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#include "SiteGetter.h"
#include "Url.h"
#include "Rdb.h"
#include "Posdb.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "gbmemcpy.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include "gbmemcpy.h"
// if we got xyz.com/a/b/c/index.html then we hash the root like:
// siteterm:xyz.com/a/b/c/ but we only hash that if we are an index.html or
// other identifiable index page. i.e. we need to look like we are the root
// of a subsite. we could also check the link structure? how?
// then if we got a ton of siteterm:xyz.com/a/b/*/ terms we figure that
// they must all be subsites.
// EXCEPTION: things like wikipedia? wikipedia doesn't seem to pose a prob itself
// examples:
// xyz.com/home/users/fred/
// xyz.com/home/users/jamie/
// xyz.com/home/users/bob/
// we only index the siteterm:* thing for certain urls. that is a key component
// of this algorithm. see XmlDoc::hashNoSplit() for those conditions!!!
// basically, if you are a root directory, you "vote" for your PARENT as the
// subsite by indexing your parent subdir with the siteterm: term prefix.
// so for the 3 examples above we would index:
// siteterm:xyz.com/home/users/
// siteterm:xyz.com/home/users/
// siteterm:xyz.com/home/users/
// thereby giving xyz.com/home/users/ a pretty good subsite score! but below
// you'll see that we need 100 such votes to be a subsite!
// this screws us up:
// http://svn.wp-plugins.org/
// BUT none of those "sub-site" pages have pure text content. maybe we can
// include that as a factor? and make sure the text is unique???
// furthermore we should only divide a site into subsites if its siteNumInlinks
// is high!!
// test sites:
// blogs.ubc.ca/wetsocks/feed/
// my.donews.com/comboatme/2008/12/17/t-think-they-could-be-hydroxycut-hepatic-failure-upon/
// blogs.kaixo.com/maildepa/2008/12/23/by-thom-patterson-cnn-the-adorable-shemale-wave-of-millions-of-early/
// blog.seamolec.org/tim980/2008/12/30/purchase-thief-of-hearts-online/
// www.homeschoolblogger.com/sagerats/623595/
// blogs.x7web.com/lamonblog2427/
// blogs.msdn.com/predos_spot/
// check usernames to be compound that when split the right way contain
// a common name, like "dave", "pedro" or "williams". and possibly discard
// subsites whose path contains categories or other names in the dictionary.
SiteGetter::SiteGetter ( ) {
m_siteLen = 0;
m_site[0] = '\0';
m_errno = 0;
m_schemeLen = 0;
m_scheme[0] = '\0';
// Coverity
m_url = NULL;
m_collnum = 0;
m_state = NULL;
m_callback = NULL;
m_pathDepth = 0;
m_maxPathDepth = 0;
m_niceness = 0;
m_allDone = false;
m_hasSubdomain = false;
m_tryAgain = false;
SiteGetter::~SiteGetter ( ) {
// . also sets m_sitePathDepth to what it should be
// . -1 indicates unknown (not enough data, etc.) or host/domain is the site
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true and sets g_errno on error
// . sets m_site to reference into "url" so XmlDoc::updateTagdb() can just
// pass a bunch of site ptrs to msg9a
// . "url" MUST BE NORMALIZED via Url.cpp. so using Links' buffer is ok!
// . TODO: consider setting "state" to null if your url host has tons of inlinx
bool SiteGetter::getSite ( const char *url, TagRec *gr, collnum_t collnum, int32_t niceness,
void *state, void (* callback)(void *) ) {
// save it
m_url = url;
m_collnum = collnum;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_errno = 0;
// is it domain only?
m_hasSubdomain = ::hasSubdomain ( url );
// reset
m_siteLen = 0;
m_site[0] = '\0';
m_schemeLen = 0;
m_scheme[0] = '\0';
m_allDone = false;
// reset this just in case
g_errno = 0;
// HARDCODED algos
// ~ /user/ /users/ /profile/ vimeo myspace twitter facebook
if ( setRecognizedSite ( ) ) {
m_allDone = true;
return true;
// bail if nothing else we can do
// also if caller does not want a callback, like XmlDoc.cpp,
if (!gr || !m_state) {
return setSite();
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( collnum );
if ( ! cr ) {
// g_errno should be set if this is NULL
return true;
// right now we only run on host #0 so we do not flood the cluster
// with queries...
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHostId != 0 ) {
// do not add to tagdb and do not block!
m_state = NULL;
// sanity check, should not block since m_state is NULL
if ( ! setSite () ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true); }
// we did not block
return true;
// . initial path depth
// . this actually includes the first subdir name, up to, but not
// including the /, according to Url::getPathEnd()
// . start with the broadest site as our possible subsite first
// in order to reduce errors i guess. because if we have examples:
// xyz.com/fred/
// xyz.com/jamie/
// xyz.com/bob/ ...
// and we also have:
// xyz.com/home/users/fred/
// xyz.com/home/users/jamie/
// xyz.com/home/users/bob/ ...
// then we need the first set to take precedence!
m_pathDepth = 0;
// must have http://
if ( strncmp( m_url, "http", 4 ) != 0 ) {
g_errno = EBADURL;
return true;
// . pathDepth==0 for "www.xyz.com"
// . pathDepth==0 for "www.xyz.com/"
// . pathDepth==0 for "www.xyz.com/foo"
// . pathDepth==1 for "www.xyz.com/foo/"
// . pathDepth==1 for "www.xyz.com/foo/x"
// . pathDepth==2 for "www.xyz.com/foo/x/"
// . pathDepth==2 for "www.xyz.com/foo/x/y"
// . true --> we have the protocol, http:// in m_url
m_maxPathDepth = getPathDepth ( m_url , true );
// get it. return false if it blocked.
return getSiteList();
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . returns true on error and sets g_errno
bool SiteGetter::getSiteList ( ) {
for (;;) {
// . setSite() will return TRUE and set g_errno on error, and returns
// false if it blocked adding a tag, which will call callback once
// tag is added
// . stop at this point
// or if no more
if (m_pathDepth >= 3 || m_pathDepth >= m_maxPathDepth) {
return setSite();
// . make the termid
// . but here we get are based on "m_pathDepth" which ranges
// from 1 to N
// . if m_pathDepth==0 use "www.xyz.com" as site
// . if m_pathDepth==1 use "www.xyz.com/foo/" as site ...
const char *pend = getPathEnd(m_url, m_pathDepth);
// hash up to that
const char *host = getHostFast( m_url, NULL );
// hash the prefix first to match XmlDoc::hashNoSplit()
const char *prefix = "siteterm";
// hash that and we will incorporate it to match XmlDoc::hashNoSplit()
int64_t ph = hash64( prefix, strlen( prefix ));
// . this should match basically what is in XmlDoc.cpp::hash()
// . and this now does not include pages that have no outlinks
// "underneath" them.
int64_t termId = hash64( host, pend - host, ph ) & TERMID_MASK;
// get all pages that have this as their termid!
key144_t start;
key144_t end;
Posdb::makeStartKey( &start, termId );
Posdb::makeEndKey( &end, termId );
// . now see how many urls art at this path depth from this hostname
// . if it is a huge # then we know they are all subsites!
// because it is too bushy to be anything else
// . i'd say 100 nodes is good enough to qualify as a homestead site
int32_t minRecSizes = 5000000;
// i guess this is split by termid and not docid????
int32_t shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNumByTermId( &start );
// get the list. returns false if blocked.
if (!m_msg0.getList( -1, // hostId
(char *) &start,
(char *) &end,
m_niceness, // MAX_NICENESS
// default parms follow
true, // doErrorCorrection?
true, // includeTree?
-1, // firstHostId
0, // startFileNum
-1, // numFiles
msg0_getlist_infinite_timeout, // timeout
false, // isrealmerge?
false, // doIndexdbSplit? nosplit
shardNum ))//split ))
return false;
// return false if this blocked
if (!gotSiteList()) {
return false;
// error?
if (g_errno) {
return true;
// or all done
if (m_allDone) {
return true;
// otherwise, try the next path component!
void SiteGetter::gotSiteListWrapper(void *state) {
SiteGetter *THIS = (SiteGetter *)state;
if ( ! THIS->gotSiteList() ) return;
// try again?
if ( THIS->m_tryAgain ) {
// return if blocked
if ( ! THIS->getSiteList() ) return;
// otherwise, if did not block, we are really done because
// it loops until it blocks
// call callback if all done now
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
// . returns false if blocked, returns true and sets g_errno on error
// . returns true with m_allDone set to false to process another subsite
// . we use voters to set SEC_VOTE_STATIC and SEC_VOTE_DYNAMIC flags
// in addition to SEC_VOTE_TEXTY and SEC_VOTE_UNIQUE
bool SiteGetter::gotSiteList ( ) {
// assume not trying again
m_tryAgain = false;
// error?
if ( g_errno ) {
// timeouts usually...
log("site: sitegetter gotList: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// mark it so caller knows
m_errno = g_errno;
// let UdpServer do the retries for error scenario
return true;
// how many urls at this path depth?
int32_t count = ( m_list.getListSize() - 6 ) / 6;
// if we do not have enough to quality this as a subsite path depth
// try the next
if ( count < 100 ) {
// increment and try again
// clear just in case
g_errno = 0;
// get another list if we can, m_allDone is no true yet
if ( m_pathDepth < m_maxPathDepth ) {
m_tryAgain = true;
return true;
const char *pend = getPathEnd(m_url, m_pathDepth);
const char *host = getHostFast( m_url, NULL );
log(LOG_INFO,"site: '%.*s' detected as a site with linkcount=~%d", (int)(pend-host), host, count);
// . sets m_site and m_siteLen from m_url
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
return setSite ( ) ;
// . return false if blocked, return true with g_errno set on error
// . returns true if did not block
bool SiteGetter::setSite ( ) {
// no more looping
m_allDone = true;
// . get the host of our normalized url
// . assume the hostname is the site
int32_t hostLen;
const char *host = ::getHost(m_url, &hostLen);
// truncated?
if ( hostLen + 6 > MAX_SITE_LEN ) {
m_site [ 0 ] = '\0';
m_siteLen = 0;
g_errno = EURLTOOBIG;
return true;
// . get the scheme of our normalized url
// . assume the hostname is the site
int32_t schemeLen;
const char *scheme = ::getScheme ( m_url , &schemeLen );
if ( schemeLen < MAX_SCHEME_LEN ) {
gbmemcpy(m_scheme, scheme, schemeLen);
m_scheme[schemeLen] = '\0';
m_schemeLen = schemeLen;
char *x = m_site;
// check it
if ( ! m_hasSubdomain ) {
gbmemcpy ( x , "www.", 4 );
x += 4;
// save it
gbmemcpy ( x , host , hostLen );
x += hostLen;
m_siteLen = x - m_site;
// null terminate
m_site [ m_siteLen ] = '\0';
return true;
// hardcoded support for popular formats and sites
bool SiteGetter::setRecognizedSite ( ) {
// clear just in case
g_errno = 0;
// get path of url
const char *p = m_url;
for ( ; *p && *p != ':' ; p++ );
// error?
if ( *p != ':' ) return false;
// skip ://
p += 3;
// save host ptr
const char *host = p;
// then another / for the path
for ( ; *p && *p != '/' ; p++ );
// error?
if ( *p != '/' ) return false;
// ok, "p" now points to the path
const char *path = p;
// convenience vars
int32_t len = 0;
// . deal with site indicators
// . these are applied to all domains uniformly
// . if it is xyz.com/users/ use xyz.com/users/fred/ as the site
// commented out a bunch cuz they were profiles mostly, not blogs...
if ( strncasecmp(p,"/~" , 2) == 0 ) len = 2;
// assume this is a username. skip the first /
if ( strncasecmp(p,"/users/" , 7) == 0 ) len = 7;
if ( strncasecmp(p,"/user/" , 6) == 0 ) len = 6;
if ( strncasecmp(p,"/members/" , 9) == 0 ) len = 9;
if ( strncasecmp(p,"/membres/" , 9) == 0 ) len = 9;
if ( strncasecmp(p,"/member/" , 8) == 0 ) len = 8;
if ( strncasecmp(p,"/membre/" , 8) == 0 ) len = 8;
if ( strncasecmp(p,"/member.php?u=",14) == 0 ) len = 14;
// point to after the /users/, /blogs/, /user/, /blog/ or /~xxx/
p += len;
// assume there is NOT an alpha char after this
bool username = false;
// . skip to next / OR ?
// . stop at . or -, because we do not allow those in usernames and
// they are often indicative of filenames without file extensions
// . no, fix http://www.rus-obr.ru/users/maksim-sokolov (no - or _ or.)
while ( len && *p && ( *p != '/' ) && ( *p != '?' ) ) {
// sometimes usernames are numbers!!!
// http://stackoverflow.com/users/271376/sigterm
if ( is_alnum_a(*p) ) {
username = true;
// did we get a match?
// . www.cits.ucsb.edu/users/michael-osborne
// . www.cits.ucsb.edu/users/michael-osborne/
// . after /blog/ or /~ should be another / or \0, not a period,
// because that indicates probably a filename, which is not right,
// because we are expecting a username!
if ( username && p - host + 6 < MAX_SITE_LEN ) {
// jump up here to store
// for parsing
char *x = m_site;
// store www first if its a domain only url
if ( ! m_hasSubdomain ) {
gbmemcpy ( x , "www." , 4 );
x += 4;
// store it
gbmemcpy ( x , host , p - host );
x += p - host;
// set the length of it
m_siteLen = x - m_site;
// make it end on a '/' if we can
if ( m_site[m_siteLen-1] != '/' &&
// watch out for /?uid=xxxx crap
m_site[m_siteLen-1] != '=' ) {
// force the / then
m_site[m_siteLen] = '/';
// null term the site
m_site [ m_siteLen ] = '\0';
return true;
// popular homesteads
int32_t depth = 0;
int32_t hostLen = path - host;
if (strnstr(host, "vimeo.com", hostLen)) depth = 1;
if (strnstr(host, "www.myspace.com", hostLen)) depth = 1;
if (strnstr(host, "twitter.com", hostLen)) depth = 1;
if (strnstr(host, "www.facebook.com", hostLen)) depth = 1;
if (strnstr(host, "xoomer.alice.it", hostLen)) depth = 1;
if (strnstr(host, "plus.google.com", hostLen)) depth = 1;
// return false to indicate no recognized site detected
if ( ! depth ) {
return false;
// skip over the initial root / after the hostname
p = path + 1;
// no path really? root path? just return the hostname then
if ( ! *p && path - host + 6 < MAX_SITE_LEN ) {
// for parsing
char *x = m_site;
// store www first if its a domain only url
if ( ! m_hasSubdomain ) {
gbmemcpy ( x , "www." , 4 );
x += 4;
// store it
gbmemcpy ( x , host , path - host );
x += path - host;
m_siteLen = x - m_site;
m_site [ m_siteLen ] = '\0';
return true;
// for depth
for ( ; *p ; p++ ) {
if ( ( *p == '/' ) && ( --depth == 0 ) ) {
// exit if we reach anchor or query parameter
if (*p == '?' || *p == '#') {
if ( p - host + 6 >= MAX_SITE_LEN ) {
return false;
goto storeIt;