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synced 2025-02-02 03:38:43 -05:00
The functions didn't have anything to do with Titledb directly, and moving them out will make the static / dynamic domain-list easier to implement.
157 lines
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157 lines
3.8 KiB
// diffbot api implementaion
// WHAT APIs are here?
// . 1. the CrawlBot API to start a crawl
// . 2. To directly process a provided URL (injection)
// . 3. the Cache API so phantomjs can quickly check the cache for files
// and quickly add files to the cache.
#include "Errno.h"
#include "PageCrawlBot.h"
#include "TcpServer.h"
#include "HttpRequest.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Pages.h" // g_msg
#include "PageInject.h" // Msg7
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "Repair.h"
#include "Parms.h"
#include "SpiderLoop.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Docid.h"
bool printCrawlDetails2 (SafeBuf *sb , CollectionRec *cx , char format ) {
const char *crawlMsg;
spider_status_t crawlStatus;
getSpiderStatusMsg ( cx , &crawlMsg, &crawlStatus );
if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) {
"\t\"statusCode\":%" PRId32",\n"
, (int)crawlStatus, crawlMsg);
sb->safePrintf("\t\"processStartTime\":%" PRId64",\n", (g_process.m_processStartTime / 1000));
sb->safePrintf("\t\"currentTime\":%" PRIu32"\n", (uint32_t)getTime() );
if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) {
sb->safePrintf("<response>\n\t<statusCode>%" PRId32"</statusCode>\n", (int)crawlStatus);
sb->safePrintf("\t<statusMsg><![CDATA[%s]]></statusMsg>\n", crawlMsg);
sb->safePrintf("\t<currentTime>%" PRIu32"</currentTime>\n", (uint32_t)getTime() );
sb->safePrintf("\t<currentTimeUTC>%" PRIu32"</currentTimeUTC>\n", (uint32_t)getTime() );
return true;
// just use "fakeips" based on the hash of each url hostname/subdomain
// so we don't waste time doing ip lookups.
bool getSpiderRequestMetaList ( const char *doc, SafeBuf *listBuf, bool spiderLinks, CollectionRec *cr ) {
if ( ! doc ) {
return true;
// . scan the list of urls
// . assume separated by white space \n \t or space
const char *p = doc;
uint32_t now = (uint32_t)getTime();
for(;;) {
// skip white space (\0 is not a whitespace)
// all done?
if ( ! *p ) break;
// save it
const char *saved = p;
// advance to next white space
while(!is_wspace_a(*p) && *p)
// set end
const char *end = p;
// get that url
Url url;
url.set( saved, end - saved );
// if not legit skip
if ( url.getUrlLen() <= 0 ) continue;
// need this
int64_t probDocId = Docid::getProbableDocId(&url);
// make it
SpiderRequest sreq;
sreq.m_firstIp = url.getHostHash32(); // fakeip!
// avoid ips of 0 or -1
if ( sreq.m_firstIp == 0 || sreq.m_firstIp == -1 ) {
sreq.m_firstIp = 1;
sreq.m_hostHash32 = url.getHostHash32();
sreq.m_domHash32 = url.getDomainHash32();
sreq.m_siteHash32 = url.getHostHash32();
sreq.m_addedTime = now;
sreq.m_fakeFirstIp = 1;
sreq.m_isAddUrl = 1;
// spider links?
if ( ! spiderLinks ) {
sreq.m_avoidSpiderLinks = 1;
// save the url!
strcpy ( sreq.m_url , url.getUrl() );
// finally, we can set the key. isDel = false
sreq.setKey ( sreq.m_firstIp , probDocId , false );
int32_t oldBufSize = listBuf->getCapacity();
int32_t need = listBuf->length() + 100 + sreq.getRecSize();
int32_t newBufSize = 0;
if ( need > oldBufSize ) {
newBufSize = oldBufSize + 100000;
if ( newBufSize && ! listBuf->reserve ( newBufSize ) ) {
// return false with g_errno set
return false;
// store rdbid first
if ( ! listBuf->pushChar(RDB_SPIDERDB_DEPRECATED) ) {
// return false with g_errno set
return false;
// store it
if ( ! listBuf->safeMemcpy ( &sreq , sreq.getRecSize() ) ) {
// return false with g_errno set
return false;
// all done
return true;