUserAgentGroup = true;
} else if ( parseDisallow( field, fieldLen, isUserAgent ) ) {
hasGroupRecord = true;
} else if ( parseAllow( field, fieldLen, isUserAgent ) ) {
hasGroupRecord = true;
} else if ( parseCrawlDelay( field, fieldLen, isUserAgent ) ) {
hasGroupRecord = true;
// add parsing of other group/non-group record here
// sort rules
if ( m_userAgentFound ) {
std::sort( m_rules.begin(), m_rules.end(), std::greater<RobotRule>() );
} else if ( m_defaultUserAgentFound ) {
std::sort( m_defaultRules.begin(), m_defaultRules.end(), std::greater<RobotRule>() );
// clear values
m_currentLine = NULL;
m_currentLineLen = 0;
m_valueStartPos = 0;
m_nextLineStartPos = 0;
2016-03-31 11:46:54 -04:00
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingRobots ) {
log( LOG_TIMING, "robots: %s: took %" PRId64 " ms", __func__, ( gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - startTime ) );
2016-03-31 11:46:54 -04:00
bool Robots::isAllowed( Url *url ) {
2016-03-31 11:46:54 -04:00
int64_t startTime = 0;
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingRobots ) {
startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
std::vector<RobotRule> *rules = NULL;
if ( m_userAgentFound ) {
rules = &m_rules;
} else if ( m_defaultUserAgentFound ) {
rules = &m_defaultRules;
// default allow
bool isAllowed = true;
if ( rules ) {
for ( std::vector<RobotRule>::const_iterator it = rules->begin(); it != rules->end(); ++it ) {
if ( it->isMatching( url ) ) {
isAllowed = it->isAllow();
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugRobots ) {
log( LOG_DEBUG, "robots: %s: isAllowed='%s' with %s user-agent for url='%.*s'",
__func__, isAllowed ? "true" : "false", m_userAgentFound ? "configured" : m_defaultUserAgentFound ? "default" : "no",
url->getUrlLen(), url->getUrl() );
2016-03-31 11:46:54 -04:00
if ( g_conf.m_logTimingRobots ) {
log( LOG_TIMING, "robots: %s: took %" PRId64 " ms", __func__, ( gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - startTime ) );
2016-03-31 11:46:54 -04:00
return isAllowed;
int32_t Robots::getCrawlDelay() {
int32_t crawlDelay = -1;
if ( m_userAgentFound ) {
crawlDelay = m_crawlDelay;
} else if ( m_defaultUserAgentFound ) {
crawlDelay = m_defaultCrawlDelay;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugRobots ) {
log( LOG_DEBUG, "robots: %s: crawl-delay='%d' with %s user-agent", __func__, crawlDelay, m_userAgentFound ? "configured" : m_defaultUserAgentFound ? "default" : "no" );
return crawlDelay;
void Robots::print() const {
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "############ Robots ############");
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "Robots::m_robotsTxt\n%.*s", m_robotsTxtLen, m_robotsTxt );
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "Robots::m_userAgent='%.*s'", m_userAgentLen, m_userAgent );
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "Robots::m_userAgentFound=%s", m_userAgentFound ? "true" : "false" );
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "Robots::m_crawlDelay=%d", m_crawlDelay );
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "Robots::m_defaultUserAgentFound=%s", m_defaultUserAgentFound ? "true" : "false" );
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "Robots::m_defaultCrawlDelay=%d", m_defaultCrawlDelay );
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "Robots::m_rules.size=%zu", m_rules.size() );
for ( std::vector<RobotRule>::const_iterator it = m_rules.begin(); it != m_rules.end(); ++it ) {
it->print( 1 );
2016-03-29 07:01:25 -04:00
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "Robots::m_defaultRules.size=%zu", m_defaultRules.size() );
for ( std::vector<RobotRule>::const_iterator it = m_defaultRules.begin(); it != m_defaultRules.end(); ++it ) {
it->print( 1 );
2016-03-29 07:01:25 -04:00
logf( LOG_DEBUG, "################################");
2016-03-29 07:01:25 -04:00