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// Matt Wells, Copyright, Apr 2001
// . an UNbalanced b-tree for storing keys in memory
// . The tree behanves like an AVL tree.
// . we store a -1 in the parent field for nodes that were deleted so if you
// were to dump the nodes out unordered you'd know where the deleted nodes
// were
// . we store "m_emptyNode" in the left kid field of deleted nodes and then
// assign m_emptyNode to that deleted node's node # so you can re-use them
// in a linked-list type fashion
// . "m_minUsedNode" is the max node # ever occupied. it's used so we know the
// limits of a dump, if we were to dump the nodes out unordered
// . NOTE: i changed m_maxNode to m_minUnusedNode for clarity
// . "m_numNodes" is the total (used/unused) # of nodes. this can be grown
// if we run outta room
// . RdbTree(btree) vs. a hash table
// . 1. does not need to rehash
// . 2. does not need to sort before dump (uses getNextNode_unlocked())
// . 3. takes log(N) to add/get/delete plus lotsa balancing overhead
// . 4. has 3 int32_ts overhead per node as opposed to 1 for hash table
// . 4. has 3 int32_ts overhead per node as opposed to 1 for hash table
// . 5. can do key-range lookups very quickly (hash table can't do this at all)
// TODO: use an RdbNode class so we don't have to perform as many
// random memory accesses which are somewhat slow
// What good is just storing keys in this db? What about the data?
// You can store your data with the keys if it fits in the key size.
// However, large amounts of data per key are better stored separately because
// the key files are continually merged and sorted. Carrying around extra
// weight during these merging processes just slows things down and takes up
// more disk space. Use the "cdb" database to couple your data with your
// keys for you. It is much better suited to handling data of variable length.
#ifndef GB_RDBTREE_H
#define GB_RDBTREE_H
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include "JobScheduler.h" //for job_exit_t
#include "types.h"
#include "collnum_t.h"
#include "GbMutex.h"
#include "rdbid_t.h"
class RdbList;
class BigFile;
class RdbMem;
class RdbTree {
// . a fixedDataSize of -1 means each node has data of a variable size
// . set maxMem to -1 for no max
// . returns false & sets errno if fails to alloc "maxNumNodes" nodes
bool set(int32_t fixedDataSize, int32_t maxNumNodes, int32_t maxMem, bool ownData,
const char *allocName, const char *dbname = NULL, char keySize = 12, char rdbId = -1);
// . frees the used memory, etc.
// . override so derivatives can free up extra header arrays
void reset();
void reset_unlocked();
// . this just makes all the nodes available for occupation (liberates)
// . it does not free this tree's control structures
// . returns # of occupied nodes we liberated
int32_t clear();
int32_t clear_unlocked();
GbMutex& getLock() { return m_mtx; }
// . this will overwrite nodes with the same key
// . returns -1 if it couldn't grab the memory or grow the table
// . returns the node # we added it to on success
// . don't free your data because we don't copy it!
// . sets errno if it returns -1
bool addKey(const void *key);
int32_t addKey_unlocked(const void *key);
bool addNode(collnum_t collnum, const char *key, char *data, int32_t dataSize);
int32_t addNode_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *key, char *data, int32_t dataSize);
// . returns -1 if not found
// . otherwise return the node #
bool getNode(collnum_t collnum, const char *key) const;
int32_t getNode_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *key) const;
// . get the node whose key is >= key
// . much much slower than getNextNode_unlocked() below
int32_t getNextNode_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *key) const;
const char *getKey_unlocked(int32_t node) const;
const char *getData(collnum_t collnum, const char *key) const;
const char *getData_unlocked(int32_t node) const { return m_data[node]; }
void setData_unlocked(int32_t node, char *data) { m_data[node] = data; }
int32_t getDataSize_unlocked(int32_t node) const;
// . get the next node # AFTER "node" by key
// . used for dumping out the nodes ordered by their keys
// . returns -1 on end
int32_t getNextNode_unlocked(int32_t node) const;
int32_t getFirstNode_unlocked() const;
int32_t getLastNode_unlocked() const;
// . returns true iff was found and deleted
// . returns false iff not found
// . frees m_data[node] if freeIt is true
bool deleteNode_unlocked(int32_t node, bool freeData);
bool deleteNode_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *key, bool freeData);
bool deleteNode(collnum_t collnum, const char *key, bool freeData);
// . throw all the records in this range into this list
// . used for dumping to an rdb file permanently
// . sets list->m_lastKey to last key inserted into the list
// . list->m_lastKey will not be valid if list is empty
// . returns false if outta memory
// . "antiNumRecs" is set to # of keys w/ low bit cleared (antiKeys)
// that were added to "list"
bool getList(collnum_t collnum, const char *startKey, const char *endKey, int32_t minRecSizes, RdbList *list,
int32_t *numPosRecs, int32_t *numNegRecs, bool useHalfKeys) const;
// estimate the size of the list defined by these keys
int32_t estimateListSize(collnum_t collnum, const char *startKey, const char *endKey, char *minKey, char *maxKey) const;
bool collExists(collnum_t coll) const;
/// @todo ALC verify saving/writable logic is okay with multithread
bool isSaving() const;
bool needsSave() const;
collnum_t getCollnum_unlocked(int32_t node) const { m_mtx.verify_is_locked(); return m_collnums[node]; }
bool isEmpty_unlocked(int32_t node) const { m_mtx.verify_is_locked(); return (m_parents[node] == -2); }
bool isEmpty() const;
bool isEmpty_unlocked() const;
// an upper bound on the # of used nodes
int32_t getNumNodes() const;
int32_t getNumNodes_unlocked() const;
int32_t getNumUsedNodes() const;
int32_t getNumUsedNodes_unlocked() const;
int32_t getNumAvailNodes() const;
int32_t getNumTotalNodes_unlocked() const { m_mtx.verify_is_locked(); return m_numNodes; }
// negative and postive counts
int32_t getNumNegativeKeys() const;
int32_t getNumPositiveKeys() const;
int32_t getNumNegativeKeys(collnum_t collnum) const;
int32_t getNumPositiveKeys(collnum_t collnum) const;
// how much mem, including data, is used by this class?
int32_t getMemAllocated() const;
// . how much of the alloc'd mem is actually in use holding data
// . includes the tree infrastructure as well as the data itself
int32_t getMemOccupied() const;
// don't need to lock. only set in RdbTree::set
int32_t getMaxMem() const { return m_maxMem; }
// how much mem the tree would take if it were made into a list
int32_t getMemOccupiedForList() const;
// . how much mem does this tree use, not including stored data
// . this will be the same as getMemAllocated() if fixedDataSize is 0
int32_t getTreeOverhead() const { return m_overhead * m_numNodes; }
// . Rdb uses this to determine when to dump this tree to disk
// . look at % of memory occupied/allocated of max, as well as % of
// nodes used
bool is90PercentFull() const;
int32_t getMinUnusedNode_unlocked() const { m_mtx.verify_is_locked(); return m_minUnusedNode; }
// . load & save the tree quickly
// . returns false on error, true otherwise
// . sometimes sets g_errno when it returns false
bool fastLoad(BigFile *f, RdbMem *memStack);
// . we now optionally save with a thread
// . when saving m_isSaving is set to true and nothing can be added
// to the tree, g_errno will be set to ETRYAGAIN when addNode()
// is called
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool fastSave(const char *dir, bool useThread, void *state, void (*callback)(void *));
void verifyIntegrity();
bool checkTree_unlocked(bool printMsgs, bool doChainTest) const;
bool fixTree();
bool fixTree_unlocked();
// . returns true if tree doesn't need to grow/shrink
// . re-allocs the m_keys,m_data,m_sizes,m_leftNodes,m_rightNodes
// . used for growing AND shrinking the table
bool growTree_unlocked(int32_t newNumNodes);
// remove recs from tree that have invalid collnums. this is done
// at load time. i dunno why it happens. it should never!
void cleanTree();
void delColl(collnum_t collnum);
void printTree(std::function<void(rdbid_t, const char *)> print_fn = nullptr) const;
static void saveWrapper(void *state);
static void saveDoneWrapper(void *state, job_exit_t exit_type);
int64_t getBytesWritten_unlocked() const { return m_bytesWritten; }
int64_t getBytesRead_unlocked() const { return m_bytesRead; }
// . get the node whose key is <= "key"
int32_t getPrevNode_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *key) const;
// . get the prev node # whose key is <= to key of node #i
int32_t getPrevNode_unlocked(int32_t i) const;
// how much mem the tree would take if it were made into a list
int32_t getMemOccupiedForList_unlocked() const;
// delete all nodes with keys in [startKey,endKey]
void deleteNodes_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *startKey, const char *endKey, bool freeData);
// . like getMemOccupied() above but does not include left/right/parent
// . only includes occupied keys/sizes and the dataSizes themself
int32_t getMemOccupiedForList_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *startKey, const char *endKey,
int32_t minRecSizes) const;
// this is called by a thread
bool fastSave_unlocked() ;
// used by fastSave() and fastLoad()
int32_t fastSaveBlock_unlocked(int fd, int32_t start, int64_t offset);
int32_t fastLoadBlock_unlocked(BigFile *f, int32_t start, int32_t totalNodes, RdbMem *stack, int64_t offset);
void increaseNodeCount_unlocked(collnum_t collNum, const char *key);
void decreaseNodeCount_unlocked(collnum_t collNum, const char *key);
bool replaceNode_unlocked(int32_t i, int32_t j);
void setDepths_unlocked(int32_t bottomNode);
int32_t rotateRight_unlocked(int32_t pivotNode);
int32_t rotateLeft_unlocked(int32_t pivotNode);
int32_t rotate_unlocked(int32_t pivotNode, int32_t *lefts, int32_t *rights);
int32_t computeDepth_unlocked(int32_t headNode) const;
// used by getListSize() to estiamte a list size
int32_t getOrderOfKey_unlocked(collnum_t collnum, const char *key, char *retKey) const;
// used by getrderOfKey() (have to estimate if tree not balanced)
int32_t getTreeDepth_unlocked() const;
mutable GbMutex m_mtx;
// . this stuff is accessed by thread an must be public
// . cannot add to tree when saving
std::atomic<bool> m_isSaving;
// true if tree was modified and needs to be saved
bool m_needsSave;
char m_rdbId;
char m_dir[256];
char m_dbname[32];
char m_memTag[16];
// this callback called when fastSave is complete
void *m_state;
void (* m_callback) (void *state );
// are we responsible for freeing nodes' data
bool m_ownData;
// each node/node in the tree has these datum:
collnum_t *m_collnums; // each key now has a collection number
char *m_keys; // X bytes each
char **m_data; // NULL iff m_dataSize is 0
int32_t *m_sizes; // NULL iff m_dataSize is 0
int32_t *m_left; // left kid of this node in the tree
int32_t *m_right; // right kid of this node in the tree
int32_t *m_parents; // parent of this node - for getNextNode_unlocked()
char *m_depth; // depth of this node
int32_t m_numNodes; // how many we have, empty or full
int32_t m_numUsedNodes; // how many of those are used? (full)
// negative and postive key counts
int32_t m_numNegativeKeys;
int32_t m_numPositiveKeys;
// memory overhead per node (excluding data)
int32_t m_overhead;
// switch between picking left and right kids to replace deleted nodes
// in order to keep the tree more balanced
bool m_pickRight;
// the node at the top of the tree
int32_t m_headNode;
// total mem this tree is using (including data that nodes point to)
int32_t m_memAllocated;
// total amount of m_memAllocated that is occupied
int32_t m_memOccupied;
// max limit of m_memAllocated
int32_t m_maxMem;
// -1 means any dataSize, otherwise, it's fixed to this
int32_t m_fixedDataSize;
// node of the next available/empty node
int32_t m_nextNode;
// maximum node # that was ever used at some point in time
int32_t m_minUnusedNode;
const char *m_allocName;
// so we can save the tree within a file that has other stuff
int64_t m_bytesWritten;
int64_t m_bytesRead;
int32_t m_errno;
char m_ks;
int32_t m_corrupt;
#endif // GB_RDBTREE_H