mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 03:38:43 -05:00
432 lines
12 KiB
432 lines
12 KiB
#include "TcpServer.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "HttpRequest.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "Dns.h"
#include "SafeBuf.h"
#include "Msg13.h"
#include "ip.h"
#include "Url.h"
#include "fctypes.h"
#include "max_coll_len.h"
#include <algorithm>
static void printTcpTable (SafeBuf *p, const char *title, TcpServer *server);
static void printUdpTable (SafeBuf *p, const char *title, const UdpServer *server,
const char *coll,
bool isDns);
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . make a web page displaying the config of this host
// . call g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage() to send it
bool sendPageSockets ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
// don't allow pages bigger than 128k in cache
StackBuf<128*1024> p;
int32_t collLen = 0;
const char *coll = r->getString( "c", &collLen );
char tmp_coll[MAX_COLL_LEN+1];
if(coll) {
//copy collection name into tmpbuf and nul-terminate it
if ( (size_t)collLen > MAX_COLL_LEN )
collLen = MAX_COLL_LEN;
tmp_coll[collLen] = '\0';
coll = tmp_coll;
// print standard header
g_pages.printAdminTop ( &p, s , r );
// now print out the sockets table for each tcp server we have
printTcpTable(&p,"HTTP Server" ,g_httpServer.getTcp());
printTcpTable(&p,"HTTPS Server" ,g_httpServer.getSSLTcp());
printUdpTable(&p, "Udp Server", &g_udpServer, coll, false);
printUdpTable(&p, "Udp Server (dns)", &g_dns.getUdpServer(), coll, true);
// from msg13.cpp print the queued url download requests
printHammerQueueTable ( &p );
// calculate buffer length
int32_t bufLen = p.length();
// . send this page
// . encapsulates in html header and tail
// . make a Mime
return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , (char*) p.getBufStart() ,
bufLen );
void printTcpTable ( SafeBuf* p, const char *title, TcpServer *server ) {
// table headers for urls current being spiderd
p->safePrintf ( "<table %s>"
"<tr class=hdrow><td colspan=19>"
//"<font size=+1>"
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><b>bytes read</td>"
"<td><b>bytes to read</td>"
"<td><b>bytes sent</td>"
"<td><b>bytes to send</td>"
, title
// current time in milliseconds
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// store in buffer for sorting
int32_t times[MAX_TCP_SOCKS];
TcpSocket *socks[MAX_TCP_SOCKS];
int32_t nn = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i<=server->m_lastFilled && nn<MAX_TCP_SOCKS; i++ ) {
// get the ith socket
TcpSocket *s = server->m_tcpSockets[i];
// continue if empty
if ( ! s ) continue;
// store it
times[nn] = now - s->m_startTime;
socks[nn] = s;
// bubble sort
// assume no swap will happen
bool didSwap = false;
for ( int32_t i = 1 ; i < nn ; i++ ) {
if ( times[i-1] >= times[i] ) continue;
int32_t tmpTime = times[i-1];
TcpSocket *tmpSock = socks[i-1];
times[i-1] = times[i];
socks[i-1] = socks[i];
times[i ] = tmpTime;
socks[i ] = tmpSock;
didSwap = true;
if ( didSwap ) goto keepSorting;
// now fill in the columns
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++ ) {
// get the ith socket
TcpSocket *s = socks[i];
// set socket state
const char *st = "ERROR";
switch ( s->m_sockState ) {
case ST_AVAILABLE: st="available"; break;
//case ST_CLOSED: st="closed"; break;
case ST_CONNECTING: st="connecting"; break;
case ST_READING: st="reading"; break;
case ST_SSL_ACCEPT: st="ssl accept"; break;
case ST_SSL_SHUTDOWN: st="ssl shutdown"; break;
case ST_WRITING: st="sending"; break;
case ST_NEEDS_CLOSE: st="needs close"; break;
case ST_CLOSE_CALLED: st="close called"; break;
case ST_SSL_HANDSHAKE: st = "ssl handshake"; break;
// bgcolor is lighter for incoming requests
const char *bg = "c0c0f0";
if ( s->m_isIncoming ) bg = "e8e8ff";
// times
int32_t elapsed1 = now - s->m_startTime ;
int32_t elapsed2 = now - s->m_lastActionTime ;
char ipbuf[16];
p->safePrintf ("<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // i
"<td>%i</td>" // fd
"<td>%" PRId32"ms</td>" // elapsed seconds since start
"<td>%" PRId32"ms</td>" // last action
//"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // timeout
"<td>%s</td>" // ip
"<td>%hu</td>" // port
"<td>%s</td>" // state
bg ,
s->m_sd ,
//s->m_timeout ,
s->m_port ,
st );
// tool tip to show top 500 bytes of send buf
if ( s->m_readOffset && s->m_readBuf ) {
p->safePrintf("<td><a title=\"");
SafeBuf tmp;
tmp.safeTruncateEllipsis ( s->m_readBuf ,
s->m_readOffset ,
500 );
p->htmlEncode ( tmp.getBufStart() );
p->safePrintf("<u>%" PRId32"</u></td>",s->m_readOffset);
p->safePrintf( "<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // bytes to read
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // bytes sent
s->m_totalToRead ,
// tool tip to show top 500 bytes of send buf
if ( s->m_totalToSend && s->m_sendBuf ) {
p->safePrintf("<td><a title=\"");
SafeBuf tmp;
tmp.safeTruncateEllipsis ( s->m_sendBuf ,
s->m_totalToSend ,
500 );
p->htmlEncode ( tmp.getBufStart() );
p->safePrintf("<u>%" PRId32"</u></td>",s->m_totalToSend);
// end the table
p->safePrintf ("</table><br>\n" );
static bool sortByStartTime(const UdpStatistic &s1, const UdpStatistic &s2) {
return (s1.getStartTime() < s2.getStartTime());
static void printUdpTable(SafeBuf *p, const char *title, const UdpServer *server, const char *coll, bool isDns) {
if (!coll) {
coll = "main";
// time now
int64_t now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
std::vector<UdpStatistic> udp_statistics = server->getStatistics();
std::sort(udp_statistics.begin(), udp_statistics.end(), sortByStartTime);
// count how many of each msg we have
int32_t msgCount0[MAX_MSG_TYPES] = {};
int32_t msgCount1[MAX_MSG_TYPES] = {};
for (auto it = udp_statistics.begin(); it != udp_statistics.end(); ++it) {
if ( it->getNiceness() == 0 ) {
} else {
const char *wr = server->getWriteRegistered() ? " [write registered]" : "";
// print the counts
p->safePrintf ( "<table %s>"
"<tr class=hdrow><td colspan=19>"
"<b>%s Summary</b> (%" PRId32" transactions)%s"
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><b>msg type</td>"
title , server->getNumUsedSlots() ,
wr ,
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_MSG_TYPES; i++ ) {
if ( msgCount0[i] <= 0 ) {
p->safePrintf("<tr bgcolor=#%s><td>0</td><td>0x%" PRIx32"</td><td>%" PRId32"</td></tr>", LIGHT_BLUE,i, msgCount0[i]);
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_MSG_TYPES; i++ ) {
if ( msgCount1[i] <= 0 ) {
p->safePrintf("<tr bgcolor=#%s><td>1</td><td>0x%" PRIx32"</td><td>%" PRId32"</td></tr>", LIGHT_BLUE,i, msgCount1[i]);
p->safePrintf ( "</table><br>" );
const char *dd = isDns ? "<td><b>hostname</b></td>" : "<td><b>msgType</b></td><td><b>desc</b></td><td><b>hostId</b></td>";
p->safePrintf ( "<table %s>"
"<tr class=hdrow><td colspan=19>"
"<b>%s</b> (%" PRId32" transactions)"
"(%" PRId32" incoming)"
"<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td><b>last read</td>"
"<td><b>last send</td>"
"<td><b>dgrams read</td>"
"<td><b>dgrams to read</td>"
"<td><b>acks sent</td>"
"<td><b>dgrams sent</td>"
"<td><b>dgrams to send</td>"
"<td><b>acks read</td>"
"</tr>\n" ,
title , server->getNumUsedSlots() ,
server->getNumUsedSlotsIncoming() ,
dd );
// now fill in the columns
for (auto it = udp_statistics.begin(); it != udp_statistics.end(); ++it) {
char e0[32] = "--";
char e1[32] = "--";
char e2[32] = "--";
if (it->getStartTime() != 0LL) {
sprintf(e0, "%" PRId64"ms", (now - it->getStartTime()));
if (it->getLastReadTime() != 0LL) {
sprintf(e1, "%" PRId64"ms", (now - it->getLastReadTime()));
if (it->getLastSendTime() != 0LL) {
sprintf(e2, "%" PRId64"ms", (now - it->getLastSendTime()));
// bgcolor is lighter for incoming requests
const char *bg = it->hasCallback() ? LIGHT_BLUE : LIGHTER_BLUE;
Host *h = g_hostdb.getUdpHost(it->getIp(), it->getPort());
char ipbuf[16];
const char *eip = "??";
uint16_t eport = 0;
const char *ehostId = "-1";
char tmpHostId[64];
if ( h ) {
// host can have 2 ip addresses, get the one most
// similar to that of the requester
eip = iptoa(g_hostdb.getBestIp(h),ipbuf);
eport = h->getExternalHttpPort();
sprintf(tmpHostId, "%s%" PRId32, h->m_isProxy ? "proxy" : "", h->m_hostId);
ehostId = tmpHostId;
} else {
// if no corresponding host, it could be a request from an external
// cluster, so just show the ip
sprintf(tmpHostId, "%s", iptoa(it->getIp(),ipbuf));
ehostId = tmpHostId;
eip = tmpHostId;
bool calledHandler = it->hasCallback() ? it->hasCalledCallback() : it->hasCalledHandler();
p->safePrintf ( "<tr bgcolor=#%s>"
"<td>%s</td>" // age
"<td>%s</td>" // last read
"<td>%s</td>" // last send
"<td>%" PRId64"</td>", // timeout
bg ,
e0 ,
e1 ,
e2 ,
it->getTimeout() );
// now use the ip for dns and hosts
char ipbuf2[16];
p->safePrintf("<td>%s:%" PRIu32"</td>",
const char *cf1 = "";
const char *cf2 = "";
if ( it->getConvertedNiceness() ) {
cf1 = "<font color=red>";
cf2 = "</font>";
if ( isDns ) {
p->safePrintf("<td><nobr>%s", it->getExtraInfo());
// get the domain from the hostname
int32_t dlen;
const char *dbuf = ::getDomFast(it->getExtraInfo(), &dlen, false);
p->safePrintf( " <a href=\"/admin/tagdb?user=admin&tagtype0=manualban&tagdata0=1&u=%s&c=%s\">"
"[<font color=red><b>BAN %s</b></font>]</nobr></a> " ,
dbuf , coll , dbuf );
p->safePrintf("</td><td>%s%" PRId32"%s</td>", cf1, (int32_t)it->getNiceness(), cf2);
} else {
// clickable hostId
const char *toFrom = it->hasCallback() ? "to" : "from";
p->safePrintf ( "<td>0x%02x</td>" // msgtype
"<td><nobr>%s</nobr></td>" // desc
"<td><nobr>%s <a href=http://%s:%hu/"
"<td>%s%" PRId32"%s</td>" , // niceness
(int)it->getMsgType() ,
// begin clickable hostId
eip ,
eport ,
coll ,
ehostId ,
// end clickable hostId
const char *rf1 = "";
const char *rf2 = "";
if ( it->getResendCount() ) {
rf1 = "<b style=color:red;>";
rf2 = "</b>";
p->safePrintf ( "<td>%" PRIu32"</td>" // transId
"<td>%i</td>" // called handler
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // dgrams read
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // dgrams to read
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // acks sent
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // dgrams sent
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // dgrams to send
"<td>%" PRId32"</td>" // acks read
"<td>%s%hhu%s</td>" // resend count
"</tr>\n" ,
it->getNumDatagramRead() ,
it->getNumPendingRead() ,
it->getNumAckSent() ,
it->getNumDatagramSent() ,
it->getNumPendingSend() ,
it->getNumAckRead() ,
rf1 ,
it->getResendCount() ,
// end the table
p->safePrintf ("</table><br>\n" );