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synced 2025-02-02 03:38:43 -05:00
It has always been local time since ... forever. We rely on NTP doing its job.
321 lines
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321 lines
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// Copyright 2008, Gigablast Inc.
#include "DailyMerge.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "HostFlags.h"
#include "Repair.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
#include "Process.h" // g_process.m_processStartTime
#include "Spider.h"
#include "SpiderColl.h"
#include "SpiderLoop.h"
#include "Proxy.h"
#include "Linkdb.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
static void dailyMergeWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) ;
// the global class
DailyMerge g_dailyMerge;
// main.cpp calls g_dailyMerge.init()
bool DailyMerge::init ( ) {
// reset these
m_cr = NULL;
m_mergeMode = 0;
m_didDaily = false;
// check every 10 seconds
if (!g_loop.registerSleepCallback(10 * 1000, NULL, dailyMergeWrapper, "DailyMerge::dailyMergeWrapper")) {
log( LOG_WARN, "repair: Failed register callback.");
return false;
return true;
// . call this once every second
// . this is responsible for advancing from one g_repairMode to the next
void dailyMergeWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
void DailyMerge::dailyMergeLoop ( ) {
// if in repair mode, do not do daily merge
if ( g_repairMode ) {
// or if in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) {
// skip if proxy, a proxy can be hostid 0!
if ( g_proxy.isProxy() ) {
// get local time
int64_t nowLocalMS = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// get our hostid
int32_t hid = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_hostId;
// if process only recently started (1 min ago or less)
// then do not immediately do this...
if (hid==0 && nowLocalMS - g_process.m_processStartTime < 1*60*1000)
// wait until the right time (this is in UTC)
time_t nowSynced = getTime();
// get time since midnight
struct tm tm_buf;
struct tm *tt = gmtime_r(&nowSynced,&tm_buf);
// how many MINUTES into the day are we? (in UTC)
int32_t elapsedMins = tt->tm_hour * 60 + tt->tm_min ;
// . if we are not 0, just use host #0's collnum
// . an error here will screw up the whole daily merge process
if ( hid != 0 && m_mergeMode == 0 ) {
// get host #0
Host *h = &g_hostdb.m_hosts[0];
// must have gotten an update from him
if ( ! h->m_runtimeInformation.m_valid ) return;
// hostid #0 must NOT be in mode 0
if ( h->m_runtimeInformation.m_flags & PFLAG_MERGEMODE0 ) return;
// get the collnum that host #0 is currently daily merging
collnum_t i = g_hostdb.m_hosts[0].m_runtimeInformation.m_dailyMergeCollnum;
// this means host #0 is not daily merging a collnum now
if ( i < 0 ) return;
// if it is valid, the CollectionRec MUST be there
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( i );
if ( ! cr ) {
log("daily: host #0 bad collnum %" PRId32,(int32_t)i);return;}
// if valid, use it
m_cr = cr;
// we set m_cr, go to next mode
m_mergeMode = 1;
// set the start time here, but don't commit to m_cr just yet
m_savedStartTime = nowSynced;
// . only host #0 should do this loop!!!
if(hid==0) {
// . loop through each collection to check the time
for (collnum_t i=0; m_mergeMode==0 && i<g_collectiondb.getNumRecs(); i++) {
// get collection rec for collnum #i
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( i );
// skip if empty, it was deleted at some point
if ( ! cr ) continue;
// skip if daily merge trigger is < 0 (do not do dailies)
if ( cr->m_dailyMergeTrigger < 0 ) continue;
// . skip if not time yet
// . !!!!!THIS IS IN MINUTES!!!!!!!!
if ( (int32_t)elapsedMins < (int32_t)cr->m_dailyMergeTrigger )
// do not start more than 15 mins after the trigger time,
// if we miss that cuz we are down, then too bad
if ( (int32_t)elapsedMins > (int32_t)cr->m_dailyMergeTrigger + 15 )
// . how long has it been (in seconds)
// . !!!!!THIS IS IN SECONDS!!!!!!!!
int32_t diff = nowSynced - cr->m_dailyMergeStarted;
// crazy?
if ( diff < 0 ) continue;
// if less than 24 hours ago, we already did it
if ( diff < 24*3600 ) continue;
// . we must now match the day of week
// . use <= 0 to do it every day
// . 0 = sunday ... 6 = saturday
// . comma separated list is ok ("0,1, 6")
// . leave blank or at least no numbers to do every day
char *s = cr->m_dailyMergeDOWList;
char dowCounts[8];
for ( ; *s ; s++ ) {
if ( ! is_digit(*s) ) continue;
int32_t num = atoi(s);
if ( num < 0 ) continue;
if ( num > 6 ) continue;
// get our dow
int32_t todayDOW = tt->tm_wday + 1;
// make sure 1 to 7
if ( todayDOW < 0 || todayDOW > 6 ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "merge: bad today dow of %i for coll %s",
//if ( todayDOW > 6 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// skip if not a dayofweek to merge on
if ( dowCounts [ todayDOW ] == 0 ) continue;
// set the start time here, but don't commit to m_cr just yet
m_savedStartTime = nowSynced;
// . wait for everyone to be in mode #0 in case they just
// finished another daily merge. only host #0 does this loop.
// . PROBLEM: if host #0 crashes before everyone can get into
// mode 1+ and then host #0 is brought back up, then
// obviously, we will not be able to meet this condition,
// therefore only check to see if this condition is
// satisfied our "second time around" (so we must complete
// one daily merge before checking this again). that is why
// i added "m_didDaily". -- MDW
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; m_didDaily && i<g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ; i++){
// skip ourselves, obviously we are in merge mode 2
if ( &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i] == g_hostdb.m_myHost )
// that's good if he is in mode 0
if ( g_hostdb.m_hosts[i].m_runtimeInformation.m_flags & PFLAG_MERGEMODE0 )
// oops, someone is not mode 0
// got one, save it
m_cr = cr;
// if we were hostid 0, go into merge mode 1 now
m_mergeMode = 1;
// bust out of loop
// can we advance to merge mode 1?
if ( m_mergeMode == 1 ) {
// no candidates, go back to mode 0 now, we are done
if ( ! m_cr ) {
log("daily: Could not get coll rec.");
m_mergeMode = 0; return;
// ok, we got a collection that needs it so turn off spiders
m_mergeMode = 2;
// turn spiders off to keep query latency down
m_spideringEnabled = g_conf.m_spideringEnabled;
//m_injectionEnabled = g_conf.m_injectionEnabled;
g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = false;
//g_conf.m_injectionEnabled = false;
// log it
log("daily: Starting daily merge for %s.",m_cr->m_coll);
log("daily: Waiting for other hosts to enter merge mode.");
// wait for everyone to make it to mode 1+ before going on
if ( m_mergeMode == 2 ) {
// check the ping packet flags
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ; i++ ) {
// get the host
Host *h = &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i];
// skip ourselves, obviously we are in merge mode 2
if ( h == g_hostdb.m_myHost )
// skip dead hosts
if ( g_hostdb.isDead(h) )
// return if a host still in merge mode 0. wait for it.
if ( h->m_runtimeInformation.m_flags & PFLAG_MERGEMODE0 )
// ok, everyone is out of mode 0 now
m_mergeMode = 3;
// log it
log("daily: Waiting for all hosts to have 0 "
"spiders out.");
// wait for ALL spiders in network to clear
if ( m_mergeMode == 3 ) {
// return if we got spiders out!
if ( g_spiderLoop.getNumSpidersOut() > 0 )
// check the ping packet flags
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ; i++ ) {
// skip ourselves, obviously we are in merge mode 2
if ( &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i] == g_hostdb.m_myHost )
// if host still has spiders out, we can't go to mode 4
if ( g_hostdb.m_hosts[i].m_runtimeInformation.m_flags & PFLAG_HASSPIDERS )
// ok, nobody has spiders now
m_mergeMode = 4;
// log it
log("daily: Dumping trees.");
// start the dumps
if ( m_mergeMode == 4 ) {
// . set when we did it last, save that to disk to avoid thrash
// . TODO: BUT do not allow it to be set in the spider
// controls!
// . THIS IS IN SECONDS!!!!!!!
// . use the time we started, otherwise the merge time keeps
// getting pushed back.
m_cr->m_dailyMergeStarted = m_savedStartTime; // nowSynced;
// tell it to save, otherwise this might not get saved
// initiate dumps
g_linkdb.getRdb ()->submitRdbDumpJob(true);
// if neither has recs in tree, go to next mode
if(g_linkdb .getRdb()->getNumUsedNodes()>0) return;
// ok, all trees are clear and dumped
m_mergeMode = 5;
// log it
log("daily: Merging indexdb files.");
// start the merge
if ( m_mergeMode == 5 ) {
// kick off the merges if not already going
// . minimize titledb merging at spider time, too
// . will perform a merge IFF there are 200 or more titledb
// files present, otherwise, it will not. will do the merge
// such that LESS THAN 200 titledb files will be present
// AFTER the merge is completed.
// . do NOT force merge ALL files on this one, we just want
// to make sure there are not 200+ titledb files
// we seem to dump about 70 per day at a decent spider rate
// so merge enough so that we don't have to merge while
// spidering
// set m_cr to NULL up here, so that the last guy to
// complete the daily merge, does not "cycle back" and
// try to re-daily merge the same collection!
m_cr = NULL;
// ok, merges are done
m_mergeMode = 6;
// log it
log("daily: Waiting for all hosts to finish merging.");
// wait for all to finish before re-enabling spiders
if ( m_mergeMode == 6 ) {
// check the ping packet flags
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ; i++ ) {
// skip ourselves, obviously we are ok
if ( &g_hostdb.m_hosts[i] == g_hostdb.m_myHost )
// if host in mode 6 or 0, that's good
if ( g_hostdb.m_hosts[i].m_runtimeInformation.m_flags & PFLAG_MERGEMODE0OR6)
// otherwise, wait for it to be in 6 or 0
// ok, nobody has spiders now, everyone is 6 or 0
m_mergeMode = 0;
// no coll rec now
m_cr = NULL;
// spiders back on
g_conf.m_spideringEnabled = m_spideringEnabled;
//g_conf.m_injectionEnabled = m_injectionEnabled;
// log it
log("daily: Daily merge completed.");
// now the next time we do a daily we must make sure all hosts
// are in merge mode #0 before we start
m_didDaily = true;