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1099 lines
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#include "Mem.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "ScopedLock.h"
#include "GbMutex.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "Sanity.h"
#include <string.h> //for strlen()
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
// only Mem.cpp should call ::malloc, everyone else must call mmalloc() so
// we can keep tabs on memory usage.
#define sysmalloc ::malloc
#define syscalloc ::calloc
#define sysrealloc ::realloc
#define sysfree ::free
// allocate an extra space before and after the allocated memory to try
// to catch sequential buffer underruns and overruns. if the write is way
// beyond this padding radius, chances are it will seg fault right then and
// there because it will hit a different PAGE, to be more sure we could
// make UNDERPAD and OVERPAD PAGE bytes, although the overrun could still write
// to another allocated area of memory and we can never catch it.
#define UNDERPAD 4
#define OVERPAD 4
static const char MAGICCHAR = (char)0xda;
class Mem g_mem;
#define PTRTYPE uint64_t
#define SPTRTYPE int64_t
#define PTRFMT "lx"
//hackish way to keep track of whether s_lock is safe to use or not. Things calls ::rmmem after s_lock has been destroyed
static struct MemLock {
GbMutex actual_lock;
bool working;
MemLock() : actual_lock(), working(true) {}
~MemLock() { working = false; }
operator GbMutex&() { return actual_lock; }
} s_lock;
// a table used in debug to find mem leaks
static void **s_mptrs ;
static size_t *s_sizes ;
static char *s_labels;
static char *s_isnew;
static int32_t s_n = 0;
static bool s_initialized = 0;
//note: the ScopedMemoryLimitBypass is not thread-safe. The "bypass" flag should really
//be per-thread. Or RdbBase should be reworked to use another technique than artificially
//raising the memory limit while adding a file.
: oldMaxMem(g_conf.m_maxMem)
g_conf.m_maxMem = INT64_MAX;
void ScopedMemoryLimitBypass::release() {
if(oldMaxMem>=0) {
g_conf.m_maxMem = oldMaxMem;
oldMaxMem = -1;
static bool allocationShouldFailRandomly() {
// . fail randomly
// . good for testing if we can handle out of memory gracefully
return g_conf.m_testMem && (rand() % 100) < 2;
// our own memory manager
void operator delete (void *ptr) throw () {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p", ptr );
// now just call this
g_mem.gbfree((char *)ptr, NULL, 0, false);
void operator delete [] ( void *ptr ) throw () {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p", ptr );
// now just call this
g_mem.gbfree((char *)ptr, NULL, 0, false);
void operator delete ( void *ptr, size_t ) throw () {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p", ptr );
// now just call this
g_mem.gbfree((char *)ptr, NULL, 0, false);
void operator delete[] ( void *ptr, size_t ) throw () {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p", ptr );
// now just call this
g_mem.gbfree((char *)ptr, NULL, 0, false);
#define MINMEM 6000000
void Mem::addnew ( void *ptr , size_t size , const char *note ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p size=%zu note=%s", ptr, size, note );
// 1 --> isnew
addMem ( ptr , size , note , 1 );
void Mem::delnew ( void *ptr , size_t size , const char *note ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p size=%zu note=%s", ptr, size, note );
// we don't need to use mdelete() if checking for leaks is enabled
// because the size of the allocated mem is in the hash table under
// s_sizes[]. and the delete() operator is overriden below to catch this.
//dynamic throw(...) may be deprecated by the signatures for new and new[] must be exactly like this
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated"
// . global override of new and delete operators
// . seems like constructor and destructor are still called
// . just use to check if enough memory
// . before this just called mmalloc which sometimes returned NULL which
// would cause us to throw an unhandled signal. So for now I don't
// call mmalloc since it is limited in the mem it can use and would often
// return NULL and set g_errno to ENOMEM
void * operator new (size_t size) throw (std::bad_alloc) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "size=%zu", size );
//new operator is required to return a unique pointer even for zero-byte allocations
size = 1;
if ( allocationShouldFailRandomly() ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log(LOG_ERROR, "mem: new-fake(%zu): %s",size, mstrerror(g_errno));
throw std::bad_alloc();
size_t max = g_conf.m_maxMem;
// don't go over max
if ( g_mem.getUsedMem() + size >= max &&
g_conf.m_maxMem > 1000000 ) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "mem: new(%zu): Out of memory.", size );
throw std::bad_alloc();
void *mem = sysmalloc ( size );
if ( ! mem && size > 0 ) {
g_errno = errno;
log( LOG_WARN, "mem: new(%zu): %s",size,mstrerror(g_errno));
throw std::bad_alloc();
//return NULL;
g_mem.addMem ( mem , size , "TMPMEM" , 1 );
return mem;
void * operator new [] (size_t size) throw (std::bad_alloc) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "size=%zu", size );
//new operator is required to return a unique pointer even for zero-byte allocations
size = 1;
size_t max = g_conf.m_maxMem;
// don't go over max
if ( g_mem.getUsedMem() + size >= max &&
g_conf.m_maxMem > 1000000 ) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "mem: new(%zu): Out of memory.", size );
throw std::bad_alloc();
//throw 1;
void *mem = sysmalloc ( size );
if ( ! mem && size > 0 ) {
g_errno = errno;
log( LOG_WARN, "mem: new(%zu): %s", size, mstrerror(g_errno));
throw std::bad_alloc();
g_mem.addMem ( (char*)mem , size, "TMPMEM" , 1 );
return mem;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
Mem::Mem() {
m_used = 0;
m_numAllocated = 0;
m_numTotalAllocated = 0;
// DO NOT INIT THIS: m_memtablesize = 0;
m_maxAlloc = 0;
m_maxAllocBy = "";
m_maxAllocated = 0;
// count how many allocs/news failed
m_outOfMems = 0;
// do not initialize m_memtablesize here
// constructor can be called after addMem has been called (from operator new)
Mem::~Mem() {
size_t Mem::getUsedMem () const {
ScopedLock sl(s_lock);
return m_used;
size_t Mem::getMaxMem() const {
return g_conf.m_maxMem;
float Mem::getUsedMemPercentage() const {
ScopedLock sl(s_lock);
int64_t used_mem = m_used;
int64_t max_mem = g_conf.m_maxMem;
return ((float)used_mem) * 100.0 / ((float)max_mem);
int64_t Mem::getFreeMem() const {
ScopedLock sl(s_lock);
return g_conf.m_maxMem - m_used;
bool Mem::init ( ) {
if ( g_conf.m_detectMemLeaks )
log(LOG_INIT,"mem: Memory leak checking is enabled.");
// reset this, our max mem used over time ever because we don't
// want the mem test we did above to count towards it
m_maxAllocated = 0;
return true;
// this is called after a memory block has been allocated and needs to be registered
void Mem::addMem ( void *mem , size_t size , const char *note , char isnew ) {
if(!s_lock.working) return;
ScopedLock sl(s_lock);
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "mem=%p size=%zu note='%s' is_new=%d", mem, size, note, isnew );
// 4G/x = 600*1024 -> x = 4000000000.0/(600*1024) = 6510
// crap, g_hostdb.init() is called inmain.cpp before
// g_conf.init() which is needed to set g_conf.m_maxMem...
if ( ! s_initialized ) {
//m_memtablesize = m_maxMem / 6510;
// support 1.2M ptrs for now. good for about 8GB
// raise from 3000 to 8194 to fix host #1
m_memtablesize = 8194*1024*2;//m_maxMem / 6510;
//if ( m_maxMem < 8000000000 ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( (int32_t)m_numAllocated + 100 >= (int32_t)m_memtablesize ) {
static bool s_printed = false;
if ( ! s_printed ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "mem: using too many slots");
s_printed = true;
logDebug( g_conf.m_logDebugMem, "mem: add %08" PTRFMT" %zu bytes (%" PRId64") (%s)", (PTRTYPE)mem, size, m_used, note );
// check for breech after every call to alloc or free in order to
// more easily isolate breeching code.. this slows things down a lot
// though.
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugMem ) printBreeches_unlocked();
// copy the magic character, iff not a new() call
if ( size == 0 ) {
// sanity check -- for machines with > 4GB ram?
if ( (PTRTYPE)mem + (PTRTYPE)size < (PTRTYPE)mem ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"mem: Kernel returned mem at "
"%08" PTRFMT" of size %" PRId32" "
"which would wrap. Bad kernel.",
// umsg00
// bool useElectricFence = false;
// if ( ! isnew && ! useElectricFence ) {
if ( ! isnew ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < UNDERPAD ; i++ )
((char *)mem)[0-i-1] = MAGICCHAR;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < OVERPAD ; i++ )
((char *)mem)[0+size+i] = MAGICCHAR;
// if no label!
if ( ! note[0] ) log(LOG_LOGIC,"mem: addmem: NO note.");
// clear mem ptrs if this is our first call
if ( ! s_initialized ) {
s_mptrs = (void **)sysmalloc ( m_memtablesize*sizeof(void *));
s_sizes = (size_t *)sysmalloc(m_memtablesize * sizeof(size_t));
s_labels = (char *)sysmalloc ( m_memtablesize*16 );
s_isnew = (char *)sysmalloc ( m_memtablesize );
if ( ! s_mptrs || ! s_sizes || ! s_labels || ! s_isnew ) {
if ( s_mptrs ) sysfree ( s_mptrs );
if ( s_sizes ) sysfree ( s_sizes );
if ( s_labels ) sysfree ( s_labels );
if ( s_isnew ) sysfree ( s_isnew );
log(LOG_WARN, "mem: addMem: Init failed. Disabling checks.");
g_conf.m_detectMemLeaks = false;
s_initialized = true;
memset ( s_mptrs , 0 , sizeof(char *) * m_memtablesize );
// try to add ptr/size/note to leak-detecting table
if ( (int32_t)s_n > (int32_t)m_memtablesize ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "mem: addMem: No room in table for %s size=%zu.", note,size);
// hash into table
uint32_t u = (PTRTYPE)mem * (PTRTYPE)0x4bf60ade;
uint32_t h = u % (uint32_t)m_memtablesize;
// chain to an empty bucket
int32_t count = (int32_t)m_memtablesize;
while ( s_mptrs[h] ) {
// if an occupied bucket as our same ptr then chances are
// we freed without calling rmMem() and a new addMem() got it
if ( s_mptrs[h] == mem ) {
// if we are being called from addnew(), the
// overloaded "operator new" function above should
// have stored a temp ptr in here... allow that, it
// is used in case an engineer forgets to call
// mnew() after calling new() so gigablast would never
// realize that the memory was allocated.
if ( s_sizes[h] == size &&
s_labels[h*16+0] == 'T' &&
s_labels[h*16+1] == 'M' &&
s_labels[h*16+2] == 'P' &&
s_labels[h*16+3] == 'M' &&
s_labels[h*16+4] == 'E' &&
s_labels[h*16+5] == 'M' ) {
goto skipMe;
log( LOG_ERROR, "mem: addMem: Mem already added. rmMem not called? label=%c%c%c%c%c%c",
s_labels[h*16+5] );
if ( h == m_memtablesize ) h = 0;
if ( --count == 0 ) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "mem: addMem: Mem table is full.");
// add to debug table
s_mptrs [ h ] = mem;
s_sizes [ h ] = size;
s_isnew [ h ] = isnew;
//log("adding %" PRId32" size=%" PRId32" to [%" PRId32"] #%" PRId32" (%s)",
// debug
if ( (size > MINMEM && g_conf.m_logDebugMemUsage) || size>=100000000 )
log(LOG_INFO,"mem: addMem(%zu): %s. ptr=0x%" PTRFMT" "
"used=%" PRId64,
// now update used mem
// we do this here now since we always call addMem() now
m_used += size;
if ( size > m_maxAlloc ) { m_maxAlloc = size; m_maxAllocBy = note; }
if ( m_used > m_maxAllocated ) m_maxAllocated = m_used;
int32_t len = strlen(note);
if ( len > 15 ) len = 15;
char *here = &s_labels [ h * 16 ];
memcpy ( here , note , len );
// make sure NULL terminated
here[len] = '\0';
#define PRINT_TOP 40
class MemEntry {
int32_t m_hash;
char *m_label;
int32_t m_allocated;
int32_t m_numAllocs;
// print out the mem table
// but combine allocs with the same label
// sort by mem allocated
bool Mem::printMemBreakdownTable(SafeBuf *sb) {
sb->safePrintf (
"<table %s>"
"<td colspan=3 bgcolor=#%s>"
"<center><b>Mem Breakdown</b></td></tr>\n"
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><b>num allocs</b></td>"
"</tr>" ,
int32_t n = m_numAllocated * 2;
MemEntry *e = (MemEntry *)mcalloc ( sizeof(MemEntry) * n , "Mem" );
if ( ! e ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "admin: Could not alloc %" PRId32" bytes for mem table.",
return false;
// hash em up, combine allocs of like label together for this hash
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < (int32_t)m_memtablesize ; i++ ) {
// skip empty buckets
if ( ! s_mptrs[i] ) continue;
// get label ptr, use as a hash
char *label = &s_labels[i*16];
int32_t h = hash32n ( label );
if ( h == 0 ) h = 1;
// accumulate the size
int32_t b = (uint32_t)h % n;
// . chain till we find it or hit empty
// . use the label as an indicator if bucket is full or empty
while ( e[b].m_hash && e[b].m_hash != h )
if ( ++b >= n ) b = 0;
// add it in
e[b].m_hash = h;
e[b].m_label = label;
e[b].m_allocated += s_sizes[i];
// get the top 20 users of mem
MemEntry *winners [ PRINT_TOP ];
int32_t i = 0;
int32_t count = 0;
for ( ; i < n && count < PRINT_TOP ; i++ )
// if non-empty, add to winners array
if ( e[i].m_hash ) winners [ count++ ] = &e[i];
// compute new min
int32_t min = 0x7fffffff;
int32_t mini = -1000;
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < count ; j++ ) {
if ( winners[j]->m_allocated > min ) continue;
min = winners[j]->m_allocated;
mini = j;
// now the rest must compete
for ( ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// if empty skip
if ( ! e[i].m_hash ) continue;
//if ( e[i].m_allocated > 120 && e[i].m_allocated < 2760 )
// log("hey %" PRId32, e[i].m_allocated);
// skip if not a winner
if ( e[i].m_allocated <= min ) continue;
// replace the lowest winner
winners[mini] = &e[i];
// compute new min
min = 0x7fffffff;
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < count ; j++ ) {
if ( winners[j]->m_allocated > min ) continue;
min = winners[j]->m_allocated;
mini = j;
// now sort them
bool flag = true;
while ( flag ) {
flag = false;
for ( int32_t i = 1 ; i < count ; i++ ) {
// no need to swap?
if ( winners[i-1]->m_allocated >=
winners[i]->m_allocated ) continue;
// swap
flag = true;
MemEntry *tmp = winners[i-1];
winners[i-1] = winners[i];
winners[i ] = tmp;
// now print into buffer
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
sb->safePrintf (
"<tr bgcolor=%s>"
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>"
sb->safePrintf ( "</table>\n");
// don't forget to release this mem
mfree ( e , (int32_t)sizeof(MemEntry) * n , "Mem" );
return true;
// Relabels memory in table. Returns true on success, false on failure.
// Purpose is for times when UdpSlot's buffer is not owned and freed by someone
// else. Now we can verify that passed memory is freed.
bool Mem::lblMem( void *mem, size_t size, const char *note ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "mem=%p size=%zu note=%s", mem, size, note );
// seems to be a bad bug in this...
return true;
#if 0
bool val = false;
// Make sure we're not relabeling a NULL or dummy memory address,
// if so, error then exit
if ( !mem ) {
//log( "mem: lblMem: Mem addr (0x%08X) invalid/NULL, not "
// "relabeling.", mem );
return val;
uint32_t u = ( PTRTYPE ) mem * ( PTRTYPE ) 0x4bf60ade;
uint32_t h = u % ( uint32_t ) m_memtablesize;
// chain to bucket
while ( s_mptrs[ h ] ) {
if ( s_mptrs[ h ] == mem ) {
if ( s_sizes[ h ] != size ) {
val = false;
log( LOG_WARN, "mem: lblMem: Mem addr (0x%08" PTRFMT") exists, size is %" PRId32" off.",
( PTRTYPE ) mem,
s_sizes[ h ] - size );
int32_t len = strlen( note );
if ( len > 15 ) len = 15;
char *here = &s_labels[ h * 16 ];
memcpy ( here, note, len );
// make sure NULL terminated
here[ len ] = '\0';
val = true;
if ( h == m_memtablesize ) h = 0;
if ( !val ) {
log( "mem: lblMem: Mem addr (0x%08" PTRFMT") not found.", ( PTRTYPE ) mem );
return val;
// this is called just before a memory block is freed and needs to be deregistered
bool Mem::rmMem(void *mem, size_t size, const char *note, bool checksize) {
if(!s_lock.working) return true;
ScopedLock sl(s_lock);
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "mem=%p size=%zu note='%s'", mem, size, note );
logDebug( g_conf.m_logDebugMem, "mem: free %08" PTRFMT" %zu bytes (%s)", (PTRTYPE)mem,size,note);
// check for breech after every call to alloc or free in order to
// more easily isolate breeching code.. this slows things down a lot
// though.
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugMem ) printBreeches_unlocked();
// don't free 0 bytes
if ( checksize && size == 0 ) {
return true;
// . hash by first hashing "mem" to mix it up some
// . balance the mallocs/frees
// . hash into table
uint32_t u = (PTRTYPE)mem * (PTRTYPE)0x4bf60ade;
uint32_t h = u % (uint32_t)m_memtablesize;
// . chain to an empty bucket
// . CAUTION: loops forever if no empty bucket
while ( s_mptrs[h] && s_mptrs[h] != mem ) {
if ( h == m_memtablesize ) h = 0;
// if not found, bitch
if ( ! s_mptrs[h] ) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "mem: rmMem: Unbalanced free. note=%s size=%zu.",note,size);
// are we from the "new" operator
bool isnew = s_isnew[h];
if(checksize) {
// . bitch is sizes don't match
// . delete operator does not provide a size now (it's -1)
if ( s_sizes[h] != size ) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "mem: rmMem: Freeing %zu should be %zu. (%s)", size,s_sizes[h],note);
} else
size = s_sizes[h];
// debug
if ( (size > MINMEM && g_conf.m_logDebugMemUsage) || size>=100000000 )
log(LOG_INFO,"mem: rmMem (%zu): ptr=0x%" PTRFMT" %s.",size,(PTRTYPE)mem,note);
// we do this here now since we always call rmMem() now
// decrement freed mem
m_used -= size;
// new/delete does not have padding because the "new"
// function can't support it right now
//if ( ! isnew ) m_used -= (UNDERPAD + OVERPAD);
// check for breeches, if we don't do it here, we won't be able
// to check this guy for breeches later, cuz he's getting
// removed
if ( ! isnew ) printBreech(h);
// empty our bucket, and point to next bucket after us
s_mptrs[h++] = NULL;
// dec the count
// wrap if we need to
if ( h >= m_memtablesize ) h = 0;
// var decl.
uint32_t k;
// shit after us may has to be rehashed in case it chained over us
while ( s_mptrs[h] ) {
// get mem ptr in bucket #h
char *mem = (char *)s_mptrs[h];
// find the most wanted bucket for this mem ptr
u = (PTRTYPE)mem * (PTRTYPE)0x4bf60ade;
k= u % (uint32_t)m_memtablesize;
// if it's in it, continue
if ( k == h ) { h++; continue; }
// otherwise, move it back to fill the gap
s_mptrs[h] = NULL;
// if slot #k is full, chain
for ( ; s_mptrs[k] ; )
if ( ++k >= m_memtablesize ) k = 0;
// re-add it to table
s_mptrs[k] = (void *)mem;
s_sizes[k] = s_sizes[h];
s_isnew[k] = s_isnew[h];
// try next bucket now
// wrap if we need to
if ( h >= m_memtablesize ) h = 0;
return true;
int32_t Mem::validate ( ) {
if ( ! s_mptrs ) return 1;
// stock up "p" and compute total bytes allocated
size_t total = 0;
int32_t count = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < (int32_t)m_memtablesize ; i++ ) {
// skip empty buckets
if ( ! s_mptrs[i] ) continue;
total += s_sizes[i];
// see if it matches
if ( total != m_used ) gbshutdownAbort(true);
if ( count != m_numAllocated ) gbshutdownAbort(true);
return 1;
int32_t Mem::getMemSlot ( void *mem ) {
if(!s_lock.working) return true;
ScopedLock sl(s_lock);
// hash into table
uint32_t u = (PTRTYPE)mem * (PTRTYPE)0x4bf60ade;
uint32_t h = u % (uint32_t)m_memtablesize;
// . chain to an empty bucket
// . CAUTION: loops forever if no empty bucket
while ( s_mptrs[h] && s_mptrs[h] != mem ) {
if ( h == m_memtablesize ) h = 0;
// if not found, return -1
if ( ! s_mptrs[h] ) return -1;
return h;
int Mem::printBreech ( int32_t i) {
// skip if empty
if ( ! s_mptrs ) return 0;
if ( ! s_mptrs[i] ) return 0;
// skip if isnew is true, no padding there
if ( s_isnew[i] ) return 0;
// if no label!
if ( ! s_labels[i*16] )
log(LOG_LOGIC,"mem: NO label found.");
// do not test "Stack" allocated in Threads.cpp because it
// uses mprotect() which messes up the magic chars
if ( s_labels[i*16+0] == 'T' &&
s_labels[i*16+1] == 'h' &&
!strcmp(&s_labels[i*16 ],"ThreadStack" ) ) return 0;
char flag = 0;
// check for underruns
char *mem = (char *)s_mptrs[i];
char *bp = NULL;
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < UNDERPAD ; j++ ) {
if ( mem[0-j-1] == MAGICCHAR ) continue;
log(LOG_LOGIC,"mem: underrun at %" PTRFMT" loff=%" PRId32" "
"size=%zu "
"i=%" PRId32" note=%s",
// mark it for freed mem re-use check below
if ( ! bp ) bp = &mem[0-j-1];
// now scan the whole hash table and find the mem buffer
// just before that! but only do this once
if ( flag == 1 ) continue;
PTRTYPE min = 0;
int32_t mink = -1;
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < (int32_t)m_memtablesize ; k++ ) {
// skip empties
if ( ! s_mptrs[k] ) continue;
// do not look at mem after us
if ( (PTRTYPE)s_mptrs[k] >= (PTRTYPE)mem )
// get min diff
if ( mink != -1 && (PTRTYPE)s_mptrs[k] < min )
// new winner
min = (PTRTYPE)s_mptrs[k];
mink = k;
// now report it
if ( mink == -1 ) continue;
log( LOG_WARN, "mem: possible breeching buffer=%s dist=%" PRIu32,
flag = 1;
// check for overruns
size_t size = s_sizes[i];
for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < OVERPAD ; j++ ) {
if ( mem[size+j] == MAGICCHAR ) continue;
log(LOG_LOGIC,"mem: overrun at 0x%" PTRFMT" (size=%zu)"
"roff=%" PRId32" note=%s",
// mark it for freed mem re-use check below
if ( ! bp ) bp = &mem[size+j];
// now scan the whole hash table and find the mem buffer
// just before that! but only do this once
if ( flag == 1 ) continue;
PTRTYPE min = 0;
int32_t mink = -1;
for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < (int32_t)m_memtablesize ; k++ ) {
// skip empties
if ( ! s_mptrs[k] ) continue;
// do not look at mem before us
if ( (PTRTYPE)s_mptrs[k] <= (PTRTYPE)mem )
// get min diff
if ( mink != -1 && (PTRTYPE)s_mptrs[k] > min )
// new winner
min = (PTRTYPE)s_mptrs[k];
mink = k;
// now report it
if ( mink == -1 ) continue;
log(LOG_WARN, "mem: possible breeching buffer=%s at 0x%" PTRFMT" "
"breaching at offset of %" PTRFMT" bytes",
flag = 1;
// return now if no breach
if ( flag == 0 ) return 1;
// check all allocated memory for buffer under/overruns
int Mem::printBreeches() {
ScopedLock sl(s_lock);
return printBreeches_unlocked();
int Mem::printBreeches_unlocked() {
if ( ! s_mptrs ) return 0;
// do not bother if no padding at all
if ( (int32_t)UNDERPAD == 0 && (int32_t)OVERPAD == 0 ) return 0;
log("mem: checking mem for breeches");
// loop through the whole mem table
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < (int32_t)m_memtablesize ; i++ )
// only check if non-empty
if ( s_mptrs[i] ) printBreech(i);
return 0;
int Mem::printMem ( ) {
// has anyone breeched their buffer?
// print table entries sorted by most mem first
int32_t *p = (int32_t *)sysmalloc ( m_memtablesize * 4 );
if ( ! p ) return 0;
// stock up "p" and compute total bytes allocated
int64_t total = 0;
int32_t np = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < (int32_t)m_memtablesize ; i++ ) {
// skip empty buckets
if ( ! s_mptrs[i] ) continue;
total += s_sizes[i];
p[np++] = i;
// print out table sorted by sizes
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < np ; i++ ) {
int32_t a = p[i];
log(LOG_INFO,"mem: %05" PRId32") %zu 0x%" PTRFMT" %s",
i,s_sizes[a] , (PTRTYPE)s_mptrs[a] , &s_labels[a*16] );
sysfree ( p );
log(LOG_INFO,"mem: # current objects allocated now = %" PRId32, np );
log(LOG_INFO,"mem: totalMem allocated now = %" PRId64, total );
//log("mem: max allocated at one time = %" PRId32, (int32_t)(m_maxAllocated));
log(LOG_INFO,"mem: Memory allocated now: %" PRId64".\n", m_used );
log(LOG_INFO,"mem: Num allocs %" PRId32".\n", m_numAllocated );
return 1;
void *Mem::gbmalloc ( size_t size , const char *note ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "size=%zu note='%s'", size, note );
//malloc() can return a NULL pointer if the size is zero
return NULL;
if ( allocationShouldFailRandomly() ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log( LOG_WARN, "mem: malloc-fake(%zu,%s): %s",size,note, mstrerror(g_errno));
return NULL;
size_t max = g_conf.m_maxMem;
// don't go over max
if ( g_mem.getUsedMem() + size + UNDERPAD + OVERPAD >= max ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log( LOG_WARN, "mem: malloc(%zu): Out of memory", size );
return NULL;
void *mem;
mem = (void *)sysmalloc ( size + UNDERPAD + OVERPAD );
if ( ! mem && size > 0 ) {
g_errno = errno;
static int64_t s_lastTime;
static int32_t s_missed = 0;
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
int64_t avail = (int64_t)g_conf.m_maxMem - (int64_t)m_used;
if ( now - s_lastTime >= 1000LL ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "mem: system malloc(%zu,%s) availShouldBe=%" PRId64": "
"%s (%s) (ooms suppressed since last log msg = %" PRId32")",
s_lastTime = now;
s_missed = 0;
} else {
return NULL;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "mem=%p size=%zu note='%s'", mem, size, note );
addMem ( (char *)mem + UNDERPAD , size , note , 0 );
return (char *)mem + UNDERPAD;
void *Mem::gbcalloc ( size_t size , const char *note ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "size=%zu note='%s'", size, note );
void *mem = gbmalloc ( size , note );
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "mem=%p size=%zu note='%s'", mem, size, note );
// init it
if ( mem ) memset ( mem , 0, size );
return mem;
void *Mem::gbrealloc ( void *ptr , size_t oldSize , size_t newSize , const char *note ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p oldSize=%zu newSize=%zu note='%s'", ptr, oldSize, newSize, note );
// do nothing if size is same
if ( oldSize == newSize ) return ptr;
// if newSize is 0...
if ( newSize == 0 ) {
gbfree(ptr, note, oldSize, true);
return NULL;
size_t max = g_conf.m_maxMem;
// don't go over max
if ( g_mem.getUsedMem() + newSize - oldSize >= max ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log( LOG_WARN, "mem: realloc(%zu,%zu): Out of memory.",oldSize,newSize);
return NULL;
// if oldSize is 0, use our malloc() instead
if ( oldSize == 0 ) {
return gbmalloc ( newSize , note );
// assume it will be successful. we can't call rmMem() after
// calling sysrealloc() because it will mess up our MAGICCHAR buf
rmMem(ptr, oldSize, note, true);
// . do the actual realloc
char *mem = (char *)sysrealloc ( (char *)ptr - UNDERPAD , newSize + UNDERPAD + OVERPAD );
// remove old guy on sucess
if ( mem ) {
addMem ( (char *)mem + UNDERPAD , newSize , note , 0 );
char *returnMem = mem + UNDERPAD;
// set magic char bytes for mem
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < UNDERPAD ; i++ )
returnMem[0-i-1] = MAGICCHAR;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < OVERPAD ; i++ )
returnMem[0+newSize+i] = MAGICCHAR;
return returnMem;
// ok, just try using malloc then!
mem = (char *)mmalloc ( newSize , note );
// bail on error
if ( ! mem ) {
// restore the original buf we tried to grow
addMem ( ptr , oldSize , note , 0 );
errno = g_errno = ENOMEM;
return NULL;
// log a note
log(LOG_INFO,"mem: had to use malloc+memcpy instead of realloc.");
// copy over to it
memcpy ( mem, ptr, oldSize );
// we already called rmMem() so don't double call
sysfree ( (char *)ptr - UNDERPAD );
return mem;
void *Mem::dup ( const void *data , size_t dataSize , const char *note ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "data=%p dataSize=%zu note='%s'", data, dataSize, note );
// keep it simple
char *mem = (char *)mmalloc ( dataSize , note );
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "mem=%p data=%p dataSize=%zu note='%s'", (void*)mem, data, dataSize, note );
if ( mem ) memcpy ( mem , data , dataSize );
return mem;
void Mem::gbfree ( void *ptr , const char *note, size_t size , bool checksize ) {
if(!s_lock.working) return;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMem, "ptr=%p size=%zu note='%s'", ptr, size, note );
if ((checksize && size == 0) || !ptr) {
// . get how much it was from the mem table
// . this is used for alloc/free wrappers for zlib because it does
// not give us a size to free when it calls our mfree(), so we use -1
int32_t slot = g_mem.getMemSlot ( ptr );
if ( slot < 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"mem: could not find slot (note=%s)",note);
// do NOT abort here... Let it run, otherwise it dies during merges. abort();
// return for now so procog does not core all the time!
bool isnew = s_isnew[slot];
// if this returns false it was an unbalanced free
if (!rmMem(ptr, size, note, checksize)) {
if ( isnew ) sysfree ( (char *)ptr );
else sysfree ( (char *)ptr - UNDERPAD );