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2562 lines
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2562 lines
77 KiB
#include "RdbTree.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "JobScheduler.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "RdbMem.h"
#include "BigFile.h"
#include "RdbList.h"
#include "Spider.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "ScopedLock.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
RdbTree::RdbTree () {
m_collnums= NULL;
m_keys = NULL;
m_data = NULL;
m_sizes = NULL;
m_left = NULL;
m_right = NULL;
m_parents = NULL;
m_depth = NULL;
m_headNode = -1;
m_numNodes = 0;
m_numUsedNodes = 0;
m_memAllocated = 0;
m_memOccupied = 0;
m_nextNode = 0;
m_minUnusedNode = 0;
m_fixedDataSize = -1; // variable dataSize, depends on individual node
m_needsSave = false;
m_pickRight = false;
// PVS-Studio
memset(m_dir, 0, sizeof(m_dir));
memset(m_memTag, 0, sizeof(m_memTag));
m_state = NULL;
m_callback = NULL;
m_ownData = false;
m_overhead = 0;
m_maxMem = 0;
m_allocName = NULL;
m_bytesWritten = 0;
m_bytesRead = 0;
m_errno = 0;
m_ks = 0;
m_corrupt = 0;
// before resetting... we have to set this so clear() won't breach buffers
m_rdbId = -1;
RdbTree::~RdbTree ( ) {
// "memMax" includes records plus the overhead
bool RdbTree::set(int32_t fixedDataSize, int32_t maxNumNodes, int32_t memMax, bool ownData,
const char *allocName, const char *dbname, char keySize, char rdbId) {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
m_fixedDataSize = fixedDataSize;
m_maxMem = memMax;
m_ownData = ownData;
m_allocName = allocName;
m_ks = keySize;
m_needsSave = false;
m_dbname[0] = '\0';
if ( dbname ) {
int32_t dlen = strlen(dbname);
if ( dlen > 30 ) dlen = 30;
m_dbname[dlen] = '\0';
// a malloc tag, must be LESS THAN 16 bytes including the NULL
char *p = m_memTag;
memcpy ( p , "RdbTree" , 7 ); p += 7;
if ( dbname ) strncpy ( p , dbname , 8 );
p += 8;
*p++ = '\0';
// set rdbid
m_rdbId = rdbId; // -1;
// sanity
if ( rdbId < -1 ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
if ( rdbId >= RDB_END ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// adjust m_maxMem to virtual infinity if it was -1
if ( m_maxMem < 0 ) m_maxMem = 0x7fffffff;
// . compute each node's memory overhead
// . size of a key/left/right/parent
m_overhead = (m_ks + 4*3 );
// include collection number, currently an uint16_t
m_overhead += sizeof(collnum_t);
// if we're a non-zero data length include a dataptr (-1 means variabl)
if ( m_fixedDataSize != 0 ) m_overhead += 4;
// include dataSize if our dataSize is variable (-1)
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) m_overhead += 4;
// if we're balanced include 1 byte per node for the depth
m_overhead += 1;
if( maxNumNodes == -1) {
maxNumNodes = m_maxMem / m_overhead;
if(maxNumNodes > 10000000) maxNumNodes = 10000000;
// allocate the nodes
return growTree_unlocked(maxNumNodes);
void RdbTree::reset() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
void RdbTree::reset_unlocked() {
// make sure string is NULL temrinated. this strlen() should
if ( m_numNodes > 0 &&
m_dbname[0] &&
// don't be spammy we can have thousands of these, one per coll
strcmp(m_dbname,"waitingtree") != 0 )
log(LOG_INFO,"db: Resetting tree for %s.",m_dbname);
// liberate all the nodes
// do not require saving after a reset
m_needsSave = false;
// now free all the overhead structures of this tree
int32_t n = m_numNodes;
// free array of collectio numbers (shorts for now)
if ( m_collnums) mfree ( m_collnums, sizeof(collnum_t) *n,m_allocName);
// free the array of keys
if ( m_keys ) mfree ( m_keys , m_ks * n , m_allocName );
// free the data ptrs
if ( m_data ) mfree ( m_data , sizeof(char *) * n , m_allocName );
// free the array of dataSizes
if ( m_sizes ) mfree ( m_sizes , n * 4 , m_allocName );
// free the sorted node #'s
if ( m_left ) mfree ( m_left , n * 4 ,m_allocName);
if ( m_right ) mfree ( m_right , n * 4 ,m_allocName);
if ( m_parents ) mfree ( m_parents , n * 4 ,m_allocName);
if ( m_depth ) mfree ( m_depth , n ,m_allocName);
m_collnums = NULL;
m_keys = NULL;
m_data = NULL;
m_sizes = NULL;
m_left = NULL;
m_right = NULL;
m_parents = NULL;
m_depth = NULL;
// tree description vars
m_headNode = -1;
m_numNodes = 0;
m_numUsedNodes = 0;
m_memAllocated = 0;
m_memOccupied = 0;
m_nextNode = 0;
m_minUnusedNode = 0;
m_fixedDataSize = -1; // variable dataSize, depends on individual node
// clear counts
m_numNegativeKeys = 0;
m_numPositiveKeys = 0;
m_isSaving = false;
void RdbTree::delColl ( collnum_t collnum ) {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
m_needsSave = true;
const char *startKey = KEYMIN();
const char *endKey = KEYMAX();
deleteNodes_unlocked(collnum, startKey, endKey, true/*freeData*/) ;
int32_t RdbTree::clear() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return clear_unlocked();
// . this just makes all the nodes available for occupation (liberates them)
// . it does not free this tree's control structures
// . returns # of occupied nodes we liberated
int32_t RdbTree::clear_unlocked( ) {
if ( m_numUsedNodes > 0 ) m_needsSave = true;
// the liberation count
int32_t count = 0;
// liberate all of our nodes
int32_t dataSize = m_fixedDataSize;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_minUnusedNode ; i++ ) {
// skip node if parents is -2 (unoccupied)
if ( m_parents[i] == -2 ) continue;
// we no longer count the overhead of this node as occupied
m_memOccupied -= m_overhead;
// make the ith node available for occupation
m_parents[i] = -2;
// keep count
// continue if we have no data to free
if ( ! m_data ) continue;
// read dataSize from m_sizes[i] if it's not fixed
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) dataSize = m_sizes[i];
// free the data being pointed to
if ( m_ownData ) mfree ( m_data[i] , dataSize ,m_allocName);
// adjust our reported memory usage
m_memAllocated -= dataSize;
m_memOccupied -= dataSize;
// reset all these
m_headNode = -1;
m_numUsedNodes = 0;
m_nextNode = 0;
m_minUnusedNode = 0;
// clear counts
m_numNegativeKeys = 0;
m_numPositiveKeys = 0;
// clear tree counts for all collections!
int32_t nc = g_collectiondb.getNumRecs();
// BUT only if we are an Rdb::m_tree!!!
if ( m_rdbId == -1 ) nc = 0;
// otherwise, we overwrite stuff in CollectionRec we shouldn't
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nc ; i++ ) {
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(i);
if ( ! cr ) continue;
if ( m_rdbId < 0 ) continue;
//if (((unsigned char)m_rdbId)>=RDB_END){g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
cr->m_numNegKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId] = 0;
cr->m_numPosKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId] = 0;
return count;
bool RdbTree::getNode(collnum_t collnum, const char *key) const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return (getNode_unlocked(collnum, key) >= 0);
// . used by cache
// . wrapper for getNode_unlocked()
int32_t RdbTree::getNode_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *key) const {
int32_t i = m_headNode;
// get the node (about 4 cycles per loop, 80cycles for 1 million items)
while (i != -1) {
if (collnum < m_collnums[i]) {
i = m_left[i];
if (collnum > m_collnums[i]) {
i = m_right[i];
int cmp = KEYCMP(key, 0, m_keys, i, m_ks);
if (cmp < 0) {
i = m_left[i];
if (cmp > 0) {
i = m_right[i];
return i;
return -1;
// . returns node # whose key is >= "key"
// . returns -1 if none
// . used by RdbTree::getList()
// . TODO: spiderdb stores records by time so our unbalanced tree really hurts
// us for that.
// . TODO: keep a m_lastStartNode and start from that since it tends to only
// increase startKey via Msg3. if the key at m_lastStartNode is <=
// the provided key then we did well.
int32_t RdbTree::getNextNode_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *key) const {
// return -1 if no non-empty nodes in the tree
if ( m_headNode < 0 ) return -1;
// get the node (about 4 cycles per loop, 80cycles for 1 million items)
int32_t parent;
int32_t i = m_headNode ;
while ( i != -1 ) {
parent = i;
if ( collnum < m_collnums[i] ) { i = m_left [i]; continue;}
if ( collnum > m_collnums[i] ) { i = m_right[i]; continue;}
int cmp = KEYCMP(key,0,m_keys,i,m_ks);
if (cmp<0) { i = m_left [i]; continue;}
if (cmp>0) { i = m_right[i]; continue;}
return i;
if ( m_collnums [ parent ] > collnum ) return parent;
if ( m_collnums [ parent ] == collnum && //m_keys [ parent ] > key )
KEYCMP(m_keys,parent,key,0,m_ks)>0 )
return parent;
return getNextNode_unlocked(parent);
int32_t RdbTree::getFirstNode_unlocked() const {
const char *k = KEYMIN();
return getNextNode_unlocked(0, k);
int32_t RdbTree::getLastNode_unlocked() const {
const char *k = KEYMAX();
return getPrevNode_unlocked((collnum_t)0x7fff, k);
// . get the node whose key is <= "key"
// . returns -1 if none
int32_t RdbTree::getPrevNode_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *key) const {
// return -1 if no non-empty nodes in the tree
if ( m_headNode < 0 ) return -1;
// get the node (about 4 cycles per loop, 80cycles for 1 million items)
int32_t parent;
int32_t i = m_headNode ;
while ( i != -1 ) {
parent = i;
if ( collnum < m_collnums[i] ) { i = m_left [i]; continue;}
if ( collnum > m_collnums[i] ) { i = m_right[i]; continue;}
int cmp = KEYCMP(key,0,m_keys,i,m_ks);
if ( cmp<0) {i=m_left [i];continue;}
if ( cmp>0) {i=m_right[i];continue;}
return i;
if ( m_collnums [ parent ] < collnum ) return parent;
if ( m_collnums [ parent ] == collnum && //m_keys [ parent ] < key )
KEYCMP(m_keys,parent,key,0,m_ks) < 0 ) return parent;
return getPrevNode_unlocked(parent);
const char* RdbTree::getKey_unlocked(int32_t node) const {
return &m_keys[node*m_ks];
const char* RdbTree::getData(collnum_t collnum, const char *key) const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
int32_t n = getNode_unlocked(collnum, key);
if (n < 0) return NULL;
return m_data[n];
int32_t RdbTree::getDataSize_unlocked(int32_t node) const {
if (m_fixedDataSize == -1) {
return m_sizes[node];
return m_fixedDataSize;
// . "i" is the previous node number
// . we could eliminate m_parents[] array if we limited tree depth!
// . 24 cycles to get the first kid
// . averages around 50 cycles per call probably
// . 8 cycles are spent entering/exiting this subroutine (inline it? TODO)
int32_t RdbTree::getNextNode_unlocked(int32_t i) const {
// cruise the kids if we have a right one
if ( m_right[i] >= 0 ) {
// go to the right kid
i = m_right [ i ];
// now go left as much as we can
while ( m_left [ i ] >= 0 ) i = m_left [ i ];
// return that node (it's a leaf or has one right kid)
return i;
// now keep getting parents until one has a key bigger than i's key
int32_t p = m_parents[i];
// if parent is negative we're done
if ( p < 0 ) return -1;
// if we're the left kid of the parent, then the parent is the
// next biggest node
if ( m_left[p] == i ) return p;
// otherwise keep getting the parent until it has a bigger key
// or until we're the LEFT kid of the parent. that's better
// cuz comparing keys takes longer. loop is 6 cycles per iteration.
while ( p >= 0 && (m_collnums[p] < m_collnums[i] ||
( m_collnums[p] == m_collnums[i] &&
KEYCMP(m_keys,p,m_keys,i,m_ks) < 0 )) )
p = m_parents[p];
// p will be -1 if none are left
return p;
// . "i" is the next node number
int32_t RdbTree::getPrevNode_unlocked(int32_t i) const {
// cruise the kids if we have a left one
if ( m_left[i] >= 0 ) {
// go to the left kid
i = m_left [ i ];
// now go right as much as we can
while ( m_right [ i ] >= 0 ) i = m_right [ i ];
// return that node (it's a leaf or has one left kid)
return i;
// now keep getting parents until one has a key bigger than i's key
int32_t p = m_parents[i];
// if we're the right kid of the parent, then the parent is the
// next least node
if ( m_right[p] == i ) return p;
// keep getting the parent until it has a bigger key
// or until we're the RIGHT kid of the parent. that's better
// cuz comparing keys takes longer. loop is 6 cycles per iteration.
while ( p >= 0 && (m_collnums[p] > m_collnums[i] ||
( m_collnums[p] == m_collnums[i] &&
KEYCMP(m_keys,p,m_keys,i,m_ks) > 0 )) )
p = m_parents[p];
// p will be -1 if none are left
return p;
bool RdbTree::addKey(const void *key) {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return (addKey_unlocked(key) >= 0);
int32_t RdbTree::addKey_unlocked(const void *key) {
return addNode_unlocked ( 0,(const char *)key,NULL,0);
bool RdbTree::addNode(collnum_t collnum, const char *key, char *data, int32_t dataSize) {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return (addNode_unlocked(collnum, key, data, dataSize) >= 0);
// . returns -1 if we coulnd't allocate the new space and sets g_errno to ENOMEM
// or ETREENOGROW, ...
// . returns node # we added it to on success
// . this will replace any current node with the same key
// . sets retNode to the node we added the data to (used internally)
// . negative dataSizes should be interpreted as 0
// . probably about 120 cycles per add means we can add 2 million per sec
// . NOTE: does not check to see if it will exceed m_maxMem
int32_t RdbTree::addNode_unlocked ( collnum_t collnum , const char *key , char *data , int32_t dataSize ) {
// if there's no more available nodes, error out
if ( m_numUsedNodes >= m_numNodes) { g_errno = ENOMEM; return -1; }
// we need to be saved now
m_needsSave = true;
// sanity check - no empty positive keys for doledb
if ( m_rdbId == RDB_DOLEDB && dataSize == 0 && (key[0]&0x01) == 0x01){
g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// for posdb
if ( m_ks == 18 &&(key[0] & 0x06) ) {g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// set up vars
int32_t iparent ;
int32_t rightGuy;
// this is -1 iff there are no nodes used in the tree
int32_t i = m_headNode;
// . find the parent of node i and call it "iparent"
// . if a node exists with our key then replace it
while ( i != -1 ) {
iparent = i;
if ( collnum < m_collnums[i] ) { i = m_left [i]; continue;}
if ( collnum > m_collnums[i] ) { i = m_right[i]; continue;}
int cmp = KEYCMP(key, 0, m_keys, i, m_ks);
if (cmp < 0) {
i = m_left[i];
} else if (cmp > 0) {
i = m_right[i];
} else {
goto replaceIt;
// . this overhead is key/left/right/parent
// . we inc it by the data and sizes array if we need to below
m_memOccupied += m_overhead;
// point i to the next available node
i = m_nextNode;
// debug msg
//if ( m_dbname && m_dbname[0]=='t' && dataSize >= 4 )
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,
// "adding node #%" PRId32" with data ptr at %" PRIx32" "
// "and data size of %" PRId32" into a list.",
// i,data,dataSize);
// if we're the first node we become the head node and our parent is -1
if ( m_numUsedNodes == 0 ) {
m_headNode = i;
iparent = -1;
// ensure these are right
m_numNegativeKeys = 0;
m_numPositiveKeys = 0;
// we only use these stats for Rdb::m_trees for a
// PER COLLECTION count, since there can be multiple
// collections using the same Rdb::m_tree!
// crap, when fixing a tree this will segfault because
// m_recs[collnum] is NULL.
if ( m_rdbId >= 0 && g_collectiondb.getRec(collnum) ) {
//if( ((unsigned char)m_rdbId)>=RDB_END){g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
m_numNegKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId] =0;
m_numPosKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId] =0;
// stick ourselves in the next available node, "m_nextNode"
//m_keys [ i ] = key;
KEYSET ( &m_keys[i*m_ks] , key , m_ks );
m_parents [ i ] = iparent;
// save collection number now, too
m_collnums [ i ] = collnum;
// add the key
// set the data and size only if we need to
if ( m_fixedDataSize != 0 ) {
m_data [ i ] = data;
// ack used and occupied mem
if ( m_fixedDataSize >= 0 ) {
m_memAllocated += m_fixedDataSize;
m_memOccupied += m_fixedDataSize;
else {
m_memAllocated += dataSize ;
m_memOccupied += dataSize ;
// we may have a variable size of data as well
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) m_sizes [ i ] = dataSize;
// make our parent, if any, point to us
if ( iparent >= 0 ) {
if ( collnum < m_collnums[iparent] )
m_left [iparent] = i;
else if (collnum==m_collnums[iparent]&&//key<m_keys[iparent] )
KEYCMP(key,0,m_keys,iparent,m_ks)<0 )
m_left [iparent] = i;
m_right[iparent] = i;
// . the right kid of an empty node is used as a linked list of
// empty nodes formed by deleting nodes
// . we keep the linked list so we can re-used these vacated nodes
rightGuy = m_right [ i ];
// our kids are -1 (none)
m_left [ i ] = -1;
m_right [ i ] = -1;
// . if we weren't recycling a node then advance to next
// . m_minUnusedNode is the lowest node number that was never filled
// at any one time in the past
// . you might call it the brand new housing district
if ( m_nextNode == m_minUnusedNode ) {m_nextNode++; m_minUnusedNode++;}
// . otherwise, we're in a linked list of vacated used houses
// . we have a linked list in the right kid
// . make sure the new head doesn't have a left
else {
// point m_nextNode to the next available used house, if any
if ( rightGuy >= 0 ) m_nextNode = rightGuy;
// otherwise point it to the next brand new house (TODO:REMOVE)
// this is an error, try to fix the tree
else {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Encountered corruption in tree while trying to add a record. "
"You should replace your memory sticks.");
if ( !fixTree_unlocked() ) {
// we have one more used node
increaseNodeCount_unlocked(collnum, key);
// our depth is now 1 since we're a leaf node
// (we include ourself)
m_depth [ i ] = 1;
// . reset depths starting at i's parent and ascending the tree
// . will balance if child depths differ by 2 or more
// return the node number of the node we occupied
return i;
// come here to replace node i with the new data/dataSize
// debug msg
//fprintf(stderr,"replaced it!\n");
// if we don't support any data then we're done
if ( m_fixedDataSize == 0 ) {
return i;
// get dataSize
int32_t oldDataSize = m_fixedDataSize;
// if datasize was 0 cuz it was a negative key, fix that for
// calculating m_memOccupied
if ( m_fixedDataSize >= 0 ) dataSize = m_fixedDataSize;
if ( m_fixedDataSize < 0 ) oldDataSize = m_sizes[i];
// free i's data
if ( m_data[i] && m_ownData )
mfree ( m_data[i] , oldDataSize ,m_allocName);
// decrease mem occupied and increase by new size
m_memOccupied -= oldDataSize;
m_memOccupied += dataSize;
m_memAllocated -= oldDataSize;
m_memAllocated += dataSize;
// otherwise set the data
m_data [ i ] = data;
// set the size if we need to as well
if ( m_fixedDataSize < 0 ) m_sizes [ i ] = dataSize;
return i;
bool RdbTree::deleteNode(collnum_t collnum, const char *key, bool freeData) {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return deleteNode_unlocked(collnum, key, freeData);
bool RdbTree::deleteNode_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *key, bool freeData) {
int32_t node = getNode_unlocked(collnum, key);
if (node == -1) {
return false;
return deleteNode_unlocked(node, freeData);
// delete all nodes with keys in [startKey,endKey]
void RdbTree::deleteNodes_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *startKey, const char *endKey, bool freeData) {
int32_t node = getNextNode_unlocked(collnum, startKey);
while ( node >= 0 ) {
//int32_t next = getNextNode_unlocked ( node );
if ( m_collnums[node] != collnum ) break;
//if ( m_keys [node] > endKey ) return;
if ( KEYCMP(m_keys,node,endKey,0,m_ks) > 0 ) break;
deleteNode_unlocked(node, freeData);
// rotation in setDepths_unlocked() will cause him to be replaced
// with one of his kids, unless he's a leaf node
//node = next;
node = getNextNode_unlocked(collnum, startKey);
void RdbTree::increaseNodeCount_unlocked(collnum_t collNum, const char *key) {
if (KEYNEG(key)) {
if (m_rdbId >= 0) {
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(collNum);
if (cr) {
cr->m_numNegKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId]++;
} else {
if (m_rdbId >= 0) {
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(collNum);
if (cr) {
cr->m_numPosKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId]++;
void RdbTree::decreaseNodeCount_unlocked(collnum_t collNum, const char *key) {
// we have one less used node
// update sign counts
if (KEYNEG(key)) {
if (m_rdbId >= 0) {
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(collNum);
if (cr) {
cr->m_numNegKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId]--;
} else {
if (m_rdbId >= 0) {
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(collNum);
if (cr) {
cr->m_numPosKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId]--;
// . now replace node #i with node #j
// . i should not equal j at this point
bool RdbTree::replaceNode_unlocked(int32_t i, int32_t j) {
// . j's parent should take j's one kid
// . that child should likewise point to j's parent
// . j should only have <= 1 kid now because of our algorithm above
// . if j's parent is i then j keeps his kid
int32_t jparent = m_parents[j];
if ( jparent != i ) {
// parent: if j is my left kid, then i take j's right kid
// otherwise, if j is my right kid, then i take j's left kid
if ( m_left [ jparent ] == j ) {
m_left [ jparent ] = m_right [ j ];
if (m_right[j]>=0) m_parents [ m_right[j] ] = jparent;
else {
m_right [ jparent ] = m_left [ j ];
if (m_left [j]>=0) m_parents [ m_left[j] ] = jparent;
// . j inherits i's children (providing i's child is not j)
// . those children's parent should likewise point to j
if ( m_left [i] != j ) {
m_left [j] = m_left [i];
if ( m_left[j] >= 0 ) m_parents[m_left [j]] = j;
if ( m_right[i] != j ) {
m_right[j] = m_right[i];
if ( m_right[j] >= 0 ) m_parents[m_right[j]] = j;
// j becomes the kid of i's parent, if any
int32_t iparent = m_parents[i];
if ( iparent >= 0 ) {
if ( m_left[iparent] == i ) m_left [iparent] = j;
else m_right[iparent] = j;
// iparent may be -1
m_parents[j] = iparent;
// if i was the head node now j becomes the head node
if ( m_headNode == i ) m_headNode = j;
// . i joins the linked list of available used homes
// . put it at the head of the list
// . "m_nextNode" is the head node of the linked list
m_right[i] = m_nextNode;
m_nextNode = i;
// . i's parent should be -2 so we know it's unused in case we're
// stepping through the nodes linearly for dumping in RdbDump
// . used in getListUnordered()
m_parents[i] = -2;
// we have one less used node
decreaseNodeCount_unlocked(m_collnums[i], getKey_unlocked(i));
// our depth becomes that of the node we replaced, unless moving j
// up to i decreases the total depth, in which case setDepths_unlocked() fixes
m_depth [ j ] = m_depth [ i ];
// . recalculate depths starting at old parent of j
// . stops at the first node to have the correct depth
// . will balance at pivot nodes that need it
if ( jparent != i ) setDepths_unlocked(jparent);
else setDepths_unlocked(j);
// TODO: register growTree with g_mem to free on demand
return true;
// . deletes node i from the tree
// . i's parent should point to i's left or right kid
// . if i has no parent then his left or right kid becomes the new top node
bool RdbTree::deleteNode_unlocked(int32_t i, bool freeData) {
// watch out for double deletes
if ( m_parents[i] == -2 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: Caught double delete.");
return false;
// we need to be saved now
m_needsSave = true;
// we have one less occupied node
m_memOccupied -= m_overhead;
// . free it now iff "freeIt" is true (default is true)
// . m_data can be a NULL array if m_fixedDataSize is fixed to 0
if ( /*freeData &&*/ m_data ) {
int32_t dataSize = m_fixedDataSize;
if ( dataSize == -1 ) dataSize = m_sizes[i];
if ( m_ownData ) mfree ( m_data [i] , dataSize ,m_allocName);
m_memAllocated -= dataSize;
m_memOccupied -= dataSize;
// j will be the node that replace node #i
int32_t j = i;
// . now find a node to replace node #i
// . get a node whose key is just to the right or left of i's key
// . get i's right kid
// . then get that kid's LEFT MOST leaf-node descendant
// . this little routine is stolen from getNextNode_unlocked(i)
// . try to pick a kid from the right the same % of time as from left
if ( ( m_pickRight && m_right[j] >= 0 ) ||
( m_left[j] < 0 && m_right[j] >= 0 ) ) {
// try to pick a left kid next time
m_pickRight = false;
// go to the right kid
j = m_right [ j ];
// now go left as much as we can
while ( m_left [ j ] >= 0 ) j = m_left [ j ];
// use node j (it's a leaf or has a right kid)
return replaceNode_unlocked(i, j);
// . now get the previous node if i has no right kid
// . this little routine is stolen from getPrevNode(i)
if ( m_left[j] >= 0 ) {
// try to pick a right kid next time
m_pickRight = true;
// go to the left kid
j = m_left [ j ];
// now go right as much as we can
while ( m_right [ j ] >= 0 ) j = m_right [ j ];
// use node j (it's a leaf or has a left kid)
return replaceNode_unlocked(i, j);
// . come here if i did not have any kids (i's a leaf node)
// . get i's parent
int32_t iparent = m_parents[i];
// make i's parent, if any, disown him
if ( iparent >= 0 ) {
if ( m_left[iparent] == i ) m_left [iparent] = -1;
else m_right[iparent] = -1;
// node i now goes to the top of the list of vacated, available homes
m_right[i] = m_nextNode;
// m_nextNode now points to i
m_nextNode = i;
// his parent is -2 (god) cuz he's dead and available
m_parents[i] = -2;
// . if we were the head node then, since we didn't have any kids,
// the tree must be empty
// . one less node in the tree
decreaseNodeCount_unlocked(m_collnums[i], getKey_unlocked(i));
// . reset the depths starting at iparent and going up until unchanged
// . will balance at pivot nodes that need it
// tree must be empty
if (m_numUsedNodes <= 0) {
m_headNode = -1;
// this will nullify our linked list of vacated, used homes
m_nextNode = 0;
m_minUnusedNode = 0;
// ensure these are right
m_numNegativeKeys = 0;
m_numPositiveKeys = 0;
if (m_rdbId >= 0) {
CollectionRec *cr;
cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(m_collnums[i]);
if (cr) {
cr->m_numNegKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId] = 0;
cr->m_numPosKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId] = 0;
return true;
bool RdbTree::fixTree() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return fixTree_unlocked();
// . this fixes the tree
// returns false if could not fix tree and sets g_errno, otherwise true
bool RdbTree::fixTree_unlocked() {
// on error, fix the linked list
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Trying to fix tree for %s.", m_dbname);
log(LOG_WARN, "db: %" PRId32" occupied nodes and %" PRId32" empty of top %" PRId32" nodes.",
m_numUsedNodes, m_minUnusedNode - m_numUsedNodes, m_minUnusedNode);
// loop through our nodes
int32_t n = m_minUnusedNode;
int32_t count = 0;
// "clear" the tree as far as addNode() is concerned
m_headNode = -1;
m_numUsedNodes = 0;
m_memAllocated = 0;
m_memOccupied = 0;
m_nextNode = 0;
m_minUnusedNode = 0;
int32_t max = g_collectiondb.getNumRecs();
log("db: Valid collection numbers range from 0 to %" PRId32".",max);
/// @todo ALC should we check repair RDB as well?
bool isTitledb = (m_rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB || m_rdbId == RDB2_TITLEDB2);
bool isSpiderdb = (m_rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB_DEPRECATED || m_rdbId == RDB2_SPIDERDB2_DEPRECATED);
// now re-add the old nods to the tree, they should not be overwritten
// by addNode()
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// speed update
if ( (i % 100000) == 0 )
log("db: Fixing node #%" PRId32" of %" PRId32".",i,n);
// skip if empty
if ( m_parents[i] <= -2 ) continue;
if ( isTitledb && m_data[i] ) {
char *data = m_data[i];
int32_t ucompSize = *(int32_t *)data;
if ( ucompSize < 0 || ucompSize > 100000000 ) {
log("db: removing titlerec with uncompressed "
"size of %i from tree",(int)ucompSize);
char *key = &m_keys[i*m_ks];
if (isSpiderdb && m_data[i] && Spiderdb::isSpiderRequest((spiderdbkey_t *)key)) {
char *data = m_data[i];
data -= sizeof(spiderdbkey_t);
data -= 4;
SpiderRequest *sreq ;
sreq =(SpiderRequest *)data;
if ( strncmp(sreq->m_url,"http",4) != 0 ) {
log("db: removing spiderrequest bad url "
"%s from tree",sreq->m_url);
//return false;
collnum_t cn = m_collnums[i];
// verify collnum
if ( cn < 0 ) continue;
if ( cn >= max ) continue;
// collnum of non-existent coll
if ( m_rdbId>=0 && ! g_collectiondb.getRec(cn) )
// now add just to set m_right/m_left/m_parent
if ( m_fixedDataSize == 0 )
addNode_unlocked(cn,&m_keys[i*m_ks], NULL, 0 );
else if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 )
addNode_unlocked(cn,&m_keys[i*m_ks],m_data[i],m_sizes[i] );
addNode_unlocked(cn,&m_keys[i*m_ks],m_data[i], m_fixedDataSize);
// count em
log("db: Fix tree removed %" PRId32" nodes for %s.",n - count,m_dbname);
// esure it is still good
if ( !checkTree_unlocked(false, true) ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Fix tree failed.");
return false;
log("db: Fix tree succeeded for %s.",m_dbname);
return true;
void RdbTree::verifyIntegrity() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
if (!checkTree_unlocked(false, true)) {
// returns false if tree had problem, true otherwise
bool RdbTree::checkTree_unlocked(bool printMsgs, bool doChainTest) const {
int32_t hkp = 0;
bool useHalfKeys = false;
if (m_rdbId == RDB_LINKDB || m_rdbId == RDB2_LINKDB2) {
useHalfKeys = true;
/// @todo ALC should we check repair RDB as well?
bool isTitledb = (m_rdbId == RDB_TITLEDB || m_rdbId == RDB2_TITLEDB2);
bool isSpiderdb = (m_rdbId == RDB_SPIDERDB_DEPRECATED || m_rdbId == RDB2_SPIDERDB2_DEPRECATED);
// now check parent kid correlations
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_minUnusedNode ; i++ ) {
// skip node if parents is -2 (unoccupied)
if ( m_parents[i] == -2 ) continue;
// all half key bits must be off in here
if ( useHalfKeys && (m_keys[i*m_ks] & 0x02) ) {
// turn it off
m_keys[i*m_ks] &= 0xfd;
// for posdb
if ( m_ks == 18 &&(m_keys[i*m_ks] & 0x06) ) {
g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
if ( isTitledb && m_data[i] ) {
char *data = m_data[i];
int32_t ucompSize = *(int32_t *)data;
if ( ucompSize < 0 || ucompSize > 100000000 ) {
log("db: found titlerec with uncompressed "
"size of %i from tree",(int)ucompSize);
return false;
char *key = &m_keys[i*m_ks];
if ( isSpiderdb && m_data[i] &&
Spiderdb::isSpiderRequest ( (spiderdbkey_t *)key ) ) {
char *data = m_data[i];
data -= sizeof(spiderdbkey_t);
data -= 4;
SpiderRequest *sreq ;
sreq =(SpiderRequest *)data;
if(!sreq->m_urlIsDocId) {
if ( strncmp(sreq->m_url,"http",4) != 0 ) {
log("db: spiderrequest bad url %s",sreq->m_url);
return false;
} else {
//sreq->m_url must contain only digits
size_t count = strspn(sreq->m_url,"0123456789");
if(count==0 || sreq->m_url[count]!='\0') {
log("db: spiderrequest bad url %s",sreq->m_url);
return false;
// bad collnum?
collnum_t cn = m_collnums[i];
if ( m_rdbId>=0 && (cn >= g_collectiondb.getNumRecs() || cn < 0) ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: bad collnum in tree");
return false;
if ( m_rdbId>=0 && ! g_collectiondb.getRec(cn) ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: collnum is obsolete in tree");
return false;
// if no left/right kid it MUST be -1
if ( m_left[i] < -1 ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Tree left kid < -1.");
return false;
if ( m_left[i] >= m_numNodes ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Tree left kid is %" PRId32" >= %" PRId32".", m_left[i], m_numNodes);
return false;
if ( m_right[i] < -1 ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Tree right kid < -1.");
return false;
if ( m_right[i] >= m_numNodes ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Tree left kid is %" PRId32" >= %" PRId32".", m_right[i], m_numNodes);
return false;
// check left kid
if ( m_left[i] >= 0 && m_parents[m_left[i]] != i ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Tree left kid and parent disagree.");
return false;
// then right kid
if ( m_right[i] >= 0 && m_parents[m_right[i]] != i ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Tree right kid and parent disagree.");
return false;
// MDW: why did i comment out the order checking?
// check order
if ( m_left[i] >= 0 &&
m_collnums[i] == m_collnums[m_left[i]] ) {
char *key = &m_keys[i*m_ks];
char *left = &m_keys[m_left[i]*m_ks];
if ( KEYCMP(key,left,m_ks)<0) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Tree left kid > parent %i", i);
return false;
if ( m_right[i] >= 0 &&
m_collnums[i] == m_collnums[m_right[i]] ) {
char *key = &m_keys[i*m_ks];
char *right = &m_keys[m_right[i]*m_ks];
if ( KEYCMP(key,right,m_ks)>0) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Tree right kid < parent %i %s < %s", i, KEYSTR(right, m_ks), KEYSTR(key, m_ks));
return false;
if ( hkp > 0 ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Had %" PRId32" half key bits on for %s.", hkp, m_dbname );
return false;
// now return if we aren't doing active balancing
if ( ! m_depth ) return true;
// debug -- just always return now
if ( printMsgs )logf(LOG_DEBUG,"***m_headNode=%" PRId32", m_numUsedNodes=%" PRId32,
int32_t max = g_collectiondb.getNumRecs();
// verify that parent links correspond to kids
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_minUnusedNode ; i++ ) {
// verify collnum
collnum_t cn = m_collnums[i];
if ( cn < 0 ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Got bad collnum in tree, %i.", cn );
return false;
if ( cn > max ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Got too big collnum in tree. %i.", cn );
return false;
int32_t P = m_parents [i];
if ( P == -2 ) continue; // deleted node
if ( P == -1 && i != m_headNode ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Tree node %" PRId32" has no parent.", i );
return false;
// check kids
if ( P>=0 && m_left[P] != i && m_right[P] != i ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Tree kids of node # %" PRId32" disowned him.", i );
return false;
// speedy tests continue
if ( ! doChainTest ) continue;
// ensure i goes back to head node
int32_t j = i;
int32_t loopCount = 0;
while ( j >= 0 ) {
if ( j == m_headNode ) {
// sanity -- loop check
if ( ++loopCount > 10000 ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: tree had loop" );
return false;
j = m_parents[j];
if ( j != m_headNode ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Node # %" PRId32" does not lead back to head node.", i );
return false;
if ( printMsgs ) {
char *k = &m_keys[i*m_ks];
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"***node=%" PRId32" left=%" PRId32" rght=%" PRId32" "
"prnt=%" PRId32", depth=%" PRId32" c=%" PRId32" key=%s",
//ensure depth
int32_t newDepth = computeDepth_unlocked(i);
if ( m_depth[i] != newDepth ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "db: Tree node # %" PRId32"'s depth should be %" PRId32".", i, newDepth );
return false;
if ( printMsgs ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"---------------");
// no problems found
return true;
// . grow tree to "n" nodes
// . this will now actually grow from a current size to a new one
bool RdbTree::growTree_unlocked(int32_t nn) {
// if we're that size, bail
if ( m_numNodes == nn ) return true;
// old number of nodes
int32_t on = m_numNodes;
// some quick type info
int32_t k = m_ks;
int32_t d = sizeof(char *);
char *kp = NULL;
int32_t *lp = NULL;
int32_t *rp = NULL;
int32_t *pp = NULL;
char **dp = NULL;
int32_t *sp = NULL;
char *tp = NULL;
collnum_t *cp = NULL;
// do the reallocs
int32_t cs = sizeof(collnum_t);
cp =(collnum_t *)mrealloc (m_collnums, on*cs,nn*cs,m_allocName);
if ( ! cp ) {
goto error;
kp = (char *) mrealloc ( m_keys , on*k , nn*k , m_allocName );
if ( ! kp ) {
goto error;
lp = (int32_t *) mrealloc ( m_left , on*4 , nn*4 , m_allocName );
if ( ! lp ) {
goto error;
rp = (int32_t *) mrealloc ( m_right , on*4 , nn*4 , m_allocName );
if ( ! rp ) {
goto error;
pp = (int32_t *) mrealloc ( m_parents , on*4 , nn*4 , m_allocName );
if ( ! pp ) {
goto error;
// deal with data, sizes and depth arrays on a basis of need
if ( m_fixedDataSize != 0 ) {
dp =(char **)mrealloc (m_data , on*d,nn*d,m_allocName);
if ( ! dp ) {
goto error;
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) {
sp =(int32_t *)mrealloc (m_sizes , on*4,nn*4,m_allocName);
if ( ! sp ) {
goto error;
tp =(char *)mrealloc (m_depth , on ,nn ,m_allocName);
if ( ! tp ) {
goto error;
// re-assign
m_collnums= cp;
m_keys = kp;
m_left = lp;
m_right = rp;
m_parents = pp;
m_data = dp;
m_sizes = sp;
m_depth = tp;
// adjust memory usage
m_memAllocated -= m_overhead * on;
m_memAllocated += m_overhead * nn;
// bitch an exit if too much
if ( m_memAllocated > m_maxMem ) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: Trying to grow tree for %s to %" PRId32", but max is %" PRId32". Consider changing gb.conf.",
m_dbname, m_memAllocated, m_maxMem );
return false;
// and the new # of nodes we have
m_numNodes = nn;
return true;
// . realloc back down if we need to
// . downsizing should NEVER fail!
if ( cp ) {
collnum_t *ss = (collnum_t *)mrealloc ( cp , nn*cs , on*cs , m_allocName);
if ( ! ss ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
m_collnums = ss;
if ( kp ) {
char *kk = (char *)mrealloc ( kp, nn*k, on*k, m_allocName );
if ( ! kk ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
m_keys = kk;
if ( lp ) {
int32_t *x = (int32_t *)mrealloc ( lp , nn*4 , on*4 , m_allocName );
if ( ! x ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
m_left = x;
if ( rp ) {
int32_t *x = (int32_t *)mrealloc ( rp , nn*4 , on*4 , m_allocName );
if ( ! x ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
m_right = x;
if ( pp ) {
int32_t *x = (int32_t *)mrealloc ( pp , nn*4 , on*4 , m_allocName );
if ( ! x ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
m_parents = x;
if ( dp && m_fixedDataSize != 0 ) {
char **p = (char **)mrealloc ( dp , nn*d , on*d , m_allocName );
if ( ! p ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
m_data = p;
if ( sp && m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) {
int32_t *x = (int32_t *)mrealloc ( sp , nn*4 , on*4 , m_allocName );
if ( ! x ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
m_sizes = x;
/// @note ALC the following code will be used if we add something else below the mrealloc of m_depth above
//if ( tp ) {
// char *s = (char *)mrealloc ( tp , nn , on , m_allocName );
// if ( ! s ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// m_depth = s;
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: Failed to grow tree for %s from %" PRId32" to %" PRId32" bytes: %s.",
m_dbname, on, nn, mstrerror(g_errno) );
return false;
int32_t RdbTree::getMemOccupiedForList_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *startKey, const char *endKey, int32_t minRecSizes) const {
int32_t ne = 0;
int32_t size = 0;
int32_t i = getNextNode_unlocked(collnum, startKey) ;
while ( i >= 0 ) {
// break out if we should
if ( KEYCMP(m_keys,i,endKey,0,m_ks) > 0 ) break;
if ( m_collnums[i] != collnum ) break;
if ( size >= minRecSizes ) break;
// num elements
// do we got data?
if ( m_data ) {
// is size fixed?
if ( m_fixedDataSize >= 0 ) size += m_fixedDataSize;
else size += m_sizes[i];
// add in key overhead
size += m_ks;
// add in dataSize overhead (-1 means variable data size)
if ( m_fixedDataSize < 0 ) size += 4;
// advance
i = getNextNode_unlocked(i);
// that's it
return size;
int32_t RdbTree::getMemOccupiedForList() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return getMemOccupiedForList_unlocked();
int32_t RdbTree::getMemOccupiedForList_unlocked() const {
int32_t mem = 0;
if ( m_fixedDataSize >= 0 ) {
mem += m_numUsedNodes * m_ks;
mem += m_numUsedNodes * m_fixedDataSize;
return mem;
// get total mem used by occupied nodes
mem = m_memOccupied;
// remove left/right/parent for each used node (3 int32_ts)
mem -= m_overhead * m_numUsedNodes;
// but do include the key in the list, even though it's in the overhead
mem += m_ks * m_numUsedNodes;
// but don't include the dataSize in the overhead -- that's in list too
mem -= 4 * m_numUsedNodes;
return mem;
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . throw all the records in this range into this list
// . probably about 24-50 cycles per key we add
// . if this turns out to be bottleneck we can use hardcore RdbGet later
// . RdbDump should use this
bool RdbTree::getList(collnum_t collnum, const char *startKey, const char *endKey, int32_t minRecSizes,
RdbList *list, int32_t *numPosRecs, int32_t *numNegRecs, bool useHalfKeys) const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
// reset the counts of positive and negative recs
int32_t numNeg = 0;
int32_t numPos = 0;
if ( numNegRecs ) *numNegRecs = 0;
if ( numPosRecs ) *numPosRecs = 0;
// . set the start and end keys of this list
// . set lists's m_ownData member to true
// got set m_ks first so the set ( startKey, endKey ) works!
list->set ( startKey , endKey );
list->setFixedDataSize ( m_fixedDataSize );
list->setUseHalfKeys ( useHalfKeys );
// bitch if list does not own his own data
if ( ! list->getOwnData() ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdbtree: getList: List does not own data");
return false;
// bail if minRecSizes is 0
if ( minRecSizes == 0 ) return true;
// return true if no non-empty nodes in the tree
if ( m_numUsedNodes == 0 ) return true;
// get first node >= startKey
int32_t node = getNextNode_unlocked(collnum, startKey);
if ( node < 0 ) return true;
// if it's already beyond endKey, give up
if ( KEYCMP ( m_keys,node,endKey,0,m_ks) > 0 ) return true;
// or if we hit a different collection number
if ( m_collnums [ node ] > collnum ) return true;
// save lastNode for setting *lastKey
int32_t lastNode = -1;
// . how much space would whole tree take if we stored it in a list?
// . this includes records that are deletes
// . caller will often say give me 500MB for a fixeddatasize list
// that is heavily constrained by keys...
int32_t growth = getMemOccupiedForList_unlocked();
// do not allocate whole tree's worth of space if we have a fixed
// data size and a finite minRecSizes
if ( m_fixedDataSize >= 0 && minRecSizes >= 0 ) {
// only assign if we require less than minRecSizes of growth
// because some callers set minRecSizes to 500MB!!
int32_t ng = minRecSizes + m_fixedDataSize + m_ks ;
if ( ng < growth && ng > minRecSizes ) growth = ng;
// raise to virtual inifinite if not constraining us
if ( minRecSizes < 0 ) minRecSizes = 0x7fffffff;
// . nail it down if titledb because metalincs was getting
// out of memory errors when getting a bunch of titleRecs
// . only do this for titledb/spiderdb lookups since it can be slow
// to go through a million indexdb nodes.
// . this was because minRecSizes was way too big... 16MB i think
// . if they pass us a size-unbounded request for a fixed data size
// list then we should call this as well... as in Msg22.cpp's
// call to msg5::getList for tfndb.
// ^^^^^ Partially obsolete rambling above ^^^^^
// Until we have verified that no call uses some silly huge minRecSizes we keep the
// counting threshold but have it a 2MB which is more suitable for modern hardware.
// The problem is that the getMemOccupiedForList_unlocked() method has to traverse all the
// relevant nodes to calculate the total size and doing so is not cheap.
if ( m_fixedDataSize < 0 || minRecSizes >= 2*1024*1024 )
growth = getMemOccupiedForList_unlocked(collnum, startKey, endKey, minRecSizes);
// grow the list now
if ( ! list->growList ( growth ) ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to grow list to %" PRId32" bytes for storing records from tree: %s.",
growth, mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
// stop when we've hit or just exceed minRecSizes
// or we're out of nodes
for ( ; node >= 0 && list->getListSize() < minRecSizes ; node = getNextNode_unlocked(node) ) {
// stop before exceeding endKey
if ( KEYCMP (m_keys,node,endKey,0,m_ks) > 0 ) break;
// or if we hit a different collection number
if ( m_collnums [ node ] != collnum ) break;
// if more recs were added to tree since we initialized the
// list then grow the list to compensate so we do not end up
// reallocating one key at a time.
// add record to our list
if ( m_fixedDataSize == 0 ) {
if (!list->addRecord(&m_keys[node * m_ks], 0, NULL)) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to add record to tree list for %s: %s. Fix the growList algo.",
return false;
else {
int32_t dataSize = (m_fixedDataSize == -1) ? m_sizes[node] : m_fixedDataSize;
// point to key
char *key = &m_keys[node*m_ks];
// do not allow negative keys to have data, or
// at least ignore it! let's RdbList::addRecord()
// core dump on us!
if (KEYNEG(key)) {
dataSize = 0;
// add the key and data
if (!list->addRecord(key, dataSize, m_data[node])) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to add record to tree list for %s: %s. Fix the growList algo.",
return false;
// we are little endian
if ( KEYNEG(m_keys,node,m_ks) ) numNeg++;
else numPos++;
// save lastNode for setting *lastKey
lastNode = node;
// set counts to pass back
if ( numNegRecs ) *numNegRecs = numNeg;
if ( numPosRecs ) *numPosRecs = numPos;
// . we broke out of the loop because either:
// . 1. we surpassed endKey OR
// . 2. we hit or surpassed minRecSizes
// . constrain the endKey of the list to the key of "node" minus 1
// . "node" should be the next node we would have added to this list
// . if "node" is < 0 then we can keep endKey set high the way it is
// record the last key inserted into the list
if ( lastNode >= 0 )
list->setLastKey ( &m_keys[lastNode*m_ks] );
// reset the list's endKey if we hit the minRecSizes barrier cuz
// there may be more records before endKey than we put in "list"
if ( list->getListSize() >= minRecSizes && lastNode >= 0 ) {
// use the last key we read as the new endKey
char newEndKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
// . if he's negative, boost new endKey by 1 because endKey's
// aren't allowed to be negative
// . we're assured there's no positive counterpart to him
// since Rdb::addRecord() doesn't allow both to exist in
// the tree at the same time
// . if by some chance his positive counterpart is in the
// tree, then it's ok because we'd annihilate him anyway,
// so we might as well ignore him
// we are little endian
if ( KEYNEG(newEndKey,0,m_ks) ) KEYINC(newEndKey,m_ks);
// if we're using half keys set his half key bit
if ( useHalfKeys ) KEYOR(newEndKey,0x02);
// tell list his new endKey now
list->set ( startKey , newEndKey );
// reset list ptr to point to first record
// success
return true;
// . this just estimates the size of the list
// . the more balanced the tree the better the accuracy
// . this now returns total recSizes not # of NODES like it used to
// in [startKey, endKey] in this tree
// . if the count is < 200 it returns an EXACT count
// . right now it only works for dataless nodes (keys only)
int32_t RdbTree::estimateListSize(collnum_t collnum, const char *startKey, const char *endKey, char *minKey, char *maxKey) const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
// make these as benign as possible
if ( minKey ) KEYSET ( minKey , endKey , m_ks );
if ( maxKey ) KEYSET ( maxKey , startKey , m_ks );
// get order of a key as close to startKey as possible
int32_t order1 = getOrderOfKey_unlocked(collnum, startKey, minKey);
// get order of a key as close to endKey as possible
int32_t order2 = getOrderOfKey_unlocked(collnum, endKey, maxKey);
// how many recs?
int32_t size = order2 - order1;
// . if enough, return
// . NOTE minKey/maxKey may be < or > startKey/endKey
// . return an estimated list size
if ( size > 200 ) return size * m_ks;
// . otherwise, count exactly
// . reset size and get the initial node
size = 0;
int32_t n = getPrevNode_unlocked(collnum, startKey);
// return 0 if no nodes in that key range
if( n < 0 ) {
return 0;
// skip to next node if this one is < startKey
if( KEYCMP(m_keys, n, startKey, 0, m_ks) < 0 ) {
n = getNextNode_unlocked(n);
if( n < 0 ) {
return 0;
// or collnum
if ( m_collnums[n] < collnum ) {
n = getNextNode_unlocked(n);
// loop until we run out of nodes or one breeches endKey
while( n > 0 && KEYCMP(m_keys,n,endKey,0,m_ks) <= 0 && m_collnums[n]==collnum ) {
n = getNextNode_unlocked(n);
// this should be an exact list size (actually # of nodes)
return size * m_ks;
bool RdbTree::collExists(collnum_t coll) const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
int32_t nn = getNextNode_unlocked(coll, KEYMIN());
if(nn < 0)
return false;
if(getCollnum_unlocked(nn) != coll)
return false;
return true;
// we don't lock because variable is already atomic
bool RdbTree::isSaving() const {
return m_isSaving;
bool RdbTree::needsSave() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return m_needsSave;
// . returns a number from 0 to m_numUsedNodes-1
// . represents the ordering of this key in that range
// . *retKey is the key that has the returned order
// . *retKey gets as close to "key" as it can
// . returns # of NODES
int32_t RdbTree::getOrderOfKey_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *key, char *retKey) const {
if ( m_numUsedNodes <= 0 ) return 0;
int32_t i = m_headNode;
// estimate the depth of tree if not balanced
int32_t d = getTreeDepth_unlocked();
// TODO: WARNING: ensure d-1 not >= 32 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
int32_t step = 1 << (d-1);
int32_t order = step;
while ( i != -1 ) {
//if ( retKey ) *retKey = m_keys[i];
if ( retKey ) KEYSET ( retKey , &m_keys[i*m_ks] , m_ks );
step /= 2;
if ( collnum < m_collnums[i] ||
(collnum==m_collnums[i] &&KEYCMP(key,0,m_keys,i,m_ks)<0)){
i = m_left [i];
if ( i >= 0 ) order -= step;
if ( collnum > m_collnums[i] ||
(collnum==m_collnums[i] &&KEYCMP(key,0,m_keys,i,m_ks)>0)){
i = m_right[i];
if ( i >= 0 ) order += step;
// normalize order since tree probably has less then 2^d nodes
int64_t normOrder = (int64_t)order * (int64_t)m_numUsedNodes / ( ((int64_t)1 << d)-1);
return (int32_t) normOrder;
int32_t RdbTree::getTreeDepth_unlocked() const {
return m_depth[m_headNode];
// . recompute depths of nodes starting at i and ascending the tree
// . call rotateRight/Left() when depth of children differs by 2 or more
void RdbTree::setDepths_unlocked(int32_t i) {
// inc the depth of all parents if it changes for them
while ( i >= 0 ) {
// . compute the new depth for node i
// . get depth of left kid
// . left/rightDepth is depth of subtree on left/right
int32_t leftDepth = 0;
int32_t rightDepth = 0;
if ( m_left [i] >= 0 ) leftDepth = m_depth [ m_left [i] ] ;
if ( m_right[i] >= 0 ) rightDepth = m_depth [ m_right[i] ] ;
// . get the new depth for node i
// . add 1 cuz we include ourself in our m_depth
int32_t newDepth ;
if ( leftDepth > rightDepth ) newDepth = leftDepth + 1;
else newDepth = rightDepth + 1;
// if the depth did not change for i then we're done
int32_t oldDepth = m_depth[i] ;
// set our new depth
m_depth[i] = newDepth;
// diff can be -2, -1, 0, +1 or +2
int32_t diff = leftDepth - rightDepth;
// . if it's -1, 0 or 1 then we don't need to balance
// . if rightside is deeper rotate left, i is the pivot
// . otherwise, rotate left
// . these should set the m_depth[*] for all nodes needing it
if ( diff == -2 ) i = rotateLeft_unlocked(i);
else if ( diff == 2 ) i = rotateRight_unlocked(i);
// . return if our depth was ultimately unchanged
// . i may have change if we rotated, but same logic applies
if ( m_depth[i] == oldDepth ) break;
// debug msg
//fprintf (stderr,"changed node %" PRId32"'s depth from %" PRId32" to %" PRId32"\n",
// get his parent to continue the ascension
i = m_parents [ i ];
// debug msg
// W , X and B are SUBTREES.
// B's subtree was 1 less in depth than W or X, then a new node was added to
// W or X triggering the imbalance.
// However, if B gets deleted W and X can be the same size.
// Right rotation if W subtree depth is >= X subtree depth:
// A N
// / \ / \
// / \ / \
// N B ---> W A
// / \ / \
// W X X B
// Right rotation if W subtree depth is < X subtree depth:
// A X
// / \ / \
// / \ / \
// N B ---> N A
// / \ / \ / \
// W X W Q T B
// / \
// Q T
// . we come here when A's left subtree is deeper than it's right subtree by 2
// . this rotation operation causes left to lose 1 depth and right to gain one
// . the type of rotation depends on which subtree is deeper, W or X
// . W or X must deeper by the other by exactly one
// . if they were equal depth then how did adding a node inc the depth?
// . if their depths differ by 2 then N would have been rotated first!
// . the parameter "i" is the node # for A in the illustration above
// . return the node # that replaced A so the balance() routine can continue
// . TODO: check our depth modifications below
int32_t RdbTree::rotateRight_unlocked(int32_t i) {
return rotate_unlocked(i, m_left, m_right);
// . i just swapped left with m_right
int32_t RdbTree::rotateLeft_unlocked(int32_t i) {
return rotate_unlocked(i, m_right, m_left);
int32_t RdbTree::rotate_unlocked(int32_t i, int32_t *left, int32_t *right) {
// i's left kid's right kid takes his place
int32_t A = i;
int32_t N = left [ A ];
int32_t W = left [ N ];
int32_t X = right [ N ];
int32_t Q = -1;
int32_t T = -1;
if ( X >= 0 ) {
Q = left [ X ];
T = right [ X ];
// let AP be A's parent
int32_t AP = m_parents [ A ];
// whose the bigger subtree, W or X? (depth includes W or X itself)
int32_t Wdepth = 0;
int32_t Xdepth = 0;
if ( W >= 0 ) Wdepth = m_depth[W];
if ( X >= 0 ) Xdepth = m_depth[X];
// goto Xdeeper if X is deeper
if ( Wdepth < Xdepth ) goto Xdeeper;
// N's parent becomes A's parent
m_parents [ N ] = AP;
// A's parent becomes N
m_parents [ A ] = N;
// X's parent becomes A
if ( X >= 0 ) m_parents [ X ] = A;
// A's parents kid becomes N
if ( AP >= 0 ) {
if ( left [ AP ] == A ) left [ AP ] = N;
else right [ AP ] = N;
// if A had no parent, it was the headNode
else {
//fprintf(stderr,"changing head node from %" PRId32" to %" PRId32"\n",
m_headNode = N;
// N's right kid becomes A
right [ N ] = A;
// A's left kid becomes X
left [ A ] = X;
// . compute A's depth from it's X and B kids
// . it should be one less if Xdepth smaller than Wdepth
// . might set m_depth[A] to computeDepth_unlocked(A) if we have problems
if ( Xdepth < Wdepth ) m_depth [ A ] -= 2;
else m_depth [ A ] -= 1;
// N gains a depth iff W and X were of equal depth
if ( Wdepth == Xdepth ) m_depth [ N ] += 1;
// now we're done, return the new pivot that replaced A
return N;
// come here if X is deeper
// X's parent becomes A's parent
m_parents [ X ] = AP;
// A's parent becomes X
m_parents [ A ] = X;
// N's parent becomes X
m_parents [ N ] = X;
// Q's parent becomes N
if ( Q >= 0 ) m_parents [ Q ] = N;
// T's parent becomes A
if ( T >= 0 ) m_parents [ T ] = A;
// A's parent's kid becomes X
if ( AP >= 0 ) {
if ( left [ AP ] == A ) left [ AP ] = X;
else right [ AP ] = X;
// if A had no parent, it was the headNode
else {
//fprintf(stderr,"changing head node2 from %" PRId32" to %" PRId32"\n",
m_headNode = X;
// A's left kid becomes T
left [ A ] = T;
// N's right kid becomes Q
right [ N ] = Q;
// X's left kid becomes N
left [ X ] = N;
// X's right kid becomes A
right [ X ] = A;
// X's depth increases by 1 since it gained 1 level of 2 new kids
m_depth [ X ] += 1;
// N's depth decreases by 1
m_depth [ N ] -= 1;
// A's depth decreases by 2
m_depth [ A ] -= 2;
// now we're done, return the new pivot that replaced A
return X;
// . depth of subtree with i as the head node
// . includes i, so minimal depth is 1
int32_t RdbTree::computeDepth_unlocked(int32_t i) const {
int32_t leftDepth = 0;
int32_t rightDepth = 0;
if ( m_left [i] >= 0 ) leftDepth = m_depth [ m_left [i] ] ;
if ( m_right[i] >= 0 ) rightDepth = m_depth [ m_right[i] ] ;
// . get the new depth for node i
// . add 1 cuz we include ourself in our m_depth
if ( leftDepth > rightDepth ) return leftDepth + 1;
else return rightDepth + 1;
int32_t RdbTree::getMemAllocated() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return m_memAllocated;
int32_t RdbTree::getMemOccupied() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return m_memOccupied;
bool RdbTree::is90PercentFull() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
// . m_memOccupied is amount of alloc'd mem that data occupies
// . now we /90 and /100 since multiplying overflowed
return ( m_numUsedNodes/90 >= m_numNodes/100 );
#define BLOCK_SIZE 10000
// . caller should call f->set() himself
// . we'll open it here
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool RdbTree::fastSave(const char *dir, bool useThread, void *state, void (*callback)(void *)) {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbTree, "BEGIN. dir=%s", dir);
if (g_conf.m_readOnlyMode) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbTree, "END. Read only mode. Returning true.");
return true;
// we do not need a save
if (!m_needsSave) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbTree, "END. Don't need to save. Returning true.");
return true;
// return true if already in the middle of saving
bool isSaving = m_isSaving.exchange(true);
if (isSaving) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbTree, "END. Is already saving. Returning false.");
return false;
// note it
logf(LOG_INFO, "db: Saving %s%s-saved.dat", dir, m_dbname);
// save parms
strncpy(m_dir, dir, sizeof(m_dir)-1);
m_dir[sizeof(m_dir) - 1] = '\0';
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
// assume no error
m_errno = 0;
if (useThread) {
// make this a thread now
if (g_jobScheduler.submit(saveWrapper, saveDoneWrapper, this, thread_type_unspecified_io, 1/*niceness*/)) {
return false;
// if it failed
if (g_jobScheduler.are_new_jobs_allowed()) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Thread creation failed. Blocking while saving tree. Hurts performance.");
// no threads
saveDoneWrapper(this, job_exit_normal);
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbTree, "END. Returning true.");
// we did not block
return true;
void RdbTree::saveWrapper ( void *state ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbTree, "BEGIN");
// get this class
RdbTree *that = (RdbTree *)state;
ScopedLock sl(that->getLock());
// assume no error since we're at the start of thread call
that->m_errno = 0;
// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
if (g_errno && !that->m_errno) {
that->m_errno = g_errno;
if (that->m_errno) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "db: Had error saving tree to disk for %s: %s.", that->m_dbname, mstrerror(that->m_errno));
} else {
log(LOG_INFO, "db: Done saving %s with %" PRId32" keys (%" PRId64" bytes)",
that->m_dbname, that->m_numUsedNodes, that->m_bytesWritten);
// . resume adding to the tree
// . this will also allow other threads to be queued
// . if we did this at the end of the thread we could end up with
// an overflow of queued SAVETHREADs
that->m_isSaving = false;
// we do not need to be saved now?
that->m_needsSave = false;
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbTree, "END");
/// @todo ALC cater for when exit_type != job_exit_normal
// we come here after thread exits
void RdbTree::saveDoneWrapper(void *state, job_exit_t exit_type) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbTree, "BEGIN");
// get this class
RdbTree *that = (RdbTree *)state;
// store save error into g_errno
g_errno = that->m_errno;
// . call callback
if ( that->m_callback ) {
that->m_callback ( that->m_state );
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceRdbTree, "END");
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . NO USING g_errno IN A DAMN THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bool RdbTree::fastSave_unlocked() {
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return true;
/// @todo ALC we should probably use BigFile now. don't think g_errno being messed up is a good reason
// cannot use the BigFile class, since we may be in a thread and it messes with g_errno
char s[1024];
sprintf ( s , "%s/%s-saving.dat", m_dir , m_dbname );
int fd = ::open ( s , O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC , getFileCreationFlags() );
if ( fd < 0 ) {
m_errno = errno;
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: Could not open %s for writing: %s.", s, mstrerror( errno ) );
return false;
// verify the tree
if (g_conf.m_verifyWrites) {
for (;;) {
log("db: verify writes is enabled, checking tree before saving.");
if (!checkTree_unlocked(false, true)) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: fixing tree and re-checking");
// clear our own errno
errno = 0;
// . save the header
// . force file head to the 0 byte in case offset was elsewhere
int64_t offset = 0;
int64_t br = 0;
static const bool doBalancing = true;
br += pwrite ( fd , &m_numNodes , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
br += pwrite ( fd , &m_fixedDataSize , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
br += pwrite ( fd , &m_numUsedNodes , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
br += pwrite ( fd , &m_headNode , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
br += pwrite ( fd , &m_nextNode , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
br += pwrite ( fd , &m_minUnusedNode , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
br += pwrite ( fd , &doBalancing , sizeof(doBalancing) , offset);
offset += sizeof(doBalancing);
br += pwrite ( fd , &m_ownData , sizeof(m_ownData) , offset);
offset += sizeof(m_ownData);
// bitch on error
if ( br != offset ) {
m_errno = errno;
close ( fd );
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to save tree1 for %s: %s.", m_dbname,mstrerror(errno));
return false;
// position to store into m_keys, ...
int32_t start = 0;
// save tree in block units
while ( start < m_minUnusedNode ) {
// . returns number of nodes, starting at node #i, saved
// . returns -1 and sets errno on error
int32_t bytesWritten = fastSaveBlock_unlocked(fd, start, offset) ;
// returns -1 on error
if ( bytesWritten < 0 ) {
close ( fd );
m_errno = errno;
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to save tree2 for %s: %s.", m_dbname,mstrerror(errno));
return false;
// point to next block to save to
start += BLOCK_SIZE;
// and advance the file offset
offset += bytesWritten;
// remember total bytes written
m_bytesWritten = offset;
// close it up
close ( fd );
// now rename it
char s2[1024];
sprintf ( s2 , "%s/%s-saved.dat", m_dir , m_dbname );
if( ::rename(s, s2) == -1 ) {
logError("Error renaming file [%s] to [%s] (%d: %s)", s, s2, errno, mstrerror(errno));
return true;
// return bytes written
int32_t RdbTree::fastSaveBlock_unlocked(int fd, int32_t start, int64_t offset) {
// save offset
int64_t oldOffset = offset;
// . just save each one right out, even if empty
// because the empty's have a linked list in m_right[]
// . set # n
int32_t n = BLOCK_SIZE;
// don't over do it
if ( start + n > m_minUnusedNode ) n = m_minUnusedNode - start;
errno = 0;
int64_t br = 0;
// write the block
br += pwrite ( fd,&m_collnums[start], n * sizeof(collnum_t) , offset );
offset += n * sizeof(collnum_t);
br += pwrite ( fd , &m_keys [start*m_ks] , n * m_ks , offset );
offset += n * m_ks;
br += pwrite(fd, &m_left [start] , n * 4 , offset ); offset += n * 4;
br += pwrite(fd, &m_right [start] , n * 4 , offset ); offset += n * 4;
br += pwrite(fd, &m_parents[start] , n * 4 , offset ); offset += n * 4;
br += pwrite ( fd , &m_depth[start] , n , offset ); offset += n ;
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) {
br += pwrite ( fd , &m_sizes[start] , n*4, offset ); offset += n*4; }
// bitch on error
if ( br != offset - oldOffset ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "db: Failed to save tree3 for %s (%" PRId64"!=%" PRId64"): %s.",
m_dbname, br, offset, mstrerror(errno));
return -1;
// if no data to write then return bytes written this call
if ( m_fixedDataSize == 0 ) return offset - oldOffset ;
// debug count
//int32_t count = 0;
// define ending node for all loops
int32_t end = start + n ;
// now we have to dump out all the records
for ( int32_t i = start ; i < end ; i++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( m_parents[i] == -2 ) continue;
// write variable sized nodes
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) {
if ( m_sizes[i] <= 0 ) continue;
pwrite ( fd , m_data[i] , m_sizes[i] , offset );
offset += m_sizes[i];
// write fixed sized nodes
pwrite ( fd , m_data[i] , m_fixedDataSize , offset );
offset += m_fixedDataSize;
// return bytes written
return offset - oldOffset;
// . caller should call f->set() himself
// . we'll open it here
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error (sometimes g_errno not set)
bool RdbTree::fastLoad(BigFile *f, RdbMem *stack) {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
log( LOG_INIT, "db: Loading %s.", f->getFilename() );
// open it up
if ( ! f->open ( O_RDONLY ) ) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: open failed" );
return false;
int32_t fsize = f->getFileSize();
// init offset
int64_t offset = 0;
// 16 byte header
int32_t header = 4*6 + 1 + sizeof(m_ownData);
// file size must be a min of "header"
if ( fsize < header ) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: file size smaller than header" );
return false;
// get # of nodes in the tree
int32_t n , fixedDataSize , numUsedNodes ;
bool doBalancing , ownData ;
int32_t headNode , nextNode , minUnusedNode;
// force file head to the 0 byte in case offset was elsewhere
f->read ( &n , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
f->read ( &fixedDataSize , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
f->read ( &numUsedNodes , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
f->read ( &headNode , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
f->read ( &nextNode , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
f->read ( &minUnusedNode , 4 , offset ); offset += 4;
f->read ( &doBalancing , sizeof(doBalancing) , offset );
offset += sizeof(doBalancing);
f->read ( &ownData , sizeof(m_ownData ) , offset ) ;
offset += sizeof(m_ownData);
// return false on read error
if ( g_errno ) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: read error: %s", mstrerror( g_errno ) );
return false;
// parms check
if ( m_fixedDataSize != fixedDataSize ||
!doBalancing ||
m_ownData != ownData ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: rdbtree: fastload: Bad parms. File "
"may be corrupt or a key attribute was changed in "
"the code and is not reflected in this file.");
return false;
// make sure size it right again
int32_t nodeSize = (sizeof(collnum_t)+m_ks+4+4+4);
int32_t minFileSize = header + minUnusedNode * nodeSize;
minFileSize += minUnusedNode ;
if ( fixedDataSize == -1 ) minFileSize += minUnusedNode * 4 ;
//if ( fixedDataSize > 0 ) minFileSize += minUnusedNode *fixedDataSize;
// if no data, sizes much match exactly
if ( fixedDataSize == 0 && fsize != minFileSize ) {
g_errno = EBADFILE;
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: File size of %s is %" PRId32", should be %" PRId32". File may be corrupted.",
return false;
// does it fit?
if ( fsize < minFileSize ) {
g_errno = EBADFILE;
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: File size of %s is %" PRId32", should >= %" PRId32". File may be corrupted.",
return false;
// make room if we don't have any
if ( m_numNodes < minUnusedNode ) {
log( LOG_INIT, "db: Growing tree to make room for %s", f->getFilename() );
if (!growTree_unlocked(minUnusedNode)) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: Failed to grow tree" );
return false;
// we'll read this many
int32_t start = 0;
// reset corruption count
m_corrupt = 0;
// read block by block
while ( start < minUnusedNode ) {
// . returns next place to start scan
// . incs m_numPositive/NegativeKeys and m_numUsedNodes
// . incs m_memAllocated and m_memOccupied
int32_t bytesRead = fastLoadBlock_unlocked(f, start, minUnusedNode, stack, offset) ;
if ( bytesRead < 0 ) {
g_errno = errno;
return false;
// inc the start
start += BLOCK_SIZE;
// and the offset
offset += bytesRead;
// print corruption
if ( m_corrupt ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "admin: Loaded %" PRId32" corrupted recs in tree for %s.", m_corrupt, m_dbname );
// remember total bytes read
m_bytesRead = offset;
// set these
m_headNode = headNode;
m_nextNode = nextNode;
m_minUnusedNode = minUnusedNode;
// check it
if ( !checkTree_unlocked(false, true) ) {
return fixTree_unlocked();
// no longer needs save
m_needsSave = false;
return true;
// . return bytes loaded
// . returns -1 and sets g_errno on error
int32_t RdbTree::fastLoadBlock_unlocked(BigFile *f, int32_t start, int32_t totalNodes, RdbMem *stack, int64_t offset) {
// set # ndoes to read
int32_t n = totalNodes - start;
if ( n > BLOCK_SIZE ) n = BLOCK_SIZE;
// debug msg
//log("reading block at %" PRId64", %" PRId32" nodes",
// f->m_currentOffset, n );
int64_t oldOffset = offset;
// . copy them in
// . start reading at beginning of file
f->read ( &m_collnums[start], n * sizeof(collnum_t) , offset );
offset += n * sizeof(collnum_t);
f->read ( &m_keys [start*m_ks] , n * m_ks , offset );
offset += n * m_ks;
f->read ( &m_left [start] , n * 4 , offset ); offset += n * 4;
f->read ( &m_right [start] , n * 4 , offset ); offset += n * 4;
f->read ( &m_parents[start] , n * 4 , offset ); offset += n * 4;
f->read ( &m_depth[start] , n , offset ); offset += n;
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) {
f->read ( &m_sizes[start] , n * 4 , offset); offset += n * 4; }
// return false on read error
if ( g_errno ) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: Failed to read %s: %s.", f->getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno) );
return -1;
// get valid collnum ranges
int32_t max = g_collectiondb.getNumRecs();
// sanity check
//if ( max >= MAX_COLLS ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// define ending node for all loops
int32_t end = start + n ;
// store into tree in the appropriate nodes
for ( int32_t i = start ; i < end ; i++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( m_parents[i] == -2 ) continue;
// watch out for bad collnums... corruption...
collnum_t c = m_collnums[i];
if ( c < 0 || c >= max ) {
// must have rec as well. unless it its statsdb tree
// or m_waitingTree which are collection-less and always use
// 0 for their collnum. if collection-less m_rdbId==-1.
if ( ! g_collectiondb.getRec(c) && m_rdbId >= 0 ) {
// keep a tally on all this
m_memOccupied += m_overhead;
increaseNodeCount_unlocked(c, getKey_unlocked(i));
// bail now if we can
if ( m_fixedDataSize == 0 ) return offset - oldOffset ;
// how much should we read?
int32_t bufSize = 0;
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) {
for ( int32_t i = start ; i < end ; i++ )
if ( m_parents[i] != -2 ) bufSize += m_sizes[i];
else if ( m_fixedDataSize > 0 ) {
for ( int32_t i = start ; i < end ; i++ )
if ( m_parents[i] != -2 ) bufSize += m_fixedDataSize;
// get space
char *buf = (char *) stack->allocData(bufSize);
if ( ! buf ) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: Failed to allocate %" PRId32" bytes to read %s. Increase tree size for it in gb.conf.",
return -1;
// debug
//log("reading %" PRId32" bytes of raw rec data", bufSize );
// establish end point
char *bufEnd = buf + bufSize;
// . read all into that buf
// . this should block since callback is NULL
f->read ( buf , bufSize , offset ) ;
// return false on read error
if ( g_errno ) return -1;
// advance file offset
offset += bufSize;
// part it out now
int32_t size = m_fixedDataSize;
for ( int32_t i = start ; i < end ; i++ ) {
// skip unused
if ( m_parents[i] == -2 ) continue;
// get size of his data if it's variable
if ( m_fixedDataSize == -1 ) size = m_sizes[i];
// ensure we have the room
if ( buf + size > bufEnd ) {
g_errno = EBADFILE;
log( LOG_ERROR, "db: Encountered record with corrupted size parameter of %" PRId32" in %s.",
size, f->getFilename() );
return -1;
m_data[i] = buf;
buf += size;
// update these
m_memAllocated += size;
m_memOccupied += size;
return offset - oldOffset ;
// . caller should call f->set() himself
// . we'll open it here
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error (sometimes g_errno not set)
void RdbTree::cleanTree() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
// some trees always use 0 for all node collnum_t's like
// statsdb, waiting tree etc.
if ( m_rdbId < 0 ) return;
// the liberation count
int32_t count = 0;
collnum_t collnum;
int32_t max = g_collectiondb.getNumRecs();
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_minUnusedNode ; i++ ) {
// skip node if parents is -2 (unoccupied)
if ( m_parents[i] == -2 ) continue;
// is collnum valid?
if ( m_collnums[i] >= 0 &&
m_collnums[i] < max &&
g_collectiondb.getRec(m_collnums[i]) ) continue;
// if it is negtiave, remove it, that is wierd corruption
if ( m_collnums[i] < 0 )
deleteNode_unlocked(i, true);
// remove it otherwise
// don't actually remove it!!!! in case collection gets
// moved accidentally.
// no... otherwise it can clog up the tree forever!!!!
deleteNode_unlocked(i, true);
// save it
collnum = m_collnums[i];
// print it
if ( count == 0 ) return;
log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: Removed %" PRId32" records from %s tree for invalid "
"collection number %i.",count,m_dbname,collnum);
//log(LOG_LOGIC,"db: Records not actually removed for safety. Except "
// "for those with negative colnums.");
static bool s_print = true;
if ( ! s_print ) return;
s_print = false;
log (LOG_LOGIC,"db: This is bad. Did you remove a collection "
"subdirectory? Don't do that, you should use the \"delete "
"collections\" interface because it also removes records from "
"memory, too.");
bool RdbTree::isEmpty() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return isEmpty_unlocked();
bool RdbTree::isEmpty_unlocked() const {
return (m_numUsedNodes == 0);
int32_t RdbTree::getNumNodes() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return getNumNodes_unlocked();
int32_t RdbTree::getNumNodes_unlocked() const {
return m_minUnusedNode;
int32_t RdbTree::getNumUsedNodes() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return getNumUsedNodes_unlocked();
int32_t RdbTree::getNumUsedNodes_unlocked() const {
return m_numUsedNodes;
int32_t RdbTree::getNumAvailNodes() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return m_numNodes - m_numUsedNodes;
int32_t RdbTree::getNumNegativeKeys() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return m_numNegativeKeys;
int32_t RdbTree::getNumPositiveKeys() const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
return m_numPositiveKeys;
int32_t RdbTree::getNumNegativeKeys(collnum_t collnum) const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
// fix for collectionless rdbs
if ( m_rdbId < 0 ) return m_numNegativeKeys;
/// @todo ALC thread safety?
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(collnum);
if ( ! cr ) return 0;
return cr->m_numNegKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId];
int32_t RdbTree::getNumPositiveKeys(collnum_t collnum) const {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtx);
// fix for collectionless rdbs
if ( m_rdbId < 0 ) return m_numPositiveKeys;
/// @todo ALC thread safety?
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec(collnum);
if ( ! cr ) return 0;
return cr->m_numPosKeysInTree[(unsigned char)m_rdbId];
void RdbTree::printTree(std::function<void(rdbid_t, const char *)> print_fn) const {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_minUnusedNode ; i++ ) {
// skip node if parents is -2 (unoccupied)
if ( m_parents[i] == -2 ) continue;
if (print_fn) {
print_fn((rdbid_t )m_rdbId, &m_keys[i*m_ks]);
} else {
logf(LOG_TRACE, "db: i=%04" PRId32 " k=%s keySize=%" PRId32 "",
i, KEYSTR(&m_keys[i*m_ks], m_ks), m_ks);