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// Matt Wells, copyright Jul 2001
#include "HashTableX.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "GbMutex.h"
#include "ScopedLock.h"
class Abbr {
const char *m_str;
// MUST it have a word after it????
char m_hasWordAfter;
// . i shrunk this list a lot
// . see backups for the hold list
static const class Abbr s_abbrs99[] = {
{"ln",0}, // lane
{"mil",0}, // military
{"pkway",0}, // parkway
{"pkwy",0}, // parkway
{"lp",0}, // Loop
{"phd",0}, // Loop
{"demon",0}, // demonstration
{"alz",0}, // alzheimer's
{"lang",0}, // language
{"gr",0}, // grade(s) "xmas concert gr. 1-5"
{"vars",0}, // varsity
{"avg",0}, // average
{"amer",0}, // america
{"bet",0}, // between 18th and 19th for piratecatradio.com
{"nr",0}, // near 6th street = nr. 6th street
{"div",1}, // div. II
{"int",1}, // Intermediate Dance
{"beg",1}, // Beginner Dance
{"adv",1}, // Advanced Dance
{"feat",1}, // featuring.
{"tdlr",0}, // toddler
{"schl",0}, // pre-schl
// times
{"am",0}, // unm.edu url puts {"7 am. - 9 am.{" time ranges!
{"asst",0}, // assistant
{"Bros",0}, // brothers
{"ext",0}, // extension
{"Ft",1}, // ft. worth texas or feet
//{"Mo",0}, no more 2-letter state abbreviations
{"ft",0}, // fort or feet or featuring
{"yrs",0}, // 3 yrs old
// middle initials
{"v",1}, // versus
static HashTableX s_abbrTable;
static bool s_abbrInitialized = false;
static GbMutex s_mtx;
bool isAbbr ( int64_t h , bool *hasWordAfter ) {
ScopedLock sl(s_mtx);
if ( ! s_abbrInitialized ) {
// set up the hash table
int32_t n = ((int32_t)sizeof(s_abbrs99))/ ((int32_t)sizeof(Abbr));
if ( ! s_abbrTable.set ( 8,4,n*4, NULL,0,false,"abbrtbl")) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "build: Could not init abbrev table." );
return false;
// now add in all the stop words
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
const char *sw = s_abbrs99[i].m_str;
int64_t swh = hash64Lower_utf8 ( sw );
int32_t val = i + 1;
if ( ! s_abbrTable.addKey (&swh,&val) ) return false;
s_abbrInitialized = true;
// test it
int64_t h = hash64Lower_utf8("St");
if ( ! s_abbrTable.isInTable(&h) ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
int32_t sc = s_abbrTable.getScore(h);
if ( sc >= n ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// get from table
int32_t sc = s_abbrTable.getScore(h);
if ( sc <= 0 ) return false;
if ( hasWordAfter ) *hasWordAfter = s_abbrs99[sc-1].m_hasWordAfter;
return true;
void resetAbbrTable ( ) {