Ivan Skytte Jørgensen 5b7fabe5be Removed Msg39Request::m_stripe
Write-only variable. This means that Msg3a::m_rbuf and m_rbuf2 contents are the same and Msg3a::m_rbuf2 could be removed too.
It is unclear what m_strip was intended for.
2018-04-26 16:16:10 +02:00

214 lines
5.4 KiB

// Matt Wells, copyright Jul 2001
// . gets the resulting docIds from a query
// . TODO: use our own facility to replace Msg2? hash a list as it comes.
#ifndef GB_MSG39_H
#define GB_MSG39_H
#include "Query.h" // Query::set()
#include "Msg2.h" // getLists()
#include "PosdbTable.h"
#include "TopTree.h"
#include "Msg51.h"
#include "BaseScoringParameters.h"
#include "WordVariationsConfig.h"
#include "JobScheduler.h"
class UdpSlot;
class DocumentIndexChecker;
class Msg39Request {
Msg39Request () { reset(); }
void reset();
// we are requesting that this many docids be returned. Msg40 requests
// of Msg3a a little more docids than it needs because it assumes
// some will be de-duped at summary gen time.
//note: Multicast.cpp decodes first 8 bytes directly
int32_t m_docsToGet;
int32_t m_nqt; // # of query terms
char m_niceness;
int32_t m_maxAge;
int32_t m_maxQueryTerms;
int32_t m_numDocIdSplits;
uint8_t m_language;
// flags
WordVariationsConfig m_word_variations_config;
bool m_debug;
bool m_doSiteClustering;
bool m_hideAllClustered;
bool m_doDupContentRemoval;
bool m_addToCache;
bool m_familyFilter;
bool m_getDocIdScoringInfo;
char m_realMaxTop;
bool m_useQueryStopWords;
bool m_allowHighFrequencyTermCache;
bool m_doMaxScoreAlgo;
bool m_modifyQuery;
BaseScoringParameters m_baseScoringParameters;
collnum_t m_collnum;
int64_t m_minDocId;
int64_t m_maxDocId;
// for widget, to only get results to append to last docid
double m_maxSerpScore;
int64_t m_minSerpDocId;
// msg3a stuff
int64_t m_timeout; // in milliseconds
char m_queryId[32];
// do not add new string parms before ptr_readSizes or
// after ptr_whiteList so serializeMsg() calls still work
char *ptr_termFreqWeights;
char *ptr_query; // in utf8?
char *ptr_whiteList;
// do not add new string parms before size_readSizes or
// after size_whiteList so serializeMsg() calls still work
int32_t size_termFreqWeights;
int32_t size_query;
int32_t size_whiteList;
// variable data comes here
class Msg39Reply {
// zero ourselves out
void reset() { memset(this,0,sizeof(*this)); }
int32_t m_numDocIds;
// # of "unignored" query terms
int32_t m_nqt;
// # of estimated hits we had
int32_t m_estimatedHits;
// estimated percentage of index searched of the desired scope
double m_pctSearched;
// error code
int32_t m_errno;
// do not add new string parms before ptr_docIds or
// after ptr_clusterRecs so serializeMsg() calls still work
char *ptr_docIds ; // the results, int64_t
char *ptr_scores ; // now doubles! so we can have intScores
char *ptr_flags ; // from Docid2FlagsAndSiteMap
char *ptr_scoreInfo ; // transparency info
char *ptr_pairScoreBuf ; // transparency info
char *ptr_singleScoreBuf ; // transparency info
char *ptr_clusterRecs ; // key96_t (might be empty)
// do not add new string parms before size_docIds or
// after size_clusterRecs so serializeMsg() calls still work
int32_t size_docIds;
int32_t size_scores;
int32_t size_flags;
int32_t size_scoreInfo;
int32_t size_pairScoreBuf ;
int32_t size_singleScoreBuf;
int32_t size_clusterRecs;
// variable data comes here
class Msg39 {
// register our request handler for Msg39's
static bool registerHandler();
static void handleRequest39(UdpSlot *slot, int32_t netnice);
// called by handler when a request for docids arrives
void getDocIds ( UdpSlot *slot ) ;
void reset();
void reset2();
static void coordinatorThreadFunc(void *state);
void getDocIds2();
// retrieves the lists needed as specified by termIds and PosdbTable
void getLists(int fileNum, int64_t docIdStart, int64_t docIdEnd);
// called when lists have been retrieved, uses PosdbTable to hash lists
void intersectLists(const DocumentIndexChecker &documentIndexChecker);
// . this is used by handler to reconstruct the incoming Query class
// . TODO: have a serialize/deserialize for Query class
Query m_query;
// used to get IndexLists all at once
Msg2 m_msg2;
// holds slot after we create this Msg39 to handle a request for docIds
UdpSlot *m_slot;
// . used for getting IndexList startKey/endKey/minNumRecs for each
// termId we got from the query
// . used for hashing our retrieved IndexLists
PosdbTable m_posdbTable;
// keep a ptr to the request
Msg39Request *m_msg39req;
// always use top tree now
TopTree m_toptree;
// . we hold our IndexLists here for passing to PosdbTable
// . one array for each of the tiers
RdbList *m_lists;
// used for timing
int64_t m_startTime;
int64_t m_startTimeQuery; //when the getDocIds2() was first called
// this is set if PosdbTable::addLists() had an error
int32_t m_errno;
int64_t m_numTotalHits;
int32_t m_clusterBufSize;
char *m_clusterBuf;
int64_t *m_clusterDocIds;
char *m_clusterLevels;
key96_t *m_clusterRecs;
int32_t m_numClusterDocIds;
int32_t m_numVisible;
Msg51 m_msg51;
bool m_gotClusterRecs;
void controlLoop();
static void intersectListsThreadFunction(void *state);
void estimateHitsAndSendReply(double pctSearched);
void getClusterRecs();
bool gotClusterRecs ();
//debugging aid
bool m_inUse;
bool m_debug;
#endif // GB_MSG39_H