mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 02:18:42 -05:00
The functions didn't have anything to do with Titledb directly, and moving them out will make the static / dynamic domain-list easier to implement.
563 lines
18 KiB
563 lines
18 KiB
#include "Posdb.h"
#include "JobScheduler.h"
#include "Rebalance.h"
#include "RdbCache.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Sanity.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include "Docid.h"
#ifdef _VALGRIND_
#include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
// a global class extern'd in .h file
Posdb g_posdb;
// for rebuilding posdb
Posdb g_posdb2;
// resets rdb
void Posdb::reset() {
bool Posdb::init ( ) {
// sanity check
key144_t k;
int64_t termId = 123456789LL;
uint64_t docId = 34567292222LL;
int32_t dist = MAXWORDPOS-1;//54415;
int32_t densityRank = 10;
int32_t diversityRank = MAXDIVERSITYRANK-1;//11;
int32_t wordSpamRank = MAXWORDSPAMRANK-1;//12;
int32_t siteRank = 13;
int32_t hashGroup = 1;
int32_t langId = 59;
int32_t multiplier = 13;
char shardedByTermId = 1;
char isSynonym = 1;
Posdb::makeKey ( &k ,
termId ,
densityRank , // 0-15
hashGroup ,
isSynonym , // syn?
false , // delkey?
shardedByTermId );
// test it out
if ( Posdb::getTermId ( &k ) != termId ) gbshutdownLogicError();
//int64_t d2 = Posdb::getDocId(&k);
if ( Posdb::getDocId (&k ) != docId ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getHashGroup ( &k ) !=hashGroup) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getWordPos ( &k ) != dist ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getDensityRank (&k)!=densityRank)gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getDiversityRank(&k)!=diversityRank)gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getWordSpamRank(&k)!=wordSpamRank)gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getSiteRank (&k) != siteRank ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getLangId ( &k ) != langId ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getMultiplier ( &k ) !=multiplier)gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getIsSynonym ( &k ) != isSynonym) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::isShardedByTermId(&k)!=shardedByTermId)gbshutdownLogicError();
// more tests
setDocIdBits ( &k, docId );
setMultiplierBits ( &k, multiplier );
setSiteRankBits ( &k, siteRank );
setLangIdBits ( &k, langId );
// test it out
if ( Posdb::getTermId ( &k ) != termId ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getDocId (&k ) != docId ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getWordPos ( &k ) != dist ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getDensityRank (&k)!=densityRank)gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getDiversityRank(&k)!=diversityRank)gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getWordSpamRank(&k)!=wordSpamRank)gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getSiteRank (&k) != siteRank ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getHashGroup ( &k ) !=hashGroup) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getLangId ( &k ) != langId ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getMultiplier ( &k ) !=multiplier)gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( Posdb::getIsSynonym ( &k ) != isSynonym) gbshutdownLogicError();
// more tests
key144_t sk;
key144_t ek;
Posdb::makeEndKey (&ek,termId);
RdbList list;
key144_t ka;
ka.n2 = 0x1234567890987654ULL;
ka.n1 = 0x5566778899aabbccULL;
ka.n0 = (uint16_t)0xbaf1;
list.addRecord ( (char *)&ka,0,NULL,true );
key144_t kb;
kb.n2 = 0x1234567890987654ULL;
kb.n1 = 0x5566778899aabbccULL;
kb.n0 = (uint16_t)0xeef1;
list.addRecord ( (char *)&kb,0,NULL,true );
char *p = list.m_list;
char *pend = p + list.m_listSize;
for ( ; p < pend ; p++ )
log("db: %02" PRId32") 0x%02" PRIx32,p-list.m_list,
(int32_t)(*(unsigned char *)p));
// make it lower now for debugging
//maxTreeMem = 5000000;
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . each rec in tree is only 1 key (12 bytes)
// . but has 12 bytes of tree overhead (m_left/m_right/m_parents)
// . this is UNUSED for bin trees!!
int32_t nodeSize = (sizeof(key144_t)+12+4) + sizeof(collnum_t);
int32_t maxTreeNodes = g_conf.m_posdbMaxTreeMem / nodeSize ;
// . set our own internal rdb
// . max disk space for bin tree is same as maxTreeMem so that we
// must be able to fit all bins in memory
// . we do not want posdb's bin tree to ever hit disk since we
// dump it to rdb files when it is 90% full (90% of bins in use)
return m_rdb.init ( "posdb",
// -1 means look in CollectionRec::m_posdbMinFilesToMerge
maxTreeNodes ,
// init the rebuild/secondary rdb, used by PageRepair.cpp
bool Posdb::init2 ( int32_t treeMem ) {
//if ( ! setGroupIdTable () ) return false;
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . each rec in tree is only 1 key (12 bytes)
// . but has 12 bytes of tree overhead (m_left/m_right/m_parents)
// . this is UNUSED for bin trees!!
int32_t nodeSize = (sizeof(key144_t)+12+4) + sizeof(collnum_t);
int32_t maxTreeNodes = treeMem / nodeSize ;
// . set our own internal rdb
// . max disk space for bin tree is same as maxTreeMem so that we
// must be able to fit all bins in memory
// . we do not want posdb's bin tree to ever hit disk since we
// dump it to rdb files when it is 90% full (90% of bins in use)
return m_rdb.init("posdbRebuild",
1000, // min files to merge
true); //useIndex
// . see Posdb.h for format of the 12 byte key
// . TODO: substitute var ptrs if you want extra speed
void Posdb::makeKey ( void *vkp ,
int64_t termId ,
uint64_t docId ,
int32_t wordPos ,
char densityRank ,
char diversityRank ,
char wordSpamRank ,
char siteRank ,
char hashGroup ,
char langId ,
int32_t multiplier ,
bool isSynonym ,
bool isDelKey ,
bool shardedByTermId ) {
// sanity
if ( siteRank > MAXSITERANK ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( wordSpamRank > MAXWORDSPAMRANK ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( densityRank > MAXDENSITYRANK ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( diversityRank > MAXDIVERSITYRANK ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( langId > MAXLANGID ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( hashGroup > MAXHASHGROUP ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( wordPos > MAXWORDPOS ) gbshutdownLogicError();
if ( multiplier > MAXMULTIPLIER ) gbshutdownLogicError();
key144_t *kp = (key144_t *)vkp;
// make sure we mask out the hi bits we do not use first
termId = termId & TERMID_MASK;
kp->n2 = termId;
// then 16 bits of docid
kp->n2 <<= 16;
kp->n2 |= docId >> (38-16); // 22
// rest of docid (22 bits)
kp->n1 = docId & (0x3fffff);
// a zero bit for aiding b-stepping alignment issues
kp->n1 <<= 1;
kp->n1 |= 0x00;
// 4 site rank bits
kp->n1 <<= 4;
kp->n1 |= siteRank;
// 4 langid bits
kp->n1 <<= 5;
kp->n1 |= (langId & 0x1f);
// the word position, 18 bits
kp->n1 <<= 18;
kp->n1 |= wordPos;
// the hash group, 4 bits
kp->n1 <<= 4;
kp->n1 |= hashGroup;
// the word span rank, 4 bits
kp->n1 <<= 4;
kp->n1 |= wordSpamRank;
// the diversity rank, 4 bits
kp->n1 <<= 4;
kp->n1 |= diversityRank;
// word form bits, F-bits. right now just use 1 bit
kp->n1 <<= 2;
if ( isSynonym ) kp->n1 |= 0x01;
// density rank, 5 bits
kp->n0 = densityRank;
// is in outlink text? reserved
kp->n0 <<= 1;
// a 1 bit for aiding b-stepping
kp->n0 <<= 1;
kp->n0 |= 0x01;
// multiplier bits, 5 bits
kp->n0 <<= 5;
kp->n0 |= multiplier;
// one maverick langid bit, the 6th bit
kp->n0 <<= 1;
if ( langId & 0x20 ) kp->n0 |= 0x01;
// compression bits, 2 of 'em
kp->n0 <<= 2;
// delbit
kp->n0 <<= 1;
if ( ! isDelKey ) kp->n0 |= 0x01;
if ( shardedByTermId ) setShardedByTermIdBit ( kp );
// get the one we lost
// char *kstr = KEYSTR ( kp , sizeof(posdbkey_t) );
// if (!strcmp(kstr,"0x0ca3417544e400000000000032b96bf8aa01"))
// log("got lost key");
RdbCache g_termFreqCache;
RdbCache g_termListSize;
static bool s_cacheInit = false;
static void initializeCaches() {
if ( ! s_cacheInit ) {
int32_t maxMem = 5000000; // 5MB now... save mem (was: 20000000)
int32_t maxNodes = maxMem / 17; // 8+8+1
if( ! g_termFreqCache.init ( maxMem , // maxmem 20MB
8 , // fixed data size
maxNodes ,
"tfcache", // dbname
false , // load from disk?
8 , // cache key size
-1)) // numPtrsMax
log("posdb: failed to init termfreqcache: %s",
if(!g_termListSize.init(maxMem , // maxmem 20MB
8 , // fixed data size
maxNodes ,
"tscache", // dbname
false , // load from disk?
8 , // cache key size
-1)) // numPtrsMax
log("posdb: failed to init termlistsizecache: %s",
// ignore errors
g_errno = 0;
s_cacheInit = true;
// . accesses RdbMap to estimate size of the indexList for this termId
// . returns an UPPER BOUND
// . because this is over POSDB now and not indexdb, a document is counted
// once for every occurence of term "termId" it has... :{
int64_t Posdb::getTermFreq ( collnum_t collnum, int64_t termId ) {
// . check cache for super speed
// . colnum is 0 for now
RdbCacheLock rcl(g_termFreqCache); //todo: we should really release the lock while scanning the posdb-freq
int64_t val = g_termFreqCache.getLongLong2 ( collnum ,
termId , // key
500 , // maxage secs
true );// promote?
// -1 means not found in cache. if found, return it though.
if ( val >= 0 ) {
//log("posdb: got %" PRId64" in cache",val);
return val;
// . ask rdb for an upper bound on this list size
// . but actually, it will be somewhat of an estimate 'cuz of RdbTree
// establish the list boundary keys
key144_t startKey;
key144_t endKey;
key144_t maxKey;
makeStartKey(&startKey, termId);
makeEndKey (&endKey , termId);
int64_t maxRecs = m_rdb.estimateListSize(collnum,
(const char*)&startKey,
(const char*)&endKey,
(char *)&maxKey,
-1 ); //no truncation
RdbBuckets *buckets = m_rdb.getBuckets();
if( !buckets ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC, "%s:%s:%d: No buckets!", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
int64_t numBytes = buckets->estimateListSize(collnum, (const char *)&startKey, (const char *)&endKey, NULL, NULL);
// convert from size in bytes to # of recs
maxRecs += numBytes / sizeof(posdbkey_t);
// and assume each shard has about the same #
maxRecs *= g_hostdb.m_numShards;
// now cache it. it sets g_errno to zero.
g_termFreqCache.addLongLong2 ( collnum, termId, maxRecs );
// return it
return maxRecs;
int64_t Posdb::estimateLocalTermListSize(collnum_t collnum, int64_t termId) {
// . check cache for super speed
// . colnum is 0 for now
RdbCacheLock rcl(g_termListSize); //todo: we should really release the lock while scanning the posdb-freq
int64_t val = g_termListSize.getLongLong2(collnum,
termId, // key
500, // maxage secs
true); // promote?
// -1 means not found in cache. if found, return it though.
if(val>=0) {
//log("posdb: got %" PRId64" in cache",val);
return val;
// . ask rdb for an upper bound on this list size
// . but actually, it will be somewhat of an estimate 'cuz of RdbTree
// establish the list boundary keys
key144_t startKey;
key144_t endKey;
key144_t maxKey;
makeStartKey(&startKey, termId);
makeEndKey (&endKey , termId);
int64_t maxBytes = m_rdb.estimateListSize(collnum,
(const char*)&startKey,
(const char*)&endKey,
(char *)&maxKey,
-1); //no truncation
RdbBuckets *buckets = m_rdb.getBuckets();
if(!buckets) {
log(LOG_LOGIC, "%s:%s:%d: No buckets!", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
int64_t bucketsBytes = buckets->estimateListSize(collnum, (const char *)&startKey, (const char *)&endKey, NULL, NULL);
maxBytes += bucketsBytes;
// now cache it. it sets g_errno to zero.
g_termListSize.addLongLong2(collnum, termId, maxBytes);
return maxBytes;
const char *getHashGroupString ( unsigned char hg ) {
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_BODY ) return "body";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_TITLE ) return "title";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_HEADING ) return "header";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INLIST ) return "in list";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INMETATAG ) return "meta tag";
//if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ) return "offsite inlink text";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INLINKTEXT ) return "inlink text";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INTAG ) return "tag";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_NEIGHBORHOOD ) return "neighborhood";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INTERNALINLINKTEXT) return "onsite inlink text";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INURL ) return "in url";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_INMENU ) return "in menu";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_EXPLICIT_KEYWORDS ) return "in explicit-keywords";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_MIDDOMAIN ) return "in mid-domain";
if ( hg == HASHGROUP_LEMMA ) return "in lemma";
return "unknown!";
void Posdb::printKey(const char *k) {
logf(LOG_TRACE, "k=%s "
"tid=%015" PRIu64" "
"docId=%012" PRId64" "
"siteRank=%02" PRId32" "
"langId=%02" PRId32" "
"pos=%06" PRId32" "
"hgrp=%02" PRId32" "
"spamRank=%02" PRId32" "
"divRank=%02" PRId32" "
"syn=%01" PRId32" "
"densRank=%02" PRId32" "
"mult=%02" PRId32" "
"shardByTermId=%d "
KEYSTR(k, sizeof(key144_t)),
int Posdb::printList ( RdbList &list ) {
posdbkey_t lastKey;
// loop over entries in list
for ( list.resetListPtr(); ! list.isExhausted(); list.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
key144_t k; list.getCurrentKey(&k);
// compare to last
const char *err = "";
if ( KEYCMP((char *)&k,(char *)&lastKey,sizeof(key144_t))<0 )
err = " (out of order)";
lastKey = k;
// is it a delete?
const char *dd = "";
if ( (k.n0 & 0x01) == 0x00 ) dd = " (delete)";
int64_t d = Posdb::getDocId(&k);
uint8_t dh = Docid::getDomHash8FromDocId(d);
char *rec = list.getCurrentRec();
int32_t recSize = 18;
if ( rec[0] & 0x04 ) recSize = 6;
else if ( rec[0] & 0x02 ) recSize = 12;
// alignment bits check
if ( recSize == 6 && !(rec[1] & 0x02) ) {
int64_t nd1 = Posdb::getDocId(rec+6);
// seems like nd2 is it, so it really is 12 bytes but
// does not have the alignment bit set...
//int64_t nd2 = Posdb::getDocId(rec+12);
//int64_t nd3 = Posdb::getDocId(rec+18);
// what size is it really?
// seems like 12 bytes
//log("debug1: d=%" PRId64" nd1=%" PRId64" nd2=%" PRId64" nd3=%" PRId64,
err = " (alignerror1)";
if ( nd1 < d ) err = " (alignordererror1)";
if ( recSize == 12 && !(rec[1] & 0x02) ) {
//int64_t nd1 = Posdb::getDocId(rec+6);
// seems like nd2 is it, so it really is 12 bytes but
// does not have the alignment bit set...
int64_t nd2 = Posdb::getDocId(rec+12);
//int64_t nd3 = Posdb::getDocId(rec+18);
// what size is it really?
// seems like 12 bytes
//log("debug1: d=%" PRId64" nd1=%" PRId64" nd2=%" PRId64" nd3=%" PRId64,
//if ( nd2 < d ) gbshutdownLogicError();
err = " (alignerror2)";
if ( nd2 < d ) err = " (alignorderrror2)";
// if it
if ( recSize == 12 && (rec[7] & 0x02)) {
//int64_t nd1 = Posdb::getDocId(rec+6);
// seems like nd2 is it, so it really is 12 bytes but
// does not have the alignment bit set...
int64_t nd2 = Posdb::getDocId(rec+12);
//int64_t nd3 = Posdb::getDocId(rec+18);
// what size is it really?
// seems like 12 bytes really as well!
//log("debug2: d=%" PRId64" nd1=%" PRId64" nd2=%" PRId64" nd3=%" PRId64,
err = " (alignerror3)";
if ( nd2 < d ) err = " (alignordererror3)";
"k=%s "
"tid=%015" PRIu64" "
"docId=%012" PRId64" "
"siterank=%02" PRId32" "
"langid=%02" PRId32" "
"pos=%06" PRId32" "
"hgrp=%02" PRId32" "
"spamrank=%02" PRId32" "
"divrank=%02" PRId32" "
"syn=%01" PRId32" "
"densrank=%02" PRId32" "
"mult=%02" PRId32" "
"dh=0x%02" PRIx32" "
"rs=%" PRId32 //recSize
"%s" // dd
"%s" // err
"\n" ,
d ,
dd ,
err );
// startKey = *(key144_t *)list.getLastKey();
// startKey += (uint32_t) 1;
// // watch out for wrap around
// if ( startKey < *(key144_t *)list.getLastKey() ) return;
// goto loop;
return 1;