Ivan Skytte Jørgensen e515e92dae Removed local/global time distinction
It has always been local time since ... forever. We rely on NTP doing its job.
2018-08-07 14:38:37 +02:00

836 lines
24 KiB

#include "Proxy.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Msg13.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "Dns.h"
#include "UdpSlot.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
#include "GbCompress.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "Pages.h"
#include "HttpRequest.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "ip.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "Statistics.h"
#include "Errno.h"
Proxy g_proxy;
static void proxyHandlerWrapper ( TcpSocket *s );
//static void gotReplyWrapperPage( void *state, TcpSocket *s );
static void gotHttpReplyWrapper ( void *state, UdpSlot *slot ) ;
//static void gotDataFeedRequestWrapper( void *state );
static void uncountStripe ( struct StateControl *stC ) ;
struct StateControl{
int32_t m_pageNum;
TcpSocket *m_s;
int64_t m_startTime;
bool m_isQuery;
uint32_t m_hash;
int32_t m_hostId;
int32_t m_raw;
int32_t m_stripe ;
int32_t m_numQueryTerms ;
UdpSlot *m_slot;
char *m_slotReadBuf;
int32_t m_slotReadBufMaxSize;
int32_t m_retries;
int64_t m_timeout;
HttpRequest m_hr;
Host *m_forwardHost;
static void freeStateControl ( StateControl *stC );
Proxy::Proxy() {
m_proxyId = -1;
m_proxyRunning = false;
for (int32_t i =0; i < MAX_HOSTS; i++)
m_numOutstanding[i] = 0;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_STRIPES ; i++ ) {
m_termsOutOnStripe [i] = 0;
m_queriesOutOnStripe [i] = 0;
m_stripeLastHostId [i] = -1;
m_nextStripe = 0;
m_lastHost = 0;
m_mainHost = 0;
//m_msg3c = NULL;
Proxy::~Proxy() {
if(m_msg3c) {
// free the msg3c
mdelete(m_msg3c, sizeof(Msg3c), "Proxy-Msg3c");
delete m_msg3c;
m_msg3c = NULL;
bool Proxy::initHttpServer ( uint16_t httpPort,
uint16_t httpsPort ) {
if ( ! g_httpServer.init( httpPort, httpsPort,
proxyHandlerWrapper ) ) {
return false;
return true;
bool Proxy::initProxy ( int32_t proxyId, uint16_t udpPort,
uint16_t udpPort2,UdpProtocol *dp ) {
m_proxyId = proxyId;
// set this in Hostdb too!
g_hostdb.m_myHostId = proxyId;
m_proxyRunning = true;
//We log the http requests, althogh this is directly done by us
g_conf.m_logHttpRequests = true;
// if proxy, always have autosave on so we can save user accouting
// info regularly for billing feed access. save every 5 minutes.
g_conf.m_autoSaveFrequency = 5;
//Also have to init pages because we need to know which requests to
//forward. html/gif's, etc can be taken care here itself.
g_pages.init ( );
if ( ! Msg13::registerHandler () ) return false;
// . then dns Distributed client
// . server should listen to a socket and register with g_loop
// . Only the distributed cache shall call the dns server.
if ( ! g_dns.init( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_dnsClientPort ) ) {
log("db: Dns distributed client init failed." ); return 1; }
if ( ! MsgC::registerHandler() ) return false;
//need to init collectiondb too because of addurl
//set isdump to true because we aren't going to store any data in the
if ( !g_collectiondb.loadAllCollRecs( ) ){ //isDump
log ("db: collectiondb init failed.");
return false;
//init g_msg
g_msg = "";
return true;
void proxyHandlerWrapper ( TcpSocket *s ){
g_proxy.handleRequest (s);
bool Proxy::handleRequest (TcpSocket *s){
if( !s ) {
return false;
// if we are a spider compression proxy, do not really act like
// a proxy at all!
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_type == HT_SCPROXY ) {
//httprequest changes the buf
g_msg = "";
return true;
HttpRequest hr;
bool status = hr.set ( s->m_readBuf , s->m_readOffset , s ) ;
if ( ! status ) {
// log a bad request
char ipbuf[16];
log("http: Got bad request from %s: %s",
iptoa(s->m_ip,ipbuf), mstrerror(g_errno));
// cancel the g_errno, we'll send a BAD REQUEST reply to them
g_errno = 0;
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . this sets g_errno on error
// . this will destroy(s) if cannot malloc send buffer
g_httpServer.sendErrorReply ( s , 400, "Bad Request" );
return false;
bool isAdmin = g_conf.isMasterAdmin(s,&hr);
int32_t redirLen = hr.getRedirLen() ;
const char *redir = NULL;
if(redirLen > 0) redir = hr.getRedir();
// redirect everyone away if we should
if ( !redir &&
!isAdmin &&
// . we put this here to redirect all traffic somewhere else
// . you can set that url in the master controls
// . it only redirects there if the raw/code/site/sites is NULL
*g_conf.m_redirect != '\0' &&
hr.getLong("xml", -1) == -1 &&
hr.getString("code") == NULL &&
hr.getString("site") == NULL &&
hr.getString("sites") == NULL) {
//direct all non-xml, non admin traffic away.
redir = g_conf.m_redirect;
redirLen = strlen(g_conf.m_redirect);
// . just requesting a static file, like rants.html or logo.gif?
// . if so just handle that as a normal html/image file
int32_t n = g_pages.getDynamicPageNumber ( &hr );
const char *path = hr.getPath();
// . i guess right now the proxy is handling admin pages itself
// . i am changing this so that if &forward=<hostid> is in the url then
// the proxy forwards the control page request to the given hostid
int32_t forward = hr.getLong("forward",-1);
bool handleIt = true;
if ( forward != -1 ) handleIt = false;
//if ( n == PAGE_ROOT ) handleIt = false;
if ( n == PAGE_GET ) handleIt = false;
if ( n == PAGE_RESULTS ) handleIt = false;
// proxy now handles the shell addurl page, the actual request
// made by the ajax in the shell to add the url has a &id= in it
// and should go to the backend for adding the url. but we can
// handle the shell, just the add url page html including the ajax
// script.
int32_t cgiId = hr.getLong("id",0);
if ( n == PAGE_ADDURL && cgiId ) handleIt = false;
// our new cached page representation format
if ( ! strncmp(path,"/?id=" ,5 ) ) handleIt = false;
// get the server this socket uses
TcpServer *tcp = s->m_this;
int32_t max;
if ( tcp == &g_httpServer.m_ssltcp ) max = g_conf.m_httpsMaxSockets;
else max = g_conf.m_httpMaxSockets;
// . page addurl uses the udpserver to send the addurl stuff to one of
// the hosts, so we need udpserver.
// . handle the request ourselves if it is not one of these
// pages and "forward" was not specified in the url cgi fields
if ( handleIt ) {
//httprequest changes the buf
g_msg = "";
return true;
// just a safety catch
if ( max < 20 ) max = 20;
// enforce the open socket quota iff not admin and not from intranet
if ( ! isAdmin && tcp->m_numIncomingUsed >= max &&
!tcp->closeLeastUsed()) {
static int32_t s_last = 0;
static int32_t s_count = 0;
int32_t now = getTime();
if ( now - s_last < 5 )
else {
char ipbuf[16];
log("query: Too many sockets open. Sending 500 "
"http status code to %s. (msgslogged=%" PRId32")[2]",
s_count = 0;
s_last = now;
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply ( s , 500 ,
"Too many sockets open.");
bool err2 = false;
if ( err2 ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("proxy: new(%i): %s",(int32_t)sizeof(StateControl),
g_msg = " (error: out of memory.)";
printRequest(s, &hr);
int32_t bs;
bool st;
return st;
// if we get here that means we've got something to forward.
StateControl *stC;
try { stC = new (StateControl) ; }
// return true and set g_errno if couldn't make a new File class
catch(std::bad_alloc&) {
goto hadError2;
mnew ( stC, sizeof(StateControl), "Proxy");
// make a copy of this now
if ( ! stC->m_hr.copy ( &hr ) ) {
goto hadError2;
// reset to -1 in case freeStateControl is called
stC->m_hostId = -1;
stC->m_slot = NULL;
// support &xml=1 to indicate xml output is wanted
stC->m_raw = hr.getLong ( "xml", 0 );
stC->m_s = s;
stC->m_pageNum = n;
stC->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
stC->m_isQuery = false;
//check if we've got a query
if ( n == PAGE_RESULTS )
stC->m_isQuery = true;
stC->m_hash = hash32( hr.getRequest(), hr.getRequestLen() );
// assume we are not doing a search query (stripe load balancing)
stC->m_stripe = -1;
// we need to know how many terms (excluding synonyms)
// so we can do stripe load balancing by number of query terms.
// i.e. sending 3 queries of only one term each is about the
// same as sending one larger query to a single stripe.
const char *qs = hr.getString("q",NULL);
Query q;
if (qs) {
q.set(qs, langUnknown, 1.0, 1.0, NULL, false, hr.getBool("highfreqtermcache", true), ABS_MAX_QUERY_TERMS);
// clear g_errno in case Query::set() set it
g_errno = 0;
// save it. might be zero!
stC->m_numQueryTerms = q.getNumTerms();
Host *h = NULL;
//if we want the main page, or if it is addurl, cannot send addurl to
// another host if turing is on. Pick 1 host and keep sending to it
if ( n == PAGE_REINDEX ||
//n == PAGE_ROOT || // FOR DEBUG!!
// get host #0
h = g_hostdb.getHost ( 0 );
h = pickBestHost ( stC );
stC->m_retries = 0;
stC->m_forwardHost = h;
// . TODO: make both this and Multicast.cpp use a getTimeout() function
// . default timeout to 8 seconds
stC->m_timeout = 8 * 1000;
// set the timeout
int32_t firstResult = hr.getLong("s", 0);
int32_t docsWanted = hr.getLong("n", 10);
// how many docsids request? first 4 bytes of request.
int32_t rr = hr.getLong("rerank",-1);
// . how many milliseconds of waiting before we re-route?
// . 100 ms per doc wanted, but if they all end up
// clustering then docsWanted is no indication of the
// actual number of titleRecs (or title keys) read
// . it may take a while to do dup removal on 1 million docs
int64_t wait = 5000 + 100 * (docsWanted+firstResult);
// those big UOR queries should not get re-routed all the time
wait += 1000 * stC->m_numQueryTerms;
// a min of 8 seconds is good
if ( wait < 8000 ) wait = 8000;
// seems like buzz is hammering the cluster and 0x39's are
// timing out too much because of huge title recs taking
// forever with Msg20
//if ( wait < 120000 ) wait = 120000;
// never re-route if it has a rerank, those take forever
if ( rr >= 0 ) wait = 3000 * 1000;
// set it
stC->m_timeout = wait;
// for now the tool and free and you don't have to login
return forwardRequest ( stC );
bool Proxy::forwardRequest ( StateControl *stC ) {
// this was a function arg... now it is in "stC"
Host *h = stC->m_forwardHost;
stC->m_hostId = h->m_hostId;
TcpSocket *s = stC->m_s;
// if sending to the temporary network, add one to port
int32_t port = h->getInternalHttpPort();
if ( g_conf.m_useTmpCluster ) port += 1;
// put ip at end of request
char *req = s->m_readBuf;
int32_t reqSize = s->m_readOffset;
// but then TcpServer.cpp leaves some room for a \0 and ip
char *p = req + reqSize;
// NULL terminate it
*p = '\0';
p += 1;
// then add in ip
*(int32_t *)p = s->m_ip;
p += 4;
bool isQCProxy = (g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_type & HT_QCPROXY);
// . alter the request buffer
// . set the please compress reply flag
if ( isQCProxy && *req == 'G' ) *req = 'Z';
// update size
reqSize = p - req;
// sanity check
if ( reqSize > s->m_readBufSize ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true);}
// sanity check
if ( h->m_isProxy ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// if we are a QUERY COMPRESSION proxy send to the specified address
int32_t dstIp = h->m_ip;
int32_t dstPort = h->m_port;
int32_t dstId = h->m_hostId;
if ( isQCProxy ) {
dstIp = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_forwardIp;
dstPort = g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_forwardPort;
dstId = -1;
// . let's use the udp server instead because it quickly switches
// to using eth1 if eth0 does two or more resends without an ACK,
// and vice versa. this ensure that if a network switch fails then
// we won't notice it besides a possible one-time 100ms delay.
// . additionally, we can now accept tcp requests for admin pages
// even if such requests come from the proxy ip! because now they
// will just have to be from our ssh tunnel!!
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, true on success
// . after resending the request 4 times with no ACK recv'd, call
// it a EUDPTIMEDOUT error and deal with that below...
bool status = g_udpServer.sendRequest(req, reqSize, msg_type_fd, dstIp, dstPort, dstId, NULL, stC, gotHttpReplyWrapper, stC->m_timeout, 0, NULL, 4);
// if no error, return false, we blocked
if ( status ) return false;
//if not, we've got an error
return true;
void gotHttpReplyWrapper ( void *state, UdpSlot *slot ) { // TcpSocket *s ){
void Proxy::gotReplyPage ( void *state, UdpSlot *slot ) {
StateControl *stC = (StateControl *) state;
char *reply = slot->m_readBuf;
int32_t size = slot->m_readBufSize;
char *req = slot->m_sendBufAlloc;
// . AND this is what we forwaded to a host in the flock
// . we can free this because it reference the tcp buffer
slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL;
// . try another host if this one times out
// . if it is dead before we send to it then it will not ACK our
// requests, we will resend 10 times within about 300 ms and then
// we will get slot->m_errno set to EUDPTIMEDOUT
// . it will also set the errno to EUDPTIMEDOUT if the timeout we
// gave sendRequest() above is reached.
if ( slot->getErrno() == EUDPTIMEDOUT && //stC->m_forward < 0 &&
// try this thrice i guess... hopefully we won't pick the same
// host we did before!
++stC->m_retries <= 3 ) {
// reduce the query load counts
uncountStripe ( stC );
// pick another host! should NEVER return NULL
Host *h = pickBestHost ( stC );
log("proxy: hostid #%" PRId32" timed out. req=%s Rerouting "
"forward request "
"to hostid #%" PRId32" instead.",stC->m_hostId,
// . try a resend!
// . it will block or it will call sendErrorReply
stC->m_forwardHost = h;
forwardRequest ( stC );//, h );
// all done
// save it so we can free "reply" when state is destroyed
stC->m_slot = slot;
// save reply so we can free it when this state is freed
// no i am just transferring into the socket's sendbuf now
stC->m_slotReadBuf = NULL;
// should we uncompress the reply?
bool doUncompress = ( req[0] == 'Z' );
// do not allow regular proxy to uncompress it though!
if ( ! (g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_type & HT_QCPROXY ) ) doUncompress=false;
// sanity check
if ( slot->m_readBufSize < 0 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// don't let udp server free the reply, we forward this to end user
slot->m_readBuf = NULL;
slot->m_readBufSize = 0;
slot->m_readBufMaxSize = 0;
int64_t nowms = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if ( size == 0 ){
log (LOG_WARN,"query: Proxy: Lost the request");
g_errno = EBADREQUEST;
log(LOG_WARN,"proxy: error=%s req=%s",mstrerror(g_errno),req);
uint64_t took = nowms - stC->m_startTime;
// if reply was compressed then uncompress it
if ( doUncompress ) {
// sanity check
if ( size < 12 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// parse it up
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)reply;
// get the sizes
int32_t need = *(int32_t *)p; p += 4; // uncompressed total size
int32_t size1 = *(int32_t *)p; p += 4; // size of compressed mime
int32_t size2 = *(int32_t *)p; p += 4; // size of compressed content
// note it
//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"proxy: uncompressing from %" PRId32" to %" PRId32,
// size1+size2+12,need);
// make the decompressed buf
unsigned char *dbuf = (unsigned char *)mmalloc ( need,"pdbuf");
unsigned char *dend = dbuf + need;
if ( ! dbuf ) goto hadError;
unsigned char *dptr = dbuf;
uint32_t bytes1 = dend - dptr;
// ucompress the http mime
int err1 = gbuncompress (dptr , &bytes1, p , size1 );
p += size1;
dptr += bytes1;
if ( size2 ) {
uint32_t bytes2 = dend - dptr;
// uncompress the http content
int err2 = gbuncompress ( dptr , &bytes2, p , size2 );
p += size2;
dptr += bytes2;
if ( err2 != Z_OK || err1 != Z_OK ) {
goto hadError;
// sanity check
if ( dptr - dbuf != need ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// free original compressed reply
mfree ( reply , size , "origreply");
// now re-set these to the uncompressed mime/pagecontent
reply = (char *)dbuf;
size = need;
// if we are a regular proxy forwarding a compressed reply to a
// query compression proxy, then the reply is compressed, just leave
// it alone
if ( ( req[0] == 'Z' ) && (g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_type & HT_PROXY ) ) {
//now should be able to print
HttpRequest r;
r.set(stC->m_s->m_readBuf, stC->m_s->m_readOffset, stC->m_s);
// log the request
printRequest(stC->m_s, &r, took, NULL,0);//content,contentLen);
// add stat for stats graph
if ( stC->m_isQuery ) {
/// @todo ALC use proper query language
Statistics::register_query_time(stC->m_numQueryTerms, langUnknown, 0, (gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - stC->m_startTime));
// let tcp server free it when done
g_httpServer.m_tcp.sendMsg( stC->m_s, reply, size, size, size, NULL, NULL );
// free mem
HttpMime mime;
// re-store original mime from uncompressed mime
mime.set ( reply, size, NULL);
int32_t httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus != 200 )
g_msg = " (error: unknown.)";
if ( stC->m_isQuery && httpStatus == 200 ){
/// @todo ALC use proper query language
Statistics::register_query_time(stC->m_numQueryTerms, langUnknown, 0, (gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - stC->m_startTime));
} else if ( stC->m_isQuery && httpStatus != 200 ) {
/// @todo ALC use proper error code if possible
Statistics::register_query_time(stC->m_numQueryTerms, langUnknown, EINTERNALERROR, (gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - stC->m_startTime));
//now should be able to print
HttpRequest r;
r.set(stC->m_s->m_readBuf, stC->m_s->m_readOffset, stC->m_s);
char *content = reply + mime.getMimeLen();
int32_t contentLen = size - mime.getMimeLen();
printRequest(stC->m_s, &r, took, content,contentLen);
// . add the login bar to all pages we send back
// . we could also use to automatically update copyright years
// and add any common elements to every page...
// . make a new reply to send back...
// . it may free the old "reply" or it may set newReply=reply...
int32_t newReplySize = size;
char *newReply = reply;
// make sure it is HTTP/1.0 not HTTP/1.1
if ( reply[0] == 'H' &&
reply[1] == 'T' &&
reply[2] == 'T' &&
reply[3] == 'P' &&
reply[4] == '/' &&
reply[5] == '1' &&
reply[6] == '.' &&
reply[7] == '1' )
reply[7] = '0';
// . try this one instead
// . returns false if blocked
TcpServer *tcp = &g_httpServer.m_tcp;
// are we using ssl?
if ( stC->m_s->m_ssl ) {
tcp = &g_httpServer.m_ssltcp;
tcp->sendMsg( stC->m_s, newReply, newReplySize, newReplySize, newReplySize, NULL, NULL );
void freeStateControl ( StateControl *stC ){
if ( ! stC ) return;
if ( stC->m_hostId >= 0 ) {
uncountStripe ( stC );
// free the reply buffer
if ( stC->m_slot ) {
// save reply so we can free it when this state is freed
char *reply = stC->m_slotReadBuf;
int32_t size = stC->m_slotReadBufMaxSize;
if ( reply ) mfree ( reply , size , "proxy" );
// do not double free!
stC->m_slotReadBuf = NULL;
void uncountStripe ( StateControl *stC ) {
// if stripe is -1, it was not a search query request
int32_t stripe = stC->m_stripe;
if ( stripe < 0 ) return;
// a more refined load balancing act
g_proxy.m_termsOutOnStripe[stripe] -= stC->m_numQueryTerms;
// dec this too
// . now do stripe balancing
// . this prevents one machine from receving all the Msg39 requests while its
// twin gets none
Host *Proxy::pickBestHost( StateControl *stC ) {
// sanity check, for m_stripeLastHostId array size, which is only 8 now
int32_t numStripes = g_hostdb.getNumStripes();
if ( numStripes > MAX_STRIPES ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// see which stripes have non-dead hosts!
char stripeDead[MAX_STRIPES];
bool allDead = true;
memset ( stripeDead , 1 , MAX_STRIPES );
int32_t nh = g_hostdb.getNumHosts();
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nh ; i++ ) {
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost(i);
if ( g_hostdb.isDead ( h ) ) continue;
// hey, we are not all dead!
allDead = false;
// clear it
stripeDead [ h->m_stripe ] = 0;
// start at this stripe
int32_t ns = m_nextStripe;
int32_t min ;
int32_t minns = -1;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numStripes ; i++ ) {
// get stripe number
if ( ++ns >= numStripes ) ns = 0;
// skip if whole stripe is dead, and other stripes are not dead
if ( stripeDead[ns] && ! allDead ) continue;
// how loaded is this stripe?
int32_t termsOut = m_termsOutOnStripe[ns];
// skip if his load is tied or higher than our current winner
if ( minns != -1 && termsOut >= min ) continue;
// got a new winner
minns = ns;
min = termsOut;
// sanity check
if ( minns == -1 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// rotate the prefered next stripe
if ( ++m_nextStripe >= numStripes ) m_nextStripe = 0;
// find the next host in line for stripe #minns
int32_t bestHostId = m_stripeLastHostId[minns];
// count iterations
//int32_t count = 0;
// inc it, wrap it
if ( ++bestHostId >= g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ) bestHostId = 0;
// skip if dead
if ( g_hostdb.isDead( bestHostId ) && ! allDead ) goto loop;
// get the host
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( bestHostId );
// saity check
if ( h->m_isProxy ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// advance until it is from the least-loaded stripe
if ( h->m_stripe != minns ) goto loop;
// add query terms to it for load balancing purposes
m_termsOutOnStripe[minns] += stC->m_numQueryTerms;
// inc this too
// save it
m_stripeLastHostId[minns] = bestHostId;
// store ino into state so we can reduce the count when we get a reply
stC->m_stripe = minns;
//stC->m_numQueryTerms = numQueryTerms;
// return it
return g_hostdb.getHost( bestHostId );
void Proxy::printRequest(TcpSocket *s, HttpRequest *r,
uint64_t took ,
char *content,
int32_t contentLen ) {
// get time format: 7/23/1971 10:45:32
time_t tt = getTime();
struct tm tm_buf;
struct tm *timeStruct = localtime_r(&tt,&tm_buf);
char bufTime[64];
strftime ( bufTime , 63 , "%b %d %T", timeStruct);
//char *ref = r->getReferer ();
// if autobanned and we should not log, return now
if (g_msg&&!g_conf.m_logAutobannedQueries && strstr(g_msg,"autoban")){
g_msg = "";
char *req = s->m_readBuf;
//int32_t reqLen = s->m_readOffset;
char ipbuf[16];
logf (LOG_INFO,"http: %s %s %s %s",
bufTime, iptoa(s->m_ip,ipbuf), req,//r->getRequest(),
//reset g_msg
g_msg = "";
if ( (int32_t)took < g_conf.m_logQueryTimeThreshold ) return;
if ( ! g_conf.m_logQueryReply || ! content || contentLen <= 0 ) {
logf (LOG_INFO,"http: Took %" PRIu64" ms "
"(len=%" PRId32" bytes) "
"for request %s",
took, contentLen, r->getRequest());
// copy into buf
char *p = (char *)mmalloc ( contentLen+1,"proxycont");
if ( ! p ) return;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < contentLen ; i++ ) {
if ( content[i] && ! is_binary_a(content[i]) ) {
p[i]=content[i]; continue; }
// fix 0's and binary stuff
// null terminate
logf (LOG_INFO,"http: Took %" PRIu64" ms "
"(len=%" PRId32" bytes) "
"for request %s reply=%s",
took, contentLen, r->getRequest(),content);
mfree ( p , contentLen+1, "proxycont");