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// Matt Wells, copyright Sep 2001
// . gets an RdbList from disk
// . reads from N specified files and stores results in N RdbLists
#ifndef GB_MSG3_H
#define GB_MSG3_H
#include "rdbid_t.h"
class RdbCache *getDiskPageCache ( rdbid_t rdbId ) ;
// . max # of rdb files an rdb can have w/o merging
// . merge your files to keep the number of them low to cut down # of seeks
// . we try to keep it down to only 1 file through merging
// . now that we embed a title file num in tfndb for each docid, titledb
// only needs to be merged to collide positive/negative recs to save disk
// space, so we do not want to be limited by number of files for titledb
// . we bumped this up to 512 to help get more sites out of site search
//#define MAX_RDB_FILES 512
// allow us to spider for a while without having to merge
//#define MAX_RDB_FILES 2048
// make Msg5 footprint smaller
//#define MAX_RDB_FILES 512
// make Msg5 footprint smaller since we have "whitelist" in msg2.cpp
// we need to run one msg5 per whitelisted site then and we can have up to
// 500 sites in the whitelist.
#define MAX_RDB_FILES 1024
#include "RdbList.h"
#include "RdbScan.h"
#include "GbSignature.h"
#include "GbMutex.h"
class Msg3 {
// just sets # of read lists (m_numScansCompleted) to 0
void reset();
// . try to get at least minRecSizes worth of records
// . endKey of "list" may be less than "endKey" provided
// . sometimes there is a disk read error (due to merge deleting files)
// and retryNum/maxRetries help define the retries
// . if "numFiles" is -1, it means read ALL files available
// . if "justGetEndKey" is true, then the call just sets
// m_msg3.m_endKey and m_msg3.m_constrainKey. This is just used
// by Msg5.cpp to constrain the endKey so it can read the recs
// from the tree using that endKey, and not waste time.
bool readList ( rdbid_t rdbId,
collnum_t collnum ,
const char *startKey ,
const char *endKey ,
int32_t minRecSizes , // scan size(-1 all)
int32_t startFileNum , // first file to scan
int32_t numFiles , // rel.2 startFileNum
void *state , // for callback
void (* callback ) ( void *state ) ,
int32_t niceness , // = MAX_NICENESS ,
int32_t retryNum , // = 0 ,
int32_t maxRetries , // = -1
bool justGetEndKey);
// for retrieving unmerged lists
RdbList *getList ( int32_t i ) { return &m_scan[i].m_list; }
const RdbList *getList ( int32_t i ) const { return &m_scan[i].m_list; }
int32_t getNumLists() const { return m_numScansCompleted; }
bool areAllScansCompleted() const;
bool isListChecked() const { return m_listsChecked; }
bool listHadCorruption() const { return m_hadCorruption; }
int32_t getFileNums() const { return m_numFileNums; }
int32_t getFileId(int32_t i) const { return m_scan[i].m_fileId; }
// end key to use when calling constrain_r()
char m_constrainKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// keep public for doneScanningWrapper to use
bool doneScanning ( );
// on read/write error we sleep and retry
bool doneSleeping ();
// this might increase m_minRecSizes
void compensateForNegativeRecs ( class RdbBase *base ) ;
// . sets page ranges for RdbScan (m_startpg[i], m_endpg[i])
void setPageRanges(RdbBase *base);
static void doneScanningWrapper0(void *state);
void doneScanningWrapper();
static void doneSleepingWrapper3(int fd, void *state);
void doneSleepingWrapper3();
// the rdb we're scanning for
rdbid_t m_rdbId;
collnum_t m_collnum;
bool m_validateCache;
struct Scan {
// the scan classes, 1 per file, used to read from that file
RdbScan m_scan;
// page ranges for each scan computed in setPageRanges()
int32_t m_startpg;
int32_t m_endpg;
char m_hintKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
int32_t m_hintOffset;
int32_t m_fileId;
bool m_inPageCache;
char m_shiftCount;
// hold the list we read from disk here
RdbList m_list;
Scan *m_scan; //holds <m_numChunks> items
int32_t m_startFileNum;
int32_t m_numFiles ;
int32_t m_numFileNums;
int32_t m_numScansStarted;
int32_t m_numScansCompleted;
GbMutex m_mtxScanCounters;
bool m_scansBeingSubmitted;
void incrementScansStarted();
bool incrementScansCompleted();
// key range to read
const char *m_fileStartKey;
char m_startKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char m_endKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// min bytes to read
int32_t m_minRecSizes;
// keep some original copies incase errno == ETRYAGAIN
char m_endKeyOrig[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
int32_t m_minRecSizesOrig;
int32_t m_niceness;
// last error received from doing all reads
int m_errno;
// only retry up to m_maxRetries times in case it was a fluke
int32_t m_retryNum;
int32_t m_maxRetries;
// for debugging
int64_t m_startTime;
// . these hints make a call to constrain() fast
// . used to quickly contrain the tail of a 1-list read
int32_t m_hintOffset;
char m_hintKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
int32_t m_numChunks;
char m_ks;
bool m_listsChecked;
bool m_hadCorruption;
void *m_state;
void (*m_callback)(void *state);
extern int32_t g_numIOErrors;
#endif // GB_MSG3_H